Structural Design and Analysis of Disc Brake in Automobiles

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Structural Design and Analysis of Disc brake in Automobiles

Mahmood Hasan Dakhil1, Dr. A. K. Rai2, Dr. P. Ravinder Reedy3 & Ahmed Abdulhussein Jabbar4
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, SHIATS -DU, Allahabad, India.
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, SHIATS - DU, Allahabad, India,
Professor &Head, Dept. of Mech.Engg.,CBIT,Hyderabad-75 AP,India.
Dept. of mechanical Engineering, SHIATS -DU, Allahabad, India.
Emai1l: [email protected] ,Emai12:[email protected]. Email3: [email protected].

This paper presents optimized design of performance of disc brake using finite element analysis is to
evaluate the performance under severe braking conditions. Cast iron and stainless steel are used as disc
brake materials. ANSYS 12.0 is a dedicated Finite element package used for determining the temperature
distribution, variation of stresses and deformation across the disc brake. It has been made to investigate the
effect of the temperature distribution with the deformed shape and stress distribution of disc brake rotor
design by using different braking conditions. From the results of the above data, the service life and long term
stability is ensured. A steady static structure analysis has been carried out to investigate the temperature
variation across the disc using the axis symmetric finite elements. Further structural analysis is also carried
out by Coupled Field Analysis. An attempt is also made to suggest a best combustion of material, flange
width and wall thickness used for disc brake rotor, which yields a low temperature variation across the rotor,
less deformation and minimum Von-misses stress possible.
KEYWORDS: Disc Brake, Structural Analysis, Finit Element Method, Ansys .
A brake is a device by means of which artificial frictional resistance is applied to moving machine member,
in order to stop the motion of a machine. In the process of performing this function, the brakes absorb either kinetic
energy of the moving member or the potential energy given up by objects being lowered by hoists, elevators etc. the
energy absorbed by brakes is dissipated in the form of heat. This heat is dissipated in the surrounding atmosphere.
Recently, disk brakes have been widely used in light vehicles. Proper performance of a vehicle brake system one of
its advantages. Long repetitive braking leads to temperature rise of various brake components of the vehicle that
reduces the performance of the brake system .Long repetitive braking, such as one which occurs during a mountain
descent, will result in a brake fluid temperature rise and may cause brake fluid vaporization. This may be a concern
particularly for passenger cars equipped with aluminum calipers and with a limited air flow to the wheel brake
systems [1] . The disc brake is a device for slowing or stopping the rotation of a wheel while it is in motion. To stop
the wheel, friction material in the form of brake pads is forced against both sides of the disc. The metallurgical
properties of a rotor determine its strength, noise, wear and braking characteristics. Joe Y.G. cha explained
Analysis of disc brake instability due to friction induced vibration. M.Bayat explained the effect of ceramic in
combination of functionally graded rotating disc and the friction-induced vibration with a constant friction
coefficient. Utz von wagner [2-3] explained Influence of dynamic brake pad properties on automotive disc brake
squeal. A linear, lumped, and distributed parameter model to represent the floating caliper disc brake system . For
actual geometric approximation, the disc is modeled as a hat-disc shape structure by the finite element method. One
of the most important control systems of an automobile is Brake system. They are required to stop the vehicle within
the smallest possible distance and it is done by converting kinetic energy of the vehicle into heat energy by friction
which is dissipated into atmosphere. The main requirements of brakes are: The brakes must be strong enough to stop
the vehicle within the minimum possible distance in an emergency. But, this should also be consistent with safety.
The driver must have a proper control over the vehicle during emergency braking and the vehicle must not skid. The
brakes must have good intifada characteristics and their effectiveness should not decrease with constant prolonged
application. A disc brake assembly consists of Disc rotor that rotates with the wheel, Caliper assembly attached to
the steering knuckle, Friction materials (disc pads) that are mounted to the caliper assembly.[5] The disc brake is a
wheel brake which slows rotation of the wheel by the friction caused by pushing brake pads against a brake disc
with a set of calipers. The brake disc (or rotor in American English) is usually made of cast iron, but may in some
cases be made of composites such as reinforced carbon–carbon or ceramic matrix composites. This is connected to
the wheel and/or the axle. To stop the wheel, friction material in the form of brake pads, mounted on a device called

