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7th ASEAN-FEN International

Fisheries Symposium

Projecting ASEA FEN Plus for Sustainable

Aquaculture, Fisheries and Aquatic
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Volume 137

Batu, Indonesia
7 - 9 November 2017


Alim Isnansetyo Suadi

Indun Dewi Puspita Dini Wahyu Kartika Sari
Noranizan Mohd. Adzahan Anes Dwi Jayanti

ISBN: 978-1-5108-6152-7
ISSN: 1755-1307
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Table of contents
Volume 137
Asean-Fen International Fisheries Symposium - 2017

7–9 November 2017, Batu City, East Java, Indonesia

Accepted papers received: 14 March 2018

Published online: 13 April 2018



Peer review statement



Detection and analysis of hemolysin genes in Aeromonas hydrophila isolated from

Gouramy (Osphronemus gouramy) by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

Rozi, K Rahayu and D N Daruti.....1

The effect of thallus spreading method on productivity of Gracilaria sp. culture

R Hidayatulbaroroh, M Nurhudah, M H Edy and Suharyadi.....8

Study on characterization, pathogenicity and histopathology of disease caused by

Aeromonas hydrophila in gourami (Osphronemus gouramy)

Rozi, K Rahayu, D N Daruti and M S P Stella.....13

The growth performance of F1 transgenic mutiara catfish

Iskandar, I D Buwono and M U K Agung.....21

Nitrite oxidizing bacteria for water treatment in coastal aquaculture system

S Noorak, S Rakkhiaw, K Limjirakhajornt, A Uppabullung, T Keawtawee and Y Sangnoi.....31

Effect of alkaloids derived from jellyfish (Aeginura sp.) on the intestinal histopathology
and relative percentage survival (RPS) of tiger grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus)
infected by Vibrio harveyi

S Andayani, M Fajar and M F Rahman.....37

The influence of supplemented Curcuma in feed formulation to improve growth rate and
feed efficiency of catfish (Clarias sp.)

M M Ulum, M Zubaidah, M Arief and Prayogo.....43

The effect of differences in altitude location of an aquaculture on fish's hematocrit and

fish's haemoglobin of Carp fish and resistance to bacterial attack

Rosidah, A Rizal, I Rustikawati and F Octavia.....49

Characterization of phytase enzymes as feed additive for poultry and feed

M Lamid, A Al-Arif, O Asmarani and S H Warsito.....58

The effect of the addition of cow brain powder in commercial feed on the gonadal
maturity of comet goldfish (Carassius auratus auratus)

Y Andriani, U Subhan, Rosidah, Iskandar, I Zidni and A M Abdillah.....62

The effect of colchicine on the size and bioactive compound of microalgae Spirulina

A Mahardika, A T Mukti and M Arief.....72

Quality characteristics of Bali sardinella (Sardinella lemuru) oil purified with bentonite
as an adsorbent

U Nadhiro, S Subekti, W Tjahjaningsih and Patmawati.....76

Effect of feeding silkworm on growth performance and feed efficiency of snakehead
(Channa striata)

U Firmani and Lono.....81

The identification of plankton, water quality, blood cell, and histology in culture pond of
tilapia Oreochromis niloticus which infected by viral nervous necrosis (VNN)

U Yanuhar, D T Rahayu, M Musa and D Arfiati.....87

Effect of mercury chloride to number of melano-macrophage centers on the kidney of

carp fish (Cyprinus carpio)

L Mubarokah, W Tjahjaningsih and L Sulmartiwi.....95

The effects of season, aeration and light intensity on the performance of pacific whiteleg
shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) polycultured with seaweed (Gracilaria verrucosa)

T Susilowati, Desrina, J Hutabarat, S Anggoro, M Zainuri, Sarjito, F Basuki and T


The Effect of maceration period on contents and color brightness of phycoerythrin from
Gracilaria sp.

