Abstract: -
Tax planning is an essential aspect of financial management for individuals and
businesses alike. The objective of tax planning is to minimize tax liabilities while complying
with the law. The process involves analysing one’s financial situation and applying various
strategies to minimize taxes. This paper discusses tax planning strategies for 10 different types of
taxpayers or “assesses” including individuals, self-employed individuals, partnership firms,
limited liability partnerships, companies, trusts, HUFs (Hindu Undivided Families), NRIs (Non-
Resident Indians), AOPs (Association of Persons) and BOIs (Body of Individuals). The tax
planning strategies vary depending on the type of taxpayer. For individuals, strategies may
include taking advantage of deductions and exemptions, investing in tax-saving instruments, and
utilizing the benefits of filing tax returns on time. Self-employed individuals may benefit from
taking advantage of business expenses and maximizing deductions related to their profession.
Partnership firms and limited liability partnerships may need to structure their business
operations to take advantage of tax benefits, such as reducing the tax liability by allocating
profits and losses among partners. Companies may benefit from tax incentives provided by the
government for investing in certain sectors or regions. Trusts, HUFs, and AOPs have unique tax
planning strategies due to their specific structures and nature of income.
2. Introduction: -
Income refers to the money earned by an individual or entity from various sources such as
salaries, wages, investments, business profits, rental income, etc. It is an essential component of
personal finance and plays a crucial role in determining an individual's financial well-being. The
income earned by an individual or entity is subject to taxation as per the applicable tax laws in
their country. The tax rate may vary depending on the income level, type of income, and other
factors. Managing income is an essential aspect of personal finance, and individuals should plan
their income and expenses to ensure financial stability and achieve their financial goals. It is also
important to ensure that the income earned is legal and reported correctly to avoid any legal or
financial consequences.
The word tax is a mandatory fee or financial charge levied by any government on an
individual or an organization to collect revenue for public works providing the best facilities and
infrastructure. The collected fund is then used to fund different public expenditure programs.
There are 2 types of taxes – Direct Taxes & Indirect Taxes.
Direct Tax - If tax is levied directly on the income or wealth of persons, then it is known as
direct tax. Examples of Direct Tax – Income Tax.
Indirect Tax - If tax is levied on the price of goods or services then it is known as indirect tax.
Examples of Indirect Tax – GST & Custom Duty.
Income tax is a type of tax governments impose on income generated by businesses and
individuals within their jurisdiction. Income tax is used to fund public services, pay government
obligations, and provide goods for citizens. The federal government and many states, as well as
local jurisdictions, levy their own income taxes. Personal income tax is a type of income tax
levied on an individual’s wages, salaries, and other types of income. Business income taxes
apply to corporations, partnerships, small businesses, and the self-employed. Every income
arising to any person will always be classified under one of the following headers provided by
the Act: –
1. Salaries
4. Capital gains.
2. Statement of Problem: -
An individual is not aware about the rules & regulations of income tax. Hence,
they need the services of CA for computing their personal income tax. The firm must use
the new way of working by reminding the clients about the last date of filing the income
tax returns. This way they can increase their client base.
3. Need of Study: -
1. Tax planning helps individuals and businesses reduce their tax liability legally.
2. Proper tax planning ensures compliance with tax laws and regulations.
3. Tax planning can help maximize deductions and credits.
4. Proper tax planning can help individuals and businesses avoid audits.
5. Tax planning can help individuals and businesses with estate planning.
6. Tax planning can help individuals and businesses plan for future tax liabilities.
5. Assumptions: -
1. It is assumed that the assessee provides accurate & complete records of their
financial transactions such as income, expenses, investment, etc. & does not hide
any crucial information.
2. Assessee should timely comply with all tax laws & regulations & file their tax
returns in a timely manner to avoid penalties & interest charges.
3. Assessee should disclose all relevant information to the tax authorities as
required by law.
4. The assessee does not carry out any activity which might be considered illegal
according to various provisions of law.
6. Objectives: -
7. Statement of Hypothesis: -
1. Tax Planning: - Tax planning is the process of managing your financial affairs
in a way that minimizes the amount of tax you owe. This involves analysing your
income, expenses, and investments to determine how you can take advantage of
various tax deductions, credits, and exemptions to reduce your overall tax
liability. Tax planning can be done at any time during the year but is often done
towards the end of the tax year or at the beginning of a new tax year.
2. Tax Evasion: - Tax evasion refers to the illegal or intentional act of not
reporting or underreporting income or assets to the tax authorities, to avoid
paying taxes that are due. This can include activities such as deliberately failing
to file a tax return, falsifying tax documents, or misrepresenting income,
deductions, or credits to reduce tax liability. Tax evasion is a criminal offense
and can result in hefty fines, penalties, and even imprisonment.
3. Tax avoidance: - Tax avoidance is a legal way of reducing your tax liability by
using methods and strategies that are permitted under the tax laws and
regulations. Tax avoidance involves taking advantage of various tax deductions,
credits, and exemptions to minimize the amount of tax owed. Tax avoidance is
considered legal and acceptable if it is done within the boundaries of the tax laws
and regulations.
7. Previous Year [Section 3]: - The term has been defined under section 3. It
means the financial year immediately preceding the assessment year. As
mentioned earlier, the income earned during the previous year is taxable in the
assessment year.
9. Scope of Study: -
1. The project studies the tax planning for individual assessed to income tax.
2. This study covers individual income tax assessee and does not hold good for
corporate taxpayers.
3. The tax rates, insurance plans & premium are all subjected to FY 2021-22.
People in around Pune city having income above the threshold limits and has to
mandatorily file Income Tax Returns, for the purpose of this study samples were chosen
on Random Basis amongst each of the various types of assesses like salaried persons,
partnership firms, companies, etc.
13. Justification of Sample Size: -
By randomly choosing from each type of assessee like businessmen, partnership firms,
senior citizens, salaried persons, companies, etc. we will get a representation of the entire
universe and will help in the research as every type of assessee would be studied.
For the purpose of data analysis, statistical tools like Tabulation Method , Graphs
and Pie-Charts are used for better understanding of data.
Techniques like Microsoft office, Excel Sheet Word, and software’s like Comp
Office are used for the purpose.