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By Lihua Zhao: Pop Art Arrives in China

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by Lihua Zhao

op Art was born in Britain in the 1960s, then from Impressionism to Abstract Expressionism to Pop
developed in the United States. It became the Art.
contemporary art form at art schools in the
In 1985, Rauschenberg held an exhibition at the
USA. It was a movement which praised ordinary
China Art Gallery, which was the first Pop Art ever to
things in every day life. When the younger generation
come into China. At that time, the Chinese did not
of artists were experimenting with Dadaism to replace
understand the concept of Pop Art. We did and do
Abstract Expressionism,
not have the same cultural
they discovered that
conditions as in the West in
the consumer culture
which to create Pop Art.
provided a wealth of visual
resources: advertising, In the 1980s, Chinese
trademarks, video images, avant-garde art was
Playboy cover girls, pop criticized mainly on the
stars, fast food, cartoons, basis that it was simply
etc. and they incorporated copying Western art
these images directly in trends and was of little
the paintings, to create a significance to the Chinese
unique, new art form. from a historical or cultural
perspective. It is hard to
Pop Art completely erase the traces
Arrives in China of such accusations, just as
it is impossible to change
Pop Art was originally
history. This factor caused
introduced into China as a
Chinese art to retrogress in
modern Western art form
the early 90s, returning to
in the 1980s. In China
the realism of the 1980s. In
the concept of modern
the 90s, the main art form
Western art is that it went
was Pop Art. Art in China,

Wang Guangyi
“When Pop Art came back into the scene, it was with relevance to China’s history
and culture, rather than a mere imitation of the Western version of the art form.”

then, went backwards the Chinese people in the 1960s and

to some degree as a 1970s: family portraits; traditional
result of the copying Chinese tunics. He tried to capture
and imitation but the unique appearance of the
when Pop Art came Chinese people: the single eyelid;
back into the scene, it the oval face. His paintings depict
was with relevance to the Chinese people’s psychological
China’s history and journey. Posters advertising Zhang
culture, rather than a Yang’s film, Sunflower, used Zhang
mere imitation of the Xiaogang’s well known images from
Western version of the 1960s and 1970s.
the art form. Pop Art
The Chinese political Pop Art
in China became a
represents a memory for the older
historical commentary,
generation. For the young it holds
social and political,
a mystery that cannot be explained
and in this it thrived.
in words. And
Zhang Xiaogang for the Western
More Recent collector,
Shows perhaps

I n 2002, Shen Zhen Hexiangning Art

Museum held a special exhibition
called “The Image is Power.” Wang
it simply
Guangyi, Zhang Xiaogang and Fang collectible
Lijun exhibited their works together. value. In
Wang Guangyi, an extremely sensitive contemporary
contemporary artist, was perhaps China, the
the first Chinese painter to really political
understand the essence of Pop Art. significance
He created images of the worker, of the Pop Art
the farmer, the soldier during the is most easily
Cultural Revolution, along with images of Coca accepted by the West. On March 31 , 2006, the

Cola, cosmetics and so on. He did not paint common Sufubi auction house in New York held an auction
images. He was very careful about the meaning of of Asian contemporary art, organized by the Asian
what he painted and the message was, for him, much Art Week. Zhang Xiaogang’s The Blood: Comrade
more important than the technique of painting itself. No.120 from his “Big Family” series of portraits
He wanted his pieces to directly reflect contemporary fetched a stellar $979,200. The price was so high
life. that it probably helped to promote political Pop Art
in China. Inevitably, some artists decided to follow
Zhang Xiaogang was not quite so clearly involved
suit and produce works as crude as that of Zhang
in Pop Art. His series on the “big family” showed
Xiaogang’s political pieces.
Fang Lijun
Fang Lijun, as a
representative of one
of the most important
new artistic trends,
joined with other
artists to try to create
a unique discourse. In particular, since 1988,
he has created works in a series of “skinhead
hooligan” images. These images became an
icon, portraying the contemporary mood of
the Chinese culture, showing that survival was
uncertain and the people were insecure. Fang
Lijun expresses humor, ridicule or sarcasm
through the characters in his works, yawning,
gaping or silly expressions, showing the backs
of their heads, trying to convey the mindset
of people at the time.
Moreover, he created the skinhead images
using himself or his own friends as models,
making this a self-mocking satire.
6. A key point is the impact of mainstream Western
Causes for Pop Art’s culture.
Acceptance in China
Chinese Artists
S ince the 1990s, art has indeed undergone
unimaginable changes. Looking into the cause of
Go Global
this change, several factors can be listed:
1. The effects of Chinese economic development and
S ufubi Auction Company’s European and Asian
president---Hu Kai said in an exclusive interview
with Xinhua (prominent Chinese media), “The
political stagnation.
surprise today is the follow-on from the successful
2. Artists were upset because they couldn’t sell their New York auction which shows that Chinese
work and were not making an income. Society is contemporary art has been redefined in the world
driven by money. market. We have reason to believe that Chinese
contemporary art has begun to make its way into
3. Lack of morality generally and art conscience
the world market and the market will continue to
grow. At the auction in New York, 52% of the works
4. The influence of foreign art dealers guiding the were bought by private collectors in the United
trends. States and collectors came from all over the world.
This shows the world is interested in contemporary
5. The globalization process and the impact of
Chinese art.” He said that in addition to the new look
international mainstream culture.
of contemporary Chinese art, when Chinese artists
“When Pop Art came back into the scene, it was with relevance to China’s history
and culture, rather than a mere imitation of the Western version of the art form.”

Wang Guangyi

matter to create a new type

of contemporary Chinese art,
an art form which enables the
Chinese to better understand
the artist’s spiritual world and,
at the same time, allows the
modern Chinese artist to enter
the world art marketplace
with a much better chance of
success. ✍

created new works they followed internationally

popular trends because they wanted their work to
sell better.
Hu Kai continues, “Today the world is paying
close attention to China’s strong economic
growth. Chinese artists have experienced a great
increase in self-confidence and their artistic
quality has greatly improved. This has naturally
aroused the enthusiasm and interest of the
collectors. China’s strong economy has helped
China enter the international art world. Business
at Sotheby’s in Hong Kong grew by over 40%
last year. The prices and size of the recent Hong
Kong auction is unprecedented. Our company’s
focus has shifted to the mainland Chinese

A Breath
of Fresh Air

A ctually Pop Art was an inspiration and a benefit

for Chinese artists. It has made it possible for
contemporary artists in China to use Pop Art’s subject
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