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Table of Contents

Mythical Magic 80
Introduction 3
Artificer/Bard Tables ..................................................................82
Mechanics 4 Cleric/Druid Tables ....................................................................83
Paladin/Ranger Tables .............................................................. 84
Legendary Actions ........................................................................... 4 Sorcerer/Warlock Tables ..........................................................85
Legendary Feats ............................................................................5-8 Wizard/AT and EK Tables ........................................................ 86
Mythic Feats ................................................................................ 9-10
Auric Emotions 88
Legendary Official Classes 11
Anger .............................................................................................90
Artificer .........................................................................................12 Determination ............................................................................. 91
Barbarian ..................................................................................... 15 Excitement ...................................................................................92
Bard ...............................................................................................18 Fear ................................................................................................93
Cleric .............................................................................................21 Kindness .......................................................................................94
Druid ............................................................................................. 24 Love ...............................................................................................95
Fighter .......................................................................................... 27 Sadness ........................................................................................ 96
Monk ............................................................................................. 30
Paladin ..........................................................................................33 Signs of Labors 97
Ranger .......................................................................................... 36 What are Labors? ....................................................................... 98
Rogue ............................................................................................ 39
Sorcerer ........................................................................................42 Final Notes 101
Warlock .........................................................................................45
Wizard ...........................................................................................48 Balancing Encounters .............................................................101
Level by Level Creation Guide .............................................. 102
Legendary Homebrew Classes 51 Changelog ..................................................................................103
Darach .......................................................................................... 52 Credits ................................................................................104-105
Incarnate ...................................................................................... 55
Siphoner .......................................................................................58
Fable Classes 61
Vampire ........................................................................................ 63

