Appropriate Use of The Glasgow Coma Scale in
Appropriate Use of The Glasgow Coma Scale in
Appropriate Use of The Glasgow Coma Scale in
Author Information
The Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) has been shown to be a valuable tool in
assessing the neurologic and physiologic status of critically ill patients.
Unfortunately, the GCS requires assessment of the verbal response of the
patient and this can be blocked by intubation. The purpose of this study was
to assess the ability of a regression model based upon the eye and motor
components of the GCS to accurately predict the verbal response of the
GCS. The primary hypothesis was that the verbal response could be derived
from the motor and eye responses of the GCS.
A total of 2,521 GCS assessments were available for analysis. The second
order multiple regression model was an accurate predictor of the verbal
score (Pearson's Correlation r =0.9, R2 = 0.8, p = 0.0001) in 1,463
observations in the training data set.
The GCS is a useful tool in the intensive care unit and a critical part of the
APACHE II assessment of patient acuity. GCS has been shown to be a
useful tool in its own right as a predictor of outcome in the critically ill. Its
use is limited with intubation. (See Segatore M, Way C: Heart Lung 21:548,
1992; and Lieh-Lai MW, Theodorou AA, Sarnaik AP, et al: J Pediatr
120:195,1992.) The present study demonstrates that a relatively simple
regression model can use the eye and motor components of the GCS to
predict the expected verbal component of the GCS, thus allowing the
calculation of the GCS sum score in intubated patients.
The Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) has become a versatile tool in the care of
a spectrum of patients. It was originally developed by Teasdale and Jennett
as a method of grading various levels of coma and consciousness. [1] The
scale uses three gross indicators of central nervous system function,
including eye opening (E), verbal performance (V), and motor
responsiveness (M), and could be easily and consistently applied by all
health care personnel. Although initially designed as a practical scoring
system to assess the level of consciousness in patients with head injuries, its
role has expanded beyond that of a descriptor. Application of the GCS
provided the framework that facilitated the comparison of patients with
neurologic dysfunction within and among various institutions. [2,3] The
GCS has also been used to compare the effectiveness of treatment, to serve
as a prognostic indicator [4-8] and to facilitate patient triage, thus
improving resource utilization.
Despite its usefulness, the GCS has some limitations restricting its
application in certain patient populations. [16-18] The most frequent
problem with the use of the GCS is the inability to assess the verbal
response because of endotracheal intubation. [3,17] In a review of the
reporting of GCS in the neurosurgical literature, Starmark et al. found 44 of
56 head-injury studies did not report how untestable features of the GCS
were handled. [19] Some series of reports excluded between 4 to 18% of
patients because of the absence of testable components of the GCS. [20-23]
Gale et al. found that 38% of 451 admissions with head injury had
incomplete GCS scores. [24] Several methods have been used to overcome
this problem of missing information, including assigning the lowest
possible score to untestable components [3] or pseudoscoring of missing
values based on the measurements of testable features. [25] Unfortunately,
these compensations for untestable features are not applied universally and
can account for the disparity in the mortality reported from different
centers. Therefore, there is a need for establishing some criteria to
accurately assign values to the untestable verbal component in intubated
The purpose of this study was to attempt to assess the association of the
GCS eye and motor components with the GCS verbal score. Furthermore, it
was our goal to attempt to explore this relationship and to attempt to create
a mathematical model of this relationship that might allow for the
appropriate use of the GCS in intubated patients. It was our primary
hypothesis that a mathematical relationship could be derived between the
eye, motor, and verbal components of the GCS. That is to say, it was our
hypothesis that there was a strong correlation between the GCS verbal
component and the eye and motor components of the GCS. Our goal was to
test this hypothesis and to derive a variety of candidate models for
calculating the GCS verbal score from available GCS motor and eye scores.
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Study Population
The study population for this analysis was derived from the surgical
intensive care unit (SICU) data base at the University of North Carolina
Hospitals. This data base, which has been in place since 1987, is a
concurrent data collection system that tracks a variety of patient-specific
information on a daily basis. Included in this daily acquisition of data is the
GCS component and sum score, as well as a number of other physiologic
variables. This data base was the source of the information used in this
study. Nonintubated patients with a complete GCS sum score were
considered for analysis.
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Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria
All patients admitted to the SICU are monitored in the SICU data base.
Each patient receives an admission note and a daily note. These notes are
derived from the SICU data base system that prompts the staff to enter a
GCS value for each patient for each day in the SICU. All admitted patients
during the time of the study were analyzed. Patients were selected for the
study who had both the outcome of the SICU stay and the GCS available
for analysis. Patients included were a heterogenous group. Some patients
were receiving sedatives and hypnotics; some patients were recovering
from general anesthesia. Unfortunately, these data were not available for
stratification, but Glasgow is routinely used in these situations. It is
assumed that controlling for these factors might improve the predictions of
the regression model. Thus, if the eye and motor scores could predict the
verbal score in this situation without this information, it might do even
better with further stratification based upon other patient factors. Both the
admission and daily GCS sum scores were used in the study. Each GCS
measure was analyzed independently.
