A.N. Sen and R.S. Pathak, JJ
A.N. Sen and R.S. Pathak, JJ
A.N. Sen and R.S. Pathak, JJ
Criminal Appeal No. 174 of 1973
Decided On: 24.09.1985
Appellants:Samaresh Bose and Ors.
Respondent:Amal Mitra and Ors.
Hon'ble Judges/Coram:
A.N. Sen and R.S. Pathak, JJ.
For Appellant/Petitioner/Plaintiff: G.L. Sanghi, Sukumaran and Ratna Kapur, Advs.
For Respondents/Defendant: U.R. Lalit, R.K. Jain, D.S. Mehta, M.M. Israiley and Dilip
Sinha, Advs. Adv.
Case Note:
Media and Communication - Novel "Prajapati" - alleged to contain obscene
material - sold and distributed - offence u/s 292 IPC - Chief Presidency
Magistrate imposed fine and punishment - order affirmed by the High Court -
appeal against it - Held, vulgar writing not necessarily obscene- Vulgarity
arouses a feeling of disgust and revulsion- obscenity has the tendency to
deprave and corrupt those whose minds are open to such immoral influences -
a novel is not obscene merely because slang and unconventional words are
used and there is description of female bodies and sex - such words used only
to make the character more realistic - courts below erred in holding the novel
as obscene.
A.N. Sen, J.
1 . Samaresh Bose, the first appellant, is a well-known writer of Bengali Novels and
stories. He is the author of a novel which under the caption 'Prajapati' came to be
published in 'Sarodiya Desh' (the annual pooja number of the Bengali Journal 'Desh')
for the Bengali year 1374 B.S. Desh is a journal of repute with wide circulation and the
puja number is read by lovers of Bengali literature of all age groups all over India,
Sitangshu Kumar Dasgupta, the second appellant was the publisher and the printer of
the journal at the relevant time.
2. On the 2nd of February 1968, Amal Mitra, a young Advocate, made an application in
the Court of the Chief Presidency Magistrate at Calcutta complaining that the said novel
'Prajapati' "contains matters which are obscene and both the accused persons have,
sold, distributed printed and exhibited the same which has the tendency to corrupt the
morals of those in whose hands the said 'Sarodiya Desh' may fall and the reading public
as well" and "both the accused persons have committed an offence punishable under
Section 292 Indian Penal Code (I.P.C. for short) and under Section 292 read with
Section 109 I.P.C.