IX3 Catalog
IX3 Catalog
IX3 Catalog
IX3 Series
Shinjuku Monolith, 3-1, Nishi Shinjuku 2-chome, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan 21 Gilby Road, Mt. Waverley, VIC 3149, Melbourne, Australia
Wendenstrasse 14-18, 20097 Hamburg, Germany 5301 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite 290 Miami, FL 33126, U.S.A.
3500 Corporate Parkway, Center Valley, Pennsylvania 18034-0610, U.S.A. A8F, Ping An International Financial Center, No. 1-3, Xinyuan South Road,
Chaoyang District, Beijing, China, 100027
491B River Vallay Road, #12-01/04 Valley Point Office Tower, Singapore 24837
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System overview
Enables high-speed, fully automated device selection during An intelligent, motorized microscope that can be equipped with
live cell research including time-lapse imaging. Two decks the IX3-ZDC to create a new standard for live cell imaging.
offer excellent expandability.
The fully-motorized and automated IX83 along with the semi-motorized IX73, are designed to satisfy a myriad of
research needs. Each model is available as a one-deck system with ergonomic low stage height or as a two-deck
system. With additional modules providing expanded functionality, both microscopes provide the ability to enable
a multitude of imaging techniques, ranging from long-term time-lapse imaging and other demanding cutting edge
techniques to casual documentation. No matter what the task, the IX3 series delivers the performance and
expandability needed to accommodate the demands of tomorrow.
The left frame port on the IX83 provides ready access to the light-path making it easy to add or change modules.
A variety of deck modules may be easily changed to supply added functions. Available modules include:
Fluorescence filter turrets, side ports, magnification changer and more. Modules can be mounted with ease and
allow users to build a single, uniquely flexible system. The IX3-ZDC module with its own specialized port is available
for IX83 systems to maintain continuous focus throughout extended time-lapse use. A microscope designed with emphasis on working efficiency An outstanding microscope delivering cost efficiency for
for documentation, routine testing and other tasks. brightfield and fluorescence applications.
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Impressive Image Quality
excellent Image
Apochromatic objectives enable High resolution observation of phase contrast Silicone objectives* enable High
and fluorescence resolution observation of deep Live
Phase contrast apochromatic objectives (UPLSAPO100×OPH, PLAPON60×OPH) enable cells
high-precision observation free from optical axis displacement—even during simultaneous These high-NA objectives (UPLSAPO30×S
observation of phase contrast and fluorescence, negating the need to change the objective and UPLSAPO60×S) use silicon oil as an
when switching methods. immersion medium with a refractive
index (ne≈1.40) close to that of living tissue
(ne≈1.38) normally investigated in live cell
imaging. As a result, these objectives deliver
high resolution observation with minimal
spherical aberration that is commonly
caused by a
Fly-eye Lens refractive index
mismatch when
viewing deep
HeLa cells
inside living
Special objective Available for ipS/eS and floating cell observation bright, uniform fluorescent
This high-NA phase contrast objective (UCPLFLN20×PH) is especially suited for the Illumination
observation of plastic dishes. It enables phase contrast observation of the cell proliferation The fluorescence illuminator (IX3-RFALFE)
process, for example, and delivers differentiation across a wide area in high resolution. incorporates a fly-eye lens system to
provide an even distribution of fluorescence
Olympus UIS2 infinity-corrected optics provide bright, high resolution images from ultraviolet to near-infrared.
