PEC Reviewer 2
PEC Reviewer 2
PEC Reviewer 2
Causes of Overcurrent
1. overload of the equipment or conductors The name of the circuit breaker is taken from the medium or the
manner of extinguishing the arc produced when the circuit
2. short circuit or ground fault breaker’s contacts opened.
Types of Overcurrent Devices 1. Air blast type CB – uses dry and compressed air to
extinguish the arc.
1. Fuse
2. Air CB – interruption occurs in free air.
2. Circuit Breaker (CB)
3. Oil type CB – uses a special oil to extinguish the arc.
It is an overcurrent protective device with a circuit opening fusible 4. Gas type CB – uses SF6 (sulphur hexafluoride) gas to
element which opens (break) when there is an overcurrent in the extinguish the arc.
5. Vacuum type CB – uses a vacuum container.
Circuit Symbols:
Important Ratings When Choosing Replacement CBs
3. Fuse wire – opened wire of low melting point commonly 3. Rated frequency – frequency of the electrical system in
used in the safety power switch. which the CB is to be connected.
Rule of Thumb: Fuses will hold five times their rating for different 4. Rated short time current – effective value of current in
periods of time based on the type of fuse used. which the CB must carry for a stated time. This
requirement is needed since the fault current which has to
1. Non-time delay fuse will hold five times its rating for ¼ to be cleared by another CB, may have to flow through it.
2 seconds (not ideal to loads which require more than 2
seconds to accelerate). Advantages of a Fuse over a CB
2. Dual-element time delay fuse will hold five times its 1. It is reliable (it can stay in position for a long period and
rating for 10 seconds. can act when needed).
1. Voltage rating – the rating must match or exceed the 3. It does not require periodic maintenance.
voltage rating of the circuit.
Advantages of a CB over a Fuse
2. Amperage rating – the rating should match the full load
current rating of the equipment or ampacity of conductor 1. It can be used again after the fault has been corrected.
as closely as possible.
2. Its position (open or close) can easily be detected or
3. Interrupt capacity – the total current in which the fuse can viewed.
interrupt without being damage.
3. It can act as a switch.
Difference Between a CB and a Fuse 3. Four-way switch – a special type of switch used in
conjunction with three-way switches to control a lamp from
Particular Fuse Circuit Breaker three or more locations. This switch has four terminals.
It performs interruption
It performs both
only. The detection of
Function detection and
fault is made by relay
interruption function.
Requires elaborate
Inherently completely
Operation equipment (i.e. relays)
automatic. For lamp’s control from three or more locations, there
for automatic action.
Breaking should always be two 3-way switches needed and the rest,
Small Very large
Capacity are 4-way switches.
Operating Very small (0.002 sec Comparatively large
Time or so) (0.1 to 0.2 sec) Example:
Requires replacement No replacement after • Four locations, needs two 3-way switches and two 4-
after every operation. operation. way switches.
• Five locations, needs two 3-way switches and three 4-
Standard Ratings of Fuses and Circuit Breakers in Amperes way switches.
15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, • Six locations, needs two 3-way switches and four 4-
110, 125, 150, 175, 200, 225, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 600, way switches.
800, 1000, 1200, 1600, 2000, 2500, 3000, 4000, 5000 and 6000
SWITCH It is a mechanical switching device used to isolate a circuit or an
It is used to control (switch-on or switch-off the current path in a equipment from the supply side. It could either be fused or non-
circuit. fused type.
Basic Motor Control Circuit Diagrams 5. Control with a transformer to step down the controller
voltage – this method of control circuit components are not
1. Single Start-Stop pushbutton control rated for line voltage.
Note: The buzzer is used to give an alarm in cases where Common Methods:
the motor is experiencing an overload. 1. Autotransformer starting – this method provides reduced
voltage to the stator windings at start and thus the starting
3. Jog-Start-Stop pushbutton control current will be lower than it would have been started on
rated line voltage. After a preset time, the
autotransformers are removed and the motor then
continues to run at rated line voltage.
2. Star-delta starting – this method applies only to a three-
phase delta connected motor with all six leads, extended
to the motor’s terminal box.
