The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance: Orkideh Gharehgozli
The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance: Orkideh Gharehgozli
The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance: Orkideh Gharehgozli
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The Synthetic Control Method has been used in comparative case studies in which the existence of a
Received 9 August 2020 counterfactual unit with a high level of similarities and comparability is crucial. On the other hand, while
Received in revised form 28 April 2021 many methods have been developed to enhance our estimation power, not many studies have explored
Accepted 8 May 2021
the prediction power of the traditional regression frameworks in such comparative case studies. In this
Available online 11 May 2021
paper, we empirically compare the Synthetic Control Method with a Dynamic Panel Data Regression
Framework. We compare the estimation result and the prediction power of the predicted unit driven
JEL classification:
from the Dynamic Panel Data model and the counterfactual unit from the SCM. To apply the idea, we
employ the recent sanctions on Iran as a suitable case of policy intervention and a comparative case study.
C5 © 2021 Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Synthetic Control Method
Dynamic Panel Data
Treatment effect
Comparative case study
1062-9769/© 2021 Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
O. Gharehgozli The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 81 (2021) 70–81
with different names (such as unconfoundedness (Rosenbaum and relax some of the assumptions in the Hsiao et al. (2012) method
Rubin, 1983), the selection on observable (Barnow et al., 1980; and discuss the asymptotic properties of their suggested estima-
Fitzgerald et al., 1998), or conditional independence (Lechner, tor.
1999), and many studies explore unbiased estimators for the In this paper, the question under study is whether a more fun-
treatment effect. Proposed methods can be summarized into few damental regression framework (such as a Dynamic Panel Data
categories such as traditional regression of the outcome of interest Regression Framework) performs as well as the Synthetic Control
on the covariates (Rubin, 1977), matching on covariates (Abadie Method in creating the predicted unit and estimating the effects.
et al., 2010, 2015a; Card and Krueger, 1994), propensity score If that is the case, we believe the regression framework could be
(Dehejia and Wahbe, 2002; Dehejia and Wahba, 1999; Heckman more applicable because not only does it provide the estimates of
et al., 1997), and a combination of these approaches (Abadie and the effects, it also reveals more information about the point esti-
Imbens, 2002). mates. We have more coherent assumptions about the asymptotic
Matching methods are one strand of the methods developed distribution of the estimators; we have estimates for the standard
to provide the essential similarities between treated and control errors, and the method is more sensitive to the choice of variables
units (Rosenbaum, 2005). In large-sample studies, matching meth- and is less arbitrary to the choice of the donor units. In Section 2,
ods aim to equate (or “balance”) the distribution of covariates in we describe the data and resources. Section 3 provides empirical
the treated and control units. In small-sample social comparative analysis, including a revisit of the Synthetic Control Method esti-
studies, where the interventions affect aggregate entities such as mation, and the Dynamic Panel Data model estimation of the effect
countries or states, it is often very difficult to find suitable con- of multinational sanctions on Iran’s GDP. We compare the “fit” of
trols that are unaffected by the intervention and also have similar the Synthetic Control Method with the prediction power of the esti-
characteristics to those of the affected unit in the pre-intervention mated unit driven from the DPRF at the end. Section 3.4 provides
period (Lijphart, 1971; Collier, 1993; Abadie et al., 2010). Despite unit-root and co-integration tests, and Section 4 concludes.
