Voynich (16) - Another Approach To The Voynich Manuscript

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Another Approach to

the Voynich Manuscript

Joannes Richter

Fig.1The formula for the word “okShdy” in Mike Roe's generic word-
from: www.voynich.nu (home page for René Zandbergen, 2023)

Each human language should be based on the (5) articulation points of the phonemes (lingual,
labial, guttural, palatal and dental). Usually these categories are found in PIE-words such as the sky-
god DIAUS. The search of the 5-letter keywords, which represent all 5 articulation points should be
applicable in the word formulas.
After some studies of the various interpretations of the Voynich Manuscript I decided to investigate
the 5 categorizations of the symbols in the words. One of the most promising formulas for the
deciphering of the etymology may be the word “okshdy” (okShdy) in the formula for Mike Roe's
generic word1.
The word “okShdy” may be the only 5-letter composition in which all Places of articulation are
represented. There is only one location in which “okShdy” is spelled as an individual word.

1 Source: http://www.voynich.nu (the home page for René Zandbergen, 2023)

The formula in Mike Roe's generic word
The formula for Mike Roe's generic word is composed as a graphical expression.
1. The words in the Voynich text may start with: O, QO, ChO.
2. The second section is a consonant T or K.
3. The third section may be O or ChO, to be followed by a fourth section R or L.
Alternatively the third section may:
• be skipped or a string E, EE, ChE, Ch, Sh, to be followed by a fourth section Y or D & Y.
• Or a string: AL, AM, AIN or AIIN, (without a fourth section).
The aspired elements “h” in the compositions Sh and Ch are not interpreted as individual letters.
Obviously the formula lost one branch (with the symbols D and Y), which is repaired byinserting
the letters D and Y in the graphics:
In the appendix the formula is drawn as a graphical schematic in editorial text (with standardized

The repaired formula for Mike Roe's generic word in ASCII-symbols-

from: www.voynich.nu (home page for René Zandbergen, 2023)
The formula for the keyword “okShdy” in Mike Roe's generic word
In the formula for Mike Roe's generic word the keyword “okShdy” is composed as a graphical
expression, which for each articulation's category represents one symbol.
The aspiration “h” of the dental Sh-letter is not interpreted as an isolated element.
1. The first letter “O” is an isolated guttural.
2. The second letter “K” is a palatal letter.
3. The third letter “Sh” is a dental element.
4. The fourth letter “D” is a lingual element.
5. The fifth letter “Y” is a labial symbol.
In Voynich spelling the fourth and the fifth letters are individual symbols 8 (“d”) and 9 (“y”).
Therefore I interpret these letters as individual elements “D” and “Y”.
The only valid interpretation of this experiment may be a suitable mechanism to control the
structure of the 5 categories:
1. The first section may contain a vowel “O”.
2. The second section may contain a consonant T or K.
3. The third section may contain vowels “O” or “A” or a consonant aspirated “C” or “S”.
4. A fourth section may contain an “R” or “L”, respectively an “Y” or “D”.
5. If the fourth letter is a “D” the fifth section must contain an “Y”.

These conditions of the Mike Roe's formula seems to condition the poverty (or even radical
absence) of labials. In fact the symbol “Y” is a terminal element, which may represent an “I”, “E”
or a “U”2.

Fig.2The formula for the word “okShdy” in Mike Roe's generic word- from:
www.voynich.nu (home page for René Zandbergen, 2023)

The word “okShdy” may be the only 5-letter composition in which all Places of articulation are
represented. There is only one location in which “okShdy” is spelled as an individual word.