H Lidiana, L Sulmartiwi and S Andriyono.....109

Culture of Daphnia sp. (crustacean – cladocera): the effect of manure variation on the
growth, natality, and mortality

H Herman, Y Andriani, A Sahidin, T Hidayat and T Herawati.....115

The effects of salinity and temperature shock on Kappaphycus alvarezii seaweed spores

F K Harwinda, W H Satyantini and E W Masithah.....123

Effectivity of immunostimulant from Zoothamnium penaei protein membrane for
decreasing the mortality rate of white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) in traditional plus

G Mahasri, R Kusdarwati, Kismiyati, Rozi and H Gustrifandi.....130

The fecundity of fork-tailed threadfin bream (Nemipterus furcosus) in Bangka, Bangka


E Utami, E Safitriyani and Leo Gatra Persada.....141

The effect of Chaetoceros calcitrans extract on hematology common carp (Cyprinus

carpio) infected by Aeromonas salmonicida

Maftuch, N D A Wulan, H Suprastyani, E Wijayanto, M Noercholis, A A Prihanto and A


The motility and motion duration of jatimbulan tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)

spermatozoa in different salinity

J Triastuti, D Kintani, E M Luqman and D Y Pujiastuti.....151

Immune response and parasitic infestation on Pacific white shrimp (Lithopenaeus

vannamei) in immuno-probio circulation system (SI-PBR) in ponds

G Mahasri, P D W Sari and Prayogo.....158

The effects of different concentrations of ccBA-GFP promoter with electroporation

methods on the quality of koi sperm (Cyprinus carpio var. koi)

A Soeprijanto and D Aisyah.....168

Analysis of growth performance and benefits of a high density catfish Clarias gariepinus
Burchell culture in biofloc system

F Basuki, T Yuniarti, D Harwanto and T Susilowati.....177

Performance efficiency of feed utilization, relative growth rate, and survival rate of
common carp (Cyprinus carpio) through the addition of phytase in the feed

D Rachmawati and I Samidjan.....183

The effect of hydrogen peroxide on N/P ratio and phytoplankton diversity in Vannamei
shrimp (litopeneus vanname) ponds in Banyuwangi, East Java

D N Daruti, Rozi and K Rahayu.....195

The identification of plankton tropical status in the Wonokromo, Dadapan and Juanda
extreme water estuary

L A Sari, W H Satyantini, A Manan, K T Pursetyo and N N Dewi.....202

Effect of maggot (Hermetia illucens) flour in commercial feed on protein retention,

energy retention, protein content, and fat content in tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)

D R Kurniawan, M Arief, Agustono and M Lamid.....208

Anti-leech activity of Scutellaria baicalensis and Morinda citrifolia extracts against

Piscicola geometra

P N Rizky, T C Cheng and H Nursyam.....214

Effect of earthworm (Lumbricus rubellus) in feed formulation to improve fatty acids

profile in eel (Anguilla bicolor) meat

K Farah, I R Gunawan, G B Putra, Agustono, W P Lokapirnasari, M Lamid, E D

Masithah, T Nurhajati and Rozi.....221

The effect of earthworms (Lumbricus rubellus) in feed formulation on growth and

retention of eel (Anguilla bicolor)

P C Jatmiko, N A Madinah, Agustono and T Nurhajati.....226

Increasing -carotene content of phytoplankton Dunaliella salina using different salinity


J Hermawan, E D Masithah, W Tjahjaningsih and A A Abdillah.....232

Abnormalities of hybrid grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus x Epinephelus lanceolatus)

in Situbondo

J Triastuti, K T Pursetyo, A Monica, L Lutfiyah and D S Budi.....237

Effect of probiotic culture water on growth, mortality, and feed conversion ratio of
Vaname shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei Boone)

M Bachruddin, M Sholichah, S Istiqomah and A Supriyanto.....241

Sustainable fisheries and management

The comparison of heavy metals (Pb and Cd) in the water and sediment during spring and
neap tide tidal periods in Popoh Bay, Indonesia