this fact, for example, in a well-known study, Card and Krueger
(1994) use “diff-in-diff” method to explore the effect of the 1992 2. Sample and data
change in minimum wages on the unemployment rate in New
Jersey. They surveyed 410 fast-food restaurants in New Jersey and Our empirical analysis is based on annual country-level panel
eastern Pennsylvania (which shows high similarities to New Jersey) data for the period 1980–2015 (in 2015, the multinational agree-
before and after the rise. Comparisons of employment growth at ment to remove the sanctions (Iran Deal) was signed setting in
stores in New Jersey and Pennsylvania provide simple estimates of motion the loosening of sanctions). The international sanctions
the effect of the higher minimum wage. against Iran were imposed in 2011 which yields a pre-intervention
Instead of using a single control unit, the Synthetic Control period of more than 30 years in our analysis. Our control pool (donor
Method (Abadie and Gardeazabal, 2003; Abadie et al., 2010, 2015a) pool in the synthetic Control Method) includes eight OPEC mem-
uses a weighted average of potential control units. For example, ber countries: Algeria, Ecuador, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi
Abadie and Gardeazabal (2003) develop a synthetic unit control as Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.1 Also, to increase the size of
a weighted average of two other Spanish regions to find the effect the pool, we add countries from major non-OPEC oil producer coun-
of an outbreak of terrorism in Basque Country in the late 1960s, tries (i.e. Canada and China) as well as the rest of non-OPEC Iran’s
on the economic growth of this region. Abadie et al. (2010) study neighbors with close economic similarities (i.e. Oman, Bahrain,
the effect of California’s tobacco control program (Proposition 99) and Turkey). The variables used in our analysis are listed in the
on cigarette consumption using the Synthetic Control Method. In Data Appendix along with descriptions and data sources. The out-
another study, Abadie et al. (2015a) implement the Synthetic Con- come variable of interest, Yjt is the log of real GDP for country j at
trol Method to study the effect of German reunification in 1990 time t. We also use GDP growth as the outcome variable of inter-
on west Germany’s GDP. Some other recent applications of the est in some of the estimations. GDP is Purchasing Power Parity
SCM can be found in Donohue et al. (2019), Cunningham and Shah (PPP)-adjusted and measured in constant 2011 international dol-
(2018), Peri and Yasenov (2019), Allegretto et al. (2017) and Borjas lars. Because our control countries are heavily dependent on rents
(2017). from natural resources, for the pre-sanction predictors, we rely on
The Synthetic Control Method is more of an optimization prob- a standard set of economic growth indicators for these countries.
lem that aims to minimize the discrepancy between the synthetic
counterfactual unit and the actual treated unit in terms of the out- 3. Empirical analysis: synthetic control method, and
come variable over a specific period. It may potentially ignore the dynamic panel data
economic principles of causal relationships. In contrast to a regres-
sion framework, the Synthetic Control Method does not impose 3.1. The Synthetic Control Method
fundamental restrictions on the choice of the variables, or the
donor units. Hsiao et al. (2012) propose a Panel Data model to Suppose there are unit i = 1, . . ., J + 1 and t = 1, . . ., T0 , . . ., T ,
assess the impact of a policy intervention and demonstrate that the where T0 is the last period before the intervention. yit N is the out-
dependence among cross-sectional units (through a Factor Model come that would be observed for unit i at time t in the absence of
framework) can be utilized to construct the counterfactual. They the intervention, while yit I is the outcome that would be observed
suggest if the outcome variable is generated from a Factor Model for unit i = 1, . . ., J + 1 and t = 1, . . ., T0 , . . ., T . So, for t = 1, . . ., T0
with unobservable factors and factor loadings, other units’ outcome and all i = 1, . . ., J + 1, we have that yit N = yit I .
variables can be used in lieu of the unobservable factors and factor Following Abadie et al. (2010), let ˛it = yitI − yitN be the effect of
loadings. In a more recent study, Wan et al. (2018) study and com- the intervention for unit i at time t. We assume unit i = 1 is exposed
pare the 2 methods in their underlying assumptions and through a to the intervention for t = T0 + 1, . . ., T , therefore we want to esti-
series of simulations and they show that the Panel Data approach mate ˛1t = y1tI − yN for t = T + 1, . . ., T . Note that yI is observed,
1t 0 1t
dominates SCM in a majority of cases. In contrast, Gardeazabal
and Vega-Bayo (2017) compare the SCM and Panel Data approach
working with real data and conclude that when more preinter- 1
We left Venezuela and Iraq out of the pool due to economic fluctuations in these
vention periods and covariates are available and we have a good countries during the period of the analysis. We also left Angola out due to data
match in SCM, it performs better than the PDA. Li and Bell (2017) limitations.
O. Gharehgozli The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 81 (2021) 70–81
Table 1 Table 2
Donor pool countries and share of each in the construction of the Synthetic Iran. SCM estimation result.
County Weight Country Weight Year Actual Value SC Value The Effect
O. Gharehgozli The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 81 (2021) 70–81
Table 3
Dynamic Panel Data model estimation result.
