Liquid Liquid Extractor
Liquid Liquid Extractor
Liquid Liquid Extractor
Fig. 1.
U.S. Patent Jan. 15, 1991 Sheet 2 of 4 4,985,141
U.S. Patent Jan. 15, 1991 Sheet 3 of 4 4,985,141
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U.S. Patent Jan. 15, 1991 Sheet 4 of 4 4,985,141
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ing means for sensing the air pressure supplied to the
LIQUID-LIQUID CONTACTOR COLUMNS air-lift means and providing electrical signals corre
sponding to the pressure. The air-lift need not be pulsed.
This invention relates to liquid-liquid contactor col When the column is pulsed, electrical means for pro
S. cessing said signals may discriminate between first sig
One form of contactor is the pulsed column type in nal components attributable to pulsing of the column
which the rate of mass transfer is enhanced by hydraulic and second signal components attributable to pulsing of
pulsation of the liquids in the column through packing the air-lift means.
within the column, one liquid forming a continuous The air-lift may deliver liquid from below a continu
phase and the other a dispersed phase. O ous phase inlet to a separate settler vessel.
In one known design of pulsed column for use in As used herein, "air-lift means' is to be construed as
situations where a solute-containing aqueous liquid covering the use of air or other gases to feed contents of
(such as uranium/plutonium-bearing nitric acid) consti the column to a receiver.
tutes the dispersed phase and flows downwardly The electrical signal processing means may also be
through the column for contact with a continuous phase 15 arranged to effect averaging of the electrical signals
constituted by a solvent extractant such as tri-n-butyl produced by sensing means. In practice, the average
phosphate diluted with odourless kerosene, a phase pressure prevailing in the air-supply line to the air-lift
disengaging section, known as the settler, is located at means is related to the dispersed phase hold-up prevail
the bottom of the column. To secure stable operation of ing within the column, i.e. average pressure increases
the column and satisfactory mass transfer between the 20 generally linearly with column weight (which is a mea
two phases, it is necessary to regulate the position of the sure of dispersed phase hold-up).
liquid-liquid interface within the settler and conse The electronic signal processing means may comprise
quently, to enable such regulation to be effected, the means for detecting variation of the first and/or second
position of the interface has to be monitored. One signal components, and means responsive to the detect
method of monitoring for this purpose involves the use 25 ing means for modifying operation of the column and
of pneumercators inserted into each phase for measur /or the air-lift means in dependence upon such varia
ing differential pressure in the settler, and signal pro tions.
cessing circuitry connected to the pneumercators. For example, if the detecting means detects a change
However, because the bottom settler is subject to the in the amplitude of the first signal component (which
pulsating pressure head exerted by the column, accurate 30 change may be indicative of a change in the operational
sensing of the interface is difficult and involves the use state of means for pulsing the column in the case where
of complex electronics for performing the necessary the column is a pulsed column), the modifying means
signal processing. Moreover, the interface is not, in may act on the column-pulsing means in such a way as
practice, a well-defined boundary-instead it comprises to restore the amplitude of the first signal component to
a dispersion band formed by an emulsion of the two 35 a predetermined value or a value lying within a prede
phases. termined range.
It has previously been proposed to employ a separate Similarly, if the detecting means detects a change in
or external settler instead of using a section of the the frequency of the first signal component, then the
pulsed column as the settler. In this instance, a mixture modifying means may act on timing means associated
of the two liquid phases is pumped by an air-lift from with the column-pulsing means to restore the column
the bottom of the column into a separate settler where pulsing frequency to a predetermined value or a value
they are separated, the separated lower density phase within a predetermined range.
then being available for recycle to the column and the In another instance, if the detecting means detects a
separated higher density phase being passed, via a lute, change in the averaged output of the electrical process
to subsequent process operations. With an external set 45 ing means (indicating a change in the dispersed phase
tler, the position of the liquid-liquid interface is essen hold up), the modifying means may act to change the air
tially determined by substantially non-variable parame supply to the air-lift means and thereby counteract the
ters, such as: the relative heights of the lower density change in dispersed phase hold up.
phase off-take and the lute for the higher density phase; In other circumstances, the modifying means may act
the densities of the two phases; their relative propor 50 to shut down operation of the column; for instance, if
tions in the dispersion band; and the flow resistances the first signal component is absent this is indicative of
present. In practice, the parameters may be selected so malfunction of the column-pulsing means and column
that the interface lies at a substantially well-defined operation may be shut down while the malfunction is
level and the interface remains in this position (in the rectified.
