The Secondary Electron Yield of Technical Materials and Its Variation With Surface Treatments
The Secondary Electron Yield of Technical Materials and Its Variation With Surface Treatments
The Secondary Electron Yield of Technical Materials and Its Variation With Surface Treatments
accelerate electrons which, at their impact with the COPPER AS RECEIVED
vacuum chamber create secondary electrons and stimulate 2.0
neutral molecular desorption. Among other parameters,
the multiplication of the incident electrons depend on the
secondary electron yield (S.E.Y.) of the bombarded surface 1.0
which has been measured for most pure metals before 0.5
1940 [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]. However these data are not
applicable to the real environment of accelerators built 0.0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
from technical materials e.g. stainless steel, aluminum ENERGY (eV)
alloys or copper covered with their natural oxide and Figure 2: The S.E.Y. of copper for various surface
contaminants. In this contribution we will present the treatments
experimental set up and the procedure used to study the
order to modify the studied surface using ion
S.E.Y of technical materials then show some results
bombardment. The samples (maximum 13) are mounted
concerning these. Lastly, possible methods used to limit
on a rotatable sample holder.
the secondary electron yields will be addressed and their
A very important feature for the measurement of the
S.E.Y. is to control carefully the electron dose needed for
Present address: MPI-Institut für Plasmaphysik Wendelsteinstrasse 1 D-17491 Greifswald Germany
4 1.2
Aluminium 99.5%
3.5 Titanium 1
3 Copper OFHC
Stainless steel 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Figure 5: The S.E.Y. of copper covered
1.5 with condensed water
ions impinging on its surface. Starting at an initial value
of 3, at 300 eV, the S.E.Y. decreases with increasing
0 500 1000 1500 2000 bombardment close to the value obtained for pure
ENERGY (eV) aluminum: 0.95. The dose of argon ions (3.5 1017
Figure 3: S.E.Y. of various as received ions/cm2) needed to reach this value is equivalent to the
technical materials sputtering of a 30 nm thick oxide layer, a value close to
received state and after two different in-situ treatments: a that obtained for a similar layer by Auger analysis [7]. If
300 ºC bake-out and an argon glow discharge. In this the sample is re-exposed to air, the S.E.Y. is increased to
latter case the S.E.Y. of the pure material is obtained: a value higher than 2.5 which is subsequently decreased to
maximum yield 1.3 at 600 eV primary energy. The the bulk value after sputtering the equivalent of a 6 nm
highest yield is obtained for the as received sample thick aluminum oxide layer.
(greater than 2). A 300 ºC bake out decreases this value to The S.E.Y. of water condensed at liquid nitrogen
temperature on a baked copper surface has been measured
Figure 8: S.E.Y. of a TiZrV getter as a function
300ºC +AIR of the activation temperature
1.5 Titanium nitride is known to produce a reduction
of the S.E.Y. [9] that depends largely on the deposition
condition of the films. TiN coatings from various sources
show a large scatter in the maximum yields (between 2.5
and 1.5). The best layers can have a maximum yield
0 significantly lower than the S.E.Y. of any known metal
RECEIVED in the as received state. After a subsequent 150ºC bake
TREATMENTS out, the maximum yield is close to 1.4, baking to 300 ºC
Figure 6: Maximum S.E.Y. for niobium after lowers the yield to 1.2.
various surface treatments The activation of a getter layer [10] is another elegant
an exposure to air. This is illustrated in Figure 6 showing way to eliminate the oxide layer. In figure 8 the variation
in the case of niobium the maximum S.E.Y. after various of the S.E.Y. of a Ti Zr getter layer is plotted as a
glow discharge treatments using argon (A.G.D.), argon + function of the baking temperature. A marked decrease of
10% oxygen (AO2GD), nitrogen (N2GD). If most of the the S.E.Y. is visible when the layer is heated above its
beneficial effect of the discharge is lost after anair activation temperature. After a 300 ºC bake out, the
exposure following an AGD., a significant improvement highest yield is less than 1.2.
subsists after a 24 hours exposure to air following the
AO2GD. or an N2GD. In both these cases, the final yield
after exposure to air is close to 1.4, a value that can only 1.4
3 1.3
0.9 Cu after oxidation
in air at 350°C and
1 0.8 350°C bakeout
0.5 0.7
0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
PRIMARY ELECTRON ENERGY (eV) primary electron energy in eV
Cu #A as received
The stresses produced during the oxide growth often lead ENERGY(eV)
to cracks in the oxide film resulting in an increased Figure 12: Variation of the S.E.Y. of copper
surface roughness. It is also important that the formed with the incident electron dose
oxide has a low S.E.Y. as it is typically the case for variation of the S.E.Y. for an unbaked copper sample is
semi-conducting oxides like Cu2O. An in-situ bake out to plotted as a function of the electron dose. The S.E.Y.
350ºC at atmospheric pressure for 5 minutes followed by decreases for doses larger than 10-6 C/mm 2 and its
a 6 hours vacuum bake-out creates a surface with a low maximum stabilizes for doses greater than 1x 10-3 C/mm2
S.E.Y. (1.05) as shown on the Figure 9. That treatment at a value close to 1.2. This effect is permanent when the
causes an increase of surface roughness measured by surface is kept under vacuum (pressures < 1x10-5 Pa). The
xenon adsorption at 77K (B.E.T. method) [12] from 1.4 dose effect decreases the S.E.Y. for all primary electron
(as received state) to 6.5 (after air bake). energies as can be seen in figure 13 but the effect is more
The creation of a strongly dendritic surface on a pronounced for the lower primary electron energies. XPS
small copper sample, as shown on the electron analysis have shown that after irradiation, the carbon
microscope picture in figure 10 produces a surface which
has a S.E.Y lower than 1, even after an air exposure as it 1
is shown on the figure 11. Similar results have been ORMALISED DOSE VARIATION
125 eV
0.8 500 eV
500 eV
2.0 2000 eV
2500 eV
1.4 A20 1.1945e22 ph/m surface treatments involving a modification of the surface
1.2 (e.g. ion bombardment) or coatings (e.g. titanium nitride)
1.0 can reduce the S.E.Y. although a subsequent ambient air
0.8 exposure reduces significantly their efficiency. The dose
0.6 effect (processing) is a well-established and very powerful
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
method to circumvent the problems related with electron
ENERGY(eV) multiplication. Nevertheless, this method can only be
Figure 14: Variation of the S.E.Y. of with the photon dose applied under two conditions:
-A significant electron flux should be available to reach
remotely controlable system to measure the secondary a dose close to 10-3 C/mm 2 within a reasonable time and
electron yield of a copper sample. The synchrotron light the surfaces involved must be able to withstand the
radiated by the EPA electron beam ( 194 eV critical electron bombardment.
energy) travels along a tangential photon beam line. The -The electron multiplication must be controlled in order
sample is mounted at 90 º from the plane of the to avoid a runaway and possible damage.
synchrotron light and thus is not exposed to direct Further studies to better understand the physical
photons. Three dose experiments have been performed mechanisms at the origin of the dose effect could result in
using different bias applied to the sample: -45 V ( i.e. the an improved efficiency of the conditioning procedures in
2.5 accelerators.
nitial Normalised Max SEY
ample at - 45 V
ample at 0 V ample at + 350 V
ample at + 100 V
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350 V K. Weiss, this conference, Vienna, 2000
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