2 The categorization of several letters can not be determined clearly, e.g. in the case:Y (I), Y (Ei) orY (U).
The poor availability (or absence of labials)
Of course we do not know the alphabetical equivalents for these letters. In the given composition of
the formula the schematic radically restricts the Places of articulation. The number of labial
symbols is relatively poor. In the formula for Mike Roe's generic word only the letters M and Y
seem to be available as labials.
Maybe the Voynich language is designed to be spoken by mouths without labial pronunciation. In
Latin this would avoid the labial letters B, ϝ- V, M, P, U, W:
The Latin alphabet spreads the letters on “wildly chosen” locations: as the linguals: D, ÞL,
N, T, the palatals: C, G, I, J, K, Q, X, the gutturals: A, Ε, H, O, Y, the labials: B, ϝ3- V, M, P, U,
W and the dentals:Z, S, R. The categorization of several letters can not be determined clearly,
e.g. in the case:Y (I), Y (Ei) orY (U).
A language without labials allows the speakers to paralyze their lips (in ventriloquism) or to speak
as a ventriloquist.
Ventriloquism, or ventriloquy, is a performance act of stagecraft in which a person (a
ventriloquist) creates the illusion that their voice is coming from elsewhere, usually a
puppeteered prop known as a "dummy"4.

A ventriloquist may also simulate speaking from “nowhere” (without the help of a dummy).

Originally, ventriloquism was a religious practice.[1]

The name comes from the Latin for 'to speak from the stomach: venter (belly) and loqui
(speak).[2] The Greeks called this gastromancy (Greek: εγγαστριμυθία).[citation
needed] The noises produced by the stomach were thought to be the voices of the
unliving, who took up residence in the stomach of the ventriloquist. The ventriloquist
would then interpret the sounds, as they were thought to be able to speak to the dead, as
well as foretell the future. One of the earliest recorded group of prophets to use this
technique was the Pythia, the priestess at the temple of Apollo in Delphi, who acted as
the conduit for the Delphic Oracle.

In practice the labial sounds F, V, B, P, and M may be replaced by a palatal G or linguals Th, D, T,
and N, which are the letters we find in Mike Roe's generic word.
One difficulty ventriloquists face is that all the sounds that they make must be made
with lips slightly separated. For the labial sounds F, V, B, P, and M, the only choice is to
replace them with others. A widely parodied example of this difficulty is the "Gottle o'
Gear", from the reputed inability of less skilled practitioners to pronounce "bottle of
beer".[15] If variations of the linguals sounds Th, D, T, and N are spoken quickly, it can
be difficult for listeners to notice a difference. 5

3 Digamma (ϝ)- an archaic letter of the Greek alphabet , may be exchanged by/W/, /F/, /U/, /V/
4 Ventriloquism
5 Source: Ventriloquism
The traces of the keyword okShdy
Unfortunately all keywords are located in text lines and none of the keywords may be identified as a
label. The letter Sh is interpreted as a an aspirated dental letter “S”.
The 6 lines with traces of the keyword okShdy may be documented as follows:
# Database Address Text line in EVA-code
1 <f75r.P.7;C> pchedy.qokShdy- {figure}ytain. chedy. qokar. chy. lol. chedy. qoky-
2 <f75v.P1.10;C> odchedy.qolshdy.ShokShdy.qokain- {figure}os. shedy. qolol. keedy. qokalm-
3 <f102r1.P.5;H> daiin.orSheoldy.qokeol-oteeody.lShody.keodal.qokShdy.sy-
4 <f103v.P.5;F> pcheor. ol*eey. cheky. qokShdy. qokaiin. okechdy. qopchdy. qotedy. qokaiin. oly-
5 <f106v.P.18;C> pshodalos. qokShdy. qokshy. opchdy. qokshd. ar. shdar. oeedy. qotaly. dairy-
6 <f111r.P.53;F> yshe. aiin. okShdy.shkeey. kaiin. chaiin. alol. shey. qokaiin. chckhy. daiin-

