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Tag Question

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Tag Question

Tag শে%র আিভধািনক অথর্ হল জুেড় েদয়া। অথর্াৎ বােক;র েশেষ েশৰ্াতার
সম্মিত বা অসম্মিত জানার জন; েয সংিক্ষপ্ত পৰ্শ্ন জুেড় েদওয়া হয় তােক Tag
Question বেল।

• A tag question is a - statement + question.

• We use tag questions to ask for confirmation and to

emphasize a statement


Positive statement Negative tag

Snow is white, isn’t it?

Negative statement Positive tag

You don’t like me, do you?

সকল Tag Question এর Main concept

q Statement (Affirmative) হেল Tag question হেব Negative–Interrogative.

q Statement (Negative) হেল Tag question হেব শ‌ুধু Positive–Interrogative.

Class 9_Tag Question 1

Question Tag গঠেনর িনয়ম

Structure পৰ্দত্ত sentence িট অপিরবিতর্ত অবস্থায় বেস + Comma (,) + Question Tag
+ Note of interrogation (?) বেস।

v মূ ল sentence িট affirmative হেল Question Tag িট negative হয়।

Structure Auxiliary verb + not + sub এর pronoun form + question mark (?)

Example He is going there, isn’t he?

v মূ ল sentence $ negative হেল Question Tag $ affirmative হয়।

Structure Auxiliary verb + sub এর pronoun form + question mark (?)

Example Pinky isn’t going there, is she?

Class 9_Tag Question 2

Note Question Tag এর subject িট সবর্দা pronoun হয় (Personal
pronoun) e.g. he, she, they, we, you, I

Question Tag গঠেন েয সব Auxiliary Verb ব?বহৃত হয়, েসগ‌ুেলােক Operator বা সহকারী িকৰ্য়া
বেল। এরা হেচ্ছ am, is, are, was, were, shall, will, would, should, can, could,
may, might, must, have, has, had, do, does, did, ought, dare, need ইত?ািদ।

Negative Question Tag এ ব?বহৃত উপিরউক্ত Operator গ‌ুেলার Contracted Form ব?বহৃত

Tag Question-Gi wbqg

1. g~j sentence-wU AcwiewZ©Z Ae¯ ’vq e‡m| 2. g~j sentence-Gi †k‡l comma (,) e‡m|

3. Tag Question-Gi subject me©`v g~j 4. Tag Question MV‡b Auxiliary Verb
sentence-Gi Subject-Gi Pronoun nq| e¨eüZ nq|
5. Auxiliary Verb-Gi Contracted form ev 6. Sentence-G Auxiliary Verb bv _vK‡j
mswÿß i~c e¨eüZ nq| do, does, did nq|
7. Affirmative sentence-G Negative Question Tag 8. Negative Sentence-G Affirmative
nq| Question Tag nq|

Hasan is a truthful boy, isn't he?

She does not like tea, does she?

Class 9_Tag Question

Negative tag িলখার েক্ষেতৰ্ অবশ9ই Contracted form ব9বহার করেত হেব।

X does not he?

doesn’t he? (Contracted form)

He plays football, does not he? X

He plays football, doesn’t he?

She was angry, ?

isn’t she?
wasn’t she?
was she?

Class 9_Tag Question 4

How to Form Tag Questions in English Grammar

Question Tags

Verb Tense + Sentence Tag - - Sentence Tag +

Present Be She is American, isn’t She isn’t American, is

she? she?
Present Simple You study English, don’t You don’t study
you? English, do you?

Past simple You were at home, You weren’t at home,

weren’t you? were you?
Past Tom was watching TV, Tom wasn’t watching
continuous wasn’t he? TV, was he?

Present perfect He has written 5 letters, He hasn’t written 5

hasn’t he? letters, has he?
Past Perfect You had had lunch, You hadn’t had
hadn’t you? lunch, had you?
Will He’ll read his book, He won’t read his
won’t he? book, will he?
Modal verbs He can read this book, He can’t read this
can’t he? book, can he?