a brake caliper, is forced mechanically, hydraulically, pneumatically or electromagnetically against both sides of the
disc. Friction causes the disc and attached wheel to slow or stop. Brakes convert motion to heat, and if the brakes get
too hot, they become less effective, a phenomenon known as brake fade. Disc-style brakes development and use
began in England in the 1890s. The first caliper-type automobile disc brake was patented by Frederick William
Lanchester in his Birmingham, UK factory in 1902 and used successfully on Lanchester cars. Compared to drum
brakes, disc brakes offer better stopping performance, because the disc is more readily cooled. As a consequence
discs are less prone to the "brake fade"; and disc brakes recover more quickly from immersion (wet brakes are less
effective). Most drum brake designs have at least one leading shoe, which gives a servo-effect. By contrast, a disc
brake has no self-servo effect and its braking force is always proportional to the pressure placed on the brake pad by
the braking system via any brake servo, braking pedal or lever, this tends to give the driver better "feel" to avoid
impending lockup. Drums are also prone to "bell mouthing", and trap worn lining material within the assembly, both
causes of various braking problems. [6].
Braking Requirements
1. The brakes must be strong enough to stop the vehicle within a minimum distance in an emergency. The driver
must have proper control over the vehicle during braking and vehicle must not skid.
2. The brakes must have well anti fade characteristics i.e. their effectiveness should not decrease with constant
prolonged application.
3. The brakes should have well anti wear properties.
Classification of Brakes (Based On Transformation of Energy)
1-Hydraulic brakes.
2-Electric brakes.
3-Mechanical brakes .
The mechanical brakes according to the direction of acting force may be sub divided into the following two groups:
1.Radial brakes
2.Axial brakes
Radial Brakes
In these brakes the force acting on the brake drum is in radial direction, the radial brake may be subdivided
into external brakes and internal brakes as shown in figure 1
Axial Brakes
In these brakes force acting on the brake drum is only in axial direction. E. g. Disc brake, cone clutch as
shown in figure 1.[7].[8].

Figure 1: Disc Brakes

A disc consists of a cast iron disc bolted to the wheel hub and a stationary housing called caliper. The
caliper is connected to some stationary part of the vehicle like the axle casing or the stub axle as is cast in two parts,
friction pad contacting piston. In between each piston and the disc there is a friction pad held in position by retaining
pins, spring plates. Passages are drilled in the caliper for the fluid to enter or housing. The passages are also
connected to another one for bleeding. Each cylinder contains rubber-sealing rings between the cylinder and piston.

Work of Disc Brake
When the brakes are applied, hydraulically actuated pistons move the friction pads into contact with the
disc, applying equal and opposite forces on the later as shown in figure 2. On releasing the brakes the rubber
sealing ring acts as return spring and retract the pistons and the friction pads away from the disc. The main
components of the disc brakes are:
 The brake pads
 The caliper which contains
 The rotor which is mounted to the hub

Figure 2: Functioning of Disc Brake

Most car disc brakes are vented as shown in figure 3.

Figure 3: Vents provided on Disc Brakes

Types of Disc Brakes
a. Swinging caliper disc brake
Sliding caliper disc brake
Swinging Caliper Disc Brake
The caliper is hinged about a fulcrum pin and one of the friction pads is fixed to the caliper. The fluid under
pressure presses the other pad against the disc to apply the brake. The reaction on the caliper causes it to move the
fixed pad slightly applying equal pressure to the other side of the disc. The caliper automatically adjusts its position
by swinging about the pin.
Sliding caliper disc brake
These are two pistons between which the fluid under pressure is sent which presses one friction pad directly
on to the disc whereas the other pad is passed indirectly via the caliper as shown in figure 5.

