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An information series from the national authority on concrete masonry technology


TEK 12-3C
CONCRETE MASONRY Reinforcement & Connectors (2013)


The function of anchor bolts is to transfer loads to the

masonry from attachments such as ledgers, sills, and bearing threaded bolts, but also include plate anchors (where a steel
plates. Both shear and tension are transferred through anchor
bolts to resist design forces such as uplift due to wind at the must meet the requirements of
top of a column or wall or vertical gravity loads on ledgers
supporting joists or trusses (see Figure 1). The magnitude of ASTM A307, Grade A (ref. 7).

This TEK summarizes the requirements to properly design, installed anchors, design loads are determined from testing a
detail and install anchor bolts embedded in concrete masonry
construction based on the provisions of the 2013 edition of
Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures (ref. 1). Elements, ASTM E488 (ref. 8) under stresses and conditions
It should be noted that the 2012 editions of the International that represent the intended use. Allowable stress design values
Building Code and International Residential Code (refs. 3 and are limited to 20% of the average tested anchor bolt strength.
4) reference the provisions of the 2011 edition of Building Code Using strength design provisions, nominal design strengths
Requirements for Masonry Structures (ref. 5) which contain no are limited to 65% of the average tested strength.


Anchor bolts can generally be divided into two categories:

embedded anchor bolts, which are placed in the grout during
the masonry construction; and post-installed anchors, which are
placed after the masonry is constructed. Post-installed anchors
achieve shear and tension (pull out) resistance by means of
expansion against the masonry or sleeves or by bonding with
epoxy or other adhesives. The design of post-installed anchors
should be in accordance with the anchor manufacturer's litera-
ture and is beyond the scope of this TEK.
Building Code
Requirements for Masonry Structures fall into one of two Tension

are threaded steel rods with hooks on the end embedded into
the masonry. Bent-bar anchor bolts must meet the material
requirements of
Steel, ASTM A36/A36M (ref. 6).

Related TEK: Keywords: allowable stress design, anchorage, anchor bolts, bent-bar
14-4B, 14-7C anchor, connections, design values, headed anchor, strength design

NCMA TEK 12-3C (replaces TEK 12-3B) 1

on the strength or performance of anchors compared to those
placed in holes only slightly larger than the anchor diameter,
Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures (ref. the code has opted to maintain these clearance requirements
1) contains anchor bolt design provisions for both the allowable as a convenient means of verifying that grout has adequately
stress design and strength design methods (Chapters 2 and 3, consolidated around the anchor bolt.
respectively). An overview of these design philosophies can be Although it rarely controls in typical masonry design,
found in , TEK Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures also
14-7C, and , requires that the distance between parallel anchors be at least
TEK 14-4B (refs. 9, 10). Note that Chapter 5 of the code also equal to the diameter of the anchor, but not less than 1 in. (25.4
mm) to help ensure adequate anchor performance and grout
are applicable to empirically designed masonry, but these consolidation around the anchor.
provisions are not covered here. Existing masonry codes do not address tolerances for
While many of the requirements for anchor design vary anchor bolt placement. In the absence of such criteria, construc-
between the allowable stress and strength design methods, tion tolerances used for placement of structural reinforcement
some provisions are commonly shared between the two de-
sign approaches. The following discussion and topics apply keep the anchor bolts properly aligned during grout placement,
to anchors designed by either the allowable stress or strength templates can be used to hold the bolts within the necessary
design methods. tolerances. Templates, which are typically made of wood or
steel, also prevent grout leakage in cases where anchors pro-
trude from the side of a wall.
For both design methods, the anchor bolt net area used to
determine the design values presented in this TEK are taken
equal to the following, which account for the reduction in area The projected tension breakout area, pt, and the projected
due to the presence of the anchor threading: shear breakout area, , for headed and bent-bar anchors are
/2 in. anchor = 0.142 in.2 (91.6 mm2) determined by Equations 1 and 2 as follows:
/8 in. anchor = 0.226 in.2 (145.8 mm2)
/4 in. anchor = 0.334 in.2 (215.4 mm2) pt
= l2 Eqn. 1
/8 in. anchor = 0.462 in.2 (298.0 mm2) lbe 2
Apv Eqn. 2
The minimum effective embedment length for anchor The anchor bolt edge distance, l , is measured in the
bolts is four bolt diameters (4d ) or 2 in. (51 mm), whichever direction of the applied load from the center of the anchor
is greater (see Figure 2). The embedment length of headed bolt to the edge of the masonry. When the projected areas of
bolts, l , is measured parallel to the bolt axis
from the surface of the masonry to the bolt
head bearing surface. For bent-bar anchors,
the effective embedment length is measured
parallel to the bolt axis from the masonry
surface to the bearing surface on the bent end Bent-bar anchor
minus one anchor bolt diameter. bolt
Minimum clearance
Anchor bolts are required to be embedded between anchor
in grout, with the exception that ¼ in. (6.4 and nearest masonry
mm) diameter anchors are permitted to be surface:
placed in mortar bed joints that are at least ¼ in. (6.4 mm) for
½ in. (12.7 mm) thick. Excluding anchors fine grout; ½ in. (12.7 bolt
placed in mortar bed joints, a minimum clear- mm) for coarse grout e
ance of ¼ in. (6.4 mm) and ½ in. (12.7 mm) Grout
is required between the anchor bolt and the

