1999 - HACKERT Et Al. Combustion and Heat Transfer in Model Two-Dimensio
1999 - HACKERT Et Al. Combustion and Heat Transfer in Model Two-Dimensio
1999 - HACKERT Et Al. Combustion and Heat Transfer in Model Two-Dimensio
Porous Burners
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Research Laboratories, University of Texas at Austin,
Austin, TX 78712, USA
A two-dimensional model of two simple porous burner geometries is developed to analyze the influence of
multidimensionality on flames within pore scale structures. The first geometry simulates a honeycomb burner,
in which a ceramic is penetrated by many small, straight, nonconnecting passages. The second geometry consists
of many small parallel plates aligned with the flow direction. The Monte Carlo method is employed to calculate
the viewfactors for radiation heat exchange in the second geometry. This model compares well with experiments
on burning rates, operating ranges, and radiation output. Heat losses from the burner are found to reduce the
burning rate. The flame is shown to be highly two-dimensional, and limitations of one-dimensional models are
discussed. The effects of the material properties on the peak burning rate in these model porous media are
examined. Variations in the flame on length scales smaller than the pore size are also present and are discussed
and quantified. © 1998 by The Combustion Institute
could be recirculated from the hot products to study on an uninsulated honeycomb burner, in
the incoming reactants [1]. Takeno et al. [2] and which the propane flame is confined within a
Takeno and Sato [3] showed theoretically that ceramic penetrated by many small, straight,
conduction through a porous solid inserted into nonconnecting passages. They investigated the
a premixed flame provided this means of heat limits of stability of these flames in terms of flow
recirculation. Echigo et al. [4] showed experi- rates and equivalence ratios, and noted the
mentally and analytically that radiation from existence of two fundamentally different flame
screens in a heated flow recirculated heat from shapes. They label these flame shapes as Type I
the downstream to the upstream regions. and Type II. The Type I flame is largely flat
There has been substantial research in the across the burner, i.e., the flame is at roughly
area of porous media combustion, and a good the same distance from the inlet in every flow
review of the subject is given by Howell et al. element. The Type II flame occurs for lower
[5]. One of the first experimental studies of a flowrates and leaner flames than the Type I
laminar porous burner was conducted by Kotani flame. It is more curved in shape, with the flame
and Takeno [6], who used a ceramic tube bun- at the downstream end near the burner edge
dle as the porous material and routed the and fairly flat in the upstream half near the
exhaust gases back around the burner circum- burner center.
ference to provide preheating of the inlet mix- In addition to the practical applications, these
ture and to minimize heat losses from the burners provide an interesting area of study by
reaction zone. They were able to extend the combining complex multimode heat transfer
lean limit of their methane flame to 0.32 and and chemistry with a laminar flow field. In
noted reduced CO and NOx compared to a free principle, then, these burners can be modeled
flame. Burning rates significantly higher than without recourse to ad hoc turbulence models.
the free flame were also found. Turbulent re- Many investigators have in fact been very suc-
fractory tube burners using a similar, but larger, cessful in predicting burning rates, extended
geometry were investigated over several years flammability limits, and superadiabatic opera-
by Churchill and coworkers [7–11]. tion with one-dimensional laminar flow models
Further experiments on a methane flame [2, 3, 16 –18]. One-dimensional representations
within a sponge-like reticulated ceramic were of porous media flows, however, require models
conducted by Sathe et al. [12] and Hsu et al. [13] for the gas to solid convective heat transfer and
without the use of external exhaust gas recircu- the solid phase radiative heat transfer. While
lation, although the burners were generally well measurements of some of these properties have
insulated. Heat recirculation in these burners been made [19 –21], the values recorded are
was provided by conductive or radiative ex- generally either fairly uncertain or taken at
change between the postflame and preflame Reynolds numbers or temperatures far from the
regions. The results of these experiments are range encountered in burner applications. In
generally similar to those of Kotani and Takeno addition to the uncertain volume averaged
with respect to reduced lean limit, increased properties used for the radiation, one-dimen-
burning rate, and lowered pollutant emissions, sional radiation models must break down at
although the magnitude of the difference is length scales smaller than the pore size because
somewhat reduced. By removing the exhaust they treat the porous matrix as a continuously
gas recirculation, however, radiation from the participating medium rather than as consisting
burner surface may be captured for industrial of individual solid surfaces. Also important on
use. Experiments have shown that this type of pore scales is a related difficulty associated with
porous burner can convert a significant percent- flame curvature. It is difficult to imagine that
age of the chemical heat release into down- the flame is flat and uniform on a pore scale.