Class 9_Tag Question 5

Short Forms of the Negative Tags

Simple Tag Simple Form Tag Form Simple Tag Form

Form Form Form
is not isn’t will not won’t cannot can’t
am not aren’t would not wouldn’t could not couldn’t
are not aren’t ought not oughtn’t /shouldn’t used to didn’t
was not wasn’t must not mustn’t did not didn’t
were not weren’t shall not shan’t had not hadn’t
has not hasn’t may not mayn’t does not doesn’t
have not haven’t do not don’t

Rule-1: বাক?িট Affirmative হেল tag question হেব negative.

1. They will be here at seven o’clock, ?
a) will they not b) will they
c) aren’t they d) won’t they
2. She couldn have been more discreet, ?
a)didn’t she b) can’t she
c) could not she d) couldn’t she
Rule-2: বাক?িট negative হেল tag question হেব affirmative.
1. We did not play very well today, ?
a) did we b) could we
c) should we d) must we
2.She won’t dance in the party, ?
a) will she b) will not she c) would she d) wouldn’t she
Rule-3: যিদ বােক? auxiliary verb না থােক শ‌ুধু মাতৰ্ principal verb থােক তাহেল
tag question করেত do/does/did এর সােথ not েযাগ করেত হয়|
1. You forgot my birthday, ?
a) haven’t you b) didn’t you c) hadn’t you d) wouldn’t you
2. He played well yesterday, ?
a) hasn’t he b) did he c) didn’t he d) isn’t he

Class 9_Tag Question

Rule-4: I এরপের am থাকেল tag question এ তা aren’t হেয় যায়।
1. I am going to fall in love, ?
a) aren’t I b) ain’t I c) am not I d) both a & b
2.I am a student of a resident university, ?
a) aren’t I b) amn’t I c) don’t I d) isn’t it
Rule-5: বােক% hardly, scarcely, seldom, rarely, rare, little, few, never, ever, nothing,
neither, no one, none, nobody ইত%ািদ থাকেল tag question িট affirmative হেব।
1.He never goes out with his dog, ?
a)do he b) does he c) doesn’t he d) isn’t he
Rule-6: used to বােক%র auxiliary verb িহসােব ব%বহৃত হেল tag question এ didn’t বেস।
1. He used to come here everyday, ?
a)does he b) did he c) didn’t he d) hadn’t he
Rule-7: Ought to বােক%র auxiliary verb িহসােব ব%বহৃত হেল tag question এ oughtn’t/
shouldn’t বেস।
1. You ought to come here today, ?
a) oughtn’t you b) don’t you c) will you d) do you
2. He played well yesterday, ?
Rule- 8: সাধারন imperative sentence এর tag question এ will you বেস।
1. Pass the salt, ?
a) will you b) are you c) do you d) don’t you
Rule-9: Imperative sentence িট negative হেল tag question এ will you হেব।
1.Don’t forget, ?
a) will you b) are you c) won’t you d) do you

Rule-10: Imperative sentence িট Let’s/ Let us দব্ারা শ‌ুরু হেল tag question এ shall we
1.Let’s go home, ?
a)will you b) shall you c) shan’t we d) shall we
Rule-11: Imperative sentence িট Let me/ him/ her/ them দব্ারা শ‌ুরু হেল tag question
এ will you
1.Let them do their job, ?
a)shall we b) won’t you c) will you d) won’t we

Class 9_Tag Question

Rule-12: No one, None, Nobody, Neither ইত%ািদ দব্ারা sentence শ‌ুরু হেল tag
question- এর subject িহেসেব they বসেব এবং verb িট positive হেব।
1.Nobody phoned, ?
a)did they b) didn’t they c) aren’t they d) won’t they
Rule-13: Everyone, someone, anyone, everybody, somebody, anybody ইত%ািদ
দব্ারা sentence শ‌ুরু হেল tag question-এর subject িহসােব they বসেব।
1.Everybody should respect their teachers, ?
a) should they b) shouldn’t they c) don’t they d) mustn’t they