Legendary Player The Changes

So what does this document change exactly? Well for
Characters starters, there are general changes that apply to every class
Legendary creatures is often a term you will see a lot when it or a large group of classes, those changes can be found below
comes to homebrew creatures or high level creatures in in this section.
general, it's a way for solo creatures to survive against the Each class will receive encompassing changes, such as
action onslaught that groups of players will output against increased HP/Hit dice, General Legendary Actions,
them. Legendary Resistances, and other odd things.
So what's the point of Legendary Player Characters then?
Players are not the ones who need these kinds of features, In addition to the previously mentioned material, you will
and is it really just giving them legendary actions? That's kind find a new thing called Legendary Feats. Legendary Feats
of boring... Well no. are basically Feats that are significantly stronger than
This document is not geared towards the traditional D&D normal, and can only be taken when the character taking
party style game, and it contains far more than just giving it is a Legendary Player Character. As a DM using this
players legendary actions. document, you could also apply legendary feats to
legendary creatures if you so wish. There is also another
Solo Games tier called Mythic Feats that are only obtainable at level
What is a solo game exactly? It's really simple. It's a game 20.
where there are only two people, the DM and the player. New mechanics called Auric Emotions and Signs of
These types of games are typically best done over text but it's Labors.
still more than possible in a traditional voice or in person
style game. Additionally, every class is receiving specific changes to
Solo games can be a lot of fun if they are your style their features, changing things that are team/party based
because it allows both the DM and player to truly go free with and buffing features thats numbers would become too
whatever style they are both comfortable with, and it's of weak with this document. Each class also has legendary
course much easier to schedule. actions that you can only take if you are that class.
For me personally I play in solo games practically every day
with my boyfriend and we are both huge fans of them... Note that in the current version, I am only changing
However there is a drastic problem with them that this features that are only useful in teamplay, or I am buffing
document is attempting to fix: D&D is not meant to be played these teamplay features to be stronger when used on
like this. yourself. There will be no buffs to weak class or subclass
D&D was built and balanced around having a party setting, features, however in future versions of this document there
which is of course fine but for those of us who want to play most likely will be.
solo games it's incredibly punishing because even high level I am also only one person, and I have big plans for this
player characters could end up dying to a group of four low document. I intend to add many more Legendary/Mythic
CR creatures. feats, and class specific legendary actions, alongside various
This document is largely meant to be used in solo games, other changes. Those will just be for a future version of this
it's what I am assuming for the entire document. If you want document.
to use this in a full on party setting..? You certainly can but I
personally think it's a poor idea, as this document removes a Future Classes
lot of party/team based features and it is also just a drastic This document currently contains only official classes,
power increase. however that is subject to change. If you are a homebrew
creator and wish to add a level of Legendary attributes to
Being a Legendary Character your class, feel free to reach out to me on discord (Linked in
Being Legendary is obviously a special thing that not final page) or on reddit at u/Zellorea
everyone has, otherwise it wouldn't be legendary. Regardless I am completely willing to discusss and work out how we
of what level your character starts at, whether it's level 1 or could add your class to this document. If your class ends up
15, they have a trait beyond their normal power that has given added to this document (Not all who reach out will) you will
them these legendary capabilities. be credited completely for the classes creation (With a link to
Maybe your characters resolve is inhuman and your the PDF in its section) and we will work together completely
determination caused you to achieve these legendary levels, to make sure that your classes Legendary status is properly
or you're the result of a selective breeding attempt in order to realized.
create a legendary creature... Nonetheless, you should I may refuse a class to be added here if I believe it's
consider how and why your character is legendary. currently in a too unbalanced and overpowered state even for
regular play, or for just another reason.
Legendary Actions Legendary Action: Apprehend
Before getting into any class specifics or even legendary feats, Cost: 1 Legendary Action
we must discuss legendary actions. Legendary actions are a You make a grapple attempt at a creature within your
special type of action that allows a single creature to better reach, provided you have a free hand for it.
survive action economy when they are outnumbered.
A legendary action may only be spent at the end of another Legendary Action: Battlefield
creatures turn, to perform one of various actions you may Presence
have available to yourself. All expended legendary actions are Cost: 2 Legendary Actions
recovered at the start of your turn. You steel your resolve. The next time an attack would hit
At 5th level every character gains their first legendary you before the beginning of your next turn, you turn that
action. attack into a miss.
At 11th level every character gains their second legendary Legendary Action: Detect
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
At 17th level every character gains their third and final You make a Wisdom (Perception) check.
legendary action.
Legendary Action: Greater Magic
The number of legendary actions you may take per round Cost: 3 Legendary Actions
is determined by your total level, not your individual class You cast a spell of 3rd level or lower that you know,
level. You can be as spread thin as possible in a multiclass expending spell slots or usages as normal.
and still be able to take the same amount of legendary actions
per round as someone who has all levels in one class.
Your character may know a number of legendary actions Legendary Action: Lesser Magic
equal to their proficiency bonus, you must meet the Cost: 2 Legendary Actions
prerequisites for an action to know it. You cast a cantrip you know.
Upon gaining a level, you may exchange one legendary
action you know for another you meet the prerequisites for. Legendary Action: Move
On this page is a list of legendary actions you may take
regardless of your class. Cost: 1 Legendary Action
For class specific legendary actions, you must meet the You move up to your movement speed without provoking
level in the appropriate class to take it (So for example, you attacks of opportunity.
couldn't take a Barbarian legendary action until you're level 5,
in which case you can only take the ones that require 1 Legendary Action: Overcome
action, even if you have more actions) Cost: 1 Legendary Action
You may repeat the saving throw against an ongoing effect
Classes and Legendary Actions
against you, ending it on a successful save.
Each class is balanced in a unique way towards the
later levels, while Fighter and Monk specialize in Legendary Action: Strike
doing a lot of low damage attacks-classes like Cost: 1 Legendary Action
Paladin and Rogue focus on a low amount of high You make a single weapon attack with a weapon you are
damage attacks. wielding against a creature within its reach.
Needless to say, legendary actions such as Strike
and Whirlwind are much stronger for the 'low
amount of high damage attacks' classes.
Legendary Action: Whirlwind
As a DM you may consider this optional feature Cost: 3 Legendary Actions
to smooth out the balance-however it is You make a single weapon attack with a weapon you are
completely optional and I'd advise against wielding against all creatures of your choice within 5-feet of
employing it since it detracts from the power you.
fantasy this document is supposed to bring.
Fatigue. Legendary actions that involve weapon
attacks only apply damage from the weapon itself
and your ability modifier, not any outside sources
from class features (Such as Divine smite or sneak
Legendary Feats Crossbow Legend
Legendary feats are a tier of feats beyond the normal ones, Prerequisite: Crossbow Expert Feat
and are significantly stronger than their base counterparts. Thanks to even further crossbow practice, you gain the
Some require having existing regular feats in order to take, following benefits:
some are direct upgrades to existing feats and can be taken You ignore 1/2 and 3/4 cover when attacking with a
separately, and some are entirely new and unaffiliated with crossbow you are proficient in.
base feats.
Legendary feats can only be taken when your character When you use the Attack action and attack with a one-
levels up and receives a Legendary Ability Score handed weapon, you can use a bonus action to attack
Improvement. Every class earns at least two of these, and the twice with a hand crossbow you are holding. The second
level in particular they earn them on depends on the class. shot from this bonus action has disadvantage.
The level a class earns each of their legendary feats is
specified in the classes section. Dark Stalker
As a DM wanting to spice up a statblock that already has
Legendary actions, you could consider giving them some of Prerequisite: Skulker
the feats found here. The shadows are practically an extension of your body,
granting you the following benefits:
Beyond Expertise While in darkness, you are invisible to any creature that
Prerequisite: Expertise in a skill relies on darkvision to see you in that darkness.
Choose a skill you have Expertise in (You add double your When a creature would spot you in some way while you
proficiency bonus to it) are hidden, you may immediately use your reaction to
Instead of adding double your proficiency bonus to it, you make a new stealth check to avoid detection.
add triple your bonus to it.
While in dim light, you gain a +1 bonus to your AC. While
Chaos Caster in darkness, this bonus increases to +2.
Prerequisite: War Caster
Even in the midst of chaos, you are able to cast spells to Dual Wielding Master
near perfection. Which gives you the following benefits: Preqreuisite: Dual Wielding Feat
You gain a +5 bonus to Constitution saving throws made You have trained extensively in the art of dual wielding,
to maintain concentration on a spell. gaining the following benefits:
When you use your bonus action to cast a spell of 1st level You may choose to make any off-hand attack as apart of
or higher, you may still use your action to cast a spell of the attack action. If you do this, you can not use your
1st level or higher. bonus action to make any off-hand attacks this turn.
When you use your action to cast a spell of 1st level or When you engage in two weapon fighting, you may make
higher, you may still use your action to cast a spell of 1st two attacks instead of one.
level or higher.
Prerequisite: None
Choose two skills you have proficiency in, instead of adding
your proficiency bonus to skill checks made with those skills,
you now add double your proficiency bonus.
Extensive Training
Prerequisite: None
Choose three conditions, you have advantage on saving
throws made to avoid or resist the chosen conditions.
Genius Wordsmith Legendary Resistance
Prerequisite: Linguist Prerequisite: None
You have studied nearly every language known to the When you fail on a saving throw, you may instead choose to
multiverse, granting you the following benefits: succeed.
You may use this feature a number of times equal to half
Provided a creature understands at least one language, your proficiency bonus (Rounded down), you regain all
you can understand anything they say-and they can expended uses upon completing a long rest.
understand anything you say.
When speaking to a creature in their native tongue (DM Legends Trades
discretion) you have advantage on Charisma checks Prerequisite: None
against them. Choose a feature another class gains at 3rd level or earlier
When a creature is speaking a language you know, you other than spellcasting, you gain this feature as if you were
have advantage on Insight checks against them. that class. If the feature scales off of class level in some way
(Such as Rogues sneak attack) you are treated as being level
3 in that class.
Great Weapon Empyrean
Prerequisite: Great Weapon Master Mage Punisher
When you score a critical hit with a melee weapon or Prerequisite: Mage Slayer
reduce a creature to 0 HP, you may immediately make Mages often think they can run around the world, with no
another attack with the same weapon as apart of the same consequences for their reality warping actions? You're
action. determined to prove them wrong. You gain the following
Before you make a melee attack with a heavy weapon that
you are proficient with, you can choose to roll When a creature is concentrating on a spell and you
disadvantage on the attack if you don't have it already. If damage them, instead of the normal save-they must
the attack hits, it deals maximum damage. succeed on a Constitution saving throw with the DC being
equal to 10 or the total damage you dealt with that attack
(Whichever is higher) or lose concentration.
Iron Mind
When a hostile creature you can see casts a spell, you may
Prerequisite: None use your reaction to move up to your speed. If you end this
You are immune to the charmed and frightened conditions. movement within your weapons reach of them, you may
make an attack against them as apart of the same
Latent Magical Power reaction.
Prerequisite: Spell Slots As an action, you may touch a creature and cast Dispel
You have an inner well of magical power that's finally Magic on them. This requires no components and is non-
become activated. You gain a number of points equal to your magical itself. You choose your casting ability for this
character level that may be expended on a long rest. feature. Once you use this feature, you may not do so
You may expend a number of points equal to a spell slot again until you complete a long rest.
level to gain an additional spell slot for that level. These
additional spell slots last until you finish a long rest.
(For example: A level 7 Char with this feat would have 7 Magic Resistance
points, they could use them to gain an additional 4th and 3rd Prerequisite: None
level spell slot, so they'd have two 4th level slots total and You have advantage on saving throws against spells and
four 3rd level slots total) other magical effects.
Legendary Polearm Master Master Gunner
Prerequisite: Polearm Master Prerequisite: Gunner
Your skill with reach weapons reaches a level equivalent to Your skills and expertise with firearms are unmatched, you
perfection. You gain the following benefits: gain the following benefits:
When you take the bonus action attack gained from Firearms you attack with deal an additional die of
Polearm Master, you may make two attacks with the damage.
opposite end instead of one.
If you are using firearm rules that use the Misfire feature,
Attacking a creature that enters your reach with the its range is decreased by 1.
Polearm Master feat does not use your reaction. You may
only strike a creature once on their turn with this feat When you roll a critical hit with a firearm, you may
however. immediately make another attack with the same firearm.
Peak Athlete Skills of Mythos
Prerequisite: Athlete Prerequisite: None
You have undergone training beyond mortal limits, You gain proficiency in any three skills or tools of your
allowing you to gain the following benefits: choice.
When you are prone, standing up requires no movement. You gain proficiency in two saving throws of your choice.
You gain a bonus to your carrying capacity equal to 5 x
Your Dexterity score. Soul Crusher
Your jump distance is doubled. Prerequisite: Crusher
You can escape from a grapple by expending half of your You have grown so adept at crushing things, it's basically
movement (No action required) second nature to you. You gain the following benefits:
Your attacks against creatures wearing heavy armor that
Pit Fighter deal bludgeoning damage deal additional damage equal to
your proficiency bonus. If the creature has natural armor,
Prerequisite: Tavern Brawler you gain this bonus if it is 18 or more.
You are a master of fighting with whatever you can get your
hands on, granting you the following benefits: The advantage on attacks caused by your Crusher feat
lasts an additional round.
Your unarmed strikes damage die follows the Monk class
progression. If you already have the unarmed strike When attacking a creature with a bludgeoning weapon,
feature from your class (Not counting the Tavern Brawler the attack ignores any resistance to bludgeoning damage
feat), the damage die increases by one step (From d6 to d8 the creature may have.
for example)
While not wearing armor and wielding an improvised Soul Piercer
weapon, you gain a +1 bonus to AC. Prerequisite: Piercer
You have advantage on attack rolls with an unarmed strike Some people like stabbing... Some people love stabbing...
or improvised weapon against a target you have grappled. And then there's you. You gain the following benefits:
Your attacks against creatures wearing no armor or light
Precise-Shooter armor that deal piercing damage deal additional damage
equal to your proficiency bonus. If the creature has
Prerequisite: Sharpshooter natural armor, you gain this bonus if it is 13 or less.
Your mastery at ranged weapons reaches a level thought
impossible, granting you the following benefits: When you score a critical hit that deals piercing damage
to a creature, you can roll one additional damage die when
Before you make an attack with a ranged weapon that you determining the extra piercing damage the target takes.
are proficient with, you can choose to roll advantage on This stacks with the bonus from the Piercer feat.
the attack. If the attack hits, it deals minimum damage.
When attacking a creature with a piercing weapon, the
Before you make an attack with a ranged weapon that you attack ignores any resistance to piercing damage the
are proficient with, you can choose to roll disadvantage on creature may have.
the attack if you don't have it already. If the attack hits, it
deals maximum damage.
Soul Slasher
Shield Legend Prerequisite: Slasher
Slashing down foilage and nature, or flesh and bone? Well
Prerequisite: Shield Master Feat that's up to you now isn't it. You gain the following benefits:
Your skills with a shield have honed to legendary
standards, you gain the following benefits while you are Your attacks against creatures wearing medium armor
wielding a shield: that deal slashing damage deal additional damage equal
to your proficiency bonus. If the creature has natural
If your weapon has the versatile property, you may use the armor, you gain this bonus if it is 14, 15, 16 or 17.
versatile property while also wielding a shield
The grevious wounds caused by your Slasher feat lasts an
The AC bonus granted by shields you wield is increased additional round.
by 1.
When attacking a creature with a slashing weapon, the
If you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a attack ignores any resistance to slashing damage the
Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, even if creature may have.
you fail you still only take half damage, any additional
effects still apply.
Supernatural Influence Ward of Plate and Shield
Prerequisite: None Prerequisite: Spellcasting or Pact Magic Feature
Choose either your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma You learn how to form a magical ward that feeds off of your
score. You may add the chosen ability scores modifier to your remaining magic to protect you.
AC. If you are already adding it to your AC from some feature You gain a bonus to your AC equal to half of your highest
such as Unarmored Defense, you may not add it again. level unexpended spell slot (Rounded up)
If you are wearing Medium Armor, the bonus you gain from
this is halved (Rounded up) Ward of Sorcerous Defense
If you are wearing Heavy Armor, the bonus you gain from Prerequisite: Spellcasting or Pact Magic Feature
this is halved (Rounded down) You learn how to form a magical ward that feeds off of your
remaining magic to shield from enemy spells.
Swift Strikes You gain a bonus to your saving throws against magic
Prerequisite: Extra Attack Feature equal to half of your highest level unexpended spell slot
The amount of attacks you can make when you take the (Rounded up)
attack action is increased by one.
You may take this feat multiple times, increasing the Wall of Iron
amount of attacks by one with each subsequent taking of this Prerequisite: Heavy Armor Master
feat. While wearing heavy armor, you gain an additional bonus
to your AC equal to half of your proficiency bonus (Rounded
Tabaxi's Swiftness down)
Prerequisite: None
Your speed increases by 20 feet, and you ignore
nonmagical difficult terrain.
Tarrasque Toughness
Prerequisite: Tough Feat
Your hit point maximum increases by an amount equal to
three times your level when you gain this feat. Whenever you
gain a level thereafter, your hit point maximum increases by
an additional 3 hit points.
Trained Immunity
Prerequisite: Resistance to a damage type
Choose a damage type you have resistance to other than
bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage. You gain
immunity to the chosen damage type.
Trained Resilience
Prerequisite: None
Choose two damage types other than bludgeoning,
piercing, or slashing damage. You gain resistance to the
chosen damage types.
True Instinct
Prerequisite: The inability to cast any kind of spell
Your body moves on its own, your instincts granting you far
better skill and speed than others.
On your turn, you may take an additional action. If this
action is used to take the attack action, you can only make
one attack, regardless of how many you can normally make.
Ward of Blade and Bow
Prerequisite: Spellcasting or Pact Magic Feature
You learn how to form a magical ward that feeds off of your
remaining magic to guide your strikes.
You gain a bonus to your attack rolls equal to half of your
highest level unexpended spell slot (Rounded up)
Mythic Feats Divine Toughness
What are beyond legends you ask..? Myths, that's the final Prerequisite: Tarrasque Toughness
stage. If normal feats are stage 1, and legendary feats are Your hit point maximum increases by an amount equal to
stage 2, then this is stage 3. Much like legendary feats, some six times your level when you gain this feat. Whenever you
may require having existing legendary or normal feats to gain a level thereafter, your hit point maximum increases by
take, and some can be taken on their own. Many have specific an additional 6 hit points (Only applicable if your table plays
prerequisites. beyond 20)
A character earns their mythic feat upon reaching level 20,
regardless of their current build or level layout, reaching level Fiendish Fall
20 earns them a mythic feat. Prerequisite: Evil Alignment
A creature can only ever possess the benefits of one mythic Your evil and selfish acts in life have caused you to fall to
feat, and if they somehow gain the opportunity to gain the the lower planes, to be remolded in a cacophany of hellfire
benefits of another, they must choose which one they wish to and brimstone to claim the world that is yours. You gain the
keep and which they will discard. following benefits:
Beyond Legend Your creature type is now fiend.
Prerequisite: 20 Levels in a Single Class You gain darkvision out to a range of 120-feet, this
Your legendary actions have evolved to something more, darkvision can see through magical darkness.
granting you the following benefits: You gain proficiency in four skills of your choice.
You gain an additional 2 legendary actions, for a total of 5. Choose two skills, you have advantage on all rollls
You learn another 3 legendary actions, these legendary involving those skills.
actions can be from any class list, however this does not All weapons you wield are considered magical.
grant you any other features that may be involved in the
action (Such as activating Barbarians rage if you do not Spells you cast ignore resistance the target may have to
have it) the spells damage.
You gain immunity to poison and fire damage, and the
Celestial Rise poison condition. You also gain immunity to your choice of
Prerequisite: Good Alignment Acid, Cold or Lightning damage.
Your good deeds in life have caused you to rise to the
celestial planes, to be reborn in a blaze of holy fire to purge Magical Immunity
evil from the world. You gain the following benefits:
Prerequisite: Magic Resistance
Your creature type is now celestial. You can not be affected by spells of a level equal to or lower
You gain truesight out to a range of 60-feet. than half your proficiency bonus (Rounded down)
You may choose to be affected by spells this feature would
You sprout wings from your back, and gain a flying speed normally block if you wish.
of 60-feet.
All weapons you wield are considered magical, and deal
an additional 3d8 radiant damage on hit.
You know when you hear a lie.
You gain immunity to poison damage and the poisoned
You are always aware of the exact location of fiends and
undead within 120-feet of you.
Material Bane Mythic Trades
Prerequisite: None Prerequisite: None
You gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing Choose a feature another class gains at 9th level or earlier
damage. other than spellcasting, you gain this feature as if you were
that class. If the feature scales off of class level in some way
Mythic Instinct (Such as Rogues sneak attack) you are treated as being level
Prerequisite: True Instinct 9 in that class.
Your instincts hone to divine levels, granting the following
benefits: One of Myth
Prerequisite: None
When using your additional action from True Instinct, you You have become a creature of myth, gaining their
may make two additional attacks with it instead of one. unnatural fortitude. You gain the following feature:
You are considered to be permanently under the effects of When you would be reduced to 0 HP, you instead are not,
the Foresight spell while you are conscious. This effect is and you immediately regain up to your maximum HP,
considered nonmagical and can not be dispelled. shed any negative conditions on you, and end any other
negative effects of your choice on you. You also regain all
Mythic Resistance expended features that would normally return upon
Prerequisite: Legendary Resistance completing a long rest.
Your resistances hone, granting the following benefits: Once you use this feature, you may not use it again until 3
You gain another 2 usages of the legendary resistance dawns have passed.
feature, for a total of 5. Strength of One
Whenever you finish a short rest, you regain one Prerequisite: 20 Levels in a single class
expended usage of legendary resistance. Choose a subclass from your class other than your current
one, you gain that subclasses features as if you were 9th level
in your current class.
The Artificer
A Legendary Artificer is much more greedy than the normal
counterpart, incentivized to not share their infusions and to
use their inventions for their own gain and adventure.
Hit Dice: 2d6
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 2d6 (or 8) + your
Constitution modifier per Artificer level after 1st
The Artificer receives the following changes when being a
Legendary Character.
Legendary Ability Score
When you gain this feature, you can take a Legendary Feat.
Alternatively, you may gain the benefits of a normal Ability
Score Improvement.
The Artificer gets this feature at levels 9 and 17.
Flash of Brilliance
7th Level Base Artificer Feature
You may expend a legendary action rather than reaction to
use this feature.
Steel Defender
3rd Level Battle Smith Artificer Feature
Your Steel Defender's hit die is increased to 2d6 rather
than 1d8.
Whenever you use a legendary action, you may instead
have your Steel Defender take the action.
Legendary Traits
Here you will find the Legendary actions that only an Artificer
of the appropriate level can learn (If an Artificer specific
Legendary action requires 2 actions, you must be a level 11
Artificer to know it for example)
Attunement Shift
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
You end your attunement on one magic item you are
attuned to and immediately attune to another magic item you
have either equipped or within 5-feet of you.
Brilliant Action
Cost: 3 Legendary Actions
You turn raw materials into a working product of the
materials used, as per the Fabricate spell.
Products constructed by this feature last a number of
rounds equal to your intelligence modifier (Minimum of 1).
After which time they collapse into a pile of their raw
Fast Adjustments
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
You use your Magical Tinkering feature.
Field Repairs
Cost: 2 Legendary Actions
A construct of your choice within 5-feet of you regains HP
equal to your intelligence modifier in d4's (Minimum of 1d4)
You may use this feature on yourself if you are a construct.
Makeshift Launcher
Cost: 3 Legendary Actions
You cast the Catapult spell without expending a spell slot.
Quick Fix
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
You cast Mending, rather than taking a minute to cast it is
resolved with the legendary actions usage.
Redirect Magic
Cost: 2 Legendary Actions
You end an active infusion on one of your current items to
immediately apply another infusion you know to a different
item within reach.
The Barbarian Wolf Totem #1
A Legendary Barbarian is an absolute force of nature, 3rd Level Totem Barbarian Feature
becoming far more durable than their normal counterpart While you are raging, you have advantage on attack rolls
while also dishing out even more intense damage with their provided two or more hostile creatures are within 5-feet of
legendary actions. you. The spirit of the wolf makes you ferocious against those
Hit Dice: 2d10 who dare outnumber you.
Hit Points at 1st Level: 20 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 2d10 (or 12) + your Bear Totem #3
Constitution modifier per Barbarianan level after 1st 14th Level Totem Barbarian Feature
The Barbarian receives the following changes when being While you're raging, hostile creatures within 5-feet of you
a Legendary Character. suffer a penalty to attack rolls on attacks against you equal to
your rage damage bonus. An enemy is immune to this effect if
Legendary Ability Score it can't see or hear you or if it can't be frightened.
When you gain this feature, you can take a Legendary Feat. Zealous Presence
Alternatively, you may gain the benefits of a normal Ability 10th Level Zealot Barbarian Feature
Score Improvement. As a bonus action, you unleash a battle cry infused with
The Barbarian gets this feature at levels 7 and 15. divine energy. For the next minute, you have advantage on all
attack rolls and saving throws, as the might of the gods fills
Ancestral Protectors you.
Once you use this feature, you can not do so again until you
3rd Level Ancestral Guardian Barbarian Feature complete a long rest.
The target of your warriors instead has disadvantage on
attack rolls against you.
Spirit Shield
6th Level Ancestral Guardian Barbarian Feature
You may now use your spirit shield to reduce damage done
to yourself.
Call the Hunt
14th Level Beast Barbarian Feature
Instead of the normal feature, you gain temporary hit
points equal to 5 x Your Constitution Modifier (Minimum of
5) upon entering your rage, and you gain a +1 bonus to attack
and damage rolls for each hostile creature within 30-feet of
Shielding Storm
10th Level Storm Herald Barbarian Feature
While you are raging, you gain a +1 bonus to your AC. If
you suffer damage related to your storms type, this bonus is
increased to +3 until the end of your next turn. (Fire for
Desert, Lightning for Sea, Cold for Tundra)
Rippling Muscles
Legendary Traits Cost: 1 Legendary Action
Here you will find the Legendary actions that only a Your carrying capacity doubles. If you begin your turn
Barbarian of the appropriate level can learn (If a Barbarian without having used this legendary action in the past round, it
specific Legendary action requires 2 actions, you must be a returns to its normal value.
level 11 Barbarian to know it for example)
Savage Might
Bear Hug Cost: 2 Legendary Actions
Cost: 2 Legendary Actions The next attack you hit before the end of your next turn
You squeeze a creature you are currently Grappling. They becomes a critical hit.
suffer bludgeoning damage equal to your Strength Score.
Titanic Leap
Bulging Strength Cost: 1 Legendary Action
Cost: 3 Legendary Actions You leap like a hulking beast. You gain a flying speed equal
Choose a damage type your rage gives you resistance to. to your walking speed and may move up to it. If you end this
You become immune to that damage type until the end of movement in the air, you fall, taking falling damage as normal.
your next turn.
Easy to Anger
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
You use your Rage ability if it is not currently active,
expending a usage as normal.
Grotesque Buff-Up
Cost: 2 Legendary Actions
Your Strength score is increased by an amount equal to
your rage damage bonus until the end of your next turn.
Imposing Flex
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
You flex menacingly, all creatures of your choice within 30-
feet of you that can see you are Frightened of you provided
their current HP is equal to or less than your Strength Score.
They remain frightened until the end of your next turn.
Primal Shout
Cost: 2 Legendary Actions
You let out a guttural shout to muddle the minds of mages.
All creatures within 120-feet of you who can hear you and are
concentrating on a spell must immediately make a
concentration check at disadvantage.
On a failure they drop concentration.
The Bard
A Legendary Bard is an interesting breed, as normally a bard
is a supportive party member, but a Legendary Bard uses
their music to rally themselves rather than others.
Hit Dice: 2d6
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 2d6 (or 8) + your
Constitution modifier per Bard level after 1st
The Bard receives the following changes when being a
Legendary Character.
Legendary Ability Score
When you gain this feature, you can take a Legendary Feat.
Alternatively, you may gain the benefits of a normal Ability
Score Improvement.
The Bard gets this feature at levels 7 and 15.
Bardic Inspiration
1st Level Bard Feature
You may now target yourself with Bardic Inspiration.
Song of Rest
2nd Level Bard Feature
If you are the only creature to benefit from your song of
rest, you roll triple the amount of dice for it.
Infectious Inspiration
14th Level Eloquence Bard Feature
Whenever you would lose the Bardic Inspiration die, you
may use a legendary action or reaction to retain it, without
expending a usage.
You can use this ability a number of times equal to your
Charisma modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all
expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Mantle of Inspiration
3rd Level Glamour Bard Feature
If you are the only target of this ability, the amount of
temporary hit points gained is doubled.
Legendary Traits
Here you will find the Legendary actions that only a Bard of
the appropriate level can learn (If a Bard specific Legendary
action requires 2 actions, you must be a level 11 Bard to
know it for example)
Compliments and Insults
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
You cast either the Guidance or Vicious Mockery cantrip.
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
You play a harsh note, all creatures within 10-feet of you
must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your
Bard DC or suffer 2d6 thunder damage. You may expend
more legendary actions, if you do so the damage increases by
an additional 2d6 for each additional one spent.
Genius of Music and Magic
Cost: 2 Legendary Actions
You expend a usage of your bardic inspiration feature to
recover a spell slot of 3rd level or lower.
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
You play a soothing note, all creatures of your choice within
10-feet of you recover HP equal to your Song of Rest die size.
If you are the only target, you do not gain the increased
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
You use your Bardic Inspiration feature.
Royal Counter
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
You begin your Countercharm feature, or you continue it if
it was already going.
The Cleric Voice of Authority
A Legendary Cleric is an envoy for their god who goes out 1st Level Order Cleric Feature
into the world to preach the good (Or bad) will of their deity. If you target yourself with a spell to activate this feature, it
Hit Dice: 2d6 does not consume your reaction.
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 2d6 (or 8) + your Emboldening Bond
Constitution modifier per Cleric level after 1st 1st Level Peace Cleric Feature
The Cleric receives the following changes when being a You may bond to yourself and only yourself, if you do so,
Legendary Character. you are permanently under the effects of the Sanctuary spell.
If you do something that would normally end the spell, it
Legendary Ability Score becomes active again after an hour has passed.
When you gain this feature, you can take a Legendary Feat. Protective Bond
Alternatively, you may gain the benefits of a normal Ability 6th Level Peace Cleric Feature
Score Improvement. While under the effects of Sanctuary, if a creature
The Cleric gets this feature at levels 7 and 15. successfully manages to damage you, you may use your
reaction to gain resistance to that instance of damage.
Channel Divinity: Path to the You may do so a number of times equal to your Wisdom
Modifier (Minimum of 1)
2nd Level Grave Cleric Feature Expansive Bond
You may curse a creature as a bonus action, when done 17th Level Peace Cleric Feature
this way, only you are able to trigger the curse. While under the effects of Sanctuary, if you would take an
action that would normally end it, it is instead not ended.
Channel Divinity: Preserve Life
2nd Level Life Cleric Feature Blessing of the Trickster
When targeting only yourself with this feature, you are not 1st Level Trickery Cleric Feature
limited to only going to half of your HP maximum. You may target yourself with this feature.
Blessed Healer Channel Divinity: War Gods
6th Level Life Cleric Feature Blessing
Whenever you heal yourself with a spell of 1st level or
higher, you gain the benefits of Disciple of Life twice. 6th Level War Cleric Feature
If you use your Guided Strike channel divinity, the effect
Improved Flare persists for two attacks beyond the one you originally used it
6th Level Light Cleric Feature
You regain usage of your Warding Flare upon completing a
short rest or long rest, rather than just a long rest.
Preach and Pray
Legendary Traits Cost: 1 Legendary Action
Here you will find the Legendary actions that only a Cleric of You cast either the Sacred Flame or Thaumaturgy cantrip.
the appropriate level can learn (If a Cleric specific Legendary
action requires 2 actions, you must be a level 11 Cleric to Witness Divinity
know it for example) Cost: 1 Legendary Action
You use a channel divinity of your choice, expending a
Call God usage as normal.
Cost: 2 Legendary Actions
If it is available, you may use your divine intervention Zealous Decree
feature. Cost: 2 Legendary Action
You declare the glory of your god, all creatures of your
Gift of God choice within 60-feet of you that do not worship your deity
Cost: 1 Legendary Action must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your Cleric
You gain temporary hit points equal to your Cleric level DC.
until the start of your next turn. On a failed save, they become either Blinded or Deafened
(Your choice) until the end of your next turn, as they face
Holy Bulwark divine punishment for their blasphemy.
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
Divine energy surrounds you, reducing all damage you take
from either good or evil aligned creatures (Your choice) by
your Wisdom Modifier (Minimum of 1) until the end of your
next turn.
One of the Divine
Cost: 3 Legendary Actions
You use a channel divinity of your choice, without
expending a usage.
Cost: 2 Legendary Actions
You call upon the power of your deity, depending on your
alignment you invoke a different effect with this.
Good. You call forth a bolt of divine lightning from the sky.
Choose a point within 60-feet of you, all creatures within 5-
feet of the point must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw
against your Cleric DC or suffer 3d10 radiant damage, or half
as much on a successful save.
Neutral. You call a pestilence upon your foes, choose a
creature within 120-feet of you. They must succeed on a
Constitution saving throw against your Cleric DC, or suffer
3d8 necrotic damage on a failed save. If they fail the saving
throw, they additionally become Poisoned until the end of
your next turn.
Evil. The ground opens up and flames emerge from the
ground. Choose a point within 30-feet of you, all creatures
within 10-feet of the point must succeed on a Dexterity saving
throw against your Cleric DC or suffer 2d8 fire damage.
Creatures who fail the save treat the area as difficult terrain
until the end of your next turn.
The Druid
A Legendary Druid is an enforcer of nature who has gone out
into the world to enforce the natural order, forsaking the need
for party members as they will just further harm the balance.
Hit Dice: 2d6
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 2d6 (or 8) + your
Constitution modifier per Druid level after 1st
The Bard receives the following changes when being a
Legendary Character.
Legendary Ability Score
When you gain this feature, you can take a Legendary Feat.
Alternatively, you may gain the benefits of a normal Ability
Score Improvement.
The Bard gets this feature at levels 7 and 15.
No Changes Needed
The Druid base class features and all subclass features do
not require any changes to steer away from teamplay. Every
feature that affects allies (Notably from Dream Druid) still
grant a relevant benefit for solo play.
Legendary Traits
Here you will find the Legendary actions that only a Druid of
the appropriate level can learn (If a Druid specific Legendary
action requires 2 actions, you must be a level 11 Druid to
know it for example)
Command Nature
Cost: 3 Legendary Actions
You trigger one of the effects of the Druid Grove spell in a
location within 60-feet of you. The chosen effect remains
until the end of your next turn. If you animate a tree, you may
only animate one.
Fast Shifting
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
You use wildshape, expending a usage as normal.
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
Provided you are in wildshape, you make two attacks. If the
first one hits, the second attack has disadvantage.
Natural Magic
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
You cast either the Druidcraft or Thorn Whip cantrip.
Cost: 1 Action
Provided you are in wildshape, you move up to twice your
Wild Growth
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
The ground around you becomes filled with thick magical
greenery. The area for all creatures of your choice within 15-
feet of you becomes difficult terrain until the end of your next
The Fighter Rallying Cry
A Legendary Fighter is a warrior of immense power and skill, 3rd Level Purple Dragon Fighter Feature
a hero or tyrant, maybe even a warlord who commands When you use your Second wind and don't choose any
armies under their banner. creatures other than yourself for this feature, you recover
Hit Dice: 2d8 additional hit points equal to triple your fighter level.
Hit Points at 1st Level: 16 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 2d8 (or 10) + your Inspiring Surge
Constitution modifier per Fighter level after 1st 10th Level Purple Dragon Fighter Feature
The Fighter receives the following changes when being a When you use your action surge feature and don't grant any
Legendary Character. allies the reaction attack, you may take two additional actions
instead of one.
Legendary Ability Score Once you reach 18th level this increases to three.
When you gain this feature, you can take a Legendary Feat. Bulwark
Alternatively, you may gain the benefits of a normal Ability 15th Level Purple Dragon Fighter Feature
Score Improvement. You gain two additional usages of Indomitable.
The Fighter gets this feature at levels 5, 13, and 19.
Rune Shield
Unwavering Mark 7th Level Rune Knight Fighter Feature
3rd Level Cavalier Fighter Feature You may use this ability on yourself.
Creatures afflicted by your mark have disadvantage on
attack rolls against you, and dealing damage to you allows
you to use your special attack against them.
Legendary Traits
Here you will find the Legendary actions that only a Fighter
of the appropriate level can learn (If a Fighter specific
Legendary action requires 2 actions, you must be a level 11
Fighter to know it for example)
Action Blitz
Cost: 3 Legendary Actions
You immediately take your turn again, it functions identical
to your normal turn in initiative.
Alpha Combatant
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
The next attack you make before the end of your next turn
benefits from a combat maneuver from the Battlemaster
subclass list. Your superiority dice is a d6 unless it is already
Guard Up
Cost: 2 Legendary Actions
You increase your AC by an amount equal to your Dexterity
modifier (Minimum of 0) until the beginning of your next
Martial Superiority
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
The next time you make a Strength, Dexterity or
Constitution saving throw before the beginning of your next
turn, you have advantage on the roll.
Patch Up
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
You use your second wind feature, if it is not available, roll
1d6. On a roll of 6 you regain usage of it. After you have
regained usage of it twice, you may not do so again until you
complete a long rest.
Supreme Grit
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
You tough yourself out, reducing all damage you take by
your Strength Modifier (Minimum of 1) until the end of your
next turn.
The Monk
A Legendary Monk is a martial artist completely in tune with
the energies of the world, and may be traveling on their own
as apart of their monasteries duties.
Hit Dice: 2d6
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 2d6 (or 8) + your
Constitution modifier per Monk level after 1st
The Monk receives the following changes when being a
Legendary Character.
Legendary Ability Score
When you gain this feature, you can take a Legendary Feat.
Alternatively, you may gain the benefits of a normal Ability
Score Improvement.
The Monk gets this feature at levels 9 and 17.
No Changes Needed
The Monk base class features and all subclass features do
not require any changes to steer away from teamplay. Every
feature that affects allies (Notably from Mercy Druid) still
grant a relevant benefit for solo play, however Monk heavily
lacks these anyway.
Legendary Traits
Here you will find the Legendary actions that only a Monk of
the appropriate level can learn (If a Monk specific Legendary
action requires 2 actions, you must be a level 11 Monk to
know it for example)
Deep Breathing
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
If you spent 2 or more Ki points on your last turn, you
regain 1 ki point.
Empty Mind
Cost: 2 Legendary Actions
You use Stillness of Mind
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
You use your Quickened Healing ability.
Foreseen Danger
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
The next time you roll a dexterity saving throw before the
beginning of your next turn, you automatically succeed on the
Impossible Deflection
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
The next time you use your Deflect Missiles feature before
the beginning of your next turn, it does not consume your
Save Ki
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
The next ability you use that costs Ki before the end of your
next turn costs 1 less Ki (Minimum of 0)
This ability does not stack with itself.
Tsunami of Blows
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
You use your Flurry of Blows feature, expending ki as
The Paladin
A Legendary Paladin is one who has had enough. Often
Paladins are the voice of reason in their parties, and are
basically the resident mom. Well a Legendary Paladin has
had enough and they have gone on their own to adventure
and uphold their oath.
Hit Dice: 2d8
Hit Points at 1st Level: 16 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 2d8 (or 10) + your
Constitution modifier per Paladin level after 1st
The Paladin receives the following changes when being a
Legendary Character.
Legendary Ability Score
When you gain this feature, you can take a Legendary Feat.
Alternatively, you may gain the benefits of a normal Ability
Score Improvement.
The Paladin gets this feature at levels 9 and 17.
Channel Divinity: Rebuke the
3rd Level Redemption Paladin Feature
You may use this feature even if the target of the damage
was you.
Divine Substition/Aura of the
7th Level Crown and Redemption Paladin Feature
When you suffer damage from a creature within 5-feet of
you, you may use your reaction to gain resistance to that
particular instance of damage.
Legendary Traits
Here you will find the Legendary actions that only a Paladin
of the appropriate level can learn (If a Paladin specific
Legendary action requires 2 actions, you must be a level 11
Paladin to know it for example)
Cost: 2 Legendary Actions
You cast Remove Curse on yourself, expending a spell slot
as normal. You do not need to have it prepared to use this
Deus Vult
Cost: 2 Legendary Actions
The next time you use your Divine Smite feature, its
damage and damage maximum is increased by 1d8.
Ever Watchful
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
You use Divine Sense, expending a usage as normal.
Helping Hand
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
You expend any amount of energy from your Lay on Hands
pool to heal a creature within reach.
Holy Bulwark
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
Divine energy surrounds you, reducing all damage you take
from either good or evil aligned creatures (Your choice) by
your Charisma Modifier (Minimum of 1) until the end of your
next turn.
Pure Touch
Cost: 3 Legendary Actions
You use cleansing touch, expending a usage as normal.
Righteous Fury
Cost: 3 Legendary Actions
You enter your Sacred Oath's transformation if you have it
True Smite
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
You cast a smite spell from the paladin spell list (Such as
Blinding Smite or Banishing smite) expending a spell slot as
normal. When cast this way you do not need to have the spell
prepared, and you have advantage on concentration checks
made to maintain it.
Witness Divinity
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
You use a channel divinity of your choice, expending a
usage as normal.
The Ranger
A Legendary Ranger is an explorer, one who ventures
throughout the lands to further the goals of nature.
Hit Dice: 2d8
Hit Points at 1st Level: 16 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 2d8 (or 10) + your
Constitution modifier per Ranger level after 1st
The Ranger receives the following changes when being a
Legendary Character.
Legendary Ability Score
When you gain this feature, you can take a Legendary Feat.
Alternatively, you may gain the benefits of a normal Ability
Score Improvement.
The Ranger gets this feature at levels 9 and 17.
No Changes Needed
The Ranger base class features and all subclass features do
not require any changes to steer away from teamplay. Ranger
heavily lacks teamplay specific features, even in subclasses,
and those features that can be used with allies also work on
the ranger themselves.
Legendary Traits
Here you will find the Legendary actions that only a Ranger
of the appropriate level can learn (If a Ranger specific
Legendary action requires 2 actions, you must be a level 11
Ranger to know it for example)
Endless Explorer
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
You move up twice your movement speed without
provoking attacks of opportunity. You must be in natural
terrain to use this legendary action.
Guard Up
Cost: 2 Legendary Actions
You increase your AC by an amount equal to your Dexterity
modifier (Minimum of 0 until the beginning of your next turn.
Hidden Step
Cost: 2 Legendary Actions
You use Natures Veil, expending a usage as normal. When
used this way, it lasts until the end of your next turn rather
than the start of it.
Natural Magic
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
You cast either the Druidcraft or Thorn Whip cantrip.
Prey Located
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
If you are using the Tasha's variant, you use Favored Foe
expending a usage as normal. If not, you cast Hunter's mark,
expending a spell slot as normal.
Cost: 3 Legendary Actions
You make a ranged weapon attack with disadvantage
against all creatures of your choice within a 30-foot cone of
you, expending ammunition as normal.
Wilderness Survival
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
You use your Tireless feature, expending a usage as
The Rogue Master of Tactics
A Legendary Rogue is by heart a criminal, maybe a thief or an 3rd Level Mastermind Rogue Feature
assassin-either way they are a warrior of the night who is a Additionally, you add a bonus 1d4 to all skills, attack rolls
force to be reckoned with. and saving throws in which you are proficient in.
Hit Dice: 2d6
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + your Constitution modifier Misdirection
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 2d6 (or 8) + your 13th Level Mastermind Rogue Feature
Constitution modifier per Rogue level after 1st When you are targeted by an attack while a different
The Rogue receives the following changes when being a hostile creature is within 5 feet of you, you can use your
Legendary Character. reaction to have the attack target that creature instead of you.
Legendary Ability Score
When you gain this feature, you can take a Legendary Feat.
Alternatively, you may gain the benefits of a normal Ability
Score Improvement.
The Rogue gets this feature at levels 7 and 15.

