Rescue Technician Core: Connecticut Fire Academy Recruit Firefighter Program
Rescue Technician Core: Connecticut Fire Academy Recruit Firefighter Program
Rescue Technician Core: Connecticut Fire Academy Recruit Firefighter Program
Rescue Technician
Revised November 4,2015
860-627-6363 877-5CT-FIRE
The Connecticut Fire Academy General Rescuer Competencies
Recruit Firefighter Program Rope Rescue
Rescue Technician CORE Blank Page
Table of Contents
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The Connecticut Fire Academy General Rescuer Competencies
Recruit Firefighter Program Rope Rescue
Rescue Technician CORE Blank Page
Core (chapters 4 and 5, NFPA 1006) provides the base knowledge that will need to be applied to
every rescue incident.
o Upon completion the rescuer will be able to operate in a low angle environment
o Core is needed to advance and certify to any of the 14 rescue disciplines.
Rope Vehicle Surf
Trench Surface water Wilderness
Confined Space Swift water Mine and tunnel
Structural Dive Cave
collapse Ice Machinery
Each level is broken into two levels. Each CFA class will identify if they will be tested separately
o Level 1 – individuals who identify hazards, use equipment, and apply limited techniques
specified in the standard
o Level 2 – individuals who identify hazards, use equipment, and apply advanced techniques
specified in the standard
NFPA 1670 is the standard on operations and training for technical search and rescue incidents
o The document provides a framework for a department or rescue team
o Assists the organization in determining levels of training
o 1006 meets the requirements on an individual level
The CFA Core equipment is down-graded life safety equipment.
o Live loads should not be loaded onto the equipment on terrain greater than a low angle (40
o Students should continue to identify repair issues with equipment to meet the inspection
objective of the standard
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The Connecticut Fire Academy Rescue Technician -CORE
Recruit Firefighter Program Introduction
Session Handout
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The Connecticut Fire Academy Rescue Technician -CORE
Recruit Firefighter Program Introduction
Session Handout
Lecture or
Session Practical Lesson Chapter Title / Skill Station
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The Connecticut Fire Academy General Rescuer Competencies
Recruit Firefighter Program Rope Rescue
Rescue Technician CORE Blank Page
Rope is the universal link to high angle, low angle and swift water activities and rope
rescue. Great strides have been made in recent years in the technology and manufacturing of
rope. But rope is only as good as you use it and performs only as good as you care for it.
Each kind of rope has a specific fiber and design that will determine how it reacts to
human and natural forces. Before choosing a rope you must decide what it will be used for, high
angle, swift water, cold water or another activity. Choosing the incorrect rope could result in
severe problems and possible tragedy.
Rope for Rescue
Ropes designed for rescue work should be low stretch and high resistance to damage
from abrasion. A static or low stretch rope offers more control and reduced creep. When a rope is
weighted, the initial stretch occurs. However, additional stretch known as creep slow comes into
the rope as it extends and remains loaded. Nylon core fiber rope is typically used for these
activities that include rappelling, ascending, lowering and haul systems.
Where almost no elongation or stretch is desirable, such as a Tensioned Highline,
polyester core static rope may be used because it tends to have less elongation than nylon core
Ropes for Climbing
Rope used for Technical Rescue climbing or Lead Climbing must have stretch to absorb
the energy of the fall without harming the climber. Dynamic rope is used for these activities.
Besides protecting the climber, it helps reduce the forces transmitted to anchors and provides
protection, causing to fail.
General Requirements of Life Safety Rope:
Life Safety Rope Performance Requirements:
All life safety rope shall be certified as “general use” approved per NFPA 1983 standards.
General use life safety rope must meet the following requirements:
Has a minimum breaking strength of not less than 8992 lbf,
Has a minimum diameter of 1/2” and no greater than 5/8”.
Has a minimum melting point of 400 degrees F.
Has a minimum elongation not less than 1% at 10% of breaking strength.
Reuse of Life Safety Rope:
The manufacturer shall provide direction for the user with information regarding the reuse of
life safety rope. Reuse of life safety rope is allowable if at least the following conditions are
The rope has not been visually damaged.
The rope has not been exposed to heat, direct flame impingement, or abrasion.
The rope has not been subjected to any impact loads.
The rope has not been exposed to liquids, solids, gas, mists, or vapors of any chemical
or other material that can deteriorate rope.
The rope passes inspection when inspected by a qualified person following the
manufacturer’s inspection procedures both before and after each use.
NFPA 1983 Standard on Life Safety Rope and Equipment for Emergency Services (2012
Scope of NFPA 1983 2012 edition
This Standard shall specify the minimum design, performance, testing and certification
requirements for life safety rope, escape rope, water rescue throw lines, life safety harness, belts,
victim extrication devices, litters, escape webbing escape systems and auxiliary equipment for
emergency services personnel. This standard shall not specify requirements for rope or
associated equipment for fall protection for employees in general industry, mountain rescue, cave
rescue and lead climbing. This standard does NOT specify use requirements.
Furthermore, as Steve Hudson, president of PMI stated in Selection of Technical Rope Rescue
Equipment, “As a user of Rope Rescue Equipment it is important to understand the background
of those who convened to create a standard and which user they had in mind. It is possible that
a product can be certified to a standard that is appropriate to a different user group than a
buyer is part of. For instance UIAA writes climbing equipment standards for climbers and
mountaineers. Having a UIAA certification requirement on purchase order for carabineers
may not be the best choice if ordering for an urban fire department technical rescue team.”
Note: Though there is good information in this standard, and others like it such as (ATSM International)
standards. These standards should only be used to guide users in their decisions on what to buy when
purchasing equipment.
NFPA 1983 (2012 edition) You may see equipment labeled (see below):
General Use “G”- A designation of system components or manufactured systems designed
for general-use load, technical use load, and escape based that are calculated and understood.
Technical Use “T”- (replaced Light Use designation) A designation of an equipment item or
manufactured system designed for technical use loads, and escape based on design loads that
are calculated and understood.
Escape Use “E”-System components or manufactured components designed to provide a
means of self-rescue escape from an immediately hazardous environment above grade and
intended only for emergency self-rescue.
Note: Concerning NFPA 1983 (2012 edition)
Certification organizations shall not issue any certifications to 2006 edition after January
2012. Certification organizations shall not permit any manufacturer to continue to label any
protective ensembles or ensemble clients that are compliant to the 2006 edition after January
2, 2013.
NFPA 1983 (2006 edition) You may see equipment labeled (see below):
General Use “G”- A designation of system components or manufactured systems designed
for general-use load, light-use load and escape.
Light Use “L”- A designation of system components or manufactured systems designed for
light-use loads and escape.
