ZBC 23307
ZBC 23307
ZBC 23307
Received for publication, May 31, 2013 Published, JBC Papers in Press, June 25, 2013, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M113.489906
Cristoforo Silvestri‡1, Andrea Martella‡1, Neil J. Poloso§, Fabiana Piscitelli‡1, Raffaele Capasso¶, Angelo Izzo¶,
David F. Woodward§2, and Vincenzo Di Marzo‡1,3
From the ‡Endocannabinoid Research Group, Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Via Campi
Flegrei 34, 80078 Pozzuoli, Italy, §Allergan, Inc., Irvine, California 92612, and the ¶Endocannabinoid Research Group, Department
of Pharmacy, University of Naples Federico II, Via D. Montesano 49, 80131 Naples, Italy
Background: Adipogenesis is the process by which adipocytes are formed to maintain or expand fat depots.
Results: Prostaglandin F2␣ ethanolamide (PGF2␣EA) is produced from anandamide in preadipocytes and inhibits adipogenesis.
Conclusion: Conversion of proadipogenic anandamide to antiadipogenic PGF2␣EA is a novel mechanism for the regulation of
Significance: Discovering a PGF2␣EA-mediated negative regulatory mechanism over adipogenesis may lead to the development
of antiobesity therapies.
Lipid mediators variedly affect adipocyte differentiation. Excessive adiposity (especially in central depots) is a leading
Anandamide stimulates adipogenesis via CB1 receptors and per- factor for a host of complications, altogether termed metabolic
oxisome proliferator-activated receptor ␥. Anandamide may be syndrome, that not only lead to a decreased quality of life but
converted by PTGS2 (COX2) and prostaglandin F synthases, may also result in death (4). Adipose tissue mass is determined
such as prostamide/prostaglandin F synthase, to prostaglandin by the amount of fat stored in each adipocyte as well as the
F2␣ ethanolamide (PGF2␣EA), of which bimatoprost is a potent number of adipocytes, both of which can be modified through
synthetic analog. PGF2␣EA/bimatoprost act via prostaglandin the interplay between energy input and expenditure (5). Several
F2␣FP receptor/FP alt4 splicing variant heterodimers. We inves- species are able to produce new fat cells via adipogenesis
tigated whether prostamide signaling occurs in preadipocytes throughout their entire lifetime, and this process can be in-
and controls adipogenesis. Exposure of mouse 3T3-L1 or creased through high fat or carbohydrate consumption (6).
human preadipocytes to PGF2␣EA/bimatoprost during early Increased adipocyte number, both during development and in
differentiation inhibits adipogenesis. PGF2␣EA is produced adulthood, is associated with high levels of obesity (6 – 8). The
from anandamide in preadipocytes and much less so in differ- understanding of the genetic and molecular processes regulat-
entiating adipocytes, which express much less PTGS2, FP, and ing adipogenesis will, therefore, provide insight into the patho-
its alt4 splicing variant. Selective antagonism of PGF2␣EA logical dysregulation of adipose tissue accumulation and aid in
receptors counteracts prostamide effects on adipogenesis, as the development of therapeutic strategies for the prevention
does inhibition of ERK1/2 phosphorylation. Selective inhibition and/or treatment of obesity. The key players in the transcrip-
of PGF2␣EA versus prostaglandin F2␣ biosynthesis accelerates tional program that regulates adipogenesis have been eluci-
adipogenesis. PGF2␣EA levels are reduced in the white adipose dated. Pparg and Cebpa are key adipogenic regulators across
tissue of high fat diet-fed mice where there is a high requirement several species, and their expression is up-regulated within the
for new adipocytes. Prostamides also inhibit zebrafish larval first 2 days of the differentiation process (9 –11). Specific over-
adipogenesis in vivo. We propose that prostamide signaling in expression or activation of these proteins is able to promote the
preadipocytes is a novel anandamide-derived antiadipogenic differentiation of fibroblasts into adipocytes, and they are crit-
mechanism. ical in the control of adipocyte-specific genes such as Fabp4/
AP1, Retn, and Acrp30 (12–14).
The endocannabinoid N-arachidonoylethanolamine (AEA,4
Adipocytes, the main components of white adipose tissue, anandamide) is a lipid signaling molecule derived from arachi-
serve as energy stores through the accumulation and storage of donic acid that is important for adipocyte biology by regulating
triglycerides, which are metabolized upon an increased the adipogenic process and lipid metabolism within mature
requirement for higher energy levels (1) and produce an array of adipocytes. AEA levels rise and then stabilize or decrease with
factors (adipokines) with physiological roles ranging from the progression of adipogenesis (15) and are increased in the
immunological responses to the regulation of appetite (2, 3).