Sneak Attack
Rogue, despite the flavor and thematic of the class-
is one of the most team reliant classes due to how
sneak attack works. Despite this, Sneak Attack will
be receiving no changes in this document (At least
not yet)
This is because the existence of Tasha's has
given Rogues access to the Aim cunning action,
which allows for sneak attack to be used in solo
Legendary Traits
Here you will find the Legendary actions that only a Rogue of
the appropriate level can learn (If a Rogue specific Legendary
action requires 2 actions, you must be a level 11 Rogue to
know it for example)
Assassins Majesty
Cost: 1 Legendary Actions
You may coat a weapon or ammunition in poison, provided
you possess both on you.
Cost: 1 Action
You may attempt to disarm a creature of an item they are
holding, you may use your Acrobatics modifier for this
instead of your Athletics modifier.
Ever Cunning
Cost: 1 Action
You may gain the benefits of cunning action on your next
turn without expending your bonus action.
Improbable Dodge
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
You can use your Uncanny Dodge feature against the next
attack that hits you before the beginning of your next turn,
without expending your reaction.
Shadow Slip
Cost: 2 Legendary Actions
Provided you are in an area of dim light or darkness, you
may make a Stealth check. To any creature who has a passive
perception of less than 5 or more than your stealth check,
you are considered invisible.
This lasts until you enter an area of bright light, until you
take a harmful action against a creature, or until the end of
your next turn. You may expend 2 legendary actions at the
end of your turn when this effect would end to allow it to
persist, using the check you initially rolled.
Weak Spot
Cost: 1 Action
The next attack you hit before the end of your next turn
applies sneak attack, regardless of any other circumstances
of the attack.
The Sorcerer
A Legendary Sorcerer is a conduit of arcane energy and
power, who owes their magical prowess to the might within
their blood.
Hit Dice: 2d4
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 2d4 (or 6) + your
Constitution modifier per Sorcerer level after 1st
The Sorcerer receives the following changes when being a
Legendary Character.
Legendary Ability Score
When you gain this feature, you can take a Legendary Feat.
Alternatively, you may gain the benefits of a normal Ability
Score Improvement.
The Sorcerer gets this feature at levels 7 and 15.
No Changes Needed
The Sorcerer base class features and all subclass features do
not require any changes to steer away from teamplay. As a full
caster who relies entirely on spells, it makes sense that the
features aren't geared towards allies specifically.
Legendary Traits
Here you will find the Legendary actions that only a Sorcerer
of the appropriate level can learn (If a Sorcerer specific
Legendary action requires 2 actions, you must be a level 11
Sorcerer to know it for example)
Arcane Leftovers
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
If you used 2 or more sorcery points on your last turn,
regain 1 sorcery point.
Cost: 2 Legendary Actions
You use Font of Magic
Metamagic Preparation
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
The next time you use metamagic before the end of your
next turn, it costs 1 less sorcery points (To a minimum cost of
Cost: 3 Legendary Actions
The next damaging spell you cast before the end of your
next turn deals double damage.
You suffer force damage equal to the spells damage, and
the damage you take can not be reduced in any way.
Reconfigure Magic
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
You exchange a metamagic ability you know for another.
Wellspring of Magic
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
The next spell you cast before the end of your next turn
does not require material components (Provided the
components do not have a gold cost or are consumed) and its
DC is increased by 2.
If the spell uses an attack roll, that roll is instead increased
by 2.
The Warlock
A Legendary Warlock is a slave and servant to their patron,
one who most perform all of their bidding. The dark deeds
their patron may demand of them drives many to isolation.
Hit Dice: 2d6
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 2d6 (or 8) + your
Constitution modifier per Warlock level after 1st
The Warlock receives the following changes when being a
Legendary Character.
Legendary Ability Score
When you gain this feature, you can take a Legendary Feat.
Alternatively, you may gain the benefits of a normal Ability
Score Improvement.
The Warlock gets this feature at levels 7 and 15.
No Changes Needed
The Ranger base class features and all subclass features do
not require any changes to steer away from teamplay. These
are for the same reasons as Sorcerer.
Legendary Traits
Here you will find the Legendary actions that only a Warlock
of the appropriate level can learn (If a Warlock specific
Legendary action requires 2 actions, you must be a level 11
Warlock to know it for example)
Dark Gift
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
You use a feature from one of your invocations that would
normally require an action to use (Such as Fiendish Vigor)
Foul Beam
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
You cast Eldritch Blast, when cast this way, you only fire
one beam.
Masters Knowledge
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
You cast a cantrip you know from your Pact of the Tome.
Masters Pet
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
Your familiar from Pact of the Chain may use its reaction to
take an action in its statblock.
Masters Trinket
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
Provided you are wearing your talisman from Pact of the
Talisman, you fall under the effects of the Bless spell until the
end of your next turn.
Masters Weapon
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
You may morph your weapon gained from Pact of the
Blade into another eligible weapon for it. Regardless of
whether you change it or not, you may make an attack with
the weapon.
The Wizard
A Legendary Wizard is an explorer and searcher of
knowledge, most will go to any means necessary to uncover
the mystical arts of the arcane, which can lead them to
Hit Dice: 2d4
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 2d4 (or 6) + your
Constitution modifier per Wizard level after 1st
The Wizard receives the following changes when being a
Legendary Character.
Legendary Ability Score
When you gain this feature, you can take a Legendary Feat.
Alternatively, you may gain the benefits of a normal Ability
Score Improvement.
The Wizard gets this feature at levels 7 and 15.
Projected Ward
6th Level Abjuration Wizard Feature
Rather than the normal Project Ward feature, you gain the
following: Your Arcane Ward's HP is now equal to three
times your wizard level + your intelligence modifier rather
than two times.
This increases to four times at level 10 and five times at
level 14.
Legendary Traits
Here you will find the Legendary actions that only a Wizard
of the appropriate level can learn (If a Wizard specific
Legendary action requires 2 actions, you must be a level 11
Wizard to know it for example)
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
If you are holding your spellbook, you may exchange a spell
you have prepared from it for another spell within it.
Cantrip Majesty
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
If you cast a cantrip on your next turn, you may do so as a
bonus action. If you cast a cantrip this way, its damage die
total is reduced to its minimum level amount.
Fine Casting
Cost: 1 Legendary Action
The next time you cast a spell before the end of your next
turn, it is cast at 1 level higher than the slot expended.
Prepared Reaction
Cost: 2 Legendary Actions
The next time before the end of your next turn you would
use your reaction to cast a spell, it does not consume your
Quick Recovery
Cost: 2 Legendary Actions
You immediately use Arcane Recovery.
Supreme Magic
Cost: 3 Legendary Actions
You cast a spell of 7th level or lower that you know,
expending spell slots or usages as normal.
The Darach
A regular Darach is already a vile and immensely powerful
beast, turning into monstrous forms to tear apart their
enemies... A Legendary Darach is one who has fully
embraced the beast within, becoming a creature that even the
most seasoned of monster hunter fears.
Hit Dice: 2d8
Hit Points at 1st Level: 16 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 2d8 (or 10) + your
Constitution modifier per Darach level after 1st
The Darach receives the following changes when being a
Legendary Character.

Original Creator
This class was made by me! You can find more of
my works on Reddit, I make a lot of subclasses and
then make a class every so often!
To find the full, most recent document of the
Darach class, click here. Please do note that in the
current link the class is called Skinwalker, Darach
and Skinwalker are the same class, it's just the
name has been changed to Darach since that
document was published.

No Changes Needed
The Darach base class features and all subclass features do
not require any changes to steer away from teamplay.
Legendary Traits
Here you will find the Legendary actions that only a Darach
of the appropriate level can learn (If a Darach specific
Legendary action requires 2 actions, you must be a level 11
Darach to know it for example)
Beastly Sense
Cost: 1 Action
Choose a creature that you have seen or smelt within the
past minute. If they are still within 300-feet of you, you
become aware of their exact location.
Cost: 1 Action
You make one attack with your Natural Weapons gained
from Inner Beast. If the attack misses, you may reroll the
attack roll, and you must use the new roll.
Cost: 3 Actions
Choose an adaptation you know that has an energy cost of
5 or less. Until the end of your next turn, you gain the benefits
of the chosen adaptation, and it does not count against your
energy limit.
Fast Adaptation
Cost: 2 Actions
You use your Natural Adaptation ability.
Quick Shift
Cost: 1 Action
You use your Semishift ability, expending a usage as
Cost: 1 Action
You take the hide action.
The Incarnate
A regular Incarnate is already somewhat of a legendary
beast, becoming a gargatuan creature to throw hands with
other titans... Legendary ones just are ones who have
embraced their soul and wield it in a way few other
Incarnates do.
Hit Dice: 2d8
Hit Points at 1st Level: 16 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 2d8 (or 10) + your
Constitution modifier per Incarnate level after 1st
The Incarnate receives the following changes when being a
Legendary Character.

Original Creator
This class was not made by me! It was created by
u/23BLUENINJA on reddit, with help from
u/goopman1 with balancing. I in no way have
helped in the creation of the base class, I have only
done the Legendary sections found in this
To find the full, most recent document of the
Incarnate class, click here

Primordial Reincarnation
14th Level Celestial Incarnate Feature
After emerging from your egg at the end of this feature, you
gain the benefits you would normally give to your
companions upon death as well. When you gain these
benefits, they last 24 hours.
So in other words, you gain temporary hit points equal to
your Incarnate level, and for the next 24 Hours you have
advantage on all ability checks, attack rolls and saving throws
you make.
Strength of a Kaiju (Titanus Form)
Legendary Traits Cost: 3 Actions
Here you will find the Legendary actions that only an Until the end of your next turn, your size category
Incarnate of the appropriate level can learn (If an Incarnate increases by 1 stage.
specific Legendary action requires 2 actions, you must be a At the end of your turn when this feature would end, you
level 11 Incarnate to know it for example) may instead immediately expend your three legendary
actions for the round to extend the duration until the end of
Adaptation your next turn.
Cost: 2 Actions
Choose a Mutation you meet the prerequisites for. Until the
end of your next turn, you gain the benefits of the chosen
Bad Breath
Cost: 2 Actions
You use the Primordial Breath weapon you gained from
your Primordial Soul, expending Primordial Energy dice as
Celestial uses their Celestial Healing feature.
Fey uses their Solar Rays feature.
Fiend uses their Flaming Wings feature.
Plant uses their Corrosive Sap feature.
(It is unadvised for Soul of the Elemental, Giant or Ooze to
take this Legendary action, as they can not use it)
Energy Coating
Cost: 1 Action
You use your Empower ability from the Primordial Energy
Growth Spurt
Cost: 1 Action
You use your Titanus Form ability if it is not currently
active, expending a use as normal.
Mutant Ability
Cost: 2 Actions
You use an ability you have from your Mutations that
requires an action or bonus action to use, expending any
resources required as normal.
Primordial Action
Cost: 1+ Actions
You expend a number of primordial energy dice equal to
the amount of actions used to use this Legendary action. You
may use any feature that requires expending Primordial
energy dice as an action or bonus action, using the die rolled
previously for said feature.
Cost: 1 Action
You use your Generate ability from the Primordial Energy
The Siphoner Light of Rejuvenation
A regular Siphoner is one who feasts on blood and energy, 14th Level Redeemed Siphoner Feature
then wields it as a weapon against their foes. A legendary While in initiative, there is no limit to the amount of times
Siphoner is one who doesn't just feed on their power source... you can benefit from this features healing. Other creatures
They are their power source, they are the embodiment of are still restricted however.
what they wield.
Hit Dice: 2d8 Field Commander
Hit Points at 1st Level: 16 + your Constitution modifier 7th Level Tyrant Siphoner Feature
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 2d8 (or 10) + your You may use this feature on yourself, allowing you to use
Constitution modifier per Siphoner level after 1st your reaction to make an attack when a creature fails its
The Siphoner receives the following changes when being a saving throw against one of your archaic arts.
Legendary Character.

Original Creator
This class was made by me! You can find more of
my works on Reddit, I make a lot of subclasses and
then make a class every so often!
To find the full, most recent document of the
Siphoner class, click here.

Preserver of Life
3rd Level Martyr Feature
All healing you administer or receive is increased by an
amount equal to your proficiency bonus. This can only occur
once per spell or effect (I.E goodberry will only receive this
effect once per casting, not once per berry)
Others Matter More
3rd Level Martyr Feature
Your AC is increased by 1 for every creature within 30-feet
of you, up to a maximum of a fourth of your Siphoner level
(Rounded down, minimum of 1)
(Note: I'm not a fan of this variant but I couldn't think of
anything else, I'd love suggestions if you think you have a
better one)
Legend Beyond the Grave
7th Level Martyr Feature
After being reduced to 0 HP, you may continue taking
actions as normal. You perform death saves as normal, and if
you suffer 3 failed saving throws then you die as normal.
18th Level Martyr Feature
You only die if you receive 6 failed death saving throws, and
attack rolls have disadvantage against you while you are at 0
Legendary Traits
Here you will find the Legendary actions that only a Siphoner
of the appropriate level can learn (If a Siphoner specific
Legendary action requires 2 actions, you must be a level 11
Siphoner to know it for example)
Arcane Flesh
Cost: 1 Action
You use your Infused Flesh ability.
Blood Protection
Cost: 1 Action
Until the end of your next turn, you no longer suffer the AC
penalty from Better When Bleeding.
Drainers Fury
Cost: 3 Actions
You use Siphon Life twice, or make two attacks with
Vampires Claw.
Forbidden Arts
Cost: 1 Action
You perform an Archaic Art you know that is usable with
your Archaic Attack feature.
Manifest Energy
Cost: 2 Actions
You gain a temporary hit die until the end of your next turn,
this hit die can be used to fuel your Archaic Arts and nothing
else. It disappears if it is unspent at the end of your next turn.
Siphon Self
Cost: 1 Action
Roll 1d8 + Your Constitution modifier. You subtract the
total from your Crimson Resevoir and regain an expended hit
Superior Forbidden Arts
Cost: 3 Actions
You perform any Archaic Art you know that requires an
action or bonus action to take.
Thief of Blood
Cost: 2 Actions
Target a hostile creature within 60-feet of you that is at less
than half its hit point maximum. You recover an expended hit
die, and that creature can not be targeted by this ability again
until 1d4 rounds have passed.
A New Power Level What's the Point?
What the hell is a Fable... Whatever? What's the point of What's the point of having special classes designed only for
having that previous title? Why not just call it Vampire or solo play? You've already made every official class workable
whatever the class is called after saying Fable? Well that's for in a solo play setting, why not just expand on those instead of
important reason... Because Fable is a new tier of class I'll be making these... Fable classes?
using to distinguish this homebrew from regular classes. The reason behind that is well... For one the other classes
will still be receiving work and adjustments obviously, but
Fable Classes intend to fulfill a new power fantasy.
Unintended for Party Play Fable Classes are purposely stronger than traditional
You should not use this class if you are apart of a party (Aka a classes, even by my legendary standpoint. They serve to allow
group of other players who want to play their own your player to achieve truly magnificent heights and fulfill
characters). The only scenario in which this may be suitable power fantasies that traditional D&D simply cannot fill... Of
for party play is if every character at the table is using a Fable course normal D&D can't fill it for obvious reasons-it doesn't
class (Which is not something I would recommend to the DM want to detract from the rest of the party.
but hey, you do you) Additionally, every Fable class will have a feature related to
The Fable subset of classes is one intended for solo play, creating a Lair and then at a later level will gain the ability to
aka one player and one DM at a table. have Lair Actions.
This has all been balanced and used with the intention of Finally every Fable follows a unique Flaws and Merits
being comboed with everything else in the document! system that allows you to customize your Fable characters
strengths and weaknesses.
Being a Fable
This isn't just a typical class one can take because it's strong
or because it fits their build... Being a Fable defines a
characters very being, and should not be shoved off to the
Fable classes can not be taken after level 1, meaning you
can not multiclass them (If your first class was a Fable one
then you could multiclass into non-Fable ones as normal)
If you become a Fable class via some method in RP (Such
as a high level wizard succeeding in a Lichdom ritual)
then replace all of your current class levels with that of the
respective Fable class.
If you'd lose features such as magic from the Fable
transformation, it should be flavored as the violent change
overwhelming you and alterring your very mind.
Fable Vampire

e would find her... No matter the cost, no Unholy Origins
matter if he had to tear heaven out of hell just
to find her bones. Tatyana was his and his Vampires, while being undead, are not at all like what most
alone, that is what the eldest vampire knew as people think of when they think undead. They aren't no
he stood above his dark domain. zombie or skeleton that a necromancer can raise, they are
The family sits about their bloodsoaked intelligent, they are sentient... They could be among you.
table, idly chatting and laughing amongst The most common way people say to become a vampire is
each other. All of them grow silent as the chef comes out with to have one turn you, but in reality, most of the time someone
todays meal: A squirming and gagged half-elf on a silver is turned they don't actually become the vampire people think
platter. Each one salivates at this rare morsel of hybrid blood, of... They become a vampire spawn, or just some simple
as they prepare to dig in... mindless undead. Nevertheless they are completely under the
Someone was there... She knew there was. Stalking in the control of the one who sired them.
shadows, within the streets. She quickened her pace and So how does one become a true vampire exactly? Well,
tripped over her own feet. A well dressed gentleman catches there's a ritual true vampires can perform to turn a mortal
her arm and gruffs about how she should be more careful... into another true vampire, but most do not as it is more
She's too busy apologizing to register when he lunges for her competition. Another way is if a vampire spawn has their sire
neck. die... The spawn will be left famished, no less than a mere
Vampires are creatures of the night, undead who can be beast for a time... But if they survive long enough, they will
both eloquent and bestial depending on the person in become a true vampire like their master.
particular. Then there's the unknown method people do not know of...
The kiss of love from a succubus. When succubi kiss
Blood is All someone, they do so with coldness, to drain their lifeforce...
But if a succubus truly loves a humanoid and they kiss them?
The power of a vampire is what they hunger for most: Blood. Their kiss will turn the person into a true vampire.
The blood of the living is what they thirst for, it's what they
need to survive and it's what they use to perform their unholy Quick Build
feats of power. First make your highest ability score Dexterity, then your
choice of Intelligence or Charisma. Take the hermit
Creating a Fable Vampire background.
The vampire fantasy is one that many people love and it's one Choose the Sunlight Sensitivity, Sunlight Hyper-
that many also may look to D&D to fulfill. This class intends Sensitivity, Running Water and Forbiddance vampire flaws.
to fill that fantasy by offering a much more unique and in Finally choose the Among the Dead, Hungering Bite,
depth vampire than 5e's fairly bland one puts forth. Spider Climb, and Vampiric Claws vampire merits.
Fable Vampire