Figure 4: Sliding caliper disc brake

FEA / Finite Element Analysis
Finite Element Analysis FEA is the modeling of products and systems in a virtual environment, for the
purpose of finding and solving potential (or existing) structural or performance issues. FEA is the practical
application of the finite element method (FEM), which is used by engineers and scientist to mathematically model
and numerically solve very complex structural, fluid, and multiphasic problems. FEA Software can be utilized in a
wide range of industries, but is most commonly used in the aeronautical, biomechanical and automotive
industrie.The finite element method is a numerical procedure for analyzing structures and continua. Usually problem
addressed is too complicated to be solved satisfactorily by classical analytical methods. The finite element procedure
develops many simultaneous algebraic equations, which are generated and solved on a digital computer. The results
obtainable are accurate enough for engineering purposes at reasonable cost. In addition, it is an efficient design tool
by which designers can perform parametric design studies by considering various design cases (different shapes,
materials, loads, etc..,), analyze them and choose the optimum design. Hence the method has increasingly gained
popularity among both researchers and practitioners [16].s. A finite element (FE) model comprises a system of
points, called “nodes”, which form the shape of the design. Connected to these no des are the finite elements
themselves which form the finite element mesh and contain the material and structural Properties of the model,
defining how it will react to certain conditions. The density of the finite element mesh may vary throughout the
material, depending on the anticipated change in stress levels of a particular area. Regions that experience high
changes in stress usually require a higher mesh density than those that experience little or no stress variation. Points
of interest may include fracture points of previously tested material, fillets, corners, complex detail, and high-stress
areas. FE models can be created using one-dimensional (1D beam), two-dimensional (2DShell) or three-dimensional
(3D solid) elements. By using beams and shells instead of Solid elements, a representative model can be created
using fewer nodes without compromising accuracy. To simulate the effects of real-world working environments in
FEA, various load types can be applied to the FE model, including [17], [18].
• Nodal: forces, moments, displacements, velocities, accelerations, temperature and heat flux.
• Elemental: distributed loading, pressure, temperature and heat flux
• Acceleration body loads (gravity)
Introduction to ANSYS program
Dr. John Swanson founded ANSYS. Inc. in 1970 with a version to commercialize the concept of computer
simulated engineering, establishing himself as one of the pioneers of Finite Element Analysis (FEA). ANSYS inc
supports the ongoing development of innovative technology and delivers flexible, enterprise wide Engineering
that enable companies to solve the full range of the analysis problem, maximizing their investments in software and
hardware. ANSYS Inc. continues its role as technical innovator. It also supports a process-centric approach to design
and manufacturing, allowing the users to avoid expensive and time-consuming “built and break” cycles. ANSYS
analysis and simulation tools give customers ease-of-use, data compatibility, multi-platform support and coupled
field multi-physics capabilities.[17].

Evolution of ANSYS Program
ANSYS has evolved into multi purposed design analysis software program, recognized around the world
for its many capabilities. Today the program is extremely powerful and easy to use. Each release hosts new and
enhanced capabilities that make the program more flexible, more usable and faster. In this way ANSYS helps
engineers meet the pressures and demands modern product development environment.
Overview of the program
The ANSYS Program is flexible, robust design analysis and optimization package. The software operates
on major computers and operating systems, from PCs to workstations and to super computers. ANSYS features file
ANSYS design data access enables user to import computer aided design models in to ANSYS, eliminating repeated
work. This ensures enterprise wide, flexible engineering solution for all ANSYS. Although the ANSYS program has
extensive and complex capabilities, its organization and user-friendly graphical user interface makes it easy to learn
and use.
There are four graphical methods to instruct the ANSYS program:
1. Menus
2. Dialog boxes
3. Tool Bar
4. Direct input of commands
Dialog Boxes
Windows that present the users with choice for completing operations or specifying settings. These boxes
prompt the user to input the data or make decisions for a particular function.
Tool Bar
The tool bar represents a very efficient means for executing commands for the ANSYS program because of
its wide range of configurability. Regardless of how they are specified, commands are ultimately used to supply all
the data and control all program functions.
Output window
Records the ANSYS response to commands and functions.
Graphics window
Represents the area for graphic displays such as model or graphically represented results of an analysis.
The user can adjust the size of graphics window, reducing or enlarging it to fit to personal preferences.
Input window
Provides an input area for typing ANSYS commands and displays program prompt messages.
Main menu
Compromise the primary ANSYS functions, which are organized in pop-up side menus, based on the progression of
the program.