The system ensures high optical transmittance with a broad range of objectives providing wide chromatic High S/n fluorescent mirror units that efficiently detect fluorescence Signals Led transmitted Illumination
All fluorescence mirror units feature filters treated with a coating specially developed to With its perfect color reproduction and low
correction and high resolution, as well as high S/N primary images regardless of the observation method. The wide minimize noise by absorbing more than 99% of stray light, while the sharp performance and heat generation, this LED illumination is
field of view and fly-eye lens system provide uniform fluorescence images and enable the use of sCMOS cameras high transmittance of the mirror units ensure efficient fluorescence signal detection. ideal for time-lapse imaging.
with large chips. U-MWU2 U-FUW
100 100
90 90
80 80 LED Transmitted
Transmittance (%)
Transmittance (%)
70 70 Light Illuminator
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800
Wavelength (nm) Wavelength (nm)
BP330–385 BA420 DM400 BP340–390 BA420IF DM410
Z-drift compensation System maintain cell viability over an extended
IX3-Zdc optical path diagram
The IX3-ZDC uses low phototoxicity IR light period of time
to detect the correct focus position as set Box-type incubator enables time-lapse
by the user. One-shot AF mode allows observations over a period of several days,
several focus positions to be set as Offset while the microscope CO2 incubator can be
desired for deeper samples, enabling fitted to the stage for two-day time-lapse
Offset lens
efficient Z-stack acquisition in multi-position observations maintaining cell activity to
Cover glass
experiments. Continuous AF mode keeps Objective significantly improve the reliability of
the desired plane of observation precisely in AF sensor
time-lapse observation.
focus, avoiding focus drift due to
temperature changes or the addition of
reagents, making it ideal for measurements
such as TIRF that requires more stringent
With new frame architecture and focus drive design, the IX3 system offers enhanced rigidity that reduces the impact IX3D CO2 Incubator
(Manufactured by Tokai Hit CO.,Ltd)
of vibration and heat. It maintains desired positions along X, Y, and Z axes to allow reliable time-lapse imaging.
The real-time Z-drift compensation system capabilities of the IX3-ZDC combine with the Olympus ultrasonic stage-
capable of multipoint imaging to enable capturing high-precision multipoint time-lapse images that are never out-of- Low thermal drift ultrasonic Stage Incubator
with multipoint registration A box-type incubator keeps the microscope
focus or misaligned. The Olympus ultrasonic stage enables temperature stable while safely enclosing
precise movement of specimens, while many components.
Box-type and onstage incubators are also available to enable time-lapse observation while maintaining the viability of multi point registration enables time-lapse
live cells. imaging with outstanding positional
IX81 accuracy.
9 10
modularity and expandability
IX3 system can also be isolated from vibration sources through the combined use of a new line of high-speed filter milliseconds. The IX83 is 1
5 6IX3-D6RES
wheels and light guide light sources. Upgrades are available to allow the IX3 to meet the needs of a wide range of capable of controlling up to six
filter wheels and four shutters. U-FFWEM 7IX3-D6REA
other applications.
11 12
objective specifications
Water proof &
