Performance Analysis of Wind... Sudan
Performance Analysis of Wind... Sudan
Performance Analysis of Wind... Sudan
Prepared By:
Mohammed Bushra Salim Salih
Supervised By:
Dr. Nagm Aldeen Abdo Mustafa Hassanain
September 2017
قال تعالى:
I owe my gratitude to my father, my mother, my brothers, my sisters
and my family members for all their love and support during my personal and
professional education.
First of all, I would like to express my deep and sincere gratitude to my
supervisor Dr. Nagm Aldeen Abdo Mustafa for his excellent supervision
and helps during this work. It is a pleasure for me to take the opportunity to
thank all my colleagues also for support. Also, thank to my father Bushra
Salim Salih who works at the General Meteorological Authority for giving
me all information and data I need, and to my grandfather Omer Babikir
Salman for his huge support in editing the research language. Another thanks
to my friends Eng. Mazin Khalid, and Eng. Ahmed Mohamed at the
National Dispatch Center for their help in the needed system data.
The development of wind turbines and the capacities of wind power
plants have increased significantly in the last years, more and more wind
farms are being connected into power systems. Integration of large scale wind
farms into power systems presents some challenges that must be addressed,
such as system operation and control, system stability, and power quality.
Wind power plants must provide the power quality required by new
regulations and the reliability of the power system that is interconnected to. It
is very important to analyze and understand the sources of disturbances that
affect the power quality. In this research, the performance of three different
popular wind generators that are connected to the power system have been
Based on this analysis a comparison was made for the three wind
turbines studied that are: the Squirrel-Cage Induction Generator (SCIG),
commonly called the Single-Fed Induction Generator (SFIG), the Doubly-Fed
Induction Generator (DFIG), and the Permanent-Magnet Synchronous
Generator (PMSG). The fixed speed system is more simple and reliable, but
severely limits the energy production of a wind turbine. In case of variable
speed systems, comparisons show that generator of similar rating can
significantly enhance energy capture. Moreover, the performances of these
wind turbines and their characteristics are analyzed in steady-state, and in
addition of that after connected to Sudan national grid. Wind turbines systems
are modeled in MATLAB/SIMULINK, and ETAP environments. Simulation
results matched well with the theoretical turbines operation.
إن التطور في توليد الطاقة الكهربائية من طاقة الرياح والنمو المتزايد في سعات مولداتها
ازداد بصورة واضحة في السنوات األخيرة ،كما أن العديد من الحقول المستخدمة لتجميع هذه الطاقة
تم دمجها مع الشبكات الكهربائية ولكن دمج هذه الحقول ذات السعات الكبيرة يقابل بالعديد من
التحديات التي من المفترض تسليط الضوء عليها كالتشغيل والتحكم في هذه األنظمة ودراسة
البد من توفير الطاقة الكهربائية من طاقة الرياح حسب الجودة والمواصفات ودليل
االعتمادية المحدد لهذا النظام المتصلة معه ومن هذا األساس فمن المهم فهم وتحليل مصادر
االضطراب والضعف التي تؤثر بصورة كبيرة عل جودة الطاقة المنتجة للمستهلك .وفي هذا البحث تم
تحليل أداء أهم ثالث أنواع من المولدات المستخدمة بصورة كبيرة في هذه الحقول وبناء على هذا
التحليل تمت المقارنة بين هذه المولدات والتي هي المولد الحثي ذو القفص السنجابي والذي عادة ما
يطلق عليه المولد الحثي آحادي التغذية ،ثانيا المولد الحثي ثنائي التغذية ،وثالثا المولد التزامني ذو
من خالل الدراسة والتحليل وجد أن المولدات التي تعمل عند سرعة رياح ثابتة أو محدودة
التغيير أنها بسيطة ولكنها ضعيفة في إنتاج الطاقة عكس المولدات التي تعمل عند سرعات متغيرة
وعند نفس السعة وجد أنها تعمل على تحسين الطاقة المتولدة وباإلضافة إلى ذالك تحسين الشبكة
المرتبطة معها .تم تحليل هذه المولدات بعد إضافتها للشبكة القومية عن مع التركيز على تحليل أثرها
هما بكثرة مستخدمين برنامجين طريق عن الخرطوم والية نقل شبكة على
Content Page
اآلية i
المستخلص v
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Problem Statement 3
1.3 Objectives 3
1.4 Methodology 4
1.5 Thesis Layout 4
2.1 Introduction 5
2.1.1 Advantages of wind energy systems 5
2.1.2 Disadvantages of wind energy systems 6
2.2 System Components 6
2.3 The Tower 8
2.4 Speed Control 8
2.4.1 Stall-controlled machines 9
2.4.2 Pitch-controlled turbines 9
2.4.3 Active stall-control 9
2.5 Wind Turbines 9
2.6 Generators 11
2.6.1 Single-fed Induction generator 11 Principles of operation 12
vi Pitch angle control system 13
2.6.2 The doubly-fed induction generator 13 Back-to-back converter 14 Principles of operation 16 Rotor side control system 17 Grid side control system 19 Pitch angle control system 20
2.6.3 Induction generator transients 21 Starting transient 21 Reswitching transient 21 Short Circuit 22
2.6.4 Variable-speed synchronous generators 22
2.6.5 Generator comparison 23
2.7 Power Electronics 23
2.7.1 AC/DC inverters (rectifiers) 24
2.7.2 DC/AC inverters 24
2.7.3 AC/AC inverters 24
2.7.4 DC/DC inverters (choppers) 24
2.7.5 Passive compensation equipment (capacitors) 24
2.8 Power in the Wind 25
2.9 Maximum Power 25
2.10 Wind Turbine Power Curve 29
3.1 Introduction 30
3.2 Basic Theory of Connection Wind Farm into Grid 31
3.3 Power Variation and Grid Reaction 32
3.3.1 Power variations due to wind gusts 32
3.3.2 Power variations due to tower shadow effects 33
3.3.3 Switching operations 33
3.3.4 Reactive power 33
3.3.5 Flicker 33
3.3.6 Harmonics due to inverters 33
3.3.7 Inrush current 34
3.3.8 Load transient 35
3.4 Operating Limit 36
3.4.1 Voltage regulation 36
3.4.2 Stability limit 37
3.5 Standards and Requirements of Connection 38
3.5.1 Safety relevant set values 38
3.5.2 Lightning protection 39
3.5.3 Safety 39
3.5.4 Reactive power compensation 40
3.6 System Modelling and Design 40
3.6.1 Wind turbine design and characteristics 40
3.6.2 Drive train modelling 41
3.6.3 Asynchronous generator 42
3.6.4 Synchronous generator 42
3.6.5 Wind farm construction and Components 43
3.6.6 Sudan national grid and khartoum 110KV transmission 43
4.1 Introduction 46
4.2 Characteristics and Pitch Angle for Three Types of the 47
4.3 Performance of the Farms using SFIG, DFIG, and PMSG 50
4.3.1 Voltage profiles 50
4.3.2 Active power 51
4.3.3 Reactive power 53
4.3.4 Rotor speed 55
4.4 Power Flow Analysis 56
4.5 Harmonic Analysis 60
4.6 Transient Fault Analysis 62
5.1 Conclusion 66
5.2 Recommendations 67
Appendix A 71
Appendix B 73
Figur Title Page
2.1 Principal components of most wind energy conversion 7
2.2 Wind energy towers 8
2.3 HAWT (a) upwind, (b) downwind, and (c) VAWT 10
2.4 Single fed induction generator system 12
2.5 Single fed induction generator pitch angle control system 13
2.6 A wound-rotor, doubly-fed induction generator 14
2.7 Back to back converter based wind turbine generator 15
2.8 Turbine characteristics and tracking characteristic 18
2.9 Rotor-side converter control system 19
2.10 Grid-side converter control system 20
2.11 Pitch control system 20
2.12 Induction machine starting and accelerating characteristic 21
2.13 A gearless, variable-speed synchronous generator with 22
full-capacity converters
2.14 Approaching wind slows and expands as aportion of its 26
kinetic energy is extracted by the wind turbine, forming
the steam tube
2.15 Rotors with fewer blades reach their optimum efficiency 28
at higher rotational speeds
2.16 Idealized power curve 29
3.1 Electrical schematic of the grid-connected variable speed 30
wind power system
3.2 (a) Illustrates an example of one line diagram of wind 31
farm connection to a grid and (b) phasor diagram
3.3 Power versus power angle showing static and dynamic 37
stability limits of the link line.
