NEBOSH IG1 IG2 Lesson Plan

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NEBOSH International General Certificate in

Occupational Health and Safety

Week 1: Element 1 – 4 of IG1 (2019 syllabus)
Week 2: Elements 5–11 of IG2 (2019 syllabus)

This lesson plan is based on the requirements of the NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety Specification and is designed
as a guide for tutors in planning their teaching of the course.

The lesson plan is based on 5 days of teaching with teaching time of between 6 and 7 hours per day. Where the teaching time allocated does not match the
NEBOSH recommended hours, clear guidance is given as to the required ‘directed study’ to ensure the NEBOSH taught hours are met. This is in addition to
Private Study.

The lesson plan can be easily adapted for other delivery structures, extending the number of days or delivering in shorter sessions.

The duration is based on NEBOSH Guidance and reflects the recommended teaching times. Whilst NEBOSH expect Lesson Plans that comply with the
recommended study hours, in practice individual sessions can be shortened and extended depending on the experience, pre-knowledge and English language
skills of the learners in a particular group.
Lesson Plan Front Sheet
Tutor: Course Title and Topic:

Venue: Date & Time:

Number of Adult Learners: Knowledge/Ability assumed:
This 5-day course has been developed to fulfil the requirements of Unit IG1 of the 2019 syllabus version of the NEBOSH International
General Certificate in Occupational Safety and Health. It is likely that some students will have practical experience of some of the
issues covered in the course. Others are likely to have little or no knowledge of the subject matter. In the introduction at the start of
the course, the individual students’ present knowledge level should be assessed.
Course Duration:
30 Taught Hours
Lesson Aims - the aims of the session are to:
As per NEBOSH syllabus guide
Objectives (learning outcomes) - by the end of the session students should be able to:
As per NEBOSH syllabus guide.

Brief reasoning for the way the lesson has been planned:
The following are guidelines on how the course should be taught. Different tutors obviously have different styles and experiences and these should be taken into
account when delivering the course. To keep the students interested, a variety of different methods should be used and the tutor should not rely solely on slides.
Any constraints:
● The course will require students to undertake some research.
● They will require at least some access to the Internet resources for this purpose.
Equipment/Aids to be used:
● Computer (with Internet and sound capability), data projector, flip charts/whiteboard.
● Use of PPT presentations. Though PPT slides exist for most (if not all) subjects covered, they should be used judiciously rather than exclusively.
● Internet access.
● Students are provided with a set of printed course notes.
● Tasks are stated on PPT slides (short activities to assist students’ learning; tutor’s decision on how they should be delivered, e.g. class discussion, group/ solo work).
● Questions set for directed study may constitute study questions and exam skills questions in textbook, mock exam questions or other relevant questions - tutor to
make the decision.
IG1 Week 1: Day 1
6-7 Taught Hours

9:00 – 9:30 30 Introduction to the course - Overview and aims. Flip chart Listening
Note: Students to be given a copy of the textbook if not already received. Slide
Name cards
9:30 – 10:30 60 ELEMENT 1: Why we should manage workplace health and safety
1.1. Morals and Money Slides Listening and contributing
₋ Group Exercise to discussions and
Divide delegates into 3 groups. Outline a scenario from their workplace where an
employee has been seriously injured. Ask them to consider the possible effects of
this accident on three different parties: Group 1 - the injured employee, Group 2 -
the company, Group 3 - the line manager of the injured employee.
Allow 10 minutes discussion and then pull ideas from each group.
10:30 – 10:45 15 MORNING BREAK
10:45 – 11:45 60 1.1. Moral and Money - continued Slides Listening and contributing
₋ The Scale of the Problem Flipchart to discussions and
₋ Moral Expectations
₋ The Business Case for Health and Safety
₋ Insured and Uninsured Costs
11:45 – 12:30 45 1.2. Regulating Health and Safety Slides Listening and contributing
₋ The role of the ILO to discussions and
₋ Conventions and Recommendations
₋ C155 and R164
12:30 – 13:15 45 LUNCH BREAK
13:15 – 13:45 30 1.2. Regulating Health and Safety – continued Slides Listening and contributing
- Consequences of non-compliance to discussions and
- Other international standards exercises
13:45 – 14:45 60 1.3. Who Does What in Organisations Slides Listening and contributing
₋ Role of Directors and senior managers to discussions and
₋ Demonstrating commitment exercises
₋ Shared premises
14:45 – 15:00 15 AFTERNOON BREAK
15:00 – 16:30 90 1.3. Who Does What in Organisations – continued Slides Listening and contributing
Contractor Management to discussions and
₋ Shared Duties
₋ The Selection of Contractors
₋ Planning and Control of Contractors
₋ End of Module 1.3 Exercise
16:30 – 16:40 10 End of session summary and close