MBS for components- varies with different components. Know your MBS’
NFPA 1983 (2012) Life Safety Rope Performance Requirements
General Use “G” Rope Throw line (Water Rescue) Technical Use “T” (previously
3σ MBS of not less than 40 kN 3σ MBS of not less than 13 kN Light Use “L”) Rope
(8,992 lbf) (2,923 lbf) 3σ MBS of not less than 20 kN
Minimum elongation of not less Minimum diameter of 7 mm (4,496 lbf)
than 1% at 10% of the breaking (19/64 in) Minimum elongation of not less
strength Maximum diameter of 9.5 mm than 1% at 10% of the breaking
Maximum elongation of not (3/8 in) strength
more than 10% at 10% of the After a 24-hour immersion in Maximum elongation of not
breaking strength water, the entire length of the more than 10% at 10% of the
Minimum diameter of 11 mm throw line must float to the breaking strength
(7/16 in) surface within one minute. Minimum diameter of 9.5 mm
Maximum diameter of 16 mm (3/8 in)
(5/8 in) Maximum diameter of 12.5 mm
(1/2 in)
Rope Construction:
o Laid (twisted) o Braided o Double Braided
o Plaited o Hollow Braided o Kernmantle
These are all construction methods common in the manufacturing of rope.
Laid construction is small fiber bundles of material that are
twisted and combined in larger bundles, usually in groups of
three, which are twisted around on another in the opposite
direction. Typically used with natural fiber material.
Laid (Twisted) Rope
Plaited Rope
Braided rope is constructed in two types, Solid Braid and Hollow Braid. Solid Braided rope is
constructed entirely of a single weave of three or more bundles. This type is typically found in cloth line
rope. Hollow Braided rope is constructed as a thick sheath with filler such as yarn or filament plastic as
the core.
4 of 13 Revision: 072915
The Connecticut Fire Academy Rescue Technician -CORE
Recruit Firefighter Program Session TR-5.1
Session Handout Rescue Rope & Components
Kernmantle construction is the typical life safety rope made and used for rescue is that of kernmantle
(German for Core-Sheath) construction. Kernmantle rope is manufactured with the core making up the
bulk of the rope thus being its main load bearing component. The sheath is woven around the core and
primarily serves as a protective covering for the core. With loads typically seen during rescue operations
it is likely that the sheath bears little if any of the force applied to the rope. There are many different
sheath types that have different handling and performance characteristics. Know what yours is and how it
may differ from others.
Synthetic fibers- Are considered the standard for situations in which the safety of a person is “on the
Line” and found in most rescue equipment caches. Synthetic ropes are the standard for rope rescue.
Examples of synthetic ropes are nylon, polypropylene, polyester, polyethylene, aramid, and gel spun
5 of 13 Revision: 072915
The Connecticut Fire Academy Rescue Technician -CORE
Recruit Firefighter Program Session TR-5.1
Session Handout Rescue Rope & Components
Rope Elongation:
Static is preferred in rescue due to its low elongation (stretch)
properties. When building rescue systems a low elongation is desired.
For example when a rescuer pulls on a haul system there is an
immediate reaction or as someone ascends a fixed rope there is
minimal bounce.
Note: Not all “Static” ropes are the same. Different brands/models have
different elongation properties and in turn they have different handling and
use characteristics.
*NFPA 1983 (2012 ed.) states for Technical Use and General Use, a
minimum elongation shall not be less than 1% at 10% breaking strength and Static
maximum elongation shall not be more than 10% at 10% breaking strength.
Dynamic rope has high elongation properties compared to
static rope. This is desired when a high impact force is
expected. Rock climbers typically use dynamic rope when lead
climbing. Dynamic rope can be found in rescue caches for lead
climbing, or other operations where high impact forces are
possible. This is most typical for Tower Rescue or “bottom up”
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The Connecticut Fire Academy Rescue Technician -CORE
Recruit Firefighter Program Session TR-5.1
Session Handout Rescue Rope & Components
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The Connecticut Fire Academy Rescue Technician -CORE
Recruit Firefighter Program Session TR-5.1
Session Handout Rescue Rope & Components
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The Connecticut Fire Academy Rescue Technician -CORE
Recruit Firefighter Program Session TR-5.1
Session Handout Rescue Rope & Components
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The Connecticut Fire Academy Rescue Technician -CORE
Recruit Firefighter Program Session TR-5.1
Session Handout Rescue Rope & Components
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The Connecticut Fire Academy Rescue Technician -CORE
Recruit Firefighter Program Session TR-5.1
Session Handout Rescue Rope & Components
Rope Logs:
Rope logs are required for each piece of life
safety rope and should be maintained
throughout the working life of the rope.
Follow manufacturer’s guidelines for
specific cleaning requirements.
Cool water and mild liquid detergent are a
good generic cleaning solution for general
use but always keep in mind to rinse the
rope thoroughly after each washing.
Rope Washer
DO NOT DRY ROPE IN A DRYER! Commercial Cleaner
Can be coiled or placed in a rope bag.
Clean dry compartment.
Keep away from direct contact with
chemicals of any type or the vapors and
fumes from battery acids and hydrocarbon
Stuffing Rope Bag
NOTE: Downgrade rope to utility status or discard it if any one or a combination of any of
the above problems exists. The 2002 ASTM F1740-96 can be used as a reference for rope
inspections and determination for removal from service as a life safety rope.
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The Connecticut Fire Academy Rescue Technician -CORE
Recruit Firefighter Program Session TR-5.1
Session Handout Rescue Rope & Components
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The Connecticut Fire Academy Rescue Technician -CORE
Recruit Firefighter Program Session TR-5.1
Session Handout Rescue Rope & Components
Webbing is a common staple in rescue work of any kind. Most often it is made from nylon.
There are two major types of webbing construction: tubular and flat. Tubular webbing is
typically lighter and holds knots better than flat webbing. Flat webbing is inherently stronger
and more abrasion resistant though it is marginally heavier. Whichever type of webbing is
used, ensure it was manufactured by a reputable manufacturer and was made for life safety
*NFPA 1983 (2012 ed.) additionally mentions the following in regards to uses of webbing:
Escape Webbing: A single purpose, emergency self-escape (self-rescue) webbing.
Fire Escape Webbing: A single purpose, emergency self-escape (self-rescue) webbing to be
used in an immediately hazardous environment involving fire or fire products.
Fire Escape webbing tests shall be conducted by two independent conditions and shall have a
minimum time to failure of 45 seconds at 600 degrees Celsius while holding 300 lbs. and of 5
minutes at 400 degrees Celsius while holding 300 lbs.
Note: NFPA 1983 (2012 edition) states that all fiber and thread utilized in the construction of escape
systems and system components shall be tested for melting as specified by ASTME 794 Standard test
method for melting and crystallization temperatures by thermal analysis and shall have a melting point of
not less than 204 degrees Celsius (400 degrees Fahrenheit)
One inch tubular webbing usually has an MBS of 18 k/N (4000 lbf) and when doubled its
strength is doubled. When a water knot is tied in tubular webbing it reduces its breaking
strength by about 25%. One inch flat webbing usually has an MBS of 27 k/N (6000 lbf) and
when doubled its strength is doubled. When a water knot is tied in flat webbing it reduces its
breaking strength by about 25%.