3.4 The lightning protection of the wind system 39
3.5 Wind turbine Simulink model 41
3.6 Components of the farm 43
3.7 Sudan national grid 44
3.8 Khartoum 110KV transmission system 45
4.1 Wind speed variation 46
4.2 Output power characteristics for turbine connected with 47
4.3 Pitch angle variation of SFIG 47
4.4 Output power characteristics for turbine connected with 48
4.5 Pitch angle variation of DFIG 48
4.6 Output power characteristics for turbine connected with 48
4.7 Pitch angle variation of PMSG 49
4.8 Output voltage of SFIG 50
4.9 Output voltage of DFIG 50
4.10 Output voltage of PMSG 51
4.11 Output active power of SFIG 52
4.12 Output active power of DFIG 52
4.13 Output active power of PMSG 52
4.14 Output reactive power of SFIG 53
4.15 Output reactive power of DFIG 54
4.16 Output reactive power of PMSG 54
4.17 Rotor speed variation of SFIG 55
4.18 Rotor speed variation of DFIG 55
4.19 Rotor speed variation of PMSG 56
4.20 110KV system MW losses 59
4.21 110KV system MVAR losses 59
4.22 Voltage wave forms of the wind farms one 61
4.23 Current wave form of the TL from farm one 62
4.24 Busses voltage during fault without wind farms 63
4.25 Busses voltage during fault with wind farms 63
4.36 Terminal voltage of the farms during in case of faults 64
Table Title Page
3.1 Safety relevant set values 38
4.1 Comparison of the characteristics between the three types 49
4.2 Comparison of the voltages of the three types 51
4.3 Comparison of the output active power of the three types 53
4.4 Comparison of the output reactive power of the three 54
4.5 Comparison of the rotor speed of the three types 56
4.6 110KV Khartoum buses voltages 57
4.7 110KV Khartoum active power flows (MW) 58
4.8 110KV Khartoum reactive power flows (MVAR) 58
4.9 110KV Khartoum transmission system losses 59
4.10 Total system buses voltages harmonics (THD (%)) 60
4.11 Total system branch current harmonics (THD (%)) 61
4.12 Total harmonics distortion allowable (THD) 62
4.13 Summary of comparison between the three types 65
Symbol Meaning
v Volt
Ω Ohm
A Ampere
V Voltage, V
I Current, A
m Mass, Kg
S Apparent power, VA
v Speed, m/s
R Resistance, Ω
X Reactance, Ω
Z Impedance, Ω
VL Line voltage, v
IL Line current, A
A Cross-sectional area, 𝑚2
HAWT Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines
1.1 Background
The earth’s fossil energy resources are limited, and the global oil, gas
and coal production will become beyond their peak in the next decades, and
price rises will continue. At the same time there is strong political opposition
against strengthening nuclear power in many parts of the world. In this
scenario, renewable energies will have to contribute more and more to the
world’s ever rising need of energy in the future [1]. Renewables are climate-
friendly forms of energy, due to the absence of emissions detrimental to the
environment. The savings especially in carbon-dioxide and Sulphur dioxide
emissions are a significant advantage over fossil power stations. Hence a main
role is assigned to renewable energy in the proclaimed fight against climate
change [1].
The major source of renewable energies is the sun, with some forms
also attributed to the earth and the moon. Utilization of renewables is mostly
with conversion into electrical energy. The use of wind power conversion in
larger ratings has begun only in the 1980s. Backed by intense technical
development, unit ratings have grown fast into the MW range, and wind parks
were erected in large numbers with considerable increase rates [1]. The
energy from renewable sources is partly already competitive in price, and
partly supported by state legislative to promote their share in the market.
Wind energy systems are about to reach the competitiveness before long.
The wind is a free, clean, and inexhaustible energy source. It has served
mankind well for many centuries by propelling ships and driving wind
turbines to grind grain and pump water. The world’s first wind turbine used to
generate electricity was built by a Dane, Poul la Cour, in 1891. It is especially
interesting to note that la Cour used the electricity generated by his turbines to
electrolyze water, producing hydrogen for gaslights in the local schoolhouse
[1]. In the United States, the first wind-electric systems were built in the late
1890s, and by the 1930s and 1940s, hundreds of thousands of small-capacity,
wind electric systems were in use in rural areas not yet served by the
electricity grid. In 1941, a wind turbine comparable in size to the largest ones
in operation at the turn of the century went into operation at Grandpa’s Knob
in Vermont. Interest in wind power lagged, however, when cheap and
plentiful petroleum products became available after World War two. The high
capital costs and the uncertainty of the wind placed wind power at an
economic disadvantage [1]
Sudan is rich in land and water resources. Sudan like most of the oil
importing countries suffered a lot from sharp increase of oil prices in the last
decades, spending most of its hard currency earnings in importing oil, but
could not meet the increasing demand. Oil bill consumes more than 50% of
the income earnings. The oil share is only 12% of the total energy
consumption. Biomass (wood-fuel, agricultural residues and animal waste)
utilized as fuel source is dominating Sudan’s energy picture, accounting for
about 87% of the country’s total energy consumption [2].
The electricity sector represented at most 1% of the total energy
supplies (55% from hydropower and 45% from thermal generation) and there
is no wind energy for electricity generation in Sudan. The household sector
consumed 60% of the total electricity supplies. Renewable energy
technologies such as solar, wind, biomass, etc., become more important since
there are local resources and indefinite sources of energy. Renewable energy
is needed, especially in rural areas and small communities. Renewable
sources of energy are regional and site specific [2].
The renewable strategy is well integrated in the national energy plan
and clearly spelled out in the national energy policy, but this is not enough. It
has to be integrated in the regional development plans. The role of renewable
energy is big in solving essential life problems especially in rural areas for
people and their resource development like the availing of energy for the
medical services for people and animal, provision of water, education,
communication and rural small industries [2].
The main source of energy which are applicable in Sudan for rural
areas now are solar, wind and biomass for small power supplies for
households, rural electrification, communications and special applications,
health centers, potable water and irrigation. Sudan is in the process of
developing its comprehensive energy policy. The main thrust of this policy
will be to lower the cost of energy to the community, in the broadest sense of
the term. Other goals are to ensure the reliable supply of energy and potable
water, to diversify the fuel mix to attenuate foreign dependence and to
conserve energy. Aspects of environmental concern and some use of
renewable energy must be included [2].
