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BD College, Patna - (BBM Department )

For 2rd year BBM Students (Session: 2018-2021)

Subject: Marketing Management
Faculty Name : Dr. Ahmed Syed Sohail (M- 8210475230 )

Topic: Sales Promotion & Advertising

Sales Promotion is a key ingredient in Marketing campaigns, consists of collection of incentive
tools, mostly short term, designed to stimulate quicker or greater purchase of particular products
or services by consumer or trade. Advertising offers a reason to buy but sales promotions offers
an incentive to buy. Sales Promotion includes tools for consumer promotion (Samples,
coupons, cash refund offers, Price offs, Premiums, prizes, patronage rewards, free trials,
warranties, tie in promotions, cross promotions, POP displays, and demonstration ; Trade
Promotion (Prices offs, Advertising and display allowances and free goods) and Business and
sales force promotion(Trade shows and conventions, contest for sales representatives and
specially advertising). Sales promotions can be directed either at the customer, sales staff, or
distribution channel members (such as retailers). Sales promotions targeted at the consumer are
called consumer sales promotions where as Sales promotions targeted at retailers and
wholesalers are called trade sales promotions.

Sales Promotion, which is the fourth major component of the promotion mix, is direct and instant
inducement aimed at an immediate increase in sales. In a competitive market, sales promotion
comes handy to a marketer in meeting the short term sales requirements. It serves a supportive
activity to advertising and personnel selling. The primary elements in the promotional mix are
advertising, personal selling, direct marketing and publicity/public relations. Sales promotion
uses both media and non-media marketing communications for a pre-determined, limited time to
increase consumer demand, stimulate market demand or improve product availability. Examples
include contests, coupons, freebies, and loss leaders, point of purchase displays, premiums,
prizes, product samples, rebates and sweepstakes. Sales promotion includes several
communications activities that attempt to provide added value or incentives to consumers,
wholesalers, retailers, or other organizational customers to stimulate immediate sales. These
efforts can attempt to stimulate product interest, trial, or purchase.

Sales Promotions are announced both by manufacturers and retailers. Manufacturers’ announced
promotions might be direct at consumers, resellers or both. Manufacturers may also announce
sales promotion for its sales force. Sales promotions may also originate from retailers aimed at
consumers. The retailer originated promotions’ main objective is to increase store traffic rather
than sell any specific brand. Manufacturer announced consumer promotions constitute “Pull”
strategy and retailers’ promotions are based on “Push” strategy. Sales promotions are more
effective when combined with advertising and “pull-push” strategy are used at the same time.
Sales promotion is implemented to attract new customers, to hold present customers, to
counteract competition, and to take advantage of opportunities that are revealed by market
research. It is made up of activities, both outside and inside activities, to enhance company sales.
Outside sales promotion activities include advertising, publicity, public relations activities, and
special sales events. Inside sales promotion activities include window displays, product and
promotional material display and promotional programs such as premium awards and contests.
Sale promotions often come in the form of discounts. Discounts impact the way consumers think
and behave when shopping. The type of savings and its location can affect the way consumers
view a product and affect their purchase decision. The two most common discounts are price
discounts (“on sale items”) and bonus packs (“bulk items”). Price discounts are the reduction of
an original sale by a certain percentage while bonus packs are deals in which the consumer
receives more for the original price. Many companies present different forms of discounts in
advertisements, hoping to convince consumers to buy their products.

According to American Marketing Associations, Sales promotion is defined as, “those
marketing activities, other than personal selling, advertising and publicity that stimulates
consumer purchasing and other dealer effectiveness measures such as displays, shows,
expositions, demonstrations and various other non-recurrent selling efforts not in ordinary

It may also be defined as “any steps taken for the purpose of obtaining or increasing sales.

Sales promotion may also be defined as all the marketing and promotional activities other than
advertising, personal selling and publicity that motivate and encourage the consumer to purchase
by means of such inducements as premiums, refunds, rebates, displays and demonstrations.