IG1 Day 1 - Self-reflection

Assessment of Learning – how will I tell whether learning has taken Directed Private Study Set:
place? By:
● Set a relevant question(s) for homework.
● Continuous assessment through Q&A and discussions. ● Self-revision of key principles from element(s) covered today.
● Assessment through participation in workshops. ● Students to look at websites identified in course notes under ‘More...’ sections.
Lesson Evaluation – how did the lesson go? Any changes? Etc.
IG1 Week 1: Day 2
6-7 Taught Hours

9:00 – 9:30 30 Review answers to questions from previous evening directed private study. Slides Whole group feedback
Overview of previous day training Resources on answers
9:30 – 10:30 60 ELEMENT 2: How health and safety management systems work and what they look like
2.1. Health and Safety Management Systems Slides Listening and
-ILO-OSH 2001: Policy, Organising, Planning and implementation, Evaluation, Action for contributing to
improvement discussions and
- ISO 45001: Context of the organisation; Leadership and worker participation; Planning; exercises
Support; Operation; Performance evaluation; Improvement
- End of Module 2.1 Exercise
10:30 – 10:45 15 MORNING BREAK
10:45 – 12:30 105 2.2. Making It Work – Health and Safety Policy Slides Listening and
- Group Exercise contributing to
discussions and
Discuss what the purpose of a health and safety policy is and how effective health and
safety policies are.
- The Role of the Health and Safety Policy in Decision-Making
- General Statement of Intent
- Organisation – roles and responsibilities
- Arrangements
- Individual activity
Write down the specific hazards that works in your own workplace are exposed to.
These should be addressed in the Arrangements section of the Health and Safety
- Reviewing Policy
- End of Module 2.2 Exercise
12:30 – 13:15 45 LUNCH BREAK
13:15 – 14:45 90 ELEMENT 3: Managing risk – understanding people and processes
3.1. Health and Safety Culture Slides Listening and
- Definition contributing to
- Group Exercise discussions and
How does the media portray health and safety in our current culture? exercises
- The Correlation between Culture and Performance
- Indicators Used to Assess Culture
- Influence of Peers
14:45 – 15:00 15 AFTERNOON BREAK
15:00 – 16:30 90 3.2. Improving Health and Safety Culture Slides Listening and
- Management Commitment and Leadership contributing to
discussions and
- Competent Staff
- Group Exercise
List a few methods of communicating in the workplace, splitting your list into:
o Verbal communication
o Written communication
o Graphic communication
What are the advantages and disadvantages of each method?
- Consultation
- Training
16:30 – 16:40 10 End of session summary and close

IG1 Day 2 – Self-reflection

Assessment of Learning – how will I tell whether learning has taken Directed Private Study Set:
place? By: ● Set a relevant question(s) for homework.
● Continuous assessment through Q&A and discussions ● Self-revision of key principles from element(s) covered today.
● Assessment through participation in workshops ● Students to look at websites identified in course notes under ‘More...’ sections.
Lesson Evaluation – how did the lesson go? Any changes? Etc.
IG1 Week 1: Day 3
6-7 Taught Hours