Table 1The traces of the keyword okShdy

The pages may be distributed in the sections Biological, Pharmaceutical and Stars:
# Database Address EVA-keyword Page Section Note
1 <f75r.P.7;C> qokShdy Biological
2 <f75v.P1.10;C> ShokShdy Biological Titled "Ten showers"
Unit: "text above top pond"
3 <f102r1.P.5;H> qokShdy Pharmaceutical
4 <f103v.P.5;F> qokShdy Stars
5 <f106v.P.18;C> qokShdy Stars
6 <f111r .P.53;F> okShdy Stars
Table 2Distribution of the keyword in the sections Biological, Pharmaceutical and Stars
An alphabetic structure in the 3-layer VM-Model
The alphabetic structure in the 3-layer VM-Model (by Jorge Stolfi) suggest to interpret the gallows
T, K, P and F as consonants.
These gallows may be extended with C-h extensions and H-aspirations. These letters may form
cores which are surrounded by vowels.

Except for the “Q” the third and fourth segments represent the trailing “dealers” D, R, L. The “Q”
seems to be a leading letter.

The second segment with 2 gallows “T” and “K” may have to be extended with “P”- and “F”-
gallows, which would increase the labial structures:

The repaired formula for Mike Roe's generic word in ASCII-symbols-

from: www.voynich.nu (home page for René Zandbergen, 2023)
The “circles” (IAO)
The “circles” (IAO) may represent a theonym: IAΩ.

Fig. 3Abraxas- IAΩ

A possible solution of the Voynichese enigma

The suppression or absence of the labial phonemes

The undetermined "language" in the the 15-century Voynich Manuscript, titled “Beinecke MS
408”,is called Voynichese. Officially the publication is specified: [Central Europe?] ; [ca. 1401-
1599?]6. In the course of time the number of pages seem to be varied as the book may have been
recomposed. One of the possible remarkable character of the Voynichese language may be the
suppression or absence of the labial phonemes.

The role of the House of Habsburg

The first owner is claimed to be the Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II (1552 – 1612), who may have
been interested in the contents of theVoynich Manuscript for various reasons.
Rudolf II was a member of the House of Habsburg, an extended and extremely mighty royal family,
who reigned in Europe from 1440 to 1750:
The throne of the Holy Roman Empire was continuously occupied by the Habsburgs
from 1440 until their extinction in the male line in 1740 and, after the death of Francis I,
from 1765 until its dissolution in 1806.

The role of the multilingualism and the linguistic standards

The extending political power of the Holy Roman Empire required a communicative network in
which the management included the mastering of multilingualism, including German, Italian,
Hungarian and Slavic linguistics. From the accession of Otto I in 962 until the twelfth century, the
Empire was the most powerful monarchy in Europe.[20]
The Holy Roman Empire had been multilingual from the start, even though most of its
emperors were native German speakers.[34] The language issue within the Empire
became gradually more salient as the non-religious use of Latin declined and that of
national languages gained prominence during the High Middle Ages. Emperor Charles
IV of Luxembourg was known to be fluent in Czech, French, German, Italian and Latin.
[35] 7

The last section of his Golden Bull of 1356 specifies that the Empire's secular prince-electors
"should be instructed in the varieties of the different dialects and languages" and that
"since they are expected in all likelihood to have naturally acquired the German
language, and to have been taught it from their infancy, [they] shall be instructed in the
grammar of the Italian and Slavic tongues, beginning with the seventh year of their age
so that, before the fourteenth year of their age, they may be learned in the same".[36]

There may have been ideas to standardize the internal communication by defining the scriptures and
to simplify the alphabets and the minimize the translations.

6 Source: Undetermined
7 Source: House_of_Habsburg
The role of the Habsburg lip
The Habsburgs8 paid for their politic success by ruining their gene pool and the health of their
The Habsburgs sought to consolidate their power by frequent consanguineous
marriages, resulting in a cumulatively deleterious effect on their gene pool. Health
impairments due to inbreeding included epilepsy, insanity, and early death.9

Apart from epilepsy, insanity, and early death the Habsburg lip, resulting from an extended lower
jaw, also caused the problems in speaking and eating. TheHabsburg face also included a strechted
nose and (Bernhardiner-Augen)
The Habsburg lower lip (or Habsburg lip) is the name given to the strongly pronounced,
hereditary lower lip of the Habsburgs. It results from hereditary overdevelopment of the
lower jaw (“true” progeny) and Class III tooth misalignment and forms part of the
characteristic Habsburg face.