Objectives of Sales promotion:

Sales promotion tools vary in their specific objectives. A free sample stimulates consumer trial,
where as free-management advisory service aims at cementing a long term relationship with a
retailer. Sellers use incentive-type promotions to attract new users, to reward loyal customers and
to increase the repurchase rates of occasional users. Sales promotions often attract brand
switchers, who are primarily looking for low price, good value or premiums. If some of them
would not have otherwise tried the brand, promotion can yield long term increase in market
share. Sales promotions in markets of high brand similarity can produce a high sales response in
the short run. Sales promotions induce consumers to try new products and lead to more varied
retail formats, such as everyday low pricing and promotional pricing. For retailers, promotions
may increase sales of complimentary categories as well as induce store switching. They promote
greater consumer awareness of prices.
The main objective of sales promotion is to bring about change in the demand pattern of products
and services. The specific objectives of sales promotion are as follows:

a. To introduce new products or services: Sales promotion is often

used to motivate prospective consumers to try new products and services. Dealers are
also induced to introduce new products and services in the market. Usually free
samples are provided through dealers during such introduction. Similarly, discounts in
cash or goods may also be offered to the dealers to stock new products or deal with
new services. Free samples, trade discounts, cash discounts are basically sales
promotion measures.
b. To attract new customers: Sales promotion measures also play an important role in
attracting new customers for an organization. Usually new customers are those persons
that are won away from other firms. Samples, gifts, prizes etc. are used to encourage
consumers to try a new brand or shift their patronage to new dealers.
c. To induce existing customers to buy more: Sales promotions devices are most often
used to induce the existing customers of a firm to buy more. Product development
offering, three products at the cost of two, discount coupons are some of the sales
promotion devices used by the firms to motivate the existing buyers to buy more of a
specific product.
d. Helps the firm to remain more competitive: Most of the companies undertake sales
promotion activities in order to remain in the competitive market. Therefore in the
modern competitive world no firm can escape the responsibility of undertaking the
sales promotion activities.
e. To increase the sales in off season: Many products like air coolers, fans ,refrigerators,
air-conditioners, cold drinks, room heaters etc. have seasonal demand. Manufacturers
and dealers dealing with such types of goods make every effort to maintain a stable
demand throughout the year. In other words, firms try to encourage the purchase of
such goods in off season also. That is the main reason behind discounts and off season
price deductions of such items in the market during slack season.
f. To add the stock of the dealers: Dealers like wholesalers and retailers usually deal with
a variety of goods. Their selling activity becomes easier when the manufacturer
supplements their efforts by sales promotion measures. When a product or service is
well supported by sales promotion, dealers are automatically induced to have more of
such items.

Types of Sales Promotions:

1. Consumer Promotions
2. Trade Promotions / Dealers’ Sales Promotions
3. Sales Force Promotion
4. Internet promotions

1. Consumer Promotions: Sales promotions directed at end users are called

consumers sales promotions. Usually, consumer’s promotions are either “same or less”
type and may get translated into a straight price-cut or added value.”Interest
promotions” may or may not require the purchase of anything such as free samples,
free premiums, contests and sweepstakes. The objectives of such promotions are to
stimulate consumer’s interests in products, services, activities and special events.
“Consumer franchisee building” promotions are those which reinforce consumer brand
preference and include a product related selling message, such as in case of free
premiums, free samples, coupons and patronage awards. “Non-franchisee building
“promotions include price discounts, price packs, premiums not related to the
purchased product, contests and sweepstakes etc. Some of the commonly used
consumer promotions are briefly discussed.
 Price Discounts (Also called cents-off): The customers pay certain
amount less than the regular price of the product or service if purchased within a
specified period. This can yield short term sales increase, can serve as an incentive
to try a new product, and can also help product sales during off season. Broadly
there are three types of price-off promotions such as :
I. Reduced Price Pack: Reduced Price pack is usually single product offered
at a reduced price.
II. Multiple Packs: Multiple packs are two or more packs of a product sold at a
reduced price.
III. A bonded pack is asset of two products bonded together at reduced price.
For example a pack containing toothpaste and tooth brush, soap along with
soap case etc.
This device is generally used to attract consumers for a particular period and in a particular
occasion. The main objective is to increase sales.
 Bonus–Pack: An additional quantity of the purchased product is offered free
with standard pack. The producer may develop special large sized pack containing
more product quantity but the price is proportionately low. A variation of this offer
is “buy two, take one free” These offers are generally limited to low, bulk items or
ready- to- wear dress, and sometimes footwear. There are stray cases when a buyer
would get a 14 inch-TV free with the purchase of a 21-inch TV
 Samples: It is an offer of some amount of a product or service free or at a
nominal price. The main objective of sampling is to induce initial product trial and
let the customer have the first hand experience with the product or service.
Sampling is most probably successful approach when the product is new. The
consumer is given small samples of the products free of cost or allowed to use the
product during a specified period. The distribution of samples can be undertaken
I. Through retail stores
II. As premium products
III. Door to door distribution and
IV. Through mail
Such distribution of free samples attempt to influence the consumers in favor of purchasing the
product. However, sampling is an expensive technique as it involves huge amount both for
preparation and distribution of sample.
 Premiums: A premium (gift) is a reward given to the consumers for performing
a particular act, generally purchasing a product or service. The premium may be
free or available to the consumer by paying a price a well below the regular market
price. Getting a printer free with the purchase of a computer or getting a Swiss
knife well below the market price when the consumer purchases a microwave oven
are typical examples of premium. Premium offers are introduced to attract new
customers, improve off-season sales, introduce new product or discourage price
competition. Premiums are of four types:
I. An In-Pack/on-Pack premium: It is a gift of low value article kept inside
the packet or outside or distributed along with the purchase.
II. A free in the mail premium: It is a gift usually sent to the buyers by mail
after the receipt of the proof of purchase.
 Self liquidating premium: It is a method of sending the item by mail
below the cost of the retail price to the consumers who send request for the same.
It is called self liquidating because the company usually covers the cost of sales
promotion. Reusable-container premiums are those which have reusable value for
the consumers. It should be noted that the items offered as premiums are really
useful for the consumers. To make primary scheme operative, promotional
information needs to be printed on the pack and the premium as well.
 Refund or Rebate (the terms are used interchangeably): Rebate
offer refers to some amount of money repaid to customers sometime after the
purchase when the customer submits the special proof of purchase to
manufacturers. The manufacturer “refunds “part of the price paid by the customers
via mail.
 Frequent-user reward: These are incentives to reward those who frequently
purchase the products or service such as frequent flier incentives to air passengers.
The purpose is to encourage repeat purchases or repeated visits to a particular retail
stores. Locally grocery and general stores use this approach on an ongoing basis
for their customers to encourage store loyalty. Usually such programs cover a
fairly long period to offer customers ample opportunity to respond favorably.
 Coupons: Coupons can be viewed as certificates offered by the manufacturers
or retailers that entitle the owner to some stated savings or claim on the specified
thing. Coupons bear the date of expiry and cannot be redeemed after that date.
