Handout Reading IV-5-6
Handout Reading IV-5-6
Handout Reading IV-5-6
The following charl outlines the kev information that you should remember about
main idea questions.
WHERE TO FIND The answer to this type of question can generally be determined
THE ANSWER by looking at the first sentence of each paragraph.
'1. Read the first line of each paragraph.
2. Look for a common theme or idea in the first lines.
3. Pass your eyes quickly over the rest of the passage to check
that you really have found the topic sentence(s).
4. Eliminate any definitely wrong answers and choose the best
answer from the remaininq choices.
TOEFL EXERCISE 1: Studv each of the passages, and choose the best answers to
the questions that follow. In this exercise, each paragraph is follorved bv rrlo main
idea, topic, or title questions so that voll can practice this type of question. On
the TOEFL test, one passage u,ould probably not have trvo such questions because
thev are so similar.
1. The main iclea of the passage is that 2. 'f he best title for the passage is
(A) the Earth is a cold planet (A) Snorvfall in Antarctica
(B) most of the Earlh s ice is found in (B) The Ic1' Earth
Antarctica (C) The Cold, Cold Snor,r,
(C) it snows more in Antarctica than (D) The Cattses of Antarctica's Ice
in anv other place on E,arth Pack
(D) Antarctica is onlv trvo nriles rvide
but is 90 oercent ice
3. The topic of this passage is 4. The main idea of this passage is that
(A) horv dogs like to plzw'dr"rring the (A) the name for the sunrmer davs
sunlffler carne fror-n Sirius, tlre Dog Star
(B) the callses ol'hot and hrrmid (B) dogs generallv prefer hot sumnrer
r,'u,eathet' cla.\,s
(C) rvhv the hot sumlner dar.s are (c) the l-rottest da'us occur- in the
knon'n as the "dog davs" sllmmer because oltthe
(D) the davs that dogs pr-efer movements of the Strn and
(D) Sirir.rs rises at almost the same
time as the Sun during the
sunlmer rrronths