Slide Gate Damper System
Slide Gate Damper System
Slide Gate Damper System
[54] SLIDE GATE DAMPER SYSTEM £23,382 ‘Ii/192g gorgelius ...................... .. 251/329 X
[76] Inventor: Thomas
Ave, C1ncmnat1,Oh1o
_W._ St. (_31air,|2l19
Cathedral 4,666,270
, , 9 10/1987
/19 Henderson
Pm. Z
US. Patent Nov. 8, 1988 Sheet 4 0f 5 4,783,048
US. Patent Nov. 8, 1988 Sheet 5 0f 5 4,783,048 ’
1 2
FIG. 4 is a back view of the roller lock mechanism of
FIG. 5 is a partial view in perspective showing an
This invention relates to a slide gate damper system. alternative drive mechanism based on a gear wheel and
More particularly, the invention relates to a slide gate chain drive.
damper system wherein a power source is mounted on FIG. 6 is a partial view in perspective showing an
the slide gate with the system having reduced overall other drive mechanism based on a rack and pinion drive
weight, support structure and drive components. system.
Ducts are found extensively in commercial and indus INVENTION
trial buildings. Ducts are used for conveying heated air The invention described herein is made with particu
and toxic gases as a part of many power plants’ electric lar reference to the drawings. Referring to FIG. 1, there
ity generating systems. They are also used for directing is shown duct 10 with a slide gate 11. A duct frame
the flow of gases in many industrial processes. A neces shown generally as 12 for receiving slide gate 11 is
sary part of such ducts is the provision of dampers for positioned in the duct. Members 13, 14 and 15 of the
regulating and isolating the flow of air and other gases duct frame have recesses 16 which are positioned to
through the ducts. There are various types of dampers. accommodate the slide gate as it descends into the duct.
One widely used damper is commonly referred to as a Frame member 17 and a like member behind the slide
slide gate damper. These dampers have gates which are 20 gate each extend across the top of the duct with a slot 18
essentially flat surfaces. The gates function by sliding in through which passes the slide gate when opened or
a track from outside a duct, through the duct wall, and closed. The duct frame is secured to the walls of the
into the duct passageway. Such dampers are used in duct in a conventional fashion e.g., bolts typically ex
ducts having cross surface areas ranging from about one tend through the frame members into the duct’s walls. If
square foot to about 500 square feet. 25 required, zero leak means can also be provided to en
Gates on the dampers can be manually operated, sure that unwanted leakage does not occur. Ducts with
though, because of their size and placement, are nor such a frame and slide gate provided with zero leak
mally provided with a power source. A power source means are well known.
such as a electric motor with a drive mechanism is Substantially parallel gate support members 19 and 20
30 in the form of I-beams are mounted on opposite sides of
associated with the gate to open or close the gate in
response to a command. The power source and drive
the frame member 18 and extend beyond the duct’s
mechanism for many slide gates require extensive me outer surface. Cross support members 21 are provided
chanical drive components. Additionally, sufficient for stability reasons. The slide gate 11 is dimensioned to
?t within the parallel support members and is capable of
space must be allowed for all the necessary components 35
moving up or down along guide rails 22 upon com
to connect the power source to the gate. The resultant
mand. The guide rails 22 found on gate support frame
support frames, power source and drive mechanisms are members 19 and 20 are for the purpose of guiding the
very heavy overall.
slide gate during any movement. The guide rails are
There has now been developed an opening and clos secured along the inside surfaces of the gate support
ing system for slide gate dampers which requires a mini members for essentially the whole length. Conventional
mum of support structure. The motor and drive mecha fastening members such as welds, screws and bolts
nism of the system make use of known dampers with a maintain the guide rails in place.
