Chapter 1 - Employee Retention
Chapter 1 - Employee Retention
Chapter 1 - Employee Retention
1.1 Introduction
Employee Retention has been long a challenge for the Human Resource
Management in the workplace. There are various factors that affect this and some are
money dissatisfaction, no opportunities for growth, employees lied during the interview,
unrealistic expectations and etc. Employee Retention and Employee turnover are one of
the most critical aspects that contribute to the success of an organization. These two
terms, even though can be considered interconnected with each other, are two different
terms. If employee retentions pertain to the phenomenon where employees choose to
stay on with their current company and don’t actively seek other job prospects
(BasuMallick, 2021), employee turnover on the other hand is the percentage of
employees that leave an organization during a given time (Shweta, 2022).
To help put a solution to this, this paper would be focused on identifying what are
the factors that contribute to the employees’ retention, specifically in the BPO or Business
Process Outsourcing Industry and how these factors can be utilized to help management
aid the employee turnover and how the employees can assess whether a BPO company
is suited to their preferences to help them retain better.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
In a now fast paced and competitive industry, companies must have a clear
understanding of why employees are leaving the workplace. This can be applied not only
for the bottom line but also with the top talent. By having a clear understanding of the
value of the employees, with measuring of the financial impact of retention and turnover
and managing these can greatly contribute to the advantages of a company.
Having these said, the paper will be significantly focused on the factors that greatly
contributed to the decisions of employees, if they will be staying on their workplace or if
they will pursue their career path with a different company. Of course, on the company’s
perspective, it would be more ideal to not have their employees leave, especially their top
talents so as to not incur more expenses. But the problem here is that it can be hard for
the contributing factors to be identified.
That is why this study aims to determine the Employment Retention Factors,
specifically in the Business Process Outsourcing Industry. Specifically, it seeks to answer
the following questions:
Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Employees - Since this paper would be focused
primarily on the factors that affect the employee retention in the Business Process
Outsourcing (BPO) Industry, another group of people that would benefit on this study are
the existing employees in the said industry. By being able to identify if the workplace they
are currently in is still advantageous to their end, they would be able to know if it is still
worth staying on their current workplace or if leaving is the next best option.
Future Applicants - The researchers believe that future applicants would benefit on this
study because future applicants would be able to assess if the company they are
considering applying for has the important factors that they value to consider retention in
the workplace. In a way, it would save the time of the applicant because they would be
able to assess in the first place if the company will be worth applying for in achieving their
career goals.
Future Researchers - Lastly, future researchers, are the group of people that would
benefit on this study. The researchers believe that the factors that are affecting the
employee retention are dynamic and not static. By being able to continuously assess what
are these factors from time to time, the body of knowledge regarding the topic will not be
stale and rigid and this paper would benefit the future researchers so they can base their
future study on this paper’s findings.
1.4 Scope and Delimitation of the Study
This paper is primarily focused on the assessment of the factors that are deemed
important by the employees in the BPO industry. The conducting of the study would be
from February to May 2023 and the respondents would be strictly from the employees
that are working from BPO industries. Age, gender, educational attainment are not of
importance to allow the diversity of data but will be grouped in the data analysis to allow
the researches to see the relationship between these factors if they contribute to the
employee retention of the employees.
The Herzberg and Maslow's theories aim to preside and discover the factors that
motivate employees to remain in the BPO companies. This hierarchy suggests that
people are motivated to fulfill basic needs before moving on to other, more advanced
needs. These resources been reviewed, and study based on (Cherry, 2019) explains that,
while these needs can be powerful motivators of human behavior, they do not necessarily
take the hierarchical form that Maslow described.
1.5 Conceptual Framework
There is absolutely no significant relationship between the factors affecting the
employee retention towards the employee retention.
Definition of Terms
BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) - the industry that provide support for other
companies. As the name indicates, this is a way for other businesses to outsource tasks
to make their processes more efficient.
Herzberg Two-Factor Hypothesis - posits that job satisfaction and dissatisfaction are not
opposites. The research underpinning this theory identifies characteristics of jobs that
related to job satisfaction.