E-Pedagogy: A Model For Online Education: Abstract
E-Pedagogy: A Model For Online Education: Abstract
E-Pedagogy: A Model For Online Education: Abstract
Peter Serdyukov
National University
Abstract: Quality of learning outcomes remains, as always, the primary goal of higher
education. Traditionally, quality of students’ learning is determined by three major factors: the
content, effective teaching, and rigorous assessment. Among the many impacts contributing to
the quality of college education, the teaching is the main one, being defined primarily by the
instructor’s professional qualifications. College instructor’s professionalism is shaped not only
by subject matter expertise but also by pedagogic skills which help deliver the content efficiently
and engage students in effective learning. Pedagogic skills are developed through a process of
instructor preparation, continuous professional development and practice. The major component
affecting the quality of teaching and learning is, nevertheless, the science of education, i.e.
pedagogy. With the rapid and massive integration of informational technologies in teaching and
learning it has become clear that one of the major challenges of online education is not the
technology itself but the lack of sound pedagogy as the foundation of online learning. This paper
offers a model of online pedagogy for higher education.
E-pedagogy: a model
Teaching and learning require pedagogic foundation, a set of rules and procedures that
help to make the developmental process effective. Many great minds contributed to the
development of pedagogy as a science, among them Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, John Amos
Comenius, John Dewey, Lev Vygotsky, Jean Piaget, Jerome Brunner, and many others.
According to Brunner (1999), pedagogy is a science that makes educators aware of different
teaching and learning standards and strategies which guide what, to whom, how and when to
teach. So, when teaching, instructors select the content and strategies that best fit a specific
classroom situation based on this science and their classroom experiences. Online education does
not yet have its own pedagogy.
With the advent of online education about two decades ago it has been expected there
would be constructed a comprehensive pedagogy leading the practice. Yet, to this day we see
that technology drives the learning, while pedagogy is lagging behind and at best attempting to
describe minor, discrete teaching experiences, whereas what is needed is a holistic view of the
field. Paraphrasing Neil Postman, one should caution against surrendering education to
technology (Postman, 1993). To make things worse, online education is often classified by the
technologies used, not pedagogy (Anderson & Dron, 2011). As Mark Nickols states, in online
education “an overall educational framework is still missing” (2011, p. 322). He continues, “the
term ‘education’ is generally missing from e-learning conversation”. True, the focus is on the
generic term ‘learning’, which makes the procedure lacking vital features of what education used
to commonly provide. Despite twenty years of online education and numerous publications on its
various aspects, there have been only a few attempts to create a solid theory of online education
(Nichols, 2011; Anderson & Dron, 2011; Siemens, 2005). Why so? There are, in the authors’
opinion, three reasons for that:
1. With the growing demand for online programs and severe competition, colleges are
embracing new educational format and technologies with such enthusiasm that they have no
resources left to sustain fundamental pedagogic research and provide adequate online
instructor preparation.
2. College educators turned online instructors, under the stress of mastering ever evolving
technological tools, find no time or capacity to theorize on online practices and put together a
comprehensive online pedagogy.
3. The majority of the online educators, besides, are either teaching practitioners or experts in
the content area without teaching expertise.
What is needed are a few educational theoreticians; unfortunately, those belong to the
traditional pedagogy. Emerging online pedagogy must have its own theoreticians and has to
move from the description of minute applications and technicalities to an all-embracing theory of
contemporary web-based education.
E-learning, incidentally, is only a part of educational theory and practice, so it cannot
brand the whole process of college education. Online educators have to overcome a narrow view
of the new field. There are also many other inconsistences in the current approach to the online
education. For instance, online discourse not only uses the terms ‘learning’ instead of
‘education’, but also ‘delivery’ instead of ‘instruction’, ‘facilitation’ instead of ‘teaching’;
E-pedagogy: a model
students do not read but ‘browse’ and ‘skim’ instructional materials; they do not study but share
information and select answers in lieu of solving problems; post or text rather than communicate
and relate. Students try to go past online classes fast and easy (“fly” over the course) (Author 1);
do they have time to stop and think deep in the online learning race? As a result, they may not
have a chance to construct holistic knowledge, nor learn to socialize and collaborate.
Online education quality, besides the lack of its own pedagogy, is also affected by the
convenience factor (Bocchi, Eastman, and Swift, 2004; Author 2, Mupinga, Nora, & Yaw, 2006),
which is the primary reason of general fascination with online education. However appealing for
students, however, convenience can be detrimental to academic rigor and may affect students’
views on learning (ibid). Experts notice, for instance, handwriting is being sacrificed for the sake
of technology's convenience (Casey, 2013). Have not people reduced visiting with friends
because of smartphones, Skype, emails, and texting? Convenience is related to the principle of
least effort (Zipf, 1949), which brings humans to employ economies of effort in many processes
of mental tasks, including learning. Research (Reichle, Carpenter, Just, 2000) demonstrates
human brains seek to minimize the mental workload by choosing the strategy that makes less
work for the brain. According to Liu, Yang (2004), students show their strong preference for
easy and fast information retrieval. Convenience sometimes leads to discoveries; more often
than not, nevertheless, it may bring about lack of responsibility, slack performance and
intellectual deprivation. Online learning based on the convenience model develops not only
innovative methods of learning but also impairs students’ attitudes towards learning. They not
only avoid attendance of the college classrooms that stand half-empty today, but also try to evade
participation in the activities intended to bridge the detachment between college, instructors and
online students and enhance their learning in online environment if they require more
engagement, time and effort, e.g., synchronous classes, chats and live telecommunication
sessions. In addition, instructor’s facilitation of learning makes cognitive tasks easier, and
students expect all-around support and lower rigor. Mobile learning (m-learning), which is a
recent modification of online education, already obliges instructor to be on call 24/7, as it
“provides greater flexibility for students to be examined or interact at any time and in any place”
(Sampson, Isaias, Ifenthaler, Spector, 2013, 72), which definitely enhances convenience of
The factor of convenience in online learning is interrelated with the student-centered
approach developed by John Dewey, Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky, and Carl Rogers, which is
adopted by online education. The student is now the central figure of the educational process, not
the instructor. The teaching practice (facilitation) serves not so much to educate as to support the
student in his or her independent learning. Student-centeredness as a pedagogic principle
attractive in its democratic intent, nonetheless, is also deceptive: only very few able, highly
motivated, dedicated, autonomous learners know what they want to learn and how to study. It is
publicly known the majority of US school graduates failed by general education (according to
some estimates, up to 75%) are not ready for college (College preparedness, 2012), which
indicates, among other things, to the fact that they are incapable of independent study. Our own
research of independent learning perceptions of online college students (Author 3) demonstrates
that over 70% of surveyed students prefer organized classrooms where the instructor will teach
(and often, push) them to learn to autonomous learning. They state the need for structure,
guidance and control; they, therefore, lack confidence in their ability to learn independently.