At starting, the motor is connected wye, which means that
each winding carries only 58% of the supply voltage and
this makes a lower current at starting instant. After a
preset time, the motor is reconnected in delta and
Jogging – is an operation in which the motor will run when continues to run.
a pushbutton is pressed and will stop when the said 3. Part winding starting – this method provides lower
pushbutton is released. starting current by first connecting one part of the windings
across the supply voltage and after a preset time, the
4. Forward-Reverse-Stop control with electrical interlock second part is to be connected across the first part.
4. Primary resistance starting – this method uses a
resistance of suitable current capacity. These resistors are
to be connected in series with each line conductors to the
motor. Due to the resistance, the voltage supplied to the
stator will be reduced because of the voltage drop in the
5. Secondary resistance starting – this method is used to
start a wound rotor induction motor. In starting a wound
rotor induction motor, the stator or primary circuit is
supplied with the line voltage while resistances are
connected in series to the rotor or secondary circuit to limit
the current.
12. Which of the following switches is the same as a three-way
1. Automatic device that operates at preset values is known as switch?
______. A. Single-pole double throw switch
A. relay C. contactor B. Double-pole single throw switch
B. mercury switch D. fuse C. Single-pole single throw switch
D. Double-pole double throw switch
2. What is another name for full voltage starting?
A. Reduce voltage starting 13. What type of relay is used for protection of motors against
B. Full load starting overload?
C. Direct on line A. Thermal relay C. Buchholz’s relay
D. Starting without a contactor B. Magnetic contactor D. Differential relay
3. How do you call a diagram showing the physical location of the 14. Which of the following is an advantage of a CB over a fuse?
components such as coils, contacts, motors and the like in the A. It is more reliable
actual positions? B. It is cheaper
A. Ladder diagram C. Wiring diagram C. It is easy to detect open, close or trip positions
B. Schematic diagram D. Power flow diagram D. It has a higher current rating
4. In a circuit breaker, the current which exists at the instant of 15. Simplest form of a motor controller.
contact separation is known as A. Magnetic contactor C. Drum switch
A. recovery current C. interrupting current B. Toggle switch D. Relay
B. surge current D. restriking current
16. Which of the following is TRUE regarding a reverse power
5. Relays which verify the condition of the power system or in relay?
protection systems. A. It protects a motor from running in reverse rotation
A. Auxiliary relay C. Programming relay B. It keeps amperage at safe level
B. Regulating relay D. Monitoring relay C. It keeps voltage at safe level
D. It protects a generator from motorizing
6. To control a lamp from five different places, an electrician
would install the following: 17. In a “START-STOP” motor controller using contactors, how
A. three 4-way and two 2-way switches many contactors are needed?
B. two 3-way and three 4-way switches A. Only one C. Either A or B
C. four 3-way and one 4-way switches B. Two D. Any number
D. three 3-way and two 4-way switches
18. If a motor is to be controlled from two different locations, the
7. An electrical timer switch for lighting is normally connected in STOP buttons are connected in
____ with the lighting circuit being controlled. A. series C. series-parallel
A. tandem C. series B. parallel D. parallel-series
B. sequence D. parallel
19. Relay which operates and resets with no intentional time delay.
8. An inverse time characteristic of a fuse means _____. A. Inverse-time relay C. Electromechanical relay
A. higher fault current, longer time needed to cut-off B. Instantaneous-trip relay D. Delay-off relay
B. lower fault current, shorter time needed to cut-off
C. higher fault current, shorter time needed to cut-off 20. Which are mediums for arc extinguishing in a breaker?
D. none of these I. SF6 gas III. Vacuum
II. Oil IV. Air
9. In motor controls, a maintaining contact is what type of A. I, III and IV only C. I, II and IV only
contact? B. I and III only D. All of these
A. Normally open C. Delay-on
B. Normally close D. Delay-off ANSWER KEY
1. A 8. C 15. B
10. A Merz-price protection is suitable for 2. C 9. A 16. D
A. alternators C. transmission lines 3. C 10. A 17. A
B. transformers D. feeders 4. C 11. A 18. A
5. D 12. A 19. B
11. Overload protective devices are rated in ____. 6. B 13. A 20. D
7. C 14. C
A. amperes C. watts
B. coulombs D. volts