The abbreviations used are: AEA, N-arachidonoylethanolamine/anandamide;
PPAR␥, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor ␥; FAAH, fatty acid
This article contains supplemental Tables S1 and S2. amide hydrolase; PGF2␣EA, prostaglandin F2␣ ethanolamide; PGF2␣, pros-
Recipients of an Allergan research grant. taglandin F2␣; QPCR, quantitative PCR; PTGFR/FP, prostaglandin F recep-
To whom correspondence may be addressed: E-mail: Woodward_David@ tor; SFD, standard-fat diet; HFD, high-fat diet; LC-APCI-TOF, LC-atmo-
Allergan.com. spheric pressure chemical ionization-TOF; LC-IT-TOF, LC-ion trap-TOF;
To whom correspondence may be addressed: E-mail: vincenzo.dimarzo@ DMSO, dimethyl sulfoxide; alt4, alternate 4; WAT, white adipose tissue; AA,
icb.cnr.it. arachidonic acid; PGH2, prostaglandin H2; d0, day 0.
FIGURE 1. Dose-dependent effects of prostamides on 3T3-L1 adipogenesis. A, mRNA levels of Pparg and Cebpa were determined by QPCR in undifferen-
tiated (d0) or differentiating (d2) 3T3-L1 cells in the absence (-) or presence of DMSO (D), bimatoprost, PGF2␣EA, or PGF2␣ at the indicated concentrations.
B, mRNA levels of Pparg, Fabp4, Acrp30, and Retn were determined by QPCR in 3T3-L1 adipocytes after 8 days of differentiation in the absence (-) or presence
of DMSO, bimatoprost, or PGF2␣EA at the indicated concentrations. Relative mRNA values are expressed as mean ⫾ S.E. *, p ⬍ 0.05 versus DMSO control.
Cebpa. This inhibition was long-lasting because the subsequent (45). However, no evidence exists for the presence of PGF2␣EA
up-regulation of the mature adipocyte markers Fabp4, Retn, in preadipocytes or adipocytes. Utilizing LC-IT-TOF mass
and Acrp30 was also repressed. However, Fabp4 expression is spectrometry, we measured PGF2␣EA levels in lipid extracts
similarly inhibited at day 8 by bimatoprost regardless of from undifferentiated 3T3-L1 cells or cells undergoing adipo-
whether the cells are treated for only the first 2 days of or genesis. Undifferentiated 3T3-L1 cells produce significant lev-
throughout the entire differentiation program, whereas Retn els of PGF2␣EA and, by day 2 of differentiation, these levels drop
and Acrp30 gene expression is further reduced by 50% if the to barely detectable levels (Fig. 3A). This may suggest that
bimatoprost treatment is extended beyond 2 days. When we PGF2␣EA may act to maintain preadipocytes in an undifferen-
stained triglycerides in 3T3-L1 cells at day 8 of differentiation, tiated state and that its down-regulation, together with other
we confirmed that treatment during the first 2 days of differen- factors, is required for adipogenesis. Given that AEA is the only
tiation is sufficient for the inhibition of triglyceride accumula- biosynthetic precursor of PGF2␣EA via PTGS2/COX2, we
tion (Fig. 2B). hypothesized that PGF2␣EA levels in 3T3-L1 cells could be
PGF2␣EA Is Produced in 3T3-L1 Preadipocytes, and Its Lev- manipulated by incubation with AEA. Incubation of undiffer-
els and Those of Its Biosynthetic Enzymes Decrease during entiated cells with 10 M AEA resulted in an almost 4-fold
Differentiation—Recently, we identified PGF2␣EA as an endog- increase in PGF2␣EA levels after 4 h, and coincubation with the
enously occurring eicosanoid/neutral lipid in the spinal cord PTGS2 inhibitor NS398 (10 M) reduced PGF2␣EA to unde-
FIGURE 2. Time course analysis of the effects of prostamide treatment on 3T3-L1 adipogenesis. A, mRNA levels of adipogenic (Pparg, Cebpa) and
mature adipocyte markers (Fabp4, Retn, Acrp30) in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes (d0) and mature adipocytes (d8) in the absence or presence of 1 M bimato-
prost for various times (B0 – 8 days) were determined by QPCR. Relative mRNA values are expressed as mean ⫾ S.E. B, quantification (top panel, mean ⫾
S.D. of 64 independent fluorescence readings) and images (bottom panel) of Adipored-stained undifferentiated (Undiff.) 3T3-L1 cells or after 8 days of
differentiation treated in the absence (-) or presence of either DMSO, 1 M bimatoprost (Bim.), 10 M PGF2␣EA, or 0.1 M PGF2␣ from day 0 –2. *, p ⬍ 0.05
versus DMSO control.
