Research Questionnaire

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Statement of the Problem

This study will help students determine the relationship of Grade 12 Neptune
students’ lifestyle habits and their academic performance. Specifically, it seeks
answers to the following questions;

1. What is the level of frequency of the lifestyle habits of Grade 12

Neptune students in terms of:
1.1 Physical Aspects
1.2 Mental Aspects

2. What is the status of the academic performance of the Grade 12

Neptune students based from their First Grading grades?

3. Is there significant relationship between lifestyle habits and the

academic performance of Grade 12 Neptune students?

4. What plan of action shall be made to improve the lifestyle habits of the
Grade 12 Neptune students which could enhance their academic performance?
A Correlational Study of Grade 12 Neptune Students’ Lifestyle Habits and
Their Academic Performance

Good day! The purpose of this survey is to assess the Grade 12

Neptune students’ lifestyle habits and analyze its relationship to the academic
performance. The result of this survey will help the researchers to get insights
about the said study. Rest assured that your answers will not go to waste.

Thank you for lending your time and effort!

The Researchers,
Generoso, Adrian E.

Hernandez, Janine Riena D.

Perez, Lara Jean U.

Orfiano, Astrid Lezlie D.


Name (Optional):


Directions: Please respond truthfully to the statements by checking the box that
corresponds to your answer using the scale with numeric equivalents as

1. As a student, rate the frequency of these different lifestyle habits in

physical and mental aspects.

4 - Always
3 - Sometimes
2 - Rarely
1 – Never

1.1 Physical Aspects.

Items 4 3 2 1

1. Engaging myself in any sports or activities.

2. Routinary exercise is my first priority in the

3. Eating three times a day is part of my routine to
have energy throughout the day.
4. Fruits and vegetables are what I prefer to eat.

5. Limiting myself from eating junk foods or salty

6. Controlling myself from eating sweets and sugary
items help in improving my health.
7. Abstaining from smoking cigarettes prevent
chronic illness.
8. Restraining myself from consuming alcohol, which
is harmful for the health.
9. Maintaining a healthy body has numerous
advantages for me.
10. Achieving a physically fit body can build my self-

1.2 Mental Aspects.

Items 4 3 2 1

1. I found enjoyment in playing online games.

2. Playing online games instead of studying is what I

prefer to do.
3. Online games is the reason why I stayed up late at
4. Sleeping in the afternoon messes up my body
5. Completing 8 hours of sleep is important to me.

6. Doing my tasks late at night (cramming) is hard for

me to avoid.
7. I’m having trouble sleeping at night.
8. School tasks is my priority before other activities.

9. To finish all my tasks, I am making weekly

schedule of my activities.
10. Working on my tasks one at a time works for me.

2. What is your general average in the first grading of school year?

(95 above) Excellent
(90-94) Very Good
(85-89) Good
(80-84) Fair
(79 below) Poor

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