D Yona, R Febriana and M Handayani.....248

The implementation of vessel-sinking policy as an effort to protect indonesian fishery

resources and territorial waters

Nurdin, Ikaningtyas and Rika Kurniaty.....254

Analysis on traditional fishing grounds in Indonesia`s Natuna waters under International


R Kurniaty, Ikaningtyas and P A Ruslijanto.....264

The effect of water immersion on decreasing copper (Cu) and granulocyte levels in
Crassostrea cucullata

D Arfiati, D P Arsanti, D R Suci, A Kurniawan, U Zakiyah and H F Kharismayanti.....270

Validation of potential fishing zone forecast using experimental fishing method in Tolo
Bay, Central Sulawesi Province

W E Rintaka and E Susilo.....274

Characterization of elasticity and hydration of composite hydrogel based on collagen-iota

carrageenan as a corneal tissue engineering

M Rinawati, J Triastuti and K T Pursetyo.....283

The biomass, abundance, and distribution pattern of starfish Asterias sp. (Echinodermata:
Asteroidea) in East Coast of Surabaya

N N Dewi, K T Pursetyo, L Aprilianitasari, M H Zakaria, M R Ramadhan and R A


The exploration of trophic structure modeling using mass balance Ecopath model of
Tangerang coastal waters

N N Dewi, M Kamal, Y Wardiatno and Rozi.....299

Phytochemical compounds of Enhalus acoroides from Wanci Island (Wakatobi) and

Talango Island (Madura) Indonesia

C S U Dewi, R D Kasitowati and J A Siagian.....317

Development of an aquaculture system using nanobubble technology for the optimation

of dissolved oxygen in culture media for nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)

G Mahasri, A Saskia, P S Apandi, N N Dewi, Rozi and N M Usuman.....322

Clustering and estimating fish fingerling abundance in a tidal river in close ploximity to a
thermal power plant in Southern Thailand

S Chesoh, A Lim and C Luangthuvapranit.....328

First records of bentfin devil ray (Mobula thurstoni) and the examination in physical
factors of its habitat in the western waters of Morotai Island (North Moluccas)

D A Mukharror, I T Baiti, S A Harahap, D J Prihadi, M Ichsan and N Pridina.....339

The percentage of coral reef cover in Saonek Kecil Island, Raja Ampat, West Papua

D A Wiguna, E D Masithah and A Manan.....348

Marine tourism and the locations of protected turtles on Sukamade Beach, Meru Betiri
National Park, East Java

D J Prihadi, A Shofiyullah and Y Dhahiyat.....358

The prevalence and intensity of gastrointestinal endoparasite worms of cantang grouper
(Epinephelus fuscoguttatus - lanceolatus) on floating net cages at Lamong Bay Surabaya,

L D Agustina, S Subekti and Kismiyati.....366

Crab and shellfish occurrences in the newly-grown mangrove habitats in southern


P Yeesin, S Bautip and S Chesoh.....373

Monogenean parasites on cantang grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus- lanceolatus)

wilture in floating net cage for mariculture center Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara,

N T B Dewi, I F Aryadi, A F T Arrizal, D R Mardika, P A Syahputra, S Subekti,

Kismiyati and P D W Sari.....380

Preliminary design of a low-cost greenhouse for salt production in Indonesia

A A Jaziri, Guntur, W Setiawan, A A Prihanto and A Kurniawan.....387


Proximate composition of several fish from Jatigede Reservoir in Sumedang district,

West Java

T Herawati, A Yustiati, A Nurhayati and R Mustikawati.....393

The isolation and identification of endophytic bacteria from mangrove (Sonneratia alba)
that produces gelatinase

H Nursyam, A A Prihanto, N I Warasari, M Saadah, R E Masrifa, N A Nabila, N

Istiqfarin and I J Siddiq.....400

Alternative bioenergy through the utilization of Kappaphycus alvarezii waste as a

substitution of substrate for biogas products

R Yulita, Agustono, D Y Pujiastuti and M A Alamsjah.....404

Methallothionein expression on the gills and stomach of Chinese pond mussels exposed
to lead (Pb)

