Kiidoc 2020 07 20 en CH 2020 07 30 Lu0337271356

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This document provides you with key investor information about this SICAV. It is not marketing material. The information is required by law to help you
understand the nature and the risks of investing in this SICAV. You are advised to read it so you can make an informed decision about whether to invest.

UNI-GLOBAL - EQUITIES WORLD class SAH-GBP (LU0337271356), a sub-fund of UNI-GLOBAL.

Lemanik Asset Management S.A. is the Management Company (the 'Management Company') of the SICAV.

Objectives and investment policy The Investment Manager mandatorily applies on a continuous basis an ESG
(environmental, social, and governance) integration methodology to deter-
mine the eligibility of companies for investment in the sub-fund so as to en-
The sub-fund offers the possibility to participate in opportunities offered by hance the portfolio towards assets with better ESG scoring and try to reduce
the equities markets worldwide. The objective of the sub-fund is to develop a exposure to assets with worst ESG scores.
portfolio which offers the best ratio between the estimated risk and expected
The sub-fund is denominated in USD.
return. The sub-fund is invested in accordance with an active approach con-
sisting in choosing a portfolio which offers the best estimated risk taking into The share class is denominated in GBP.
account the considered universe. The currency risk of this share class is hedged.
The investor has the right to redeem his shares on demand. Redemptions
Investment policy are carried out on each full business day in Luxembourg and full business day
The sub-fund mainly invests in the following categories of instruments: global on the New York Stock Exchange. The attention of the investor is drawn to
shares denominated in different currencies. the fact that in exceptional circumstances, the investor’s ability to redeem his
shares may be limited or suspended.
The sub-fund may use derivative products in order to hedge currency risk
and/or to enhance effective investment management. These shares are capitalisation shares. Income and capital gains are rein-
Investments are made without any geographical or currency restrictions.
The sub-fund is active and managed without any reference to a benchmark.
The Investment Manager has discretion over the composition of its portfolio This sub-fund may not be appropriate for investors who plan to withdraw their
subject to this objective and investment policy. money within 6 years.

Risk and reward profile

Lower risk Higher risk

Potentially lower rewards Potentially higher rewards

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

What does this synthetic indicator mean? Which materially relevant risks are not adequately captured
► The shares of class SAH-GBP are classified in category 5 because the
by the synthetic indicator?
shares may be subject to moderate to high volatility and consequently the ► Techniques will be used to cover the currency risk of the share class against
risk of loss and the opportunity for gain may be moderate to high. the reference currency of the sub-fund in order to reduce currency risk, but
will not as such eliminate it.
► The risk category has been determined on the basis of historical data and
may not be a reliable indication of the future risk profile. The risk and reward ► The investor should also take into consideration other risk factors associ-
category shown does not necessarily remain unchanged and the categori- ated with his personal situation and circumstances at present and in the
sation of the share class may shift over time. future.

► The lowest category does not mean a risk-free investment.

How can I get more information about the risks of the sub-
► Repayment of the initial investment is not guaranteed. fund?
Additional information concerning the risks of investment in the sub-fund
is indicated in the corresponding section of the prospectus of the SICAV
which is available at the registered office of the SICAV and on the website .
Charges which might be deducted from the investor’s capital invested into the SICAV.
Generally, the investor does not pay an entry charge. These charges apply to
One-off charges taken before or after you invest
distribution only. In all cases, no exit charges are applied. The investor may
Entry charge 4.00% contact his financial adviser or intermediary to be informed on the actual entry
Exit charge 0.00% and exit charges.
This is the maximum that might be taken out of your money before it is in- The conversion of part or all of the shares into shares of another sub-fund or
vested or before the proceeds of your investment are paid out. another share class is free of charge.
The ongoing charges are represented by a fixed fee which corresponds to a
Charges taken from the SICAV over a year maximum amount which may be charged. The manager shall cover the costs
of charges which may exceed this amount. The SICAV’s annual report for each
Ongoing charges 1.50%
financial year will include details on the exact charges made.
Charges taken from the SICAV under certain specific conditions
The figure of the ongoing charges excludes:
Performance fee None
► Securities transaction charges, except for the charges related to the pur-
The charges paid by an investor are used to cover the running costs of the chase and the sale of target funds.
SICAV, including the costs of marketing and distribution of shares. These For further information concerning charges, please consult the heading “Ex-
charges reduce the potential increase in value of an investment in this SICAV. penses charged to the SICAV” of the SICAV’s prospectus, which is available at
The entry and exit charges shown correspond to the maximum percentage the registered office of the SICAV and on .

Past performance Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

All charges and fees, except for the entry and exit charges, were taken into
20,4 account.
17,9 The past performance was calculated in GBP.
12,6 14 The sub-fund was launched on 17 January 2008.
9 The share class was launched on 15 February 2008.



2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Practical information upon request. A detailed description of the policy is also available at
JP Morgan Bank Luxembourg S.A. Specific information
The sub-fund UNI-GLOBAL - EQUITIES WORLD may also issue other share
Additional information and availability of the prices classes.
Additional information about the SICAV, a copy of its prospectus, its lat- Information about other share classes that may be marketed in your country
est annual and semi-annual reports, with the sub-fund’s latest share prices is available at the registered office of the SICAV.
can be obtained free of charge from the SICAV’s registered office or at This key investor information document provides information about a sub- . fund of UNI-GLOBAL that may consist of several sub-funds. The prospectus
The prospectus, the latest annual and semi-annual reports of the SICAV are and the annual and semi-annual reports are prepared for the entire SICAV.
available in English. The SICAV may inform you about other languages in The assets and liabilities of a sub-fund are segregated pursuant to the law so
which these documents are available. that the commitments and liabilities of one sub-fund do not affect the other
Liability The investor has the right to convert his investment from shares in one sub-
Lemanik Asset Management S.A. may be held liable only on the basis of any fund into shares of the same sub-fund or of another sub-fund. The investor
statement contained in this document that is misleading, inaccurate or incon- can obtain information about how to subscribe, redeem and convert in the
sistent with the relevant parts of the prospectus for the SICAV. prospectus of the SICAV.

Taxation Additional Information for Swiss Investors

The SICAV is subject to Luxembourg tax legislation. The investor’s fiscal resi- The Swiss representative is Unigestion SA, 8c avenue de Champel, Case
dence might have an impact on his personal tax position. postale 387, CH-1211 Geneva 12. The paying agent in Switzerland is HSBC
Private Bank (Suisse) SA, Quai des Bergues 9-17, 1201 Geneva. The prospec-
tus, the articles of association, the key investor information documents and
Remuneration policy the annual and semi-annual reports may be obtained free of charge from the
A paper copy of the up-to-date remuneration policy of the Manage- Swiss representative.
ment Company, including, but not limited to, a description of how re- The actual net asset value of all share classes shall be available on
muneration and benefits are calculated, and the persons responsible
for awarding the remuneration and benefits, is available free of charge

This SICAV and Lemanik Asset Management S.A. are authorised in Luxembourg and regulated by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier.
This key investor information is accurate as at 20 July 2020.

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