CSAI: Open-Source Cellular Radio Access Network Security Analysis Instrument

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CSAI: Open-Source Cellular Radio Access Network

Security Analysis Instrument

Thomas Byrd and Vuk Marojevic Roger Piqueras Jover∗
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Bloomberg LP
Mississippi State University New York, NY
Mississippi State, MS [email protected]
{tkb140, vuk.marojevic}@msstate.edu
arXiv:1905.07617v1 [cs.CR] 18 May 2019

Abstract—This paper presents our methodology and toolbox frames, channels, and signals are specified in the standards
that allows analyzing the radio access network security of specifications.
laboratory and commercial 4G and future 5G cellular networks. There is a huge need for research and development tools
We leverage a free open-source software suite that implements
the LTE UE and eNB enabling real-time signaling using software that enable cellular signaling analysis for a multitude of
radio peripherals. We modify the UE software processing stack purposes. It can help understand the limitations of current
to act as an LTE packet collection and examination tool. This implementations and guide the evolution of the standard.
is possible because of the openness of the 3GPP specifications. They can also be effectively used for education and training.
Hence, we are able to receive and decode LTE downlink messages Security is another important aspect where RAN signaling
for the purpose of analyzing potential security problems of
the standard. This paper shows how to rapidly prototype LTE analysis is needed. It has been shown that the LTE control
tools and build a software-defined radio access network (RAN) signaling suffers from targeted interference that an adversary
analysis instrument for research and education. Using CSAI, the can exploit, easily and cheaply [1]. We therefore propose a
Cellular RAN Security Analysis Instrument, a researcher can flexible signal analysis tool for analyzing commercial and
analyze broadcast and paging messages of cellular networks. experimental cellular communication systems, assisting in the
CSAI is also able to test networks to aid in the identification
of vulnerabilities and verify functionality post-remediation. Ad- detection of potential vulnerabilities, and evaluating correc-
ditionally, we found that it can crash an eNB which motivates tive measures which will pave the path to secure wireless
equivalent analyses of commercial network equipment and its networks.
robustness against denial of service attacks. This paper leverages open-source software implementations
Index Terms—open-source LTE, SDR, paging, radio access of LTE and develops a free open-source cellular RAN security
network signaling, analysis, wireless security
analysis instrument, CSAI. CSAI is lightweight and can
I. I NTRODUCTION process data in real time. It interfaces with common software
radio front ends, such as Ettus Research USRPs, and can
The Long Term Evolution (LTE) is a cellular communica- capture LTE control messages and be easily extended to
tions standard developed by the 3rd Generation Partnership capture 5G NR signals. It can emulate an eNodeB (eNB) or
Project (3GPP). LTE was finalized in 3GPP Release 8 in user equipment (UE) and implement specific processes to test
December 2008, and LTE-Advanced followed in 3GPP Re- the behavior of the UE or eNB. It also allows testing larger
lease 10. Only recently has there been significant enough RANs which involve multiple UEs or multiple eNBs. For
open source software development efforts for producing stable example, in commercial networks that have dozens of UEs, or
implementations of the LTE and LTE-A specifications to allow more, that rotate between serving cells, this tool will be able
for rapid prototyping and testing of 4G networks by the to monitor paging traffic in a particular cell and identify new
broader research community. UEs as they are paged for the purpose of signaling analysis.
Next generation 5G networks promise a huge leap from 4G. It is very important to be able to analyze protocol edge
The reality however is that the initial 5G releases leverage cases and understand their implications in terms of RAN
LTE networks in many regards: New Radio (NR) initially security. Not only can it be used for analyzing the standard
implements a similar radio access network (RAN) and hooks specifications of a modern cellular standard, but this tool can
to the LTE evolved packet core (EPC). 5G generally allows also test vendor specific implementations. Additionally, it is
more flexible waveform and protocol configurations, trans- a benchmarking tool for stress testing 4G and 5G networks
mission in sub 6 GHz and millimeter wave bands, and higher and can be adapted to fit different use cases. For instance, if
bandwidths than LTE. The signaling will initially be OFDM, a vendor needs an automated tool to determine the limits of
for example, where the 5G signaling frame will carry data their Radio Resource Control (RRC) buffers, this instrument
and control information. Starting in 3GPP Release 15, 5G will be able to facilitate that.
∗ Author did not contribute to source code. Code published to accompany The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section