Utility menu
Contains ANSYS utility functions that are mapped here for access at any time during an ANSYS session.
These functions are executed through smooth, cascading pull down menus that lead directly to an action or dialog

ANSYS functions are organized into two groups called processors. The ANSYS program has one pre-
processor, one solution processor, two post processors and severe auxiliary processors such as the design
optimizer. The ANSYS pre-processor allows the user data to create a finite element model to specify the options
needed for a subsequent solution. The solution processor is used to apply loads and the boundary conditions and
then determine the response of the model to them. With the ANSYS post processors, the user retrieves and examines
the solution results to evaluate how the model responded and to perform additional calculations of interest.
File format
Files are used, when necessary, to pass the data from one part of the program to another to store the
program to the database, and to store the program output. These files include database files, the results file, and the
file graphics and so on.
Reducing the design and manufacturing costs using ANSYS program
The ANSYS program allows the engineers to construct computer models or transfer CAD models of
structures, products, components, or systems, apply loads or other design performance conditions and study physical
responses such as stress levels, temperature distribution or the impact of vector magnetic fields. In some
environments, prototype testing is under desirable or impossible. The ANSYS program has been used in several
cases of this type including biomechanical applications such as high replacement intraocular lenses. Other integrated
circuit chip, to the bit-holding system of a continuous coal-mining machine.ANSYS design optimization enables to
reduce the number of costly prototypes, tailor rigidity and flexibility to meet the objectives and find the proper
balancing geometric modifications. Competitive companies look for ways to produce the highest quality product at
the lowest cost. ANSYS (FEA) can help significantly by reducing the design and manufacturing costs and by giving
engineers added confidence in the products they design. FEA is the most effective when used later in manufacturing
process to verify the final design before prototyping.
Procedure for ANSYS analysis
Static analysis is used to determine the displacements, stresses, strains and forces in structures or
components due to the loads that do not include significant inertia and damping effects. Steady loading in response
conditions are assumed. The kind of loading that can be applied in a static analysis include externally applied forces
and pressures, steady state inertia forces such as gravity or rotational velocity imposed(non zero) displacements,
temperatures(for thermal strain).A static analysis can be either be linear or nonlinear. In our present work we can
consider linear static analysis. The procedure for static analysis consists of these main steps:

1. Building the model

2. Obtaining the solution

3. Reviewing the results.


Pre-processor has been developed so that the same program is available on micro, mini, super mini and
main frame computer system. This slows easy transfer of models one system to the other.Pre-processor is an
interactive model builder to prepare the FE (finite-element) model and input data developed by the pre-processor,
and prepares solutions according to the problem definition. It creates input files to the temperature etc. on the screen
in the form of contours.

Geometric definitions
There are four different entities in the pre-processor namely key points, lines, areas and volumes. Those
entities can be used to obtain the geometric representation of the structure. All the entities are independent of other
and have unique identification labels. As shown in figure 5 and 6.

