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This TEK summarizes the requirements to properly design, installed anchors, design loads are determined from testing a
detail and install anchor bolts embedded in concrete masonry
construction based on the provisions of the 2013 edition of
Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures (ref. 1). Elements, ASTM E488 (ref. 8) under stresses and conditions
It should be noted that the 2012 editions of the International that represent the intended use. Allowable stress design values
Building Code and International Residential Code (refs. 3 and are limited to 20% of the average tested anchor bolt strength.
4) reference the provisions of the 2011 edition of Building Code Using strength design provisions, nominal design strengths
Requirements for Masonry Structures (ref. 5) which contain no are limited to 65% of the average tested strength.
are threaded steel rods with hooks on the end embedded into
the masonry. Bent-bar anchor bolts must meet the material
requirements of
Steel, ASTM A36/A36M (ref. 6).
Related TEK: Keywords: allowable stress design, anchorage, anchor bolts, bent-bar
14-4B, 14-7C anchor, connections, design values, headed anchor, strength design
The allowable axial tensile load, Ba, for headed and bent-bar 2.5
Eqn. 8
anchor bolts is taken as the smaller of Equation 3, allowable
B = 0.36 fy Eqn. 9
axial tensile load governed by masonry breakout, and Equation
4, allowable axial tensile load governed by anchor yielding.
For bent-bar anchors, the allowable axial tensile load must also
Anchor bolts subjected to combined axial tension and
be less than that determined by Equation 5 for anchor pullout.
shear must also satisfy the following unity equation:
1.25 Eqn. 3
1.0 Eqn. 10
Bas = 0.6 fy Eqn. 4 B B
B = 0.6 f m e d + 120 (l +e +d )d Eqn. 5
The relationship between applied tension and shear loads versus
allowable tension and shear loads is illustrated in Figure 5.
The design provisions for anchor bolts using the strength
l design method is nearly identical to that used for allowable stress
design, with appropriate revisions to convert the requirements
to produce nominal axial tension and shear design strengths.
The strength reduction factors, , for use in Equations 11
through 18 are taken equal to the following values:
Overlap of
breakout, masonry crushing, or anchor pryout, is taken
equal to 0.50,
pt areas
(failure) (failure)
Assumed cone for
calculation of pt
1050 4 Eqn. 15
8 Eqn. 16
B = 0.6 fy Eqn. 17
5, 036 1, 437
Again, citing Equation 1 and modifying it for the overlap an
B = nominal axial tensile strength of anchor bolt when
of projected breakout area, pt for each anchor bolt is found
governed by masonry breakout, lb (N)
to be 90.99 in.2 (578.03 cm2). Refer to the allowable stress
Banp = nominal axial tensile strength of anchor bolt when
governed by anchor pullout, lb (N)
Axial tensile strength determined by calculating masonry
Bans = nominal axial tensile strength of anchor bolt when
breakout (Equation 11) and anchor yielding (Equation 12) are
governed by steel yielding, lb (N)
as follows (as was the case before, Equation 13 need not be
Bap = allowable axial tensile load on anchor bolt when
checked as this applies only to bent-bar anchors):
governed by anchor pullout, lb (N)
B 4 (90.00) 2, 000 16, 277 lb (72.40 kN) Bas = allowable axial tensile load on anchor bolt when
Bans (0.142) (60, 000) 8,520 lb (37.90 kN) governed by steel yielding, lb (N)
B = allowable shear force on anchor bolt, lb (N)
B = allowable shear load on an anchor bolt when governed
The nominal axial tensile strength is governed by the
by masonry breakout, lb (N)
anchor yielding, Bans.
B = allowable shear load on anchor bolt when governed
Nominal shear strength is controlled by masonry crush-
by masonry crushing, lb (N)
ing (Equation 15), anchor pryout (Equation 16), and anchor
B = nominal shear strength of anchor bolt, lb (N)
1. Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures, TMS 402-13/ACI 530-13/ASCE 5-13, Reported by the Masonry Standards
2. -
mittee, 2013.
3. International Building Code, International Code Council, 2012.
4. International Residential Code, International Code Council, 2012.
5. Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures, TMS 402-11/ACI 530-11/ASCE 5-11, Reported by the Masonry Standards
To order a complete TEK Manual or TEK Index, contact NCMA Publications (703) 713-1900