W.D. Cover glass Correction Iris
optImIZed ImAge AcQuISItIon AccordIng to
UIS2 objective NA FN Immersion Spring oil proof
(mm) thickness (mm) ring diaphragm
UPLSAPO UPLSAPO 4× 0.16 13 26.5 —
WorKfLoW UPLSAPO 10×2 0.40 3.1 26.5 0.17
UPLSAPO 20× 0.75 0.6 26.5 0.17 ✓
UPLSAPO 20×O 0.85 0.17 26.5 — Oil ✓ ✓
UPLSAPO 30×S 1.05 0.8 22 0.13–0.19 Silicone ✓ ✓
UPLSAPO 40×2 0.95 0.18 26.5 0.11–0.23 ✓ ✓
UPLSAPO 60×W 1.20 0.28 26.5 0.13–0.21 Water ✓ ✓ ✓
UPLSAPO 60×O 1.35 0.15 26.5 0.17 Oil ✓ ✓
UPLSAPO 60×S 1.30 0.3 22 0.15–0.19 Silicone
olympus cellSens Imaging Software ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
UPLSAPO 100×O 1.40 0.13 26.5 0.17 Oil ✓ ✓
2d deconvolution UPLSAPO 100×OPH 1.40 0.13 26.5 0.17 Oil ✓ ✓
This useful feature eliminates blur from PLAPON PLAPON 60×O 1.42 0.15 26.5 0.17 Oil ✓ ✓
single plane images. Processing can be PLAPON 60×OSC 1.40 0.12 22 0.17 Oil ✓ ✓
carried out multiple times and the results PLAPON 60×OPH 1.42 0.15 26.5 0.17 Oil ✓ ✓
can be adjusted while viewing them on the UPLFLN UPLFLN 4× 0.13 17 26.5 —
screen. A 3D deconvolution module UPLFLN 10×2 0.30 10 26.5 —
is also available for UPLFLN 20× 0.50 2.1 26.5 0.17
Original image ✓
use on multi-plane
UPLFLN 40× 0.75 0.51 26.5 0.17 ✓
UPLFLN 40×O 1.30 0.2 26.5 0.17 Oil ✓ ✓
UPLFLN 60× 0.90 0.2 26.5 0.11–0.23 ✓ ✓
UPLFLN 60×OI 1.25–0.65 0.12 26.5 0.17 Oil ✓ ✓ ✓
Deconvolved image UPLFLN 100×O2 1.30 0.2 26.5 0.17 Oil ✓ ✓
UPLFLN 100×OI2 1.3-0.6 0.2 26.5 0.17 Oil ✓ ✓ ✓
PLFLN PLFLN 100× 0.95 0.2 26.5 0.14–0.2 ✓ ✓
Olympus cellSens imaging software is available in three packages Well navigator UCPLFLN UCPLFLN 20× 0.7 0.8–1.8 22 0–1.6 ✓
to meet individual workflow needs. “Entry” is used for simple image Enables the simple setting of locations and UCPLFLN 20×PH 0.7 0.8–1.8 22 0–1.6 ✓
acquisition. “Standard” provides simple operation for imaging observation orders by selecting to the wells LUCPLFLN LUCPLFLN 20× 0.45 6.6–7.8 22 0–2 ✓
documentation and “Dimension” allows control of the complete under observation. Comments can also be LUCPLFLN 40× 0.60 2.7–4 22 0–2 ✓
workflow from image capture to analysis. inserted for individual wells to further speed
LUCPLFLN 60× 0.70 1.5–2.2 22 0.1–1.3 ✓
cellSens software is not for clinical diagnostic use. workflow.
LUCPLFLN 20×PH 0.45 6.6–7.8 22 0–2 ✓
LUCPLFLN 20×RC 0.45 6.6–7.8 22 0–2 ✓
LUCPLFLN 40×PH 0.60 3.0–4.2 22 0–2 ✓
cell^tIrf System LUCPLFLN 40×RC 0.60 3.0–4.2 22 0–2 ✓
LUCPLFLN 60×PH 0.70 1.5–2.2 22 0.1–1.3 ✓
UPLFLN-PH UPLFLN 4×PH 0.13 17 26.5 —
nA 1.7 tIrf objective UPLFLN 10×2PH 0.30 10 26.5 —
The NA 1.7 APON100×HOTIRF* objective expands the
UPLFLN 20XPH 0.50 2.1 26.5 0.17 ✓
adjustable range for production of evanescent fields,
UPLFLN 40XPH 0.75 0.51 26.5 0.17 ✓
enabling the user to form thin evanescent fields by
simply adjusting the angle of incidence. High NA UPLFLN 60XOIPH 1.25-0.65 0.12 26.5 0.17 Oil ✓ ✓
objectives for TIRF from 60× to 150× are also UPLFLN 100XO2PH 1.30 0.2 26.5 0.17 Oil ✓ ✓
available. UPLFLN-PHP UPLFLN 4×PHP 0.13 16.4 22 —
CPLFLN CPLFLN 10×PH 0.30 9.5 22 1
tIrf Image Acquisition with High resolution and a High CPLFLN 10×RC 0.30 9 22 1.5
frame rate LCACHN LCACHN 20×PH 0.40 3.2 22 1
TIRF observation demands more accurate focusing. To meet this LCACHN 20×PHP 0.40 3.2 22 1
demand, the IX83 two-deck system can be combined with the
LCACHN 20×RC 0.40 2.8 22 1.5
IX3-ZDC to deliver live imaging at a high frame rate, while
LCACHN 40×PH 0.55 2.2 22 1
maintaining accurate real-time focus.