(FE) lgdp (FD) lgdp (AB) lgdp (AB) lgdp (BB) lgdp (BB) lgdp
Iran 2012 −0.127*** (0.0180) −0.0948*** (0.0146) −0.128*** (0.0152) −0.102*** (0.00682) −0.128*** (0.0140) −0.113***(0.00952)
Iran 2013 −0.0726*** (0.0172) −0.056* (0.0315) −0.0736*** (0.0155) −0.0530*** (0.00826) −0.0691*** (0.00915) −0.0646*** (0.00913)
Iran 2014 −0.00879 (0.0174) −0.003 (0.043) −0.00998 (0.0161) .00414 (0.00877) −0.00295 (0.00880) −0.00200 (0.00920)
Iran 2015 −0.0163 (0.0478) −0.0103 (0.0642) −0.0174 (0.0546) −0.0395*** (0.0128) −0.0287 (0.0457) −0.0615*** (0.0100)
L.lgdp .956*** (0.0791) .829 *** (0.223) .948*** (0.0190) .970*** (0.0199) 1.004*** (0.00798) 1.005*** (0.00744)
Log Pop .00806 (0.0368) −0.018 (0.157) .0102 (0.0259) .0476 (0.0384) −0.000692 (0.00463) .000233 (0.00273)
Rents .0140 (0.143) 0.049 (0.166) .00785 (0.0762) 0.157* (0.0868) −0.0557** (0.0232) −0.0208 (0.0245)
Trade −0.0192 (0.0557) 0.034 (0.095) −0.0193 (0.0343) −0.0245 (0.0514) −0.00747 (0.0146) 0.00950 (0.0116)
Agriculture −0.029 (0.256) −0.049 (0.187) −0.0605 (0.173) −0.219 (0.171) 0.102* (0.0560) 0.0610 (0.0591)
with this method is the inability to approximate the sampling dis- where GDP ¨ it = GDP it − GDP it−1 and so on. In this setup, the first
tributions of test statistics. As mentioned in Abadie (2019) “in a difference cancels out the fixed effects, however, the transformed
comparative case study framework, however, the sampling-based lagged dependent variable is still correlated with the error term.
inference is complicated-sometimes because of the absence of a Anderson and Hsiao suggest using level instruments GDP it−2 or the
well-defined sampling mechanism or data generating process, and lagged difference GDP it−2 − GDP it−3 as the instruments for the dif-
sometimes because the sample is the same as the population.” In a ferences lagged endogenous regressor GDP it − GDP it−1 . However,
more recent study though, Abadie et al. (2020) study the interpreta- Arellano, 1989 suggest using levels due to lower variance and no
tion of standard errors in regression analysis when the assumption points of singularities where a condition of = 0 invalidates the
that the sample is drawn randomly from a much larger population instruments. We utilize the methods mentioned above to estimate
of interest is not appropriate. Equation 6 and we provide the result in Table 3.
3.2. Dynamic Panel Data: fixed effect and first difference model
3.3. Dynamic Panel Data: GMM and system GMM estimation
In the Dynamic Panel Data model for country i ∈ 1, . . ., J + 1 and
for t ∈ 1, . . ., T0 , . . ., T we have in generic terms:
The Arellano and Bond (1991), Arellano and Bover (1995),
yitN = yit−1
+ Zit + Xj + ıt + i + it (1) Blundell and Bond (1998) Dynamic Panel Data estimators are
very popular. They are general estimators designed for situa-
and in our specific application: tions with (1) “small T, large N” panels, meaning few periods and
GDP it = GDP it−1 + Xit ˇ + ıt + i + it (2) many individuals; (2) a linear functional relationship; (3) a single
left-hand-side variable that is dynamic, depending on its past real-
where GDP in this set up depends on the lagged value of itself, izations; (4) independent variables that are not strictly exogenous,
parameter captures the effect of the lagged GDP, Xit is the set of meaning correlated with past and possibly current realizations of
predictors same as those used in the SCM. Now, to cancel out the the error; (5) fixed individual effects, and (6) heteroskedasticity
countries fixed effects i we subtract the average of each country. and autocorrelation within individuals but not across them (e.g.
see Roodman (2006)).