minimum of structural change required. In accordance with the invention, a power source is
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION mounted on the slide gate. Power sources primarily
45 include electric motors with appropriate gear reduction
A slide gate damper system has reduced overall means. Electric motors are highly preferred because of
weight and support structure for use in ducts. The sys their ease of operation. The power source is mounted to
tem comprises (a) a duct frame adapted for mounting in allow the slide gate to move to a fully open or fully
a duct, (b) a gate support frame mounted outside the closed position. The power source can be bolted di
duct in association with the duct frame (0) guide rails 50 rectly to the slide gate or bolted to support brackets and
positioned on substantially parallel members of the gate braces mounted on the slide gate. As evident from FIG.
support frame (d) a slide gate positioned within the gate 2, support bracket 25 is bolted to a face of the slide gate
support frame and dimensioned to ride along the guide near the gate’s top edge. An electric motor 26 and gear
rails, (e) a power source and (f) a drive mechanism. The reduction means 27 are securely attached to bracket 25.
power source is mounted on the slide gate for move 55 Drive shaft 28 extends from the gear reduction means of
ment therewith. The drive mechanism associated with the motor towards each side edge of the slide gate. The
the power source and the gate support‘ frame causes drive shaft passes through braces 29 and bearing sup
movement of the slide gate along the guide rails to ports 30. Preferably, the top edge of the slide gate is
varying positions. cut-away to accommodate the power source 26 with an
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS overall reduction in height of the system. The electric
motor is fed by an electric line (not shown). Provision is
FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a duct partially cut made in a known manner to ensure the electric line is
away to show the slide gate damper system of this in maintained a safe distance from any possible pinch
vention. points.
FIG. 2 is a partial top view of the slide gate damper 65 An important feature of this invention is the position
system of FIG. 1 showing the drive mechanism. ing of the power source on the slide gate to move there
FIG. 3 is a side view of a roller lock mechanism with. Placement of the power source on the slide gate
found on the slide gate damper system of FIG. 1. itself simplifies the support structure and drive mecha
3 4
nism of the total system. Necessarily, the slide gate is a the rack 60 is positioned on the gate support member 19.
substantial structure often built to handle hot gases Individual members 61 of the rack are in mesh with the
?owing at high speeds. A tremendous force is exerted gear wheel teeth to cause movement of the slide gate in
against the slide gate. Using the slide gate to hold the a manner similar to the system described with reference
power source eliminates a need to position it elsewhere to FIG. 5.
with additional drive components, for the power In operation, actuation ofthe power source will cause
source. The result is a damper system wherein the slide the power source’s drive shaft to revolve. The power
gate is more fully utilized with a consequent reduction from the drive shaft is transferred to the gear wheels.
in framing and hardware components to move the slide cooperatively acting members on the system's gate
gate. An added bene?t is the compactness of the total support frame are in mesh with the revolving gear
damper system. wheels. As the gear wheels revolve, the gear teeth mesh
Any drive mechanism which operably connects the with the cooperatively acting members and move along
power source to the immovable gate support members them to cause the slide gate to open or close. Reversing
to cause movement of the slide gate is used. Preferred the power source causes the slide gate to move in the
are gear wheels 33 mounted on each end of the drive other direction.
shaft 28 and a cooperatively acting member ?xedly Obvious modi?cations may be made to the invention
mounted on the gate support members 19 and 20. The described herein. For example, a single vertical support
cooperatively acting member depicted in FIGS. 1 and 2 member can be positioned laterally at approximate mid
is a series of cross pins 34 spaced vertically along the point on the gate support frame. The cooperatively
gate support members to match with the teeth of the 20 acting member of the drive system is associated with
gear wheels as they revolve. The cross pins are ?xed to
this vertical support member. All such obvious modi?