9:00 – 9:30 30 Review answers to questions from previous evening directed private study. Slides Whole group feedback
Overview of previous day training Resources on answers
9:30 – 10:30 60 3.3. Human Factors Influencing Safety-Related Behaviour Slides Listening and
- Individual, Job and Organisational Factors contributing to
- Organisational Factors discussions and exercises
- Job Factors
- Individual Factors
- Group Exercise
10:30 – 10:45 15 MORNING BREAK
10:45 – 12:30 105 3.4. Risk Assessment Slides Listening and
₋ Definitions contributing to
₋ Risk Profiling discussions and exercises
₋ Group Exercise
Consider a specific hazard and discuss in groups the difference between the:
o hazardous properties of the activity, article or substance
o the risk of harm occurring
₋ Risk Assessment
₋ Objectives of Risk Assessment
₋ Criteria For a Suitable and Sufficient Assessment
₋ 5 steps starting with – Identifying Hazards
₋ Identifying the People at Risk
₋ Evaluating the Risk and Deciding on Precautions
12:30 – 13:15 45 LUNCH BREAK
13:15 – 14:00 45 3.4. Risk Assessment – continued Slides Listening and
₋ Group Exercise contributing to
discussions and exercises
₋ Discuss the benefits and limitations of PPE as a risk control method
₋ Recording Significant Findings
₋ Reviewing
₋ Special Cases and Vulnerable Workers
14:00 – 14:45 45 3.5. Management of Change Slides Listening and
₋ Examples of changes and their impacts contributing to
₋ Management principles discussions and exercises
₋ Review of change
14:45 – 15:00 15 AFTERNOON BREAK
15:00 – 16:30 90 3.6. Safe Systems of Work Slides Listening and
₋ Written Procedures contributing to
discussions and exercises
₋ Technical, Procedural and Behavioural Controls
₋ Development of a Safe System of Work
₋ Analysing Tasks, Identifying Hazards and Assessing Risks
₋ Introducing Controls and Formulating Procedures
₋ Instruction and Training in the Operation of the System
₋ Monitoring the System
₋ Group Exercise
Specific Examples of Safe Systems of Work
16:30 – 16:40 10 End of session summary and close

IG1 Day 3 – Self-reflection

Assessment of Learning – how will I tell whether learning has taken Directed Private Study Set:
place? By:
● Set a relevant question(s) for homework.
● Continuous assessment through Q&A and discussions ● Self-revision of key principles from element(s) covered today.
● Assessment through participation in workshops ● Students to look at websites identified in course notes under ‘More...’ sections.
Lesson Evaluation – how did the lesson go? Any changes? Etc.
IG1 Week 1: Day 4
6-7 Taught Hours
9:00 – 9:30 30 Review answers to questions from previous evening directed private study. Resources Whole group
Overview of previous day training Slides feedback on
Exam-style answers
9:30 – 10:30 60 3.7. Permit-to-Work Systems Slides Listening and
₋ Definition of Permit-to-Work Systems contributing to
₋ Operation and Application discussions and
₋ Typical Permit Systems exercises
₋ Group Exercise
Write down the specific high risk work activities in your own workplace that are, or should
be, subject to permit-to-work control.
Are these all addressed in the Arrangements section of the Health and Safety Policy?
10:30 – 10:45 15 MORNING BREAK
10:45 – 12:30 105 3.8. Emergency Procedures and First Aid Slides Listening and
₋ Group Exercise contributing to
discussions and
What emergencies could occur other than fire?
₋ The Importance of Developing Emergency Procedures Emergency Procedure
₋ Training and Testing
First-Aid Requirements
- First-Aid Facilities and Equipment
- Group Exercise
Discuss the issues that you would need to consider to decide the level of first-aid cover in
your workplace
- First Aiders and Appointed Persons
- Group Exercise
What factors would you consider when selecting individuals to be first aiders?
- First-Aid Coverage
12:30 – 13:15 45 LUNCH BREAK
13:15 – 14:45 90 ELEMENT 4: Health and Safety Monitoring and Measuring
4.1. Active and Reactive Monitoring Slides Listening and
- Active Monitoring contributing to
- Safety Inspections, Sampling and Tours discussions and
- Group Exercise exercises
In groups, list the topic headings that should be included on an inspection checklist for use
in your workplace.
Design a rough format for the inspection check sheet.
- Arrangements for Active Monitoring
- Reactive Monitoring
14:45 – 15:00 15 AFTERNOON BREAK
15:00 – 16:30 90 4.2. Investigating Incidents Slides Listening and
- Function of Investigations contributing to
- Types of Incident discussions and
- Group Exercise exercises
Discuss the first thing you should do when arriving at an accident scene and then the later
Consider what type of equipment you may need to assist you.
- Basic Investigation Procedures
- Group Exercise
A worker is struck by a load being carried on a pallet by a forklift truck. Outline possible
immediate and underlying causes of the accident.
16:30 – 16:40 10 End of session summary and close

IG1 Day 4 – Self-reflection

Assessment of Learning – how will I tell whether learning has taken Directed Private Study Set:
place? By: ● Set a relevant question(s) for homework.
● Continuous assessment through Q&A and discussions ● Self-revision of key principles from element(s) covered today.
● Students to look at websites identified in course notes under ‘More...’ sections.
● Assessment through participation in workshops
Lesson Evaluation – how did the lesson go? Any changes? Etc.
IG1 Week 1: Day 5
5-6 Taught hours