Level Bonus Pool Features Known

1st +2 5 Bloodthirst, Dark Bloodline, Vampiric Marks -
2nd +2 6 Unholy Manifestations 3
3rd +2 7 Bloodline Feature 3
4th +2 8 Ability Score Improvement 4
5th +3 9 Extra Attack 4
6th +3 10 Bloodline Feature 4
7th +3 11 Evasion 4
8th +3 12 Ability Score Improvement 5
9th +4 13 Resting Place, Legendary Ability Score Improvement 5
10th +4 14 Bloodline Feature 5
11th +4 15 Latent Blood 5
12th +4 16 Ability Score Improvement 6
13th +5 17 Lair Actions 6
14th +5 18 Bloodline Feature 6
15th +5 19 Ravenous Appetite 6
16th +5 20 Ability Score Improvement 7
17th +6 21 Extra Attack (2), Legendary Ability Score Improvement 7
18th +6 22 Bloodline Feature 7
19th +6 23 Ability Score Improvement 8
20th +6 24 Vampire Lord 8

Class Features Equipment

You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
Your Class gains the following features equipment granted by your background:
Hit Points (a) 2 Simple melee weapons or (b) 1 simple ranged
Hit Dice: 2d8 weapon and 20 ammunition for it.
Hit Points at 1st Level: 16 + your Constitution modifier (a) Leather Armor
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 2d8 (or 10) + your Constitution (a) a pack relevant to the class or (b) an explorer's pack
modifier per Vampire level after 1st. Any other items relevant to the class
Armor: Light Armor, Medium Armor Vampire DC
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Longswords, Rapiers, Various points in this document will refer to your
Shortswords Vampire DC. Choose either Intelligence or
Charisma, whichever one you chose is what you
Tools: None use for your Vampire DC.
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma Vampire DC = 8 + Proficiency Bonus + Chosen
Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Ability Score Modifier.
Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Persuasion Your Chosen Ability Score is also your Vampire
and Stealth Ability Score. You'll use it for attack rolls if an
ability specifies it uses your Vampire ability score.
Bloodthirst Dark Bloodline
Upon choosing this class at 1st level, you gain a thirst for Finally at 1st level, your bloodline of darkness courses
blood that demands to be sated. You gain a Blood Pool equal through to the surface. Choose one of the Bloodlines listed at
to the amount shown in the class table. the end of this document.
At every Dusk, your Blood Pool depletes by an amount
equal to your proficiency bonus. If there is not enough blood Feral Bloodline: Page 69
in the pool to be depleted, then it depletes the remaining Noble Bloodline: Page 70
amount and you gain a level of exhaustion every 12 hours
until you sate your remaining thirst. This exhaustion can not Phantom Bloodline: Page 71
be removed by any means except drinking blood. Sage Bloodline: Page 72
To sate your thirst, you must drink the blood of other
creatures. As an action you may begin to drink the blood of a Warlord Bloodline: Page 73
creature within 5-feet of you that is either willing,
incapacitated, or has been dead for no longer than 1 hour.
Every turn (Six seconds if not in combat) the creature rolls Vampire Traits
one of its hit die, losing Max HP equal to the amount rolled.
Each time this occurs, your Blood Pool replenishes by 1. Max It's not listed in any of the 1st level features, but as
HP lost this way is recovered once they recover the hit die a Fable Vampire, you gain the Undead creature type
expended (Reminder: Long resting recovers half of your in addition to humanoid. You gain the following
maximum hit die) effects:
If the creature can not roll anymore hit die, your Blood You are affected by anything that would affect
Pool won't replenish by draining from them, but they still either of your creature types, but healing that
suffer the Max HP decrease. If a creatures max HP is does not work on undead still does not work on
reduced to 0 from this feature, they die. you
From dead creatures, they have half of their maximum hit
die remaining, and you can only drain that amount from them Surfaces that would display reflections normally
for your blood pool. do not for you. You also do not have a shadow.
If you drink from a creature while your blood pool is full, You do not need to eat or drink normal food.
you instead regain an expended hit die. If you have no You do not age, can not be aged magically, and
expended hit die, you recover HP equal to the amount the can not die of old age.
creature lost.
Vampiric Marks
Additionally at 1st level, your vampirism shows its ugly face in
the form of Vampiric Marks. Upon choosing this class you
must choose any number of vampire flaws (Detailed at the
end of this document) you must take at least three flaws.
For every flaw you have, you gain one vampire merit (Also
detailed at the end of this document)
Your vampire Marks define who you are as a vampire, your
weaknesses and strengths. You should choose flaws and
merits that reflect your vampires backstory, and perhaps
relate to how they became one.
You can not change your flaws or merits once you gain
them. However whenever you gain the Legendary Ability
Score Improvement feature, you may additionally choose
another vampire flaw and merit to gain the benefits of. This is
optional and you do not have to take a new flaw at those
Vampiric Flaws are on page 74
Vampiric Merits are on page 75
Unholy Manifestations Resting Place
Upon reaching 2nd level in this class, you begin to be able to Once you reach 9th level, you are able to designate your
subject your will onto the world around you. This is resting place. Over the course of 7-days, you may perform a
represented by your Unholy Manifestations. The various ritual over a small/moderately sized location (Up to DM
manifestations and what they do are detailed later in this discretion what is allowed). The ritual requires you to take a
document. long rest in the location each of the seven days. Examples of
You know a number of manifestations equal to the amount fitting locations would be a small crypt or graveyard, a
shown in the class table, you may learn any you meet the decrepit manor, a rundown temple that was important to you,
prerequisites for. Upon leveling up in this class, you may or something similar.
exchange one manifestation you know for another you meet The chosen location becomes your resting place. The
the prerequisites for. location designated as your resting place and the area
Manifestations are vampire powers that require a more surrounding it within 300-feet are unable to be consecrated
active touch. They are similar to vampire merits in a sense of as per the Hallow spell.
being benefits, a good example of what would be a Short and Long rests you take within your resting place
manifestation is a vampires shapeshifting or their charm complete in half the amount of time they normally would, and
feature. you are immune to scrying effects and other such divination
Manifestations often consume blood from a vampires magic while within your resting place.
Blood pool, so while the manifestations are incredibly You may choose up to two of the following effects, the
powerful, it does make the vampire hungrier faster... It also location and the area within 300-feet of your resting place
means that a starving vampire is a weak one, as they are take on the chosen effects:
unable to wield their manifestations in battle. Wolves, bats, rats and other vermin are noticeably more
The list of Manifestations begins on Page 76. plentiful around your lair, liking to take up home there.
Ability Score Improvement Plants within the range wither, and their stems and
branches become twisted and thorny.
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and
19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice Shadows cast within the range seem abnormally gaunt
by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by and sometimes move as if they were alive.
1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 A creeping fog clings to the ground within range.
using this feature. Alternatively, you can choose a feat (see Occasionally the fog takes eerie forms of your choice,
Chapter 6 for a list of feats). such as grasping claws or writhing serpents.
When you reach 9th and 17th level, you gain a Legendary
Ability Score Improvement. You may either gain the benefits
of a regular ASI as per the rules up above, or you may take a If you declare a new location to be your resting place, the
Legendary Feat, which are listed in the Legendary Player old one loses all of these effects after 1 day has passed. If you
Characters document. die, these effects fade over the course of 2d6 days.
Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once,
whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
The number of attacks increases to three when you reach
17th level in this class.
Upon reaching 11th level, you may use your Bloodthirst
ability in place of one of your attacks.
Beginning at 7th level, you can nimbly dodge out of the way of
certain area effects, such as a red dragon's fiery breath or an
ice storm spell. When you are subjected to an effect that
allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half
damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the
saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.
Latent Blood Ravenous Appetite
Once you reach 11th level, you begin to have a backup Beginning at 15th level, you have been drinking from your
storage of blood in case of emergency. You have a number of prey for so long that you've gotten... Scarily good at it.
Latent Blood points equal to your proficiency bonus. Whenever you drink from a creature as per your Bloodthirst
When you would use a point from your Blood Pool to fuel ability, you are instead able to drink two hit die at once rather
an Unholy Manifestation, you may instead use one of your than only one.
Latent Blood points. This ability functions with the Hungering Bite Vampire
Whenever you finish a long rest, you regain 1 expended Merit if you possess it.
latent blood point. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your
proficiency bonus, regaining all expended uses upon
Lair Actions completing a long rest.
Upon reaching 13th level, your resting place offers you far Vampire Lord
more capabilities than one could expect. While within your
resting places area, you may take Lair Actions. When Finally at 20th level, you have reached a level beyond any
creating your resting place, choose 3 of the options listed mere true vampire... You are a vampire lord. You gain the
below. following benefits:
Every round at Initiative Count 20, you may choose one of Whenever you complete a long rest in your Resting Place,
the selected options and have its effects trigger. You may not
select the same lair action two rounds in a row. you gain temporary hit points equal to half your hit point
You may change your resting places active Lair Actions as maximum.
apart of a long rest. Whenever you use a lair action, you may instead choose to
Animate Shadow. You animate the shadow to rise against use two at the same time. If you do so, you can not take a
the owner. Target a creature you can see that has a shadow bonus action on your next turn.
within your lair, the target must succeed on a Charisma
saving throw against your Vampire DC or have its shadow You do not die as a result of reaching 6 levels of
detach from it. exhaustion.
The Shadow uses the Shadow statblock, and while it is out
it is an ally to you (Roll initiative for the shadow). After 1 hour
has passed, the shadow is slain, or the owner is slain the
shadow disappears and the creature regains its shadow.
Call Damned. A restless spirit rises and strikes one of your
foes! Choose a creature you can see within your lair, a spirit
using the Spectre statblock rises and makes one attack
against that creature before disappearing.
Command Thralls. Undead creatures of your choice allied
to you within the lair may immediately use their reaction to
make an attack against a creature within range.
No more than 3 undead can attack at once from this
Quick Feast. If a blooded creature you can see is missing
more than half of its maximum hit points, you can draw some
of their lost blood to yourself. You regain one point for your
Blood Pool.
A creature can only be affected by this ability once per day.
Seal Crypt. You target any number of windows or doors
you can see within your lair, you can cause them to open or
close. If a creature wishes to force open a door or window
closed by this feature, they must succeed on an athletics
check against your Vampire DC.
Feral Bloodline Beasts Endurance
An ancient beast stirs within your blood... You are not the Starting at 10th level, your unlocked power grants stronger
picture perfect representation of class and wealth that a lot of skin. Provided you have at least 1 restraint level unlocked,
people tend to associate vampires with... You are a savage you have resistance to nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing and
brute who seeks to tear your victims to shreds and feast on slashing damage.
them like an animal. If you already have resistance to one of the damage types,
this feature turns that resistance into nonmagical immunity.
Restraint Level Unleashed Merits
Upon choosing this archetype at 1st level, you begin to When you reach 14th level, you begin to be able to take on the
unshackle the restraints of your vampirism. aspects of other vampires. When you unlock a new restraint
As a bonus action on your turn, you may unlock a restraint level, you may gain the benefits of a Vampire Merit of your
level. You have a total number of restraint levels equal to your choice until you no longer have that restraint level unlocked.
proficiency bonus, and you start at 0. A restraint level remains
unlocked until you return to level 0 on your turn as an action,
or until you die. You gain the following benefits depending on When Hope Is Lost
your current restraint level unlocked: Finally at 18th level, you are able to achieve the true apex of
Your Vampire Bane is increased by an amount of d4's vampire kind... As an action on your turn and by reducing
equal to twice your current restraint level. This only your HP to 1, you may immediately become your max
applies for your vampire bane dealing damage to you. restraint level. You gain the following benefits:
You suffer a penalty on saving throws against your You are immune to all damage, suffering damage from a
vampire flaws equal to twice your current restraint level. vampire flaw or being exposed to one nullifies this
immunity until the end of your next turn.
Your AC is increased by an amount equal to your current Manifestations have their cost reduced to 0. If the
restraint level. manifestation scales off of points spent, you are
Your movement speeds increase by an amount equal to 5 considered to have spent an amount equal to your
x Your current restrain level. proficiency bonus.
When you take the attack action on your turn, you may Your Blood Pool no longer has a maximum, and can hold
make an additional number of attacks equal to one third of an infinite amount of points.
your restrain level (Rounded down) If a blooded creature dies within 1 mile of you, you gain 1
Manifestations you use cost 1 less blood point to activate blood point.
(Minimum of 1. If your restraint level is 4 or greater, this
minimum becomes 0) At the start of each of your turns, you must expend 1 blood
point or this state ends and you return to restraint level 0.
Feral Skills After exiting this state, you can not use it again until 1 week
has passed.
Upon reaching 3rd level, your bloodline begins to show itself
with some unique skills.
Choose 2 of the following skills: Animal Handling,
Athletics, Perception and Survival. You gain proficiency in the
chosen skill, if you already have proficiency in a chosen skill,
you gain expertise in it instead (You add double your
proficiency bonus to checks made with it)
Tame the Beast
When you reach 6th level in this class, you have begun to
restrain yourself to draw prey closer for the hunt. While at
restraint level 0, you have advantage on non-intimidation
Charisma checks.
While at restraint level 1 or higher, you have advantage on
intimidation checks.
Noble Bloodline
Charm and guile flows within your blood itself. You are the
definition of high class, no one could expect such unholy
tastes beneath your high functioning persona, could they
Air of Superiority
Beginning at 1st level when you choose this archetype, you
gain an air of superiority that is expected of your status.
When you make an ability check or saving throw, you may
choose to add 1d10 to the roll.
Upon using this feature, you may not do so again until
completing a short or long rest. You may use this feature
again early by expending 2 blood points.
Noble Skills
Upon reaching 3rd level, your bloodline begins to show itself
with some unique skills.
Choose 2 of the following skills: Deception, Insight,
Performance and Perception. You gain proficiency in the
chosen skill, if you already have proficiency in a chosen skill,
you gain expertise in it instead (You add double your
proficiency bonus to checks made with it)
Nobles Tongue
Beginning at 6th level, you are adept at communicating with
all walks of life. You can understand all spoken languages,
and creatures who can understand at least 1 language
understand what you are saying.
Save Face
Upon reaching 10th level, you begin to able to stave off your
flaws to maintain your imposing presence. When you would
suffer damage or disadvantage on a roll due to a vampire
flaw, you may choose to negate the damage or disadvantage.
You may use this ability a number of times equal to your
proficiency bonus, you regain all expended uses upon
completing a long rest.
Soothing Guile
Once you reach 14th level, you begin to know how to season
your meals properly with honeyed words and lies. You add
your proficiency bonus on all checks made against creatures
whomst blood you have drunk.
This feature stacks with regular proficiency and expertise.
Noble Aura
Finally at 18th level, you become the icon of class and
nobility. You gain a bonus to all saving throws and ability
checks equal to your vampire ability score.
Phantom Bloodline Skulk
You are a predator through and through... You don't need to Once you reach 6th level, you become more adept at dipping
be a savage beast, you don't need lies and wits... You don't in and out of the shadows. While in an area of dim light or
need magic and you certainly don't need blades. You lay darkness, you can take the hide action as a bonus action.
within the shadows, stalking your prey for the time they are Additionally while in dim light or darkness, all of your
least prepared... speeds increase by 10-feet.

