Dahong Palay-Summary
Dahong Palay-Summary
Dahong Palay-Summary
Dahong Palay tells the story of Sebio, a young man who works in the rice
fields for his Tia Binay. He was teased and became the laughing topic, he
was eventually challenged by Pacio but failed. He was bitten by a deadly
snake who was called a "Dahong - Palay" that tried to bite a girl named
Merci. This situation showed Sebio's strength and courage which gave him
the respect of the village people.
Point Of View
3rd Person Omniscient.
As Sebio was striking at a hay pile, Merci screamed. Sebio looked around to
see the deadly snake ready to attack Merci. When he had the chance to hit
the snake, he missed, and the snake bites the calf of Sebio's leg.
The village people panicked as they saw Sebio's legs oozing dark blood as he
was losing consciousness. Sebio was in pain, he asked for a knife and the
village people were confused about why he needed it.
He was given a large knife and he wrapped a cloth around the end of a
horseshoe and then moved it near the fire. He then slashed the knife into
the two pinpricks and pressed the glowing hot horseshoe on the wound. The
people said that they will never call him "Sebiong Pasmado" ever again.