˜ it = GDP˜it−1 + X˜it ˇ + ı̃t + ˜it
GDP (3)
We provide the details of these approaches in Appendix C. The
˜ it = GDP it − GDP i and the GDP i is the average of GDP results of the estimations of Eq. (2) working with the approaches
where GDP
mentioned above are summarized in Table 3.
˜ it = GDP it − 1 (GDP i1 +
for country i over the validation period (GDP T The first four regressors are dummies representing Iran under-
GDP i2 + . . . + GDP iT )). Due to the correlation between ˜it and going sanctions as of 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015. For the predictors,
GDP˜it−1 (Nickell, 1981; Bond, 2002), we use one period lagged val- similar to SCM, we rely on a set of growth predictors that are
ues of the explanatory variables Xit−1 as instruments. standard in the analysis of countries heavily dependent on natu-
Another approach to eliminating the fixed effects is suggested ral resources rent. Specifically, we include population (log), rents,
by Anderson and Hsiao (1981) in the form of the first difference trade, and agriculture all three as value-added as a percentage of
approach: GDP. For the Fixed Effect and First Difference model, we rely on the
standard set of instruments for these models (discussed in Section
¨ it = GDP¨ it−1 + X¨it ˇ + ı̈t + ¨it
GDP (4) 3.2). For the Arellano-Bond and Blundell-Bond model, we treat the
O. Gharehgozli The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 81 (2021) 70–81
O. Gharehgozli The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 81 (2021) 70–81
Table 5 Table 7
Co-integration tests results. Root Mean Squared Prediction Errors.
Table 6
Dynamic panel data model estimation result.
(FE) Growth (FD) Growth (AB) Growth (AB) Growth (BB) Growth (BB) Growth
Iran 2012 −10.9*** (2.154) −9.38*** (1.737) −12.20*** (0.999) −10.95*** (0.185) −11.14*** (0.931) −10.01*** (0.358)
Iran 2013 0.264 (4.401) −6.678*** (2.543) −3.553** (1.395) −2.138*** (0.613) −0.510 (1.339) 0.927 (1.063)
Iran 2014 1.899 (2.170) 2.589 (2.157) 0.229 (1.142) 1.020*** (0.282) 2.095*** (0.568) 2.871*** (0.286)
Iran 2015 −5.78*** (1.596) 0.873 (2.289) −5.788*** (1.291) −4.695*** (0.586) −3.316*** (0.650) −4.508*** (0.524)
L.Growth 0.413 (0.277) −0.607*** (0.079) 0.133*** (0.0396) 0.168*** (0.0322) 0.305*** (0.105) 0.390*** (0.0982)
Pop Growth 17.48 (17.97) 16.93 (23.83) 24.39 (24.06) 10.66 (27.71) 26.76 (21.35) 34.59** (17.62)
Rents 1.327 (4.451) 11.58 (7.71) 3.016** (1.432) 11.21*** (1.924) −3.722* (1.964) 2.063 (1.897)
Trade Growth −8.000 (7.573) −8.056 (5.433) −7.411 (5.167) −2.678 (6.797) −6.611 (5.105) 0.193 (6.429)
Agriculture 18.38* (10.62) −10.99 (20.06) 21.17** (9.164) −0.721 (3.528) 7.661* (4.482) 8.727* (4.649)
Robust standard errors in parentheses. The dependent variable is GDP Annual Growth.
Variables in the FD model are first-differenced.
T-FE stands for Time Fixed Effects.
AB AR(2) (Pr > z), and Over-id (Pr > z) are reported in the bottom 2 rows.
p < 0.10.
p < 0.05.
p < 0.01.
O. Gharehgozli The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 81 (2021) 70–81
Fig. 3. Log GDP (differenced) vs. FD model fitted values. Note that with the FD model, predicted values are plotted against first-differenced values of log GDP.
Fig. 4. Log GDP vs. AB (with no time fixed effect) model fitted values.
Fig. 5. Log GDP vs. BB (with no time fixed effect) model fitted values.
measures the discrepancy between the values of the outcome vari- 3.6. Discussion
able of interest between the actual unit and the counterfactual unit.
