Asean Fen
Asean Fen
Asean Fen
Fisheries Symposium
Batu, Indonesia
7 - 9 November 2017
ISBN: 978-1-5108-6152-7
ISSN: 1755-1307
Printed from e-media with permission by:
Some format issues inherent in the e-media version may also appear in this print version.
Institute of Physics
Dirac House, Temple Back
Bristol BS1 6BE UK
Effect of alkaloids derived from jellyfish (Aeginura sp.) on the intestinal histopathology
and relative percentage survival (RPS) of tiger grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus)
infected by Vibrio harveyi
The influence of supplemented Curcuma in feed formulation to improve growth rate and
feed efficiency of catfish (Clarias sp.)
The effect of the addition of cow brain powder in commercial feed on the gonadal
maturity of comet goldfish (Carassius auratus auratus)
The effect of colchicine on the size and bioactive compound of microalgae Spirulina
Quality characteristics of Bali sardinella (Sardinella lemuru) oil purified with bentonite
as an adsorbent
The identification of plankton, water quality, blood cell, and histology in culture pond of
tilapia Oreochromis niloticus which infected by viral nervous necrosis (VNN)
The effects of season, aeration and light intensity on the performance of pacific whiteleg
shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) polycultured with seaweed (Gracilaria verrucosa)
The Effect of maceration period on contents and color brightness of phycoerythrin from
Gracilaria sp.
Culture of Daphnia sp. (crustacean – cladocera): the effect of manure variation on the
growth, natality, and mortality
The effects of salinity and temperature shock on Kappaphycus alvarezii seaweed spores
Analysis of growth performance and benefits of a high density catfish Clarias gariepinus
Burchell culture in biofloc system
Performance efficiency of feed utilization, relative growth rate, and survival rate of
common carp (Cyprinus carpio) through the addition of phytase in the feed
The identification of plankton tropical status in the Wonokromo, Dadapan and Juanda
extreme water estuary
The comparison of heavy metals (Pb and Cd) in the water and sediment during spring and
neap tide tidal periods in Popoh Bay, Indonesia
The effect of water immersion on decreasing copper (Cu) and granulocyte levels in
Crassostrea cucullata
Validation of potential fishing zone forecast using experimental fishing method in Tolo
Bay, Central Sulawesi Province
The exploration of trophic structure modeling using mass balance Ecopath model of
Tangerang coastal waters
Clustering and estimating fish fingerling abundance in a tidal river in close ploximity to a
thermal power plant in Southern Thailand
First records of bentfin devil ray (Mobula thurstoni) and the examination in physical
factors of its habitat in the western waters of Morotai Island (North Moluccas)
The percentage of coral reef cover in Saonek Kecil Island, Raja Ampat, West Papua
Marine tourism and the locations of protected turtles on Sukamade Beach, Meru Betiri
National Park, East Java
The isolation and identification of endophytic bacteria from mangrove (Sonneratia alba)
that produces gelatinase
The effect of amino acid lysine and methionine addition on feed toward the growth and
retention on mud crab (Scylla serrata)
The antagonistic activity of lactic acid bacteria isolated from peda, an Indonesian
traditional fermented fish
Biochemical and physicochemical analysis of fish protein isolate recovered from red
snapper (Lutjanus sp.) by-product using isoelectric solubilization/precipitation method
The potential of mangrove Avicennia marina and A. Alba from Nguling district,
Pasuruan, East Java as an antioxidant
Evaluation of the proximate quality of the combination of Tuna (Thunnus albacares) and
white oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) nuggets
A Chamidah.....485
Carrageenan :the difference between PNG and KCL gel precipitation method as
Lactobacillus acidophilus encapsulation material
S Dayuti.....518
A A Prihanto.....534
The effect of various concentration of tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) surimi for edible coating
on the shelf-life of Pangasius sp. fillets
The effect of sea-water and fresh-water soaking on the quality of Eucheuma sp. syrup and
The effects of using shell filters in the process of depuration for the survival of Anadara
Pattern variation of fish fingerling abundance in the Na Thap Tidal river of Southern
Thailand: 2005-2015
Porosity structure of green polybag of medium density fiberboard from seaweed waste
The effects of using shell filters in the process of depuration for the survival of Anadara
The effect of sea-water and fresh-water soaking on the hedonic test of Eucheuma sp.
syrup and pudding
Prediction of supratidal Zones as turtle nesting sites using remote sensing and geographic
information system, a case study in Pacitan, Southern Java Sea
The host preference and impact of Argulus japonicus ectoparasite on cyprinids in Central
Java, Indonesia
The current situation and environmental conditions of green mussel farming in the gulf of
The Prevalence of Cryptocaryon irritans in wild marine ornamental fish from Vietnam
Inventory of the tropical coral reef fishes in Wondama Bay regency, West Papua,
The economic and social benefits of an aquaponic system for the integrated production of
fish and water plants
L A Wati.....703
M Primyastanto.....715