Handout Reading IV-5-6

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The following charl outlines the kev information that you should remember about
main idea questions.


HOW TO IDENTIFY What is the topic of the possage?
THE QUESTION What is the subject of this passage?
What is the main idea of the passageT
What is the author's main point in the passage?
With what is the author primarily concerned?
Which of the followinq would be the best title?

WHERE TO FIND The answer to this type of question can generally be determined
THE ANSWER by looking at the first sentence of each paragraph.

'1. Read the first line of each paragraph.
2. Look for a common theme or idea in the first lines.
3. Pass your eyes quickly over the rest of the passage to check
that you really have found the topic sentence(s).
4. Eliminate any definitely wrong answers and choose the best
answer from the remaininq choices.

TOEFL EXERCISE 1: Studv each of the passages, and choose the best answers to
the questions that follow. In this exercise, each paragraph is follorved bv rrlo main
idea, topic, or title questions so that voll can practice this type of question. On
the TOEFL test, one passage u,ould probably not have trvo such questions because
thev are so similar.

PASSAGE ONE (Qtrcstions 1*2)

Most of the ice on the Earth, ciose to 90 pelcent of it, is covering the surface of the
continent Antarctica. It does not snow very much in Antarctica, but vnhatever snow does
fall remains and grorvs deeper and deeper. In some areas o{'Antarctica, the ice has perhaps
been around for as much as a million vears ancl norv is more than two miles deep.

1. The main iclea of the passage is that 2. 'f he best title for the passage is
(A) the Earth is a cold planet (A) Snorvfall in Antarctica
(B) most of the Earlh s ice is found in (B) The Ic1' Earth
Antarctica (C) The Cold, Cold Snor,r,
(C) it snows more in Antarctica than (D) The Cattses of Antarctica's Ice
in anv other place on E,arth Pack
(D) Antarctica is onlv trvo nriles rvide
but is 90 oercent ice

PASSAGE T1,l!O (Que.stiorts 3-4)

'fhe ertrenlelv hot irncl htrmid weather that occurs in the Unitecl States in
Julv ancl
August is commonh'called the "dog da1''s" o[ sumrner. This name comes from the star
Sir-ir.rs, u'hich is knt>rt'n as the Dog Star. Sirius is the brightest visible stzr4 and in the hot
Lirte summer monlhs it rises in the east at approximately the same time as the Sun. As
(.5) ancient people sar,u'this star rising r,iith the Sun u,hen the rveather was at its hottest,
thev be'lieved tl"rat Sirius rt'as tlre cause of the additional heat; ther,'belier-ed that this
bright star added i1s heat to the heat of the Sun, and these tu,o together macle summer
u'eathc-r' .so unbearabl', hot.

3. The topic of this passage is 4. The main idea of this passage is that
(A) horv dogs like to plzw'dr"rring the (A) the name for the sunrmer davs
sunlffler carne fror-n Sirius, tlre Dog Star
(B) the callses ol'hot and hrrmid (B) dogs generallv prefer hot sumnrer
r,'u,eathet' cla.\,s
(C) rvhv the hot sumlner dar.s are (c) the l-rottest da'us occur- in the
knon'n as the "dog davs" sllmmer because oltthe
(D) the davs that dogs pr-efer movements of the Strn and
(D) Sirir.rs rises at almost the same
time as the Sun during the
sunlmer rrronths

PA.SS.IGE THREE (Questions 5-6)

The term "primitive art" has been used in a varietv of r,r,al,s to describe rvorks ancl
stvles rlf at't. One 'u'n'al that this term has been usecl is to describe the earlv pc.riocl u,itlrin
the development of a cet'tain st1'le of art. Another \\'av that this term has been usecl is to
Line dc'scribe at'tists rvho hale rcceivecl little professional training and u,ho demonstrate a
(5) nontraditional naivete in their u'ork.
A u'onderfttl example' of this second trpe of primitive artist is Grandma Moses, l,lrc->
spent all herr Iifc living on a farm and wnrking at tasks normallv associated rvith t'arnr
liFe. She did not begin paintir-r-e until she reached the age of ser,entv-sir. rvhen she
sr,i'itched to painting ll-om embloiderv because the ar-tl'rritis in her hands macle
(10) embroiden'too difficult. Totalh'without formal education in art, she began creating
panclranlic images of everydav life on the farm that have achieved international fame.

5. The strbject of this passage is 6. Which of the {ollou'ing best expresses

(A) an example of one of the 11,pes of the main idea of the passage?
primitive art (A) Grandma Moses spent her life on
(B) Grandma Mosesi life on the t-arm a farnr.
(C) horv primitive art differs from (B) Art critics cannot come to anv
formal art agl'eement on a definition of
(D) Grandrna Moses's prinriti vc primitir,'e ar-1,.
Ii festr4e (C) Grandma Moses is one tvpe of
plirnitive artist because of hcr
lack of for-mal trnining.
(D) Manv arlists rc.cciver little
prolcss ion:il training.

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