Rule-14: There/ Here দব্ারা sentence শ‌ুরু হেল অন%ান% সব িনয়ম িঠক থাকেব এবং tag
question-এ there/here বেস|
1.There is a piece of paper, ?
a)isn’t it b) aren’t it c) isn’t there d) None
Rule-15: Complex Sentence- এর principal clause এর subject এবং Verb অনু যায়ী tag
question হয়| এেক্ষেতৰ্ clause marker থােক। sentence-এ েকান clause marker না থাকেল েশেষ
clause-িটেত tag question হয়।
1.I know when he will arrive, ?
a)don’t I b) won’t he c) doesn’t he d) do I
2. I know he will come, ?
a)don’t I b) won’t he c) doesn’t he d) do I

Rule-16: Sentence-এ have/has/had যিদ principal verb িহসােব থােক আর অন% েকান
auxiliary verb না থােক তাহেল tag question-এ have/has/had হয়, British English-এ| আর
American English-এ do/does/did হেব|
1.You have a car, ?
a) don’t you b) haven’t you c) won’t yo d) both a & b

Rule-17: Need, dare যিদ Affirmative হয়, তাহেল Tag করার সময় do/does/did + not
বেস। আর Need, dare Negative হেল Tag question-এ সরাসির Need/dare বেস।
1. I need to go there immediately, ?
a) do I b) needn’t I c) need I d) don’t I
2. You need not attend the meeting, ?
a) need you b) do you c) don’t you d) needn’t you

Class 9_Tag Question

Special/Rare Cases of Question Tag
1. I এর পের am থাকেল Question Tag এ তা aren’t / ain’t হেয় যায়।

I am late, aren’t I?
I am a student of RUMC, aren’t I?

2. েকােনা Sentence এ ‘used to’ auxiliary verb িহেসেব ব?বহৃত হেল Question Tag এ
used to এর পিরবেতর্ didn’t / usedn’t বেস।

Example He used to visit you regularly, didn’t he?

3.Sentence এ hardly/scarcely/seldom/rare/rarely
/never/few/little/nothing/neither/no one/nobody থাকেল Question Tag িট
Affirmative হয়।

He never/seldom goes out with his dog, does he?

Example Robi Hardly helps her mother, does he?
He rarely played football, did he?

4. অেনক সময় Sentence এর মেধ? subject ও verb সংিক্ষপ্ত আকাের থােক। েসেক্ষেতৰ্ পৰ্থেম
সংিক্ষপ্ত আকারিটর পৰ্কৃত রূপ িনণর্য় কের Question Tag করেত হয়।

You would rather keep quiet about it, wouldn’t you?

It’s hardly rained at all this summer, has it?

5. যিদ আমরা বােক?র Subject িহেসেব summer/fire/sun পাই তেব এর pronoun িহেসেব
‘he’ বসােত হেব।
িকন্তু যিদ আমরা বােক?র Subject িহেসেব moon/ship/country/river পাই তেব এর pronoun
িহেসেব ‘she’ বসােত হেব।
Summer is a hard time, isn’t it?
The country has developed, hasn’t she?
[এখােন it ও বসেত পাের]

Class 9_Tag Question 9

6. Good bye / Thank You ইত?ািদ িদেয় বাক? থাকেল Tag question এ don’t I বসেব।

Good bye, don’t I ?

Thank you, don’t I ?

অন?িদেক ‘a little’ থাকেল বাক?িট positive অথর্ বহন কের। েসেক্ষেতৰ্ Question tag negative

Example There was a little water in the glass, wasn’t there?