There are two types of tubular webbing construction: Needle Loom and Shuttle Loom. Both
are acceptable for rescue applications.
Tubular Webbing Continuous Loop Sling Daisy Chain
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Recruit Firefighter Program Rope Rescue
Rescue Technician CORE Blank Page
Carabineer Shapes:
A. Oval
B. D-Shape
C. Offset or Modified D Basic Carabineer Parts
D. HMS or Pear
Carabineer Materials
Steel vs. Aluminum
Steel is stronger than aluminum but not all steel carabineers are stronger than aluminum
carabineers. Know your equipment.
Steel is heavier
Steel tends to be more resistant to wear and abuse
Aluminum will not rust
Using Carabineers
A carabineer is to be loaded along its long axis or lengthwise. The weakest point on the
carabineer is its gate. Loading the gate severely reduces its strength and may cause it to fail.
Screw Links
Triangular or semicircular screw links have been used in place of carabineers when three-way
loading is necessary. When the screw link is closed completely it will have the same strength
regardless of the direction or directions of loading.
General Use Ascender
General Use Ascender General Use Ascender
Pulley is designed primarily to reduce rope friction and can be used for changing the direction of
a running rope and to develop mechanical advantage in a haul system. All metal pulleys are used
in most high-angle systems and rescue hauling. Ideally the sheave (wheel) should be four times
the diameter of the rope.
The Prusik Minding pulley is primarily used in technical rescue activities. Specialized pulleys
such as Knot Passing pulleys and Kootney pulleys may have larger diameter sheaves made of
Parts of Pulley
A. Axel B. Bearing C. Sheave
Prusik-Minding Pulleys
Swivels are placed in rope system where torque may be
applied. They help prevent rope and equipment
entanglement and potential damage.
Edge Roller
EP Plus - Edge
Roof Roller Rope Wrapper
Anchoring Equipment
Anchor Straps
Anchor Straps are webbing lengths with D-rings sewn into each end where a carabineer can be
clipped. Depending on the NFPA designation the straps end to end breaking strength rating is
from 4945 to 8000 pounds (22-35.6 kN).
Some anchor straps have a heavy-duty buckle that can be adjusted to various lengths.
However, the buckle may slip with force less than the straps overall breaking strength.
Anchor Plates
Anchor Plates or Rigging Plates help organize the anchor rigging and prevent it from jamming.
They can make the various components easier to see and can make rigging of anchor systems
more accurate. Anchor plates also can be used for rigging litters.
The Arizona Vortex (AZV) is a portable artificial high
directional (AHDs) anchor point that can be used a tripod,
bipod or monopod. It can be configured as an A-frame, a
sideways A-frame, a gin pole or a multitude of other
configurations. The tripod can be formed into an easel A-
frame with adjustable leg lengths. The versatile third leg
allows rescuers to set up an artificial high directional in Arizona Vortex
virtually any urban, industrial or wilderness location.
6 of 8 Section 2 Revision: 072915
The Connecticut Fire Academy General Rescuer Competencies
Recruit Firefighter Program Rope Rescue
Rescue Technician CORE
System Components
All-plastic litters are suited for pulling or dragging in snow and carried by litter tenders on flat
or walkable terrain. Metal framed litters are preferred for all Rope Rescue activities because of
the strength and ruggedness.
The Skedco SKED is a common flexible litter used for
confined space, HM/WMD and military victim rescue
activities. The Polyethylene Plastic conforms around a
victim like a cocoon, the unit has built-in straps, eyes
and harness giving it the capability of being hauled and
carried from the incident. The unit can be rolled stored SKED
in its own backpack.
The rugged and versatile LSP Half Back is a unique
vertical extrication device that combines the capabilities
of a full body harness with the ability to immobilize the
patient if cervical/spinal trauma is suspected. The LSP
Half Back consists of two components: a rugged, padded
full body harness and a removable aluminum back stay LSP
with head immobilizer.
7 of 8 Section 2 Revision: 072915
The Connecticut Fire Academy General Rescuer Competencies
Recruit Firefighter Program Rope Rescue
Rescue Technician CORE
System Components
Helmets used for technical rescue applications should be specifically designed for the
environment it will be used in. For rope rescue is may be best to use a helmet with a suspension
system. For water rescue be sure to use a helmet that will drain water quickly. Any helmet
should meet Union of International Alpine Association (UIAA), European Committee for
Standardization (CEN) or other similar standards.
A more recent NFPA standard has been established for helmets used in technical rescue and is
included in NFPA 1851, Standard for Protective Ensembles for Technical Rescue Incidents.
Gloves are worn to protect the hands against weather
conditions and cuts, burns or abrasions form rope or the
rescue environment. Gloves must allow the wearer a sense
of feeling so that the fingers can manipulate equipment.
Gloves made of soft leather are preferred, firefighting
gloves should not be used in for rescue activities.
Rope Rescue Gloves
Boots should provide ankle support and protect the feet
against scrapes, cuts and bruises. They should be pliable
and comfortable enough to stand in for hours. Rubber boots
used firefighting should not be used in for rescue activities.
NFPA 1983, Standard on Fire Service Life Safety Rope and System Components
This standard classifies harnesses into three classes:
Ladder & Escape Belts (Class I)
Ladder belts are designed only to prevent falls from a ladder and are not intended for the rope
rescue environment. A light duty harness meant for light duty work and emergency egress by
one person with a design load of 1.33 kN.
Class II
A two-person harness, a harness that is strong enough
to hold the rescuer and a second person clipped on to
the harness. It secures around waist and around thighs
or under buttocks and designed for one person, or when
another person’s weight may be transferred to the
harness during the course of a rescue. The harness is
designed for a 2.67 kN, two person load. Class II
Class III
A full body harness designed for rescue loads, fall protection and for rescues in which
inversion may occur. A class III harness fastens around the waist, around thighs or under
buttocks, and over the shoulders with a design load of 2.67 kN.
If Impact occurs, immediately take the Hardware out of service until it has been inspected and
returned to service by a qualified person.
During use, carrying, and storage keep hardware away from acids, alkalis and strong chemicals.
Do not expose hardware to flame or high temperatures.
Store in cool, dry location.
Do not store where equipment may be exposed to moist air, particularly where dissimilar metals
are stored together.
Clean and dry this equipment after each use to remove any dust, debris and moisture.
If carabineer gate sticks, Use air hose to blow out grit of mechanism, wash and lubricate with dry
graphite around hinge area, inside spring hole and locking mechanism.
The Fire Service use two types of ropes for knot, bend & hitches, each rope has a distinct function:
Life Safety Rope: Used for supporting Rescuers and Victims, it is dedicated and referred to as Life
Safety. Life Safety Rope must be used when supporting a person, whether during
training, firefighting, rescue or other emergency operations.