coarse grout, respectively. This requirement Note: minimum embedment length, l = 4d

applies to anchor bolts embedded in the top but not less than 2 in. (51mm)
of a masonry element as well as those pen-
etrating through the face shells of masonry as
illustrated in Figure 2. While research (ref. 11)
has shown that placing anchors in oversized

2 NCMA TEK 12-3C

adjacent anchor bolts overlap, the portion of the overlapping
area is reduced by one-half for calculating pt or as shown The allowable shear load, B , for headed and bent-bar
in Figure 3. Any portion of the projected area that falls within anchor bolts is taken as the smallest of Equation 6, allowable
an open cell, open core, open head joint, or falls outside of the shear load governed by masonry breakout, Equation 7, al-
masonry element is deducted from the calculated value of pt lowable shear load as governed by crushing of the masonry,
and . A graphical representation of a tension breakout cone Equation 8, allowable shear load as governed by masonry
is shown in Figure 4. pryout, and Equation 9, allowable shear load as governed by
anchor yielding.
Eqn. 6
350 4
Eqn. 7

The allowable axial tensile load, Ba, for headed and bent-bar 2.5
Eqn. 8
anchor bolts is taken as the smaller of Equation 3, allowable
B = 0.36 fy Eqn. 9
axial tensile load governed by masonry breakout, and Equation
4, allowable axial tensile load governed by anchor yielding.
For bent-bar anchors, the allowable axial tensile load must also
Anchor bolts subjected to combined axial tension and
be less than that determined by Equation 5 for anchor pullout.
shear must also satisfy the following unity equation:
1.25 Eqn. 3
1.0 Eqn. 10
Bas = 0.6 fy Eqn. 4 B B
B = 0.6 f m e d + 120 (l +e +d )d Eqn. 5
The relationship between applied tension and shear loads versus
allowable tension and shear loads is illustrated in Figure 5.

The design provisions for anchor bolts using the strength
l design method is nearly identical to that used for allowable stress
design, with appropriate revisions to convert the requirements
to produce nominal axial tension and shear design strengths.
The strength reduction factors, , for use in Equations 11
through 18 are taken equal to the following values:
Overlap of
breakout, masonry crushing, or anchor pryout, is taken
equal to 0.50,
pt areas

= p l 2 - 1/2(area of overlap) bolt yielding, is taken equal to 0.90,


pullout, is taken equal to 0.65.