Figure 5 Line Figure of Disc Brake Figure 6 Area Figure of Disc Brake

Model generations

Two different methods are used to generate a model:

1-Direct generation

2-Solid modeling

With solid modeling we can describe the geometric boundaries of the model, establish controls over the
size and desired shape of the elements and instruct ANSYS program to generate all the nodes and elements
automatically. By contrast, with the direct generation method, we determine the location of every node and size,
shape and connectivity of every element prior to defining these elements in the ANSYS model. Although, some

automatic data generation is possible (by using commands such as FILL, NGEN, EGEN etc.) the direct generation
method essentially a hands on numerical method essentially a hands on numerical method that require us to keep
track of all the node numbers as we develop the finite element mesh. This detailed book keeping can become
difficult for large models, giving scope for modeling errors. Solid modeling is usually more powerful and versatile
than direct generation and is commonly preferred method of generating a model.

Mesh generation

In the finite element analysis the basic concept is to analyze the structure, which is an assemblage of
discrete pieces called elements, which are connected together at a finite number of points called Nodes. Loading
boundary conditions are then applied to these elements and nodes. A network of these elements is known as Mesh.
As shown in figure 7.

Figure 7: 3D-Mesh generation

Finite Element Generation

The maximum amount of time in a finite element analysis is spent on generating elements and nodal data.
Pre-processor allows the user to generate nodes and elements automatically at the same time allowing control over
size and number of elements. These are various types of elements that can be mapped or generated on various
geometric entities. The elements developed by various automatic element generation capabilities of pre-processor
can be checked element characteristics that may need to be verified before the finite element analysis for
connectivity, distortion-index, etc. Generally, automatic mesh generating capabilities of pre-processor are used
rather than defining the nodes individually. If required, nodes can be defined easily by defining the allocations or by
translating the existing nodes. Also one can plot, delete, or search nodes.

Disc Brake calculations
Given data:
Table 1 Calculations of Disc Brake with different flange widths

Velocity of the vehicle 112Kmph=31.11m/s

Time for stopping the vehicle 4 seconds

Mass of the vehicle 1800Kg.

Density of cast iron 7100Kg/m3
Thermal conductivity (k) 54 watts/m k
Specific heat (c) 586 j/kg k
Young’s modulus 125e9 N/m2
Poisson’s ratio (µ) 0.25

Calculations for 10mm flange width:

Step-1: Kinetic Energy (K.E) = ½*m*v2

= ½*1800*31.112
= 871048.89 Joules
The above said is the total kinetic Energy induced while the vehicle is under motion [12].
Step-2: The total kinetic energy = The heat generated
Qg = 87104.889 Joules
The heat generated / wheel = 87104.89/4 Joules
=217762.222 Joules
Step-3: the heat generated by four wheels is obtained from the above calculation i.e. 217762.222 Joules.

The Area of the rubbing faces A = 2* Π * (0.2 – 0.1036) * 0.01 = 0.00605 m2

Heat Flux = Heat Generated / Time / twice the projected area

= 217762.222 / 4 / 2 * 0.00605

= 4499219.4 Watts / m2
The analysis is done by taking the Brake Efficiency of 30% and hence the distribution of braking torque between the
front and rear axle is 70:30.
Thus Heat Flux = 4499219.4 * 0.7 = 3149453.62Watts / m2 since the wall thickness did not involve in the disc brake
calculations; the valve of the heat flux does not change wall thickness.

Static and Structural Analysis
Structural analysis is the most common application of the finite element method. The term structural (or
structure) implies civil engineering structures such as bridges and buildings but also naval, aeronautical and
mechanical structures such as ship hulls, air craft bodies and machines housings as well as mechanical components
such as pistons, machine parts and tools.
Types of structural analysis
There are seven types of structural analysis available in ANSYS. One can perform the following types of structural
analyses. Each of these analysis types are discussed in detail as follows.
1. Static analysis.
2. Modal analysis.
3. Harmonic analysis.
4. Transient analysis.
5. Spectrum analysis.
6. Buckling analysis.
7. Explicit dynamic analysis.
Structural static analysis
A static analysis calculates the effects of steady loading condition on a structure, while ignoring inertia and damping
efforts such as those caused by time varying loads. A static analysis can, however include steady inertia loads (such
as gravity and rotational velocity), and time varying loads that can be approximated as static equivalent wind and
seismic loads commonly defined in many building codes).
Material properties
Cast Iron:
Cast iron usually refers to grey cast iron, but identifies a large group of ferrous alloys, which solidify with a eutectic.
Iron accounts for more than 95%, while the main alloying elements are carbon and silicon. The amount of carbon in
cast iron is the range 2.1-4%, as ferrous alloys with less are denoted carbon steel by definition. Cast irons contain
appreciable amounts of silicon, normally 1-3%, and consequently these alloys should be considered ternary Fe-C-Si
alloys. Here graphite is present in the form of flakes. Disc brake discs are commonly manufactured out of a material
called grey cast iron.[10] .For cast iron,
1. Young’s modulus (E) = 125 Gpa
2. Poisson’s ratio (v) =0.25
Stainless steel
Stainless steel is the term used to describe an extremely versatile family of engineering materials, which are selected
primarily for their corrosion and heat resistant properties. All stainless steels contain principally iron and a minimum
of 10.5% chromium. At this level, chromium reacts with oxygen and moisture in the environment to form a
protective, adherent and coherent, oxide film that envelops the entire surface of the material. This oxide film (known
as the passive or boundary layer) is very thin (2-3 nanometer’s). [1nanometre = 10-9 m]. The passive layer on
stainless steels exhibits a truly remarkable property: when damaged (e.g. abraded), it self-repairs as chromium in the
steel reacts rapidly with oxygen and moisture in the environment to reform the oxide layer. For stainless steel, [14].
1. Young’s modulus = 200 Gpa
2. Poisson’s ratio = 0.3

Material properties given as follows:
The material chosen for the present work is Cast Iron and Stainless steel.
Table 2: Material properties
Material properties Cast iron Stainless steel
Thermal co-efficient of expansion (KXX) 9.9*10 / 6*10-6/
Thermal conductivity (K) 54.0 W / m k 40 W /m k
Specific heat (cp) 586.0 j / kg k 460J / Kg K
Convection film co-efficient 100 W / m2k 50 W / m2k
Ambient temperature (ta) 25 25
Density 7100kg/ m 7800Kg/ m3

Geometric boundary conditions:

Since the axis-symmetric model is considered al the nodes in the hub radius are fixed. So the nodal
displacements in the hub become Zero i.e. both in radius and axial direction. The temperature 25 is fixed at the
hub bore grinds as the boundary conditions. The standard convection law is used.
Mesh generation
Before building the model, it is important to think about whether a free mesh or mapped mesh is
appropriate for the analysis. A free mesh has no restrictions in terms of element shapes and has no specified pattern
applied to it. Compared to the free mesh, a mapped mesh is restricted in terms of the element shape it contains and
pattern of the mesh. A mapped mesh contains either only quadrilateral or only triangular element, while a mesh
contains either only quadrilateral or only triangular element, while a mapped volume has a regular pattern with
obvious rows of elements. The type of mesh generation considered here is a free mesh since the 2D figure is not a
regular shape. Axis symmetric element 55 is used to model in ANSYS by considering axis symmetric geometry.
After convergence check the final mesh.

Thermal conditions
The thermal load is applied axis symmetrically on the tread of the wheel is a heat flux and is analyzed for 4
seconds of braking i.e. the heat generate is going to be distributed along the profile after the application of the shown figure 8.

Figure 8 Boundary Conditions
CASE1: STRUCURAL ANALYSIS -The disc brake material is Stainless steel Thickness is 10, mm

Figure 10 Resultant Deformation , mm Figure 11 Deformation Variation Along Radial Distance, mm

Figure 12 Von Mises Stress Figure 13 Von Mises Stress

3.1 CASE1: STRUCURAL ANALYSIS -The disc brake material is Stainless steel Thickness is 12, mm.

Figure 14 Normal Stress in X Direction, MPa Figure 15.Stresses X,Y,Z Diraction, MPa

CASE2: STRUCURAL ANALYSIS -The disc brake material is Stainless steel Thickness is 12, mm

Figure 16 Resultant displacements in contour form, mm Figure 17 Deformation variation along radial distance, mm

Figure 18 Von Mises Stress Figure 19 Von Mises Stress

Figure 20 Normal Stress in X Direction, MPa Figure 21 Stresses in X,Y,Z Dirction, Mpa

CASE 3: STRUCURAL ANALYSIS -The disc brake material is Cast iron thickness is 10, mm.

Figure 22 Resultant Deformation, mm Figure 23 Deformation variation Along radial distance, mm

Figure 24 Von Misses Stress Figure 25 Von Misses Stress

Figure 26 Normal Stress in X Direction, MPa Figure 27 Stresses X,Y,Z Diraction, MPa

CASE 4: STRUCURAL ANALYSIS -The disc brake material is Cast iron thickness is 12, mm.

Figure 28 Resultant Deformation, mm Figure 29 Deformation Variation Along radial Distance, mm

Figure 30 Von Mises Stress Figure 31 Von Mises Stress

Figure 32 Normal Stress in X Direction, MPa Figure 33 Stresses in X,Y,Z Direction, Mpa


The maximum displacement observed in cast iron disc brake with 10mm flange width is 0.352583mm, in cast iron
disc brake with 12mm flange width is 0.4443mm, and in stainless steel disc brake with 10mm flange width is
0.2386mm, in stainless steel disc brake with 12mm flange width is 0.26925mm.These are within the allowable
limits. The maximum stress indeed in cast iron disc brake with 10mm flange width is 338.946 MPa, with 12mm
flange width is 198.159MPa, and in stainless steel disc brake with 10mm flange width is 259.231MPa, disc brake
with 12mm flange width is 185.499MPa. These are within the allowable limits. And factor of safety of cast iron
10mm flange width is 1.106, cast iron 12mm flange width is 1.89 and for stainless steel with 10mm flange width is
3.316, with 10mm flange width is 4.636.

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Author’s Bibliography

Mr.Mahmood Hasan Dakhil Received his bacholar of Mechanical Engineering department, College
of Engineering, University Thi-Qar Iraqin 2010. He is Pursing M.Tech machine design engineering, mechanical
Engineering Department Shepherd School of Engineering and Technology, Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture,
Technology and Sciences, Allahabad, India.He has experience in Azhar Alnahj Company & Al-Hassnawi Company.
.He knows to work on design and Analytical Software such as AUTOCAD, ANSYS, ATUODESK INVENTOR,
ICEM, GAMBIT, FLUENT, CFX, CFD, FEM, HYBERMESH and Professional in Mechanical Engineering (CATIA,

Dr A. K. Rai is born in 1977, Distt. Ballia (Uttar Pradesh) India. He received his M.Tech Degree from
MNNIT Allahabad in Design of Process Machines and Ph.D. from SHIATS- DU Allahabad in2011.He has been in
GBPUAT Pant nagar from2003 to 2005. He is Joined SHIATS-DU Allaahabad as assistant Professor in2005. He
has published more than 20 papers in international journals.

Prof (Dr). Ravinder Reddy

Ahmed Abdulhussein Jabbar Received his bacholar of Mechanical Engineering department,
College of Engineering, University AL- Mustansiriya Iraqin 2010. He is Pursing M.Tech structural engineering,
mechanical Engineering Department Shepherd School of Engineering and Technology, Sam Higginbottom Institute
of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Allahabad, India. .He knows to work on Analytical anddesign Software


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