Sinister Strikes Blood to Darkness

Beginning at 1st level, you begin to mark your prey. As a Once you reach 10th level, you begin to spread darkness as
bonus action on your turn, you may mark a creature within you move. As an action and by expending at least one blood
60-feet of you as your prey. You have advantage on checks point, you may dispel all light within 120-feet of you.
made to track your prey, and when you successfully damage If the light is magical, it is not dispelled if it is cast at a
your prey with a weapon attack, you deal 1d6 bonus necrotic higher level than the number of blood points you spent.
The mark lasts for 24 hours or until the creature is slain. Darkness to Blood
You may use this feature a number of times equal to your Beginning at 14th level, you begin to convert the shadows to
proficiency bonus, regaining all expended uses upon that which you so crave. While in an area of dim light or
completing a long rest. darkness, you may gulp down the shadows as an action,
regaining all expended Latent Blood Points.
Phantom Skills Once you use this feature, you may not do so again until
Upon reaching 3rd level, your bloodline begins to show itself you complete a long rest.
with some unique skills.
Choose 2 of the following skills: Acrobatics, Deception, Life Disruption Strikes
Sleight of Hand and Stealth. You gain proficiency in the Finally at 18th level, your attacks begin to take on a visage of
chosen skill, if you already have proficiency in a chosen skill, death as you strike.
you gain expertise in it instead (You add double your While in an area of dim light or darkness, your weapon
proficiency bonus to checks made with it) attacks deal an additional die of necrotic damage, and your
strikes against creatures marked by Sinister Strikes suffer
2d6 bonus damage, rather than 1d6 from that feature.
If you are at 4 or less blood points, your ravenous appetite
is enough to make you get desperate. Allowing this feature to
work even if you are not in dim light or darkness.
Dusk of Serenity
Sage Bloodline When you reach 18th level, you finally understand what
Magic is such a powerful thing... Given your unlimited makes blood magic flow. You learn a 5th level spell of your
lifespan, you were bound to start finding it curious, so why choice from the sorcerer or wizard spell list. You may
not start early! Using the blood that powers your entire being, exchange this spell for another upon completing a long rest.
you fuel dastardly spells to fulfill your dark needs and desires. Your spellcasting ability for this spell is whatever your
Vampire Modifier is.
Forbidden Arcana When you wish to cast this spell, you must expend 10 blood
When you choose this bloodline at 1st level, you begin to points.
understand the forbidden arts of magic. You learn 3 1st level
spells of your choice from the sorcerer or wizard spell list.
You may exchange these spells for other ones upon
completing a long rest.
Your spellcasting ability for these spells is whatever your
Vampire Modifier is.
When you wish to cast one of these spells, you must
expend blood points equal to twice the spells level.
Sage Skills
Upon reaching 3rd level, your bloodline begins to show itself
with some unique skills.
Choose 2 of the following skills: Arcana, Medicine, Nature
and Religion. You gain proficiency in the chosen skill, if you
already have proficiency in a chosen skill, you gain expertise
in it instead (You add double your proficiency bonus to
checks made with it)
Dark Arts
As you reach 6th level, your understanding of Blood Magic
begins to heighten. You learn 2 2nd level spells of your choice
from the sorcerer or wizard spell list. You may exchange
these spells for other ones upon completing a long rest.
Your spellcasting ability for these spells is whatever your
Vampire Modifier is.
When you wish to cast one of these spells, you must
expend 4 blood points.
Black Magic
As you reach 10th level, you begin to grow a deeper respect
for blood magic and what it can do for you. You learn 2 3rd
level spells of your choice from the sorcerer or wizard spell
list. You may exchange these spells for other ones upon
completing a long rest.
Your spellcasting ability for these spells is whatever your
Vampire Modifier is.
When you wish to cast one of these spells, you must
expend 6 blood points.
Shadow Spells
Beginning at 14th level, your magic begins to bubble and
fester, wanting to be unleashed. You learn 4th level spells of
your choice from the sorcerer or wizard spell list. You may
exchange these spells for other ones upon completing a long
Your spellcasting ability for these spells is whatever your
Vampire Modifier is.
When you wish to cast one of these spells, you must
expend 8 blood points.
Warlord Bloodline Techniques of Blood
Ferals are savage but combat is still something to respect... Upon choosing this bloodline at 1st level, you begin to
Warlords desire combat much like those of the Feral develop techniques to better be a skilled fighter.
bloodline, but they have a lot more grace and technique than You gain 2 Superiority Dice, which are d6's. You also learn
those sloppy brutes do. Armed with the finest equipment, 2 maneuvers of your choice from the battle master list. If a
they duel their foes, relishing when they finally face worthy maneuver requires a saving throw, your DC is equal to 8 +
opponents. Your Proficiency Bonus + Your choice of Strength or
Dexterity modifier.
You regain all expended superiority die upon completing a
short or long rest, and upon leveling up in this class, you may
exchange one maneuver you know for another.
Warriors Armory
Additionally upon choosing this bloodline at 1st level, you
gain proficiency in Martial weapons, Heavy Armor, and
Warlord Skills
Upon reaching 3rd level, your bloodline begins to show itself
with some unique skills.
Choose 2 of the following skills: Acrobatics, Athletics,
Investigation and Persuasion. You gain proficiency in the
chosen skill, if you already have proficiency in a chosen skill,
you gain expertise in it instead (You add double your
proficiency bonus to checks made with it)
Growing Skill
Upon reaching 6th level, your fighting skills grow
considerably. You gain an additional superiority die, and they
grow to a d8. You learn one additional maneuver of your
Blood Soaked Combat
Once you reach 10th level, you begin to trade your blood for
further superiority over your foes. When you would expend a
superiority die to use a maneuver, you can instead expend 2
blood points.
Dead Paragon
Beginning at 14th level, your skills have further grown to be
something to behold. You gain an additioanl superiority die,
and they grow to a d10. You learn two additional maneuvers
of your choice.
Drink from the Warrior
Finally at 18th level, you learn how to drain from your foes in
the middle of intense combat. When a creature fails a saving
throw against one of your maneuvers, you gain 1 blood point.
You can not use this feature if you used Blood Soaked
Combat to use the maneuver.
Vampire Flaws Vampire Bane
Your weaknesses as a vampire define you... It's how strapping As a vampire grows in power, so does their weaknesses...
adventurers take you down when faced with your This is represented by your Vampire Bane.
overwhelming power. As mentioned previously, choose any Flaws will specify when they use your Vampire Bane die
number of flaws below (Your choices should reflect your (Typically for calculating damage).
backstory in some way) Your Vampire Bane die is a number of d4's equal to your
You may choose a number of Vampire Merits (Listed on the proficiency bonus. So if your proficiency bonus is 4, then your
next page) equal to the number of flaws you have. You must Bane die would be 4d4.
choose at least 3 flaws.
If you have an idea for a flaw that's not here, talk with your Running Water
DM to see how you two could work it out! If you end your turn in running water (Such as from a stream
If a flaw deals damage to you, you can not benefit from or rain) you suffer your Vampire Bane in acid damage.
immunity or resistance to the damage, or suffer vulnerability
from it (Unless it's apart of another flaw) Spice Allergy
Fear of Holy Speech Choose a common spice or food (Such as Garlic, Salt,
Pepper, Bread, ect) while within 15-feet of the chosen spice or
A creature within 60-feet of you who knows the Celestial food, you have disadvantage on all attack rolls, ability checks,
language can speak it on their turn (No action required) if you and saving throws.
can hear them, you suffer your Vampire Bane in radiant You may choose this flaw multiple times, choosing a
damage. different spice or food each time-to a maximum of three
A creature may damage you this way only once on each of times.
their turns. Your DM can rule that the chosen spice or food isn't
common enough in the particular setting.
You cannot enter a residence without an invitation from one Sunlight Hyper-Sensitivity
of its occupants. Requires Sunlight Sensitivity Flaw
If you attempt to do so, you are shunted away and suffer You suffer your Vampire Bane in radiant damage whenever
your Vampire Bane in force damage. you start your turn in sunlight.
Holy Sensitivity Sunlight Sensitivity
You are vulnerable to radiant damage, and can never benefit You have disadvantage on all attack rolls and ability checks
from immunity or resistance to it. If you deal radiant damage while in sunlight.
to a creature in some way (Through class feature, spell, item
ect) you suffer the same amount of radiant damage you dealt. Stake to the Heart
Metal Allergy If a piercing weapon made of wood is driven into your heart
while you are incapacitated, you become paralyzed until it is
Choose one of the following types of metal: Copper, Gold, removed.
Iron, Platinum or Silver. If a creature critically hits on an attack roll against you with
Whenever you make contact with the chosen metal on your such a weapon, they may lodge it into your heart instead of
turn, you suffer your Vampire Bane in poison damage. This dealing damage.
contact damage may only be taken once per turn.
Weapons made of the metal deal bonus damage equal to Wealth Hatred
your Vampire Bane in poison damage against you.
You may choose this flaw multiple times, choosing a Choose one of the following wealth statuses: Rich or Poor.
different metal each time. You have disadvantage on attack rolls against creatures
who are considered the chosen wealth status, and while
Perfume Aversion within 60-feet of a creature who is of the chosen wealth
status, you have disadvantage on all ability checks and saving
You have disadvantage on attack rolls against any creature throws.
wearing perfume or carrying an open container of it. If you Work with your DM to decide what your Vampire considers
are within 15-feet of a source of perfume, you additionally to fall into each of these classes... Maybe your Vampire
have disadvantage on all ability checks and saving throws. considers anyone with less than 200 gold to be poor? Or they
classify poor as less than 15 gold, and rich to be more than
Reflection Envy 200 gold, with the inbetween being your average person.
No vampire can see their reflection, but you are hit especially
hard by this. Whenever you look into a surface that would
normally reveal your reflection (Such as still water or a
mirror) you suffer your Vampire Bane in psychic damage.
Vampire Merits Mist Travel
Obviously, being a vampire isn't all just flaws... There's You are able to pass through a space as narrow as 1 inch
strengths to it too, the sheer power that would actually make wide without squeezing. When you do so, you transform into
people seek out vampirism despite its potential flaws. mist.
Vampire merits are basically passive effects you possess due
to your unholy nature, and are entirely unaffiliated from your Skills of the Vampire
manifestations, and thus do not influence your current Blood You gain proficiency in 2 additional skills from the Vampire
Pool at all (Unless specified) skill list.
Among the Dead Spider Climb
Creatures with the undead type recognize you as their own, You gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed. You
unless given a reason for provocation (Such as from you are able to move up, down, and across vertical surfaces and
attacking them, or being ordered by their master) they will be upside down along ceilings, while leaving your hands free.
neutral towards you.
Supernatural Speed
Dark Mind Your base walking speed increases by 5-feet, and you can
You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed dash as a bonus action on your turn.
or frightened. When you dash as a bonus action this way, you may not use
your action to dash.
Eyes of Night
You can see in dim light within 120-feet of you as if it were Supernatural Strength
bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light. You You count as one size larger when determining your carrying
discern colors in that darkness as shades of gray. capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
Hungering Bite Turn Immunity
Your fanged maw becomes a weapon. You may attack with Prerequisite: Turn Resistance
your bite when you take the attack action, its damage die is You are immune to effects that turn undead.
1d4 and it deals piercing damage. You may only make one
bite attack each turn. Turn Resistance
Your fangs have the finesse property. When you
successfully hit a creature with this attack, you may You have advantage on saving throws against effects that turn
immediately use your bonus action to feed from them as per undead.
your Bloodthirst ability.
When you reach 6th level in this class, this attack is Unholy Resilience
considered magical for the purposes of overcoming immunity You gain resistance to Cold and Necrotic damage.
and resistance.
When you reach 11th level in this class, this attacks Vampiric Claws
damage die increased to 2d4.
You gain the ability to use your hands as if they were claws.
In Tune with Humanity You may attack with these claws when you take the attack
action, their damage die is 1d6 and they deal slashing
Prerequisite: You do not have "In Tune with the Monster" damage.
The amount of blood drained from your Blood Pool at dusk Your claws have the finesse and light properties. When you
is decreased by 1. successfully hit a creature with your claws, you may grapple
Your Vampire Bane decreases by 1d4. them instead of dealing damage.
When you reach 6th level in this class, this attack is
In Tune with the Monster considered magical for the purposes of overcoming immunity
Prerequisite: You do not have "In Tune with Humanity" and resistance.
Your Blood Pool maximum increases by an amount equal When you reach 11th level in this class, this attacks
to your proficiency bonus. damage die increased to 2d6.
You are aware of the presence of all alive, blooded
creatures within 120-feet of you. This does not tell you their
exact location, but you know they are there and how many
there are.
Fearless Eyes
Unholy Manifestations Prerequisite: 5th Level
Below is a list of all of the Unholy Manifestations you are able As a bonus action and by expending 2 or more blood
to choose from. The rules for the Manifestations are points, your eyes become empowered. For the next hour, you
mentioned previously. can see through magical darkness and illusions.
If the illusion was cast at a higher level than the amount of
Animal Bond blood points you expended, you can not see through it.
As an action and by expending 1 blood point, you cast the
Speak with animals spell. Fetid Speech
Prerequisite: 9th Level
Beast Mask As an action and by expending 3 blood points, you cast
As an action and by expending 1 blood point, you may Speak with Dead.
shapechange into a bat or a wolf. You can not use equipment
while in either form, however you can use any feature you Memory Shaper
gain from this class while in them. Prerequisite: 13th Level
While you are a bat, you gain a flying speed equal to your As an action and by expending 10 or more blood points
normal forms base walking speed. (Maximum of 18) you may cast the Modify Memory spell on a
While you are a wolf, you are considered to always be creature you have charmed. They have disadvantage on their
under the effects of the dash action. saving throw against it.
For every hour you remain in one of these forms, you must For every 2 bloodpoints you spend, you cast it at a level
expend an additional blood point to remain in it, or the form higher than 5th (12 = 6th level, 14 = 7th level, ect)
ends. You revert to your true form if you die or end it early as
a bonus action. Minds Tricks
Charm As an action and by expending 2 blood points, you replicate
the effects of the Silent Image spell, using your vampire DC.
Prerequisite: 7th Level Beginning at 11th level, you may instead expend 6 blood
As an action and by expending 1 blood point, you may points to replicate the effects of the Major Image spell, also
attempt to magically charm a humanoid within 30-feet of you using your vampire DC.
who can see you. The creature must succeed on a Wisdom
saving throw or become charmed by you. If the target Misty Escape
succeeds, they cannot be charmed by this feature for 24
hours. Prerequisite: 9th Level
While charmed this way, the creature regards you as a When you are reduced to 0 HP, provided you are not under
trusted friend to be heeded and protected. Although the the effects of one of your vampire flaws, you may turn into a
creature isn't under your control, it takes your requests cloud of mist. If you can not turn into a cloud of mist or you
favorably, and is a willing target for your Bloodthirst ability. choose not to, you begin making death saving throws as
Each time you or one of your companions do anything normal.
harmful to the target, it can repeat the saving throw, ending While in mist form, you have a flying speed of 30-feet and
the effect on itself on a success. Otherwise, the effect lasts 1 are immune to all damage and conditions. If air can pass
hour or until you die, are on a different plane of existence through a space, you can too, but you can't pass through
than the target, or you take a bonus action to end the effect. water.
You may extend the duration of the charm on a creature by If you make it to your Resting Place within 2-hours of
1 hour by expending 1 point from your blood pool. becoming mist, you revert to your true form and become
stable. Regaining 1 hitpoint after an hour has passed. If you
Children of the Night can not make it to your Resting Place in time, you die.
As an action and by expending 3 blood points, you may call Predator
forth creatures of the night to come to your aid. 1d4 rounds
after using this feature, 2d4 swarms of bats or rats (Your Prerequisite: 11th Level
choice) come to your aid. As an action and by expending 1 blood point while in an
The swarms are your ally and remain for 1 hour. They area of dim light or darkness, you become Invisible. You
disperse early if you call a new swarm or if you dismiss them remain invisible until you step into an area of bright light or
(No action required) You can not use this feature if you are until you attack a creature.
affected by one of your Vampire flaws. While invisible from this feature, you can not be detected
by divination magic, and your movements make no sound.
Deaths Speed
As a bonus action you may expend a number of blood points
up to twice your proficiency bonus.
For each blood point expended, your speed increases by
10-feet for 1 minute.
Regeneration Unholy Heart
At the start of your turn, provided you have at least 1 hit As a bonus action you may expend a number of blood points
point, you may expend a blood point (No action required) if up to your proficiency bonus, for each point expended, your
you do so, you immediately recover your Vampire Bane in hit Constitution score and Constitution score maximum
points. increases by 1.
You can not use this feature if you suffered radiant damage This lasts a number of minutes equal to your level in this
or were under the detriments of one of your vampire flaws in class.
the past round.
Unholy Might
Skin Mask As a bonus action you may expend a number of blood points
As an action and by expending 1 blood point, you may up to your proficiency bonus, for each point expended, your
shapechange into a new humanoid form. You may choose all Strength score and Strength score maximum increases by 1.
the details of this form, their gender, height, weight, This lasts a number of minutes equal to your level in this
appearance, ect. Your statistics do not change however. class.
For every hour you remain in this shapechange, you must
expend an additional blood point to remain in it, or the form Unholy Sight
ends. You revert to your true form if you die or end it early as As a bonus action you may expend a number of blood points
a bonus action. up to your proficiency bonus, for each point expended, your
If you have spent a total of 250 hours over the course of 30 Wisdom score and Wisdom score maximum increases by 1.
days in a single form from this feature, it becomes a signature This lasts a number of minutes equal to your level in this
form. You still require to spend a blood point to enter the class.
form, but you can remain in that form for an unlimited
amount of time without spending additional blood points.
Unholy Speech
Spawn of Death As a bonus action you may expend a number of blood points
Prerequisite: 3rd Level up to your proficiency bonus, for each point expended, your
When you kill a creature using your Bloodthirst ability, you Charisma score and Charisma score maximum increases by
may choose to reanimate them. By expending 1 blood point, 1.
the creature will rise as a Zombie after 1d6 rounds. This lasts a number of minutes equal to your level in this
Undead raised this way obey your every command and last class.
for 24 hours before crumbling. If they are within your Resting
Place, this timer is suspended until they leave your Resting Unholy Wits
Place As a bonus action you may expend a number of blood points
When you reach certain levels in this class, you may up to your proficiency bonus, for each point expended, your
expend more blood points to raise stronger undead. Intelligence score and Intelligence score maximum increases
Level 5. 2 Blood Points, Shadow. by 1.
Level 9. 3 Blood Points, Ghoul. This lasts a number of minutes equal to your level in this
Level 13. 4 Blood Points, Wight. class.
Level 17. 5 Blood Points, Vampire Spawn.
Level 20. 24 Blood Points. The creature becomes a true Unkillable
vampire, they are not under your control in any way and will
not crumble. Either use the Vampire statblock or make them When you begin your turn with 0 HP, before making death
a 1st level Fable Vampire (Dm discretion) saving throws you may expend 1 blood point (No action
required) If you do so, you immediately recover 1 HP.
As an action and by expending 3 blood points, you end an Vampires Invincibility
effect causing you to be Charmed or Frightened. As an action and by expending 6 blood points, you may
immediately regrow a lost limb or appendage.
Unholy Form
As a bonus action you may expend a number of blood points Vampyrs Hidden Path
up to your proficiency bonus, for each point expended, your As a bonus action, you may expend 1 blood point to teleport
Dexterity score and Dexterity score maximum increases by 1. to an unoccupied location within 30-feet of you.
This lasts a number of minutes equal to your level in this
Legendary Traits
Here you will find the Legendary actions that only an
Vampire of the appropriate level can learn (If a Vampire
specific Legendary action requires 2 actions, you must be a
level 11 Vampire to know it for example)
Call Lair
Cost: 2 Actions
If you are within your resting place, you use a legendary
action available to it.
Flee Weakness
Cost: 1 Action
If you can see a vampire flaw, you may move up to twice
your speed without provoking attacks of opportunity. You
must end this movement further away from the flaw then you
Light Snack
Cost: 1 Action
You use Bloodthirst on an eligible creature.
Soul Summon
Cost: 3 Actions
If you have the Soulthirst ability (Detailed below) then you
use Legions of the Damned.
Unholy Power
Cost: 2 Actions
You use a Vampiric manifestation that has a usage time of
1 action or bonus action.
Legions of the Damned
I want to make this completely clear so no one Any soul that you have within their soul sanctum can be
complains about how broken it is... This is summoned by you as an action, the souls use their statistics
completely optional and is ill advised to be used they had before death and are an ally to you, obeying your
for every vampire. The point of it is for people who every command and they are unable to be controlled by
want to be even more high powered, and the DM is anyone else by any means.
fine with it for the solo game in particular. You can summon a number of souls at once with this
Soulthirsting is meant to be a reference to feature equal to your vampire ability modifier (Minimum of 1).
Alucard from Hellsing Ultimate, and allows a player Despite the limit on summoning them at once, you can have
to replicate the sheer durability and army an indefinite amount of souls summoned from their soul
summoning he could achieve. sanctum via this feature.
Souls summoned this way are permanently freed if they
are reduced to 0 HP, and you can not re-add them to their
soul sanctum. You can dismiss any and all active souls as a
Soulthirst free action on their turn, doing so returns them to the
Everything you find on this page is completely optional, it is sanctum.
not something intended to be used for every Fable Vampire Summoned souls can not be healed by any means, and
and a vampire with these features will be extraordinarily while inactive in the soul sanctum, they recover health at a
more powerful than normal, even by Fable standards. rate of 1 HP per 24 hours.
Soulthirst is a feature in which a vampire can consume the
souls of those they kill, storing them within a reservoir known Siphon Soul
as the Soul Sanctum. Vampires who use and abuse the soul Finally, using the Soul Sanctum you are able to achieve a
sanctum are almost entirely evil. Because while drinking visage of true immortality and invincibility. At any time and
blood is still a hostile thing, a vampire could still maintain regardless of current circumstances you may permanently
their morality and goodness while doing it since it's out of destroy a soul within your sanctum, doing so causes you to
survival... But using the soul sanctum involves inprisoning recover HP equal to the souls current HP within the
and destroying souls permanently, it is undoubtedly an evil sanctum, regenerate all missing limbs or body parts you may
thing. possess, and you may end any conditions on yourself.
The Soulthirst is something exceedingly rare as it is You may even use this feature when dead, causing you to
powerful, less than 0.1% of vampires possess it, and a large return to life. To do so there must be at least a scrap of your
majority don't even know it exists (Even the most seasoned of body remaining, no matter how small. You return to life from
vampire hunters may be unaware of the soulthirst) that scrap, regenerating your body in full. An example of
So with that in mind... How does someone even get the which you could not return to life from are being burned to a
Soulthirst? Well, remember how it was earlier mentioned that crisp or being disintegrated.
a way to become a vampire was a kiss of true love from a Paranoid soulthirst vampires could theoretically tear off a
succubus? Well, to get the Soulthirst, a mortal must receive a finger and hide it away somewhere, so if something does
kiss of true love from a succubus queen (Such as Malcanthet) destroy their true body, they could regenerate from the finger
Needless to say that is borderline impossible, to achieve or other body part they hid away.
genuine love with a queen of lust... But some mortals have
managed it before, and those mortals became vampires with True Weakness
the Soulthirst.
This is something to work out with the DM. But every
Soul Sanctum soulthirst vampire has a very unique and strange weakness
that renders them unable to call on their soul sanctum.
If you kill a humanoid with your bloodthirst ability, you can The weakness tends to be extremely specific and difficult
consume their soul too, adding them to an endless pit within to figure out... Perhaps your true weakness is for someone to
yourself known as the soul sanctum. A vampires soul sing a specific song in a specific language, or to be struck in
sanctum can have an unlimited number of souls in it. Souls the knee by a spike made of adamantine.
within the soul sanctum can not be resurrected by any means When exposed to your true weakness, you can not access
short of a wish spell or divine intervention, upon which they your soul sanctum in any way until a minute has passed
are freed from the sanctum. without you being exposed to your true weakness.(Meaning
Beginning at 10th level, you do not need to kill a creature no healing, and if you die while unable to access your soul
directly to consume their soul. By consuming a hit die worth sanctum, you will not be able to use your soul sanctum to
of blood from a humanoid that has died within the past 24 revive yourself)
hours, you consume their soul and add them to the soul
Mythical Magic Essence of Magic
A lot of fans of D&D 5th edition hold the opinion that magic Replaces Spell Slots
and the caster classes are stronger than martial ones. Casters wielding Mythical Magic instead of Vancian Magic
Whether that is true or not is up for debate, however what use a resource known as Essence instead of Spell slots to
isn't up for debate is how magic and caster classes just have fuel their spells. Essence works very similar to the variant
much more interesting options in and out of combat. Spell Point system if you are familiar with that.
Fixing that is a project for another update, but in You expend an amount of essence dependant on the spells
Legendary PCs, there is a major issue with caster classes level to cast it, and you may upcast the spell as normal by
beyond their frailty... It's their resources. expending more essence.
A Legendary Martial character will always be quite potent, Your characters essence maximum is determined by their
being able to unleash high damage weapon attacks multiple class. Below you can find the essence costs for each spell.
times a turn and have a high AC to boast, even without any
class features remaining. But casters? Once out of spell slots New Spell Costs
all they have is their cantrips which... Aren't as reliable Spell Level Essence Cost
compared to weapons to say the least. 1st 3
The goal of Mythical Magic is to fix this resource issue that
caster classes have, by drastically reworking the spell slot 2nd 5
system and how you cast spells. 3rd 8
4th 10
The Goal of This 5th 13
Here are the key goals of this rework: 6th 15
Make magic feel much more visceral and impactful to the 7th 18
caster. 8th 20
Make Casters move away from rests in general, and focus 9th 23
on a more solo friendly style.
Make D&D casting feel closer to casting from many other Replenishing Essence
sources of media. Essence is meant to be a fast draining but also fast
replenishing casting system, allowing casters to unleash
powerful spells much more frequently.
Note on All of This Initiative. Essence is a chaotic force that reacts with the
I heavily advise against using this in non-solo users adrenaline, it regenerates much faster while in
settings. It will make the casters significantly initiative. At the beginning of each of a casters turns while in
stronger than any other martial party members, and initiative, they restore expended essence-the amount depends
it trivializes caster resource management. on which caster class they have the most levels in (If there is
The point is that casters when in a solo setting a tie, you use the higher value)
will quickly chew through all of their slots since Out of Combat. Essence lays much more dormant when
they have to do everything on their own, and then not in combat. You regain 1 expended essence every 10
they'll be useless. minutes - Your Spellcasting ability modifier (Minimum of 1
As with every feature in this document that adds minute) when not in combat. While taking a short or long
on to the power of a Legendary PC, this is optional.
If you don't like it, it's as simple as not using it!
rest, you recover expended essence twice as fast.
Although make sure to communicate this with
your player. Class Essence
Every Class has a different amount of essence to their name,
you use the essence total detailed below for your appropriate
class. If you are multiclassed between multiple caster classes,
you add together their essence totals for your appropriate
The "Essence Tables" for each class is on the following
Artificer Essence Bard Essence
Artificer Level Essence Per Turn Essence Maximum Bard Level Essence Per Turn Essence Maximum
1st +1 3 Maximum Essence 1st +1 4 Maximum Essence
2nd +1 4 Maximum Essence 2nd +1 6 Maximum Essence
3rd +1 5 Maximum Essence 3rd +2 8 Maximum Essence
4th +1 6 Maximum Essence 4th +2 10 Maximum Essence
5th +2 8 Maximum Essence 5th +3 12 Maximum Essence
6th +2 9 Maximum Essence 6th +3 14 Maximum Essence
7th +2 10 Maximum Essence 7th +3 16 Maximum Essence
8th +2 11 Maximum Essence 8th +3 18 Maximum Essence
9th +2 13 Maximum Essence 9th +4 20 Maximum Essence
10th +2 14 Maximum Essence 10th +4 22 Maximum Essence
11th +3 15 Maximum Essence 11th +4 24 Maximum Essence
12th +3 16 Maximum Essence 12th +4 26 Maximum Essence
13th +3 18 Maximum Essence 13th +5 28 Maximum Essence
14th +3 19 Maximum Essence 14th +5 30 Maximum Essence
15th +3 20 Maximum Essence 15th +5 32 Maximum Essence
16th +3 21 Maximum Essence 16th +5 34 Maximum Essence
17th +4 23 Maximum Essence 17th +6 36 Maximum Essence
18th +4 24 Maximum Essence 18th +6 38 Maximum Essence
19th +4 25 Maximum Essence 19th +6 40 Maximum Essence
20th +4 26 Maximum Essence 20th +6 42 Maximum Essence

