What Is Fire Alarm System

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What is Fire Alarm System?


A fire alarm system has a number of devices working together to detect

and warn people through visual and audio appliances when smoke, fire,
carbon monoxide or other emergencies are present.

These alarms may be activated automatically from smoke detectors, and

heat detectors or may also be activated via manual fire alarm activation
devices such as manual call points or pull stations.

Alarms can be either motorized bells or wall mountable sounders or horns.

They can also be speaker strobes which sound an alarm, followed by a voice
evacuation message which warns people inside the building not to use the

Fire alarm sounders can be set to certain frequencies and different tones
including low, medium and high, depending on the country and
manufacturer of the device.

Fire Alarm System

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Principle FI RE & G A S S YST E M
A heat detector is a fire alarm device designed to
Manual Call Point is a device for the manual initiation of
respond when the convected thermal energy of a fire
an alarm. Manual fire alarm activation is typically
increases the temperature of a heat sensitive e…
achieved through the use of a pull stat…

Why use a Fire Alarm System?

A fire alarm system is intended to enable a fire to be detected at a

sufficiently early stage so that people who are at risk can be made safe
either by escaping from the fire, or by the fire being extinguished ﴾also to
prevent extensive property damage﴿. Neither of these measures can be used
until people are made aware of fire.

The effectiveness of the fire detection and alarm system depends on the
stage of the fire at which it is operated. In order for all the occupants to
escape without too much difficulty, an early alarm should operate before the
escape routes becomes smoke‐logged to such an extent as will cause
occupants to have difficulty finding their way out of the building.

Fire Alarm Systems are used to protect life and property.

It protects by :

detecting a fire at an early stage

alerting and evacuating occupants
notifying the relevant personnel
activating auxiliary functions e.g. smoke controls, lift homing etc
identifying and guiding fire fighters

Typically, a fire alarm system is made up of the following


Initiating devices, capable of placing the system in the alarm state.

These can be photoelectric smoke and heat detectors, ionization
smoke detectors, heat detectors, in‐duct smoke detectors, manually
operated pull stations and sprinkler water flow sensors.
Indicating appliances, whose purpose is to announce building
occupants or at a remote location when the system enters the alarm
state, such as horns, strobe lights, chimes, bells, or combination units.
They are also available in weatherproof and hazardous location
A control panel, containing programming and operating electronics
and user interface, is fed by standard branch‐circuit wiring and
contains replaceable circuit cards – one for each zone. This includes
an alphanumeric display, showing the state of the system and
providing troubleshooting information, and a touchpad so that onsite
personnel can silence an alarm or trouble signal, reset the system
following an event, and reprogram if necessary
Sealed batteries similar to emergency light batteries, but listed for fire
alarm systems. These are usually 6V batteries wired in series to make
up 24VDC for a power‐limited system. The batteries can be contained
in the control panel or in a separate enclosure. When AC power fails,
the batteries take over with no interruption in fire protection. Of
course, there is also a charger.
Auxiliary devices, including remote annunciators with LEDs showing
the state of the system, an alarm silence switch, and visual LED
indication of the zone from which a fire alarm is initiated.
Electromagnetic door holders ﴾floor‐ or wall‐mounted﴿ are available.
In case of alarm, the magnet is de‐energized, allowing the door to
swing shut. Later, it is reopened manually.
Initiating devices are connected to the control panel by a 2‐ or 4‐wire
initiating device circuit. In the case of a power‐limited system, 24VDC
is applied to two wires going to a string of initiating devices, which
are wired in parallel. Neither wire is grounded, and they are isolated
from EMT or other raceways, which are grounded through the
connector at the control panel. Polarity is also critical. This voltage is
used to power the solid‐state circuitry within each detector. It’s also
used by the control panel to monitor the state ﴾alarm or no alarm﴿ of
the initiating devices and zone wiring.

A typical fire alarm system has numerous initiating devices divided among
separate zones – each connected via an initiating device circuit to a central
control panel.

The control panel performs supervisory functions over the initiating devices,
indicating appliances, all associated field wiring, telephone ties, and its own
internal wiring and circuit cards.

Why use a Fire Alarm System?

Fire Alarm Systems are used to protect life and property.

It protects by:

a. detecting a fire at an early stage

b. alerting and evacuating occupants
c. notifying the relevant personnel
d. activating auxiliary functions e.g. smoke controls, lift homing etc
e. identifying and guiding fire fighters

How does a fire alarm system operate ?

A fire alarm system operates in one of three ﴾or more﴿ states: normal, alarm,
and trouble. The state is reported at all times on the alphanumeric display.

If the system goes into alarm, the indicating appliances throughout the
building go off. These could be very loud horns for some occupancies, or
softer chimes in others, such as a nursing home.

The control panel monitors the initiating device circuits at all times for shorts
and open wiring by means of the applied DC voltage. The initiating devices
are normally open.

In the event of a fire they become conductive at close to zero ohms. How,
then, is it possible for the control panel to differentiate between a non‐alarm
state and an open wiring fault? This is accomplished by means of an end‐of‐
line resistor.

The control panel also monitors the functionality of its own wiring and zone
cards, and trouble is reported in the display.

