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Network Link Interface
Revision: 11/17

C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 1 - 2 0 1 7
C a m p b e l l S c i e n t i f i c , I n c .
Limited Warranty
“Products manufactured by CSI are warranted by CSI to be free from defects in
materials and workmanship under normal use and service for twelve months
from the date of shipment unless otherwise specified in the corresponding
product manual. (Product manuals are available for review online at Products not manufactured by CSI, but that are resold
by CSI, are warranted only to the limits extended by the original manufacturer.
Batteries, fine-wire thermocouples, desiccant, and other consumables have no
warranty. CSI’s obligation under this warranty is limited to repairing or
replacing (at CSI’s option) defective Products, which shall be the sole and
exclusive remedy under this warranty. The Customer assumes all costs of
removing, reinstalling, and shipping defective Products to CSI. CSI will return
such Products by surface carrier prepaid within the continental United States of
America. To all other locations, CSI will return such Products best way CIP
(port of entry) per Incoterms ® 2010. This warranty shall not apply to any
Products which have been subjected to modification, misuse, neglect, improper
service, accidents of nature, or shipping damage. This warranty is in lieu of all
other warranties, expressed or implied. The warranty for installation services
performed by CSI such as programming to customer specifications, electrical
connections to Products manufactured by CSI, and Product specific training, is
part of CSI's product warranty. CSI EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS AND
to the fullest extent allowed by applicable law, any and all warranties and
conditions with respect to the Products, whether express, implied or
statutory, other than those expressly provided herein.”
Products may not be returned without prior authorization. The following
contact information is for US and international customers residing in countries
served by Campbell Scientific, Inc. directly. Affiliate companies handle repairs
for customers within their territories. Please visit to
determine which Campbell Scientific company serves your country.

To obtain a Returned Materials Authorization (RMA) number, contact

CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, INC., phone (435) 227-9000. Please write the
issued RMA number clearly on the outside of the shipping container. Campbell
Scientific’s shipping address is:


815 West 1800 North
Logan, Utah 84321-1784

For all returns, the customer must fill out a “Statement of Product Cleanliness
and Decontamination” form and comply with the requirements specified in it.
The form is available from our website at A
completed form must be either emailed to [email protected] or faxed to
(435) 227-9106. Campbell Scientific is unable to process any returns until we
receive this form. If the form is not received within three days of product
receipt or is incomplete, the product will be returned to the customer at the
customer’s expense. Campbell Scientific reserves the right to refuse service on
products that were exposed to contaminants that may cause health or safety
concerns for our employees.
Use tripods, towers, and attachments to tripods and towers only for purposes for which they are designed. Do not exceed design limits.
Be familiar and comply with all instructions provided in product manuals. Manuals are available at or by
telephoning (435) 227-9000 (USA). You are responsible for conformance with governing codes and regulations, including safety
regulations, and the integrity and location of structures or land to which towers, tripods, and any attachments are attached. Installation
sites should be evaluated and approved by a qualified engineer. If questions or concerns arise regarding installation, use, or
maintenance of tripods, towers, attachments, or electrical connections, consult with a licensed and qualified engineer or electrician.
• Prior to performing site or installation work, obtain required approvals and permits. Comply
with all governing structure-height regulations, such as those of the FAA in the USA.
• Use only qualified personnel for installation, use, and maintenance of tripods and towers, and
any attachments to tripods and towers. The use of licensed and qualified contractors is highly
• Read all applicable instructions carefully and understand procedures thoroughly before
beginning work.
• Wear a hardhat and eye protection, and take other appropriate safety precautions while
working on or around tripods and towers.
• Do not climb tripods or towers at any time, and prohibit climbing by other persons. Take
reasonable precautions to secure tripod and tower sites from trespassers.
• Use only manufacturer recommended parts, materials, and tools.
Utility and Electrical
• You can be killed or sustain serious bodily injury if the tripod, tower, or attachments you are
installing, constructing, using, or maintaining, or a tool, stake, or anchor, come in contact with
overhead or underground utility lines.
• Maintain a distance of at least one-and-one-half times structure height, 20 feet, or the distance
required by applicable law, whichever is greater, between overhead utility lines and the
structure (tripod, tower, attachments, or tools).
• Prior to performing site or installation work, inform all utility companies and have all
underground utilities marked.
• Comply with all electrical codes. Electrical equipment and related grounding devices should be
installed by a licensed and qualified electrician.
Elevated Work and Weather
• Exercise extreme caution when performing elevated work.
• Use appropriate equipment and safety practices.
• During installation and maintenance, keep tower and tripod sites clear of un-trained or non-
essential personnel. Take precautions to prevent elevated tools and objects from dropping.
• Do not perform any work in inclement weather, including wind, rain, snow, lightning, etc.
• Periodically (at least yearly) check for wear and damage, including corrosion, stress cracks,
frayed cables, loose cable clamps, cable tightness, etc. and take necessary corrective actions.
• Periodically (at least yearly) check electrical ground connections.
Table of Contents
PDF viewers: These page numbers refer to the printed version of this document. Use the
PDF reader bookmarks tab for links to specific sections.