9:00 – 9:30 30 Review answers to questions from previous evening directed private study. Resources Whole group
Overview of previous day training Slides feedback on
Exam-style answers
9:30 – 10:30 60 4.2. Investigating Incidents Slides Listening and
- Recording and Reporting Requirements contributing to
- Group Exercise discussions and
What sorts of things are likely to hinder good accident and near-miss reporting? exercises
What can an organisation do to make it more likely that incidents will be reported?
- Internal Data Collection, Analysis and Communication
10:30 – 10:45 15 MORNING BREAK
10:45 – 11:45 60 4.3. Auditing Slides Listening and
- Definition, Scope and Purpose of Auditing contributing to
- Group Exercise discussions and
What is the difference between an audit and an inspection? exercises
- The Distinction Between Audits and Inspections
- The Audit Process from Preparation to Follow-up
- Group Exercise
Discuss advantages and disadvantages of external and internal audits.
11:45 - 12:30 45 4.4. Reviewing Health and Safety Performance Slides Listening and
- Purpose of Regular Reviews contributing to
- Group Exercise discussions and
What active and reactive measurements of health and safety performance would need to exercises
be reviewed annually?
- Performance Indicators
- Continual Improvement
12:30 – 13:15 45 LUNCH BREAK
13:15 - 14:15 60 Revision and Exam Preparation Skills Slides Listening and
- How to Revise contributing to
- How to Prepare for the Exam discussions and
- Reminder of basic exam skills exercises

14:15 – 14:30 15 AFTERNOON BREAK

14:30 - 15:30 60 Revision and Exam Preparation Slides Listening and
- Review of the week contributing to
- Revision of key ideas topics discussions and
15:30 – 16:30 60 Final review Slides
Feedback on course
Preparation for week 2

IG1 Day 5 – Self-reflection

Assessment of Learning – how will I tell whether learning has taken
place? By:
● Continuous assessment through Q&A and discussions
● Assessment through participation in workshops
Lesson Evaluation – how did the lesson go? Any changes? Etc.
Lesson Plan Front Sheet
Tutor: Course Title and Topic:
Venue: Date & Time:
Number of Adult Learners: Knowledge/Ability assumed:
This 5-day course has been developed to fulfil the requirements of Element 5-11 of IG2 (2019 syllabus version) of the NEBOSH General
International Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety. It is likely that some learners will have practical experience of some of the
issues covered in the course. Others are likely to have little or no knowledge of the subject matter. In the introduction at the start of
the course, the individual learners’ present knowledge level should be assessed.
Course Duration: 31 taught hours + 5 hours directed study
Lesson Aims – the aims of the session are:
As per NEBOSH syllabus guide
Objectives (learning outcomes) – by the end of the session learners should be able to:
As per NEBOSH syllabus guide.
Brief reasoning for the way the lesson has been planned:
The following are guidelines on how the course should be taught. Different tutors obviously have different styles and experiences and these should be taken into
account when delivering the course. To keep the earners interested, a variety of different methods should be used and the tutor should not rely solely on slides.
Any constraints:
● The course will require learners to undertake some research.
● They will require at least some access to the Internet resources for this purpose.
Equipment/Aids to be used:
● Computer (with Internet and sound capability), data projector, flip charts/whiteboard.
● Use of PPT presentations. Though PPT slides exist for most (if not all) subjects covered, they should be used judiciously rather than exclusively.
● Internet access.
● Learners are provided with a set of printed notes.
● Tasks are stated on PPT slides (these are, with a few exceptions, short activities to assist learners’ learning; tutor’s decision on how they should be delivered, e.g.
class discussion, learner group work, and learner solo work).
● A Case Study exercise with supporting documentation is used throughout the week to prepare learners for the Practical Assessment.
● Questions set for directed study may constitute study questions and exam skills questions in study text, mock exam questions or other relevant questions - tutor to
make the decision.
IG2 Week 2 (Element 5–11): Day 1
6–7 Taught Hours
1 Directed Study Hours