side members 35 and 36 of the I-beam gate support
cations and variations are within the scope of the inven
‘ members. Thus, actuation of the electric motor causes
the drive shaft 27 to turn the gear wheels 33. The mesh
ing of the teeth of the gear wheels with the cross pins 34 What is claimed is:
causes the slide gate to move along the guide rails until 1. A slide gate damper system having reduced overall
the desired gate position is achieved. weight, support structure and drive components for use
The power source is reversible, responsive to signals in a duct, comprising:
to either move the slide gate into or out of the duct to (a) a duct frame adapted for mounting in the duct
effect closing or opening of the duct. Stop limits are with means to receive a slide gate;
provided to prevent the slide gate from moving too far. (b) a gate support frame mounted outside the duct in
Additionally, a manual means such as hand wheel 37 association with the duct frame;
and worm gear are provided with the system as an (0) guide rails positioned on substantially parallel
emergency measure to move the gate in case of a power members of the gate support frame;
failure or other mechanical failure. 35 (d) a slide gate positioned within the gate support
A roller lock mechanism shown generally as 40 is best frame such that it will ride along the guide rails;
depicted in FIGS. 2-4. The lock mechanism is intended (e) a power source mounted on the slide gate and
as a means to securely hold the gear wheels 33 and cross movable therewith; and
pins 34 in mesh. In effect, this ensures that the slide gate (f) a drive mechanism operably connecting the power
will not inadvertantly slip off the cross-pins during source to the gate support frame such that actua
operation. The lock mechanism comprises a plate 41 tion of the power source causes the slide gate to
with a hole in one end to receive the end of the drive move along the guide rails to effect an opening or
shaft 28. A hearing 42 is ?tted in the plate hole to ac closing of the duct.
commodate the drive shaft. An opposite side of the 2. The system of claim 1 wherein the power source
plate has two axles 43 and 44 secured in bearings 45 45 comprises an electric motor.
thereon and extending completely across the gate frame 3. The system of claim 2 wherein the drive mecha
member 20. Rollers 46 are positioned to ride along the nism comprises a gear wheel mounted on at least one
outside surface of side member 35 while rollers 47 are end of a drive shaft and a cooperatively acting member
positioned to ride along the outside surface of side mem associated therewith on the gate support frame so that
ber 36 of the gate support member. Recessed portions of force from the electric motor is transferred to the gear
the rollers ride along the side members 35 and 36 for wheel which in turn moves the slide gate along the
ease of operation of the lock mechanism. Brace 48 pro cooperatively acting member.
vides lateral movement stability for the lock mecha 4. The system of claim 3 wherein the drive mecha
nism. Still added stability is provided by substitution of nism comprises pinion gear wheels on each end of the
the brace 48 with a plate which ?xedly receives the drive shaft and racks mounted along parallel gate sup
axles 43 and 44 and the drive shaft 28. port frame members.
FIG. 5 shows an alternative drive mechanism to be 5. The system of claim 3 wherein the drive mecha
used in place of that depicted in FIGS. 1-4. A sprocket nism comprises gear wheels on each end of the drive
chain 50 is bolted at least on each end directly to an shaft and a sprocket chain mounted along the substan
inside surface of the gate support member 19. One end tially parallel members of the support frame.
of the chain is bolted with an adjustable take-up to 6. The system of claim 3 wherein the drive mecha
accommodate any chain stretching over extended use. nism comprises gear wheels mounted on the ends of the
Individual links 51 receive the gear wheel teeth as it drive shaft and I-beams as the gate support frame with
revolves. In this embodiment of the invention, guide means to cooperatively receive the teeth of the gear
rails 22 are positioned on each of the two parallel gate wheels.
support frame members 19 and 20. 7. The system of claim 6 wherein the I-beams have
Another drive system shown in FIG. 6 utilizes a rack cross-pins along which the gear wheels are able to ad
and pinion system. In this embodiment of the invention, vance.
5 6
8. The system of claim 1 further comprising stops to 12. The system of claim 11 wherein the roller lock
limit movement of the slide gate. mechanism comprises a plate secured to the drive shaft
9. The system of claim 1 wherein the power source is at one end with a pair of rolling guide means secured to
reversible with actuating switch means. the plate such that a roller of each guide means rolls
10. The system of claim 1 wherein the duct is used for along an outside surface of the gate support frame mem
conveying gaseous material. ber and another roller of each guide means rolls along
11. The system of claim 7 further comprising a roller an opposite outside surface of the gate support frame
lock mechanism to maintain the gear wheels in Working member as the slide gate moves.
relationship with the cooperatively acting members. * * * * *