Reviews: Teilhard Huxley
Reviews: Teilhard Huxley
Reviews: Teilhard Huxley
Darwin and the Modern World View. JOHN C . GREENE.(Rockwell Lectures, Rice Uni-
versity.) Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1961. viii, 141 pp., notes.
Reviewed by MORTONH. FRIED,Colunibia Universily
Barely a year ago I had the pleasure of reviewing John C. Greene’s admirable The
Death of Adam (AMERICANANTHROPOLOGIST 63 :392-93) and therefore approached the
present volume with high expectations. Greene’s talents seemed eminently suited to
the task of reviewing the interrelations between Darwinism and certain modern world
views. His role of historian of science (he is Professor of History a t Iowa State Uni-
versity) and particular interests in the development of theories of evolution seemed to
qualify him for the important task of unravelling the many strands in the fiber of
modern evolutionism in the social sciences. T o be sure, there were signs in the earlier
book that Greene was discontented with science as ideology, but these were interpreted