English Stage 8 Sample Paper 1

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Cambridge Lower Secondary Sample Test

For use with curriculum published in

September 2020

English Paper 1
Stage 8
1 hour 10 minutes


Additional materials: Insert

• Answer all questions.
• Write your answer to each question in the space provided.
• You should pay attention to punctuation, spelling and handwriting.

• The total mark for this paper is 50.
• The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ].
• Suggestions for how long to spend on each section are given in the booklet.

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Section A: Reading

Spend 30 minutes on this section.

Read Text A in the Insert, and answer questions 1–11.

1 Look at the first paragraph (lines 1–3).

Give one word that means ‘fascinated’.

intrigued [1]

2 Why do you think the boys moved carefully down the hole?

they didn't know what to expect down there. [1]

3 Look at line 10.

Why does the writer begin a new paragraph?
to introduce a direct speech or a quote from one scene to another person./

4 Why does the writer begin a sentence with To their surprise (lines 12–13)?
to emphasise to thier surprise by putting at the begenning of the sentence [1]

5 What does mesmerised (line 15) mean?

Tick () one box.






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6 Look at lines 18–20.

Give one word which means ‘promise’.

oath [1]

7 Why do you think Marsal says this is the first commercial exploitation of the cave?

The caves was open for hundreds of tourists because they found it. peopl


8 Look at this phrase: the news spread like wildfire (line 23).

(a) What literary technique is used in the phrase above?

simile [1]

(b) Why is this an appropriate description of the way the news of the discovery travelled?

because the news was delivered and spread in a very uncontrolled way. [1]

9 Why is the writer’s use of flocked appropriate in line 27?

its mean a large amount of people gathered to together to go somewhere and it means the
same as thousands of people going somewhere together.

10 Give two features of a newspaper report used in Text A.

• a title

• a direct speech [2]

use facts

writin in past

accounts from wittness

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11 Look at the title.

(a) Why has the writer used inverted commas ( ‘ ’ )?

to quote it figuratively [1]

(b) Explain why you think it is appropriate to use the word cinema in the title. Give one
quotation from the text to support your answer.

Explanation: the paintings made it seem like pictures moving

Quotation: the painting


Read Text B in the Insert, and answer questions 12–16.

12 What is the purpose of Text B? Tick () one box.

to instruct

to discuss

to narrate

to persuade


13 Look at the first paragraph (lines 1–7).

Give two ways in which the writer engages the reader.
• by directly adressing the reader

• by using the pronouns you.


14 Look at the last sentence of the first paragraph (lines 6–7).

Give one word which contributes to the idea of sequencing information.
then [1]

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15 Look at the third paragraph (lines 11–14).

Give one phrase that tells the reader that something has been successfully completed.

hey presto [1]

16 (a) Imagine a friend has a bat trapped in their house.

List the ways in which the bat could be removed, using at least five suggestions from
Text B.
• opening door and windows

• catch it witha net

• knock it to the grond with a towl

• place a container

• drape a blanket

• call an expert

• think gloves [3]

(b) Using your list, write a summary to describe ways to remove a bat from the house. Use
up to 50 words.
There are several ways of removing a bat from ur house. You could open your doors and windows

or cat


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Section B: Writing

Spend 30 minutes on this section.

17 Imagine a situation where something unusual happens that means you need to take action, for
example an injury or extreme weather.

Tell your reader what to do in this situation.

Consider the following:

• the type of situation

• your audience
• what actions need to be taken and why.

Space for your plan:

Write your instructions on the next page. [25 marks]

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© Lascaux Cave; www.savelascaux.org/Legacy_Funding.php

© Caving; www.artofmanliness.com/2010/08/02/a-beginners-guide-to-caving
© Bat Conservation Trust; www.bats.org.uk/pages/bats_of_the_world
© Bat in the House; Professional Wildlife Removal; www.wildlife-removal.com/batinhouse.html
Copyright © UCLES, 2020
Cambridge Assessment International Education is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of the University of
Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which itself is a department of the University of Cambridge.
Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every
reasonable effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the
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