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After creation of the study population data set, the analysis plan included an
initial exploratory analysis that plotted the association between the two
independent variables (GCS eye and motor scores) and the dependent
variable (GCS verbal score). In addition, the plots allowed assessment of
possible outliers for exclusion from the regression modeling process. Based
on these graphs, a number of different variable transformations were
included in the regression modeling. Subsequently, the statistical analysis
system was used to create a linear regression model of the GCS verbal score
from the GCS eye and motor scores. To decrease problems with overfitting
of the data, the study population was divided into two subgroups. The first
two thirds of the data base was used arbitrarily as the training data set. The
last third was used to test the various regression models that were generated
during the training phase of the analysis. In the test data base, various
predictive models generated from the training data were used to calculate
predicted values of the GCS verbal score based upon the eye and motor
scores. These predictive values were then tested for correlation with the
actual values of the verbal score in the test data set.
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In the study population, there were a total of 665 nonintubated patients (287
women and 378 men) with a total of 2,521 complete GCS sum score
measurements. The average age was 53.6 +/- 19.4 and the mean APACHE
II score was 12.1 +/- 6.7. These patients were admitted to general surgery
and surgical subspecialties as depicted in Table 1.
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Exploratory Analyses
The first step in the project plan was an exploratory graphical analysis of
the relationships of the eye and motor components of the GCS with the
verbal score. The frequency distribution of the study GCS values are shown
in Figure 1 and Figure 2. There was a positive correlation between both the
GCS motor and eye score with the verbal score. This is shown in Figure 3
and Figure 4. The frequency distribution of the observed verbal score at
each eye and motor score is shown in Table 2 and Table 3 and is plotted in
Figure 2. There was a significant number of GCS scores with a motor
component of 6 and a verbal component of 1, as well as a significant
number of eye scores of 4 with a verbal component of 1. This may have
represented patients with tracheotomies, not requiring mechanical
ventilation, with an arbitrary assignment of 1 for the verbal component of
the GCS sum score. Of particular concern are the cells with GCS verbal
scores of 1 and eye scores of 3 or 4. Figure 3 shows the mean verbal score
for each eye score and demonstrates a nearly linear relationship. These
inconsistencies are a demonstration of the fact that this data set is a real
world system in daily use for patient care and not a reasearch project with
specially funded collection of the GCS. This was viewed as both a strength
and a weakness of the project. Table 2 and Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure 4 and
Figure 5 show the relationships of the eye, motor, and the verbal scores. As
the table and the figures show, there is some linearity in the relationship
between the scores, but there are also what seem to be outliers with motor
scores of 6 and verbal scores of 1. Figure 5 and Table 4 are three-way plots
of the motor and eye scores versus mean verbal scores. Again, this table and
graph demonstrate that the relation among the scores is not perfectly linear
with what appear to be outliers at motor scores of 2 and 6. There were other
outliers observed that represented unlikely score combinations. Patients
with motor scores of 2 or 3 (decerebrate or decorticate posturing) could not
have verbal scores greater than 1. Rather than trying to overfit our
mathematical model to explain these outliers, they were removed from the
analysis. A total of 322 (13%) GCS scores were excluded because the score
components were deemed to be outliers. A separate analysis was also
performed including the outliers, and the results, although not presented
here, showed very similar predictive power to the analyses presented below.
Distribution of GCS in the study population.
The frequency distribution of the GCS motor score and GCS verbal scores.
GCS eye and motor scores and mean verbal score.
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Statistical Analysis
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Linear Regression Analysis
Because this is the first presentation of this approach to basing the GCS
verbal score on the GCS eye and motor scores, a detailed description of the
statistical analyses performed is presented below. The first step in the linear
regression analysis was to begin modeling the dependent variable, the GCS
verbal score, by using the available independent variables, the GCS eye and
motor scores, in the training data set of 1,463 measurements. The multiple
linear regression model was initially limited to a first order (linear)
equation. Successive mathematical models were given access to the square
and the cube of the GCS eye and motor scores. Thus, in other modeling
runs with the linear regression process, the model was given access to the
square and the cube of the GCS eye and motor scores. The first regression,
Model 1, is shown in Table 5. The total R2 for the model was 0.76. The
predictive equation for the model is shown below: Equation 1
Calculated predicted GCS verbal score from eye and motor scores using linear regression Model 1.
The second regression model was based upon the GCS eye and motor
scores as well as the squares of both scores. The results of the forward
selection process are shown in Table 7. The total R2 for Model 2, in which
the linear regression procedure was given access to the GCS eye and motor
scores and to the square of the GCS eye and motor scores, had an R sup 2
of 0.83. This was an improvement of 0.07 over Model 1. The equation for
calculating the estimated GCS verbal score is shown below: Equation 2
A table of the calculated predicted values for the GCS verbal score from
Model 2 is shown in Table 8 and displayed graphically in Figure 7.