tectable levels (Fig. 3A). By day 2 of differentiation, although no required for PGF2␣ production in 3T3-L1 adipocytes (46))
endogenous PGF2␣EA was detected, incubation with AEA decrease significantly by the second day of differentiation as
resulted in 3-fold lower levels of PGF2␣EA compared with expected, whereas Pmpgfs (encoding for prostamide/prosta-
undifferentiated cells (Fig. 3A), indicating a marked decrease in glandin F synthase) is expressed in these cells at levels that do
the ability of differentiating cells to convert exogenous AEA to not change by this time point (Fig. 3B). These data indicate that
this compound. To surmise how levels of PGF2␣EA levels PTGS2 (COX2) and AKR1B3 may regulate PGF2␣EA levels in
change during differentiation, we assayed the expression of a adipocytes. However, because the formation of PGH2EA from
number of biosynthetic enzymes during this process. We found PTGS2 action is the rate-limiting step in PGF2␣EA biosynthe-
that both Ptgs2 (COX-2) and Akr1b3 (which was shown to be sis, we cannot rule out a role for prostamide/prostaglandin F
FIGURE 3. Regulation of prostamide levels during early adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 cells. A, quantification (mean ⫾ S.E.) of PGF2␣EA levels by LC-APCI-MS in
undifferentiated (d0) or differentiating (d2) 3T3-L1 cells alone (left panel) or in the presence of DMSO or 10 M AEA without or with 10 M NS398 (NS). Total
amounts of lipids were similar for all samples (not shown). Note that ⬃1 mg of lipid extract is normally obtained from 2–3 million cells. n ⫽ 3 for each point.
* and #, p ⬍ 0.05 versus DMSO and AEA at d0, respectively. B, C, and F) mRNA levels of Pparg, Ptgs2, Akr1b3, Pmpgfs, or Ptgfr were determined by QPCR in
undifferentiated (d0) or differentiating (d2) 3T3-L1 cells in the absence (-) or presence of DMSO, 1 M bimatoprost (Bim.), 10 M PGF2␣EA or 0.1 M PGF2␣.
D, mRNA levels of PPARG, FABP4, or ADIPOQ were determined by QPCR in undifferentiated (d0) human preadipocytes or cells after 8 days of differentiation in
the absence or presence of DMSO or the indicated concentration of bimatoprost. E, mRNA levels of PPARG, PTGFR (FP receptor), and PTGFR alternate variant 4
(PTGFRv4) were determined by QPCR in undifferentiated (d0) or differentiating (d3) human subcutaneous preadipocytes. Relative mRNA values are expressed
as mean ⫾ S.E. *, p ⬍ 0.05 versus d0 (B and E) or DMSO control (C, D, and F).
FIGURE 4. Effect of prostamide receptor antagonism on prostamide antiadipogenic activity. A and B, mRNA levels of Pparg, Cebpa, and Ptgs2 were
determined by QPCR in differentiating 3T3-L1 cells at day 2 in the presence of DMSO, 0.1 M bimatoprost, 5 M AGN211335 (AGN), or 5 M AL8810 (AL) as
indicated. C, mRNA levels of FABP4 and ADIPOQ were determined by QPCR in human preadipocytes undifferentiated (Undif.) or differentiated (d4) in the
absence or presence of DMSO, 0.5 M bimatoprost, or 5 M AGN211335 as indicated. Relative mRNA values are expressed as mean ⫾ S.E. * and #, p ⬍ 0.05 versus
DMSO control and bimatoprost-cotreated samples, respectively.
of Ptgs2 by bimatoprost, PGF2␣EA, and PGF2␣ (Fig. 5D). Bimatoprost Inhibits the Early Development of Adipose Tis-
Western blot analysis confirmed that treatment of 3T3-L1 sue in D. rerio in Vivo—Fish rely on the same transcriptional
cells with bimatoprost or PGF2␣EA during the first 2 days of cascade to regulate adipogenesis and lipid metabolism as mam-
differentiation increased ERK phosphorylation to levels sim- mals (47, 48). In zebrafish (D. rerio), adipogenesis initiates in
ilar to those observed in undifferentiated 3T3-L1 cells and larvae not sooner than 8 days post-fertilization. Adipocytes
that both compounds similarly result in the up-regulation of form as clusters of cells initially located along the pancreas and
PTGS2 protein levels in a MEK-dependent manner (Fig. 5E). posterior to the swim bladder along the peritoneal cavity (47).