9:00 – 10:00 60 Introduction to the course - Overview and aims. Flip chart Listening
Note: Learners to be given a copy of the textbook if not already received. Guidance in
Overview of Element 5 to 11 and the topics covered course textbook at
Introduction to the Practical Assessment end of each
Brief outline of IG2 principles element
5.1. Noise Slides Listening and
- Terminology Notes participating in
- Noise assessment Resources discussions and
- Noise exposure standards exercises
- Noise exposure control
Group Exercise
Discuss why hearing protection is an inefficient method of reducing exposure in a noisy
- Hearing protection
- Health surveillance
10:30 – 10:45 15 MORNING BREAK
10:45 – 11:30 45 5.2. Vibration Slides Listening and
- Effects of exposure to vibration Notes participating in
- Vibration assessment and exposure standards Resources discussions and
Group Exercise exercises
What occupations are most at risk of exposure to vibration?
- How can you reduce the risks?
- Vibration exposure control
- Health surveillance
11:30 – 12:30 60 The Practical Assessment Overview Case study Briefing and
Give a fuller overview of the Practical Assessment briefing notes and reviewing with
Introduce the case study and explain the use of the case study exercises through the supporting feedback
Introduce Part 1 of the practical assessment
12:30 – 13:15 45 LUNCH BREAK
13:15 – 13:45 30 Case study Exercise 1 Case study Briefing and
Brief learners in Exercise 1 briefing notes and reviewing with
Allow learners to carry out the exercise using Part 1 of the Form supporting feedback
Review and feedback using supporting example
13:45 – 14:15 30 5.3. Radiation Slides Listening and
- Types of Ionising Radiation and Health Effects Notes participating in
- Sources of Ionising Radiation Resources discussions and
- Protection from Ionising Radiation exercises
- Radon Gas
- Types, Sources and Health Effects of Non-Ionising Radiation
- Protection from non-ionising radiation
Group Exercise
Discuss ways to protect the skin from UV sunlight.
14:15 – 14:45 30 5.4. Mental Ill-Health Slides Listening and
- Definitions Notes participating in
- Effects of stress Resources discussions and
- Prevention strategies exercises
End of Module 5.4 Exercise
14:45 – 15:00 15 AFTERNOON BREAK
15:00 – 15:45 45 5.5 Violence at Work Slides Listening and
- Definition of violence Notes participating in
Group Exercise discussions
Which occupations are most at risk of work-related violence?
- Risk factors and control measures
15:45 – 16:30 45 5.6 Substance Abuse at Work Slides Listening and
- Types of substances abused at work Notes participating in
Group Exercise Quiz discussions and
What sorts of substances might be abused at work? Resources exercises
- Risks to health and safety
- Risk control measures
16:30 – 16:40 10 End of session summary and close

Day 1 – Self-Reflection
Assessment of learning – how will I tell whether learning has taken Directed private study set:
place? By:
● Time: 1 hour
● Continuous assessment through Q&A and discussions. ● Set a relevant research question(s) for homework.
● Assessment through participation in workshops. ● Self-revision of key principles from element(s) covered today.
● Learners to look at websites identified in course notes under ‘More...’ sections.
Lesson Evaluation – how did the lesson go? Any changes?
IG2 Week 2 (Element 5–11): Day 2
6–7 Taught Hours
105 mins Directed Study

9:00 – 9:30 30 Review answers to questions from previous evening directed private study. Flip chart Whole group
Overview of previous day training feedback on answers
6.1. Work-Related Upper Limb Disorders Slides Listening and
- WRULDS & MSDs Notes participating in
- Matching the workplace to individual needs Resources discussions and
- The ill-health effects of poor task and workstation design exercises
- Ergonomics risk factors;
- Example – DSE
Group Exercise
What aspects of a DSE workstation would you need to consider to carry out a risk
End of Module 6.1 Exercise
10:30 – 10:45 15 MORNING BREAK
10:45 – 11:45 60 6.2. Manual Handling Slides Listening and
- Definition Notes participating in
Group Exercise Resources discussions and
Common Injuries exercises
- Assessing the risks – TILE
Group Exercise
Identify specific factors for a manual handling risk assessment.
- Avoiding or minimising the manual handling risks
- Efficient Movement Principles
11:45 – 12:30 45 The Practical Assessment – Risk Assessment (part 1) Slides Briefing and
Notes reviewing with
Give an introduction to risk assessment and remind learners of Element 3 principles
Resources feedback
Outline the instructions for completing the first three columns of the Part 2 risk

12:30 – 13:15 45 LUNCH BREAK

13:15 – 13:45 30 Case study Exercise 2 Case study Briefing and
Brief learners in Exercise 2 briefing notes and reviewing with
Allow learners to carry out exercise using the first three columns of the Part 2 Form. supporting feedback
Review and feedback using supporting example handouts