(failure) (failure)
Assumed cone for
calculation of pt

NCMA TEK 12-3C 3

line of the bolt to the edge of the ledger, denoted as x for this
The nominal axial tensile strength, Ban, for headed and example. The induced tension force on the entire connection
bent-bar anchor bolts is taken as the smaller of Equation 11, can be calculated as follows:
nominal axial tensile strength governed by masonry breakout, Moment Ve 1,600(2.5 0.25)
and Equation 12, nominal axial tensile strength governed by arm 5
( )x ( 5 )(2.75)
6 6
anchor yielding. For bent-bar anchors, the nominal axial tensile
strength must also be less than that determined by Equation
13 for anchor pullout. Using Equation 1, one can determine the area of tensile
breakout for each bolt to be 113.10 in2 (729.68 cm2), however
4 Eqn. 11 due to the proximity of the bolts to one another, there is an
Bans fy Eqn. 12 overlap in projected breakout area. To account for this, one
Banp = 1.5 f'm e d l + e + d )d Eqn. 13 must reduce the projected breakout area by one half of the

projected area for each bolt becomes:

The nominal shear strength, B , for headed and bent-bar
anchor bolts is taken as the smallest of Equation 14, nominal Apt l b 2 b ( sin )
shear strength governed by masonry breakout, Equation 15, 2
nominal shear strength as governed by crushing of the masonry, s
where 2arccos in radians
Equation 16, nominal shear strength as governed by masonry 2lb 190
pryout, and Equation 17, nominal shear strength as governed
by anchor yielding.
4 Eqn. 14 pt is found to be 90.99

1050 4 Eqn. 15
8 Eqn. 16
B = 0.6 fy Eqn. 17

As with allowable stress design, anchor bolts subjected

to combined axial tension and shear must also satisfy the 36 in.
following unity equation: (914 mm)
baf bvf = 800 lb.
1.0 (363 kg)
Ban Bvn L = 800 lb.
Eqn. 18
(363 kg)
1 in.
Two 1/2 in (12.7 mm) headed anchors comprise a 4
bolted connection for a roof beam to the side of an 8 in. (6.3 mm)
(203mm) masonry wall, see Figure 5 below. The wall has x = 2 3 4 in.
f'm of 2,000 (70 mm)
psi (13.8 MPa). The bolts have an effective yield stress of A
60 ksi (413.7 MPa) with and effective embedment length 21
2 in.
and spacing between bolts of 6 in. (50.8 mm). (64 mm) Roof beam
Bent P 1
4 in. (6 mm)
It can be assumed that the + LR is the govern-
ing load combination. With this, the total design shear
force for the connection is 1,600 lb (7.12 kN), with each
anchor bolt resisting half of the total load. As is typical
with bolted connections subjected to shear, the load is
imparted at an offset distance, e which is equivalent to
the additive thickness of the ledger and connector ele-
ments. This eccentric load generates a force couple with s = 6 in.
tensile forces in the anchor and bearing of the masonry (152 mm)
wall. Using engineering judgment, the moment arm can
be approximated as 5/6 times the distance from the center

4 NCMA TEK 12-3C

in2 (578.03 cm2). yielding (Equation 17) and is checked as follows (as explained
In turn, the axial tensile strength is controlled by either previously, for this example the wall geometry and direction
masonry breakout (Equation 3) or anchor yielding (Equation of loading indicate shear breakout to be an unlikely failure
4) and determined as follows (Equation 5 is explicitly for mode):
bent-bar anchors and need not be checked): B 1, 050 4 2, 000 (0.142) 4,310 lb (19.17 kN)
B (1.25)(90.99) 2, 000 5, 087 lb (22.62 kN)
B 8(90.00) 2, 000 32,554 lb (144.81 kN)
Bas = 0.6(0.142)(60,000) = 5,112 lb (22.73 kN)
B = 0.6(0.142)(60,000) = 5,112 lb (27.74 kN)
For this example, the axial tensile strength is controlled
by the masonry breakout strength, B . For this example, the nominal shear strength for each
Similarly, to determine the allowable shear strength, one anchor is controlled by masonry crushing, B .
would typically calculate the shear breakout area for each an- Applying the appropriate strength reduction factors of
chor. For this particular example, given the direction of shear = 0.9 for anchor yielding under tensile loads and = 0.5 for
loading and large edge distance, masonry shear breakout will masonry crushing under shear loads, and checking the combined
not be the governing failure mode. Calculated strengths for loading effects for an individual anchor against Equation 18
masonry crushing (Equation 7), anchor pryout (Equation 8), yields the following:
and anchor yielding (Equation 9) are as follows: 1,344 1,120
0.175 0.520 0.695 1.0
B 350 4 2,000(0.142) 1, 437 lb (6.39 kN) (0.9)(8,520) (0.5)(4,310)