Coupon is a versatile tool and can be used to accomplish many different sales
promotion objectives.
 Contests: Contest offers are made to consumers to participate in contests and
win cash prizes, holiday tours or goods. Under such sales promotion schemes,
consumers are requested to submit the evidence of their purchases either in the
form of cash memos, wrappers, and box tops along with entry forms. Similarly
contest calls are also made without any such conditions. Sometimes participants
are asked to answer some puzzles or write a slogan about the product. Contests
calls are also received by telephones, fax or emails. All such contests generate
considerable interest amongst the consumers and ultimately lead to increased
demand of the product.
 Sweepstakes: Sweepstakes are adopted to increase the demand of a product by
creating consumer interest. It is some sort of a lottery. In this device, consumers
are provided with coupons containing serial numbers. They are asked to fill up
such coupons. All the coupons received from the consumers are collected, lots are
drawn among them and the winners are selected for prizes both in cash and kind.
 Games: A game offers something to consumers such as missing numbers or
letters to complete a certain numbered digit or product or brand. A consumer, who
does it within the promotion period, wins the prize.
 Money return offer: Under this promotional scheme, the consumers are
provided with the option of money back, if they are not satisfied with the product.
This sales promotion device is usually adopted at the time of introduction of a new
product in the market or when the manufacturer does not have enough goodwill in
the market.
 Exchange or buy-back offer: Some consumer durables, once bought are
not replaced for a very long time in India. To encourage such consumers to replace
their old products with a new one, companies or their authorized dealers offer buy-
back or exchange offers. The manufacturer or the dealer pays some reasonable
amount for the old product and sells a new one.
 Point-of-purchase displays: In-store presentations and exhibitions of
products along with relevant information fall under this category. The message is
clearly displayed “come and get it, we have it”. There is a saying in Hindi” Jo
Dikhta hai who Bikta hai” (Whatever is displayed, gets sold). Producers often
supply such displays to retailers. Retailers like to use POP materials, if they are
attractive, informative and capable of having impact. Effective displays stimulate
customer interests, increase store-traffic and often encourage unplanned purchases.
 Demonstration: This is one of the important sales promotion devices most
frequently used by the sellers of products and services. Through demonstration, the
potential buyers are provided with the experience of the benefits and utilities of
products and services. Such demonstrations are undertaken at the time of the
distribution of the samples or without the same. At the time of demonstration of
the product or service, consumers are able to experience the merits, using process,
nature and quality of the product or services personally. Usually bulky goods are
demonstrated either at the dealer’s level or at the workshop level where as light
goods is demonstrated at the dealer’s or consumer’s premises. The main aim of
demonstration type sales promotion is to propagate the technical aspects, merits
and various usages of the products and services among the consumers. Products
like cosmetics, new beverages, home appliances are usually promoted through this
 Buy more save more: This kind of deal entices the customer to buy more of
your stock, so it is a kind of a win, win. There will be plenty of potential customers
visiting your store that want to buy, but feel guilty because of the price. Giving
them a discount if they spend more, may just give them a little shove in the right
direction. You don’t have to offer a huge discount, but make sure it’s attractive
enough to convert visitors.
 Flash Sale: A flash sale is basically an offer that only lasts for a limited time
and it’s a great way to create a sense of urgency for the customer to buy. Many
retailers are now adopting this strategy as a way to sell more products and get rid
of surplus stock.
 Loyalty cards: Loyalty cards have recently become an important form of sales
promotion. They encourage the customer to return to the retailer by giving them
discounts based on the spending from a previous visit. Loyalty cards can offset the
discounts they offer by making more sales and persuading the customer to come
back. They also provide information about the shopping habits of customers –
where do they shop, when and what do they buy? This is very valuable marketing
research and can be used in the planning process for new and existing products.
Under this promotional scheme customers earn points for buying certain goods or
shopping at certain retailers – that can later be exchanged for money, goods or
other offers.
 Tie-in-Promotions: Under this scheme two or more brands or companies
team up on coupons, refunds and contests to increase pulling power.
 Cross-promotions: Under this scheme, company uses one brand to advertise
another non-competing brand.
 Loss leader strategy: A loss leader pricing strategy is a common term in
marketing which refers to an aggressive pricing strategy in which a store prices its
goods below cost to stimulate sales of other profitable goods. In such a pricing
strategy, a business is selling its goods at a loss to lure customer’s traffic away
from competitors. It aims towards stimulating other sales of more profitable goods.