Artificer Explanation Bard Explanation

Artificers are half-casters that rely on their magic just a little Bard falls into the same category of druid as having a mixed
bit more than the other half-casters, that combined with the essence table. The middleground between Cleric and
fact that Artificer actually gets their casting at level 1 leads Warlock of having a better regen rate than cleric but a lower
most people to refer to them as a 2/3rd caster instead. essence maximum.
Artificers have a stronger essence maximum and essence The choice for that is because Bards also have pretty
recovery rate than the other half-casters because of this, but decent base and subclass features, however they aren't as
they are still inferior in both departments compared to the good as clerics and aren't as desolate as Sorcerer/Wizard.
full casters. They start at 4 maximum essence and every level after they
Artificer begins at 1 essence regained per turn and then gain 2 maximum essence to end themselves off at 42, and
increases by 1 every time a new "tier" of play begins (Widely their essence per turn starts at 1 and then becomes equal to
considered to be levels 5, 11, and 17 as key milestones) For their base proficiency bonus starting at level 3.
the maximum essence, they start at 3 and gain 1 every level. For homebrew full caster classes (None are in this
Whenever their proficiency bonus would naturally increase, document yet) use the Bard table above to determine their
they gain 2 instead. essence if you want to use the essence rules for said caster
Cleric Essence Druid Essence
Cleric Level Essence Per Turn Essence Maximum Druid Level Essence Per Turn Essence Maximum
1st +1 5 Maximum Essence 1st +1 4 Maximum Essence
2nd +1 7 Maximum Essence 2nd +1 6 Maximum Essence
3rd +1 11 Maximum Essence 3rd +2 8 Maximum Essence
4th +1 13 Maximum Essence 4th +2 10 Maximum Essence
5th +2 17 Maximum Essence 5th +3 12 Maximum Essence
6th +2 19 Maximum Essence 6th +3 14 Maximum Essence
7th +2 23 Maximum Essence 7th +3 16 Maximum Essence
8th +2 25 Maximum Essence 8th +3 18 Maximum Essence
9th +3 28 Maximum Essence 9th +4 20 Maximum Essence
10th +3 30 Maximum Essence 10th +4 22 Maximum Essence
11th +3 33 Maximum Essence 11th +4 24 Maximum Essence
12th +3 35 Maximum Essence 12th +4 26 Maximum Essence
13th +3 37 Maximum Essence 13th +5 28 Maximum Essence
14th +4 39 Maximum Essence 14th +5 30 Maximum Essence
15th +4 42 Maximum Essence 15th +5 32 Maximum Essence
16th +4 44 Maximum Essence 16th +5 34 Maximum Essence
17th +5 47 Maximum Essence 17th +6 36 Maximum Essence
18th +5 49 Maximum Essence 18th +6 38 Maximum Essence
19th +5 52 Maximum Essence 19th +6 40 Maximum Essence
20th +5 54 Maximum Essence 20th +6 42 Maximum Essence

Cleric Explanation Druid Explanation

Clerics fall into my "Slow regeneration but high base Druid functions off of the same logic as the bard! They are
essence" category. They start at 5 essence, and every even the middleground, having a bit of a lower essence maximum
level they gain +2 maximum essence, while at every odd level then cleric but with a higher regeneration rate. They start at 4
they gain +3 maximum essence. And their essence maximum essence and every level after they gain 2 maximum
regeneration per turn is scaled at a rate of being 1 less than essence to end themselves off at 42, and their essence per
their natural proficiency bonus. turn starts at 1 and then becomes equal to their base
Clerics are one of the caster classes that also contain a lot proficiency bonus starting at level 3.
of very useful base class and subclass features, and are quite
frankly the most martial-like full caster. So their numbers for
casting are a bit lower to compensate.
Paladin Essence Ranger Essence
Paladin Level Essence Per Turn Essence Maximum Ranger Level Essence Per Turn Essence Maximum
1st +0 0 Maximum Essence 1st +0 0 Maximum Essence
2nd +1 3 Maximum Essence 2nd +1 3 Maximum Essence
3rd +1 5 Maximum Essence 3rd +1 5 Maximum Essence
4th +1 5 Maximum Essence 4th +1 5 Maximum Essence
5th +1 7 Maximum Essence 5th +1 7 Maximum Essence
6th +1 7 Maximum Essence 6th +1 7 Maximum Essence
7th +2 9 Maximum Essence 7th +2 9 Maximum Essence
8th +2 9 Maximum Essence 8th +2 9 Maximum Essence
9th +2 11 Maximum Essence 9th +2 11 Maximum Essence
10th +2 11 Maximum Essence 10th +2 11 Maximum Essence
11th +2 13 Maximum Essence 11th +2 13 Maximum Essence
12th +2 13 Maximum Essence 12th +2 13 Maximum Essence
13th +2 15 Maximum Essence 13th +2 15 Maximum Essence
14th +2 15 Maximum Essence 14th +2 15 Maximum Essence
15th +3 17 Maximum Essence 15th +3 17 Maximum Essence
16th +3 17 Maximum Essence 16th +3 17 Maximum Essence
17th +3 19 Maximum Essence 17th +3 19 Maximum Essence
18th +3 19 Maximum Essence 18th +3 19 Maximum Essence
19th +3 21 Maximum Essence 19th +3 21 Maximum Essence
20th +3 21 Maximum Essence 20th +3 21 Maximum Essence

Paladin Explanation Ranger Explanation

Ah Paladin, the class that feels much more like a mixture of Ignoring the fact that I trashtalked Ranger in the Paladin
martial and magical abilities than the ranger. They have a section to the left, the two are exactly the same in terms of
much slower essence recovery rate than full casters while their essence progression. They are both half-casters that use
also having a smaller essence pool, this is due to them also magic to augment their martial abilities, so their essence
being able to rely on their martial abilities. tables are weaker than full casters.
The essence per turn starts at 1 and increases to 2 at 7th The essence per turn starts at 1 and increases to 2 at 7th
level and 3 at 15th level. You start at 3 maximum essence and level and 3 at 15th level. You start at 3 maximum essence and
every odd level you gain 2 maximum essence... I realize that every odd level you gain 2 maximum essence... I realize that
this is the exact same as just gaining 1 essence per level, so this is the exact same as just gaining 1 essence per level, so
you can do that if you want. you can do that if you want.
For homebrew half-caster classes (Such as the Siphoner
class mentioned earlier in the document) use the Paladin
table for determining their essence if you want to use the
essence rules with the class.
Sorcerer Essence Warlock Essence
Sorcerer Level Essence Per Turn Essence Maximum Warlock Level Essence Per Turn Essence Maximum
1st +2 4 Maximum Essence 1st 1d4 3 Maximum Essence
2nd +2 6 Maximum Essence 2nd 1d4 6 Maximum Essence
3rd +3 8 Maximum Essence 3rd 1d4 8 Maximum Essence
4th +3 10 Maximum Essence 4th 1d4 8 Maximum Essence
5th +3 12 Maximum Essence 5th 1d6 12 Maximum Essence
6th +3 14 Maximum Essence 6th 1d6 12 Maximum Essence
7th +4 16 Maximum Essence 7th 1d6 15 Maximum Essence
8th +4 18 Maximum Essence 8th 1d6 15 Maximum Essence
9th +4 20 Maximum Essence 9th 1d8 19 Maximum Essence
10th +4 22 Maximum Essence 10th 1d8 19 Maximum Essence
11th +5 24 Maximum Essence 11th 1d8 22 Maximum Essence
12th +5 26 Maximum Essence 12th 1d8 22 Maximum Essence
13th +6 28 Maximum Essence 13th 1d10 24 Maximum Essence
14th +6 30 Maximum Essence 14th 1d10 24 Maximum Essence
15th +7 32 Maximum Essence 15th 1d10 24 Maximum Essence
16th +7 34 Maximum Essence 16th 1d10 24 Maximum Essence
17th +7 36 Maximum Essence 17th 1d12 26 Maximum Essence
18th +7 38 Maximum Essence 18th 1d12 26 Maximum Essence
19th +8 40 Maximum Essence 19th 1d12 26 Maximum Essence
20th +8 42 Maximum Essence 20th 1d12 26 Maximum Essence

Sorcerer Explanation Warlock Explanation

This section is repeated in the Wizard explanation. Warlocks cast differently then every other caster class, they
Sorcerers fall into a unique category in this that are only quite frankly just work strangely due to the nature of their
shared by wizard. They are much more intertwined with magic. And in this system where every caster can much more
magic then the other casters, and they have far less base quickly regenerate magic, their whole shtick of recovering
features and in a good amount of scenarios, less class spell slots on a short rest is no longer useful.
features. But I don't want to just make warlocks the same as every
This is because they rely entirely on their spells. Which is other caster class, they deserve to be much more special then
why both Sorcerer and Wizard have stronger essence tables that... In their essence per turn column, they have a dice
then every other full caster class. This is also to help instead, known as their "Essence Recovery Dice"
compensate for them having the weakest hit die. At the beginning of each of their turns, they roll the dice
Sorcerer focuses on having the highest regeneration rate and recover an amount of essence equal to the number rolled.
of every caster class, because they are their magic. Despite If they roll a 1 however, they recover no essence.
their high essence recover rate, their essence maximum is Once your die becomes 1d8, you do not recover essence on
also quite decent-being the same as Bard and Druid. a roll of 1 or 2.
Your Mystic Arcanum feature remains unchanged, and you
can still only cast spells of 1st through 5th level with your
pact magic.
Wizard Essence Arcane Trickster/Eldritch Knight Essence
Wizard Level Essence Per Turn Essence Maximum AT/EK Level Essence Per Turn Essence Maximum
1st +2 5 Maximum Essence 1st 0 0 Maximum Essence
2nd +2 8 Maximum Essence 2nd 0 0 Maximum Essence
3rd +2 11 Maximum Essence 3rd +1 3 Maximum Essence
4th +2 14 Maximum Essence 4th +1 3 Maximum Essence
5th +3 17 Maximum Essence 5th +1 5 Maximum Essence
6th +3 20 Maximum Essence 6th +1 5 Maximum Essence
7th +3 23 Maximum Essence 7th +1 7 Maximum Essence
8th +3 26 Maximum Essence 8th +1 7 Maximum Essence
9th +4 29 Maximum Essence 9th +1 7 Maximum Essence
10th +4 32 Maximum Essence 10th +1 7 Maximum Essence
11th +4 35 Maximum Essence 11th +2 9 Maximum Essence
12th +4 38 Maximum Essence 12th +2 9 Maximum Essence
13th +5 41 Maximum Essence 13th +2 11 Maximum Essence
14th +5 44 Maximum Essence 14th +2 11 Maximum Essence
15th +5 47 Maximum Essence 15th +2 13 Maximum Essence
16th +5 50 Maximum Essence 16th +2 13 Maximum Essence
17th +6 53 Maximum Essence 17th +2 15 Maximum Essence
18th +6 56 Maximum Essence 18th +2 15 Maximum Essence
19th +6 59 Maximum Essence 19th +2 15 Maximum Essence
20th +6 62 Maximum Essence 20th +2 15 Maximum Essence

Wizard Explanation AT and EK Explanation

This section is repeated in the Sorcerer explanation. Ah the glorious 1/3rd caster, the subclasses for those who
Wizards fall into a unique category in this that are only want to play a full martial but at the same time still want
shared by sorcerer. They are much more intertwined with spells. Boasting the weakest essence recovery rate and
magic then the other casters, and they have far less base essence maximum, this is easily compensated by the fact that
features and in a good amount of scenarios, less subclass they are still full martial classes.
features. This starts at 1 essence regained before increasing to 2 at
This is because they rely entirely on their spells. Which is level 11. Then their maximum starts at 3 and increases by 2
why both Sorcerer and Wizard have stronger essence tables every odd level except for levels 9 and 19.
then every other full caster class. This is also to help
compensate for them having the weakest hit die.
Wizard focuses on having the highest maximum essence of
every caster class, because they have studied magic more in
depth than anyone else. Despite their high essence
maximum, they still have an essence recovery rate equal to
Bard and Druids.
Miscellaneous Additions Desperate Casting
This page contains a variety of changes/updates to features I mentioned at the beginning of this that I wanted to make
that require adjusting with this new system of magic, and the magic feel more visceral, and while I do feel these rules help
Desperate Casting feature. magic feel more flexible and wild... It's not really nailing the
visceral feeling, at least not yet. That's the purpose of this.
Conversion of Slots When a mage is low on essence and they desperately need
A number of classes have features that rely on spell slots, to cast a spell, they are still able to cast the spell!.. But at dire
however they may not even be inherently magical, they cost. They expend all their current essence and then keep in
expend spell slots to produce other effects. mind the required essence remaining for the spell.
Refer to the New Spell Costs table on the first page of They cast the spell as normal, but then the consequences
Mythical Magic when determining how much essence to strike them, roll on the following table:
expend for these features. d8 Affected Trait
Examples of features this effects is things such as Paladins 1 Strength
Divine Smite, creating a new Eldritch Cannon from the
Artillerist Artificer subclass after you already expended your 2 Dexterity
uses, Moon Druids bonus action healing, and such. 3 Constitution
4 Intelligence
Sorcery Points
5 Wisdom
Sorcery points heavily interacts with spell slots when using
the Font of Magic feature. The intention of this adjustment is 6 Charisma
to still make Font of Magic feel useful while not overpowered. 7 Maximum Health
Update. As a bonus action on your turn, you may convert 1 8 Roll Twice More
or more sorcery points into essence. For every sorcery point Depending on whatever is rolled, you lose an amount of that
expended, you regain essence equal to your proficiency bonus ability score equal to the remaining essence needed for the
(You are unable to exceed your essence maximum as normal) spell. If you roll maximum health, you instead lose an amount
You can not convert essence into sorcery points.
equal to 5 times the essence remaining.
Multiclassing If you roll an 8, you roll two more times, ignoring future 8's.
However the penalty to each score is halved (Rounded up) so
This part is a mini-guideline for multiclassing two caster the overall penalty is still basically the same, just split
classes that use essence casting together. amongst two scores.
Level Dominance. When multiclassing two caster classes, Say a mage wanted to cast a 5th level spell but they only
add the levels of all your caster classes together, then look at had 5 essence remaining, they could cast the spell but that 8
the table for whichever caster class you have the most levels essence would need to come from somewhere. So they roll
in (You choose if it is a tie) You use that table for determining 1d8 and roll a 3, meaning their Constitution score receives a
your essence per turn and essence maximum. -8 penalty.
If you were previously tied in caster class levels, and you A mages ability score can not be reduced below 1 from this
chose one class to use the table for but then another caster feature, if they would be reduced below 1, then they roll again
class surpasses the current one used, then you must switch to and apply it to a new score. If every score of theirs is at 1, they
the surpassing one. die.
Half-Casters. As a reminder, half-casters (Paladin/Ranger) At the end of every long rest, a mage restores lost stats of
have their caster level treated as half their actual level their choice equal to their proficiency bonus. Their Maximum
(Rounded down) when it comes to multiclassing. Artificer is health restored is multiplied by 5.
the same, however it rounds up instead of down.
Arcane Tricksters and Eldritch Knights are one third of
their level (Rounded down) when it comes to multiclassing
Spell Level Casting. These rules remain unchanged, if you
are a 6th level bard and 5th level druid, while you may be an
11th level caster, the strongest spells you can cast are 3rd
level (Although you may still upcast up to 6th if you wish)
Warlock. Track Warlock separately from your other caster
classes, pact magic is different than spellcasting. It'll get
confusing, but your warlock essence is separate from your
regular essence.
Tier Unlock Levels
Auric Emotions Character Level Tier
Every sentient creature has emotions, they are a basic part of 1st Tier 1
life. Creatures of the legendary level experience them much 5th Tier 2
more... Vividly to say the least. Their emotional states are
empowered, they become as strong as any blade or armor. 9th Tier 3
13th Tier 4
Emotion Trees 17th Tier 5
Emotions are broken up into Emotion Trees . Each tree
represents some intense emotion your character may have,
like Love or Anger. Each tree has traits that a character can More Trait Information
take and use to grow even stronger. A single character can Emotion Traits gained from your Emotion Trees
only have traits from up to 3 different trees. can be... Well they can really be anything. They can
Example: Lin is a Level 5 Legendary Paladin of Conquest. be passive effects like damage resistances, or
She is on a quest to avenge the death of her sister who was active effects like innate spellcasting. They can
the only thing left in the world she cared about. To represent even be additional legendary action options.
this, she chose her Auric emotions to be Anger, Auric Emotions that give you an additional
Determination, and Love (Although Sadness is still a fitting option for your legendary actions will be noted
replacement for love) with an (LA) in the traits name.

