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ALENCON, a town of north-western France, capital of the

establishments, ship and boat building, maintenance, repairs and

foliage, Arabic inscriptions, and geometrical patterns wrought

but in consequence of its premature birth, or of the means

Valley was a constant source of supply to the cities of

1889 of a navigable mouth of the Zambezi--the Chinde--and

battle behind them crossed, though with some difficulty. On

position. The great opponent of their Christology, which

that science had succeeded to superstition as the source of

account of the measure, but it seems to have provided grants

existence of vast coal beds in northern Afghanistan. In 1903

current. A small piece of iron placed in this field tends to move

Albrun Pass (Binn to Devero and Baceno), bridle path . . . . . . . . . . .7,907

The islands were annexed by Great Britain in 1888 in view of

and also aided the British, who drew their supplies to a great

erosion of the vent is very rapid unless the escape of the

native chiefs, bewildered and disquieted, thought themselves

Sivas vilayet of Asia Minor and an important trade centre

Peacock, who was one of the earliest mathematicians to recognize

command of an army. The aged chief returned an answer full

butter factories. The amount of ``total solids'' contained in

Altertums (1884), and by Szanto (Greek) and Joh. Schmidt

extends over four days in mining shares and three days in other

the emperor were unaltered; ``but,'' he added, ``God Himself

Vatican library contains a volume of manuscript letters and

by their two sisters, who alone are left of the royal house.

is fertile, yielding wheat, barley, maize, flax, hemp and

of underground chambers for wild beasts, combatants, &c.

1828, shortly after the discontinuance of the Farmers'

universal method, a system of classification distinct from

of Kent during the lifetime of his father AEthelwulf, and

certain species of the genus Ectocarpus--somewhat transparent

than through the rates, and persons sentenced in a foreign

master in discussion, and thus began a long duel that issued

F. Hoffmann announced the base of alum to be an individual

Academy are fond of pointing out that neither Stendhal, nor

obtained as a crystalline powder, on mixing concentrated solutions

necessary to give the fine charcoal a thin coating of calcium

of Sardinia and Spain, the duke of Modena, and the republic

the Danes to retire once more to Essex. At the end of this

life as member of Parliament for Clackmannanshire. This,

1303. The ancient city walls are in some points still

on account of the exhaustion of oxygen. After the bacteria

was the establishment in 1888 of a neutral zone wherein neither

ACEPHALOUS, headless, whether literally or metaphorically,

president of the Royal Astronomical Society for the second time,

IV. c. 57, of the heavy stamp duty, first imposed in 1710,

other. Later investigations, whilst confirming the general

on his curvetting palfrey, in rich attire, with his silver

model before the Greek mind having apparently been the goddess

the system in vogue in the army after the experience gained

goods must be mordanted before dyeing with it (see DYEING.)

body cannot be found, and he is supposed to have been carried

and than shall nat the ryche man ouerpresse the poore man

his attitude in these polemics is always dignified, and his

point emphasized here is the difficulty of drawing the line between

Cavalry and Guards, who are encamped there in succession.

round shields with a central boss instead of the 8-shaped

Pizzo di Coca (Bergamasque). . 10,014 Monte Spinale. . . . . . . . . . .7,094

the valleys of the Rhyndncus, Sangarius and Halys. In Egypt

ABSOLUTISM, in aesthetics, a term applied to the theory

organism. The vegetable kingdom is the original source of

him in the moments of every-day commonplace to be the son of

Tarbes. Pop. (1906) 2283. It is the seat of a bishopric, and

Festo, ed. C. O. Muller) as a Gallic word used by Ennius

were to ascertain the local demand for small holdings, and to

1660, the French government paid great attention to Canada,

discriminating tax is levied if they are not imported from Italy.

ably conservative in beliefs, superstitions and traditions.

number of operators; in the contrary case, when there have

Crete. The language has some apparent affinities with

tree (including, no doubt, tile beech; cp. book, German

Churches, which led to an interchange of correspondence

Campbell in 1850. The British connexion with the Adam Khel

Hazara district in the N.W. Frontier Province, called after

``Private Port'' and the island of Antirrhodus. There has been

to his assistance and offering to accept the British

the opposition of certain of the prophets. The latter found

place. The shipper must pay the agreed freight, and will

salt with sulphuric acid of about 80%, the reaction being

b, Proboscis sheath.

J.C.D. (Juris Canonici Doctor, or Juris Civilis Doctor),

after remaining in the air for about three-quarters of an

new regime weak and unpopular, since there was no force at

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