Utility Rope: Used in most cases where it not supporting the weight of a person, such as
hoisting or lowering tools and equipment. It may be used in situations involving
mechanical advantage systems so long as the system does not support a victim,
tender or risk the risk of a system failure would do harm.
Knots, Bends & Hitches
Knots, bends and hitches are prescribed ways of fastening lengths of rope or webbing to objects to each
other. Rescuers should know how to tie at least nine basic knots and how to apply them.
Hitches, such as the clove hitch and Prusik hitch are used to attach a rope around an object or
another rope. A hitch is defined by the rope being tied around an object such that when the object
is removed, the knot will come undone.
Knots, such as the figure eight or bowline, are organized methods of fastening rope to an object
Bends, such as the figure eight bend and water knot, are used to join two ropes and webbing,
respectively, together.
Safety knots, such as the overhand knot, are used to secure the ends of rope to prevent them from
coming untied.
Specific terminology is used to refer to the parts of rope in describing how to tie knots.
The Working End is the part of the rope used for forming
the knot.
The Running End is the part of the rope used to for lifting
or hoisting a load.
The Standing Part is the rope between the working end and
the running end.
Round Turn
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The Connecticut Fire Academy General Rescuer Competencies
Recruit Firefighter Program Rope Rescue
Rescue Technician Knots & Hitches
Strength Loss through Knots
All knots reduce the overall strength of a rope, but some cause a greater loss than others. The general
rule is: knots with tight bends, such as bowlines, cause greater strength loss than knots with open bends,
such as the figure eight family of knots.
Knot Efficiency Loss Knot Efficiency Loss
Figure 8 on a Bight 20% Bowline 27-33%
Double Loop Figure 8 18% Clove Hitch 40%
Butterfly 25% Tensionless Hitch 0%
Double Fisherman’s 21% Girth Hitch 30%
Water Knot 35%
Source: ROCO Rescue 2014
Dressing Knots
A knot should be properly “dressed” by tightening and removing twists, kinks and slack from the rope.
The finished knot should be firmly fixed in position. The configuration of a properly dressed knot
should be evident so that it can be easily inspected. All loose ends should be secured by safety knots to
ensure that the primary knot cannot be released accidentally.
Note: The curriculum for Rescue Technician may not require that all knots be backed up. The Recruit
Firefighter Program requires that all firefighting knots shall be backed up with additional
overhand knots formed with the tail of the firefighting or rescue knot. In these instances, a longer
tail will need to be left once the rescue knot is tied, dressed, and set to provide enough material
to tie the back- up knots.
Overhand Safety Knot
A safety knot is used to secure the remaining working end of the rope or webbing to the standing part of
the rope, also referred to as an overhand, stopper or keeper knot. It provides a degree of safety by
securing the loose working end of the rope and prevents that end of the rope from slipping back through
knot and untying. The safety knot should be tied approximately 1 inch from the finished primary knot.
Take the loose end Pass the loose end of Test whether you
of the rope, beyond the rope through the Tighten the safety
knot by pulling on have tied a safety
the knot, and form a loop. knot correctly by
loop around the both ends at the
same time. sliding it on the
standing part of the standing part of the
rope. rope. A correctly
tied rope will slide.
Form a bight Loop the working end Lay the working end
approximately 18 of the rope of the rope over the
inches on the working completely around bight created when
end of the rope the standing end of you looped the rope.
the rope. Similar to creating a
figure 8 on the bight,
do not pass the rope
Set the two ends together. Each end pointing in Pass one end under both
opposite directions. ropes.
Begin to wrap the two Wrap around both ropes This will form two loops.
ropes. twice.
Pass the end back Dress the loops and knot. Pull the knot tight.
through the loops.
Tie the same knot on the Make sure both sides of Pull on both ropes tight to
opposite end. the knot sit against each cinch the two knots
other (if they don’t, untie against each other.
one end, and try
wrapping it in the
opposite direction.
Form a bight over a Using the rope from Continue the loop
hand behind the palm, form around the hand to a
loop over the hand. round turn.
Form a second bight Begin to pull the loop Continue to pull over
between the loop and nearest the fingers back the round turn,
strand closest to the to the palm of the hand.
Fold and push the loop Dress and Tighten the Knot
under the round turn.
Slide the fingers out
from knot.
Place the working end of the Make a complete loop Make a second loop around
rope over the object. around the object, working the object above the first
end down. loop. Pass the working end
of the rope under the second
loop, above the point where
the second loop crosses over
the first.
Pass the rope through the Form a loop over the Pass the loop through the
open carabineer standing part of the rope open carabineer
Position the loop to the Close and lock the Position the running part of
basket part of carabineer carabineer under the standing part of
the rope. This will be used to
control the friction.
Throwing a Munter Hitch
Finish by forming an
Form a bight to cinch a Half Overhand around the Body
Hitch around the body of the Hitch and tying a
nearest to the Munter. Stopper knot on the Bight.
An anchor is the means of securing the ropes and/or system to something solid. Anchors can be
natural elements such as trees or rocks, artificial, such as beam clamps or removable swivel bolts
or they can be man-made such as structural beams and apparatus.
An anchor (also called an anchor point) is a stationary object capable of supporting the load
attached to it. An anchor system is the rope, slings, and hardware used to attach a load to the
anchor, and includes the anchor. All anchors must be able to hold the anticipated load that will
be applied to it, in the direction the load will be applied from. A significant safety factor shall be
included to compensate not only for the anticipated load, but also for unanticipated loads,
dynamic loads, shock loads, and stress from the application of hauling systems.
The result of an inadequate anchor or anchor system is failure of the system.
In the absence of an obvious “bombproof” anchor, the primary anchor shall be backed up by a
secondary anchor to provide support. This backup anchor must be in line with the primary
anchor and the load, and must also act to counter the type of force that the load is applying to the
primary anchor. (See “Anchor Systems” below for details).
All anchors must be inspected to identify any sharp or abrasive edges that may damage software
and provide padding for protection (edge-pro) of the same.
Test the anchor prior to the application of its intended load by “pre-loading” to test the alignment
and reaction of the system components.
The Rigging Team Leader (RGL) and the Technical Safety Officer (TSO) must approve the
anchor and connecting components prior to application of the intended load.
Natural Anchors can be a trees or rocks to which webbing, straps or rope are wrapped around.
Caution should be used and each should be evaluated for potential failure before using. A
tree’s diameter as well as root system and ground there in should be examined. A rock or
boulder may easily be moved with the stresses of rope systems.
Rock Rock
Structural Anchors should be evaluated for be structurally sound. Anchor points may deteriorate
over time; corroded metal, weathered and deteriorated stone or motor work should be
avoided. Inherently week structural features such as sheet metal vents, flashing & gutters;
light brickwork and standpipe systems should also be avoided.