13:45 – 14:45 60 6.3. Load-Handling Equipment Slides Listening and

- Hazards and safe use of manually operated load-handling equipment Notes participating in
- Patient hoists and handling equipment Resources discussions and
- Power load-handling equipment exercises
Group Exercise
What accidents could occur with the use of a forklift truck?
- Forklift truck hazards and precautions; battery-powered trucks; diesel-powered
trucks; LPG-powered trucks; lifts and hoists; conveyors; cranes
Group Exercise
What could go wrong with a mobile crane during its operation?
- Requirements for safe lifting operations
- Statutory examination; testing
End of Module 6.3 Exercise

14:45 – 15:00 15 AFTERNOON BREAK

7.1. Forms of, classification of, and health risks from hazardous Slides Listening and
Notes participating in
Resources discussions and
- Forms of chemical agents
- Forms of biological agents
- Acute and chronic health effects
- Main classification of substances hazardous to health
15:30 – 16:30 60 7.2. Assessment of Health Risks Slides Listening and
Group Exercise Notes participating in
How can chemical/biological organisms enter the body? Resources discussions and
- Routes of entry exercises
- Defence mechanisms
Group Exercise
Safety Data Sheets
End of Module 7.2 Exercise
16:30 – 16:40 10 End of session summary and close

Day 2 – Self-Reflection
Assessment of learning – how will I tell whether learning has taken Directed private study set:
place? By:
● Time: 1 hour
● Continuous assessment through Q&A and discussions ● Set a relevant research question(s) for homework.
● Assessment through participation in workshops ● Self-revision of key principles from element(s) covered today.
● Learners to look at websites identified in course notes under ‘More...’ sections.
Lesson Evaluation – how did the lesson go? Any changes?
IG2 Week 2 (Element 5–11): Day 3
6–7 taught hours
1 directed study hour

9:00 – 9:30 30 Review answers to questions from previous evening directed private study. Flip chart Whole group feedback on
Overview of previous day training answers
9:30 – 10:00 30 7.3. Occupational exposure limits Slides Listening and participating
- Occupational Exposure Limits (OELs)/Workplace Exposure Limits (WELS) Notes in discussions and
- Short-term and long-term limits Resources exercises
End of Module 7.3 Exercise
10:00 – 10:30 30 7.4. Control Measures Slides Listening and participating
- The need to prevent or control exposure Notes in discussions and
Group Exercise Resources exercises
Hierarchy of Control.
- Principles of good practice
Group Exercise
Discuss how the effectiveness of LEV may be reduced.
- Practical application of the principles of good practice
- Further control of carcinogens, mutagens and asthmagens
10:30 – 10:45 15 MORNING BREAK
10:45 – 11:30 45 7.5. Specific Agents Slides Listening and participating
- Review key points from this part of the textbook that was examined as part of Notes in discussions and
yesterday’s Directed Study Resources exercises
11:30 – 12:30 60 The Practical Assessment – Risk Assessment (Part 2) Slides Briefing and reviewing
Notes with feedback
Continue with the briefing started yesterday on the Form 2 risk assessment
Focus on the last 3 columns - further actions required, timescales and
12:30 – 13:15 30 LUNCH BREAK
13:15 – 13:45 30 Case Study Exercise 3 Case study briefing Briefing and reviewing
Brief learners in Exercise 3 notes and with feedback
Allow learners to carry out exercise using the first three columns of the Part 2 supporting
Form handouts
Review and feedback using supporting example
8.1 Health, Welfare and Work Environment Requirements Slides Listening and participating
- Health and welfare provisions Notes in discussions and
Group Exercise Quiz exercises
Basic welfare facilities in the workplace Resources
- The effects of exposure to extremes of temperature
Group Exercise
What are the health issues associated with working in hot/cold temperatures?
14:15 – 14:45 30 Slides Listening and participating
8.2 Work at Height
Notes in discussions and
- Examples and definitions of work at height
Resources exercises
- Basic hazards of work at height
Group Exercise
What are the hazards for working at height for a window cleaner?
As an alternative, divide group up and give different occupations/tasks to each
- Avoiding work at height; preventing falls and falling materials; emergency
rescue; minimising distance and consequences of a fall; training; head
- Safe working practices for access equipment
Group Exercise
Suggest the control measures for the safe use of ladders.
Extra individual or group exercise: Draw and label an independent tied scaffold
Group discussion
Discuss reasons for scaffold collapse
- Inspecting access equipment
End of Module 8.2 Exercise
14:45 – 15:00 15 AFTERNOON BREAK
15:00 – 15:45 45 8.3 Confined Spaces Participating in
Slides discussions and exercises
- Outline the definition of what a confined space is Notes
- Explain the dangers Resources
- Explain the control measures
15:45 – 16:30 45 8.4 Lone Working Participating in
Slides discussions and exercises
- Outline the definition of what lone working is Notes
- Explain the risks Resources
- Explain the control measures
16:30 – 16:40 10 End of session summary and close