H Kartikaningsih, A M Suryanto and D Arfiati.....414

The effect of amino acid lysine and methionine addition on feed toward the growth and
retention on mud crab (Scylla serrata)

Y R Alissianto, Z A Sandriani, B S Rahardja, Agustono and Rozi.....422

The antagonistic activity of lactic acid bacteria isolated from peda, an Indonesian
traditional fermented fish

T F Putra, H Suprapto, W Tjahjaningsih and H Pramono.....427

Biochemical and physicochemical analysis of fish protein isolate recovered from red
snapper (Lutjanus sp.) by-product using isoelectric solubilization/precipitation method

H Pramono, D Y Pujiastuti and A M Sahidu.....434

Biofilm as a bioindicator of Cr VI pollution in the Lotic Ecosystems

A Kurniawan, Sukandar, C Satriya and Guntur.....441

The potential of mangrove Avicennia marina and A. Alba from Nguling district,
Pasuruan, East Java as an antioxidant

F Iranawati, F Muhammad, H Fajri, R D Kasitowati and S Arifin.....446

The reducibility of heLa cell viability by Sargassum polycystum extracts

M Firdaus, D Setijawati, I Islam, H Nursyam, H Kartikaningsih, H S Yufidasari, A A

Prihanto, R Nurdiani and A A Jaziri.....451

Blue carbon content of mangrove vegetation in Subang district

I Nurruhwati, S D Purwita, Sunarto and Zahidah.....455

Polyculture Engineering technology of larasati red tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and
white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) based for protease enzyme

I Samidjan and D Rachmawati.....461

The physico-chemical properties of pangas catfish (Pangasius pangasius) skin gelatin

K A Pradarameswari, K Zaelani, E Waluyo and R Nurdiani.....471

Evaluation of the proximate quality of the combination of Tuna (Thunnus albacares) and
white oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) nuggets

H S Yufidasari, A A Prihanto, R Nurdiani and A A Jaziri.....478

Stability of prebiotic, laminaran oligosaccharide under food processing conditions

A Chamidah.....485

Isolation and Identification of cellulolytic bacteria from mangrove sediment in Bangka


A Kurniawan, A A Prihanto, S P Sari, D Febriyanti, A Kurniawan, A B Sambah and E


The characterization of edible coating from tilapia surimi as a biodegradable packaging

E Saputra, A Alamsjah and A A Abdillah.....498

Effect of maggot (Hermetia illucens) flour in commercial feed on protein retention,

energy retention, protein content, and fat content in tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)

D R Kurniawan, M Arief, Agustono and M Lamid.....503

Carrageenan :the difference between PNG and KCL gel precipitation method as
Lactobacillus acidophilus encapsulation material

D Setijawati, H Nursyam and H Salis.....509

Antibacterial activity of red algae (Gracilaria verrucosa) extract against Escherichia coli
and Salmonella typhimurium

S Dayuti.....518

Potential of mangrove Avicennia rumphiana extract as an antioxidant agent using

multilevel extraction

L Sulmartiwi, D Y Pujiastuti, W Tjahjaningsih and Jariyah.....523

Antimicrobial resistance prevalence of Aeromonas hydrophila isolates from motile

Aeromonas septicemia disease

R Kusdarwati, Rozi, N D Dinda and I Nurjanah.....529

Bacillus subtilis UBTn7, a potential producer of L - Methioninase isolated from

mangrove, Rhizophora mucronata

A A Prihanto.....534

The effect of various concentration of tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) surimi for edible coating
on the shelf-life of Pangasius sp. fillets

M A P Purnama, Agustono and A M Sahidu.....539

The effect of sea-water and fresh-water soaking on the quality of Eucheuma sp. syrup and

H Novianty and S M C Herandarudewi.....546


The effects of using shell filters in the process of depuration for the survival of Anadara

