#4 Human Resource Management
#4 Human Resource Management
#4 Human Resource Management
(Human Resource Management)
o Organizational Ethics
Workplace ethics are statements or rules that determine right or wrong conduct in the workplace. It is at
the core of every professional; hence, HR practitioners need to express strong belief of integrity in order
to work environment characterized by confidence and credibility.
HR professional and practitioners should be the main players and models of ethical behavior.
Notwithstanding the passage of numerous legislations prohibiting unethical practices in the workplace, a
good number of employees are still unjustly treated by their employers, and even by their co –
In this regard, HR professionals and practitioners must take a firm stand to defend the employees even if
it will mean the loss of their job. Above all, HR professionals and practitioners should behave ethically
themselves. Should they opt not to do so, they could be the source of the problem and receive much of
the blame.