Stronger inherent parts of the building structure may be considered when selecting an anchor
Structural Columns Anchors for Window-cleaning equipment
Projections of Structural Beams Roof Scuppers
Supports for Large Machinery Elevator and Machine Housings
Stairwell Support Beams Walled Section between Windows
Brickwork with Large Bulk
Structural Columns Structural Beams Structural Beams
Artificial Anchors use special hardware specifically designed for anchoring when no other points
may be available. Artificial anchors used in rescue may be bolts placed in rocks or beam
clamps used in structures. Most require competent personnel selecting and securing these
Beam Clamp
Vehicle Anchor Points can usually be found on fire apparatus or service vehicles. Potential
anchor points include the following:
Vehicle Bumpers Wheels
Bumper Brackets Suspension Components
Tow Hooks/Eyes
The weight of the vehicle and the surface the vehicle sits on must provide sufficient mass and
friction to prevent the vehicle from sliding once the load is applied. Ensure that any anchor
point utilized on a vehicle is one that is either specifically designed for that purpose or is
positively structurally significant. Avoid exposing software to any fuel, grease, oil, or
Take at least two Make sure there is no rope Tie a figure 8 on a bight in Clip the carabiner
wraps with the rope cross in the turns. the running end of the rope across the standing end
around the object to be and clip a locking carabiner of the rope at the
used as the anchor into the figure 8 knot. bottom of the spiral.
Belays are similar to lowering systems that they use the same devices that generate friction or a
tensioned rope to control the decent of rescuers or the load. The difference between a lowering
and belay system is that a belay system friction device is used to as a load capture and regulates
or minimizes the fall distance.
The belayer must always be attentive and never leave the belay system unattended.
Tandem Prusik Belay Systems
A Tandem Prusik Belay consists of two triple
wrapped Prusiks anchored securely and placed
inline on the belay rope. When rigged correctly the
prusiks will exert a clutching action and grab the
rope. Because load is stopped slowly it reduces the
chance of excessive shock to the system.
Certain conditions may cause the Prusiks not to
catch. Environmental conditions such as ice, snow
or mud may them to slip over the rope. Cordage that
is the wrong material or diameter or if the hitch is
not tied tight enough will also cause the rope to slip
through the Prusiks.
It is important to have a knowledgeable and alert
person tend the Prusiks. Inattention to the operation
may allow the Prusiks to catch or not catch when
not needed.
Anchor, Anchor Strap, Prusik Minding Pulley, LRH & Double Prusik
Decent Control
Descent Control System Components
Descent control devices come in various shapes, size, and uses. Their purpose is basically to
provide a means of applying friction within the system to control the descent of a given mass.
Some have auto-stopping features while others provide minimal friction for a single rescuer. As
with the other components, the device must be matched with the task.
Braking Device
A braking device is any device intended to apply friction to rope for the purpose of slowing
or stopping the progress of the rope travel. Primary braking devices used are Rescue 8's and
brake bar racks.
Braking Hand
The braking hand is the operator's hand that must never leave the rope during a lowering
operation. This is similar to the braking hand used in belays. The intent is that if the operator
has contact with the rope when a sudden surge or load change occurs, they will able to best
respond to the load change if the rope is in their hand.
Feeling Hand
The feeling hand is the operator's hand that is used to monitor the tension of the main
lowering line. Lowering systems are designed to work with the weight of the load. If slack is
formed in the main line, this may indicate that the rescue load has become momentarily hung
up on a ledge or is at the bottom. The operator strives to maintain no slack in the line unless
slack is required for some specific purpose.
Decent Control or Brake Devices
Brake Rack
Rescue 8 Plate
Lowering Systems
The rope rescue lowering system is a single device or a combination of rope rescue devices used
to control the load’s position or rate of decent. A lowering system must be connected to an
anchor or anchor system. The lowering device, such as a brake bar rack, rescue 8-descender or a
mechanical device such as the MPD, imparts the friction of the rope in the device permits the
operator or tender to have control of the rate of descent of the load.
In technical rescue, the objective is to extricate a possibly injured subject from a precarious
situation and relocate to a safe location for further evacuation. Whenever possible, a lowering
system which uses gravity to pull the rescue load down is preferred when evacuating from a
vertical rock face or high mountain situation. A lowering system requires less work from the
rescuers than a raising system and therefore can normally be achieved with fewer total rescuers.
When lowering rescue loads, especially large loads above 300 lbs., a slow pace should be used.
If possible, stops should be gradually applied to dissipate the energy over time, rather than in
heat on a quick stop. Quick stops or jolts stress a system more than continuous loads, cause an
increased amount of heat, and may lead to a system failure.
Mechanical Advantage
Components needed to build a pulley system are:
Rescue rope
o Most pulley systems can be built with 75' or 150' lengths of rope
Rescue pulleys
o Hauling prusiks, to grab the rope and pull it into motion
o Ratchet prusiks, to stop the rope from moving and allow the system to be reset
Anchor point or system
1:1 Systems
A 1:1 mechanical advantage means that a 100-pound load that needs to move 10' will take
100 pounds of force and 10' of rope to move 10'.
Simple 1:1 System
2:1 Systems
A 2:1 mechanical advantage means it will take 50 pounds of force to move the object, but it
will take 20' of rope to move the 100 pound object 10'.
Simple 2:1 Mechanical Advantage System
3:1 Z-Rig
The operation of the Z-rig requires three positions although a hauler may perform double duty.
Hauler: No skills required and the more the better, so non-SAR personnel and bystanders
can be put to use if it is safe. A hauler either pulls hand-over-hand or grabs the rope and
walks with the rope. Haulers should haul as close to in line with the anchor and load axis
to minimize pulling against the system. Each throw of a haul should be smooth and even.
The haulers should not jerk the rope as in “one-two-three pull.” This is to prevent shock
loading the system and to give the subject and litter tenders an easier ride up over rough
Haul Prusik Re-setter: This person resets the haul Prusik forward toward the load as far
as safely possible.
Tandem Prusik Minder: This position should always be filled unless there is a bare
minimum of rescuers available to haul. This rescuer will monitor the tandem “ratchet”
Prusiks to ensure they are in their forward position as much as possible, and lock-off the
Prusiks at the end of a haul cycle. The tandem Prusiks should always be locked-off when
the system is stopped for any reason.
Z-Rig Operation
The haul cycle is as follows:
1. The haul Prusik should be as far forward as possible at the start.
2. Once all systems are ready, the Operations Leader will give the “haul” command.
3. The haulers will haul smoothly on the haul line.
4. The Prusik minder will monitor the tandem Prusiks.
5. When the haul Prusik approaches the ratchet Prusiks, The Prusik minder will give the
“stop, lock-off” command.
6. The Prusik minder will force the tandem Prusiks forward to lock-off the system. This will
minimize the distance the load will lower when the haulers release tension.