In other words, it measures the discrepancy between the two paths SCM has a linear underlying model (both in the structural model
(actual values and the fitted values) for each method for the pre- and in the objective function of the weights). On the other hand,
intervention period. Note that because the validation period for a standard DID model also assumes linearity in time trends and
the SCM is 1995–2011, we use the same period for RMSPE calcu- unobservable characteristics. Athey and Imbens (2006) develop
lations for the Dynamic Panel Data approaches as well. As we can and alternative approach (CIC) to DID in which they reevaluate the
see, RMSPEs for the Dynamic Panel Data approaches; specifically for “functional form” of the underlying models and they reassess the
the BB approach which also visually provided a well fitted predicted heterogeneity in the treatment effect based on unobservable char-
unit; are very small and insubstantially different than the SCM. acteristics of the units. Rather than the average treatment effect
O. Gharehgozli The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 81 (2021) 70–81
of the outcome, we can consider the entire distribution for the Therefore, the regression estimated counter-factual of the affected
control units and how it changes over time, and this enables us unit is Y0 W reg where W reg = X0 (X0 X0 )−1 X1 . (Abadie et al., 2015b;
to estimate the entire counterfactual distribution of the outcomes Wan et al., 2018). In fact, Abadie et al. (2015b) show that simi-
for the treated units (assuming they would have followed the same lar to the SCM, the regression estimator is a weighting estimator
counterfactual distributional changes as the controls in case of no with weights that sum to one, and the counter-factual unit in a
intervention). The distributional estimation also enables us to eval- regression is also a linear combination of the control units, and the
uate the effect of a policy intervention in a mean-variance trade-off weights on the controls sum to one. But unlike the synthetic control
way. We can consider a nonlinear functional form in which we method, in the regression, weights are not restricted to the [0, 1]
allow the unobservable characteristics of the units to also affect interval.
the outcome. This strand of research is based on identification and To conclude, in our paper with N = 13 and T0 = 30, we use a tra-
estimation for the case with many individuals in each of two groups ditional SCM which assumes A1, A2, and A3 (weights summarized
and two time periods. In our analysis, we only have one treated unit in Table 1); we work with the traditional underlying linear model;
and multiple periods. The assignment to the treatment (sanctions) and we work with weights driven from the minimum distance
also can be considered to be orthogonal to the characteristic of the approach. In the DPRF which the assumptions are A2, as well as
single treated unit that we have (Iran). “no inference” assumption discussed below. The weights are driven
I is observed, we need to esti-
As mentioned in Section 3, while y1t from the regression as explained above. The underlying models of
N which can be estimated by yN = +
J+1 the two methods are:
mate y1t 1t
w yI (objective
j=2 j jt
function of weights). In this equation the unobserved values for the
treated unit are approximated by a linear weighted combination of yitN = ıt + t Zi + t i + it
the control units.
Doudchenko and Imbens (2016) summarize critical assump- PDRF:
tions (listed below) and different approaches that current methods
in the literature take to estimate the parameter of Eq. y1tN =+ yitN = yit−1
+ Zit + Xj + ıt + i + it
wj yjtI . Moreover, they propose a new framework that nests Gharehgozli (2021) shows SCM is an unbiased estimator if the
many of the existing approaches and allows researchers to con- outcomes follows PDRF model above. Because the comparison units
trast the critical assumptions underlying the previously proposed are meant to approximate the counterfactual of the case of interest
methods (for example allowing the negative weights). The critical without the intervention, we shall restrict the donor pool to units
assumptions in the literature are: with outcomes that are thought to be driven by the same structural
process as for the unit representing the case of interest. Moreover,
Abadie et al. (2015b) discuss that it is important to choose the
A1: No Intercept: = 0
J+1 donors that were not subject to structural shocks to the outcome
A2: Adding-up: w =1
j=2 j variable during the sample period of the study. Abadie (2019) refers
A3: No Negative Weight: for all j wj 0 to this point as the “no interference” assumption which implies
A4: Constant Weights: for all j wj = w: that there is no interference across units. That is, units’ outcomes
Traditional SCM assumes A1, A2, and A3 while a DID assumes are invariant to other units’ treatments. The outcome variable of
A2, A3, A4. interest in our case is GDP and therefore we abide by a standard
set of relevant predictors and characteristics, while for the donor
On the same note, in another paper Wan et al. (2018), the assump- pool we try to stick to donors that have an economic structure sim-
tions and performance of the PDRF and SCM are compared through ilar to Iran, mainly being dependent on natural resources rents.