this paper was written by Mr. Thomas Byrd and Dr. Vuk Marojevic. II briefly outlines other work in the area of capturing LTE
messages and performing LTE security analyses. Section It needs to decode the the Master and System Information
III describes the important LTE signaling over the RAN. Blocks (MIB/SIBs). These blocks are transmitted in the clear
This allows for better comprehension of Section IV, which by the eNB on a regular basis to ensure that UEs have the
introduces our software instrument for analyzing broadcast necessary information needed to attach. This is the initial
and paging messages. Section V discusses experiments and cell search that each UE performs when turned on or when
data collected from commercial networks. Section VI focuses returning out of coverage and is part of the information that
on the security implications of our initial results, and Section our tool can capture and analyze.
VII concludes the paper.
Security research of cellular communications standards has
a long history and helped evolve systems to the current 4G
and emerging 5G networks [2]. The insecure 2G systems
are still used today and whenever 4G or 3G coverage is
not available, handsets look for 2G networks. 4G systems
introduce network and user authentication, where a user can
authenticate the network it connects to. However, certain
4G security vulnerabilities were identified that 5G networks
intend to fix.
Fig. 1. Life cycle of an LTE UE.
With the emergence of software radios, increasing pro-
cessing power of general-purpose computers, and software Once a UE knows the network configuration details that are
implementations of cellular standards, experimental LTE se- provided in the MIB/SIBs, it can then use its Random Access
curity research took off [3]. Researchers dissected the entire Radio Network Temporary Identity (RA-RNTI) to initiate a
LTE signaling frame looking for vulnerabilities of the system RRC connection with an eNB. After a UE has established
when specific subsystems are interfered with. Two types of an RRC connection, the UE will communicate to the EPC
attacks were examined, physical control channel jamming and through the eNB over the Non-Access Stratum (NAS) protocol
spoofing, and mitigation mechanisms were proposed in [4] layer. Fig. 1 illustrates this attachment process.
and [5]. Other research groups have more recently tested LTEs In order to identify itself with the network, UEs utilize the
higher layer signaling protocols and published their findings International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI). This secret
in open literature [6]. identifier can be leveraged in a number of privacy-invading
While there exist many commercial tools that perform attacks [10] and, as such, should always be kept private.
LTE traffic capture and decoding, to our knowledge, there However, the UE will authenticate with the EPCs Home
is no open source software that will accomplish this. Papers Subscriber Server (HSS) transmitting its IMSI in the clear
that have been published regarding LTE security require the if the UE has no history with the network.
use of commercial LTE capture tools or the development of Once all of the NAS and RRC connections are established,
custom tools as observed in [7] and [8]. The relevance of the UE will enter an Idle state and deactivate the radio link
this subject is apparent from the availability of professional between itself and the eNB. If the EPC needs to deliver a
test instruments, offered by various hardware and software message to an idle UE, it is the job of the eNB to wake-up
companies. But their high cost limits their widespread use in the idle device and re-establish a physical connection [11].
research and education. Our goal is to provide a framework This is done by sending out a paging message to all UEs
for making cellular RAN signaling analysis accessible to all, in the operational area of the eNB. These paging messages
enable wireless security research, increase the transparency use a specific Paging RNTI (P-RNTI) [12] to indicate the
and visibility of RAN operations, and allow easy adoption by broadcast nature of paging and UEs are required to respond
industry and standardization bodies. if their IMSI or SAE Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity
(S-TMSI) is being paged. The S-TMSI is a combination of
MME Code and the Mobile TMSI (m-TMSI), herein both are
This section provides the necessary background on how simply referred to as the TMSI. Our tool is able to capture
LTE UEs register to the network and get notified by the and decode the SIBs and Paging messages for specified eNBs
network of incoming messages or calls. When a UE powers which enables RAN Security analysis.
on, it first needs to receive and decode the Primary and
Secondary Synchronization Signals (PSS/SSS) [9]. Together, IV. CSAI: C ELLULAR RAN S ECURITY A NALYSIS
these two signals allow the UE to synchronize on a slot and I NSTRUMENT
frame level basis, respectively, as well as correct for frequency There are various open source software applications that
and phase offsets between the eNB and UE oscillators Now implement different parts of the LTE specifications. We chose