Day 3 – Self-Reflection
Assessment of learning – how will I tell whether learning has taken Directed private study set:
place? By:
● Time: 1 hour
● Continuous assessment through Q&A and discussions ● Set a relevant research question(s) for homework.
● Assessment through participation in workshops ● Self-revision of key principles from element(s) covered today.
● Learners to look at websites identified in course notes under ‘More...’ sections.
Lesson Evaluation – how did the lesson go? Any changes?
IG2 Week 2 (Element 5–11): Day 4
6–7 Taught Hours
1 Directed Study Hours


9:00 – 9:30 30 Review answers to questions from previous evening directed private study. Flip chart Whole group feedback on
Overview of previous day training answers
9:30 – 10:00 30 8.5 Slips and Trips Slides Listening and participating in
- Hazards in the workplace Notes discussions and exercises
Group Exercise Resources
Differences between slip hazards and trip hazards.
- Slips trips and falls
- Control measures for safe movement of people in the workplace
- Examples of signs that could reduce risk of injury by vehicles
10:00 – 10:30 30 8.6 Safe Movement of People and Vehicles in The Workplace Slides Listening and participating in
- Typical risks relating to vehicle movements Notes discussions
Group Exercise Resources
What could cause a forklift truck to overturn?
- Forklift trucks; risk factors; non-movement related hazards
- Control measures for safe workplace transport operations
10:30 – 10:45 15 MORNING BREAK
10:45 – 11:15 30 8.7. Driving for Work Slides Listening and participating in
- Managing work-related road safety Notes discussions and exercises
- Risk assessment – factors associated with driving at work that increases Resources
the risk
- Evaluating the risks
- Control measures
- Hazards of hybrid/ electric vehicles
9.1 General Requirements for Work Equipment Slides Listening and participating in
- Types of work equipment; Suitability Notes discussions
- Prevention of access to dangerous parts
- Restricting use
- Information, instruction and training
Group Exercise
What is it about maintenance work that increases the risk?
- Maintenance, inspection and testing
- Operators
11:45 – 12:30 45 The Practical Assessment – Top 3 priorities with justification Slides Briefing and reviewing with
Notes feedback
Brief learners on the part 3 part of the practical assessment: selection of 3 top
priority actions with justification
12:30 – 13:15 45 LUNCH BREAK
13:15 – 13:45 30 Case study Exercise 4 Case study Briefing and reviewing with
Brief learners in Exercise 4 briefing notes feedback
Allow learners to carry out exercise using Part 3 of the form and supporting
Review and feedback using supporting example handouts
13:45 – 14:45 60 9.2. Hand-held tools Slides Listening and participating in
- Hazards and misuse of hand-held tools Notes discussions and exercises
Group Exercise Resources
Discuss what accidents can occur with hand-held tools
- Hazards of portable power tools (eg, drill, sander) and the means of
14:45 – 15:00 15 AFTERNOON BREAK
15:00 – 15:30 30 9.3 Machinery Hazards Slides Listening and participating in
- Mechanical and other (non-mechanical) hazards Notes discussions and exercises
- Specific machinery examples – hazards Resources
Group Exercise
What are the non-mechanical hazards associated with machinery?
- Non-mechanical hazards
End of Module 9.3 Exercise
15:30 – 16:30 60 9.4. Control Measures for Machinery Slides Listening and participating in
- Control measures for reducing risk from machinery hazards Notes discussions and exercises
Group Discussion Resources
Protection given by fixed guards
- Specific machinery examples – control measures
Group Exercise
Specific machinery hazards and control measures
- Requirements for Guards and Safety Devices
End of Module 9.4 Exercise
16:30 – 16:40 10 End of session summary and close