Slight indications of the Habsburg lip may be found in paintings of:

• Rudolf von Habsburg (1218–1291)
• Johanna von Pfirt (1300–1351)
• Albrecht II. (1391–1439)
Clear indications of the Habsburg lip may be found in the paintings of:
• Frederick III, Holy Roman Emperor (1415- 1493)
• Maximilian I (1459–1519), Holy Roman Emperor
• Karl V (1500-†1558) . and Ferdinand I (*1503- †1564)
• Philip_IV_of_Spain (1605 – 1665).
The physical disabilities culminated in the last Habsburg ruler of the Spanish Empire:
• Charles II of Spain (1661–1700), whose Habsburg jaw caused problems in speaking and
chewing his food. As achild he postponed the speaking phase to the age of 4 and learned to
walk at the age of 810.
The physical disabilities grew until the offspring was unable to grow up to maturity:
A study of 3,000 family members over 16 generations by the University of Santiago de
Compostela suggests inbreeding may have played a role in their extinction.[2111]

At the first signs of speaking problems by extended jaws and lips (from the reign of Frederick III,
1415 – 1493) the management may have searched for an alphabet and a simplified language without
labial phonemes. This simplified language may have been designed as a tool to read and pronounce
series of words, most of which shared a similar standard pattern, in which only one of the letters
was to be modified.
This Voynich Manuscript, titled “Beinecke MS 408”, may be a codex with a simplified languages
for the education or the most disabled heir.
8 Other royal families also showed mandibular prognathism (progenism) such as: Leopold I (1640 – 1705), showing
progenism in Leopold was said to have typical Habsburg physical attributes, such as the prominent Habsburg lower
9 Ceballos, FC; Alvarez, G (2013). "Royal dynasties as human inbreeding laboratories: the Habsburgs". Heredity. 111
(2): 114–121. doi:10.1038/hdy.2013.25. PMC 3716267. PMID 23572123.
10 Source (in German): Karl_II._(Spanien)
11 Ceballos, FC; Alvarez, G (2013). "Royal dynasties as human inbreeding laboratories: the Habsburgs". Heredity. 111
(2): 114–121. doi:10.1038/hdy.2013.25. PMC 3716267. PMID 23572123.
List of royal persons with Mandibular prognathism (progenism)
The German Wikipedia's website “Habsburger Unterlippe” lists a number of names with aHabsburg
lip. The list is ordered more or less according to the birth or death of the royal persons. This will
help to identify royal persons, which may have used the Voynich manuscript as a pedagogical tool.
One of the earliest candidate may be Maximilian I or his father Frederick III (*1415 – †1493).
In order to locate the early cases of progenism I marked the birth locations in the first column.
Birth Royal person Details
Austr. Maximilian I. *1459-†1519 Maximilian's progenism caused a temporary disturbed
articulation. His father feared that Maximilian's bad
articulation might develop a debility or even mute.
Spain Karl V. *1500-†1558 Charles_V_(1500-58) : the progenism caused a
temporary disturbed articulation
Spain Philipp II. von Spanien *1527-†1598 Up to the age of 6 Philipp II could not read or write.
Hung. Maria von Ungarn *1505- †1558
Spain Ferdinand I. *1503- †1564
Austr. Maximilian II. *1527- †1576
Austr. Matthias *1557- †1619
Austr. Maria von Österreich *1531- †1581
Austr. Magdalena von Österreich *1532- †1590
Austr. Katharina von Österreich *1533- †1572
Austr. Johanna von Österreich *1547- †1578
Austr. Albrecht von Österreich *1559- †1621
Austr. Rudolf II. *1552 †1612
Austr. Ernst von Österreich *1553-†1595
Austr. Karl II. von Österreich *1540-†1590
Austr. Ferdinand II. *1578- †1637
Austr. Ferdinand III. *1608-†1657
Austr. Maria Anna *1610-†1665
Austr. & Cäcilia Renata *1611-†1644
Spain Philipp III. von Spanien *1578- †1621
Spain Philipp IV. von Spanien *1605- †1665
Spain Carlos von Spanien *1607- †1632
Spain Maria Anna von Spanien *1606- †1646
Austr. Leopold I. *1640- †1705
Austr. Maria Anna von Österreich *1634- †1696
Spain Karl II. von Spanien *1661- †1700
Italian Cardinal Leopoldo de’ *1617- †1675
Loth. Leopold von Lothringen *1679- †1729