that the UE is synchronized with the eNB, it needs to know srsLTE [13] for its simplicity and applicability toward captur-
more information before it can initiate an attach request. ing and decoding broadcast and paging messages.
srsLTE specifically implements 3GPP Release 8 with cer-
tain components of Release 9 integrated into its software. It
is a licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License
for free use for non-commercial purposes, such as research
and education. The srsLTE software suite is compatible with
software defined radio (SDR) hardware to build LTE radio
access networks. As the names suggest, srsUE implements
the LTE UE and srsENB the LTE eNB. To accompany these,
Software Radio Systems (SRS) has also published srsEPC
which provides an Evolved Packet Core (EPC) that is needed
for a fully working LTE network with one or several eNBs
serving one or several UEs. At the time of writing, we are
using the most current version of srsLTE, version 18.12.0
based on commit 3cc4ca85 from the master branch [14].
There are two primary ways that a message capture program Fig. 2. Output from ASN.1 Decoding
can be implemented using the srsLTE software suite. The first
method has been used in many different research papers and
uses one of srsLTEs example binaries which requires little B. Method 2
modification but significant external processing to generate The second method involves directly modifying the srsUE
useful data. The second method requires more modification source to achieve the desired capabilities. Specifically, we
to srsUE, but automatically decodes data and presents it in an modify the code that implements the RRC protocol. The RRC
easily readable format. protocol is primarily responsible for connection establishment
and release as well as handling paging messages. In the
A. Method 1 connection_request function, send_con_request
is called which is responsible for sending the RRC connection
Method 1 involves using one of the example binaries.
request message to the lower layers that is transmitted to the
The one we are focusing on is pdsch_ue which is one of
eNB. If we comment this function and replace it with a call to
many example programs provided for LTE network testing. Its
rrc_conection_release, we instruct the UE to remain
companion program is pdsch_enodeb which can generate
disconnected and not communicate with an eNB. This alone
PSS/SSS and MIB/SIBs. These blocks can be transmitted over
allows capturing the SIBs transmitted by the eNB, but is not
a physical radio frequency (RF) interface or written to a file.
enough to capture paging messages as well.
The UE application is able to decode the synchronization
signals as well as the information blocks. It also has the In order to capture paging messages, we add an additional
capability to listen for a specific RNTI and only decode blocks line after the connection release call to update the RRC state
addressed to that RNTI. As defined in the Medium Access to reflect a successful connection. The other layers of srsUE
Control (MAC) protocol specifications [12], P-RNTIs have will now look for paging messages and they are automatically
the fixed value 0xFFFE, and we can instruct pdsch_ue to captured and logged if configured to.
only listen for this specific paging channel RNTI. The only Finally, the capture flag must be enabled. This is achieved
modification we need to make to pdsch_ue is one to get by editing the ue.conf file to enable PCAP logging and set
the raw information blocks and paging messages from the debug level logging for the MAC and RRC layers. The log file
program. will display all decoded SIBs and paging messages, but they
are also available in the generated pcap file. We can view the
In order to achieve this, an additional line of code is needed
capture in Wireshark by making an entry in the DLT USER
after the application decodes the PDSCH to print the frame
encapsulation table. The required DLT settings are listed in
received from an RF interface or input file. For the data to
configuration files. After making all necessary modifications
be written to a file, the necessary configuration code must be
and rebuilding the software, outputs as shown in Figures 3
added before the program enters the main loop that continually
and 4 can be obtained for analysis. The next section describes
receives and decodes PDSCH frames.
some of the statistics we derived from using CSAI.
The main problem with this approach is that additional
work is required to decode the output data using an ASN.1
message decoder. An example output is shown in Figure 2.
While there exist online tutorials and LTE message decoders, In order to benchmark CSAI, we capture commercial
they either add unnecessary complication to the workflow or network traffic and provide masked statistics to show the
are inadequate for the amount of processing required for real effectiveness of the tool. Two USRP B210s with the modifi-
time operations. While this is a valid method to capture paging cations detailed in Section IV were used to capture SIBs and
traffic, we did not want to hinder large-scale analysis and paging traffic on an Ubuntu 18.04.02 machine. Similarly to
choose Method 2 for our tool. [15] and [16], only SIB and paging messages were acquired;