Emotion Traits
Every odd numbered overall level (Not a specific classes level List of Emotions
if you are a multiclass) your emotions grow. This is
represented by you taking an Emotion trait from one of the Below you can find a list of all currently available Auric
trees your character can take from. Emotions, more will be added as this document is updated of
For clarification, these are the following levels at which you course.
can take an emotion trait: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 and 19. Anger (Offense and Durability)
Emotion traits are broken up into 5 tiers, each one
representing a level of power above the previous. In order to Determination (Refusing Death and Failure)
take an emotion trait in a higher tier than 1, you must meet Excitement (Movement and Offense)
the level prerequisite for the tier, and you must have the
previous tier in that tree. Fear (Debuffing and Illusions)
Example: Lin is level 5 as previously stated, and it's at this
level she can start taking tier 2 Emotion traits. The traits she Kindness (Buffing and Healing)
has already taken are in the Anger and Determination trees. Love (Companionship and Buffing)
Her Level 5 trait could be a tier 2 from either the Anger or
Determination trees, However she could not choose a tier 2 Sadness (Debuffing and Durability)
trait from the Love tree. This is because she doesn't have a
tier 1 love trait yet.
Meaning she can choose a tier 1 or 2 trait from Anger or Emotion DC
Determination, or a tier 1 trait from Love for this level.
Emotions are often associated with Charisma in 5e,
and that's not a bad thing... But at the same time
Is this Necessary? that makes this whole system really limiting in
terms of builds. Which is why I decided to have it
Something I'm inevitably expecting is people who
work for any mental score.
don't like this feature, and that's completely fine! It
Your Emotion DC is equal to 8 + Your
doesn't fit for every game, setting, or even every
Proficiency Bonus + Your Highest Mental Score
character. Just because you don't like this feature
(Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisa)
though, doesn't mean you should just not use
Legendary PCs if you were thinking about it.
This feature is entirely optional, you, as a DM,
can choose whether or not you'll allow your player
to use it. The intention is to give the player
character more tools and abilities in order to lessen
the power gap between solo play and group play
aside from just adding legendary actions.
If you don't like it, you can just decide to not use
it and use the rest of what you find/like in the
Inner Rage
Anger Tier 3
Anger is a powerful and chaotic emotion, one that causes you You gain a single usage of the Barbarian classes Rage
to fuel yourself on instinct alone. Giving into anger is feature. If you already have that feature, you gain an
dangerous but potentially oh so delicious. additional usage for it and your rage damage bonus increases
by 1.
Armor of Anger
Tier 1 Pursuit of Hatred
Whenever a creature successfully damages you with a Tier 3
weapon attack, you may use your reaction to make a weapon When moving towards creatures you are hostile to, every 2
attack against them. If the attack hits, instead of doing feet of movement only requires 1 foot of movement for you.
damage, you reduce the amount of damage of their attack to
0. Rip and Tear
Explosive Aggression Tier 4
When you reduce a creature to 0 HP, you may immediately
Tier 1 use your bonus action to make a weapon attack or cast a
Whenever you successfully hit a creature with a weapon cantrip.
attack, you may roll 1d8. If you roll an 8 on the die, you deal
an additional 8 damage of the weapons type to the target Rising Anger
Tier 4
Short Fuse Whenever you make an ability check, if the checks modifier
is lower than your intimidation modifier, you may use your
Tier 1 intimidation modifier instead.
Whenever you make an Intimidation check, you may
instead make a weapon attack in place of the check. This Threatening Aura
weapon attack can not target a creature, and instead is a
show of intimidation for the purposes of the check. Tier 4
When a creature deals damage to you, you may use your
Force Hate (LA) reaction to force them to make a wisdom saving throw with
the DC being equal to the damage they just dealt. On a failed
Tier 2 save, they become frightened of you until the end of their next
(1 Action) - Choose one creature that you can see within turn.
120-feet of you. You may invoke a feeling of hatred towards
yourself with that person. Endless Anger
If the creature does not take a harmful action against you
on their next turn (Such as forcing you to make a saving Tier 5
throw or at least attempting to attack you) then they suffer Whenever you roll the maximum result on a damage die
psychic damage equal to twice your proficiency bonus. for a weapon attack, you may roll the die again and add the
result to the damage (This can scale infinitely)
Fury's Guidance
Tier 2 Invoke Aggression (LA)
You have advantage on saving throws against being Tier 5
charmed or frightened. (2 Actions) - Make an athletics (Strength) or intimidation
(Charisma) check, all creatures within 60-feet must succeed
Unrestrained on a Wisdom saving throw with the DC being equal to your
Tier 2 On a failed save, a creatures mind becomes muddled with
At the start of a turn, if a creature is causing you to be aggression. They become unable to tell the difference
grappled or restrained, you may deal bludgeoning damage to between friend or foe, seeing everyone as hostile to
them equal to your proficiency bonus. They must be within 5- themselves.
feet of you for you to do this. This effect lasts for 1 minute, a creature may repeat the
saving throw at the end of each of their turns, using your
Enemies Surround You initial check as the DC.
Tier 3
Once per long rest, you may cast the Enemies Abound Soldiers Fury
spell. Your spellcasting ability for this spell is your choice of Tier 5
Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. Whenever you make a saving throw, you may instead make
If you have the Rage class feature, you may cast and a weapon attack and use the total rolled for the saving throw.
concentrate on this spell while in your Rage.
Determination Tier 4
The drive to complete your goals, the feeling within that Every time you finish a short rest, you remove 1 level of
refuses to let you give up in battle... That is determination. exhaustion if you have any.
Deny Get Up Stronger
Tier 1 Tier 4
When a creature would move you against your will, you Every time you are reduced to 0 HP, you gain a Luck Point
may use your reaction to cause that creature to be unable to as per the Lucky feat. You may have no more than 3 Luck
move you until the beginning of their next turn. Points at once from this feature.
Fight through Pain Will of Steel
Tier 1 Tier 4
You are treated as having 2 less levels of exhaustion than When making a concentration check, if the dice roll is
you actually do (Meaning you do not start receiving the below 10, it is treated as a 10.
downsides of exhaustion until 3 levels, and you are only
considered to have 1 level) Power of Oneself (LA)
Never Falter Tier 5
(2 Actions) - You end all effects of your choice on yourself.
Tier 1
When you would be reduced to 0 HP, you are instead Refuse Death
reduced to 1 HP. Once you use this feature, you may not do
so again until you complete a long rest. Tier 5
When you would die, roll a d20. If you roll a 10 or higher,
Don't Let Them Win you immediately revive in the place you died having gained
the benefits of a long rest.
Tier 2 Each time this effect successfully triggers, the roll required
When you make a contested ability check against another to revive is increased by 1 (From 10 to 11, 11 to 12, ect)
creature, you may choose to swap your rolls (This does not
swap the modifiers, just the plain dice roll) Who Decided That?
I Refuse Tier 5
Creatures can not effect your rolls unless you allow them
Tier 2 to (Such as forcing disadvantage on you, a divination wizard
Creatures can't scry you, read your mind, or speak to you attempting to change your roll, ect)
with telepathy unless you allow it.
Tier 2
When you fail an ability check, you may immediately roll
the check again. If you fail the check again, you gain a level of
Dominant Mind
Tier 3
You can not be forced to do things against your will, such as
from the Suggestion spell or a vampires charm feature.
Never Die
Tier 3
If you start your turn with 0 HP, you may gain a level of
exhaustion to restore hit points equal to three times your
Only Fail Once
Tier 3
When you fail on an attack roll, ability check, or saving
throw you gain advantage on your next roll of the same type.
Excitement Exciting Move (LA)
Tier 4
Amp it Up (Costs 1 Action) You move up to twice your movement
Tier 1 speed without provoking attacks of opportunity.
After moving 30 or more feet, the next weapon attack that
you hit with before the start of your next turn deals additional Hyper Dodge
force damage equal to your proficiency bonus. Tier 4
When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to
Unpredictable make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you
Tier 1 instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw,
While you are moving, you are considered to have half- and only half damage if you fail.
Surging Flow
Excitable Aura Tier 4
Tier 1 Once per long rest, you may take two actions and bonus
Creatures within 15-feet of you (Including yourself) can not actions on your turn instead of one.
be put to sleep involuntarily (Whether it be by magic, drug,
alcohol, ect) Jittery
Tier 5
Dashing Offensive As a bonus action on your turn and by expending 30-feet of
Tier 2 movement, you may take the dodge action.
When you use your action to take the dash action, you may
make a weapon attack as a bonus action. Release Momentum
Tier 5
Equal and Opposite As an action on your turn, you may reduce your movement
Tier 2 speed to 0 and then make a weapon attack against a creature
At the end of your turn, if you had used your full movement within reach. For every 10-feet of movement you lost from
on your turn, your AC increases by an amount equal to your this action, the attack deals an additional 1d6 force damage.
proficiency bonus until the start of your next turn. If you can make more than one attack, you may make the
same amount with this action, although only the first one that
On your Toes! hits deals the bonus damage.
Tier 2 Hyperactive
Your walking speed increases by an amount equal to 5
times your proficiency bonus. Tier 5
You gain an additional action on your turn, as per the Haste
Bloodrush spell. This effect stacks with the Haste spell and the True
Instinct legendary feat.
Tier 3
As an action, you may enter a rush of excitement, gaining
the benefits of the Haste spell. This does not require
concentration and is nonmagical.
After the Haste ends, you gain 2 levels of exhaustion. You
may not use this feature again until you complete a long rest.
Can't Stay Still!
Tier 3
If a creature moves within 10-feet of you, you may
immediately use a legendary action or your reaction to move
up to half your movement speed.
No Limits to Fun
Tier 3
Nonmagical difficult terrain does not effect you.
Behold Terror
Fear Tier 4
Herald of Fear When you use an effect that would frighten a single
Tier 1 creature, you may target a second one within range.
Creatures that are frightened suffer a -5 penalty to all
attack rolls against you. The creature does not need to be Seeing Double
frightened by you specifically for this feature to work. Tier 4
When a frightened creature targets you with an attack, they
Subsist on Fright must roll 1d20. On a roll of 11 or higher, the attack hits you
Tier 1 as normal. On a roll of 10 or lower, the attack automatically
When you fail a saving throw, you may immediately expend misses.
your reaction or a legendary action. As apart of this reaction,
you end an effect you put on a creature that's causing them to Unseen Terror
be feared. Tier 4
If you do so, you instead succeed on the saving throw. Creatures that can not see you have disadvantage on
saving throws against being frightened by you.
Worst is yet to Come
Tier 1 Feast on their Fear
When you deal 12 a more damage to a creature in a single Tier 5
instance, you may halve the damage dealt to cause them to be For every creature you have successfully Frightened since
frightened of you for the next 1d6 rounds. your last long rest, you have a +1 bonus to all saving throws.
Everlasting Nightmare Immense Dread
Tier 2 Tier 5
Effects you have that cause creatures to be frightened have All creatures of your choice within 15-feet of you suffer a
their duration doubled. penalty to all d20 rolls they make equal to half your
proficiency bonus (Rounded down)
Fearful Pursuit Creatures immune to being frightened are not affected by
Tier 2 this ability.
The range of your spells and effects that inflict the
Frightened condition is doubled. Nightmare Link (LA)
Tier 5
Willing Fear (Costs 2 Actions) - Choose a creature you can see within
Tier 2 60-feet of you. Until the end of your or their next turn
As a reaction to being damaged by a creature, you may (Whichever comes second) you are under the effects of the
cause yourself to become frightened of that creature until the Bless spell, and the chosen creature is under the effects of
end of your next turn (Ignoring any immunities to the the Bane spell.
condition you may have) if you do so, you reduce the damage
taken to 0.
Are you Scared? (LA)
Tier 3
(Costs 1 Action) - You cast the Cause Fear spell at 1st level
without expending a spell slot. The DC for this spell uses
your emotion DC.
Primal Fear
Tier 3
As an action you may target a creature immune to being
frightened. The creature must suceed on a wisdom saving
throw against your Emotion DC or lose their immunity to
being frightened for the next hour.
Paralyzing Fright
Tier 3
Creatures frightened by you have their speed reduced to 0.
Kindness My Disadvantage
Tier 3
When a creature would roll with disadvantage, you can
Kindness Needs Two take it on instead-suffering disadvantage on your next roll and
Legendary PCs is intended for solo games, but this removing theirs.
emotion is impossible to have solo features for. So
many features involve other creatures, perhaps Save a Life
NPC allies?
Tier 3
As an action you can cast the Revivify or Raise Dead spell
without expending material components or a spell slot. When
Benevolence cast this way, you gain levels of exhaustion equal to the spells
Tier 1
When you cast a beneficial spell on another creature that Be Kind and Share!
doesn't require concentration, you gain its benefits too.
Tier 4
Complimenting When a creature other than yourself within 120-feet of you
is healed in some way, you may also heal for the same
Tier 1 amount.
After spending 1 minute observing or conversing with a
creature, you can determine what they would most Foe to Friend
appreciate to be complimented on.
Tier 4
Transfer Pain (Costs 2 Actions) - Target a hostile creature within 60-feet
of you and make a Persuasion check with a DC equal to triple
Tier 1 the creatures CR. On a successful check, provided the
As an action, you may reduce your HP by any amount to creature does not have a significant reason to hate you, they
restore health to a creature within 5-feet of you by an equal become an ally to you.
Gift of Magic
Draught of Life (LA)
Tier 4
Tier 2 By touching a creature, you or they may expend a spell slot
(Costs 1 Action) - You or a creature within 60-feet of you to restore a spell slot of an equal level to the other person.
may expend a hit die and recover hit points equal to the
amount rolled (Adding constitution modifier as normal) Health of a Saint
Encouragement Tier 5
When you would roll for healing, you instead use the
Tier 2 maximum result.
When a creature succeeds on a saving throw, you may use
your reaction to allow them to use one of your legendary Soul of Kindness
actions immediately.
Tier 5
Rewarded Kindness If you haven't damaged or negatively affected another
creature within the past 24-hours, you automatically
Tier 2 succeeed on all saving throws.
For every time you have bestowed a beneficial effect on a
creature since your last long rest (DM discretion for what is They Return your Kindness
considered a beneficial effect) you gain a +1 bonus to all
Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma ability checks. Tier 5
All creatures within 60-feet of you are considered to be
Bond Beyond Time linked to you as per the Warding Bond spell. Damage they
take is not transferred to you however.
Tier 3
Over the course of a minute, you may converse with a
willing creature and bond with them. Each of you choose a
class feature or feat you possess, the other creature gains the
benefit of the chosen feature.
Both creatures lose access to the features they gained
when you use this ability again.
Love Spread the Love (LA)
Tier 3
Charm Defense (Costs 1 Action) - You cast the Charm Person spell at 1st
Tier 1 level without expending a spell slot. The DC for this spell
You are always aware of when you get charmed, and you uses your emotion DC.
can end a charm on yourself by expending a spell slot of 1st
level or higher (No action required). If you do not have spell A Better Friend
slots, you can use a hit die instead. Tier 4
Charmed creatures are also considered to be charmed by
Heart of Love you, even if you weren't the one who charmed them.
Tier 1
When a creature attempts to attack you or force you to Friends on the other Side
make a saving throw, they must succeed on a Wisdom saving Tier 4
throw against your Emotion DC. On a failed saving throw, Spells you cast that summon creatures have their casting
they are charmed by you until the start of your next turn. On a time reduced to 1 action if they require longer.
successful saving throw, they are immune to this feature until
the start of your next turn. Loving Embrace
Reality of Forgiveness Tier 4
Tier 1 You have resistance to all damage while you have a
You project an aura of forgiveness, when a creature would summoned creature.
attempt to speak a lie within 30-feet of you, they must
succeed on a Charisma saving throw against your Emotion Friend to All
DC or be unable to lie. Tier 5
Spells you cast that summon creatures do not require
Charming Mantra concentration for you.
Tier 2
For every creature you have charmed since your last long Kindred Spirit
rest, you gain a +1 bonus to Persuasion and Performance Tier 5
checks you make. Over the course of a week, you may form an inseperable
bond with a creature whom you share mutual love or deep
Loving Leap (LA) kinship (DM discretion) upon completion, the creature
Tier 2 becomes your Kindred.
(Costs 1 Action) - You move up to your speed, if you end Your kindred can transfer all damage you take to itself, and
your movement within 5-feet of an allied creature, both of you if your kindred is dead, you may expend a 5th level spell slot
gain temporary HP equal to your level. or half of your maximum hit die as an action to bring it back
to life in a space within 30-feet of you, with it having gained
the benefits of a long rest.
Summon Allies Your kindred is considered to be a summoned creature for
Tier 2 the purposes of your Love features.
Provided you possess the material component needed for
the spell, you can cast any spell that starts with the word The Strongest Emotion
Summon at its lowest level without expending a spell slot. Tier 5
Your casting ability is your Emotion ability score. Creatures you have not damaged within the past hour can
When casting with this feature, the component used can not willingly harm you.
not be used to cast this spell again until 1 month has passed.
Friends to Love
Tier 3
Creatures you summon have a bonus to all attack, damage
and saving throw rolls equal to your proficiency bonus.
Love Knows no Bounds
Tier 3
You are permanently under the effects of the Tongues spell.
Sadness We both Fail
Tier 3
Can't Clean When you make an attack roll against a creature or force a
Tier 1 creature to make a saving throw, you may cause the roll to
The area within 10-feet of you is treated as difficult terrain hit/the creature to automatically fail the saving throw. If you
for creatures other than you. do, you suffer all adverse effects of the attack/saving throw as
well (Including damage)
Consume Negativity
Tier 1 Alone
As an action you may target a willing creature that is Tier 4
experiencing negative emotions within 5-feet of you. That While no ally creature is within 15-feet of you, attack rolls
creature can not experience those emotions again until they have disadvantage against you.
complete a long rest, and you are considered to have had 24
hours worth of nourishment. I Can't
Tier 4
Skin of Regrets When you are prompted to roll a saving throw, you may
Tier 1 choose to automatically fail. If you do so, you have advantage
You have a pool of hit points equal to twice your level. on your next saving throw.
When you suffer damage, your pool takes the damage
instead. Excess damage from the pool transfers over to you. Weaponize Despair (LA)
Your pool fully replenishes itself at the end of every long rest Tier 4
and can not otherwise be restored. (Costs 1 Action) - Make an attack roll against a creature
within range. On a hit, instead of dealing damage, the
No creature is afflicted with one of the following conditions of
Tier 2 your choice until the end of their next turn: Blinded,
You can't be Blinded or Deafened, your life is already hard Deafened, Frightened, or Poisoned.
Anxiety Bubble
Pitiable Tier 5
Tier 2 As an action, you may increase your AC by an amount
Every time a creature successfully hits you with a weapon equal to your Emotion modifier (Minimum of 1) until the start
attack on their turn, your AC increases by 2 until the end of of your next turn. As apart of this action, you may cast a
their turn. cantrip or make a single weapon attack.
Why Me? Despair
Tier 2 Tier 5
When a creature targets you with an attack, you may use As a bonus action on your turn, you may activate or
your reaction to force them to make a Wisdom saving throw deactivate an aura of despair. While this aura is active, you
against your Emotion DC. On a failed save, they must choose and all creatures within 30-feet of you are under the effects of
a new creature within range or waste their attack. the Slow spell.
Numb to Pain Shared Depression (LA)
Tier 3 Tier 5
As a reaction to taking damage, you may halve that (Costs 3 Actions) - Target a creature you can see within 60-
instance of damage. If your reaction is unavailable, you may feet of you, that creature must succeed on a Charisma saving
instead expend a legendary action. throw against your Emotion DC. On a failed saving throw you
may reduce one ability score of theirs by an amount equal to
To Sad to Die your proficiency bonus.
This reduction lasts until you use this feature on them
Tier 3 again successfully or until an hour has passed.
When you are reduced to 0 HP while under the effects of a
condition/effect, you may end the effect to instead be reduced
to 1 HP.
Signs of Labors Baring Marks
One of the many famous stories of Heracles (Or Hercules, Every mark has a cost to bare and reap the benefits of, this
however you'd like to put it) is the 12 labors he had to endure cost is represented by their indenture cost. Every legendary
to atone for murdering his wife while under the influence of character has 7 indents as previously mentioned that can be
Hera. Each was a monumental task that showed for his used to benefit from the power of marks, this does not mean
immense strength. that they can bare 7 different marks however.
This feature is a reference to that, as your character Many marks have a different identure cost, meaning how
completes incredible tasks, they will receive what is known many indents they require to gain the benefits of. For
as a Mark, a non-physical representation of their incredible example, the mark of Chromatic Dragonslaying could cost 4
deed. marks to gain the benefits of, while the mark of the Troll
Hunter would cost 3.
A creature can not have marks equipped whose total
What is a Mark? indenture cost exceeds their total indents.
A mark is a medal upon the soul or spiritual energies that a Upon completing a long rest, you may equip a mark that
legendary being possesses. Only a legendary creature may you have enough available indents for. However to remove an
earn and wield marks. It is said that they are earned upon equipped mark, you must complete 7 long rests (Or 1 week)
completing a significant task, such as killing a mighty with having the intention to remove it. If you do, you unequip
creature like a dragon or giant. it and no longer gain its benefits.
Legendary beings use these marks to heighten their own Keep track of all the marks you get however-even if you
abilities and grow their power. A legendary beings soul aren't using one or you unequip it, you still have completed
possesses 7 indents in which they can bare the power of the legendary task to be worthy of it! You can re-equip it
marks, although some may possess more. following the rules listed above.