অন?িদেক ‘little’ থাকেল বাক?িট negative অথর্ বহন কের। েসেক্ষেতৰ্ Question tag positive হেব।

Example He has a little knowledge in English has he?

7. যিদ বােক?র িহেসেব Here / There / It থােক তেব এেদর pronoun একই হেব Tag question
এর েক্ষেতৰ্। Here is your new notebook, isn’t here?

Example There was a pond, wasn’t there?

It is not raining, is it ?

8. Complex sentence এর Question tag এর েক্ষেতৰ্ যিদ sentence িটেত

linker/marker (if, since, unless, that, until etc) থােক েসেক্ষেতৰ্ principal clause এর
subject ও verb Question tag হয়।

It has been a long time since you’ve seen him, hasn’t it?
I will come if he wants, won’t I?

I will come, এই অংশিট এখােন, Principal Clause

Class 9_Tag Question 10

9. েকােনা Assertive sentence এর subject যিদ nothing / anything / something
/ everything হয় তাহেল Tag question-এর subject িহেসেব এেদর পিরবেতর্ it বেস।

Nothing is certain, is it?

Example Everything was lost, wasn’t it?
Something is better than nothing, isn’t it?

10. েকােনা Sentence এর subject যিদ everybody / somebody / anybody /

everyone / someone / anyone/ nobody / none হয় তাহেল Tag question-
এর subject িহেসেব এেদর পিরবেতর্ they বেস।

Everybody likes flowers, don't they?

Somebody came here, didn't they?
Anybody can do this, can't they?
Everyone has left the place, haven't they?
Someone will go there, won't they?
Anyone may answer, mayn't they?
Nobody phoned, did they?
None can help you, can they?

11. েকােনা Sentence-এর subject যিদ all of us / some of us / most of us /

everyone of us হয় তাহেল tag question-এর subject িহেসেব এেদর পিরবেতর্ we বেস।

All of us attended the meeting, didn't we?

None of us can solve this problem, can we?

12. েকােনা Sentence-এর subject যিদ all of them / some of them / most of
them / everyone of them হয় তাহেল tag question-এর subject িহেসেব এেদর পিরবেতর্
they বেস।

All of them are very sincere, aren't they?

Most of them were absent, weren't they?

Class 9_Tag Question 11

01. No living being is above death, are they?

02. A boy like you should not do this, should he?

03. Allah may excuse a sinner, mayn't He?

04. Barking dogs seldom bite, do they?

05. Be dignified, will you?

06. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, hasn't it?

07. Good bye, don't l?

08. He's reading yesterday, wasn't he?

09. Men who live long grow old, don't they?

10. Morning shows the day, doesn't it?

11. My friends and I hardly go there, do we?

12. My name and address he took with him, didn't he?

13. My parents and I are happy, aren't we?

14. Neither of them is guilty, are they?

15. Study hard to succeed in life, will you?

16. The sooner, the better, isn't it?

17. Who dares to disobey the law, don't they?

18. You and he went there, didn't you?

19. You and I came to terms, didn't we?

Class 9_Tag Question 12

20. Many a man will come, won't they?
21. The little girl knew a little of the matter, did she?
22. A barking dog seldom bites, does it?
23. The Headmaster and the secretary said many things, didn't they?
24. The oldest of the men little thinks about death, does he?
25. Some one is crying, aren't they?
26. What a same, isn't it?
27. Slow and steady win the race, don't they?
28. All that glitters is not gold, is it?
29. Look here he comes, doesn't he?
30. The brother in him rose, didn't it?
31. He set up a school in his village, didn't he?
32. You never say what you are thinking, do you?
33. Who cares, doesn't he?
34. Who dares to disobey the law, does he?
35. What a pity, isn't it?
36. The will of people prevails, doesn't it?
37. One should do one's duty, shouldn't they?
38. The girl in her will surprise you, won't it?
39. That he is honest is known to all, isn't it?
40. The tree has borne fruits, hasn't it?
41. The girl in her pleased us all, didn't she?
42. He spent few hours with us, didn't he?
43. I think that he is right, don't I?
44. The brother in him arose, didn't it?