by the masonry crushing strength, B

5, 036 1, 437

connection is 1.2 +1.6LR

Again, citing Equation 1 and modifying it for the overlap an
B = nominal axial tensile strength of anchor bolt when
of projected breakout area, pt for each anchor bolt is found
governed by masonry breakout, lb (N)
to be 90.99 in.2 (578.03 cm2). Refer to the allowable stress
Banp = nominal axial tensile strength of anchor bolt when
governed by anchor pullout, lb (N)
Axial tensile strength determined by calculating masonry
Bans = nominal axial tensile strength of anchor bolt when
breakout (Equation 11) and anchor yielding (Equation 12) are
governed by steel yielding, lb (N)
as follows (as was the case before, Equation 13 need not be
Bap = allowable axial tensile load on anchor bolt when
checked as this applies only to bent-bar anchors):
governed by anchor pullout, lb (N)
B 4 (90.00) 2, 000 16, 277 lb (72.40 kN) Bas = allowable axial tensile load on anchor bolt when
Bans (0.142) (60, 000) 8,520 lb (37.90 kN) governed by steel yielding, lb (N)
B = allowable shear force on anchor bolt, lb (N)
B = allowable shear load on an anchor bolt when governed
The nominal axial tensile strength is governed by the
by masonry breakout, lb (N)
anchor yielding, Bans.
B = allowable shear load on anchor bolt when governed
Nominal shear strength is controlled by masonry crush-
by masonry crushing, lb (N)
ing (Equation 15), anchor pryout (Equation 16), and anchor
B = nominal shear strength of anchor bolt, lb (N)

NCMA TEK 12-3C 5

B = nominal shear strength of anchor bolt when governed d = nominal diameter of anchor bolt, in. (mm)
by masonry breakout, lb (N) e = eccentricity of applied loads on bolted connection, in.
B = nominal shear strength of anchor bolt when governed (mm)
by masonry crushing, lb (N) e = projected leg extension of bent bar anchor, measured
B = nominal shear strength of anchor bolt when governed from inside edge of anchor at bend to farthest point
by anchor pryout, lb (N) of anchor in the plane of the hook, in. (mm)
B = nominal shear strength of anchor bolt when governed f'm
by steel yielding, lb (N) fy
B = allowable shear load on an anchor bolt when governed l = effective embedment length of anchor bolts, in. (mm)
by anchor pryout, lb (N) l = anchor bolt edge distance, measured in direction of
B = allowable shear load on an anchor bolt when governed load, from edge of masonry to center of the cross sec-
by steel yielding, lb (N) tion of anchor bolt, in. (mm)
a = unfactored axial force on anchor bolt, lb (N) s = spacing between anchors, in. (mm)
af = factored axial force in anchor bolt, lb (N) x = depth from center line of anchor to edge of ledger
= unfactored shear force on anchor bolt, lb (N) = strength reduction factor
= factored shear force in anchor bolt, lb (N)

1. Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures, TMS 402-13/ACI 530-13/ASCE 5-13, Reported by the Masonry Standards

2. -
mittee, 2013.
3. International Building Code, International Code Council, 2012.
4. International Residential Code, International Code Council, 2012.
5. Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures, TMS 402-11/ACI 530-11/ASCE 5-11, Reported by the Masonry Standards

6. , ASTM A36-12, ASTM International, 2012.

7. , ASTM A307-12, ASTM International,
8. , ASTM E488-10, ASTM International, 2010.
9. , TEK 14-7C, National Concrete Masonry Association, 2011.
10. , TEK 14-4B, National Concrete Masonry Association, 2008.



To order a complete TEK Manual or TEK Index, contact NCMA Publications (703) 713-1900

6 NCMA TEK 12-3C

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