2. Trade promotions / Dealers’ sales Promotions: Trade promotions are

directed at the resellers (Distributors, wholesalers and the retailers). Trade sales
promotions are part of “Push” strategy of producers. The objectives of trade sales
promotions are different from consumer’s sales promotions. Producers realize the
importance of retailers support. They are in the final contact in distribution chain and
can influence customers in more ways. Consumers sometimes seek retailer’s
suggestions before making a purchase and retailers in many cases can influence the
product choice. In fact dealers act as a vital link between the producer and the ultimate
consumer. Therefore a number of sales promotion devices are adopted by the
manufacturer to motivate the dealers from time to time. Following are some of the
important dealer’s aid for sales promotions.
 Trade allowance: The purpose of trade allowance is to offer financial
incentives to resellers in order to motivate them to make a purchase. A trade
allowance can be offered in a variety ways.
 Buying allowance: A producer pays a reseller some fixed amount or
money or discount for purchasing a certain minimum quantity of product
within the specified period of time. The payment may be given in the form of a
cheque from the producer or the discounted invoice. This sales promotion tool
is frequently used for launching new products as well as disposing off old ones.
 Free goods: Reseller is required to buy a certain number of product cases
and for each case purchased, a certain amount of free quantity of the same
product is offered. For example, the offer might be, “one pack containing one
dozen of product free on purchase of 12 packs. “ Thus the middlemen get some
goods free of cost. This method of sales promotion can be quite effective to
counter competition.
 Buy-back allowance: The buy-back allowance is paid at the first
purchase of the goods by the dealers. The dealer may utilize the allowance of
first purchase at the time of second purchase and the allowance of the second
purchase at the third purchase and so on. Thus buy-back allowance becomes a
continuous process and provides momentum to the selling activities by the
 Advertising Allowance: The manufacturer pays the dealer or retailer a
certain amount of agreed upon money to advertise the producer’s products.
This amount can be fixed rupee amount or a percentage of gross purchase
during a specified time period.
 Display allowance: This is a direct payment of money or free goods to
the retailers for each item purchased, if the party agrees to setup a POP display,
or running in-store promotional program as specified by the marketer. The
marketer requires the retailer to sign an agreement specifying the activity to be
performed before the allowance is given.
 Contests and incentives: Manufacturers sometimes use trade contests
and special incentives to stimulate greater support and selling effort from
dealers and salespeople and achieve the sales targets and other objectives. The
prizes might include items such as TV, Stereo and a trip to exotic places etc.
Sometimes these contests and incentives are offered to salespeople of the
distributors, dealers, wholesalers or retailers. These rewards involve cash
payment to sales people to specially sell the producer’s products. This type of
cash payment is called push money or SPIFF/SPIF i.e. Sales Promotion
incentives fund formula / Sales promotion incentives fund.
 Co-operative advertising: When a producer agrees to pay advertising
allowance to the dealer for the product purchased, it is known as co-operative
advertising. Usually a long contract is made between the manufacturer and the
retailer whereby the manufacturer agrees to pay an advertising allowance. Such
advertising allowance stimulates dealers to purchase more and more goods.
The deal is usually based on product quantity purchased. The dealer must show
proof that the Ads were released then only the payment is made. Most of these
ads appear in the newspapers.
 Sales contests: In this sales promotion device, the dealers are invited to
participate in sales contests which are specially conducted for them. The main
aim of conducting such sales contests among dealers is to induce the dealers to
increase sales at their level. Cash allowance, free products supply, gifts and
incentives of different kinds are offered o dealers through such sales promotion
 Free foreign tours: Wholesalers and retailers who are able to achieve a
specific volume of sales within a stipulated period are offered free foreign
tours as an incentive. Such offer motivates dealers to sell the product
 Training program: Manufacturers impart training about their own
brands to the sales staff of the wholesalers or the retailers at their (wholesaler’s
or retailer’s) locations.
3. Sales force promotions: Like consumers and dealers sales promotion, sales
force promotion also attempts to increase the sales by boosting the performance of the
sales force through various promotional schemes. The important tools of sales force
promotion are:
a. Bonus: Bonus is the most popular form of incentive offered to the sales
force that is able to sell in excess of their allotted quota. Such bonus is thus
considered as an independent for the sales force to work hard.
b. Sales force contests: Sales force contest is another form of sales
forces promotion which stimulates the efforts of the salesmen. The sales
promotion department usually arranges such contests to increase the efforts
and energies of the sales force.
c. Sales conventions and conferences: Sales conventions and conferences are
also arranged for the purpose of educating and inspiring the sales force. In
such conventions and conferences, the sales force is provided training and
guidance about new techniques and latest methods of selling products and
4. Internet promotions: The number of companies using Internet promotions is
increasing. America online frequently conducts prize promotions to attract users to its
advertisers’ area. In India some internet promotion sites are Hungama.com and
contest2win.com, where business companies such as Pepsi, Cadbury, Sony and Levis
frequently run online contests and offers exciting prizes.

Advantages/ Disadvantages of Sales promotion:

Advantages of sales promotion:
 Sales promotion activities generally stimulate the purchasing activities of
 Sales promotion devices get direct and immediate response as it is
undertaken at the point of sale.
 Sales promotions can be utilized to boost sales at any stage; new product
Introduction stage, existing product improvement stage, old product sales
improvement stage and so on
 Sales promotional activities help the organizations to increase sales in intense
competitive situations.
 Sales promotion necessarily supplements the personal selling and advertising
activities undertaken by and organization.
 The manufacturer with the help of sales promotion activities can easily
achieve a rapid turnover of stocks.

Disadvantages of sales promotion:

 The success of sales promotion activities largely depends on the nature of the
prospective buyers and product characteristics.
 Many promotional measures have limited and short-run impact on the
consumers. The benefits of these activities for the seller in most cases are
limited and short lived.
 Sales promotion is a costly form of enhancing sales. It requires a heavy
promotion budget. Hence it is not feasible for small organizations.
 Sales promotion activities become counter-productive when they are used to
promote defective and poor quality of goods and services.

