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Bio Lab Template

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CHEM/BIO/PHYS Teachers Name:

1. Title: what is your overall topic/concept? The title can be similar to your Research question, but needs to
be phrased as a statement.
2. Variables:
Independent Variable: Weight (40kg, 50kg, 60kg, 70kg, 80kg)
What are you changing? Ensure you include the range, and where possible the units.

Dependent Variable: Amount of calories burned per day

What are you measuring/observing? Ensure you include tools & units.

Control Variables Table

Number and Name ALL tables: EXAMPLE: Table 1. Control Variables

Controlled Variables Table, Why and How these will be controlled.

Controlled Units Why Should It Be How Will It Be Controlled? Have you
Variable. Full name Controlled? Be specific!! Think about the included it in
Place each new and prefix. Think: if this variable wasn’t tools, precise measurements the method?
variable in its own kept constant what affect etc. Yes/No
row would it have on your data?
Gender Male - Males and Females burn
Female calories at different weights
due to their anatomy and if
not kept the same anomalies
will be found in calories
burnt per day
Age (Kg) Different ages have varying
heights, bodyfat and muscle
mass etc., this can lead to
anomalies in our data
Height centimeters If we the height
Activates per Moderate
Body fat (%) (%)

Weight (Kg) Calories Burned Per Day

40 1,712
50 1,996
60 2,281
70 2,556
80 2,850


Amount of Calories Burnt Per Day Based On
Change in Weight
Calories Burnt Per Day

35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85
Weight (Kg)

3. Research Question
Have you mentioned your independent variable? Have you mentioned the range and the units of your
independent variable?
Have you mentioned your dependent variable? Have you mentioned the tool you will be using to
measure the dependent variable and its units?
Have you mentioned your controlled variables?
Have you phrased all of this as a question? REMEMBER: do not use a question word that will provide
you with a yes/no or a one worded answer. Think Inquiry.
4. Background Information
Write a few sentences about the topic or investigation that aids understanding.
All the information you provide MUST be in your own words, i.e. do not copy chunks of texts. (If you
need help with academic writing you should ask for help).
Include images that aid your background information. (remember to number and name each image and
refer to it in your writing)
You must also reference where you gathered the information from. (textbooks, websites etc.)
5. Hypothesis
If ….. then …… because
(IF) Make a prediction
(THEN) Elaborate on what will happen
(BECAUSE) Explain what will happen using SCIENTIFIC REASONING. (Do not forget to use intext
6. Materials Table
Number and Name ALL tables: EXAMPLE: Table 2. Materials Table

Materials Table
Materials Units Quantity Uncertainty
Place each new material in its own row Full name and prefix.

7. Image of Set up


Include an image you took of your set up, ensure you have labeled and annotated it. Remember all
images must be named and numbered: EXAMPLE: Figure 2. Experimental Set Up

8. Safety, Ethical & Environmental Concerns

Number and Name ALL tables: EXAMPLE: Table 3. Safety, Ethical & Environmental Risks and

Safety, Ethical and Environmental Concerns

Risk Posed Precaution Taken
Place each new risk in its own row. How can you lessen the risk caused?
Think about the equipment and the method you
are using.

9. Method
Step 1: Organise your method in a step by step process.
Step 2: Be very clear and specific.
Step 3: Have you reviewed your Control Variables and ensured that they have been included?
Have you included images? Number and name images.
10. Raw Data
This is where you will write any results and observations you gather.
10.1 Quantitative Data:
Number and Name ALL tables: EXAMPLE: Table 4. Raw data results table

Raw Data Table – The effect of the independent variable had on the dependent variable.
Trials IV Range 1 IV Range 2 IV Range 3
You should include 5 trials

10.2 Qualitative Data:

This is where you will write any observations you have made about the experiment during the process.
This can be written as bullet points, a paragraph or listed in a table.
11. Calculations
Include the equations/formulas you have used to formulate your processed data.
Include ONE example from your results


12. Processed Data
In this section any data that you have manipulated in some kind – calculate the average, graphed, etc.
you will place here.

12.1 Processed Data

In this section you will create a new table to show the calculated averages.
Number and Name ALL tables: EXAMPLE: Table 5. Processed Data Table
Remember to title the table and be as specific as possible.

Independent variable (Units)

Ranges: IV Range 1 IV Range 2 IV Range 3

Average calculation (units)      

12.2 Graph
This section will also include graphs where plausible. Graphs must be numbered and named similar to
Have you included a title that has mentioned the IV, DV, the range and the units? Have you clearly
labelled the axis including units? Have you increase the numbers on both axis in equal increments?

13. Graph Analysis

Describe a trend or lack of a trend and explain why
Identify and discuss any anomalies (errors)

14. Conclusion
Restate your hypothesis.
Do your results prove your hypothesis to be correct or not?
What numerical results prove or disprove your hypothesis.
Relate to hypothesis and say if it was accepted or rejected
Scientific reasoning and published data (secondary sources to support/disprove data) with in-text

15. Evaluation:
Limitations Table
Human error is not allowed- Anything that can be controlled by the subjects for eg: not using equipment
Limitations/Improvements can be systematic, biological and random
All limitations must be explained with improvements
At least 5 limitations with improvements in the correct table form
Don’t use the terms ‘accurate/improves accuracy’ when speaking about more trials or more IVs, use
terms such as ‘reliability’ and explaining why it really affects the results. Having more trials does not
make it accurate, it makes the experiment more reliable.
Increasing the number of trials and increasing the number of IVs are always improvements that should
be included

Error and type How it affects Results Ways to Improve

(systematic/random/biological etc.) Think about how these errors If you were to complete this experiment
Place each new error in its own row. may have affected your data again, what realistic solutions can you
come up with to ensure these errors do
not occur again?

Strengths and Extensions

Strengths: Think about what went well in your experiment? For example, did you do lots of trials?
Extension: If you were to complete this experiment again, what could you do to further develop your
knowledge in this area? Think about a new research question you could pose.

16. References/Bibliography/Works Cited

Create a list in alphabetic order of all the resources that you used. Ensure this correlate to the in-text
citations you have used. Ensure that you have used the correct referencing style. If you are unaware of
how to do this, please ask for help.
If there is no bibliography and/or in-text citations strand (ii) cannot be higher than a level 2.


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