absence of fault conditions) because any fluctuations in 55 The invention may be performed in various ways and
the flowrates of the liquids to the settler result in only some specific embodiments with possible modifications
slight changes in the relative heights of the separated will now be described by way of example with refer
liquids at the lute for the higher density phase and the ence to the accompanying drawings, in which:
off-take for the lower density phase. FIG. 1 shows an extractor column;
In pulsed columns using an integral settler in situa FIG. 2 shows another column;
tions where radioactive liquors are being handled, vari FIG. 3 shows a column with external settler;
ous parameters such as interface movement, total col FIG. 4 shows a pulsed column; and
umn height (and hence dispersed phase hold-up), pull FIG. 5 shows a graph.
sing amplitude and pulsing frequency can be monitored The invention is applicable to any form of liquid-liq
by means of a system of pneumercators. 65 uid contactor column.
According to this invention there is provided a liq In the arrangement, operation of the column is moni
uid-liquid contactor column including air-lift means for tored using the pressure in an air-lift riser of an air-lift,
lifting liquid from a lower part of the column, and hav the air-lift being used to remove the heavier phase.
3 4.
Referring to FIG. 1, the plant comprises a liquid-liq In FIG. 2, the liquid-liquid interface for heavy phase
uid contactor column 10 fitted in conventional manner dispersal is at 41, the level of lighter phase (solvent)
with a large number of horizontally disposed perforated being at 43. In this case also slugs of heavier phase liquid
plates (or sieve plates) 11. The column 10 is supplied are delivered at 27.
with an organic solvent phase via line 16. An aqueous In FIG. 3, the lift 26 feeds an external settler 24 which
phase is supplied to the column via line 22. Where the comprises a settler vessel 36 provided with an air-disen
column forms part of a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant, trainment chamber 38 via which the mixed phases are
the aqueous phase typically comprises nitric acid con fed to the vessel 36. Phase disengagement takes place in
taining dissolved nuclear fuel and the solvent phase the settler, the interface between the two phases being
typically comprises tri-n-butyl phosphate in an odour O indicated at 40. The lighter phase may be taken off via
less kerosene diluent. The column may be operated with a recycle line 20 connecting with a main supply line 18
the aqueous liquor as the dispersed phase. and with line 16, and the heavier phase e.g. aqueous
Following thorough dispersion and mixing, with raffinate being taken off via a lute arrangement 42 and
accompanying mass transfer of solute between the pha line 44 for subsequent treatment.
ses, the phases are withdrawn continuously from the 15 FIG. 4 shows a pulsed column arrangement having
column 10 with the heavier phase by means of air-lift similarity to FIG. 3. In this case the column is pulsed in
limb 26 supplied with air via air supply line 28, and the known manner by a pulsing device 14 (including timer
lighter phase overflows through line 31. The plant, if means 14a) which applies pulses of well-defined ampli
employed for nuclear fuel reprocessing, is contained tude and frequency to the contents of the column
within shielding, part of which is depicted by reference 20 through a pulsing limb 12. In this case the peaks 50 FIG.
numeral 30. The air supply line 28 passes through the 5 are present and correspond to pulsing of the column
shielding 30. Flow through the line 28 is controllable by i.e. the superimposed perturbation has a frequency and
a flow-controlling valve 32 and the pressure in the line amplitude governed by the frequency and amplitude
28 is sensed by a pressure transducer 34, both the valve imparted to the column by the pulsing device 14. The
32 and the transducer 34 being located externally of the 25 -signals on line 58 will include a component attributable
shielded containment cell. to column pulsing.
The liquid-liquid interface for light phase dispersal is In this case for example, if a blockage occurs between
at 29 and the lighter phase (the solvent) is removed at the column 10 and the air inlet point of the limb 26, the
31. The heavier phase is removed by the air lift 26. higher frequency component (i.e. peaks 50) will be ab
In operation, the air-lift action creates a series of air 30 sent and, in this event, automatic shut-down of the plant
pockets within the air-lift limb 26 which transport slugs may be initiated. Also, the instrumentation 52 may in
of the heavier phase to an external receiver, the slugs clude circuitry for monitoring the frequency and ampli
being delivered at regular intervals. FIG. 5 illustrates tude of the signal component corresponding to column
variation of the air pressure in air-supply line 28 as pulsing so that, if the frequency and/or amplitude devi
sensed by the transducer. It will be seen that the trans 35 ates from certain values or ranges, the controller 52
ducer output consists of a series of pulses 46 corre produces corrective signals on line 56 to effect adjust
sponding to build-up of the air pockets in the air-lift ment of the pulsing device 14.
limb 26 followed by troughs 48 corresponding to the air It will be understood that the columns of FIGS. 1 to
pocket and slug travel up the limb. For a given air flow 3 could be pulsed.
rate, set by valve 32, the troughs 48 occur at regular Thus, in any extraction or liquid-liquid contactor
intervals. The pulses 46 as shown have a higher fre column an air-lift can be used to lift the more dense
quency oscillation superimposed thereon comprising a (heavy) phase from the base of the column to a product
series of regularly-spaced peaks 50 referred to below. receiver and or another part of the process.