7. Once the tandem Prusiks are locked off, the haulers can release tension on the haul line.
8. The haul Prusik re-setter will position the haul Prusik as far forward as safely possible.
The longer the throw, the fewer the number of hauling cycles needed during the raising
9. The haul cycle is repeated until the load is at the top.
It is not necessary to coordinate "reset" & “haul” commands with tenders or over the
radio unless there will be an unexpected delay. The ratchet effect is well known and expected by
the tender. This minimizes unnecessary radio traffic and allows the system to flow more
Simple 4:1 Mechanical Advantage using Double Pulleys with a Change of Direction
Simple 5:1 Mechanical Advantage using Double Pulleys with a Change of Direction
Compound: A compound system is one simple system pulling on another simple system.
Compound 9:1 Mechanical Advantage
Complex: A complex system is any system that is a combination of simple and compound
Below is a simple 3:1 Mechanical Advantage System being pulled by a 2:1, the result is 6:1
Mechanical Advantage.
Two-rope systems:
The utilization of a two-rope system (Main and Belay Line) provides the safest means for
rescuers operating at a technical rescue that requires rope rescue to access a patient(s) in an
efficient manner. The use of a two-rope system during a rope rescue is a requirement at all times
with the exception of simplistic low angle rescues, lead climbing, and under extenuating
Main Line:
The Main Line provides the rescuer and/or litter team with access to a patient, provides both the
rescuers and patient with protection from a fall, as well as assistance in regaining the top in an
angled or vertical environment.
The Main Line bears the weight of the load imparted by the rescuers, the patient, and all
equipment used as part of the patient extraction.
The actual set up and operation of a Main Line rope system for raising and lowering a rescuer
and/or litter team shall be performed by a technician level person. The exception to this is for
low angle Main Line rope systems, where in such cases an operations level person may be
Belay Line:
The Belay Line provides a backup safety line to the Main Line. The Belay Line is not loaded
unless there is a Main Line failure and as such, slack in the Belay Line has to always be at a
minimum to prevent shock loading in the event of a Main Line failure.
The actual set up and operation of a Belay Line rope system should be performed by a technician
level person.
Two-rope system components:
The components that make up a two-rope system include:
Personnel working under the direction of assigned staff positions
o See “Roles and Responsibilities” section for details).
Sound anchors
o See “Anchor Points” and “Anchor Systems” section for details
Two-rope system
o See this section for details.
Communications comprised of common terminology
o See “Safety & PPE” section for details.
Equipment that is properly applied and properly maintained
o See “Rope Rescue Equipment” section for details.
The application of safety during a rope rescue that encompasses the entire event.
Main Line:
Anchor, Anchor Strap or Webbing, Carbineers, Descending Device & Life Safety Rope
Belay Line:
Anchor, Anchor Strap or Webbing, Carbineers, Prusik Cords, LRH & Life Safety Rope
Main Line:
Anchor, Anchor Strap or Webbing, Carbineers, Pulleys, Rope Grab Device & Life Safety Rope
Belay Line:
Anchor, Anchor Strap or Webbing, Carbineers, Prusik Cords, LRH & Life Safety Rope
Main Line:
Anchor, Anchor Strap or Webbing, Carbineers, Pulleys, Rope Grab Device & Life Safety Rope
Belay Line:
Anchor, Anchor Strap or Webbing, Carbineers, Prusik Cords, LRH & Life Safety Rope
The RPH System a collection of equipment that includes a descent control device, pulley, and
load-releasing device with one or two prusiks. The "R" refers to resistance, meaning a figure of
eight descender or brake bar rack. The "P" refers to a Pulley. The "H" refers to a Load Release
Often the RPH is configured with additional equipment that can be used in constructing
mechanical advantage systems. Systems configured in this way minimize equipment needs and
weight of systems utilized in rope rescue operations. Grouping these individual items into
component systems, and prepackaging them into a standardized system will greatly reduce set-up
time and simplify the construction and safe operation of the rope rescue systems.
The RPH can be used with either the Belay Line or Main Line.
Anchor Plate, Anchor Strap or Webbing, Carbineers, Descending Device, Prusik Cords,
Prusik-minding Pulley, Load Release Hitch or Strap
Anchor Plate, Anchor Strap or Webbing, Anchor Plate, Anchor Strap or Webbing,
Carbineers, Descending Device& Life Safety Carbineers, Prusik Cords,
Rope Prusik-minding Pulley& Life Safety Rope
Additional Components: Pulley & Rope Grab
The Incident Commander sets the tone for the successful management of the incident by
implementing a command structure, giving clear objectives and assignments, and coordinating
the activities of the various responders.
Command and Control in Low Angle Rope Rescue Operations
The incident command system is the framework for managing any incident.
Prior training in ICS is important so everyone knows where they fit into the system.
ICS should be used to manage all phases of the rescue operation.
Small incidents can be managed by one person wearing all the hats.
The ICS expands as the incident grows to maintain an efficient span of control.
Incidents that involve more than one jurisdiction may be managed by Unified Command.
Positions that may need to be filled on a "typical" low angle rescue incident include:
Incident Commander (IC).
Safety Officer (this role may be retained by the IC).
Rescue Group Leader
Technical Safety Officer
Rigging Team Leader
o Main Line Tender.
o Belay/Safety Line Tender
o Haul Team Leader
Entry Team Leader / Edge Person
o Rescuer(s)
o Litter Team Leader
Litter Team
Support Team Leader
Controls mainline during raising operations.
Contacts victim and initiates medical care until victim is transferred to an equal or higher
medical authority.
Accesses and stabilizes victims.
Assesses victim's condition and advises Rescue Group Supervisor of best rescue
Secures victim in litter.
Carries litter upslope.
Walks out ambulatory victims.
General Information:
The successful outcome of any technical rope rescue incident must be based on a foundation
that applies and adheres to safety. Accidents and fatalities during technical rope rescues are
predominately a result of either human error from the misapplication and/or improper use of
equipment, or a communications error. A combination of highly trained personnel, clear
communications, and a sound pre-deployment system safety check can help minimize the
chance of accidents occurring.
Although the ultimate responsibility for safety at a technical rope rescue is assigned to the
Rescue Group Leader and the Technical Safety Officer, it is the responsibility of all
personnel present to remain vigilant for ensuring the safety of all that are present, at all times.
System Safety Check:
Recognition that any rope based rescue system is no stronger than its weakest link prompts a
thorough safety check of any rope system prior to deployment. These system checks are three
fold and are performed by multiple persons to eliminate the potential for human error. The
three tests are a “Critical Point Test”, a “Whistle Test”, and a “Touch Test”.
Critical Point Test:
A Critical Point Test requires that rope system in its entirety is looked at to insure that the
failure of any one part of the rope system, either human or equipment, will not result in a
total system failure (dominoe effect). A Critical Point Test can be performed by asking
“What if” type of questions in regard to the rope system, such as “What would happen if
the Track Line failed”, or “What would happen if the Main Line anchor failed”.