Class 9_Tag Question 13

45. Everybody desires success, don't they?
46. The pupil cut a sorry figure in the exam, didn't they?
47. Many a rose is born to blush unseen, aren't they?
48. The prime minister with all the members of the cabinet went to the U.S.A,
didn't they?
49. It's hardly rained at all this summer, has it?
50. Your honesty charmed us, didn't it?
51. A lie never lies hidden for long, does it?
52. The strong always oppress the weak, don't they?
53. This book is rare now, is it?
54. When he came, I was sleeping, wasn't I?
55. Pray to Almighty for me, won't you?
56. The teacher as well as the workers may come, mayn't they?
57. How time does fly, doesn't it?
58. Something is better than nothing, isn't it?
59. That sounds good, doesn't it?
60. An ideal student hardly studies, does he?
61. To err is human, isn't it?
62. The girl who came to me is my sister, isn't she?
63. Death knows no time, does it?
64. That sounds great, doesn't it?
65. How awful, isn't it?
66. Good morning, isn't it?
67. No, there's too much work to do, is there?
68. He'd finished the work, hadn't he?
69. His economical policy played a vital role in our economy, didn't it?
70. Beautiful secenary, isn't it?
71. It is man who pollutes the environment, isn't it?
72. A healthy man can reside only in a healthy body, can't it?
73. Every action has got an equal and opposite reaction, hasn't it?

Class 9_Tag Question 14

74. No one knows what'll happen next, do they?
75. How odd! Isn't it?

Board Questions

[Dhaka board’19]
1. (a) I am a SSC examinee, _____?
(b) My expectation is getting A+, ?
(c) Some of my classmates became addicted to using mobile phone,

(d) They could not pass the test exam, _____?

(e) Everybody hates them for this reason, _____?
[Rajshahi board’19]
2. (a) Cutting tree is not good for us, _____?
(b) Because the trees supply us oxygen, fruits and wood, ?
(c) We can hardly live without them, _____?
(d) They are our best friend, _____?
(e) Let’s plan trees more and more, _____?

3. (a) Our exam is over. Everybody is free now, _____? [Dinajpur board’19]

(b) He along with his friends will pay a visit to Sylhet, ?

(c) But Aslam has little interest about it, _____?
(d) He as well as his parents visited Sylhet last year, _____?
(e) As they visited many interesting places, they could enjoy a lot,

4. (a) You had better drink cold water, _____? [Joshore board’19]
(b) The father rose in him at this sight, ?
(c) Thank you very much, _____?
(d) He as well as his brother came here, _____?
(e) Let us go home, _____?
Class 9_Tag Question 15
5. (a) Sincerity is a great virtue. A sincere man always [Cumilla board’19]
succeeds in life, _____?
(b) The people who are insincere can hardly succeed, ?
(c) Nobody is as successful as a sincere man, _____?
(d) Every student should be sincere to shine in life, _____?
(e) Let's be sincere in our life, _____?

6. (a) There is little water in this pond, _____? [Chattogram board’19]

(b) Nobody respects a dishonest man, ?

(c) Let's enjoy a picnic, _____?
(d) What a pity, _____?
(e) Don't disturb me, _____?

7. (a) Telling lies is a great sin, _____? [Sylhet board’19]

(b) One lie begets hundred lies, ?

(c) No one believes a lier, _____?
(d) He has to lead a miserable life , _____?
(e) So, all of us ought to refrain from telling lies, _____?
[Barisal board’19]
8. (a) To tell a lie is a great sin. Sinners suffer in the long run, _____?
(b) Flowers are the symbol of beauty and purity. Nobody dislikes flowers,
(c) I want to meet her. She hardly comes here, _____?
(d) Vitamins are essential for our health. So, we must eat vegetables to
get vitamins, _____?
(e) Truthfulness is a great virtue. So, don't tell a lie, _____?