Day 4 – Self-Reflection
Assessment of Learning – how will I tell whether learning has taken Directed private study set:
place? By:
● Time: 1 hour
● Continuous assessment through Q&A and discussions ● Set a relevant research question(s) for homework.
● Assessment through participation in workshops ● Self-revision of key principles from element(s) covered today.
● Learners to look at websites identified in course notes under ‘More...’ sections.
Lesson evaluation – how did the lesson go? Any changes?
IG2 Week 2 (Element 5–11): Day 5
6–7 Taught hours
1 Directed Study Hours

9:00 – 9:30 30 Review answers to questions from previous evening directed private study. Flip chart Whole group feedback on
Overview of previous day training answers
9:30 – 10:00 30 ELEMENT 10: FIRE
10.1. Fire Initiation, Classification and Spread Slides Listening and participating
- Principles of fire; classification of fire Notes in discussions and
Group Exercise Resources exercises
Common causes of fire in the workplace
- Principles of heat transmission and fire spread
- Common causes and consequences of fires in workplaces
- End of Module 10.1 Exercise
10:00 – 10:30 30 10.2 Fire Prevention and Prevention of Fire Spread Slides Listening and participating
- Control measures to minimise the risk of fire in a workplace Notes in discussions and
- Storage of flammable liquids in work rooms and other locations Resources exercises
Group Exercise
Discuss safe storage of flammable liquids
- Structural measures for preventing the spread of fire and smoke
- Use of electrical equipment in flammable atmospheres
10:30 – 10:45 15 MORNING BREAK
10:45 – 11:15 30 10.3. Fire Alarms and Fire-Fighting Slides Listening and participating
- Common fire detection and alarm systems Notes in discussions and
- Portable fire-fighting equipment Resources exercises
- Access for fire and rescue services and vehicles
- End of Module 10.3 Exercise
11:15 – 12:00 45 10.4. Fire Evacuation Slides Listening and participating
- Means of escape; emergency evacuation procedures Notes in discussions
Group Exercise
Take a tour of the building and note the fire exits, fire extinguishers, etc.
- Role and appointment of fire marshals
- Fire drills; roll call; provisions for people with disabilities
- Building plans to include record of emergency escape.
12:00 – 12:30 30 The Practical Assessment – Review, communicate and check Slides Briefing and reviewing with
Notes feedback
Brief learners on completion of Part 4 of the practical assessment form: review,
communicate and check
12:30 – 13:15 30 LUNCH BREAK
13:15 – 13:45 30 Case study Exercise 5 Case study Briefing and reviewing with
Brief learners in Exercise 5 briefing notes and feedback
Allow learners to carry out exercise to complete Part 4 of the form supporting
Review and feedback using supporting example handouts
13:45 – 14:45 60 ELEMENT 11: ELECTRICAL SAFETY
11.1. Principles, Hazards and Risks of Electricity Slides Listening and participating
- Briefly introduce the principles Notes in discussions and
- Explain the hazards and risks Resources exercises
- Dangerous activities
14:45 – 15:00 15 AFTERNOON BREAK
15:00 – 15:45 45 11.2. Control Measures Slides Listening and participating
- Protection of conductors Notes in discussions and
Group Exercise Resources exercises
Consider two home appliances and explain how each works.
Group Exercise
What factors should be considered when selecting electrical equipment for use on
a construction site?
- Strength and capability of equipment
- Advantages and limitations of protective systems use of competent persons
- Use of safe systems of work
- Emergency procedures following an electrical incident inspection and
maintenance strategies
Group Exercise
What action should be taken after finding someone who has received an electric
Group Exercise
Consider portable electric tools and how they may become damaged at home or
- User checks and PAT
Group Exercise
What are the advantages/disadvantages of PAT Testing?
15:45 – 16:30 45 Final Briefing on Practical Assessment NEBOSH example Participating in discussion
Final checks (refer to NEBOSH checklist)
Submission of the assessment
Introduce and discuss the official NEBOSH example practical assessment
16:30 – 16:40 10 Review of the week
End of session summary and close

Day 5 – Self-Reflection
Assessment of learning – how will I tell whether learning has taken Directed private study set:
place? By:
● Time: 1 hour
● Continuous assessment through Q&A and discussions ● Practical assessment further reading
● Assessment through participation in workshops ● Self-revision of key principles from element(s) covered today.
● Learners to look at websites identified in course notes under ‘More...’ sections.
Lesson evaluation – how did the lesson go? Any changes?

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