Network Operators
Metrics Operator 1 Operator 2 Operator 3
Total Pages 586701 280795 156311
Unique TMSIs 31654 36544 49076
Longest active TMSI in minutes 361.25 361.04 288.15

Operator 1 has a significant number of long-lasting TMSIs.

This implies that many UEs attached to this cell did not hand-
off connectivity during our experiements. This is displayed
in Fig. 5 which shows a higher number of TMSIs at the
Fig. 3. Wireshark analysis of paging messages. maximum observed time for operator 1 when compared to
the other two operators.
B. Long-Term Persistence
Next, we examine the persistence of TMSIs across different
days. To test this, we use two commercial UEs and CSAI to
monitor its operating band. We initiated communication to
the UE in attempts to capture the paging messages. This was
accomplished by sending numerous messages from one UE to
the other with ample time between messages so that the RRC
connection is released due to UE inactivity between messages.
The next day we repeated a similar communication pattern to
generate more paging messages to our UE.
We review the log files to see if our TMSI from day one
persisted on the following day. While the test was limited in
scope, we did not observe any of the TMSIs from day one in
Fig. 4. Log output of paging message. the day two capture. This is a particularly encouraging result,
as it implies that this network operator rotates TMSIs at least
every twenty-two hours, which was the time window between
careful consideration was taken to ensure that no user data our test captures.
was captured or retained despite being encrypted.
A. Short-Term Persistence A. Potential Attacks
Table I shows the data that we obtained from three net- CSAI takes advantage of the inherent nature of pre-
works. We measured the amount of total paging traffic over authentication and broadcast signaling in LTE. While paging
a six-hour time frame of two network operators the first day, messages do not inherently contain sensitive information, it is
and repeated the same capture for the third operator on the possible to map a TMSI to a RNTI if you monitor subsequent
following day. By inspecting the paging information to see RRC connection setup requests. Once a mapping is obtained,
whether IMSIs were used to page users, we found that all an attack as described in [17] could allow for statistical traffic
pages used S-TMSIs to identify a UE as opposed to revealing analysis even though the contents of the NAS messages are
the IMSI, which is an encouraging result. encrypted and reflects a privacy concern.
The last row in Table I shows the longest observed TMSI Lichtman et al. outline attacks in [1] that discuss jamming
in minutes which matches the length of the experiment. In of the LTE signals. Once the MIB/SIBs are decoded, it is
all three cases, TMSIs were observed throughout the capture, possible to target jamming efforts towards a specific eNB.
but the majority of TMSIs were either a single occurrence, or Combined with the aforementioned TMSI to RNTI mapping,
were used for a short time. it would be possible to extend the attack and jam one or
Figure 5 shows the histograms of the lifespans of the several UE’s data and control plane traffic.
observed TMSIs. Most TMSIs are very short lived, whereas Most network operators will page a UE using a TMSI; how-
some are observed for the entire duration of 6 hours. Our ever, 3GPP standards allow eNBs to page a UE using its IMSI
measurements were taken at a single location and we had no in cases where a UE does not respond to three subsequent
control of the UEs in the area. Due to the mobility of users, it paging attempts using a TMSI. This presents a significant
is likely that the average TMSI lifespan is longer than shown security issue as many follow-on attacks are capable once
here. a UEs IMSI is known and include down bidding attacks or
RF attacks that mimic older Transmission Control Protocol
(TCP) SYN Flood attacks. A SYN Flood attack exploits
the inherit trust in TCP where a client floods a server with
TCP SYN messages in the first stage of the TCP three
way handshake. The server will allocate resources for the
connection and reply to the client with a TCP SYN ACK
message. Instead of completing the handshake with an ACK
message, the client will disregard the server’s SYN ACK
and continue opening connections with the server. This will
eventually consume all resources on the server leading to a
system crash or denying connectivity to legitimate clients.
In modifying the rrc.cc file, if one sends an RRC
(a) Operator 1 Connection Request to an eNB and immediately calls the
RRC Connection Release process, the UE will not respond to
the eNBs request for RRC Connection Setup. The eNB will
allocate resources for the UE in expectance that the UE will
reply with an RRC Connection Setup Complete; however, the
UE has already begun the process of releasing the connection.
This leaves the base station in a half open state waiting for the
UE to finish the RRC handshake. Since the UE was instructed
to release, after a short delay it will attempt to reconnect to
the eNB further exhausting its resources. An even faster way
to perform this attack would be to have a fake UE enter a
while loop that constantly requests and immediately releases
RRC Connections.
In performing this attack against a SDR eNB, we were able
(b) Operator 2 to crash it with high success. In our investigation, the eNB
crashed due to automated buffer overflow protections enabled
by default when using the GNU C Compiler. An example of
this crash is shown in Fig. 6.
While more testing is required to determine the scope of this
active attack, one potential mitigation may be similar to SYN
cookies as detailed in [19] where the eNB would only allocate
resources for RRC Connections after the UE responds with
the full Setup Complete message. In the case of performing
this attack without the while loop, the eNB occasionally took
minutes before it crashed. It is possible to modify CSAI be
modified to include a delay that ensures the eNB does not
crash, but rather denies service to legitimate UEs that are
connected or are trying to connect. This finding exemplifies
(c) Operator 3 the potential of fuzzing analysis against the cellular network
infrastructure. In the case of the analysis presented in this
Fig. 5. Time distribution of observed Paging messages.
manuscript, a software radio-based UE successfully crashed
an open-source LTE network. However, the same could occur
man in the middle style interceptions as demonstrated in [7] against a commercial eNB. We are currently investigating
and [8]. Our instrument enables research on security analysis this further and impact on commercial femtocells and their
and system hardening. Researchers will benefit from CSAI protection against the attacks demonstrated in [20].
as they test modifications to 4G and 5G protocols to prevent
the exploitation of preauthentication messages as surveyed in

B. Crashing a Software eNB

Another interesting behavior that we observed in the course
of developing CSAI was the potential for a straightforward Fig. 6. Crash of a software eNB
Denial of Service attack against an SDR eNB through active
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