Table 3List of royal persons with Mandibular prognathism (progenism)

(birth locations: Austria, Spain, Hungaria, Italian or Lothringia )
The coding for the Voynich Manuscript
The coding for the Voynich Manuscript as a training for disabled heirs may be quite simple. The
most primitive method is the skipping of the labials. An alternative is the replacement of labials by
other letters. The statistics of the alphabet suggest a transfer from each labials to one of other
categories: lingual, palatal, dental or guttural.

The statistics12 for the letters suggest an overdose of letters “O” and “E”, “H”, “Y”, whereas the
labials P, M, F, B, V, U are infrequent symbols, which in theory may have been replaced by
overdosed or median letters.
# 25T <20000 <15000 <10000 <5000
25000 O
20000 E H Y
15000 A C D I K
10000 L R S T N
<5000 Q P M F G X B J V U Z
Table 4 Statistics for EVA-letters
(the Zandbergen-Landini transliteration, using the Eva alphabet.)
Another statistics may be equivalent for the most frequent letters:
#T 10 6T-8T 4T-6T 2T-4T <1000
10T O
7T 9 C 8
5T A S E F R
3T 4 R P Z M
<1T 2 N Q B X J V T W D 3 U I 6 Y K 7 G H O L5

Table 5 Currier-D'Imperio transliteration, using the Currier alphabet

(Source for theses statistics: www.voynich.nu/extra/sol_ent.html)

12 Source for theses statistics: www.voynich.nu/extra/sol_ent.html

Rules to form words
There may be a rule to form words:
• Usually a first labial may be replaced by a palatal (Q or Ch) or in case of a vowel a letter
• In the second segment the labials may be transformed to gallows “T” and “K”.
• In the third segment a labial may be changed to a guttural O, E, or A, eventually completed
by a Ch, I or N.
• In the trailer segment the labials may be exchanged to R, L, Y or D, resp. DY.
• The letter Y is a joker, which may be interpreted as guttural, labial or palatal.
• The “M” may be an exception for a tolerated labial for the disabled speakers as the voice
may be silenced by closing the lips or simply stopping breathing.

The repaired formula for Mike Roe's generic word in ASCII-symbols-

from: www.voynich.nu (home page for René Zandbergen, 2023)

I decided to reconstruct a few samples of the words for water and air in the Voynich Manuscript:
Address in Voynich Manuscript Voynichese word English translation
<f72v1.R1.1;H> OTAR WATER
<f68r2 .U.1;H> OKO AQUA (WATER)
<f88r .t.2;H> ORALD, AIR
Table 6 The labials “W”, “F”, “M” are simply skipped.
The labials “W”, “F”, “M” in water, father and mother are simply skipped.
In the Voynichese language the “w” for “water” may be skipped in the words for water and the
underground roots for plants.
The “W” and “R” in WATER are skipped. In Voynichese the word WATER seems to be reduced to
The original word for the plants' food for underground roots (otorchety , otoky, otaly) may be fluid
water (“wota*”). In contrast the word for the humid air for aerial (or oral) roots is “ora*”.
These definitions are detailed in the following chapters.