Over the course of the year typical wind speeds vary from 3m/s to
9m/s (light air to fresh breeze). The highest average wind speed
of 6m/s (moderate breeze) occurs around August, at which time the average
daily maximum wind speed is 8m/s (fresh breeze). The lowest average wind
speed of 3m/s (gentle breeze) occurs around October, at which time the
average daily maximum wind speed is 6 m/s (moderate breeze).
2.1 Introduction
Wind power systems can provide electricity whether or not you are tied
to the grid. Wind generators can be used in stand-alone systems or combined
with solar panels and/or hydro power. While we've been using wind
generators off-grid for many years, the grid intertied wind power system is the
new kind on the block. Electricity produced by wind generation can be used
directly, as in water pumping applications, or it can be stored in batteries for
household use when needed. Wind generators can be used alone, or they may
be used as part of a hybrid system, in which their output is combined with that
of photovoltaics, and/or a fossil fuel generator. Hybrid systems are especially
useful for winter backup of home systems where cloudy weather and windy
conditions occur simultaneously [3]. The most important decision when
considering wind power is determining whether or not your chosen site has
enough wind to generate the power for your needs, whether it is available
consistently, or available in the season that you need it.
2.1.1 Advantages of wind energy systems
• Wind energy systems are energized by the naturally flowing wind, therefore
it can be considered as a clean source of energy. Wind energy does not pollute
the air like power plants that rely on combustion of fossil fuels, such as coal
or natural gas. Wind turbines do not produce atmospheric emissions that
cause acid rain or greenhouse gases.
• Wind energy is available as a domestic source of energy in many countries
worldwide and not confined to only few countries, as in the case of oil.
• Wind energy is one of the lowest-priced renewable energy technologies
available today.
• Wind turbines can also be built on farms or ranches, thus benefiting the
economy in rural areas, where most of the best wind sites are found. Farmers
and ranchers can continue to use their land because the wind turbines use only
a small fraction of the land. Wind power plant owners make rent payments to
the farmer or rancher for the use of the land [4].
2.1.2 Disadvantages of wind energy systems
• Wind power has to compete with conventional power generation sources on
a cost basis. Depending on the wind profile at the site, the wind farm may or
may not be as cost competitive as a fossil fuel based power plant. The
technology requires a higher initial investment than fossil-fueled solutions for
power supply.
• The major challenge to using wind as a source of power is that the wind is
intermittent and it does not always blow when electricity is needed. Wind
cannot be stored; and not all winds can be harnessed to meet the timing of
electricity demands.
• Good wind sites are often located in remote locations, far from cities where
electricity is needed. In developing countries, there is always the extra cost of
laying grid for connecting remote wind farms to the supply network.
• Although wind power plants have relatively little impact on the environment
compared to other conventional power plants, there is some concern over the
noise produced by the rotor blades, and aesthetic (visual) impacts. Most of
these problems have been resolved or greatly reduced through technological
development or by properly siting wind plants [4].
• The wind turbine with two or three blades.
• The mechanical gear.
• The electrical generator.
• The speed sensors and control.
• The power electronics and batteries.
• The transmission link connecting to the area grid.
The key components to a wind energy conversion system are shown in
Figure 2.1. The function of the blades is to convert kinetic energy in the wind
into rotating shaft power to spin a generator that produces electric power.
Usually, that shaft rotation is too slow to directly couple to a generator, so a
gearbox transfers power from the low speed shaft to a higher speed shaft that
spins the generator [5].
2.3 The tower
The wind tower supports the turbine and the nacelle containing the
mechanical gear, the electrical generator, the yaw mechanism, and the stall
control. The height of tower in the past was in the 20m to 50m range. For
medium and large size turbines, the tower is slightly taller than the rotor
diameter. Small turbines are generally mounted on the tower a few rotor
diameters high. Otherwise, they would suffer due to the poor wind speed
found near the ground surface. Both steel and concrete towers are available
and are being used. The construction can be tubular or lattice [5] as shown in
the Figure 2.2.
Figure 2.3: HAWT (a) upwind, (b) downwind, and (c) VAWT
The principal advantage of vertical axis machines, such as the Darrieus
rotor shown in Figure 2.3(c), is that the heavy generator and gearbox
contained in the nacelle can be located down on the ground, where it can be
serviced easily. Since the heavy equipment is not perched on top of a tower,
the tower itself need not be structurally as strong as that for an HAWT.
Another advantage is that they do not need any kind of yaw control to keep
them facing into the wind. The principal disadvantage of vertical-axis
turbines, which has led to their demise in larger scales, is that the blades are
close to the ground where wind speeds are lower [6].
2.6 Generators
The conversion of the mechanical power of the wind turbine into the
electrical power can be accomplished by any one of the following types of the
electrical machines: the Direct Current (DC) machine, the synchronous
machine, and the induction machine. In this research the used type is the
induction and synchronous machines, and the description of its component
and operation is explained below.
2.6.1 Single-fed induction generator
Most of the electrical power in the industry is consumed by the
induction machine driving the mechanical load. For this reason, the induction
machine represents a well-established technology. The primary advantage of
the induction machine is the rugged brushless construction and no need for
separate DC field power. The disadvantages of both the DC machine and the
synchronous machine are eliminated in the induction machine, resulting in
low capital cost, low maintenance, and better transient performance [5].
The induction generator is extensively used in small and large wind
farms and small hydroelectric power plants. The machine is available in
numerous power ratings up to several megawatts capacity, and even larger.
The induction machine needs Alternating Current (AC) excitation current.
The machine is either self-excited or externally excited. Since the excitation
current is mainly reactive, a stand-alone system is self-excited by shunt
capacitors [5]. Principles of operation
Induction generators and motors produce electrical power when their
rotor is rotated faster than the synchronous frequency. For a typical four-pole
motor (two pairs of poles on stator) operating on a 60Hz electrical grid,
synchronous speed is 1800 rotations per minute. Similar four-pole motor
operating on a 50Hz grid will have synchronous speed equal to 1500rpm. In
normal motor operation, stator flux rotation is faster than the rotor rotation.
This is initiating stator flux to induce rotor currents, which create rotor flux
with magnetic polarity opposite to stator. In this way, rotor is dragged along
behind stator flux, by value equal to slip. In generator operation, a prime
mover (turbine, engine) drives the rotor above the synchronous speed. Stator
flux still induces currents in the rotor, but since the opposing rotor flux is now
cutting the stator coils, active current is produced in stator coils, and motor is
now operating as a generator, and sending power back to the electrical grid
[7]. In induction generators the magnetizing flux is established by a capacitor
bank connected to the machine in case of stand-alone system and in case of
grid connection it draws magnetizing current from the grid.
12 Pitch angle control system of the SFIG
A Proportional-Integral (PI) controller is used to control the blade pitch
angle in order to limit the electric output power to the nominal mechanical
power. The pitch angle is kept constant at zero degree when the measured
electric output power is under its nominal value. When it increases above its
nominal value the PI controller increases the pitch angle to bring back the
measured power to its nominal value [8]. The control system is illustrated in
the Figure 2.5.