1. Introduction ................................................................ 1

2. Precautions ................................................................ 1

3. QuickStart ................................................................... 2
3.1 Physical Setup ...................................................................................... 2
3.2 Configuring the NL200/201 ................................................................. 3
3.3 LoggerNet Setup .................................................................................. 4
3.4 Connect ................................................................................................ 5

4. Overview ..................................................................... 5

5. Specifications............................................................. 8
6. Configuring the NL200/201 ...................................... 10
6.1 Configuring the NL200/201 via USB ................................................ 10
6.2 Configuring the NL200/201 via Network Connection ....................... 10
6.3 Configuring the NL200/201 via Telnet .............................................. 11
6.4 Configuring the NL200/201 via RS-232 ............................................ 11

7. Operation .................................................................. 12
7.1 PakBus® Router ................................................................................ 12
7.1.1 Physical Setup ............................................................................. 13
7.1.2 Configuring the NL200/201 ........................................................ 13
7.1.3 LoggerNet Setup ......................................................................... 14
7.1.4 Connect ....................................................................................... 15
7.2 Bridge Mode ...................................................................................... 15
7.2.1 Physical Setup ............................................................................. 15
7.2.2 Configuring the NL200/201 ........................................................ 15
7.2.3 Configuring the Datalogger ........................................................ 15
7.2.4 LoggerNet Setup ......................................................................... 16
7.2.5 Connect ....................................................................................... 17
7.3 TCP Serial Server............................................................................... 17
7.3.1 Physical Setup ............................................................................. 17
7.3.2 Configuring the NL200/201 ........................................................ 17
7.3.3 LoggerNet Setup ......................................................................... 18
7.3.4 Connect ....................................................................................... 19
7.3.5 Serial Sensors .............................................................................. 19
7.4 TCP Serial Client ............................................................................... 19
7.5 Modbus TCP/IP to RTU Gateway ..................................................... 19
7.6 TLS .................................................................................................... 19
7.6.1 TLS Proxy Server ....................................................................... 21
7.6.2 DevConfig TCP Encrypted Communication to the
NL200/201............................................................................... 23

Table of Contents

8. Applications ............................................................. 23
8.1 Working Around Firewalls ................................................................ 23
8.1.1 Configuring the NL200/201 ....................................................... 24
8.1.2 Configuring the Datalogger ........................................................ 24

9. Troubleshooting ....................................................... 25

10. Attributions ............................................................... 27


A. Glossary.................................................................. A-1

B. Cables, Pinouts, LED Function, and Jumper ....... B-1

B.1 CS I/O.............................................................................................. B-1
B.2 RS-232............................................................................................. B-1
B.3 Ethernet ........................................................................................... B-2
B.4 USB ................................................................................................. B-2
B.5 Power............................................................................................... B-2
B.6 LEDs ............................................................................................... B-3
B.7 Power Jumper (NL201 only) ........................................................... B-3

C. NL200/201 Settings ................................................ C-1

C.1 Main Tab ......................................................................................... C-1
C.2 RS-232 Tab ..................................................................................... C-4
C.3 CS I/O Tab ...................................................................................... C-7
C.4 Net Services Tab ............................................................................. C-8
C.5 TLS Proxy Server Tab................................................................... C-10
C.6 TLS Tab ........................................................................................ C-12

D. Sending a New OS to the NL200/201 .................... D-1

D.1 Sending an OS via USB .................................................................. D-1
D.2 Sending an OS via IP ...................................................................... D-1

3-1. NL200 with CR800 (external power) .................................................. 2
3-2. NL201 with CR800 (powered by datalogger) ..................................... 3
3-3. LoggerNet setup .................................................................................. 5
4-1. NL201 ................................................................................................. 6
4-2. Bridge Mode enabled .......................................................................... 6
4-3. Bridge Mode disabled ......................................................................... 7
5-1. NL200/201 dimensions in inches ........................................................ 8
7-1. PakBus® router LoggerNet setup...................................................... 14
7-2. Bridge mode LoggerNet setup........................................................... 16
7-3. Serial server LoggerNet setup ........................................................... 18
7-4. TLS proxy server configurations ....................................................... 21
8-1. Working around firewalls .................................................................. 24

Table of Contents

B-1. NL200/201 CS I/O Connector Pinout .............................................. B-1
B-2. RS-232 Pinout .................................................................................. B-1
B-3. Ethernet Pinout................................................................................. B-2
B-4. USB Micro-B ................................................................................... B-2
B-5. Power In ........................................................................................... B-2
B-6. Power LED....................................................................................... B-3
B-7. Ethernet LED ................................................................................... B-3

Table of Contents

NL200/201 Network Link Interface
1. Introduction
The NL200/201 Network Link Interface allows Campbell Scientific
dataloggers and peripherals to communicate over a local area network or a
dedicated Internet connection. This serial to Ethernet interface can be
connected to a datalogger’s CS I/O port or other devices via RS-232.