stream thermal radiation [14]. A remedy to these problems, of course, is to
A simple geometry in which the coupled use multidimensional modeling. This is the
effects of conduction and radiation modify the method employed by Sahraoui and Kaviany
flame burning properties was examined by Min [22], who compared two-dimensional simula-
and Shin [15]. They performed an experimental tions of combustion in porous media with vari-
gas flow are specified. At the downstream end traveling straight until it strikes a surface with
of the computational domain the gradients of identical properties several pores to one side.
velocity, temperature, and mass fraction are Every ray emitted under this method is tracked
zero. At the transverse or radial boundary, there until impacts a surface (considering the burner
is no heat loss except when otherwise specified. exit and inlet as surfaces). Since all rays are
Several interface conditions are applied at the accounted for, and the viewfactor is the fraction
gas–solid interface within the computational of rays impacting on a given surface, the sum of
domain. The first is a no-slip condition, such all viewfactors for a given surface is one. The
that gas velocities are zero at the solid surface. radiation boundary condition enforced in Eq. 11
Secondly, the solid is treated as being imperme- is that the burner surfaces exchange radiation
able to species and noncatalytic. This implies with a large, cold (300 K) environment at both
that the normal gradient of species concentra- the upstream and downstream ends.
tion at the solid surface is zero. Finally, the
energy interface condition includes the effects Solution Technique
of gas-to-solid heat conduction and the effects
of solid-to-solid radiation. This is expressed as The base code solves Eqs. 1–7 using an alter-
nating direction implicit (ADI) finite volume
k solid
U solid
5 k gas
U gas
formulation, and the pseudotransient method
for steady problems [29]. The pressure field is
solved using the SIMPLE method [30].
e The surface radiation equations (11) are
1 ~ J 2 s T 4solid! (10)
12e solved on the same grid as the other equations.
Once the viewfactors are calculated, the radia-
where n is a direction normal to and out of the
tion equation is with a discretization equal to
surface. The-two dimensional model formula-
the grid size. This yields 300 to 600 radiating
tion allows the elimination of the arbitrary
surfaces in the burner model, depending on
gas-to-solid heat transfer coefficient that must
geometry and pore size.
be used in one-dimensional models. The solid
Typical grid spacing is 30 – 40 mm in the
surfaces are considered to be gray and diffuse
burner region, with slightly larger finite volumes
and the surface radiosities J are solved as a
upstream and downstream of the burner. A
matrix equation,
typical computational domain would then be
J i 5 es T 4i 1 ~1 2 e !@K ij J j 1 F is T 4`#. (11) approximately 800 by 30 grid points. This grid-
ding system was proven to be sufficient by
In the honeycomb geometry, analytic expres- testing several grid sizes. The reduction in error
sions for the viewfactors K and F are available with smaller grids is shown to be of order Dx 1.9 ,
[24]. We solve for the radiation in the separated consistent with the order Dx 2 method used. A
plates geometry using the symmetry planes change in grid size from 20 mm to 40 mm
shown in Fig. 2. Since the geometry is fairly resulted in less than a 0.01% change in burning
complicated, the viewfactors for the thermal rate.
radiation exchange are calculated using a
Monte Carlo method [24]. In this method, a
large number of rays are emitted from each of HONEYCOMB BURNER
the discretized solid surfaces in random direc-
tions and are tracked until they reach another Comparison to Experiments
surface. When a statistically significant number
of rays have been emitted, the impacts are While the experiments of Min and Shin [15]
counted and the viewfactors relating the sur- were performed using square channels, this
faces calculated. As shown in Fig. 2, a ray obviously cannot be done for two-dimensional
emitted from a surface is reflected across the computations. Instead, two types of geometry
symmetry planes until it strikes a solid object or will be used: the cylindrical tube and the parallel
leaves the burner. This is equivalent to the ray planes. The tube is a good choice for modeling
a pore. The flame ignites from the high temper- a function of flame location are shown in Fig.