Image data courtesy of: LCACHN 40×PHP 0.55 2.2 22 1
Quad-wavelength multiple tIrf Image capture Akiko Hashimoto-Tane, Ph.D. LCACHN 40×RC 0.55 1.9 22 1.5
Takashi Saito, Ph.D. CACHN & CPLN CACHN 10×PHP 0.25 8.8 22 —
Accurate, motorized control of the laser’s angle of incidence enables Laboratory for Cell Signaling,
optimum adjustment of the light emitted at each wavelength. This RIKEN Research Center for Allergy
CPLN 10×PH 0.25 10 22 1
system allows four lasers to be used simultaneously to capture four and Immunology CPLN 10×RC 0.25 9.7 22 1.5
different wavelengths (ranging from 405 nm to 640 nm), while Reference material: UAPON 340 UAPON 20×W340 0.70 0.35 22 0.17 Water ✓ ✓
seamlessly switching between multicolor TIRF imaging and Akiko Hashimoto-Tane, Takashi
UAPON 40×O340 1.35 0.1 22 0.17 Oil ✓ ✓
Saito, et al. (2011). Dynein-Driven
fluorescence. What’s more, the primary laser path is equipped with UAPON 40×W340 1.15 0.25 22 0.13–0.25 Water ✓ ✓ ✓
Transport of T Cell Receptor Micro-
a point FRAP optical solution system that can also be used for clusters Regulates Immune Synapse TIRF APON 60×OTIRF 1.49 0.1 22 0.13–0.19 Oil ✓ ✓
kinetic measurements such as molecular diffusion, bonding and Formation and T Cell Activation.
APON 100×HOTIRF* 1.70 0.08 22 0.15 Oil ✓ ✓
velocity determination. Colocalization of the Dynein Complex with Immunity 34, 919-931.
cell^TIRF is a class 3B laser product. T Cell Receptor Microclusters •Images shown left acquired by IX81. UAPON 100×OTIRF 1.49 0.1 22 0.13–0.19 Oil ✓ ✓
UAPON 150×OTIRF 1.45 0.08 22 0.13–0.19 Oil ✓ ✓
*HIGHINDEX-CG cover glass and dedicated immersion oil required.
13 14
IX83/IX73 system diagram
Thermoplate IX3-FBVWXL
(Available in the near future.) XL mirror units field stop U-RFL-T
light fluorescence adapter 100 W mercury apo lamp housing Collector lens
illuminator with U-RX-T
15 16
IX3 specifications dimensions (Unit : mm)
IX83 IX73 IX53
IX83: Two-Decks IX83: One-Deck
Optical system UIS2 optical system (IX83P2ZF configuration) 363 (IX83P1ZF configuration) 366
Stroke: 10.5mm
Minimum increment: 0.01μm,
Focus Stroke: 10mm Stroke: 10mm
Maximum nosepiece movement speed:
Motorized 0:100/50:50/100:0
Light path selection 0:100/50:50/100:0 (Left side port: BI port) 50:50 (Left side port: BI port)
(Left side port: BI port) 145 475 145 475
323 323 568
636 636
•30W halogen illuminator: 769
Detachable condenser lens system
Weight: approx. 54kg Power consumption: approx. 530W Weight: approx. 47kg Power consumption: approx. 370W
(NA 0.3, W.D. 72mm), single filter holder
Pillar tilt mechanism (30° inclination angle, with vibration reducing mechanism),
aperture iris diaphragm adjustable
Condenser holder (with with 88mm stroke, refocusing mechanism),
•100W halogen illuminator:
Field iris diaphragm adjustable,
Transmitted light illuminator Pillar tilt mechanism (30° inclination angle,
4 filter holders
with vibration reducing mechanism), IX73: Two-Decks IX73: One-Deck
Light source: •12V 100W halogen bulb (pre-centered)
Condenser holder (with 88mm stroke, (IX73P2F configuration) (IX73P1F configuration)
• High color reproductive LED light source
refocusing mechanism) 365 365
Field iris diaphragm adjustable,
4 filter holders