Another capability of the fire alarm system is to call out in case of alarm. Two
dedicated phone lines are connected, and the system performs test calls
periodically in accordance with programmed instructions. If either phone line
won’t connect, the system goes into the trouble state, so repairs can be
The essence of a fire alarm system, as opposed to individual smoke
detectors, even if they are wired to indicate in concert, is that it is supervised
from a central location. The whole notion of supervision is critical.

It does not mean that a person sits at the console and watches it at all times.
What it means is that a supervisory voltage is applied to all circuitry, and
current flow is monitored electronically to verify that equipment and wiring
are intact.

If the system goes into alarm and won’t silence due to touchpad
malfunction, for example, it can be disarmed after the zone is checked for
fire by cutting off the power.

First, unhook one side of the battery array, then unhook the black‐white‐
green incoming power connector. If a fire alarm system is disabled,
maintenance and security personnel should initiate fire patrols throughout
the building.

The telephone monitoring agency should be informed, and the insurance

company contacted to verify that coverage is not voided.

Fire Alarm System Questions & Answers

What is the difference between a real and false

None. All alarms are real and are caused by a break in the electrical current
passing through the alarm system. Alarms can be sounded by someone
activating a pull station, by something as simple as toast burning near a
smoke detector, or by an actual fire.

If an alarm sounds, something caused it. It might not be a fire, but don’t bet
your life on it. All alarms should be treated as though they were caused by
fire until it can be determined otherwise by a competent authority, such as
the responding Fire Department. Over the years we have developed a
dangerous complacency in response to fire alarms due to the overuse of the
term “false alarm” to characterize an alarm not caused by actual fire.

What should you do if I hear a fire alarm?

Evacuate your building immediately and go to the area your supervisor has
designated as a meeting point. For safety reasons, you should evacuate if
you hear any alarm, even if it is not in your zone.

Why do we need NFPA 72 compliance?

NFPA 72 is a prescriptive standard that applies to Fire Alarm Systems. While
the NFPA 72 standard makes no mention of gas detection, many clients are
applying NFPA 72 standards and requirements to both fire and gas detection

There are several advantages to NFPA 72 certified systems that include:

Allows for the combining of both fire alarm and gas detection
functions into a single safety system
Ensures that local “authorities having jurisdiction” like fire marshals or
fire authorities have the assurance that the system complies with the
applicable codes and standards
Allows the end‐user to lower their insurance costs because they are
using a certified system
A NFPA 72 certified solution ensures that you are complying with the
best practices in the industry as drafted by the NFPA

When should we use a PLC vs. a Controller‐based

solution for F&G ?
The choice between a PLC and Controller‐based system is primarily driven by
the size of the application.

PLCs are best suited for medium to large size gas detection systems ﴾25+
points of gas detection﴿. For very large systems, PLCs have the advantage of
scaling fairly inexpensively to accommodate large point counts. PLCs offer
the added benefit of extensive connectivity options for communicating with
other DCS or ESD systems.

Controller‐based gas detection lends itself to small to medium sized systems

very effectively. A controller‐based gas detection system is relatively easy to
implement, and does not require software programming tools. The
hardwired nature of a controller‐based solution makes it inherently simple to
troubleshoot and support.

What is the difference between fail‐safe operation

and the supervision requirements of the fire codes
and NFPA 72?
The underlying principle of fail‐safe design assumes that a process or item of
equipment can be designed to take the process to a safe status on
equipment failure or power interruption. This approach requires that the
switch to “safe state” be possible without power and that the “normal
operating state” of the equipment utilize energized control circuits.

Almost all detection, extinguishing and notification circuits of a Fire Alarm

system are not normally energized and are not “fail‐safe”. In order to be sure
these fire circuits are intact and ready for use when needed these circuits are

Supervision is normally done using a small current or voltage passed

through a field circuit device called an “end of line device”. This small current
or voltage is continuously monitored to verify that the circuit is intact and
ready for operation.

Fire Alarm systems in many cases need to activate suppression or

notification equipment in the event of a hazardous condition and these
systems require power be available to do so. This is the primary arguments
behind the NFPA 72 requirements associated with backup power systems
and batteries.

Should we take addressable fire alarm

communications in to process areas?
Addressable fire alarm communication devices can be used in process areas
when the operating specifications of the devices are compatible with the
electrical and environmental conditions found in these process areas.

Most commercial addressable fire alarm equipment are normally rated for
operation in general purpose environments with ambient temperatures
between 0 and 50°C. Most process area environments have operating
temperature ranges outside the 0‐50°C range. Many process area
environments require devices suitable for Division 1 or Division 2 areas.

When using commercial addressable fire alarm equipment we normally

recommend that the addressable equipment be located only in
environmentally controlled areas such as crew quarters, control rooms, office
areas. If devices to be connected to the addressable fire alarm system are to
be located outside these environmentally controlled areas, we recommend
the use of an addressable to conventional circuit converter to be installed
inside the environmentally controlled area with a conventional circuit
interface to the process area located device.

Read Next:

What is Gas Leak Detection?

Types of Fire Detectors
Basics of Fire Extinguisher
Carbon Monoxide Sensor
Calibration of Gas Detectors

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3 thoughts on “What is Fire Alarm System?”

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June 29, 2019 at 2:56 pm

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