Taken together, these data indicate that bimatoprost and This process is extremely labile and dependent not only on the
PGF2␣EA signal through the MAPK pathway in preadi- age but the size and nutritive state of the fish. As such, food
pocytes to inhibit adipogenesis and up-regulate PTGS2 deprivation inhibits the early development of adipocytes (48).
expression. To determine whether bimatoprost was able to inhibit fat for-
FIGURE 6. Specific role of prostamides in adipogenesis in vitro and in vivo. A, zebrafish larvae were treated from 8 to 16 days post-fertilization with DMSO
or bimatoprost (Bim.) and stained with Adipored in the final 24 h of treatment before analysis by fluorescent microscopy. Anterior is left, dorsal is up. Arrow,
adipocytes; asterisk, swim bladder; g, gall bladder. B, quantification of pixel intensity from stained adipocytes in the abdominal cavity. n ⫽ 16 for each
treatment. *, p ⬍ 8⫺7. C, quantification (mean ⫾ S.E.) of PGF2␣EA (n ⫽ 6) and PGF2␣ (n ⫽ 3) levels by LC-APCI-MS in epididymal fat of mice on an SFD or HFD for
1 week for each treatment. *, p ⬍ 1⫺6. D, quantification (mean ⫾ S.E.) of PGF2␣EA by LC-APCI-MS in undifferentiated 3T3-L1 cells in the presence of DMSO or 10
M AEA without or with 10 M R-flurbiprofen (RF) for 4 h. Total amounts of lipids were similar for all samples (not shown). n ⫽ 3 for each point. * and #, p ⬍ 0.05
versus DMSO and AEA, respectively. E, quantification (mean ⫾ S.D.) of PGF2␣ levels by EIA in medium from undifferentiated (d0) or differentiating (d2) 3T3-L1
cells in the absence or presence of 100 M AA and 10 M R-flurbiprofen alone or in combination for 4 h. n ⫽ 3 for each point. * and #, p ⬍ 0.05 versus DMSO of
the same day and similar treatment at d0, respectively. Note that 10 pg of PGF2␣ corresponds to ⬃28.5 fmol and that 2 ml of medium from 2–3 million cells were
used for each data point. Therefore, the base-line amounts of PGF2␣ released from 2–3 million cells (i.e. ⬃57 fmol) was below the limit of detection of our
LC-IT-TOF MS method. Hence, the use of EIA. F, QPCR quantification of Pparg, Cebpa (both at day 1), Acrp30 (at day 3), and Fabp4 (at day 4) mRNA levels in
differentiating 3T3-L1 cells (relative to undifferentiated controls) treated with either DMSO (D) or the indicated concentration of R-flurbiprofen for 24 h prior to
the onset of the differentiation protocol. *, p ⬍ 0.05 versus DMSO control. G, quantification (mean ⫾ S.D.) of Adipored-stained 3T3-L1 cells after 4 days of
differentiation as in F. n ⫽ 6. *, p ⬍ 0.05 versus DMSO control.
mation in vivo, we utilized zebrafish as a developmental model triglyceride accumulation (Fig. 6A, arrows). Accordingly, quan-
of adipogenesis. Although bimatoprost-treated fish had identi- tification of pixel intensity within the abdominal region where
fiable adipocytes, the adipose mass was not only smaller but adipocytes developed showed that bimatoprost resulted in sig-
much less intensely stained as well, indicating lower levels of nificantly less average fluorescence in this region (Fig. 6B).
FIGURE 5. Effect of MEK inhibition on prostamide antiadipogenic activity. A and D, mRNA levels of Pparg, Cebpa, or Ptgs2 were determined by QPCR in
differentiating (d2) 3T3-L1 cells in the absence or presence of DMSO, 1 M bimatoprost (Bim.), 10 M PGF2␣EA, 0.1 M PGF2␣, and/or 25 M PD98059 (PD) as
indicated. B, mRNA levels of FABP4 and ADIPOQ were determined by QPCR in human preadipocytes undifferentiated (Undif.) or differentiated (d4) in the
absence or presence of DMSO (D), 1 M bimatoprost, and/or 25 M PD98059 as indicated. Relative mRNA values are expressed as mean ⫾ S.E. C, quantification
(left panel, mean ⫾ S.D. of 16 independent fluorescence readings) and images (right panel) of Adipored-stained 3T3-L1 cells after 8 days of differentiation
treated in the absence (-) or presence of either DMSO, 1 M bimatoprost, 10 M PGF2␣EA, or 0.1 M PGF2␣ from day 0 –2. E, Western blot analysis of phospho-ERK,
ERK, PTGS2, and actin  (ACTB) in lysates from undifferentiated (d0) or differentiating (d2) 3T3-L1 cells in the absence (-) or presence (⫹) of DMSO, 1 M
bimatoprost, 10 M PGF2␣EA, 0.1 M PGF2␣, or 25 M PD98059 in the indicated combinations. * and #, p ⬍ 0.05 versus DMSO control and bimatoprost or
PGF2␣EA or PGF2␣-cotreated samples, respectively.