Figure 2.5: Single fed induction generator pitch angle control system
Figure 2.7: Back to back converter based wind turbine generator system
synchronous speed the power is balanced by adding a small portion of power
to the system through the rotor circuit [9]. The main advantage of back to
back converter are:
The back to back converter is a bidirectional power converter.
The DC-link voltage can be boosted to a level higher than the
amplitude of the grid line to line voltage in order to achieve full control
of the grid current.
The capacitor between the inverter and rectifier makes it possible to
decouple the control of the two inverters, allowing the compensation of
asymmetry on both the generator side and the grid side.
The component costs are low (commercially available in a module
form) [9].
The main disadvantages are:
The presence of the heavy and bulky DC-link capacitor increases the
costs and reduces the overall lifetime of the system.
The switching losses. Every commutation in both the grid inverter and
the generator inverter between the upper and lower DC-link branch is
associated with a hard switching and a natural commutation.
The high switching speed to the grid may also require extra EMI-
The combined control of the controlled rectifier and inverter is quite
complicated [9].
With rotor winding short circuited, the generator at full load is only a few
percent [7].
With the DFIG, slip control is provided by the rotor and grid side
converters. At high rotor speeds, the slip power is recovered and delivered to
the grid, resulting in high overall system efficiency. If the rotor speed range is
limited, the ratings of the frequency converters will be small compared with
the generator rating, which helps in reducing converter losses and the system
cost [7]. Since the mechanical torque applied to the rotor is positive for power
generation and since the rotational speed of the magnetic flux in the air gap of
the generator is positive and constant for a constant frequency grid voltage,
the sign of the rotor electric power output is a function of the slip sign. Rotor
converters and grid converters have the capability of generating or absorbing
reactive power and can be used for controlling the reactive power or the grid
terminal voltage. The pitch angle is controlled to limit the generator output
power to its normal value for high wind speeds. The grid provides the
necessary reactive power to the generator [7]. Rotor side control system
The rotor-side converter is used to control the wind turbine output
power and the voltage (or reactive power) measured at the grid terminals. The
power is controlled in order to follow a pre-defined power-speed
characteristic, named tracking characteristic. An example of such a
characteristic is illustrated in the Figure 2.8 called turbine characteristics and
tracking characteristic, by the ABCD curve superimposed to the mechanical
power characteristics of the turbine obtained at different wind speeds. The
actual speed of the turbine (𝜔𝑟 ) is measured and the corresponding
mechanical power of the tracking characteristic is used as the reference power
for the power control loop [8].
A and point B the tracking characteristic is a straight line; the speed of point
B must be greater than the speed of point A. Between point B and point C the
tracking characteristic is the locus of the maximum power of the turbine
(maxima of the turbine power vs turbine speed curves). The tracking
characteristic is a straight line from point C and point D. The power at point D
is one per unit (1 pu) and the speed of the point D must be greater than the
speed of point C. Beyond point D the reference power is a constant equal to
one per unit (1 pu) [8].
The generic power control loop is illustrated in the figure called rotor-
side converter control system. The actual electrical output power, measured at
the grid terminals of the wind turbine, is added to the total power losses
(mechanical and electrical) and is compared with the reference power
obtained from the tracking characteristic. A PI regulator is used to reduce the
power error to zero. The output of this regulator is the reference rotor current
(𝐼𝑞𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑓 ) that must be injected in the rotor by converter (𝐶𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑜𝑟 ). This is the
current component that produce the electromagnetic torque (Tm). The actual
(𝐼𝑞𝑟 ) component of positive-sequence current is compared to (𝐼𝑞𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑓 ) and the
error is reduced to zero by a current regulator PI. The output of this current
controller is the voltage (𝑉𝑞𝑟 ) generated by (𝐶𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑜𝑟 ) [8].
2.6.3 Induction generators transients
The induction generator may experience the following three types of
transient currents: Starting Transient
In the grid-connected system, the induction generator is started as the
motor in starting the turbine from rest to the super-synchronous speed. Then
only it is switched to the generating mode, feeding power to the grid. If full
voltage is applied during starting, the motor draws high starting current at
zero speed when the slip is one and the rotor resistance is the least. The
starting inrush current can be five to seven times the rated current, causing
overheating problems, particularly in large machines. Moreover, as seen in
Figure 2.12, the torque available to accelerate the rotor may be low, taking a
long time to start [5].
switching elements in the form of semiconductors. The semiconductor
elements are either not controllable (diodes), or controllable by switching on
(thyristors) or by switching on and off. During operation currents are
commutated from one inverter leg to another. Depending on the source of the
e.m.f. required for the commutation process self-commutated and external
commutated circuitry is distinguished in inverter technology. External sources
are grid, machine or a load as source [1]. Depending on the task the following
kinds of power electronics are distinguished
2.7.1 AC/DC inverters (rectifiers)
They transform AC current of a given voltage, frequency and number
of phases into DC current. Uncontrolled devices contain diodes, normally in
bridge arrangement.
2.7.2 DC/AC inverters
They transform DC current into AC current of a certain voltage,
frequency and number of phases. These devices are either external or self-
controlled. When the AC side is a grid, these inverters can act also as AC/DC
inverters, allowing power exchange in both directions.
2.7.3 AC/AC inverters
They transform AC current of a given voltage, frequency a number of
phases into AC current of another voltage, frequency and number of phases.
2.7.4 DC/DC inverters (choppers)
They transform DC current of a given voltage and polarity to DC
current of another voltage and polarity. Inverters using an energy storage
element and a
Pulse-control scheme is usually called choppers.
2.7.5 Passive compensation equipment (capacitors)
The power quality of generation must be ensured by maintaining the
electrical parameters of the network. So, new problems are arising in the
management and operation of energy transfer and distribution of renewable
energy in the grids. So, the control of electric variables and reactive power
control are required in wind farms. Wind farm made up with IG wind turbines
can be used as the continuous reactive power source to support system voltage
control due to reactive power control capability of IG. Utilizing IG reactive
power control capabilities, wind farm can reduce power losses and improve
the voltage profiles in the grid system [10].
Since power is energy per unit time, the power represented by a mass
of air moving at velocity v through area A will be:
𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦 1 𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑠
𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 =
× (
2 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒
) 𝑣2 (2.2)
The mass flow rate 𝑚̇ , through area A, is the product of air density ρ,
speed v, and cross-sectional area A:
𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑝𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑔ℎ 𝐴
= 𝑚̇ = 𝜌𝐴𝑣 (2.3)
The power in the wind increase as the cube of wind speed, and also it is
proportional to the swept area of the turbine rotor. For a conventional
horizontal axis turbine, the area A is just
𝐴 = ( ) 𝐷2 (2.5)
lower velocity and its pressure is reduced, causing the air to expand
downwind of the machine. An envelope drawn around the air mass that passes
through the turbine forms what is called a stream tube [6].
