Le Nervous System
Le Nervous System
Le Nervous System
Learning Area/s Integrated: English, Music, Arts and Health
Integration Approach Used: (Please tick)
Multidisciplinary Interdisciplinary Transdisciplinary
EXPLORE (7 minutes)
1. Divide the class into 2.
2. Each group will be given similar activity sheets. Note: Regardless of gender they have
equal rights to participate in this activity. (GAD Integration)
3. Let the group read the story for two minutes.
4. Then they will answer the guide questions for three minutes. Students will describe the
different parts of the central nervous system using the characters in the story.
5. Lastly, the groups will exchange their collaborative output for checking.
1. Where did the story happen? Ans. The story happened at CNS town.
2. Who are the characters in the story? Describe each and the activities that they like
Answers: The characters in the story are Brain, Spinal Cord, Cerebrum, Cerebellum and
Brain Stem. The following are there roles:
Brain-the loving and caring mother
Spinal Cord- the one who helped Brain’s children
Cerebrum- the eldest, the biggest and the one who loves critical thinking activities.
Cerebellum- he loves doing activities that focuses on balancing
Brain Stem- he learned the emergency rescue techniques and first aid. He got ideas on
the different involuntary activities in our body such as breathing, blood circulation, and
3. Will you agree that Brain Stem is the least favorite of mother Brain? Explain.
No, because she was not happy upon knowing that her income could not send her three
children to the exhibit.
Indicator E
1 2 3 4
Includes some
Includes many
unique ideas
Includes an unique ideas
and several
idea, but and creative
Finished the materials were
lacks use of
presentation used, based
Creativity originality materials,
but provides no his or her work
and and may made
evidence of on someone
Originality have connections to
creativity or else’s idea;
imitated previous
originality made
someone knowledge,
decisions after
else’s plan generating
referring to
many ideas
one source
Concept Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation
understandi was not was created was created to was well
ng created at all but unclear show concern planned and
created to
and show concern
responsibility and
on the effects responsibility
of drug on the effects
addiction to of drug
one’s nervous addiction to
system. one’s nervous
Completed the
Finished the
presentation in
an above
but it lacks
Did not finish average Gave effort far
the work in a manner, yet beyond the
Effort touches or
satisfactory more could requirements
can be
manner have been of the project
with little
Displayed a Displayed a Displayed a
Displayed a negative positive positive
negative response at response most response all
Responsiven response times during of the time the time
ess throughout the the during the during the
development of development development development
the presentation of the of the of the
presentation presentation presentation
Teacher Comments:
Read the following questions. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which part of the brain controls posture, balance and voluntary muscle movements?
a. cerebrum b. cerebellum c. brain stem d. all of these
2. Considering lobes of cerebrum, which is responsible for receiving impulses from the
a. frontal lobe b. parietal lobe c. occipital lobe d. temporal lobe
3. What lobe of the cerebrum is responsible for smell and hearing?
a. frontal lobe b. parietal lobe c. occipital lobe d. temporal lobe
4. It contains centers governing mental activity, including intelligence, memory and
a. cerebrum b. cerebellum c. brain stem d. all of these
5. Which of the following serves as a channel for signals between the brain and the rest
of the body?
a. brain b. spinal cord c. spinal column d. none of these
Answers: 1. B 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. B
VI. Learning Enablement (3 MINUTES)
( DRRE Integration)
With the same groupings, students will make a vlog presentation that shows awareness on
the effects of drug addiction to the central nervous system. They may include interviews
from barangay health personnel, parents, the victims and etc. Once done, they will post it on
their social media accounts.
Indicator E
1 2 3 4
The vilog
The vlog does The vlog The vlog
not sufficiently indirectly clearly
some of the
communicate communicat communicates
Presentation important
any idea that es the idea, the main idea,
ideas, and is
can persuade and is hardly and is strongly
the audience persuasive persuasive
Presentation All the
was created to wordings and
showcase the melody reflect
Creativity Presentation Presentation possible treats an
and was not was created or the adverse Exceptional
Originality created at all but unclear effects of drug degree of
addiction to students
our nervous ‘ingenuity in
system. their creation.
Some Most of the
The contents of The contents
Accuracy contents in contents of the
the video are of the video
and the video are video are
neither accurate are accurate
Relevance of accurate and accurate and
nor related to and related to
the Content related to the related to the
the topic. the topic.
topic. topic.
The video
Required Few required All required
Responsiven and includes
elements are elements are elements are
ess all required
missing. included. included.
elements as
well as
Teacher Comments: