Lectures 10-11: 9.0 Overview
Lectures 10-11: 9.0 Overview
Lectures 10-11: 9.0 Overview
Nov 2006, Lectures 10&11 Nuclear Physics Lectures, Dr. Armin Reichold 1
9.0 Overview
9.1 Introduction 9.3 Photons in matter
9.2 Charged particles in Overview
matter Photoelectric effect
Raleigh scattering
Classification of
Compton scattering
Pair production
Non-radiating interactions
(ionisation) Comparison of cross-
Radiating interactions sections
Ionisation and the Bethe- Z & A dependence of
Bloch formula (BBF) cross-sections
Radiating interactions Similarities between pair
Cherenkov-radiation production and
Bremsstrahlung Bremsstrahlung
The em-shower
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12.1 Introduction
(why do we need to know this)
12.1 Introduction
Particle Ranges
a) If smooth energy loss via many steps a)
(i.e. ionisation from light ions)
Î sharply defined range, useful for rough
energy measurement via range
b) If a few or a single event can stop
the particle (i.e. photo-effect)
Î exponential decay of particle beam b)
Î decay constant can have useful
energy dependence
Î No range but mean free path defined
c) Sometimes several types of c)
processes happen (i.e. high energy
Î mixed curves, extrapolated
maximum range
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12.1 Introduction
Particles we are interested in
exponential attenuation at low E, often get absorbed in single events
detect secondary electrons and ions liberated in absorption process.
charged particles
sharper range (continuously loose energy via ionisation)
leave tracks of ionisation in matter Î measure momentum in B
sometimes radiate photons Î can be used to identify particle type
electrically neutral Î no first-order em-interaction Î devils to detect
react only via strong force (at nuclear energies!)
long exponential range (lots of nuclear scattering events followed by
absorption or decay)
need specific nuclear reactions to convert them into photons and/or
charged particles when captured by a target nucleus
if stopped, measure decay products, e- + p + ν
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12.2 Charged particles in matter
(non radiating interactions, what to collide with)
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12.2 Charged particles in matter
(Comparison between Rutherford Scattering and EM-scattering of free electrons)
Rutherford Scattering Bethe-Bloch situation
“any” charged particle X any charged particle X scatters
(original used α’ s) scatters of of electron (in matter)
nucleus Charge(X)= Ze
Charge(X)=Ze Charge(electron)=1e
Charge(nucleus)=Z’e MX >> Me Î no X-recoil (not
Mnucl >> MX Î no nuclear-recoil true for X=e-)
first order perturbation theory first order perturbation theory
(Z*Z’*αem<<1) (Z*Z’*αem<<1)
electro magnetic point ↔ point electro magnetic point ↔ point
scattering scattering
Î no form-factors Î no form-factors
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Nov 2006, Lectures 10&11 Nuclear Physics Lectures, Dr. Armin Reichold 10
12.2 Charged particles in matter
(From Rutherford Scattering to the Bethe-Bloch Formula)
dσ Rutherford z 2α 2 ( =c )
−4 θ
= sin
dΩ 4 P 2V 2 2
P,V = momentum and relative velocity of electron wrt. nucleus
Z = charge of nucleus
θ = scattering angle of the electron wrt. incoming electron direction
Ω = solid angle
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d Ω d Ω dθ d Ω dθ dq 2 2π sin θ dq π dq 2
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12.2 Charged particles in matter
(normal Rutherford Scattering: e- on nucleus, change of variables)
d σ z α ( =c )
−4 θ
2 2
= sin
dΩ 4 p 2V 2 2
q2 θ
since: sin = 2
2 4 p2
dσ z α ( =c ) 4 p 2
2 2 2
dΩ V2 q4
dσ π dσ
since: =
dq 2 p 2 d Ω
dσ 4π z α ( =c )
2 2 2
dq 2 V 2q4
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1 dσ 4π z α ( =c )
dσ dν dσ
2 2
= = =
dq 2 dq 2 dν 2me dν V 2q4
2π z 2α 2 ( =c ) 1
dν = dν
dν meV 2 ν2
Above is probability density for a non relativistic heavy particle of charge z
to loose energy between ν and ν+dν in collision with a spin-less electron it
approaches with velocity V
We want as a useful quantity:
kinetic energy lost by projectile = -dT ν max
per path length dx
ν max
dT 1 2π Z 2α 2 (=c) 2 ⎡ 2π Z 2α 2 (=c) 2 ⎤ ⎡ ⎛ ν max ⎞ ⎤
− = nZ ′ ∫ ν 2 dν = nZ ′ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ln ⎜ ⎟⎥
dx ν min ν m eV 2
⎣ m eV 2
⎦ ⎣ ⎝ ν min ⎠ ⎦
Two of our assumptions justifying the use of
Rutherford scattering were:
Electrons in matter have no spin
Projectile travels at non relativistic speed
None of these are met in practise
We have to do all of the last 5 slides again starting
from a relativistic crossection for spin ½ electrons.
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12.2 Charged particles in matter
(Ionisation and the Bethe-Bloch Formula, Mott)
z 2α 2 ( =c )
dσ −4 θ ⎡ V2 2θ ⎤
= ⋅ −
2 ⎢⎣ c 2 2 ⎥⎦
sin 1 sin
d Ω Mott 4 P 2V 2
Rutherford term Mott term
If we perform the same transformations (ΩÆ q2Æ ν) with this crossection
and then perform the integral:
ν max
dσ Mott
− dT = nZ ′dx ∫
we get …
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Î our integral was wrong for the lower limit! (can’t get from
first to second line on slide 15 any more)
For small ν need 2-D integral dν dq depending on detailed
atomic structure
We need to find some average description of the atomic
structure depending only on Z and A if we want to find a
universal formula
This gives sizable fraction of integral but is very hard to do
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1 dT N A Z ′ ⎛ 4π Z 2α 2 = 2 ⎞ ⎡ 1 2me c 2 β 2γ 2ν max δ⎤
− = ⎜ ⎟ ⎢ ln − β 2
− ⎥ BBF
ρ dx A ⎝ me β 2 ⎠ ⎣ 2 I2 2⎦
with β = V , γ = 1
c 1- β 2
ρ = mass density = n ⋅ mt arg et − atom = n ⋅ A N 2me c 2 β 2γ 2
A ν max = 2
m ⎛m ⎞
A = molar mass, N A = Avogadro's number 1 + 2γ e + ⎜ e ⎟
M ⎝M ⎠
I = mean excitation potential
δ = density correction factor
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12.2 Charged particles in matter
(Ionisation and the Bethe-Bloch Formula = BBF)
1 dT N A Z ′ ⎛ 4π Z 2α 2 = 2 ⎞ ⎡ 1 2me c 2 β 2γ 2ν max δ⎤
− = ⎜ ⎟⎢ ln − β 2
− ⎥
ρ dx A ⎝ me β 2 ⎠ ⎣ 2 I2 2⎦
1 dT
− is called Stopping Power.
ρ dx
Stopping power = mean energy lost by ionisation upon perpendicularly
traversing a layer of unit mass per area.
Units: Mev g-1 cm2, Range: 4.1 in H to 1.1 in U
I=mean excitation energy; depends on atom type, I≈11*Z [eV]
1 dT N A Z ′ ⎛ 4π Z 2α 2 = 2 ⎞ ⎡ 1 2me c 2 β 2γ 2ν max δ⎤
− = ⎜ ⎟ ⎢ ln − β 2
− ⎥
ρ dx A ⎝ me β 2 ⎠ ⎣ 2 I2 2⎦
δ=density correction: dielectric properties of medium shield growing range
of Lorenz-compacted E-field that would reach more atoms laterally. Without
this the stopping power would logarithmically diverge at large projectile
velocities. Only relevant at very large βγ
δ =ω p
(off syllabus) = ln and ω p = 28.816 ρ ( Z ′ A
+ ln βγ −
2 I 2
BBF as a Function of βγ is nearly independent of M of projectile except for
νmax and very weak log dependence in δ
Î if you know p and measure βγ via dT/dx Î get M (particle ID via dT/dx): See
slide 23
Nearly independent of medium. Dominant dependence is Z’/A ≈½ for most
totally wrong for very low V (ln goes negative Æ particle gains Energy = stupid)
correct but not useful for very large V (particle starts radiating, see next chapter)
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12.2 Charged particles in matter
(Ionisation and the Bethe-Bloch Formula, variation with βγ)
Broad minimum @ βγ≈3.0(3.5) for Z=100(7) Stopping Power at minimum varies from 1.1
At minimum, stopping power is nearly to 1.8 MeV g-1 cm2)
independent of particle type and material Particle is called minimum ionising (MIP)
when at minimum
Nov 2006, Lectures 10&11 Nuclear Physics Lectures, Dr. Armin Reichold 23
in drift
chamber P=mγv=mγβc
variation in dT/dx is
useful for particle ID
variation is most
pronounced in low
energy falling part of
e curve
if you measured P and
dT/dx you can determine
the particle mass and
thus its “name”
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12.2 Charged particles in matter
(Radiating Interactions)
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Picture of Cherenkov
light emitted by beta
decay electrons in a
working water cooled
nuclear reactor.
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dT/dx|Brem~T (see Williams p.247, similar to our deriv. of BBF and plot on slide 22) Î
dominates over dT/dx|ionise ~ln(T) at high T.
Ecrit = Energy at which BR-losses exceed ionisation losses (see slide 22)
For electrons Bremsstrahlung dominates in nearly all materials above few
10 MeV. Ecrit(e-) ≈ 600 MeV/Z
If dT/dx|Brem~T Î T(x)=T0 exp(-x/X0)
Radiation Length X0 of a medium is defined as:
distance over which electron energy reduced to 1/e via many small BS-losses
X0 ~Z 2 approximately as it is the charge that particles interact with
Bremsstrahlung photon can produce e+e--pair (see later) and start an em-
shower (also called cascade, next slide)
Î The development of em-showers, whether started by primary e or γ is
measured in X0.
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E0 >> Ecrit
only single Brem-γ or pair
production per X0
The model predicts:
after 1 X0, ½ of E0 lost by
primary via Bremsstrahlung
after next X0 both primary and
photon loose ½ E again
until E of generation drops
below Ecrit
At this stage remaining Energy
lost via ionisation (for e+-) or
compton scattering, photo-
effect (for γ) etc.
Abrupt end of shower happens at t=tmax = ln(E0 / Ecrit)/ln2
Indeed observe logarithmic dependence of shower depth on E0
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12.2 Charged particles in matter
(Synchroton Radiation)
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Rayleigh scattering
Coherent, elastic scattering on the entire atom (the blue sky)
γ + atom Æ γ + atom
dominant at λγ>size of atoms
Compton scattering
Incoherent scattering on electron from atom
γ + e-bound Æ γ + e-free
possible at all Eγ > min(Ebind)
to properly call it Compton requires Eγ>>Ebind(e-) to approximate free e-
Photoelectric effect
absorption of photon and ejection of single atomic electron
γ + atom Æ γ + e-free + ion
possible for Eγ < max(Ebind) + δE(Eatomic-recoil, line width) (just above k-
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13.1 Photons in matter
Pair production
absorption of γ in atom and emission of e+e- pair
Two varieties:
a) dominant: γ + nucleus Æ e + e + nucleus
+ -
b) weak: γ + Z*atomic e Æ e + e + Z *atomic e recoil
- + - -
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