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Table of Specification

Submitted by:
Bless Naishane P. Enghug

Submitted to:
Jordan H. Yagong

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Cebu Province

Cordova National High School

Third Quarter Exam in English 8
Communication Skills

Name:______________________Grade & Section:_____________Date;________Score:______

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Directions: Read statements carefully. Choose the letter of the BEST

1.This etymology of communication pertains to ‘sharing or dividing with’.

A.communicaccion B.communis C.cum munus D.communicar
2. It is the process through which we express, interpret, and coordinate messages.
A.communication B.messages C.canned plan D.script
3. Clarification to employees about how well they are doing, and what can be done to improve
performance, are examples of which function of communication?
A. Regulation / Control B. Social Interaction
C.Motivation D. Emotional Expression
4. In the conversation below, who is the sender of this communication process?
Donna: Hi, Kate. Do you have with you the literature handouts that were given to us by Ms.
Sotto last week?
Kate: Yeah, I do. Why?
Donna: I lost mine, and I asked Jane, but she lost hers as well. Is it okay for me to borrow yours
and have them photocopied?
Kate: Sure. Here they are.
Donna: Thanks so much! I’ll return them to you right away.
Who is the sender in the conversation?
A. Ms.Sotto B. Donna C.Kate D. us
5. Communication is a process that starts with ______.
A.a decoder encoder C. a stimulus D. a message
6. It refers to the function of communication that is the most familiar and the primary reason why
people want to communicate.
A. Regulation B. Social Interaction C. Motivation D. Emotional Expression