Student-centered approach, however, though so humanistic, can work only for the autonomous
learners, who, regrettably, are few in our classrooms. Unprepared, unskilled, and instructor-
E-pedagogy: a model
dependent learners in student-centered online environment are at risk of failure, if not in the
grades then in basic competencies. It looks like contemporary students need to have a better
basic preparation before they enroll in college classes and more personal responsibility for their
own learning.
Success of online education depends not only on the unlimited resources of the internet
and effective technology to deliver the content, but also on how students learn in this online
environment and how instructors support their learning (Herrington, Bunker, 2002). In an online
class college instructors are no longer required to write and deliver lectures, which previously
was a major aspect of effective professorial competence. Everything in an online class, including
the content, has been developed by the course designers and embedded into the course.
Interactions with students are limited in format, time and engagement, and feedback is
commonly delayed. Therefore, the online instructor’s main function nowadays is to facilitate
students’ learning, i.e. maintain the procedure – the instructor stays on the side of the process and
observes students’ struggling with the content and assignments. A good instructor will intervene
and help; a bad instructor will either ignore or suggest that the student tackles the problem on her
own, using clearly stated tasks, assignments and course materials. It is usually not the online
course or environment that is at fault, however, but incompetent instructors. This incompetence,
conversely, is often not their culpability: they have never been prepared to teach online, nor ever
studied pedagogy. Equally, it is not the technology we should blame for students’ failures, but
the users’ inability to apply it effectively to pedagogic tasks.
Online courses contain the content in a variety of modalities, such as text, audio, visuals,
videos, and multimedia, which are integrated in the course shell. Students have to interact with
this content and construct their own knowledge. The content, however, is always only a part of
the learning. The “how” in learning, which is defined by the pedagogy and instructional
methodology, is no less important for success than the “what”, which is content knowledge.
Success in learning, as stated by Association of Learning Technologies (2010) is “process led
rather than content or technology led”. Thus, critical for the success of learning is the instructor
as the central figure in the learning process, their qualifications and dispositions that are defined
by the pedagogy. There is, however, little instructor’s engagement with online students, minimal
cognitive, educational or cultural impact, and practically no role modeling in the student-
centered online classes (Author 4). The cadres of online instructors, while focusing on the
embedded course content, often do not use pedagogic skills or simply lack them because they
have never mastered online pedagogy. Others, especially those who come to online classes from
traditional classroom-based institutions are having hard time transferring their teaching skills to
the new, virtual classrooms. Those who come to teaching online without previous classroom
experiences, e.g., from business, industry, civic administration, or other fields are not familiar
with pedagogic principles of education and are struggling with challenges of online teaching.
Quite a few experienced online instructors, following the principle of least effort mentioned
above and enjoying the factor of convenience as much as students, have developed instructional
techniques suitable for the Ford’s conveyor: when they teach the same course continuously, they
create a database of instructional materials, visuals, assignments, projects, tests, and even
comments or discussion posts, which they peruse from class to class. This is common among
many instructors, but more so among the growing category of part-time, adjunct instructors, who
E-pedagogy: a model
have a very superficial connection to the departments and less responsibility for the outcomes.
The philosophy of teaching has changed.
Worse than even the lack of pedagogical foundation, many educators now sincerely
believe that technology will “fix” all the problems they encounter in the classrooms, either brick
and mortar, or virtual. So fewer instructors think their pedagogic mastery is needed as
technology will solve all problems anyway. This is called ‘technocentrism’ (Pappert, 1990),
which, according to Nickols (2011), is very common in higher education and e-learning
discussions. The overestimation of the power of technology leads to further underestimation of
the need for sound pedagogy and instructor quality preparation.
Online instructors must be specially prepared by universities. Before allowing a new
instructor to teach online, they must be educated in online pedagogy and instructional
methodology. Colleges do provide some professional development, however it is commonly
haphazard and limited – there is no solid and systemic pedagogy, and no accepted rigorous
protocol for online instructor assessment, follow up, support and guidance, as well as
preparation; objective feedback is often missing. Administrative and cross visitations by the
peers which contribute to an instructor’s professional growth are rare. Such a culture hinders
instructor’s self-development.
E-pedagogy: a model
E-pedagogy: a model
Actually, this pedagogy is intended for the online college educators, while students,
especially those who undertake self-education using MOOC’s or free online resources, or engage
in informal web-based educational configurations, need a special manual, e.g., Online Learning
for Fools.
E-pedagogy: a model
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E-pedagogy: a model