ature solid surface, and the rapid expansion of 13. The radiant output fraction is approximately
the hot gases helps to move the flame away from constant at 0.22. The radiant loss fraction de-
the solid and out to the channel centerline. creases approximately exponentially with the
The transversely averaged (one-dimensional) depth of the flame into the burner. For this
temperature profiles corresponding to the flame reason, the burning rate is significantly lowered
of Fig. 11 are shown in Fig. 12. Because the solid near the upstream end. At about two pore
is broken, solid phase temperatures do not exist lengths (;2 mm) from the upstream end, the
for some axial locations. The gas temperature radiant loss is 45%, so it is not surprising that no
plotted is a mass average gas temperature, steady flame could be sustained numerically
defined at each axial location as in Eq. 12, so further upstream. We have assumed that each
that areas of high mass flux are weighted more end of the burner radiates to a cold (300 K)
strongly. The effect of preheating is clear in this black environment. For the upstream end, this
figure. Significant heat release occurs at a down- may be an unrealistic boundary condition in an
stream distance of approximately 7 mm which experiment. The high upstream radiant losses
increases the gas temperature to its maximum tend to rapidly heat the upstream plenum unless
value. For locations upstream of the heat re- some cooling method is employed. Higher tem-
lease zone the solid temperature is greater than peratures just upstream of the burner will re-
the gas temperature. The solid plates in this duce the radiant losses and increase the burning
region have been heated due to radiative ex- rate at the upstream end closer to the peak
change with the solid downstream of the flame. value.
Heat transfer from the solid to the gas increases Once the radiant losses approach zero, the
the gas temperature from its inlet value of 298 K burning rate does not change. The fact that
to ;1200 K at 0.007 m. The adiabatic flame radiant losses approach zero implies that the
temperature for complete combustion for this upstream radiation from the postflame solid is
equivalence ratio is 1684 K. The mass average almost completely absorbed by the preflame
gas temperature peaks at 1752 K, and the actual solid, which then gives up this heat to the
peak gas temperature (Fig. 11) is higher still unburned gases. This obviously provides the
(1770 K). Downstream of the reaction zone, the maximum possible preheating, and so should
temperatures of the solid and gas decrease. yield the maximum possible burning rate. The
peak burning rate in this model burner is 44
Burning Rates and Radiant Fractions cm/sec. For comparison, the adiabatic flame
speed at this equivalence ratio is 11.1 cm/sec.
The burning rate and radiant fractions from the The positive effects of decreasing the radiant
upstream and downstream ends of the burner as losses and increasing the burning rate continues
where q# 0 is the average heat flux into one side of havior as a function of equivalence ratio are all
the plate. The factor of 2 is needed because the predicted without the use of any ad hoc adjust-
plate has two sides, and d/ 2 is the length of the able parameters. Transverse heat losses from
plate. Thus, the volumetric Nusselt number is the uninsulated burner are shown to reduce the
the average over the plate of the local, normal peak burning rate and cause flame curvature on
Nusselt number. By coincidence, Nu v for this a burner scale. Upstream radiant losses are
model geometry is equal to the average Nu over shown to control the burning rate in the up-
the solid regions. Since the normal Nusselt stream half of the burner. Flame curvature on a
number does not seem to vary much from pore pore scale is shown for all geometries. The pore
to pore, Nu v is calculated using an average over scale, volumetric Nusselt number is predicted to
the length of the burner. For all pore sizes and be 5.4 6 0.3 for the separated plates geometry,
flow rates examined, we found Nu v 5 5.4 6 regardless of burning rate or pore size. This
0.3. This is in the same order of magnitude as number fits in with the wide range of values
the calculated Nu v of Sahraoui and Kaviany presented in the literature. More applicable
[22], who determined Nu v for their model po- results would probably be obtained if the pore
rous media (90% porosity) to be roughly con- geometry was redesigned to match the experi-
stant at 8.6 6 0.2 over a range of Re from 5 to mental geometry more closely.
90. (Their values are adjusted to be consistent
with the current definition of Nu v .) A slightly This work was supported by the Independent
higher value is expected from that study since Research and Development Program of the Ap-
the square solid cylinders have a larger front for plied Research Laboratories, University of Texas
stagnation point heat transfer. The Nu v mea- at Austin, and by the Office of Naval Research.
sured by Younis and Viskanta [19] all were
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