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Advertising is a one-way communication whose purpose is to inform potential customers

about products and services and how to obtain them. Promotion involves disseminating
information about a product, product line, brand, or company. It is one of the four key aspects of
the marketing mix. Advertising may be one form of promotion. Advertising: One-way
communication of a persuasive message by an identified sponsor, whose purpose is non-personal
promotion of products/services to potential customers. Promotion: A Promotion usually involves
an immediate incentive for a buyer (intermediate distributor or end consumer). It can also
involve disseminating information about a product, product line, brand, or company.


- To study the viewership or to know the TRP. It helps the advertising agencies or advertisers to
know the TRP and rating of programs which later boosts the sponsorship cycle.

- Formative and summative assessment of various programs, movies, documentaries or

traditional media helps the researchers and producers and promotes a better understanding of the
need of the market and the audiences. It creates a bridge between the need and supply of content
which is being provided.

- It is also helpful in quantifying the Impact of media on the audience or viewers.

- It compares the former media content with the running content to show the statistical
differences between the contents.

The finding of research draw the attention of companies so they need to focus mainly on sales
promotion when it comes to social media campaigns, as the results indicates no
association between Social Media Advertising and Online Purchase Intention, companies are
advised to minimize the pure advertisements of their products and services through Social Media
and focus more on promotional campaigns that carry direct and explicit benefits for customers
such as offers coupons and discounts as these sales promotional methods found to be positively
and significantly associated with Online Purchase Intention.

- Channels: Unified marketing has grown increasingly vital to businesses due to the increasing
complexity of media and marketing channels. Traditional marketing channels like advertising
and direct marketing can be combined with digital media like social networks, blogs, email
marketing, online advertising, and forum material with a cohesive approach. The newer media
provides you with a variety of marketing tools that can help enhance the reach and efficacy of
your other marketing campaigns at a low cost.

- Communication: Integrating social media platforms into a cohesive marketing strategy has
another advantage: it allows to engage in conversation with customers. Customers' feedback,
which they supply through forums, product reviews, and blog answers, provides vital
information that can use to establish customer relationships and change your products and
marketing offerings to meet their demands.

- Creating a Database: Need to combine customer data from various parts of company to create a
unified strategy that takes advantage of all media. Some departments might be in charge of
advertising and direct marketing, while others might be in charge of forums or blogging. For
example, certain departments may design advertisements based on name and address data, while
others rely solely on email addresses. To discover client demands and communication
preferences, a unified marketing strategy connects data from various media and marketing

- Uniformity: Customers may receive mixed messaging and branding from marketing campaigns
that originate in different regions of the firm. Provide a consistent consumer experience across
all channels if have a unified marketing plan in place.

4. The four Ps are a “marketing mix” comprised of four key elements: product, price, place, and
promotion—used when marketing a product or service. Typically, businesses consider the four
Ps when creating marketing plans and strategies to effectively market to their target audience.

- Product: Create an online survey to see if target audience is interested in my product

- Price: Know my niche, before setting a price, need to learn more about radio industry. Check
competitors' prices and how they change over time. Should also understand what target audience
thinks about my product. Set the goal for my pricing: need to reason out before price my product.
starting with a low-pricing strategy might make more sense. Conduct in-depth audience research:
Some products serve one single audience persona; others work for different audiences. If I can
create different audience segments, that could help me create pricing that resonates with each of
them. Calculate costs: my incur direct and indirect costs when creating a product. Before
determining my price, make sure that it covers these costs. Think about other factors: Aside from
the direct and indirect costs, other factors might affect my pricing as well.

- Place: Determine my target audience. That's because if they're not where you're looking, it
might be difficult to sell to them. The best way to find out is to reach out to my new and existing
customers to get the information from them. a few places to convey the value of my product to
my audience: Social media platforms, Online communities and forums, Review websites

- Promotion: The best way to promote my business is to understand my audience's pain points
and create content that helps solve these problems. Some promotion strategies can leverage for
my radio business: Search engine optimization (SEO), Webinars, Google Business Profile, Paid


- Advertising: A series of related, well-timed, carefully placed television ads coupled with print
advertising in selected magazines and newspapers

- Direct marketing: Direct-to-consumer mail pieces sent to target segments in selected

geographic areas, reinforcing the messages from the ads

- Personal selling: Preparation for customer sales representatives about the campaign to equip
them to explain and demonstrate the product benefits stressed in advertising

- Sales promotions: In-store display materials reflecting the same messages and design as the
ads, emphasizing point-of-sale impact
- Digital marketing: Promotional information on the organization's Web site that reflects the
same messages, design, and offers reflected in the ads; ads themselves may be posted on the
Website, YouTube, Facebook, and shared in other social media

- Public relations: A press release announcing something newsworthy in connection to the

campaign focus, objectives, and target segment(s)

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