Figure 2.14: Approaching wind slows and expands as aportion of its kinetic
energy is extracted by the wind turbine, forming the steam tube
The easiest spot to determine mass flow rate 𝑚̇, is at the plane of the
rotor where we know the cross-sectional area is just the swept area of the
rotor A. The mass flow rate is thus
𝑚̇ = 𝜌𝐴𝑣𝑏 (2.7)
If we now make the assumption that the velocity of the wind through
the plane of the rotor is just the average of the upwind and downwind speeds,
then we can write
1 𝑣+𝑣𝑑
𝑃𝑏 = 𝜌𝐴 (
2 2
) (𝑣 2 − 𝑣𝑑2 ) (2.8)
To help keep the algebra simple. Let us define the ratio of downstream
to upstream wind speed to be λ:
𝜆= (2.9)
λ = 1/3 into the equation for rotor efficiency (Equation (2.11)), we find the
theoretical maximum blade efficiency is
1 1 1 16
𝑀𝑎𝑥 𝐶𝑝 = (1 + ) (1 − 2) = = 0.5926 ≈ 59.3% (2.14)
2 3 3 27
A plot of idealized rotor efficiency for various rotor types versus TSR
is given in Figure 2.15.
Figure 2.15: Rotors with fewer blades reach their optimum efficiency at
higher rotational speeds
2.10 Wind Turbine Power Curve
This graph shows the relationship between wind speed and electrical
power expected from the complete system, including blades, gearbox, and
generator. A somewhat idealized power curve is shown in Figure 2.16 [6].
Cut-in wind speed: Low speed winds may not have enough power to
overcome friction in the drive train of the turbine, and even if this does
happen and the generator is rotating, the electrical power generated may not
be enough to offset the power required by the generator field windings. The
cut-in wind speed VC is the minimum needed to generate net power. Since no
power is generated at wind speeds below VC that portion of the wind’s
energy is wasted [6].
Rated wind speed: As velocity increases above the cut-in wind speed,
the power delivered by the generator in the idealized curve rises as the cube of
wind speed. When winds reach the rated wind speed VR, the generator
deliverers as much power as it is designed for. Above VR, there must be some
way to shed some of the wind’s power or else the generator may be damaged
[6]. Cut-out or furling wind speed: At some point, the wind is so strong that
there is real danger to the wind turbine. At this wind speed VF, called the cut-
out wind speed the machine must be shut down. Above VF mechanical brakes
lock the rotor shaft in place, so output power is zero [6].
3.1 Introduction
The wind power systems have made a successful transition from small
stand-alone sites to large grid-connected systems. The utility interconnection
brings a new dimension in the renewable power economy by pooling the
temporal excess or the shortfall in the renewable power with the connecting
grid. This improves the overall economy and the load availability of the
renewable plant; the two important factors of any power system [5].
The grid supplies power to the site loads when needed, or absorbs the
excess power from the site when available. One KWh meter is used to record
the power delivered to the grid, and another kWh meter is used to record the
power drawn from the grid. The two meters are generally priced differently.
On the wind side, most grid-connected systems are large utility-scale power
plants. A typical equipment layout in such plants is shown in Figure 3.1. The
site computer, sometimes using multiplexer and remote radio links, controls
the wind turbines in response to the wind conditions and the load demand [5].
Large wind systems being installed now tend to have the variable-speed
design. The variable-frequency generator output is first rectified into DC, and
then inverted into a fixed-frequency AC. Before the inversion, the rectifier
harmonics are filtered out from the DC by the inductor and capacitors. The
frequency reference for the inverter firing and the voltage reference for the
rectifier phase-angle control are taken from the grid lines. The optimum
reference value of the tip-speed ratio is stored and continuously compared
with the value computed from the measured speeds of the wind and the rotor.
The turbine speed is accordingly changed to assure maximum power
production at all times [5].
Figure 3.2: (a) illustrates an example of one-line diagram of wind farm
connection to a grid and (b) shows phasor diagram
Wind farm is connected to the network with equivalent short circuit
impedance (𝑍𝑘 ). The network voltage at the assumed infinite busbar and the
farm voltages are (𝑈𝑠 ) and (𝑈𝑔 ), respectively. The output power and reactive
power of the wind farm are (𝑃𝑔 ) and (𝑄𝑔 ), which corresponds to a current (𝐼𝑔 )
𝑆𝑔∗ 𝑃𝑔 −𝐽𝑄𝑔
𝐼𝑔 = ( ∗ ) = (3.1)
𝑈 𝑔 𝑈𝑔
The voltage difference, (ΔU), between the infinite system and the PCC
is given by
𝑃𝑔 −𝐽𝑄𝑔
𝑈𝑔 − 𝑈𝑠 = ∆𝑈 = 𝑍𝑘 . 𝐼𝑔 = (𝑅𝑘 + 𝑗𝑋𝑘 )( ) (3.2)
𝑃𝑔 𝑅𝐾 +𝑋𝑘 𝑄𝑔 𝑃𝑔 𝑋𝑘 −𝑅𝑘 𝑄𝑔
∆𝑈 = ( )+𝑗( ) (3.3)
𝑈𝑔 𝑈𝑔
The short circuit impedance, the real and reactive power output of the
wind farm determines the voltage difference. The variations of the generated
power will result in the variations of the voltage at PCC. When the impedance
(𝑍𝑘 ) is small, then the grid can be named as strong and when (𝑍𝑘 ) is large,
then the grid can be named as weak. Since strong or weak are relative
concepts, for a given electrical wind power capacity (P), the ratio, stated as
the measure of the strength, where (𝑆𝑠𝑐 ) is short circuit power [11]. The grid
may be considered as strong with respect to the wind farm installation if (𝑅𝑠𝑐 )
is above 20. It is obvious from (3.4) that for large wind farm-grid connections,
the PCC voltage level has to be as high as possible to limit voltage variations
𝑆𝑠𝑐 𝑈𝑠2
𝑅𝑠𝑐 = = (3.4)
𝑃 𝑍𝑘 .𝑃
Power variation is defined as the difference between the largest and the
lowest power values during 8 periods within one minute. Single machine
systems may encounter values between 0.6 and 0.9 rated power in wind parks
evening out occurs between systems, so that resulting variations are of
magnitudes 0.25 up to 0.4 of rated power. Operation with as little variations
as possible is intended by controlling the system on the turbine and/or on the
generator side [1].
3.3.2 Power variations due to tower shadow effects
These periodic power variations can only be leveled out by a fast acting
control. Torque variations lead to dynamic torsional stress in the drive train
which are especially relevant in systems for constant speed. Also unwanted
are short-time power variations on the grid side [1].
3.3.3 Switching operations
Switching-on and off the generator may cause voltage fluctuations at
the feeding point. To limit inrush-currents in systems with directly coupled
asynchronous machines phase-controlled thyristor-circuits are used, as
mentioned. On the other hand, the generator power should be controlled to
zero before disconnecting (except emergency breaks) [1].
3.3.4 Reactive power
The active factor cos ϕ reflecting the ratio of (fundamental) reactive
and active power can be improved by compensation measures, such as fixed
capacitor banks or controllable compensation devices [1].
3.3.5 Flicker
Voltage fluctuations of low frequency caused by power variations are
called flicker, they give rise to lightness fluctuations of incandescent lamps
and also of fluorescent lamps. In a band of around 1000 variations per minute
they are experienced extremely inconvenient for the human eye [1].
3.3.6 Harmonics due to inverters
Grid-controlled inverters create current harmonics which give rise to
voltage harmonics. The lowest order is determined by the pulse number of the
inverter circuit. In six-pulse circuits, as in the three-phase bridge connection,
these are the 5 and the 7 harmonics. In self-controlled PWM inverters the
pulse frequency and its side-bands are prominent in the harmonic spectrum.