Whistle Test:
The passing of a Whistle Test means that if in theory at any point a whistle were blown
which signals all personnel to “let go” of the rope or equipment that they are operating,
nothing catastrophic will occur to the live load that is depending on the rope systems for
their safety. Some examples of equipment that allow passing of a Whistle Test are the use
of a Belay Line and Prusiks that will capture the load if the team operating the Main Line
slips and lets go of the Main Line while hauling up the live load, or a tandem
Prusik on a Load Release Hitch situated towards the load on a Control Line lowering
operation utilizing a Brake Bar Rack in the event a Track Line fails and imparts an
impact load to the Control Line.
Touch Test:
The Touch Test is a verification of the integrity of the entire rope system with a hands on
check of every component of the rope system from one end to the other prior to
deployment. The requirement that the individual performing this task physically handle
each component that he/she is examining focuses the examiners attention on the task and
eliminates a “casual glance” type of inspection.
Redundant System Check:
To reduce or eliminate the potential for human error, the above tests shall be performed
by multiple persons. Some examples of this are that the Rigging Team Leader shall
perform the three tests to the Main and Belay Line systems that he/she are in charge of,
and the Technical Safety Officer will confirm the integrity of these systems by his/her
own system safety check. The Entry Team Leader shall perform all three tests to the
Entry Team, and the Technical Safety Officer will confirm the integrity of these systems
by his/her own system safety check.
Once all systems have been double safety checked, no change to the system will be
allowed under any circumstance without the approval of the Technical Safety Officer,
and all such changes that are approved of shall be double safety checked prior to
deployment of the rope systems.
The Rescue Group Leader is responsible for ensuring that the appropriate PPE is utilized and
equipment to provide protection from those hazards to which personnel are exposed or could
be exposed is provided. The selection of PPE shall be approved by the Technical Safety
PPE must protect personnel from any effect that the environment will impose. Head
protection shall be provided to any personnel on location that may be exposed to injury to the
head resulting from impact or a fall.
All helmets used for such purposes shall meet applicable ANSI Z89-1 standards.
Eye protection shall be provided to all personnel that can be impacted by an eye injury at the
scene. Eye protection provided to personnel shall meet the applicable ANSI standards.
Foot protection for personnel shall be provided by steel toed boots with an environmentally
compatible tread.
Hand protection for personnel will be of a type that balances cut and abrasion protection
while still allowing finger dexterity to operate or participate on rope systems.
Clear verbal communication consisting of defined, understandable terminology is required in
any rope rescue evolution to ensure safety and efficiency. To avoid confusion and the
possibility of conflicting verbal orders, all verbal communication relative to movement of a
rope system involving live loads shall come from only one delegated person.
The Rescue Group Leader (RGL) is ultimately responsible for initiating, maintaining, and
controlling incident communications. During rope rescue evolutions, the Entry Team Leader
who is properly secured and has a visual connection (if physically possible) with the Entry
Team, Main Line Team, and Belay Line Team controls the verbal initiation, operation,
resetting, and conclusion of movement of the rope systems. The Rescue Group Leader may
choose to retain the role of Entry Team Leader as far as controlling the movement of any
rope system, if it is either a simplistic operation, or if a sufficient number of technician level
personnel are not readily available to fill all required positions thus prompting multi-tasking
by the RGL.
Any personnel on location may call for a stop in the movement of a rope based system for
safety, equipment, or other related conditions at any time.
The only person that has the authority to restart the rope system once stopped is the Rescue
Group Leader (or Entry Team Leader if so delegated).
“Belay Line Ready?” - Belay Line Operator will check to ensure the Belay system is
ready for Operation and use. Device is unlocked and in hand.
Response: “Ready Belay Line”- Belay Line is ready for operations.
“Main Line Ready?” - Main Line Operator or Team Leader will check to ensure the
Main Line Descent or Haul system and personnel are ready
for Operation and use. When descending, the device is
LOCKED until the system is LOADED. When using a Haul
system, the haul team is in position and ready.
“Edge Ready?” - Edge person will ensure Rescuer personnel are ready.
Harness has been checked, PPE properly Donned and Edge
Protection in place.
Response: “Ready Edge”- Edge is ready for operations.
“Safety Ready?” - Safety person will ensure all personnel operating have
proper PPE; ALL systems have been Whistle Checked
Response: “Ready Safety”- Safety person is ready for operations.
“ON Main Line”- Rigging Team Leader and/or Edge person will connect the
Main Line to Rescuers harness.
Response: “Main Line On”- Main Line Operator or Team Leader will tend and operate
the Main Line at all times while the Rescuer is attached.
“Tension” (Main or Belay)”- There is too much slack in system. Take up excess rope.
“Slack” (Main or Belay)”- There is too much tension in system. Allow slack on the
“Position / Position the Load”- The Rescuer or load (patient packing device) will be
positioned at the edge.
“Load the System”- Weight is gently set onto system. ALL system components
“OFF Main Line”- The Rescuer or load (patient packing device) has
disconnected from Main Line rope.
“OFF Belay Line”- The Rescuer or load (patient packing device) has
The Incident Commander sets the tone for the successful management of the incident by
implementing a command structure, giving clear objectives and assignments, and coordinating
the activities of the various responders.
Command and Control in Low Angle Rope Rescue Operations
The incident command system is the framework for managing any incident.
Prior training in ICS is important so everyone knows where they fit into the system.
ICS should be used to manage all phases of the rescue operation.
Small incidents can be managed by one person wearing all the hats.
The ICS expands as the incident grows to maintain an efficient span of control.
Incidents that involve more than one jurisdiction may be managed by Unified Command.
Positions that may need to be filled on a "typical" low angle rescue incident include:
Incident Commander (IC).
Safety Officer (this role may be retained by the IC).
Rescue Group Leader
Technical Safety Officer
Rigging Team Leader
o Main Line Tender.
o Belay/Safety Line Tender
o Haul Team Leader
Entry Team Leader / Edge Person
o Rescuer(s)
o Litter Team Leader
Litter Team
Support Team Leader
General information:
The successful outcome of a technical rope rescue incident is dependent upon all personnel
working within the Incident Management System (IMS) under direction of the Rescue Group
Leader who in turn reports to the on scene Incident Commander (IC). The Incident Management
System provides safety, accountability of personnel, communications, direction, an action plan
and set roles, each with delegated responsibilities.
This section, “Response and Operations Phase”, details actions and responsibilities during a
response to a technical rope rescue incident, from the role of the first arriving unit, through single
and multiple rope system evolutions.
Slope Profile:
Evaluation of the slope in its entirety is necessary to help determine how best to retrieve the
patient in a sloped environment. This “slope profile” includes the blending of information
relating to the angle of the slope, what the surface of the slope consists of, and the run out of the
slope. (Example: a slope of 30 degrees with a dry dirt surface may be easily walked up
unassisted, if the same 30 degree slope runs out over a cliff or has a wet grass or loose gravel
surface, a different approach will be required due to the differences of the slope profile.)
Low Angle Rescue:
A low angle slope can be defined by angle as a slope between 0 and 30 degrees. In rope
rescue, this is an environment in which a rope may be required, but serves the function as a
belay only and not to haul the rescuers and patient up slope. On a low angle slope, all of the
weight of the load from the rescuers and patient is on the ground and if the rescuers slipped
without a rope present, they would not be impacted by injuries from an uncontrollable fall.
