Whitaker 2010
Whitaker 2010
Whitaker 2010
C Right conus
C Diagonal Figure 2
C Ventricular and septal
Table 1 atrium before crossing the right coronary artery to enter the right
atrium. In addition, 20e30% of all drainage is in the venae cordis
The 10% of individuals in whom most of both ventricles and minimae (Thebesian veins) e small venous channels seen
the septum are supplied by the left coronary artery are said to throughout the myocardium which drain directly into the
have left cardiac (coronary) dominance. The presence of collat- chambers of the heart. A
eral communications between the right and left coronary systems
has been recently reviewed7 suggesting that there is more
collateral circulation than classically taught. Note that the coro-
nary arteries fill and distribute the blood during diastole when
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drains directly into the right atrium. A couple of anterior cardiac 8 Loukas M, Bilinsky S, Bilinsky E, et al. Cardiac veins: a review of the
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