Pega Platform 8.8 4-7-2023
Pega Platform 8.8 4-7-2023
Pega Platform 8.8 4-7-2023
7 April 2023
Case management____________________________________________________________________ 3
Prediction widget
In Theme Cosmos applications, you can now show a predicted case outcome, for
example, the probability of missing the SLA or the risk of fraud, by adding the
Prediction widget to the case view. Based on the concept of explainable AI, the widget
provides case workers with insight into the risk or complexity of a case, to help them be
efficient and make informed decisions when handling the case.
For predictions that the system makes using an adaptive model or a scorecard, the
widget offers the possibility to zoom into the top five influencing factors that lead to a
higher or lower probability. A bar chart shows the impact of each factor on the
prediction. The maximum of five points represents the maximum negative or positive
influence that any factor could have on the predicted value across all the cases.
For example, in a claims case concerning a car accident, factors that contribute to
increasing the probability of the case missing the SLA include the driver's age, customer
tenure, car age, and involvement of a pedestrian. The lack of previous claims and the
number of cars involved are factors that lower that probability.
For more information, see Adding a prediction widget to the Utilities pane.
Constellation case headers can now include a button that displays a common stage- or
case-wide action. This enhancement gives visual prominence to optional actions and
improves access to frequent tasks.
Constellation applications now support saving a task that is still in progress. When
working on a case, users can now choose to save the information they provide without
submitting a form. They can return to the task at a later time without losing data, which
saves effort and accelerates case processing.
Constellation now supports the Get Next Work functionality that selects the next
assignment for the user based on application configuration. By choosing the most
urgent or important work item, the application promotes user productivity, timeliness
of processing, and customer satisfaction.
For more information, see Creating a landing page for an application, Configuring a
column-based landing page, Configuring a list-based landing page, Configuring a