Note that transistor inverters may be operated with pulse frequencies up to
and exceeding 20 kHz, so that the audible components are above human
hearing. Voltage fluctuations in the connection point are influencing the grid
voltage quality [1].
Mathematically, harmonics describe a voltage or current (or both)
waveform distortion. The term ‘harmonic’ denotes a component of a
waveform that occurs at an integer multiple of the fundamental frequency.
THD is defined as the summation of all harmonics orders of current or
voltage compared to the fundamental frequency component [12]. A perfect
sinusoidal waveform is 100%, and the fundamental frequency of the system is
50 or 60Hz. Harmonic distortion is caused by the introduction of waveforms
at frequencies in multiplies of the fundamental. For example, the 5th
harmonic is five times the fundamental frequency (250 or 300Hz). Total
harmonic distortion is a measurement of the sum value of the waveform that
is distorted and can be expressed as follows [13]:
• Small voltage drop results throughout the system, as the grid conductors
carry more load.
The same effects are felt if a large load is suddenly switched in at the
green power site, starting the wind turbine as the induction motor draws a
large current. This will result in the above effect. Such load transients are
minimized by soft-starting large generators. In wind farms consisting of many
generators, individual generators are started in sequence, one after another
3.4 Operating Limit
The link line connecting the renewable power site with the utility grid
introduces the operating limit in two ways, the voltage regulation and the
stability limit. In most cases, the line can be considered as an electrically short
transmission line. The ground capacitance and the ground leakage resistance
are generally negligible and are ignored. The equivalent circuit of such a line,
therefore, reduces to a series resistance R and reactance L. The line carries
power from the renewable site to the utility grid, or from the grid to the
renewable site to meet local peak demand. There are two major effects of the
transmission line impedance, one on the voltage regulation and the other on
the maximum power transfer capability of the link line [5].
3.4.1 Voltage regulation
The voltage regulation is defined as the rise in the receiving end
voltage, expressed in percent of the full load voltage, when full load at a
specified power factor is removed, holding the sending end voltage constant.
That is as follows:
𝑉𝑛𝑙 −𝑉𝑓𝑙
𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑔𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = × 100 (3.7)
The voltage regulation is a strong function of the load power factor. For
the same load current at different power factors, the voltage drop in the line is
the same, but is added to the sending end voltage at different phase angles to
derive the receiving end voltage. For this reason, the voltage regulation is
greater for lagging power factor, and the least or even negative for leading
power factor [5].
3.4.2 Stability limit
The direction of the power flow depends on the sending and receiving
end voltages, and the electrical phase angle between the two. However, the
maximum power the line can transfer while maintaining stable operation has a
limit. We derive below the stability limit assuming that the power flows from
the renewable power site to the grid, although the same limit applies in the
reverse direction as well. The series resistance in most lines is negligible,
hence, is ignored here [5]. The power transferred to the grid by the
transmission line is as follows:
𝑃 = 𝑉𝑟 𝐼𝑐𝑜𝑠∅ (3.8)
The current as follows:
𝑉𝑠 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝛿
𝐼= (3.9)
Thus, the magnitude of the real power transferred by the line depends
on the power angle (δ). If (δ>0), the power flows from the site to the grid. On
the other hand, if (δ<0), the site draws power from the grid. The reactive
power depends on (𝑉𝑠, 𝑉𝑟). If (𝑉𝑠 > 𝑉𝑟 ), the reactive power flows from the
site to the grid [5].
Figure 3.3: Power versus power angle showing static and dynamic stability
limits of the link line
Obviously, the power flow in either direction is maximum when δ at
90°. Beyond (𝑃𝑚𝑎𝑥 ), the link line becomes unstable and will fall out of
synchronous operation. That is, it will lose its ability to synchronously
transfer power from the renewable power plant to the utility grid. This is
referred to as the steady state stability limit. In practice, the line loading must
be kept well below this limit to allow for transients such as sudden load steps
and system faults. The maximum power the line can transfer without losing
the stability even during system transients is referred to as the dynamic
stability limit. In typical systems, the power angle must be kept below 10° to
20° to assure dynamic stability. Since the generator and the link line are in
series, the internal impedance of the generator is added in the line impedance
for determining the maximum power transfer capability of the link line, the
dynamic stability and the steady state performance [5].
3.5 Standards and Requirements of Connection
The main standards and requirements of connection are:
3.5.1 Safety relevant set values
Systems with asynchronous or synchronous generators must be
equipped with protective devices, with set values to allow adjustment of lower
and upper limits of voltage and frequency. Recommended tripping values are
given as shown in Table 3.1 (50Hz rated frequency assumed) [5]:
3.5.2 Lightning protection
It is necessary to provide wind turbines with lightning protection
equipment. To this end non-metal blade tips are carrying interception
apparatus, from where lightning currents are conducted to the hub by means
of appropriate connectors. From the hub the lightning current is conducted to
the metal tower construction and from there to the earthing system [1] as
shown in Figure 3.4 the Lightning protection of the wind system.
3.5.3 Safety
Safety is a concern when renewable power is connected to the utility
grid lines. The interconnection may endanger the utility repair crew working
on the lines by continuing to feed power into the grid even when the grid
itself went down. This issue has been addressed by including an internal
circuit that takes the inverter off line immediately if the system detects grid
outage [5]. Since this circuit is critical for human safety, it has a built-in
redundancy. The site-grid interface breaker can get suddenly disconnected,
accidentally or to meet an emergency situation. The high wind speed cut out
is a usual condition when the power is cut off to protect the generator from
In systems where large capacitors are connected at the wind site for
power factor improvement, the site generator would still be in the self-
excitation mode, drawing excitation power from the capacitors and generating
terminal voltage. In absence of such capacitors, one would assume that the
voltage at the generator terminals would come down to zero. The line
capacitance, however, can keep the generator self-excited. The protection
circuit is designed to avoid both of these situations, which are potential safety
hazards to unsuspecting site crew [5]. When the grid is disconnected for any
reason, the generator will experience a loss of frequency regulation, as the
frequency synchronizing signal derived from the grid lines is now lost. When
a change in frequency is detected beyond a certain limit, the automatic control
can shut down the system, cutting off all possible sources of excitation [5].
3.5.4 Reactive power compensation
The active factor cos ϕ, in literature often called the power factor,
should be adjusted according to agreement. Usual recommendations require
values between 0.9 capacitive and 0.8 inductive. Use of capacitor banks is the
conventional way to compensate inductive load [14]. In grids where audio-
frequency transmission devices are installed, the wind energy system
frequency response curve must be adapted by an appropriate inductive choke.
To obtain a specified cosϕ value at the Point of Connection (POC), it may be
necessary to provide a significantly higher reactive power in the wind park
like SVC or STATCOM [15].
3 1
𝑃𝑚 = 𝜌𝐴𝑣𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑑 (3.11)
1 1 0.035
= − (3.13)
𝜆𝑖 𝜆+0.08𝛽 𝛽 3 +1
∆𝜔 = 𝜔𝑟 − 𝜔𝐺 (3.16)
∆𝜗 = 𝜗𝑟 − 𝜗𝐺 (3.17)
Where 𝐽𝑇 (𝑘𝑔. 𝑚2 )is the turbine moment of inertia, 𝐽𝐺 (𝐾𝑔. 𝑚2 ) is the
generator moment of inertia, 𝑘 (𝐾𝑔. 𝑚2 . 𝑠 −2 ) is the stiffness of the shaft.