Advertising versus Sales promotion:

A decade ago, the advertising –to- sales promotion ratio was about 60:40. Today, in many
consumer-packaged-goods companies, sales promotion accounts for 75 % of he combined
budget (roughly 50 % is trade promotion and 25 % is consumer promotion). Several factors
contributed to this rapid growth, particularly in consumer markets. Promotion became more
accepted by top management as an effective sales tool; the number of brands increased; the
competitors used promotions frequently; consumers became more prices oriented, the trade
demanded more deals from the manufacturers and advertising efficiency declined.

Meaning of Advertising:
Advertising is an impersonal promotional tool which is used to draw public attention towards a
product or service through selected and paid media. It is a means of communication that helps to
communicate a single message, to a large number of people in less time. In a nutshell,
advertising is nothing but “telling and selling” of commercial items.
Advertising is a technique used by most of the companies to persuade the potential customers to
buy the product. Various channels are used for the purpose of advertising like television, radio,
newspaper, magazines, billboards, pamphlets, posters, cabs, buses, walls etc. Due to extreme
competition between companies, the cost of advertising a single product is very high these days.
In general people get attracted to the advertisement and the demand for that product increases. So
the effects of advertising are positive. The results of advertising are seen in the long run when
there is an upward movement in the sales figure. However, it is quite difficult for a common man
to identify good products because only positive aspects are disclosed in the ads. The more the
ads are displayed to the customer, the more it will make an impression on the customer’s mind.
In this way, it helps the companies to make money easily whether their product’s quality up to
the mark or inferior
Meaning of Promotion:
Promotion refers to the set of activities that communicate the merits of the product, service or
brand to persuade target customers to buy it. It is one of the four elements of marketing mix. It is
a way of attracting, inducing and creating awareness among the people to initiate the purchase.
The ways of promotions include discount coupons, free distributions of samples, and offers like
giving two items at the price of one, trial offers, offers on festivals and occasions, contests, value
added services etc. Due to these methods, the companies get instant boost in their sales because
customer response is impulse when they know that they will get more at a price of less. It
involves activities like:
a. Direct marketing: It is a technique in which companies sell their products
directly to the customers by eliminating the middlemen.
b. Advertising: It is a paid announcement, wherein the message is conveyed to
attract the customer and bring in attention towards the products through a
c. Public relation: Every company wants to build and maintain an image in
front of the public, through various channels.
d. Personal selling: In this technique, the salesman sells the company’s
product by directly visiting and influencing them to buy the product.

Sales promotion represents those marketing activities that stimulate consumer purchasing and
dealer effectiveness such as displays, shows, exhibitions, demonstrations etc. Though these are
the activities appearing similar to those of advertising but they can be distinguished on the basis
of following grounds:
a. Advertising is a technique of driving public attention towards a product or
service through paid network, while promotion is a set of activities that spread a
word about the product, brand or service.
b. Advertising is a promotional strategy while Promotion is a marketing strategy.
c. Results of Advertising are generally slow and can be seen over time while the
results of Promotion are instant.
d. Cost involved in advertising is very high while promotion is cost effective.
e. Advertising is best suited for medium and big enterprises while promotion is
suited for all enterprises.
f. Advertising aims at developing a favorable consumer attitude towards the
product and moving the consumer to the point of purchase, while sales
promotion aims at increase in sales by providing specific inducements. In other
words, sales promotion starts where advertising ends.
g. Advertising may have a long- term or short term perspective, while sales
promotion always has short term perspective.
h. The media of advertising are broadly classified as indoor, outdoor, and direct and
display while Sales promotion has media like contests, premiums, prizes, special
schemes etc.
i. Though both are media of communication, advertising is more pronounced in pre
and post transaction phases while sales promotion is the transaction phase itself.
That is, sales promotion is closest to the selling proper than advertising.
j. Since the impact of advertising is long term and cumulative, it is both repetitive
and frequent while sales promotion is not repetitive and frequent as the impact is
short-term and non-cumulative.
k. Advertising is done to build brand image and increase sales while promotion is to
push short-term sales.
l. Advertising is one of the elements of promotion mix while Promotion is one of
the variables of marketing mix.

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