The rainbows in the bottom segment in page f82v

Fig. 4:Several words with references to the water (bottom segment in page f82v)

In the 9 words for the rainbow the root “OKO“ may be interpreted as “AQUA”, in which the vowel
“O” ~ “A” and the consonant “K” ~ “QU”. The labial U in AQUA is skipped.
The 8 words in the drawing are found in page f82v (from the left to the right)13:

1. <f82v.L3.7;H> OKAIN= 4. <f82v.L3.10;H> OKEDOR= 7. <f82v.L3.13;H> OKOL=

2. <f82v.L3.8;H> OLKOL= 5. <f82v.L3.11;H> OTEDOL= 8. <f82v.L3.14;H> OTOLDY=
3. <f82v.L3.9;H> OKOOKY= 6. <f82v.L3.12;H> OTEEDY=
9. The rainbows in the bottom segment in page f82v
These translations may be compared to the labels in the upper segment in page f82v. The words for
OTEDOL water may be varied between “AQUA” and the core “ATE” in “WATER”.
The words “OTEDAL” and “OTEDOL” may both symbolize “Rainbow” or (more precise)
“WATER-BOW”. The “W” and “R” in WATER are skipped, in which the word WATER is reduced
to OTE.
By skipping the labials B and W the word “BOW” may be reduced to “O”, embedded between two
replacements “D” for “B” and “L” for “W”.

13 Translations of Takeshi Takahashi

The roots in Unit: "panel f88r, top labels for water-roots & Aerial roots"

The underground roots

The underground roots of the plants seem to start with “water”-labels such asotorchety , otoky,
otaly, in which the labial letter “w” is skipped :

Fig. 5Unit: "panel f88r, top labels for water-roots and Aerial roots"

Checking the transcripts of Takeshi Takahashi I found a number of roots for plants:oto (2) and ota
(1), which may be interpreted as “water”-entries. The normal roots may be defined as “water”-
entries ( otorchety , otoky, otaly).
In Dutch the root is “wortel”, which basically may be understood as “woter” with a letter “r” for
“root” in the composition “wo(r)ter”.
In the Voynichese language the labial letter “w” is skipped. The original words for the normal,
underground roots may be defined as “water”-entries (wotorchety, wotoky, wotaly).

Aerial roots
The brown-red roots for the plants 2, 3 and 4 contain different compositions (oral, orald and oldar),
which may be identified by a dental letter “r” for “air” or “oral”, which may have replaced the “t” in
otal, otald and oldat. The original for the brown-red roots (oral, orald and oldar) may also have been
interpreted as the “mouth” of the plants14.
I interpreted these variants as “Aerial roots” or “roots above the ground” (orald, oral, oldar). They
are almost always adventitious15. These specialized aerial roots enable plants to breathe air in
habitats that have waterlogged soil. The roots may grow down from the stem, or up from typical
roots. Some botanists classify these as aerating roots rather than aerial roots, if they come up from
soil. The surface of these roots are covered with lenticel (small pores) which take up air into spongy
tissue which in turn uses osmotic pathways to spread oxygen throughout the plant as needed.
Most aerial roots directly absorb the moisture from fog or humid air.16
<f88r .t.1;H> otorchety= <f88r .t.3;H> orald= <f88r .t.5;H> otoky=
<f88r .t.2;H> oral= <f88r .t.4;H> oldar= <f88r .t.6;H> otaly=
Unit: "panel f88r , top labels"