This manual describes how to use LoggerNet to connect to your datalogger

with an NL200/201. You can also use other software packages, such as PC400,
RTDAQ, or LoggerLink Mobile Apps for iOS and Android.

2. Precautions
• The first time an NL200/201 is attached to a datalogger and Bridge Mode
is enabled, the datalogger’s memory has to be reorganized to allow room
in memory for the IP stack. To avoid the loss of data, collect your data
before enabling Bridge Mode. Note that once the NL200/201 is attached,
it can take up to 10 seconds for the datalogger to recognize it.

• Device Configuration Utility (DevConfig) 2.05 or higher is required to

communicate with the NL200/201. The latest version of DevConfig can be
downloaded from our website at

• The device driver for the NL200/201 must be installed on your computer
before you can connect to the NL200/201 via USB.

To install the device driver, verify you have the latest version of
DevConfig (see previous bullet). Under Device Type, select Network
Peripheral | NL200 Series. Click the Install the device driver for the
device link and follow the prompts.

• CR1000, CR3000, and CR800-series dataloggers require operating system

version 23 or higher in order to operate with the NL200/201 in bridge
mode. The latest operating systems can be downloaded from our website

• The NL200 is not powered over CS I/O or USB. An external power

adapter or power cable is required. The NL201 can be powered by the CS
I/O port or an external power adapter or power cable. If you wish to
prevent the NL201 from being powered by the CS I/O port, see Appendix
B, Cables, Pinouts, LED Function, and Jumper (p. B-1).

• Ensure maximum protection against surges. Use a shielded Ethernet cable.

Keep RS-232 and CS I/O connections short. The NL200 may require the
use of external surge suppression (pn 28033). The NL201 has integrated
surge protection. The NL201 must be well grounded using the ground lug
on the case for the surge protection to work properly.

NL200/201 Network Link Interface

3. QuickStart
Out of the box, the NL200/201 is configured for operation as a PakBus®
Router. In this mode, the NL200/201 can be used to communicate with
Campbell Scientific PakBus devices over an Ethernet / Internet network

3.1 Physical Setup

Using the supplied serial cable, connect the NL201’s CS I/O port to the
datalogger’s CS I/O port. Alternatively, power the NL200 or NL201 through
the barrel-connector jack located on the edge of the device. Connect the
NL200/201 to your network using an Ethernet cable, attaching one end of the
cable to the NL200/201’s Ethernet port and the other end to your network.
Ensure that the device is powered up by inspecting the Power LED.

FIGURE 3-1. NL200 with CR800 (external power)

NL200/201 Network Link Interface

FIGURE 3-2. NL201 with CR800 (powered by datalogger)

3.2 Configuring the NL200/201

NL200/201 into your PC for the first time. You will need the
device driver properly installed before you can connect to the
NL200/201 via USB.

To install the device driver, download the latest version of

DevConfig from our website. Under Device Type, select Network
Peripheral | NL200 Series. Click the Install the device driver for
the device link and follow the prompts.

• Ensure the NL200/201 is powered.

• Connect the supplied USB cable between a USB port on your computer
and the USB port on the NL200/201.

• Open DevConfig.

• Under Device Type, select NL200.

• Click the Browse button next to Communication Port.

• Select the port labeled NL200.

• Click OK.

• Click Connect.

NL200/201 Network Link Interface

• To enter a static IP address, select disable in the Use DHCP field. Then
input the IP Address, Network Mask, and Default Gateway. These
values can be provided by your network administrator.

• If a dynamic address is to be used, the network information acquired via

DHCP can be seen on the NL200 tab under Status. The Status box also
displays the MAC address of the NL200/201.

• Click Apply to save your changes.

NOTE It is recommended that a static IP address be given to the

NL200/201 for most applications so that the path to the device is
always known. If using a dynamic IP address acquired via DHCP
you may wish to configure the NL200/201 as a PakBus/TCP

3.3 LoggerNet Setup

The next step is to run LoggerNet and configure it to connect to the datalogger
via the NL200/201.

• In the LoggerNet Setup screen, press Add Root and choose IPPort. Input
the NL200/201’s IP address and port number. The IP address and port
number are input on the same line separated by a colon. IPv6 addresses
will need to be enclosed in square brackets when specifying a port number.
An IPv4 address may look like An IPv6 address may
look like [2001:db8::1234:5678]:6785. A fully qualified host name entry
may look like

• Add a PakBus® Port (PakBusPort).