Earning Marks Future Marks

Every mark has a different requirement to earn, that's listed The marks listed below are not at all the only ones, they are
in the marks description. It is highly recommended that as a just the ones present in the current version of the document.
DM, you make your own marks to reward your player for
ludicrous feats that aren't available as marks here!
Examples of requirements to earn marks are as follows Reminder
(But not limited to of course): Slay an adult chromatic Remember-this feature is entirely optional! Discuss
dragon, kill 1000 goblinoids of CR 1/8 or higher, come back with your player during character creation whether
to life after having been killed, live for at least twice as long as or not you are going to use this.
your races expected lifespan, and many more! The point of both this and Auric Emotions is to
Keep in mind that just because they are all listed here, a provide more sources of power to lessen the gap
between solo play and party play, but if you as a
character would often not be aware of the requirements. Out DM feel it is unnecessary or overpowered, then you
of character of course you are both aware, but in character a can just not play with it!
player should have to find out through trial and error, or being All other rules in this document work with or
told by NPCs. without using the Signs of Labors.
List of Marks Celestial Wisdom
Below you can find every mark, how you earn them, nad their Unlock Requirement: A celestial of CR 10 or higher has
indenture cost to equip them. spent a year or longer teaching you.
Indent Cost: 5 Indents
Apex Mind Your Wisdom score and Wisdom score maximum
Unlock Requirement: You have uncovered and learned a increases by an amount equal to your proficiency bonus
piece of knowledge thought lost. while this mark is equipped.
Indent Cost: 5 Indents Chromatic Dragonslayer
Your Intelligence score and Intelligence score maximum Unlock Requirement: You have dealt the killing blow to an
increases by an amount equal to your proficiency bonus adult or older chromatic dragon.
while this mark is equipped. Indent Cost: 2 Indents, +1 per specific dragon feature
beyond the first you benefit from (You may choose whether to
Archfey's Dexterity benefit from a feature or not when you equip this)
Unlock Requirement: You have observed fey of CR 10 or As an action, you may detect the location of all chromatic
higher in combat or other dextrous activities for a collective dragons within 1 mile of you. Once you have used this
time of 3 months. feature, you may not use it again until the next dawn.
Indent Cost: 5 Indents
Your Dexterity score and Dexterity score maximum If you've slain an adult or older black dragon, you gain
increases by an amount equal to your proficiency bonus resistance to acid damage and can use one of their lair
while this mark is equipped. actions by expending 1 or more legendary actions (DM
BBEG or HERO If you've slain an adult or older blue dragon, you gain
Unlock Requirement: A group of sentient creatures totaling resistance to lightning damage and can use one of their
no less than 10,000 sees you as a villain or hero. The lair actions by expending 1 or more legendary actions
creatures don't need to be alive for this requirement to be (DM discretion)
met, but they must've seen you as a villain or hero while they If you've slain an adult or older green dragon, you gain
were alive. resistance to poison damage and can use one of their lair
Indent Cost: 7 Indents actions by expending 1 or more legendary actions (DM
You gain the benefits of 3 other marks you have, discretion)
regardless of their indent cost. You may change an active If you've slain an adult or older red dragon, you gain
mark from this feature as an action. resistance to fire damage and can use one of their lair
Brand of Summer actions by expending 1 or more legendary actions (DM
Unlock Requirement: The Fey Queen Titania has willingly
bestowed this mark upon you. If you've slain an adult or older white dragon, you gain
Indent Cost: 3 Indents resistance to cold damage and can use one of their lair
actions by expending 1 or more legendary actions (DM
You are immune to fire damage. discretion)
You are immune to the charmed condition. If you've slain all 5 types of appropriately aged chromatic
You have advantage on ability checks for interacting with dragons, anytime you deal damage to a creature with the
Good aligned fey. Dragon creature type, you deal an additional 3d6 damage
of the same type.
Brand of Winter Giants Pride
Unlock Requirement: The Queen of Air and Darkness (Mab) Unlock Requirement: You have defeaten a CR 10 or higher
has willingly bestowed this mark upon you. giant in a trial of strength.
Indent Cost: 3 Indents Indent Cost: 5 Indents
You are immune to cold damage. Your Strength score and Strength score maximum
You are immune to the frightened condition. increases by an amount equal to your proficiency bonus
while this mark is equipped.
You have advantage on ability checks for interacting with
Evil aligned fey.
Gods Champion Metallic Dragonslayer
Unlock Requirement: A deity has declared you to be their Unlock Requirement: You have dealt the killing blow to an
champion. adult or older metallic dragon.
Indent Cost: 3 Indents Indent Cost: 2 Indents, +1 per specific dragon feature
beyond the first you benefit from (You may choose whether to
When you die by a means other than old age, you benefit from a feature or not when you equip this)
discorporate and return to your deities domain. After
1d10 days have passed, you resurrect in a location of your As an action, you may detect the location of all metallic
deities decision, as per the True Resurrection spell. Every dragons within 1 mile of you. Once you have used this
time you resurrect using this feature, you roll an extra feature, you may not use it again until the next dawn.
1d10 for the next time you calculate when you resurrect.
If you've slain an adult or older brass dragon, you gain
You gain the Cleric classes Divine Intervention feature, resistance to fire damage and can use one of their lair
with a guaranteed chance of success. After you use this actions by expending 1 or more legendary actions (DM
feature however, you cannot use it again until 1d12 discretion)
months have passed, or until you properly thank your god
for the help with tributes. If you've slain an adult or older bronze dragon, you gain
resistance to lightning damage and can use one of their
lair actions by expending 1 or more legendary actions
God Slayer (DM discretion)
Unlock Requirement: You have killed a deity, if you become a If you've slain an adult or older copper dragon, you gain
deity yourself you can not equip this mark. resistance to acid damage and can use one of their lair
Indent Cost: 7 Indents, reduced by 1 (To a minimum of 0) actions by expending 1 or more legendary actions (DM
for every deity beyond the first you have slain discretion)
You are immune to divine effects, such as divine If you've slain an adult or older gold dragon, you gain
intervention or a deity attempting to use divine powers on resistance to fire damage and can use one of their lair
you. This does not give you immunity to divine spells. actions by expending 1 or more legendary actions (DM
Creatures you kill (Including deities) can not be brought discretion)
back to life by any means until you have died, or you allow If you've slain an adult or older silver dragon, you gain
them to be brought back. resistance to cold damage and can use one of their lair
You ignore resistances and immunities to damage if the actions by expending 1 or more legendary actions (DM
target is a deity, celestial or fiend. discretion)
If you've slain all 5 types of appropriately aged metallic
Invincibility dragons, you may use the Polymorph action in their
statblocks as an action.
Unlock Requirement: You have taken a single instance of
damage of 100 or more without being reduced to 0 HP.
Indent Cost: 5 Indents Planar Sense
Your Constitution score and Constitution score maximum Unlock Requirement: You have spent at least 24 hours on
increases by an amount equal to your proficiency bonus three different planes.
while this mark is equipped. Indent Cost: 1 Indent
You are always aware of what plane of existence you are
Kings Brand currently on.
Unlock Requirement: You must become the ruler or lord of a Skilled One
population of at least 1000 sentient creatures. You retain this
mark even if you lose your rulership of the population. Unlock Requirement: You have succeeded 15 or more checks
Indent Cost: 5 Indents in a specific skill check. This is considered a different mark
for every skill.
Your Charisma score and Charisma score maximum Indent Cost: 1 Indent
increases by an amount equal to your proficiency bonus
while this mark is equipped. You gain proficiency in the skill check you used to unlock
this mark. If you are already proficient in it, you instead
double your proficiency bonus.
Balancing Encounters New Power
I'm personally of the opinion that experience in 5e is a horrid It can be really difficult to calculate what the new proper
way to progress, it makes things extremely abusable and allotment is... What with the increased HP, significant power
just... Really awkward in many scenarios. I think milestone brought from legendary feats and actions, not to mention
leveling is a much better way to progress. Auric Emotions and Signs of Labors... It's a bit of a head
Having said that, experience still holds an important role in scratcher to nail right.
5e... And that's to calculate how much per day a character can Especially given the fact that every character is different,
handle. In base 5e, this is often referred to as the "experience some characters will be able to handle much more then
allotment" (It is assumed that you run multiple encounters in others... For example, a level 5 Legendary Barbarian would
one day, not one singular large one) be much more capable in frequent daily encounters than a
Typically, a character can undergo an amount of level 5 Legendary Wizard.
encounters equal to or at least around their experience I'm saying all this because you should really alter these
allotment before they need to take a long rest to recover... depending on the character you are running for, this is a very
With Legendary PCs however, the base allotment no longer vague framework that should be adjusted to fit the character
really works, since the characters become much stronger. that you are running a game for.
If you are unfamiliar with it, I'd highly recommend using Something I'd recommend is running a few "test" combats
Kobold Fight Club when balancing encounters, and I'll be with the player and their character, outside of traditional
making references to the website in this section. gameplay. Throw three different encounters of differing
To keep things simple, 1 Legendary PC is considered the strengths at them and see how they can handle each one.
same as 3 regular PC's. Now you have at least a pretty decent idea of what they can
If you are using experience in regards to leveling, adjust and can't handle.
how much is earned. Otherwise they'll level too quickly in
solo play. I still recommend using milestone leveling for solo
play however.

Experience Limits
Character Daily Average Easy Average Medium Average Hard Average Deadly
Level Limit Encounter Encounter Encounter Encounter
1st 900 75 150 225 300
2nd 1800 150 300 450 600
3rd 3600 225 450 675 1200
4th 5100 375 750 1125 1500
5th 10500 750 1500 2250 3300
6th 12000 900 1800 2700 4200
7th 15000 1050 2100 3150 5100
8th 18000 1350 2700 4200 6300
9th 22500 1650 3300 4800 7200
10th 27000 1800 3600 5700 8400
11th 31500 2400 4800 7200 10800
12th 34500 3000 6000 9000 13500
13th 40500 3300 6600 10200 15300
14th 45000 3750 7500 11400 17100
15th 54000 4200 8400 12900 19200
16th 60000 4800 9600 14400 21600
17th 75000 6000 11700 17700 26400
18th 81000 6300 12600 18900 28500
19th 90000 7200 14700 21900 32700
20th 120000 8400 17100 25500 38100
Level 10 - Lins new maximum HP is 134.
Level by Level Creation Level 11 - At level 11, Lin can now use 2 legendary actions
per round. She also takes the I refuse trait from the
Guide Determination emotion. Her new maximum HP is 148. She
In order to alleviate any confusion there may be regarding can now take Paladin legendary actions that require 2
creating a Legendary PC and the steps you need to take, expended actions.
below you can find a level by level guide for how you create a Level 12 - At level 12, Lin stops taking Paladin levels and
Legendary PC! We will be using the character previously multiclasses into Bard. She gains those features as normal,
mentioned as the example, Lin Rouanet. and her new maximum HP is 160 (Bards hit die is smaller
than Paladins ofc)
Starting Out Level 13 - At level 13, Lins emotion tier limit becomes 4,
and she chooses the Alone trait from Sadness. She also
Level 1 - Lin determines her stats as normal (Up to DM how learns a new legendary action, and she chooses True Smite.
that is, whether point buy or rolling) ending up with the stats Her new maximum HP is 172.
below. She chose the Fallen Aasimar race, and the stats listed Level 14 - At level 14, Lins new maximum HP is 184.
use Aasimar stat adjustments. Level 15 - At level 15, Lin chooses the Weaponize Despair
18 Strength trait from the Sadness emotion. Her new maximum HP is
8 Dexterity 196. Lin gains an ASI from Bard, and uses it to increase her
14 Constitution Charisma to 20.
13 Intelligence Level 16 - At level 16, her new Maximum HP is 208. She
10 Wisdom additionally can now choose Bard legendary actions that only
18 Charisma require 1 expended action.
She chooses the Far Traveler background, and chooses her Level 17 - At level 17, Lin can now take 3 legendary
languages and skill proficiencies as she normally would. She actions per round, however she is still limited to only taking
decides to be a paladin, meaning her starting HP is 18, since Paladin legendary actions that require 1 or 2 expended
the legendary paladins hit die is 2d8 and her constitution actions, and Bard actions that require 1 expended action. Her
modifier is +2. new tier limit is 5, and she chooses the Anxiety Bubble trait
Now, Lin chooses her first auric emotion trait. She chooses from Sadness. Her new maximum HP is 220. She learns the
Explosive Aggression from the Anger emotion. Discord legendary action from bard.
Level 2 - Lin gains spellcasting and divine smite from Level 18 - Lin is now a level 7 bard, and she gains the
Paladin, and her new maximum HP becomes 30. I won't legendary feat from the class. She takes Swift Strikes a
often mention it, but her spellcasting trait is increasing as second time. Her new maximum HP is 232.
normal. Level 19 - Lin gains her final emotion trait, and chooses
Level 3 - Lin chooses her Paladin oath, deciding on Shared Depression from Sadness. She also gains an ASI
Conquest. She then takes Fight through Pain from the from Bard, and uses it to increase her Constitution to 16. Her
Determination emotion. Her new maximum HP becomes 42. new maximum HP is 263.
Level 4 - Lin takes the tough feat, making her new Level 20 - Lin has reached level 20, the point where she
maximum HP 62. can't grow anymore (Unless you're using epic levels or some
Level 5 - Lin gains her legendary actions, choosing similar system) Her new maximum HP is 276. She ends as a
Overcome, Strike and Move as her starting ones. She can level 11 Paladin and level 9 Bard. She takes the Material
now use 1 Legendary action per round, choosing from her Bane mythic feat as you always get one upon hitting level 20.
list. She chooses the Skin of Regrets trait from Sadness at
level 5, and now she can't take a trait from any emotion other
then Anger, Determination or Sadness. Her new maximum Lins Labors
HP is 76. Lin's Signs of Labors and her bared marks are not
Level 6 - Lins new maximum HP is 90. listed because those are things that are earned
Level 7 - Lin chooses the Pitable trait from Sadness, and depending on the campaign, like magic items, and
her new maximum HP is 90. aren't apart of traditional character creation.
Level 8 - Lin uses her ASI to increase her strength score
to 20. Her new maximum HP is 104.
Level 9 - Lin learns a new legendary action as her
proficiency bonus increases, she chooses Ever Watchful. She
also gains a legendary feat, as Paladin gets it at that level-she
chooses Swift Strikes. Finally she chooses Numb to Pain
from Sadness for her emotion trait as her new tier limit is 3.
Her new maximum HP is 118.
Version 2.0
The main goal of this update was to improve the strength of
characters before receiving their Legendary Actions and
Feats. As previously the only bonus was just more health.
Added a new class type known as Fable Classes!
Added the Fable Vampire class.
Added the Darach, Incarnate and Siphoner classes!
Added a new skill tree-style system known as Auric
Emotions! Alongside 7 Emotions to choose from.
Added a new system known as Signs of Labors! Alongside
15 marks to unlock and equip.
Added a variant magic rework called Mythical Magic!
Adjusted Supernatural Influence Legendary Feat to be
more build inclusive.
Added the Following Legendary Feats (13): Chaos Caster,
Dark Stalker, Genius Wordsmith, Great Weapon
Empyrean, Latent Magical Power, Legendary Polearm
Master, Mage Punisher, Peak Athlete, Pit Fighter, Precise
Shooter, Soul Crusher, Soul Piercer, and Soul Slasher.
Every Class received new class specific legendary actions!
Now each class has at minimum 6 Legendary actions
unique to the class.
Fixed up some wording and various typos.
Added the variant Fatigue rule for legendary actions that
involve weapon attacks.
Added a Level by Level creation guide.
Added a balancing metric for encounters with Legendary
Legendary actions you can take per round is now
determined by overall level rather than class level.
Overhaul to credits page, you can now click on the artists
name and instantly be brought to their post on the artwork
in particular that was used.

Version 1.0
The first version of this document. Contained the following:
All 13 Base Classes
21 Legendary Feats
12 Mythic Feats
Base legendary action rules and at least 2 unique actions
to each class.
Credits and Thanks!
Artist Credit Fable Vampire Credits
I am no artist, just someone with a lot of homebrew ideas and Every credit here is in reference to art used in the Fable
a vague ability in graphic design. All artwork I use in this Vampire section of this document, when it says [insert
document is credited below, please show respects to the number] page please refer to the 2nd and 4th page in the
artist and if the original artist sees this and feels I did not Fable Vampire section.
properly credit them/does not wish for their artwork to be
used, contact me at u/Zellorea and I will rectify this as soon Cover page art by jch15jch15 on Deviantart!
as possible. Art on 2nd page by Edcel Mendoza on Artstation!
Cover Page Art by Astri Lohne on Artstation Art on 5th page by Natitorn Poungtawai on Artstation!
Official Class Art by JsnCstr on Deviantart
Art on Feral subclass page by Akreon on Deviantart!
Artificer Art by Svetlin Velinov on Artstation Art on Noble subclass page by Depingo on Deviantart!
Barbarian Art by Mikel_BK on Twitter (Made for Magic the Gathering so it is owned by WotC)
Bard Art by Sagasketchbook on Deviantart Art on Phantom subclass page by FASSLAYER on
Cleric Art by Saranit Klinklaykun on Artstation Deviantart!
Art on Sage subclass page by Chirun on Deviantart!
Druid Art by Robynn Frauhn on Twitter
Art on Warlord subclass page by David Escribano Herrero
Fighter Art by Sean Tay on Artstation on Artstation!
Monk Art by LucasAsn on Deviantart
Paladin Art by Atey Ghailan on Artstation
Ranger Art by SteveGibson on Deviantart
Rogue Art by Straban on Deviantart
Sorcerer Art by Gobeur on Deviantart
Warlock Art by SKtneh on Deviantart
Wizard Art by ADPong on Deviantart
Class Icons on each class page belongs to WotC
Homebrew Class Icons on each homebrew class page
belongs to Game-Icons.net
Legendary Homebrew Classes Art by theDURRRRIAN on
Darach Art by by BlazeMalefica on Deviantart
Incarnate Art by Chris Voy on Artstation
Siphoner Art by Fei HU on Artstation
Fable Classes art by Katorius on Deviantart
Mythic Magic art by Fellfyre on Twitter
Auric Emotions art by Claparo-Sans on Deviantart
Signs of Labors art by mist XG on Artstation

Stain Credit Co-Contributors
The people below have helped in the making of this
In all of my homebrew I use watercolor stains created by document! (What they helped in is beside their name)
u/flamableconcrete aka Jared Ondricek. These brews and
PDFs would not look nearly as nice without his creations, so u/23BLUENINJA, owner of the Incarnate class and
huge thank you to him! You can find all stains I use on his helped with the creation of its legendary version.
website, watercolors.giantsoup.com.

Other Homebrew
You may recognize me for other homebrews such as the
Siphoner class and my project to turn every league of legends
champion into a subclass, if you want to be alerted as soon as
all of those are publically available, join the discord!

Patron Thanks!
This homebrew was supported for by my patrons on
https://www.patreon.com/Zellorea. If you wish to support me
or encourage me to make more things like this or update this
in the future, that's the best way to do it!
A thank you to my current supporting patrons! Their
names are listed below as a show of my immense
appreciation towards them.
Renowned Hero: InsaneInsanity
Mercenary: Deathknight
Folk Hero: Nate Meyer

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