𝐵 (𝐾𝑔. 𝑚2 . 𝑠 −1 ) is the absorption of the shaft, 𝑇𝐼𝑁 (𝑁. 𝑚) is the input
torque,𝑇𝑒 (𝑁. 𝑚) is the generator electromagnetic torque, 𝜔 𝑇 , 𝜔𝐺 (𝑟𝑎𝑑/𝑠𝑒𝑐)
are the angular speed of the turbine and of the generator, and 𝜗𝑇 , 𝜗𝐺 (𝑟𝑎𝑑) are
the angle of the turbine and generator [19].
3.6.3 Asynchronous generator
The stator and rotor voltages are given below [19]:
𝑣𝑑𝑠 = 𝑅𝑠 𝑖𝑑𝑠 + + 𝜔𝑠 𝛹𝑞𝑠 (3.18)
𝑣𝑞𝑠 = 𝑅𝑠 𝑖𝑞𝑠 + + 𝜔𝑠 𝛹𝑑𝑠 (3.19)
𝑣𝑑𝑟 = 𝑅𝑟 𝑖𝑑𝑟 + − 𝑠𝜔𝑠 𝛹𝑞𝑟 (3.20)
𝑣𝑞𝑟 = 𝑅𝑟 𝑖𝑞𝑟 + + 𝑠𝜔𝑠 𝛹𝑑𝑟 (3.21)
𝑣𝑞𝑠 = −𝑅𝑠 𝑖𝑞𝑠 − 𝐿𝑠 − 𝐿𝑠 𝜔𝑟 𝑖𝑑𝑠 + 𝜔𝑟 𝛹 (3.28)
The two wind farms are inserted into the grid in Khartoum state in
some places which have an available amount of wind energy; one farm
between jabel awlia and alshegara, and the other one in Omdurman. Figure
3.8 shows the Khartoum 110KV transmission system and the wind farms
Figure 3.8: Khartoum 110 KV transmission system
4.1 Introduction
In this chapter, the design of the two wind farms with all its
components has been made. Data of the wind energy was collected from the
general meteorological authority, and also the required data of the Sudan
national grid from the national dispatch center. The characteristics, features,
and the results of the design and the simulation are represented in the form of
tables and graphs. Typical wind speeds in Sudan vary from (3m/s) to (8m/s).
The highest average wind speed of (6m/s) occurs around August.
The lowest average wind speed of (3m/s) occurs around October. In this
research the wind speed setting value has been selected to vary from (3m/s) to
(7.5m/s) which is shown in the Figure 4.1.
4.2 Characteristic and Pitch Angle for The Generators
Figures 4.2 to 4.7 show the graphs of the output power characteristics
and the variation of the pitch angle of the wind turbines showing the
relationship between wind speed and electrical power expected from the
complete system, including blades, gearbox, and generator. The comparison
between the three types of generators is shown in Table 4.1.
Figure 4.2: Output power Characteristics for turbine connected with SFIG
Figure 4.4: Output power Characteristics for turbine connected with DFIG
Figure 4.6: Output power Characteristics for turbine connected with PMSG
Figure 4.7: Pitch angle variation of PMSG
From Figures 4.2, 4.4, and 4.6, the turbine output power characteristics
curves show that the variation of the output power with the turbine speed and
also with wind speed which varies from minimum value to its maximum. The
output power reaches its maximum rated value at 6.3m/s wind speed in the
PMSG and it is less by 0.2 m/s when it is compared to the SFIG and DFIG.
The pitch angle control of variable speed wind turbine is concentrated on the
extraction of maximum available energy, reduction of torque and output
power variations, which gives stresses in the gearbox and mechanical
structure. The mechanical efficiency of a wind turbine depends on the power
coefficient. The power coefficient depends on tip speed ratio and pitch angle.
It is better to keep the pitch angle small so as to gain maximum extracted
output power and that is clear from the pitch angle control of the PMSG,
which is shown in Figure 4.7.
From Table 4.2 it’s clear that the oscillations in the voltage in DFIG
and PMSG are very low when compared to the SFIG and they reach their
steady state in small time. The terminal voltage decrease in SFIG due to the
absorbed reactive power from the grid, but the DFIG and PMSG when they
operate at voltage regulation mode, maintain the voltage at the terminals in
the limits and very close to the rated pu value. With variation of speed in
SFIG voltage variation becomes very large and can cause problems while the
variation in DFIG and PMSG is controlled.
The output active power of the wind generators depends on the turbine
size and the wind speed through the rotor, Figures 4.11-4.13 explain the
output active power from the three types of the generators, and the
comparison between them is shown in Table (4.3).
The active power supply from the SFIG takes less time to reach its
maximum output power but it has more oscillatory as compared to the DFIG
and PMSG because the output power from SFIG depends only on the
mechanical input transmitted by the shaft of the wind turbine, while it is
dependent on the mechanical input and also the behavior of the connected
AC/DC/AC converters between the rotor windings and the grid side which
they act as controller to the output power.
4.3.3 Reactive power
Figure 4.14 shows the output reactive power from the single fed
induction generator, while Figures 4.15 and 4.16 show it from the doubly-fed
induction generator and permanent magnet synchronous generator
Table 4.4: Comparison of the output reactive power of the three types
From Table 4.4 it is clear that the best reactive power regulation in
PMSG, in SFIG to create the magnetizing flux in the generator, must receive
reactive power from the grid and it is require higher reactive power to
produce higher active power while in PMSG and DFIG the magnetizing flux
can be generated by stator or rotor windings.
4.3.4 Rotor speed
The rotational speed of the generator varies at the time of the beginning
of the turbine rotates, and reach to steady state after that as shown in Figures
4.17- 4.19.
Figure 4.19: Rotor speed variation of PMSG
From the figures 4.17-4.19 and Table 4.5, the rotor speed of the SFIG
reaches to its steady state value in much lesser time than PMSG and DFIG,
but it varies very much and is affected by the speed of the wind while in the
other types continue to grow in time although the wind speed varies till it
reaches this steady state.
From Table 4.6, the voltage profiles for most of the buses when the
integration of the SFIG causes voltage drop due to the absorption of reactive
power by the induction generator and the variation of the wind speed, while
the integration of the DFIG or PMSG the voltage profiles in most of buses
improve due to the behavior of the AC/DC/AC back-to-back convertors
which they control and regulate the grid side voltage and power.
