Low-PAH Oils in View of Brazilian Tire Legislation

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Low-PAH oils in view of Brazilian

tire legislation

Dr. Markus Hoffmann, Dr. Mika Lahtinen,

Anna Eriksson, Gutenberg Souza Oliveira
16º Congresso de Borracha, São Paulo, Brazil
June 28, 2016
INMETRO Ordinance Nº 544 (Oct 25, 2012)

Related to European Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006

As of October 25, 2016 new tires should be
manufactured and imported only in accordance with
the set requirements and registered at INMETRO.
In addition to tire labeling, new requirements are set
to limit polyaromatic hydrocabons (PAHs) in tires:
• Bay protons content of tire compound:
- < 0.35 %, according to standard ISO 21461
• PAHs in process and extender oils:
- max. 1 ppm BaP
- max. 10 ppm of sum of all 8 PAHs

2 17 June, 2016
EU Commission Regulation 2015/326

New amendment of Annex XVII to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH)

Publication date: 2 March 2015
In force since: 23 March 2016
‘The standard EN 16143:2013* shall be used as the test method for
demonstrating conformity with the limits referred to in the first subparagraph:
[…] Extender oils shall not be placed on the market, or used for the
production of tyres or parts of tyres if they contain:
— more than 1 mg/kg (0,0001 % by weight) BaP, or,
— more than 10 mg/kg (0,001 % by weight) of the sum of all listed PAHs.
From 24 September 2016 it is not anymore allowed to use the standard IP
346:1998** to proof compliance.

* EN 16143:2013: Petroleum products — Determination of content of Benzo (a)pyrene (BaP) and selected
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in extender oils — Procedure using double LC cleaning and GC/MS

** IP346:1998: Determination of PCA in unused lubricating base oils and asphaltene free petroleum fractions —
Dimethyl sulphoxide extraction refractive index method

3 17 June, 2016
Rubber Process Oils in South America

Heavy Naphthenics

TRAE Naphthenic Black Oil


Vegetable Oils Paraffinic

Gr I, Gr II

4 17 June, 2016
Changes in the Base Oil Industry
8% 2007 2016
Gr. III; 4%
Gr.III ; 13% Gr. I ;
Gr. II; 20%
Gr. I ; 42%
Driver: Higher
68% quality engine

TDAE, MES, (T)RAE, DAE oils and fuels Gr. II; 37%

Fuels correspond to 81% of the total global oil Supply Prediction 2020
consumption Naphthenics

Engine oils correspond to 0.5% of the total Gr. I ;

global oil consumption Gr. III
Rubber process oils correspond to ca. 0.082%
of the total global oil consumption
Gr. II
Tire oils correspond to ca. 0.035% of the total
global oil consumption
5 17 June, 2016
Evaluation of Oils in

6 17 June, 2016
Properties of Rubber Process Oils in South America

7 17 June, 2016
Test Formulation

8 17 June, 2016
Mixing Process

9 17 June, 2016
Oil Incorporation Time

10 17 June, 2016
Mooney Viscosity

11 17 June, 2016
Curing Characteristics

12 17 June, 2016

13 17 June, 2016
Rebound Resilience

14 17 June, 2016
Tensile Properties

15 17 June, 2016
Tear Strength

16 17 June, 2016
Abrasion Loss

17 17 June, 2016
Ageing Behaviour

18 17 June, 2016
Glass Transition Temperature (Tg)

Test conditions: Tensile mode: 0.1 % strain, 1 Hz frequency

19 17 June, 2016
Dynamic Mechanical Behaviour (DMA)

Test conditions: Tensile mode: 0.5 % strain, 1 Hz frequency

20 17 June, 2016
Dynamic Mechanical Behaviour (DMA)

Test conditions: Tensile mode: 5 % strain, 10 Hz frequency

21 17 June, 2016
Evaluation of Oils in

22 17 June, 2016
Formulation: SSBR/BR-Silica

23 17 June, 2016

~40% lower rolling resistance indicator by moving from ESBR to SSBR compounds
ESBR: Nytex 4700 shows a 6% lower rolling resistance indicator vs. Oil-BRA
SSBR: Nytex 4700 shows a 10% lower rolling resistance indicator vs. Oil-BRA
Test conditions: Tensile mode: 0.5 % strain, 1 Hz frequency
24 17 June, 2016

New requirements in Brazil to limit polyaromatic hydrocabons (PAHs) in tires

All Nynas tire oils comply with the stipulated limits in Brazil and Europe
Oil incorporation time is shorter with Nytex 4700 and Nytex 840, enabling
shortening of mixing cycles
Only minor differences between the oils in thermal ageing test
Nytex grades display a better abrasion resistance than Oil-BRA; especially
good performance of Nytex 840
Nytex 840 and Nytex 4700 show excellent dynamic mechanical behavior and
allow improving the tire performance triangle.

25 17 June, 2016

We take oil further to bring lasting value to

customers and the world we live in.

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