• Add a PakBus® Router (pbRouter). Input the PakBus address of the

NL200/201. The NL200/201’s default PakBus address is 678.

• Add the datalogger and input the PakBus® address of the datalogger.

• Press Apply to save the changes.

• You can verify that your settings are correct by selecting the datalogger in
the Network Map, selecting the Clock tab, and pressing Check Clocks. If
your settings are correct, you should see the current clock of your server
and datalogger.

NL200/201 Network Link Interface

FIGURE 3-3. LoggerNet setup

3.4 Connect
You are now ready to connect to your datalogger using the LoggerNet Connect

4. Overview
The NL200/201 Network Link Interface is a device used to communicate with
Campbell Scientific dataloggers and peripherals using an Ethernet 10/100
Mbps communications link. The NL200/201 includes a CS I/O port and an RS-
232 port for communication. A USB device port is used for configuring the
NL200/201 device.

NL200/201 Network Link Interface

FIGURE 4-1. NL201

Bridge Mode Enabled

The NL200/201 can be configured to bridge Ethernet and CS I/O

communications (Bridge Mode enabled). This mode is used for providing
access to the internal IP functionality of the CR800/850, CR1000, and CR3000
(e.g., web page access, email, FTP, etc.). Bridge mode does not utilize PPP.
Instead, raw IP packets are transferred between the Ethernet and CS I/O

FIGURE 4-2. Bridge Mode enabled

Bridge Mode Disabled

With Bridge Mode disabled, the NL200/201 can provide multiple services
simultaneously including TCP Serial Server, TCP Serial Client, Modbus
TCP/IP Gateway, and PakBus® router. The NL200/201 can act as a serial
server and PakBus router simultaneously. However, each physical port (RS-
232 and CS I/O) is only associated with one service (PakBus router, serial
server, Modbus/TCP Gateway, etc.) at a time. For example, you can have an
RS-232 serial server and a CS I/O serial server, an RS-232 serial server and a
CS I/O PakBus router, an RS-232 PakBus router and a CS I/O serial server, or
an RS-232 PakBus router and a CS I/O PakBus router. In addition, the
NL200/201 can act as TLS proxy server. The TLS proxy server is independent
of other modes.

NL200/201 Network Link Interface

FIGURE 4-3. Bridge Mode disabled

Some reasons you might want to use each of these modes are described below.
Refer to Section 6, Configuring the NL200/201 (p. 10), and Section 7, Operation
(p. 12), for information on setting up your NL200/201 for each mode.

Campbell Scientific’s LoggerNet software is used to communicate with the

dataloggers once the NL200/201 is configured properly and connected to a

Bridge Mode

• Allows access to datalogger’s internal IP functionality when a peripheral

port is not accessible. For example, accessing the HTTP/webpage, email,
and FTP capabilities of a CR800/850, ET107, RAWS, or CS110.

NL200/201 Network Link Interface

Serial Server

• Allows access to a CR10X over Ethernet (RS-232 serial server) when used
in conjunction with an RS-232 to CS I/O (ME) adapter like the SC32B or

• Allows access to a serial sensor over Ethernet (RS-232 serial server).

• Provides an Ethernet to RF500M Base. (RS-232 serial server).

PakBus® Router

• Allows access to a CR10X-PB over Ethernet.

• Allows access to a CR200X over Ethernet.

• Allows you to connect to a PakBus® Device on the RS-232 port and a

PakBus Device on the CS I/O port using only one TCP port.

• Allows a PakBus® device on the RS-232 port and a PakBus device on the
CS I/O port to communicate with each other without routing through the

• Allows multiple computers to concurrently talk to PakBus® devices

connected to the RS-232 and CS I/O ports.

TLS Proxy Server

• Adds an encrypted Ethernet network interface to a datalogger that supports

CS I/O IP (bridge mode) communications.

5. Specifications
177 g (6.3 oz)
16 x 6.73 x 2.54 cm (6.3 x 2.65 x 1 in)


FIGURE 5-1. NL200/201 dimensions in inches

NL200/201 Network Link Interface

Power Input
NL201: CS I/O or barrel connector jack; not powered over USB
NL200: Barrel connector jack; not powered over CS I/O or USB

Power Requirements
7 to 20 Vdc
600 mW active, 24 mW standby

NOTE Standby power is when the IPNetPower instruction has been used
to turn off power to the Ethernet. See the CRBasic help for an
example of using the IPNetPower instruction. Note that the
IPNetPower instruction is only applicable when the NL200/201 is
configured with Bridge Mode Enabled.

