AJAVA Question Bank
AJAVA Question Bank
AJAVA Question Bank
Write an HTML code to create login form having one submit button , two textboxes
labeled as Login and Password as respectively. Write a Servlet class named as
29 3 CO4
ReadParameter to read these two parameters and display entered parameters values
on the page using doPost() method when user clicked on submit button.
30 Write steps to create a Servlet in JAVA. 4 CO4
Explain the difference between doGet() and doPost() method of Servlet with an
31 4 CO4
32 Explain the life cycle of a Servlet. 4 CO4
33 Give difference between SERVLET & JSP. 2 CO5
List Scripting Elements of JSP and explain expressions scripting element with an
34 3 CO5
Write an HTML code to create form having two textboxes and one submit button.
35 Write JSP code to display the addition of these two numbers when user clicks on the 4 CO5
submit button.
Sr. No. Question Marks CO
1 Differentiate between Local & Remote Applet 2 CO1
2 Explain paint , repaint and update method in applet 2 CO1
3 Give difference between applet and application. 3 CO1
4 Describe process to design a webpage with <APPLET>tag. 3 CO1
5 Explain < PARAM >tag in applet using example. 3 CO1
6 Explain life cycle of applet with diagram. 4 CO1
7 Write a program in JAVA to draw ten circles in the applet. 4 CO1
8 What is Swing? Explain the need of Swing. 2 CO2
9 Explain the AWT classes hierarchy 2 CO2
10 List out Swing component classes 2 CO2
11 What is Event? Give the name of Event classes. 2 CO2
12 Explain event handling in Java. 3 CO2
13 Write a Java program to use JTextField Swing Control to display your name. 3 CO2
14 Explain Mouse Listener. 3 CO2
15 Explain ComboBox AWT control in java. 3 CO2
16 Write short note in Event Listener 3 CO2
17 Explain different layout managers in Java. 4 CO2
Develop a program that has one button in the frame, clicking on the button cycles
18 4 CO2
through the colors of background: red->green>blue and so on.
19 Describe MOUSE EVENT and MOUSE LISTENER interface with example. 4 CO2
20 List advantages of using JDBC API. 2 CO3
21 Write a short note on JDBC Architecture. 3 CO3
22 What is JDBC Connection? Explain steps to get Database connection. 4 CO3
23 List JDBC Drivers. Explain JDBC-ODBC Driver and its advantages 4 CO3
Write a JDBC program that access Student table from database and display its all
24 4 CO3
record. Columns are Student_Id, Student_Name and age.
Develop a Graphical User Interface that performs the following SQL operations: a)
25 7 CO3
Insert b) Delete c)Update
26 Give difference between Servlet & Applet. 2 CO4
27 Explain the Use of sessions 2 CO4
28 What is difference between doGET() and doPOST() methods? 3 CO4
29 Describe HTTP SERVLET class with its methods with syntax. 3 CO4
30 Explain Servlet life cycle. 3 CO4
31 Explain session tracking in Servlet 4 CO4
32 Explain JSP Expressions 2 CO5
33 Write Short note on JSP scripting elements. 4 CO5
34 Difference between JSP and Servlet. 4 CO5
Develop a simple JSP program for user registration and then control will be transfer it
35 4 CO5
into second page.
Sr. No. Question Marks CO
1 Which Packages are required to create an Applet? 2 CO1
2 List four methods of an Applet Life cycle. 2 CO1
3 List Attributes of <PARAM> tag 2 CO1
4 Explain Parameter Passing in Applet 3 CO1
5 Explain Local Applet & Remote Applet 3 CO1
6 Give Advantages and limitations of Applet 3 CO1
7 Write a program to print “GTU Exam” in center of Applet window with RED color. 4 CO1
8 Give full form of HTTP and AWT. 2 CO2
9 Compare Controls Button and JButton 2 CO2
10 Differentiate Between AWT and Swing 2 CO2
11 Differentiate Flow Layout and Grid Layout 3 CO2
12 Explain any one Swing component with example. 3 CO2
13 Explain Canvas class with example. 3 CO2
14 Write a program to create a frame with one label in Applet. 3 CO2
15 Explain Border layout in Applet with example. 4 CO2
16 Describe java AWT class hierarchy. 4 CO2
17 Explain Event Handling in Java Applet. 4 CO2
Write an Applet that receives three numeric values as input from user and Print
18 4 CO2
largest value.