14 1620s, "uttered by the mouth or in words;" 1650s, "of or pertaining to the mouth," from Late Latin oralis, from Latin
os (genitive oris) "mouth, opening, face, entrance," from PIE *os- "mouth" (source also of Sanskrit asan "mouth,"
asyam "mouth, opening," Avestan ah-, Hittite aish, Middle Irish a "mouth," Old Norse oss "mouth of a river," Old
English or "beginning, origin, front"). oral (adj.)
15 Aerial roots- Plant structures, including, roots, buds, and shoots, that develop in unusual locations are called
adventitious. Such structures are common in vascular plants.
16 Pneumatophores
These words seem to encode receptors (“o*”) with an initial letter “o” to be followed by a “ta” for
underground roots (“ota*”)and “ra” for aerial roots (“ora*”). The food for underground roots is
water (“ota*”) and air for aerial roots (“ora*”). Therefore we might interpret the EVA-word “aer” as
In Voynichese language the words for the (underground and aerial) roots may be skipped the “w” for
“water”. The original word for the plants' food for underground roots is water (“wota*”),
respectively humid air for aerial (or oral) roots: “ora*”.
Each human language should be based on the (5) articulation points of the phonemes (lingual,
labial, guttural, palatal and dental). Usually these categories are found in PIE-words such as the sky-
god DIAUS. The search of the 5-letter keywords, which represent all 5 articulation points should be
applicable in the word formulas.
After some studies of the various interpretations of the Voynich Manuscript I decided to investigate
the 5 categorizations of the symbols in the words. One of the most promising formulas for the
deciphering of the etymology may be the word “okshdy” (okShdy) in the formula for Mike Roe's
generic word17.
The word “okShdy” may be the only 5-letter composition in which all Places of articulation are
represented. There is only one location in which “okShdy” is spelled as an individual word.
Unfortunately all keywords are located in text lines and none of the keywords may be identified as a
label. The letter Sh is interpreted as a an aspirated dental letter “S”.
In Voynich spelling the fourth and the fifth letters are individual symbols 8 (“d”) and 9 (“y”).
Therefore I interpret these letters as individual elements.
Of course we do not know the alphabetical equivalents for these letters. The only valid
interpretation of this experiment may be a suitable mechanism to control the structure of the 5
categories (lingual, labial, guttural, palatal and dental).

17 Source: http://www.voynich.nu (the home page for René Zandbergen, 2023)

The formula in Mike Roe's generic word.............................................................................................2
The formula for the keyword “okShdy” in Mike Roe's generic word..................................................3
The poor availability (or absence of labials)...................................................................................4
The traces of the keyword okShdy.......................................................................................................5
An alphabetic structure in the 3-layer VM-Model ..............................................................................6
The “circles” (IAO).........................................................................................................................7
A possible solution of the Voynichese enigma.....................................................................................8
The suppression or absence of the labial phonemes........................................................................8
The role of the House of Habsburg..................................................................................................8
The role of the multilingualism and the linguistic standards...........................................................8
The role of the Habsburg lip............................................................................................................9
List of royal persons with Mandibular prognathism (progenism).................................................10
The coding for the Voynich Manuscript.........................................................................................11
Rules to form words..................................................................................................................12
The rainbows in the bottom segment in page f82v .......................................................................13
The roots in Unit: "panel f88r, top labels for water-roots & Aerial roots"....................................14
The underground roots..............................................................................................................14
Aerial roots................................................................................................................................14
Appendix - The 16 essays of the Voynich-Project..............................................................................18
Appendix- The 16 essays of the Voynich-Project
The following 16 study-essays have been documented as stages in the Voynich-Project:
1. The Roots of the Voynich-Manuscript
2. The Search for Water- and Air-Words in the Voynich-Manuscript
3. The Relations between the Hunter Orion, the Pleiades and Baskets in the Voynich
4. The (Green) Aachtopf and the (Blue) Blautopf as Karst-Springs in the Voynich Manuscript
5. The Life-Cycle in Page f79v of the Voynich Manuscript
6. The Origin of the Yellow, Blue and Green Waters
7. The Role of the Queens in the Voynich Manuscript
8. The Misinterpretation and Reinterpretion of the Voynich Manuscript
9. The Background of the Voynich-Manuscript
10. The Text to the Ponds at Page f84v of the Voynich Manuscript
11. Analysis of the Rainbows in the Voynich Manuscript
12. Analysis of the Names for the Nymphs
13. A RISC-Design for the Voynich Alphabet (?)
14. The Heart of the Voynich Manuscript
15. The Role of Repetitions in the Voynich Manuscript
16. Another Approach to the Voynich Manuscript

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