Operating Temperature
Standard: –25 to +50 °C
Extended: –55 to +85 °C

DevConfig over USB or Ethernet
Telnet console over Ethernet
Terminal menu over RS-232

CS I/O Port
SDC 7, 8, 10, 11 (does not support ME)
9600 bps to 460.8 kbps

RS-232 Port
1200 bps to 115.2 kbps

10Base-T (full and half duplex), 100Base-TX (full and half duplex),
Auto-IP (APIPA), IPv4, IPv6, ICMP/Ping, ICMPv6/Ping, TCP, DHCP
Client, SLAAC, DNS Client, HTTPS Proxy, Telnet Server, TLS,
PakBus®, Modbus TCP/IP

Supports 50 simultaneous TCP connections
Up to 10 of the 50 TCP connections can be used for TLS
PakBus® router supports 50 routes
Supports up to 15 concurrent Modbus server transactions

View the EU Declaration of Conformity at:

NL200/201 Network Link Interface

6. Configuring the NL200/201

The NL200/201 is configured using DevConfig. You can connect your
NL200/201 to DevConfig using either a network connection or USB.

6.1 Configuring the NL200/201 via USB

NL200/201 into your PC for the first time. You will need the
device driver properly installed before you can connect to the
NL200/201 via USB.

To install the device driver, download the latest version of

DevConfig from our website. Under Device Type, select Network
Peripheral | NL200 Series. Click the “Install the device driver for
the device” link and follow the prompts.

• Ensure the NL200/201 is powered.

• Connect the supplied USB cable between a USB port on your computer
and the USB port on the NL200/201.

• Open DevConfig.

• Under Device Type, select NL200.

• Click the Browse button next to Communication Port.

• Select the port labeled NL200.

• Click OK.

• Click Connect.

• Configure the NL200/201 as needed for your application.

• Click Apply to save your changes.

6.2 Configuring the NL200/201 via Network Connection

NOTE The NL200/201 must have an IP address before connecting via a
network connection. If the address cannot be obtained via DHCP,
you will need to configure your NL200/201 via USB the first time
it is set up.

• Ensure the NL200/201 is powered and connected to your network.

• Launch DevConfig.

• Under Device Type, select NL200.

• Check the box labeled Use IP Connection.

NL200/201 Network Link Interface

• Click the Browse button next to Communication Port.

• Select the NL200/NL201 to be configured from the resulting pop-up


• Enter nl200 in the Administrative Password box. (nl200 is the default

administrative password. It can be changed via the DevConfig
Deployment/NL200 tab.)

• Click OK.

• Click Connect.

• Configure the NL200/201 as needed for your application.

• Click Apply to save your changes.

6.3 Configuring the NL200/201 via Telnet

NOTE The NL200/201 must have an IP address before connecting via
Telnet. Configuration via Telnet is not available in bridge mode.

• Ensure the NL200/201 is powered and connected to your network.

• Create a Telnet session with the device over port 23.

• Input the NL200/201 administrative password (default password is nl200).

• Type help to see a list of the functionality available when connected to the
NL200/201 through Telnet.

• Type edit and press Enter to edit the settings of the NL200/201.

• As each NL200/201 setting is shown, press Enter to accept the current

value shown in parenthesis. Type a new value and press Enter to change
the value. The up and down arrow keys on your keyboard can also be used
to navigate through the settings.

• After progressing through all of the NL200/201 settings, type save to

accept the changes or cancel to discard the changes.

• Type bye to exit Telnet.

6.4 Configuring the NL200/201 via RS-232

NOTE Accessing the configuration terminal menu via RS-232 requires
the NL200/201 to be power cycled, so physical access to the
device will be required. A null modem serial cable will be needed;
one is not provided with the NL200/201.

• Using a null modem serial cable, connect your computer’s serial port to
the port labeled “RS-232” on the NL200/201.

NL200/201 Network Link Interface

• Connect to the NL200/201 using a terminal emulator. DevConfig’s

“unknown” device type or HyperTerminal are examples of simple terminal
emulators. The default settings for this interface are 115200 baud, 8 data
bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, no flow control.

• Power cycle the NL200/201 and repeatedly press Enter at the terminal.

• Type help to see a list of the functionality available when connected to the
NL200/201 through Telnet.

• Type edit and press Enter to edit the settings of the NL200/201.

• As each NL200/201 setting is shown, press Enter to accept the current

value shown in parenthesis. Type a new value and press Enter to change
the value.

• After progressing through all of the NL200/201 settings, type save to

accept the changes or cancel to discard the changes.

• Disconnect your computer and power cycle the NL200/201.

7. Operation
This section describes how to configure your NL200/201 for different
operational modes. See Section 4, Overview (p. 5), for help in determining which
mode to use.