9. (a) At present. everybody likes cricket, _____? [SSC Examination’18]

(b) Students hardly miss watching this game, _____?

(c) Nothing is more enjoyable to them than cricket , _____?
(d) How exciting the game is! _____?
Class 9_Tag Question 16
(e) Let's play this game, ?

[Sylhet board’15]
10. (a) Everyone is nostalgic in life, _____?
(b) We hardly forget the golden past, ?
(c) The memories of childhood are always haunting us, _____?
(d) Nothing is more pleasant to man than the sweetest memories of
childhood, _____?
(e) Therefore, let's practise it, _____?

11. (a) Nobody believes a cheat, _____? [Rajshahi board’15]

(b) Everybody hates him, ?

(c) He has to drag a miserable life, _____?
(d) He can hardly succeed in life, _____?
(e) Let us always speak the truth, _____?

12. (a) Congratulations, Karim! You have made an excellent result, _____?
(b) Thanks. But my parents and teachers also deserve the credit, ?
(c) Right you are. We ought to remain grateful to them, _____?
(d) Certainly, you too studied hard, _____?
(e) Yes, only hard work brings success, _____?

13. (a ) I am sorry, Ramit. I am very late, _____? [Jashore board’15]

(b) There was a traffic jam, ?

(c) Oh! Don't worry. The train is late, _____?
(d) Then, have a cup of tea, _____?
(e) Yes. Let's go to the canteen, _____?

14. (a ) Man is fond of turning back to the past, _____?

(b) The present may be good, ?
(c) But everybody hardly forgets golden past, ?

Class 9_Tag Question 17

(d) Nothing is more pleasant to him than the memories of childhood, ___?

(e) So, industry is the key to success, _____?

15. (a) Success cannot be achieved without efforts, _____? [Dhaka board’16]

(b) Everybody knows it, ?

(c) The successful people are very industrious, _____?
(d) Everything glorious is gained through hard labour, _____?
(e) So, industry is the key to success, _____?

Answer of Question Tags

1. (a) aren’t I? 2. (a) is it?

(b) isn’t it? (b) don’t they?
(c) didn’t they? (c) can we?
(d) could they? (d) aren’t they?
(e) don’t they? (e) shall we?

3. (a) aren’t they? 4. (a) hadn’t you?

(b) won’t he? (b) didn’t it?
(c) has he / does he? (c) don’t I?
(d) didn’t he? (d) didn’t he?
(e) couldn’t they? (e) shall we?

5. (a) doesn’t he? 6. (a) is there?

(b) can they? (b) do they?
(c) are they? (c) shall we?
(d) shouldn’t they? (d) isn’t it?
(e) shall we? (e) will you?

Class 9_Tag Question 18

7. (a) isn’t it? 8. (a) don’t they?
(b) doesn’t it? (b) do they
(c) do they? (c) does she?
(d) hasn’t he? (d) mustn’t we?
(e) oughtn’t we (e) will you?

9. (a) don’t they? 10. (a) aren’t they?

(b) do they? (b) do we?
(c) does she? (c) aren’t they?
(d) isn’t it? (d) is it?
(e) shall we? (e) shall we?

11. (a) do they? 12. (a) haven’t you?

(b) don’t they? (b) don’t they?
(c) hasn’t he (c) oughtn’t we?
(d) can he? (d) didn’t you?
(e) shall we? (e) doesn’t it?

13. (a) aren’t I? 14. (a) isn’t he?

(b) wasn’t there? (b) mayn’t it?
(c) isn’t it? (c) do they?
(d) won’t you / will you? (d) is it?
(e) shall we? (e) isn’t it?

15. (a) can it?

(b) don’t they?
(c) aren’t they?
(d) aren’t they?
(e) isn’t it?

Class 9_Tag Question 19

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