simulations. PDRF does not assume A1, and additionally assumes Gharehgozli (2020) studies the sensitivity of the methods in this
that controls’ outcome variable must not be affected by the treat- regard.
ment, and assumes no restriction to weights such as those in SCM. To avoid interference, in the data we made sure none of the
While SCM has the same 3 assumption mentioned above. They con- donors’ values of the GDP is affected by Iran’s treatment. The main
clude that PDRF performs better (lower prediction error) compared concern is about the outcome variable GDP, but moreover to avoid
to SCM as long as TN is not large (N being the number of controls, “anticipation” of the pre-treatment characteristics we incorporate
and T0 being the number of pretreatment periods). the pre-treatment characteristics as the ratio to the GDP. Trade, for
Moreover, regarding N and T0 , Doudchenko and Imbens (2016) example, is used in terms of percentage of GDP. Note that the base
summarize that if T0 N meaning too little pre-treatment peri- of our donor pool is constructed from OPEC countries that a have
ods and too many controls, matching methods work better because very similar economic structure to Iran, however, we needed to
it is easier to find a potential matching control unit among many expand our donor pool to have a better match while working with
that fit the treated unit for the few periods of pre-treatment. If the SCM. In our choice of donors, we made sure:
N T0 meaning too many pre-treatment periods and too little con-
trols, predictions based on time-series forecasting may be a better 1. No country is affected by the sanction in terms of GDP (none of
approach. And if N ≈ T0 then the strategy to choose is more critical the countries actual GDP is responsive to Iran’s sanctions).
and maybe working with linear combination of control is a good 2. And again, because we work with ratios of the variable as a
approach. percentage of GDP none of the predictors are affected by the
Going back to the assumptions and our current research, in the intervention substantially.
PDRF the linearity of the unobservable characteristics (i.e. i ) is
assumed, and the PDRF’s counter-factual unit for post-intervention In the end, in contrast to a regression framework, the SCM does not
ˆ X1 , where ˇ
period is a ((t − T0 ) × 1) vector of ˇ ˆ is the matrix of impose fundamental restrictions on the choice of the variables, or
regression coefficients of Y0 on X0 . Y0 is the matrix of the val- the donor units. As concluded by Wan et al. (2018) “PDRF rules out
ues of the outcome variable for control units, X1 is (K × 1) vector control units that could be affected by the treatment and places no
containing the values of predictors of the treated unit that we restriction on the predictors while SCM does not place restrictions
aim to match as closely as possible and X0 is the (K × J) matrix on the control units but constrains the weights to be non-negative
containing the values of the same variables for the donor units. and must add up to one.” As we mention in the second paragraph of
O. Gharehgozli The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 81 (2021) 70–81
the Introduction Section on Page 3: the SCM is more of an optimiza- years of sanctions), the Dynamic Panel Data framework reports a
tion problem that aims to minimize the discrepancy between the drop of 24.35% (according to the Blundell Bond approach). Not only
synthetic counterfactual unit and the actual treated unit in terms of does the regression framework provides similar estimates to the
the outcome variable over a specific pre-intervention period. It may Synthetic Control Method, but it also has the advantage of estima-
potentially ignore the economic principles of causal relationships. tion of the standard errors. Moreover, because the highlight of the
One could extend the current comparison, possibly through Synthetic Control Method is to produce a well-fitted control unit,
simulations, to allow the effect of such treatment to vary by unob- we look at the “fit” of the predicted unit created by the Dynamic
servable characteristics of the units, and to allow the distribution Panel Data Regression Framework, and we observe an almost per-
of those unobservables to vary across units. That is, the treatment fect fit similar to the Synthetic Control unit.
group may differ from the control group not just in terms of the dis-
tribution of outcomes in the absence of the treatment but also in Conflict of interest
the effects of the treatment (Doudchenko and Imbens, 2016). This
could open the door to evaluate a range of policy related questions, None declared.
such as questions about mean-variance trade-offs or which parts
of the distribution benefit most from a policy, while maintaining a Acknowledgements
single, internally consistent economic model of how outcomes are
generated. Once could also consider the possibility of unstable con- I wish to thank Professor Wim Vijverberg who has been a con-
trol and treated units over time. But points mentioned above are tinuous source of guidance and help throughout this study. I am
not addressed in this paper, and we consider them as limitations grateful for his valuable comments and suggestions. I thank the
of the current study due to the nature of the observational data we editor and two anonymous reviewers whose comments helped
have, the unequal number of treated units (1) and controls (13), and improve this manuscript greatly.
due to the fact that the treatment (sanctions) can be considered to
be orthogonal to the unobservables of the treated unit (Iran), and Appendix A. Data appendix
even an exogenous shock to the outcome.