The use of a single rope may be utilized on a low angle slope to provide support to a litter
team. This scenario most typically comes into play for a litter team retrieving a packaged
patient from a vehicle accident down an embankment that needs minimal support to assist
footing and to regain the top of the embankment. If a low angle slope is impacted by a
hazardous run out and/or an unstable surface, a Risk/Benefit evaluation should require the
use of a two-rope system.
The number of rescuers that may be utilized as part of a litter team on a low angle rescue is
between four and six. Four litter tenders (two per side), is the most typical arrangement for
carrying a patient with the addition of a fifth member, if available or necessary, at the tail of
the litter to provide additional assistance as required. Six members may be necessary for a
very heavy patient; however the use of six litter tenders (three per side) typically can cause
more difficulty than benefit as the additional litter tenders may hamper extrication due to
stepping on one another’s feet and/or throwing each other off balance as they attempt to
coordinate synchronized movement.
Medium Angle Rescue:
A medium angle slope can be defined by angle as a slope between 30 and 45 degrees. In rope
rescue, this is an environment in which a two-rope system protects the rescuers from falling
and also provides assistance to the rescuers in regaining the top of the slope. On a medium
angle slope, the majority to all of the weight of the load from the rescuers and patient is still
on the ground, and the two-rope system prevents falling down slope, as well as assisting the
rescuers with regaining the top of the slope.
The use of a two-rope system is required for a medium angle rescue. One rope (Main Line)
provides fall protection to the rescuer or litter team during a lowering operation and also with
mechanical advantage assistance to personnel operating the Main Line to return the litter
team to the top. The second rope (Belay Line) acts as a redundant line in case of Main Line
failure, and also as a necessary belay when the Main Line is in motion or resetting.
The number of rescuers that may be utilized as part of a litter team on a medium angle rescue
is either three or four dependent on slope profile.
Four litter tenders (two per side), may be utilized on shallower angled slopes on a medium
angle rescue. As the slope becomes steeper, or the footing is so poor that the load from the
rescuers and patient is transferred more from the ground to the rope system, the number of
4 of 7 Section 14 Revision: 100615
The Connecticut Fire Academy General Rescuer Competencies
Recruit Firefighter Program
Rope Rescue Operations
Rescue Technician CORE
Low Angle Guidelines
litter tenders must drop to three (one per side and one on the tail end of the litter), to lessen
the amount of load that impacts the rope system. All rescuers and the patient are connected at
two points on the system.
High angle rescue:
A high angle slope can be defined by angle as a slope between 45 and 60 degrees. In rope
rescue, this is an environment in which a two-rope system protects the rescuers from falling
and is usually required to allow the rescuers to regain the top of the slope. On a high angle
slope, the weight of the rescuers and patient is predominately focused onto the rope system.
If the rope system was not present, an uncontrollable fall could possibly impact the rescuers
and/or they would not be able to regain the top of the slope on their own.
The use of a two-rope system (Main and Belay Line) is required for a high angle rescue. The
only exception to a two-rope system for a high angle rescue falls under the need to perform
an immediate rescue and only in extenuating circumstances as detailed below under
“Immediate access of a patient”.
The number of rescuers that may be utilized as part of a litter team on a high angle rescue is
three. Three litter tenders positioned one per side and one on the tail end of the litter provides
balance in supporting the weight of the patient in the litter and maintains minimal impact
potential from the load upon the rope systems. All rescuers and the patient are connected at
two points on the system.
Vertical Rescue:
A vertical angle slope can be defined by angle as a slope greater than 60 degrees to
completely vertical. In rope rescue, this is an environment in which a two-rope system
protects the rescuer and patient from a fall certain to cause injury or death, and the rope
system is the only way possible for the rescuer and patient to regain the top of the slope. In
vertical rescue, the weight of the rescuer and patient is completely reliant upon the rope
The use of a two-rope system (Main and Belay Line) is required for vertical rescue. The only
exception to a two-rope system for vertical rescue falls under the need to perform an
immediate rescue and only in extenuating circumstances as detailed below under “immediate
access of a patient”.
The number of rescuers that may be utilized as part of a litter team on a vertical rescue is
zero, one, two, or three. If a litter is oriented horizontally with the rope systems attached
above the litter, only one tender is necessary to keep the litter from striking the vertical wall
and/or to maintain the patient’s airway. If the litter is oriented horizontally and suspended
from a high line or from a high pick point (such as an aerial apparatus) and the patient does
not require the medical support, the decision to not utilize a tender may be dictated by a
Risk/Benefit Analysis. The use of a tag line attached to the litter may be necessary to prevent
the litter from spinning back and forth around the ropes that the litter is suspended from. A
maximum of two persons (rescuer and patient) are allowed on a litter oriented horizontally
with the rope systems attached to a harness above the litter.
Two litter tenders may be utilized in unique circumstances positioned one per side on a very
steep angled slope, or in areas with limited space such as airshafts. The rope systems in such
cases will be attached at the head of the litter. The location of the two litter tenders in this
situation is slightly towards the tail end of the litter from centerline of the litter, in balance
5 of 7 Section 14 Revision: 100615
The Connecticut Fire Academy General Rescuer Competencies
Recruit Firefighter Program
Rope Rescue Operations
Rescue Technician CORE
Low Angle Guidelines
with the rope, which holds the head of the litter up. Three litter tenders may still be utilized
on a slope that is transitioning between high angle and vertical if the support of the additional
person is necessary. The rope systems in such cases will still be attached at the head of the
Transitioning Angle Rescue:
If the slope transitions in angle, the number of litter tenders allowed on the system may be
dictated by what the greatest impact will be to either the litter tenders or to the rope system.
(Example: if a high angle slope of 60 degrees culminates with a short stretch of vertical
before the top of the slope, three litter tenders will be required to support the litter up the 60
degree slope and the rope system will still easily support the litter tenders over the short
vertical segment.
Incident Command
Technical Safety Officer
Al Bassett
Connecticut Fire Academy, Rescue Program Coordinator
Clint Havercampf
Connecticut Fire Academy, Instructor
Brian Hurst
Connecticut Fire Academy, Recruit Firefighter Program Coordinator
Material References:
Jones & Bartlett; Fundamentals of Fire Fighting Skills, 3rd Edition
Jones & Bartlett; Fundamentals of Technical Rescue
Jones & Bartlett; High Angle Rope Rescue Techniques, 4th Edition
IFSTA; Fire Service Search & Rescue, 7th Edition
State of Washington, King County - Zone 3; Technical Rescue Manual - Rope Rescue
State of California, State Fire Training; Low Angle Rope Rescue Operational Student &
Instructors Manual
State of Texas, Capital Area Council of Governments, Regional Standardization of
Equipment & Training; General Rescue Course
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