7.1 PakBus® Router

When the RS-232 or CS I/O port is configured as a PakBus® router, the
NL200/201 can route packets to other devices in the network that it has in its
routing table. These are devices that the NL200/201 has learned about through
beaconing or allowed-neighbor lists.

Beacon Interval – Devices in a PakBus® network may broadcast a hello-

message to other devices in order to determine “neighbor” devices. Neighbor
devices are devices that can be communicated with directly by the current
device without being routed through an intermediate device. A beacon in a
PakBus network helps to ensure that all devices in the network are aware of
which other devices are viable in the network. The beacon interval determines
how often a beacon will be sent out. Set the beacon interval to 0 to disable

Verify Interval – This interval, in seconds, determines the rate at which the
NL200/201 will attempt to start a hello transaction with a neighbor if no other
communication has taken place within the interval. If Verify Interval is set to 0,
the verify interval becomes 2.5 times the Beacon Interval. If both the Beacon
Interval and Verify Interval are set to 0, the verify interval becomes 300

PakBus Neighbors Allowed – You can set a list of “acceptable neighbors”

which the NL200/201 expects to hear from within set intervals (the Verify
Interval). If the NL200/201 does not hear from neighbors in this list within the
Verify Interval, it will attempt to contact them on its own. It will ignore all
devices it hears that are not on the PakBus Neighbors Allowed list except if the

NL200/201 Network Link Interface

PakBus® address is ≥4000. Hellos from devices with PakBus address ≥4000
are automatically accepted as neighbors.

7.1.1 Physical Setup

Using the supplied serial cable, connect the NL200/201’s CS I/O port or RS-
232 port to the datalogger’s CS I/O or RS-232 port, respectively. The NL201
will be powered if connected via CS I/O. Alternatively, power the NL200 or
NL201 through the barrel-connector jack located on the edge of the device.
Connect the NL200/201 to your network using an Ethernet cable, attaching one
end of the cable to the NL200/201’s Ethernet port and the other end to your
network. Ensure that the device is powered up by inspecting the Power LED.

7.1.2 Configuring the NL200/201

RS-232 PakBus® Router

• Connect to the NL200/201 in DevConfig (see Section 6, Configuring the

NL200/201 (p. 10)).

• On the NL200 tab:

o Set Bridge Mode to disable.

• On the RS-232 tab:

o Set Configuration to PakBus.

o Set Baud Rate to baud rate of attached device.

o Set Beacon Interval, Verify Interval, and PakBus Neighbors

Allowed as described above. Often the default values can be used.
However, an allowed neighbors list can be useful in restricting
communication paths.

• On the Network Services tab:

o Make note of the PakBus\TCP Server Port. (The default

PakBus/TCP Server Port is 6785. Unless firewall issues exist, it is
not necessary to change the port from its default value.)

CS I/O PakBus® Router

• Connect to the NL200/201 in DevConfig (see Section 6, Configuring the

NL200/201 (p. 10)).

• On the NL200 tab:

o Set Bridge Mode to disable.

• On the CS I/O tab:

o Set Configuration to PakBus.

NL200/201 Network Link Interface

o Set SDC address. (Note that if multiple peripherals are connected to a

datalogger’s CS I/O port, each must have a unique SDC address.)

o Set Beacon Interval and Verify Interval as described above. Often

the default values can be used.

• On the Network Services tab:

o Make note of the PakBus\TCP Server Port. (The default

PakBus/TCP Server Port is 6785. Unless firewall issues exist, it is
not necessary to change the port from its default value.)

7.1.3 LoggerNet Setup

• In the LoggerNet Setup screen, press Add Root and choose IPPort. Input
the NL200/201’s IP address and port number. The IP address and port
number are input on the same line separated by a colon.

• Add a PakBus® Port (PakBusPort).

• Add a PakBus® Router (pbRouter). Input the PakBus address of the

NL200/201. The NL200/201’s default PakBus address is 678.

• Add the datalogger and input the PakBus® address of the datalogger.

• Press Apply to save the changes.

FIGURE 7-1. PakBus® router LoggerNet setup

NL200/201 Network Link Interface

7.1.4 Connect
You are now ready to connect to your datalogger using the LoggerNet Connect

7.2 Bridge Mode

With Bridge Mode Enabled, the device will act as a bridge from Ethernet to
CS I/O. All IP packets that come into the device via Ethernet will be
communicated as a complete Ethernet/TCP packet to the datalogger over the
CS I/O port. This enables the datalogger to use its TCP/IP stack to interpret the
packet and, therefore, all of the datalogger’s TCP services are available. In
bridge mode, none of the other device settings are valid and all other
functionality is disabled. All settings (that is, IP, netmask, gateway) are
configured in the datalogger. However, in bridge mode, the device will
intercept any TCP traffic on the “TCP Configuration Port Number.” This
allows the device to still be configured remotely by IP connection using
DevConfig. The “TCP Configuration Port Number” is a user setting with a
default value of 6786.