Scanning stage with ultrasonic Stage stroke: X: 76mm x Y: 52mm, maximum stage movement speed: 30mm/s —
Mechanical stage with right
Stage stroke: X: 114mm x Y: 75mm, stage position locking function
Right handle stage Stage stroke: X: 50mm x Y: 50mm —
Flexible right handle stage — Stage stroke: X: 50mm x Y: 50mm —
145 475 145 475
Gliding stage Upper circular stage 360° rotatable, 20mm (X/Y) travel 323 569 323 691
632 509
Plain stage 232mm (X) x 240mm (Y) stage size, stage insert plate exchangeable (ø110mm)
Weight: approx. 41kg Power consumption: approx. 310W Weight: approx. 35kg Power consumption: approx. 310W
W.D. 27mm, NA 0.55, motorized turret with 7 position slots for optical devices
Motorized long working
(3 positions for ø30mm and 4 positions for ø38mm), —
distance condenser
motorized aperture and polarizer
Ultra long working distance NA 0.3, W.D. 73.3mm, 4 positions for optical devices (for ø29mm)
L-shaped design with exchangeable FS module —
illuminator with flyeye lens
Fluorescence illuminator L-shape-fluorescence
L-shaped design with exchangeable FS and AS modules —
Fluorescence illuminator Straight design with field iris diaphragm
190 210.5
Motorized fluorescence
Motorized turret with 8 positions, built-in shutter, simple waterproof structurer —
mirror turret 145 475
323 691
Coded fluorescence mirror Coded 8 positions turret,
Fluorescence mirror turret — —
turret built-in shutter, simple waterproof structure Weight: approx. 32kg Power consumption: approx. 300W
Turret with 8 positions,
Fluorescence mirror turret — — IX3-CBH
built-in shutter, simple waterproof structure
•130W Hg light guide illumination •100W Hg apo lamp housing and transformer •100W Hg lamp housing and transformer
Fluorescence light source
•75W Xe lamp housing and transformer U-HSCBM TH4-100
Offset method (Focus search, one-shot focus,
Focus compensator Z drift compensator —
continuous focus), Class 1 laser product
Motorized fast filter wheel High speed mode 60ms, Low vibration mode 100ms (rotation time until next hole on the wheel) — 7°
Motorized fast filter wheel High speed mode 60ms, Low vibration mode 100ms (rotation time until next hole on the wheel)
100 280
Filter wheel/shutter for emission C-mount adapter and bayonet mount adapter are enclosed OPERATION
MEMORY 294.5
Motorized fast shutter High speed mode 26.2ms, Low vibration mode 60ms (rotation time on one way) —
Voltage/current: AC 100-120/220-240V
Motorized attenuator wheel Time to shift another filter 300ms (rotation time until next hole on the wheel) — 50/60Hz 4.6A/2.8A
146 75 200
• Indoor use 14.5
• Ambient temperature: 5 ºto 40ºC (41º to 104ºF)
Operating environment • Maximum relative humidity: 80% for temperatures up to 31ºC (88ºF), decreasing linearly through 70% at 34ºC (93ºF), 60% at 37ºC (99ºF), to 50% relative humidity at 40ºC
(104ºF) AC 100-120V 50/60Hz 1.8A
• Supply voltage fluctuations: Not to exceed ±10% of the normal voltage
Motorized or coded units are designed for the IX3 series use in industrial environments for the EMC performance (IEC61326-1 Class A device). Using it in a residential environment may effect other equipment in the environment.
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