Calculated predicted GCS verbal score from eye and motor scores using linear regression Model 2.
The total R2 for Model 3, in which the linear regression procedure was
given access to the GCS eye and motor scores and to the square and the
cube of the GCS eye and motor scores, had an R2 of 0.832 (Table 9). This
was an improvement of 0.07 over the model, but of no difference from the
model with access to only the square of the eye and motor scores. The
equation for calculating the estimated GCS verbal score is shown below:
Equation 3
Parameter estimates, R2 and p values for Model 3.
(Table 10) shows the calculated values of the verbal score based upon the
equation from the third regression model. This is displayed graphically in
Figure 8.
Predicted GCS verbal score using linear regression Model 3.
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The GCS has provided clinicians with a simple, yet reliable, method of
quickly quantifying a patient's level of consiciousness. Since its
introduction in 1974, it has evolved into much more than a neurologic
assessment device. In the absence of expensive or invasive measurements,
the GCS makes it possible to grade the severity of head injury based on
observations obtained at the bedside. It has also been demonstrated that this
grading serves as a useful predictor of outcome in patients with cerebral
trauma, [4-8,26-30] as well as other non-traumatic causes of coma. [31-39]
The GCS has been useful in predicting the outcome of patients in the
intensive care unit. [38,40,41] Teres et al. [9] found that the presence of
coma, from either metabolic or neurologic causes, was associated with a
significant increase in `mortality of intensive care unit patients. Data
collected for the Finnish National Intensive Care Study demonstrated that
the GCS had a positive predictive value of 76.5% in predicting mortality of
604 patients admitted to intensive care after cardiac arrest. [14] They also
noted that the GCS was responsible for a significant proportion of the
predictive power of the APACHE II in this patient population. Using the
data base for the APACHE III study, [42] Bastos et al. [15] evaluated the
ability of the GCS to predict hospital mortality rates for nontrauma
admissions to intensive care. They reported that varying degrees of
alterations in consciousness, measured by the GCS, were able to predict
mortality rates in nontrauma patients requiring critical care. The
discriminating ability of the GCS to predict outcome with intermediate sum
scores was poor, with relatively constant death rates at scores between 7 and
11. These studies emphasize the potentially important role of the GCS in
stratifying mortality risk in critically ill patients with and without head
Although the calculation of the GCS sum score in critically ill patients has
multifaceted applications, the presence of untestable components of the
GCS limits its usefulness. [17,18] The most common untestable feature of
the GCS is the verbal score, which is usually due to the presence of
endotracheal intubation. [3] The rapid treatment of patients with a severe
head injury often includes prehospital intubation, but such measures
compromise the ability to obtain an accurate GCS score in the emergency
department. A variety of techniques have been proposed in different centers
for designating a verbal score in intubated patients. These include assigning
an arbitrary score of 1 in patients on mechanical ventilation. Others have
suggested pseudoscoring techniques that assign missing components with
an average value of the testable scores. [24] Another method assigns the
verbal score for intubated patients as follows: 5, if patient seems able to
talk; 3, if there is a questionable ability to talk; and 1, if patient is generally
unresponsive. In a recent survey of major head-injury centers in the United
States, most neurosurgical personnel used a nonnumerical designation of
"T" for the verbal score in intubated patients. This, however, prevents the
calculation of the GCS sum score and thereby reduces the utility of this
assessment device. Unfortunately, these compensations for untestable
features are not universally applied, have not been validated, and may
account for disparity in the mortality reported from different centers.
Therefore, there is a clear need for establishing some criteria to accurately
assign values to the untestable verbal component in patients on mechanical
Another concern was the elimination of 322 GCS measurements from the
population before the regression analysis. These patients were eliminated
on the basis of having a verbal score of 1 with a motor score of 6 and an eye
score of 4. There are few clinical scenarios in this population of
nonintubated patients that could satisfy this score. Because there were a
significant number of patients admitted to the intensive care unit from the
otolaryngology service, it was believed that they accounted for this
disparity. These patients are uniformly admitted to the intensive care unit
with tracheotomies after a major head and neck dissection. It is recognized
that eliminating these patients may be responsible for the high correlation
coefficient of the linear regression models. However, overfitting these
regression models to explain these outliers could not be justified.
The authors would like to include a cautionary note again emphasizing the
skewed nature of the patient population from which the data were derived.
The vast majority of patients had high GCSs. A smaller group had GCS
score of 3 and only a very small minority had GCS values in the midrange
of the GCS where prediction is the most difficult. Although it is true that
this is what one would expect in any other intensive care unit population,
the "good" relation between eye, motor, and verbal scores may not be as
clear in the subgroup of intermediate values of the GCS. Just as the
APACHE score is useful in predicting individual outcome at its extremes of
values, it performs much less effectively at the intermediate zones. The
readers should recognize that the intermediate values could be of different
reliability than those at the extremes.
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