The data source employed for the analysis are as follows:
4. Conclusion
–Gross Domestic Production (PPP, Constant 2011 International
In comparative case studies, we need similarities in the covari-
Dollars). Source: World Bank, International Comparison Program
ates between the treated unit and the controls. The Synthetic
Database, WEI, 2020. Second Source: IMF, World Economic Out-
Control Method creates a control unit that resembles the values
look Databases (WEO) 2020.
of the outcome variable almost perfectly. However, the product of
–Gross Domestic Production per Capita (PPP, Constant 2011 Inter-
the method is a point estimate of the effect of the intervention. The
national Dollars). Source: World Bank, International Comparison
placebo studies have been developed in pursuit of ways to test the
Program Database, WEI, 2020. Second Source: IMF, World Eco-
significance of the point estimates, however, there is no assumption
nomic Outlook Databases (WEO) 2020.
about the asymptotic distribution of the estimator. In the Synthetic
–GDP Deflator (100 in 2011). Source: World Bank National
Control Method, the choice of the variables and the donors are less
Accounts Data, WEI, 2020. Second Source: IMF, World Economic
definitive, less restricted, and less determinant of the result com-
Outlook Databases (WEO) 2020.
pared to a traditional regression framework. While in a regression
–PPP Conversion Factor, GDP (LCU per International Dollar).
framework, the causal relationship between macroeconomic vari-
Source: World Bank, International Comparison Program Database,
ables is more fundamentally defined and the point estimates are
WEI, 2020.
followed by estimation of the standard errors and the tests of the
–Total Population. Source: OPEC Annual Statistical Bulletin, 2020.
significance. Hence in this paper, we aim to empirically compare
–Total Natural Resources Rents (Percentage of GDP). Source:
the Synthetic Control Method with a Dynamic Panel Data Regres-
World Bank National Accounts Data, WEI, 2020.
sion Framework. The question under study is whether the Dynamic
–Agriculture, Value Added (Constant 2010 USD). Source: World
Panel Data model performs as well in comparative case studies in
Bank National Accounts Data, WEI, 2020.
the case of an intervention in which the outcome variable of inter-
–Services, etc., Value Added (Constant 2010 USD). Source: World
est suffers a shock and behaves irregularly. Specifically, we study
Bank National Accounts Data, WEI, 2020.
the effect of international sanctions against Iran as an important
–Industry, Value Added (Percentage of GDP). Source: World Bank
case of policy intervention and a good example of a comparative
National Accounts Data, WEI, 2020.
case study.
We observe that the Dynamic Panel Data approach results in
Appendix B. Descriptive statistics
similar estimates of the effects. We conclude that close to the Syn-
thetic Control Method (which estimates the effect of sanctions on
Table 8 provides descriptive statistics:
Iran’s GDP to be a negative 24.5% in 2015 after four consecutive
Table 8
Descriptive statistics.
O. Gharehgozli The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 81 (2021) 70–81
Table 8 (Continued)
Appendix C. Dynamic Panel Data model by (M⊥ ⊗ IN ), where the matrix IN is the identity matrix of
order N and M⊥ is as below. Because lagged observations of a vari-
Arellano-Bond estimation starts by transforming all regres- able do not enter the formula for the transformation, they remain
sors, usually by differencing, and uses the Generalized Method of orthogonal to the transformed errors and available as instruments.