7.2.1 Physical Setup

Using the supplied serial cable, connect the NL201’s CS I/O port to the
datalogger’s CS I/O port. Alternatively, power the NL200 or NL201 through
the barrel-connector jack located on the edge of the device. (Note that an
NL200 cannot be powered over CS I/O. An external power adaptor or power
cable is required.) Connect the NL200/201 to your network using an Ethernet
cable, attaching one end of the cable to the NL200/201’s Ethernet port and the
other end to your network. Ensure that the device is powered up by inspecting
the Power LED.

7.2.2 Configuring the NL200/201

Connect to the NL200/201 in DevConfig (see Section 6, Configuring the
NL200/201 (p. 10)). In the NL200/201 tab, set Bridge Mode to enable.

7.2.3 Configuring the Datalogger

• Connect a serial cable from the PC COM port to the datalogger’s RS-232

• Open DevConfig. Select the device type of the datalogger (CR800,

CR1000, or CR3000), the appropriate Communication Port, and the
Baud Rate. Press Connect to connect to the datalogger.

• If using a static IP address, select the CS I/O IP tab and input the IP
address, subnet mask, and IP gateway for the correct CS I/O Interface. The
default for the NL200/201 is CS I/O IP Interface #1 (SDC3). DNS server
settings are shared by all active IP interfaces and can be entered on the
TCP/IP tab. These values can be provided by your network administrator.
If using DHCP, leave the CS I/O IP address settings as You will
find the information acquired by DHCP in the info box on the CS I/O IP
tab. The same info box can be seen on the Ethernet tab.

• Press Apply to save the changes and then close DevConfig.

NL200/201 Network Link Interface

NOTE The NL200/201 must be connected to the datalogger before

configuring the datalogger with DevConfig. If it is not connected,
the TCP/IP settings will not be displayed.

7.2.4 LoggerNet Setup

The next step is to run LoggerNet and configure it to connect to the datalogger
via the Ethernet port. (See example in FIGURE 7-2 below.)

• In the LoggerNet Setup screen, press Add Root and choose IPPort. Input
the datalogger’s IP address and port number. The IP address and port
number are input on the same line separated by a colon. (The datalogger’s
default port number is 6785. It can be changed using DevConfig. Unless
firewall issues exist, the port number does not need to be changed from its
default value.)

• Add a PakBus® Port.

• Add the datalogger (CR800, CR1000, or CR3000) and input the PakBus®
address of the datalogger.

• You can verify that your settings are correct by selecting the datalogger in
the Network Map, selecting the Clock tab, and pressing Check Clocks. If
your settings are correct, you should see the current clock of your server
and datalogger.

FIGURE 7-2. Bridge mode LoggerNet setup

NL200/201 Network Link Interface

7.2.5 Connect
You are now ready to connect to your datalogger using the LoggerNet Connect

7.3 TCP Serial Server

The NL200/201 can tunnel RS-232 and CS I/O serial communications over
Ethernet. Any packet sent to the configured Ethernet IP port will have the IP
layer removed, and the serial data is then directed to the serial connection.

7.3.1 Physical Setup

Using the supplied serial cable, connect the NL200/201’s CS I/O port or RS-
232 port to the datalogger’s CS I/O or RS-232 port, respectively. The NL201
will be powered if connected via CS I/O. Alternatively, power the NL200 or
NL201 through the barrel-connector jack located on the edge of the device.
Connect the NL200/201 to your network using an Ethernet cable, attaching one
end of the cable to the NL200/201’s Ethernet port and the other end to your
network. Ensure that the device is powered up by inspecting the Power LED.

7.3.2 Configuring the NL200/201

RS-232 Serial Server

• Connect to the NL200/201 in DevConfig (see Section 6, Configuring the

NL200/201 (p. 10)).

• On the NL200 tab:

o Set Bridge Mode to disable.

• On the RS-232 tab:

o Set Configuration to TCP Serial Server.

o Set Baud Rate to baud rate of attached device.

o Make note of the Serial Server Port. (The default RS-232 Serial
Server Port is 6784. Typically, it is not necessary to change this entry
from its default.)

CS I/O Serial Server

• Connect to the NL200/201 in DevConfig (see Section 6, Configuring the

NL200/201 (p. 10)).

• On the NL200 tab:

o Set Bridge Mode to disable.

NL200/201 Network Link Interface

• On the CS I/O tab:

o Set Configuration to TCP Serial Server.

o Set SDC Address. (Note that if multiple peripherals are connected to

a datalogger’s CS I/O port, each must have a unique SDC address.)

o Make note of the Serial Server Port. (The default CS I/O Serial
Server Port is 6783. Typically, it is not necessary to change this entry
from its default.)

7.3.3 LoggerNet Setup

The next step is to run LoggerNet and configure it to connect to the datalogger
via the Ethernet port. (See example in FIGURE 7-3 below.)

• In the LoggerNet Setup screen, press Add Root and choose IPPort. Input
the NL200/201’s IP address and port number. The IP address and port
number are input on the same line separated by a colon.

• Add a PakBus® Port.

• Add the datalogger and input the PakBus® address of the datalogger.

• Press Apply to save the changes.

• You can verify your settings are correct by selecting the datalogger in the
Network Map, selecting the Clock tab, and pressing Check Clocks. If
your settings are correct, you should see the current clock of your server
and datalogger.

FIGURE 7-3. Serial server LoggerNet setup

NL200/201 Network Link Interface

7.3.4 Connect
You are now ready to connect to your datalogger using the LoggerNet Connect

7.3.5 Serial Sensors

The NL200/201 configured as an RS-232 serial server as described above can
be used to communicate with a serial sensor. However, LoggerNet is not
capable of communicating with the serial sensor. You must have some other
method of communicating with the sensor.

7.4 TCP Serial Client

When the RS-232 port is configured as TCP Serial Client, the NL200/201 will
initiate and maintain a TCP socket connection to the IP address and port
number specified by the Serial Client Address and Serial Client Port
settings. Data received on the RS-232 port will be forwarded to this TCP
connection, and data received on the TCP connection will be forwarded to the
RS-232 port. This mode can be particularly useful when an RF base or serial
sensor is behind a firewall and needs to be the party responsible for initiating
the TCP socket connection to the data collection server.

The NL200/201 will attempt to open a connection with the remote server, and,
if the connection fails to open, the device will continue to retry at an interval of
60 seconds. If data arrives on the RS-232 port when no TCP connection exists,
the device will buffer the data (up to 1500 bytes) and immediately attempt to
open a connection to deliver the data. If the remote server closes the connection
due to error, the NL200/201 will make a best effort to save any data that was in
process and re-queue it to be sent on the next successfully-opened TCP

7.5 Modbus TCP/IP to RTU Gateway

The NL200/201 can serve as a Modbus TCP/IP to RTU Gateway. It will listen
for incoming Modbus TCP/IP connections from a Modbus TCP/IP master
client. The port number of the listening connection is specified in the RS-232
Service Port Number setting and is typically set to a value of 502. The
NL200/201 will convert incoming Modbus TCP/IP frames to Modbus RTU
and forward them to the RS-232 port. The NL200/201 will wait for a response
from the Modbus RTU device and forward that response back to the remote
Modbus TCP/IP master client over the established TCP connection. The
Modbus RTU device is generally a datalogger, such as a CR200(X), connected
to the RS-232 port or a datalogger located remotely over a transparent radio
(for example, RF450) connection, but can be any Modbus RTU device. When
the NL200/201 is connected directly to a CR800 series, CR1000, or CR3000
being polled by a Modbus TCP/IP master client, the NL200/201 is most
commonly configured with Bridge Mode enabled instead of as a Modbus
TCP/IP to RTU Gateway.

7.6 TLS
The NL200/201 supports transport layer security (TLS) for proxy functions
including HTTPS. TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1. are supported. The TLS
implementation supports symmetric algorithms AES-256, AES-128, and RC4
and RSA keys up to 4096 bits. For any TLS connection, the unit will

NL200/201 Network Link Interface

preferentially use AES-256, then AES-128, and finally RC4. X.509 certificates
are supported, with the exception of v3 extensions. Certificates should be PEM
format. Up to 10 certificates can be chained. 20 KB of space is provided for
certificate storage. The Private Key should also be in PEM format and, if
encrypted, use AES-256 or AES-128 (SHA).

The implementation of TLS in the NL200/201 is provided so that secure,

encrypted communications can be established between a TLS client and the
NL200/201. With the TLS Proxy Server enabled, the NL200/201 can act as a
TLS proxy server for a datalogger. The NL200/201’s TLS Proxy Server
maintains a secure TLS connection with a remote TLS client and forwards data
onto a datalogger using a standard TCP connection thus enabling
communication with TLS clients. The TLS client can be a web browser using
HTTPS or other user-supplied TLS client. This offloads from the datalogger
the intensive computations that are necessary for a TLS server to perform.

Also, with the NL200/201 configured for TLS, it can establish a secure TLS
configuration session with DevConfig.

In order to use TLS, the user must configure the NL200/201 with a user-
supplied TLS Private Key and TLS Certificate. The key and certificate are
loaded using DevConfig.

Using DevConfig, navigate to the Settings Editor tab and then to the TLS tab.

• Load the user-supplied, PEM-formatted TLS Private key using the Set
TLS Key … button. A file dialog will open. Navigate to the key file
and click Open.

• