Research Questionnaire
Research Questionnaire
Research Questionnaire
This study will help students determine the relationship of Grade 12 Neptune
students’ lifestyle habits and their academic performance. Specifically, it seeks
answers to the following questions;
4. What plan of action shall be made to improve the lifestyle habits of the
Grade 12 Neptune students which could enhance their academic performance?
A Correlational Study of Grade 12 Neptune Students’ Lifestyle Habits and
Their Academic Performance
The Researchers,
Generoso, Adrian E.
Name (Optional):
Directions: Please respond truthfully to the statements by checking the box that
corresponds to your answer using the scale with numeric equivalents as
4 - Always
3 - Sometimes
2 - Rarely
1 – Never
Items 4 3 2 1
Items 4 3 2 1
(95 above) Excellent
(90-94) Very Good
(85-89) Good
(80-84) Fair
(79 below) Poor