7. After committing excessive tardiness equivalent to three-hours in the previous month, the
Academic consultant receives an NTE (notice to explain) email from the Human Resources
A. Emotional Expression B. Regulation / Control
C. Social Interaction D. Information Dissemination
8. Clark relies on his sight, mouth, and nonverbal behavior to convey the ___________ he wants
others to understand.
A. decoding B. feedback C. message D. script
9. This is an element of communication that refers to the reactions, responses, or information
provided by the receiver.
A. channel B. message C. receiver D. feedback
10. Which of the following may be considered as noise in the communication process?
A. The response that the receiver would like to give.
B. The idea that the sender wants to turn into a message.
C. Loud music as the sender and the receiver speaks with each other.
D. The medium that the participants use to engage in communication.
11. Which of the following communication situations may not be represented by the
transactional model of communication?
A. A newscaster delivering the news
B. Two friends telling each other stories
C. A student talking to a teacher
D. Two people debating with each other
12. Mary Jane ________ messages when he responds to what was said.
A. encodes B. decodes C. scripts D. plans out
13. The route traveled by the message and the means of transportation is the ______.
A. message B. channel C. feedback D. coding
14. Kianna thinks about the things she did the whole day and writes them in her journal.
A. Intrapersonal B. Dyad C. Mass Communication D. Small Group
15. Under the elements of communication, sender is _______.
A. delivers the message from the sender to the receiver.
B. receives idea or information.
C. the one who develops an idea or information.
D. one of the barriers to communication.
16. Phoebe shares her insights on how to live peacefully despite a complicated life.
A. Motivation B. Regulation / Control
C. Social Interaction D. Emotional Expression
17. Interactive Model of Communication focuses on _______________.
A. sending and receiving C. the audience
B. channel and signal D. message
18. Which of the following is NOT an element of communication in a non-verbal way?
A. Hand gestures B. Smiling C. Blinking D. Enunciation
19. Which of the following is NOT true about speech context?
A. In public communication, unlike in interpersonal and small group, the channels are more
exaggerated. The voice is louder and the gestures are more expansive because the audience is
B. The most common reason why people end up talking to themselves is because they feel like
they do not have someone else to talk to.
C. Different speech context whether it is intrapersonal, interpersonal, public or mass
communication require different behavior. However, there might be some occasional similarities.
D. In interpersonal communication, asking clarifying questions lets the other person know that
you are not listening attentively.
20. Which is NOT a basic element of communication?
A. Source B. Destination C. Language D. Medium
21. Arrange the following events in the order that they would occur in the process of
I.Lisa talks to her sister and asks for help.
II.Lisa’s sister helps her with washing the dishes.
III.Lisa’s sister listens to the request.
IV.Lisa decides to ask her sister to help her was the dishes.
22. It is a communication model that presents communication as a one-way activity.
A. helical communication model C. linear communication model
B. transactional communication model D. interactive communication model
23. According to the transactional model of communication, which of the following influences
the message of the participants?
A. their experiences,status,and anticipated future
B. the channel through which they transmit messages
C. the place in which they conduct the communication
D. their knowledge of various phenomena
24. You are having a discussion with your group mates on how to finish the assigned task.
A. Public Communication B. Small group communication
C. Dyad Communication D. Interpersonal Communication
25. What function of communication applies in trying to get someone to hang out in the mall?
A. Motivation B. Regulation control C. Social interaction D. Emotional expression
26. What type of speech context refers to communication that requires you to deliver or send the
message before or in front of a group?
A. Interpersonal B. Mass Communication C. Intrapersonal D. Public
27. What type of speech context refers to communication that takes place through television,
radio, newspaper, magazines, books, billboards, internet and other types of media?
A. Mass Communication B. Interpersonal C. Public D. Intrapersonal
28. Which one of the following is NOT an example of intrapersonal communication?
A. sending a text message to a friend C. talking to yourself
B. writing a note to yourself D. thinking about a problem
29. Speech Context refers to the purpose of the speech, while Speech Style refers to _____
A. what your speech is about
B. how you deliver your message
C. ability to express thoughts
D. the content of the speech, the speech delivery
30. The following are examples of interpersonal communication except
A. talking to a stranger C. talking to a teacher
B. talking to oneself D. talking to a coach
31. The best example of Shannon-Weaver's interactive model of communication is _________.
A. public speaking
B. panel discussion that everyone takes turn to speak
C. telephone conversation
D. a child improving his ability to communicate
32. Clarification to employees about how well they are doing, and what can be done to improve
performance, are examples of which function of communication?
A. Regulation / Control C. Social Interaction
B. Motivation D. Emotional Expression
33. Which statement does NOT describe decoding process?
A. It is deciding on the medium to use in transmitting a message.
B. It involves interpretation.
C. It is usually done by the receiver in a communication process.
D. It is assigning meaning to the message.
34. What type of speech style is applicable when you place a phone call to an acquaintance?
A. casual B. conversational C. formal D. intimate
35. Which situation suits frozen style?
A. A teacher explaining a performance output to the class.
B. A Grade 9 class reciting the pledge of allegiance.
C. A guest speaker delivering an inspirational message.
D. Two friends talking about their favorite artists.
36. Consultative style is observable when __________
A. A married couple reminisce about their most unforgettable date
B.A priest is conducting a marriage ceremony
C.A supervisor conducts a meeting with subordinates
D.A job applicant is being interviewed
37. Name the part of speech of the underlined word in the sentence.The happy bikers stopped for
A. noun B. verb C. adjective D. adverb
38. "Step around my papers, please!" said Carly as she worked on her Genius Hour project.
A. preposition B. adverb C. proper noun D. action verb
39. A part of speech that names a person, place, thing, or idea is called ________.
A. preposition B. verb C. noun D. adjective
40. In the conversation below, what speech style was used?
Husband: Hello, love! I got a good news for you?
Wife: really? What's it?
A. Consultative B. Frozen C. Casual D. Intimate
41. A part of speech that answers questions “which one,what kind,how many,how much and
what color?”, is called _____.
A. adverb B. adjective C. noun D. verb
42. Linear model presents communication as a ____________ activity.
A. two-way way C. simultaneous D. interactive
43. Which model of communication is used when two people message each other on Facebook?
A. Interactive B. Linear C. Ecological D. Transactional
44. It is the process of converting the idea, thinking or component of message into words.
A. decoding B. analyzing C. encoding D. sharing
45. The words is, was, were, be, will are what parts of speech communication?
A. linking verbs B. action verbs C. adverbs D. prepositions
46. Which of these is the biggest hurdle to communications that exists before a message is even
A. sender B. feedback C. context D. interference
47. Which model suggests that message flows in a multicultural society, with multiple audiences,
and through various channels?
A. Lasswell’s Model B. Aristotle’s Model C. Transmission Model d. Transactional Model
48. Which functions of communication was described in this situation:
Doctors’ Prescription: “Take your medicine 3 times a day.”,
Parents’ Instruction to their child: “Wash the dishes now, or else I won’t allow you to go to the
party later,”
Friends giving advice on what to do: “Move on. He doesn’t love you anymore”
A. control B. social interaction C. motivation D. emotional expression
49. One of the parts of speech is “adjective”, what sentence includes an adjective?
A. Carole is late to class. C. Michael likes shoes.
B. Derrick enjoys Mrs. Rabb's class. D. Cassie brought in a lime green shirt for neon day
50. Communication is when the sender speaks and the ________ accurately decodes its meaning.
A. barrier B. receiver C. message D. feedback
Answer Key:

1.B 26.D
2.A 27.A
3.B 28.A
4.B 29.B
5.C 30.B
6.B 31.C
7.B 32.C
8.C 33.A
9.D 34.A
10.C 35.B
11.A 36.D
12.B 37.B
13.B 38.A
14. B 39.C
15.C 40.D
16.A 41.B
17.A 42.B
18.C 43.A
19.D 44.C
20.C 45.A
21.B 46.D
22.C 47.A
23.A 48.A
24.B 49.D
25.A 50.B

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