K T Pursetyo, L Sulmartiwi, M A Alamsjah, W Tjahjaningsih, A S Rosmarini and M

Analysis of consumer behavior in decision making of purchasing ornamental freshwater
fish (case of study at ornamental freshwater fish market at Peta Street, Bandung)

I Gumilar, A Rizal, Sriati and R Setiawan Putra.....555

Pattern variation of fish fingerling abundance in the Na Thap Tidal river of Southern
Thailand: 2005-2015

T Donroman, S Chesoh and A Lim.....562

The influence of waterweeds in the removal of phosphor in content aquatic environments

L N Salamah and A Kurniawan.....571

Porosity structure of green polybag of medium density fiberboard from seaweed waste

M A Alamsjah, S Subekti, M Lamid, D Y Pujiastuti, H Kurnia and R R Rifadi.....577

Exploration of indigenous bacteria in an intensive aquaculture system of African catfish

(Clarias sp.) in Banyuwangi, Indonesia

Prayogo, B S Rahardja, A N Asshanti, N N Dewi and M B Santanumurti.....584

Analysis of water quality on several waters affected by contamination in West Sumbawa


N N Dewi, W H Satyantini, A M Sahidu, L A Sari and A T Mukti.....592

Mercury Test on macroalgae from Burung and Tikus Island, Jakarta

H Novianty, S M C Herandarudewi and Suratno.....607

The effects of using shell filters in the process of depuration for the survival of Anadara

K T Pursetyo, L Sulmartiwi, M A Alamsjah, W Tjahjaningsih, A S Rosmarini and M

Study of copper (Cu) contents in blood cockles (Anadara sp.) at Surabaya coastal waters

S Alfionita, K T Pursetyo and A M Sahidu.....616

The effect of sea-water and fresh-water soaking on the hedonic test of Eucheuma sp.
syrup and pudding

H Novianty and S M C Herandarudewi.....621

Prediction of supratidal Zones as turtle nesting sites using remote sensing and geographic
information system, a case study in Pacitan, Southern Java Sea

A Darmawan, D K Saputra, D G R Wiadnya and A M Gusmida.....626

The host preference and impact of Argulus japonicus ectoparasite on cyprinids in Central
Java, Indonesia

Kismiyati, P D Wulansari and N N Dewi.....634

The current situation and environmental conditions of green mussel farming in the gulf of

T Keawtawee, P Songsangjinda, Y Sangnoi and A Uppabullung.....637

The Prevalence of Cryptocaryon irritans in wild marine ornamental fish from Vietnam

K V Van and D T Nhinh.....641

Inventory of the tropical coral reef fishes in Wondama Bay regency, West Papua,

K D P Madiyani, J Triastuti and K T Pursetyo.....648


A welfare study into capture fisheries in cirata reservoir: a bio-economic model

Z Anna and P Hindayani.....658

The importance of aquaculture community group (ACG) in social media (Facebook)
towards the aquaculture knowledge and financial improvement of small scale fish
farmers (SSFF) in rural areas of Central Java

T Elfitasari, R A Nugroho and A P Nugroho.....669

The economic and social benefits of an aquaponic system for the integrated production of
fish and water plants

A Rizal, Y Dhahiyat, Zahidah, Y Andriani, A A Handaka and A Sahidin.....679

The concept of community poverty reduction in coastal area of Surabaya based on

sustainable livelihood approach

A M Gai, I Soewarni and M M Sir.....686

Promoting innovative business in the fishery sector in West Java, Indonesia

A Nurhayati, I Aisah and A K Supriatna.....696

Analyzing the development of Indonesia shrimp industry

L A Wati.....703

The use of matic (automatic transmission of motorcycle) as catamaran boat engine to

support economic activities in Ujung Pangkah, Gresik

Sunardi, Sukandar, B Setionohadi, E Sulkhani, A B Sambah and S Pamungkas.....709

Household economic modelsof gill net fishermen at Madura strait

M Primyastanto.....715

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