Table 4.7: 110KV Khartoum active power flows (MW)
From To Without SFIG DFIG/PMSG
KILO 10 LOCALMARKET 129.853 102.313 104.551
KILO 10 KUKU 43.996 49.262 45.912
KILO 10 AFRA 135.593 135.354 135.521
SHEGARA LOCALMARKET 35.45 8.21 9.807
SHEGARA MUGRAN 5.777 12.703 13.193
MUGRAN BANAT 77.357 70.562 72.219
BANAT OMDURMAN 14.521 1.534 1.908
EZERGAB MAHADIA 65.298 74.213 71.24
KH-NORTH EZERGAB 44.152 38.012 39.608
EIDBABIKIR ALEZBA 84.825 87.524 85.054
KH-NORTH EIDBABIKIR 23.897 28.397 30.383
KUKU KH-NORTH 159.151 160.791 157.209
KUKU KH-EAST 144.122 148.857 144.104
AFRA FAROUG 71.536 71.41 71.498
BWIND 1 SHEGARA 0 44.983 45
OMDURMAN BWIND 2 0 44.983 45
OMDURMAN MAHADIA 95.208 63.632 66.458
JABELAWLIA SHEGARA 68.165 56.91 57.838
For active and reactive powers flow in the network which are shown in
the Tables 4.7 and 4.8, it is noticed that the integration of the farms regulates
the power flow and increase the system capability and the amount of the
power transfer through the transmission lines and keeps it within the specified
limits and without any violations in the rated and maximum value which the
lines can carry. For transmission system losses, when used the SFIG it is
increased because it is uncontrollable as it is clear from the previous analysis
and generate more reactive power which increase the losses, while the
integration of the DFIG or PMSG the total system losses decrease. Figures
4.20 and 4.21 and Table 4.9 show the transmission system losses.
4.5 Harmonic Analysis
Each Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS) includes either an
induction or a synchronous generator within its structure. Moreover, and
based on previous research’s, harmonic production in wind turbine systems
has increased due to using big rated of power electronics converters circuits.
Harmonics filtering techniques generally are classified as either passive or
active. Passive filtering is the most common method used in harmonic
distortion control and is divided into single tuned and band-pass filters. In
general, passive filters operate within a limited frequency range, while active
filters can operate in a wide frequency range. Each DFIG and PMSG has a
harmonics filters within their structure, and the next analysis will be to
measure the value of these harmonics after the filtration process [12]. The
total system buses voltage harmonics and total branch current harmonic
distortion, and voltage and current wave forms are shown in Figures 4.22 and
4.23 and Tables 4.10, and 4.11.
Table 4.10: Total system buses voltages harmonics (THD (%))
Figure 4.23: Current wave form of the TL from farm one
From Tables 4.10 and 4.11, all the TDH in the voltage or the current in
the system limits with or without integration the wind farm, Table 4.12 shows
the maximum allowable values of the THD according to the system voltage.
fault situations the voltage has to be considered to assess the impact of wind
power on the system stability [21].
The below case considers the mutual effects of wind power in power
systems under transient fault situations when it happens in the farm one after
[2sec] and lasting for [0.5sec]. It is analyzed firstly, how the wind turbines
behave in the system when it experiences a transient fault and secondly what
impact the wind turbines have on the dynamic behavior of the system after a
fault. The results shown in Figures 4.24-4.26.
Figure 4.26: Terminal voltage of the farms during in case of faults
The fault which happens disrupts the balance of power (active and
reactive) and changes the power flow. Though the capacity of the operating
generators adequate, large voltage drops occur suddenly. The unbalance and
re-distribution of real and reactive power in the network may force the voltage
to vary beyond the boundary of stability limits. In all the situations and with
the three types of the wind generators, the result is a short period with low or
no voltage followed by a period when the voltage returns. When the fault
occurs in the wind farm it causes the voltage at the wind turbines terminals to
drop, also this effects on the system busses voltages during fault but the
voltage level returns to the steady state after short recovery duration.
In the Table 4.13 there is a summary of a general comparison between
the three types of the wind energy generators, the single fed induction
generator, the doubly fed induction generator, and the permanent magnet
synchronous generator which they used in the farms [22]. The comparison
explain the main differences between the three types in their mode of
operation, output quantities, performance, and cost.
Table 4.13: Summary of Comparison between the three types
5.1 Conclusion
This research has summarized the most-recent in the field of the wind
turbines regarding generators and converters. The three main types of them
that have been used during the past 20 years have been evaluated. An
extensive study has been carried out of the impacts determined by the
connection of induction and synchronous generator to Sudan National Grid,
and a detailed study of power flow analysis, harmonics, and impacts of faults
in the dynamic voltage characteristics and their effects on the Khartoum
110KV transmission network.
The objective was to determine the main technical differences between
these generators. The response of wind turbines connecting to the grid when
wind speed variation is presented during steady-state by view point of power
quality, has been made clear. The SFIG are only used by small wind turbines
because they lack reactive power controlling, the market shares of this one
has decreased slightly, whereas the variable speed wind turbines increased.
Compared with PMSG, the DFIG seems that is the most-adopted system with
a back-to-back converter, due to the lower weight and cost even with low cost
power electronics in the future. However, the PMSG is the preferred solution
that the robustness, the efficiency, and the reliability related power quality are
of paramount importance.
To sum up, it was verified that from the view point of a steady-state
terminal voltage profile, active and reactive power, rotor speed, and
connection to grids, the usage of doubly-fed induction generator is
advantageous and permits to increase the allowable penetration level of wind
power generation.
5.2 Recommendations
Based on the above analysis, it is recommended here that:
There are many types of pitch angle controllers which can be used in
the field of wind energy generation beside the integral control like PID,
fuzzy logic controllers, Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), and it is
recommended to use and study them to manage and collect maximum
output power that can be extracted from the wind farms.
For the problems of the dropping in the busses voltage when it is
integrated to electrical grids, the use of one of the Flexible AC
Transmission System (FACTS) devices like Static Var Compensator
(SVC), or STATCOM can be the best solution and also will enhance
the overall farm performance.
A Study is needed of another renewable energy resource which is
available in Sudan like solar energy and its performance and effects in
addition to the wind energy -hybrid renewable system- when it is
integrated with Sudan grid.
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A.1 SFIG Data
Stator resistance and inductance Rs=0.004843 pu Ls=0.1248 pu
Rotor resistance and inductance Rr=0.004377 pu Lr=0.1791 pu
Magnetizing inductance Lm=6.77 pu
Inertia constant H=5.04 s
Friction factor F=0.01 pu
Pair of poles= 3
Pitch angle controller gains Kp=5 Ki=25
A.3 PMSG Data
Reactance in (pu) Xd=1.305 Xd’=0.296 Xd”=0.252
Xq=0.474 Xq”=0.243 Xl=0.18
Table B.1 Generation data
Station Output MW
Marawi (MWP) SWING
Rosseris (ROS) 152.6
Sinar (SNP) 9.4
Kosti (KOSTI) 439.6
Bahri (KHN) 249.2
Garri (GAR) 275.9
Interchange 225
KUKU 59.6 27.3
IZB 92.9 46.6
MHD 99.1 50.5
OMD 118.7 69.8
BNT 81.47 48.18
GAM 24.45 11.7
NHS 32.16 18.65
GND 40.8 24.02
HAS 14 8
MAR 82.3 49.6
MAN 36 20
FAO 7 0
HAG 10.8 4.3
SNJ 24.7 10.8
ORBK 0 0
MIN 15 4
SNG 14.5 6.1
ROS 26.2 11.9
RNK 0.75 10
RBK 66.9 50.6
MSH 8.9 9.2
TND 1.9 28.1
UMR 7.1 17.2
OBD 36.9 27.4
SHN 45.7 20.6
ATB 122.2 61.5
MWT 34 17
DEB 35 18
DON 48 28
WWA 1.34 0.67
WHL 3.62 15.68
HWT 2.8 1.8
GDF 20.5 7.7
SWK 1.5 0
GRB 20.8 10
HLF 18.65 10.08
KSL 25.52 14.58
ARM 2.14 2.5
POR 79 22
OGDF 11.7 5