Moments (Hansen, 1982), and so is called Difference GMM. The On balanced panels, GMM estimators based on the two trans-
Arellano Bover/Blundell-Bond estimator augments Arellano-Bond forms return numerically identical coefficient estimates, holding
by making an additional assumption, that the first differences of the instrument set fixed Arellano and Bover (1995)2 :
instrument variables are uncorrelated with the fixed effects. This ⎡ ⎤
allows the introduction of more instruments, and can dramatically T −1 1 1
⎢ − − . . .⎥
improve efficiency. It builds a system of two equations – the origi- ⎢ T ⎥
nal equation as well as the transformed one – and is known as the ⎢ T (T − 1) T (T − 1)
⎢ T −1 1 ⎥
System GMM estimator. ⎢ − . . .⎥
⎢ T −2 (T − 1)(T − 2) ⎥
To further open the approaches mentioned above, let us go back M⊥ = ⎢
⎢ T −2
. . .⎥
to the general Dynamic Panel Data model we consider:
⎢ T −3 ⎥
GDP it = ˇ0 + GDP it−1 + Xit ˇ + ıt + i + it (7) ⎢ ⎥
⎢ . ⎥
⎣ ⎦
With the Arellano-Bond estimation, to improve efficiency, we can .
take the Anderson-Hsiao approach further, using longer lags of the .
dependent variable as additional instruments. So Arellano-Bond A potential weakness in the Arellano-Bond estimator was
estimation starts with the first-difference transform (just like the revealed in later work by Arellano and Bover (1995) and Blundell
Anderson Hsiao estimation discussed earlier) followed by a GMM and Bond (1998). As Blundell and Bond (1998) demonstrate in sim-
estimator. If we assume a matrix M with the orthogonal of −1’s ulations, if yit is close to a random walk, then Difference GMM
and sub-diagonal of 1’s just to the right, and the matrix IN the iden- performs poorly because past levels convey little information about
tity matrix of order N then the transformation is to multiply the future changes, so that un-transformed lags (levels) are weak
model by (M ⊗ IN ). This takes us to Eq. (4): instruments for transformed variables.
⎡ ⎤ Note that we can also write the model above as:
−1 1 0 0 . .
⎢ 0 −1 1 0 0 . ⎥ GDP it = ( − 1)GDP it−1 + Xit ˇ + ıt + i + it (8)
⎢ 0 0 −1 ⎥
M = ⎢ ⎢ 1 0 . ⎥
. .⎥ So the model can equally be thought of as being for the level or
⎣ ⎦ increase of y. Therefore:
. .
0 . . 0 −1 1
GDP it−1 = ( − 1)GDP it−2 + Xit−1 ˇ + ıt−1 + i + it−1 (9)
The fixed effects are gone, but as mentioned earlier, the lagged This will introduce more options for instruments as long as
dependent variable is still potentially endogenous as well as any does not equal to 1. So where Arellano-Bond instruments endoge-
predetermined variables in the regressors set that are not strictly nous first differences or orthogonal deviations with lagged levels,
exogenous become potentially endogenous. But longer lags of the Blundell-Bond instruments levels with differences. For variables
regressors remain orthogonal to the error and available as instru- that follow a random walk process, past changes may indeed be
ments. more predictive of current levels than past levels are of current
Another possible transformation can be the “orthogonal devia- changes, so that the new instruments are more relevant (Blundell
tions transform” proposed by Arellano and Bover (1995), in which
rather than subtracting the previous observation, we subtract the
average of all available future observations. Like first-differencing, 2
Our result is robust to the choice of the transformation (FD or FOD), to avoid too
taking orthogonal deviations removes fixed effects. In a balanced many reported regressions we will not provide the result of this transformation in
panel, the transformation can be done by multiplication of the the tables.
O. Gharehgozli The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 81 (2021) 70–81
and Bond, 1998; Roodman, 2006). Blundell-Bond estimation builds For the PP t statistic reported by Pedroni test, first, we estimate
a stacked data set with twice the observations to use new moment Eq. (6) using ordinary least square, and then we fit the DF regression
conditions while retaining the Arellano Bond moments. The matrix model below which is slightly different from above:
M∗+ is as follows:
êit = i êi,t−1 + it (11)
M∗ In this model, we have unit-specific , and a PP t tests if i = 1,
M∗+ =
I and a modified pp t tests if i − 1 = 0.
The Augmented DF t uses additional lags of the error terms to
where M∗ can be M or M⊥ 3 . incorporate serial correlation. We still check if = 1 but the ADF
regression model is:
Appendix D. Unit roots and co-integration tests
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