The peaks 50 are absent in operation of the FIG. 1 The pressure of the air in the air-lift riser can be used
arrangement. 45 to monitor the total weight of the liquids in the column
The output of the transducer 34 is fed to electronic and hence the dispersed phase hold-up (DPHU). This in
processing instrumentation 52, which may be computer turn can be used to monitor the approach to flooding in
based, for producing a record of the pressure variations the column since, as the flow-rates of the liquids fed to
occurring during operation of the plant. The instrumen the column are increased, the DPHU increases. At
tation 52 serves to process the signals derived from the SO some point the limiting flow-rates are reached and the
transducer 34 so as to determine the signal content column will flood.
attributable to the slugging action of the air-lift limb 26. The column can be monitored in this way regardless
In this way, malfunctions of the plant can be detected of whether the phase separating interface is at the top of
from a single signal obtained from a sensor 34 located the column, the base of the column or in an external
externally of the shielding cell. 55 settler, see FIGS. 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively.
The instrumentation 52 may function as a controller The instrumentation 52 may include electronic signal
for adjusting various control components of the plant in processing means arranged to average the electrical
dependence upon the signal components present in the signals from the sensing means. The processing means
output of the pressure transducer. For instance, if the may comprise means for detecting variation of the first
value of the transducer signal, after averaging by the and/or second signal components, and means respon
instrumentation 52, deviates from a pre-set value, the sive to the detecting means for modifying operation of
latter may adjust the flow valve 32 via control line 58 to the column and/or the air-lift means in dependence
restore the averaged value of the transducer signal to a upon such variations. The detecting means and modify
desired value or within a desired range. ing means may act as indicated above.
The plates 11 can be replaced by other forms of pack 65 We claim:
ing, for example Raschig rings, Lessing rings, wire 1. A liquid-liquid contactor column including air-lift
mesh, and can take the form of fixed material with suffi means for lifting liquid from a lower part of the column
cient voidage to allow flow of the liquids. to a liquid outlet, and means for sensing air pressure
5 6
supplied to the air-lift means and for providing electri 6. A column as claimed in claim 5, constructed to
cal signals responsive to the sensed pressure. operate such that if the detecting means detects a
2. A column as claimed in claim 1, including electrical change in the amplitude of the first signal component,
means for processing the signals. the modifying means acts on the column-pulsing means
3. A column as claimed in claim 2, in which the elec to restore the amplitude of the first signal component to
trical means for processing the signals is arranged to a predetermined value or to a value lying within a pre
effect averaging of the signals. determined range.
4. A liquid-liquid contactor column including air-lift 7. A column as claimed in claim 5, constructed to
means for lifting liquid from a lower part of the column operate such that if the detecting means detects a
to a liquid outlet, means for sensing air pressure supplied 10 change in the frequency of the first signal component,
to the air-lift means and for providing electrical signals the modifying means acts on timing means associated
responsive to the sensed pressure, including means for with the column-pulsing means to restore the column
pulsing the column, and electrical means for processing pulsing frequency to a predetermined value or to a
the signals, wherein the electrical means for processing value within a predetermined range.
the signals discriminates between first signal compo 15 8. A column as claimed in claim 5, constructed to
nents attributable to pulsing of the column and second operate such that if the detecting means detects a
signal components attributable to pulsing of the air-lift change in the averaged output of the electrical process
e2S ing means, the modifying means acts to change the air
5. A column as claimed in claim 4, in which the signal supply to the air-lift means to counteract change in
processing means comprises means for detecting varia dispersed phase hold-up.
tion of the first and/or second signal components, and 9. A column as claimed in claim 5, in which the modi
means responsive to the detecting means for modifying fying means is adapted to shut down operation of the
operation of the column and/or the air-lift means in column.
dependence upon such variations. k k se g
PATENT NO. : 4, 985, l4l
DATED : January l5, l99l
INVENTOR(S) : Douglas E. Parker and Dennis H. Logsdail
It is certified that error appears in the above-identified patent and that said Letters Patent
is hereby Corrected as shown below: