Detached Protectorexercise ED
Detached Protectorexercise ED
Detached Protectorexercise ED
She presents in treatment in a detached matter, often being self critical of herself in subtle
ways. She discusses how she feels ….
“Client Sandra”instructions-
1) Present Sandra in a detached, cut off, “out of touch” with affect way.
2) Think of why she may be acting that way- why cope this way?
3) Discuss a situation related to “being dumped” that ordinarily would be “emotive”. Keep
in mind the idea of a “vulnerable” child mode
“Therapist” instructions
1) Commence by asking client how they feel about what has happened, reflect and
2) Make a comment related to “being out of touch with feelings”, enquire about if she is
feeling anything when discussing this with you.
3) Introduce the idea of the detached protector mode and
5) Start dialogue speaking to the empty detached protector chair asking about why it’s
cutting off the feelings
6) Ask client to change chairs and provide the response “from the detached part- the side
that doesn’t want to do feelings”
7) Explain that ‘Little ___’ needs help and has come to therapy to try to heal her emotional
pain…that you need to get in touch with ‘Little ___’ in order to help her. Continue with
dialogue until it reaches its natural conclusion
8) After chair-work: Discuss with client the impact of the Detached protector in their life…
NB- always “speak to the empty chair”