19 Write a java Applet program to demonstrate Action Listener. 4 CO2
20 List out JDBC API. 2 CO3
21 List Any four JDBC Exceptions 2 CO3
22 Give Advantages and limitations of JDBC 3 CO3
23 List All JDBC Drivers and explain any one in Detail. 3 CO3
24 Explain steps to connect java program to MySql Database. 4 CO3
25 Explain steps to connect java program to MS-Access Database. 4 CO3
26 Write a short note on JDBC Architecture. 4 CO3
27 What is Web Container in Servlet? 2 CO4
28 Write steps to create a Servlet in JAVA. 3 CO4
29 Write a Servlet program that takes parameter using POST method. 3 CO4
30 How to call JSP from Servlet? Explain using example. 4 CO4
31 Explain Session tracking in Servlet. 4 CO4
32 Describe Servlet Life cycle and its useful methods. 4 CO4
33 Explain <scriplet> tag of JSP in brief. 2 CO5
34 Differentiate between JSP and Servlet. 3 CO5
35 Explain JSP life cycle methods with program. 7 CO5
Sr. No. Question Marks CO
1 List Attributes of <Applet> tag. 2 CO1
2 Give difference between Local and Remote Applets. 2 CO1
3 Explain <PARAM> tag in Applet using Example. 3 CO1
4 Write a short note on Applet life cycle. 3 CO1
5 Give the difference between Applet and Application. 3 CO1
6 List Constructors and Method of CANVAS in AWT. 2 CO2
7 List Graphics class method available in Applet. 2 CO2
8 Give difference between AWT and Swing Packages. 2 CO2
Write a GUI based application using Jlabel, JTextField and JButton that accept your
9 3 CO2
name and display it.
10 Explain MouseEvent class in detail. 3 CO2
11 Differentiate CheckBox and RadioButton. 4 CO2
12 List out Various Layout Managers? Explain any one with Example. 4 CO2
Create an application that display a frame with a Menubar when a user selects any
13 4 CO2
Menu or Menu item, display that selection on a text area in the center of the Frame.
Write an applet that contains two RadioButton and 40×40 pixel CANVAS. The Two
14 RadioButton should be labeled with Red and Green. When a user selects any 4 CO2
RadioButton, change that selection of color in the Canvas.
15 Draw and explain AWT class hierarchy. 4 CO2
16 List JDBC API Components. 2 CO3
17 Write a step to access database from Java Application using JDBC. 3 CO3
18 List JDBC Driver. Explain JDBC-TO-ODBC bridge Driver (Type-1). 3 CO3
Develop JDBC application that uses any JDBC drivers to insert a record. (Assume
19 4 CO3
suitable Database).
Develop JDBC application that uses any JDBC drivers to update a record. (Assume
20 4 CO3
suitable Database).
21 Write a short note on JDBC Architecture. 4 CO3
22 What is difference between Servlet and Applet? 2 CO4
23 List Various tags used in WEB.XML file in Servlet. 2 CO4
24 What is Difference between doGet () and doPost () Methods? 3 CO4
25 List various features of Servlet. 3 CO4
26 Explain the life cycle of Servlet. 4 CO4
27 List installation steps of JSDK. 4 CO4
What is HTTP/Servlet Technology? Describe HTTPServlet class with its methods with
28 7 CO4
suitable Example.
29 Explain advantages of JSP? 2 CO5
30 List Types of Tags in JSP Scripting with Syntax. 2 CO5
31 Explain JSP Life cycle in detail. 3 CO5
32 Give difference between JSP and Servlet. 3 CO5
33 Write a simple JSP program to print “Hello World”. 3 CO5
34 Write JSP script to determine how many times the visitors has loaded the page. 4 CO5
35 Explain how to pass parameters in JSP file from an HTML file with an Example. 4 CO5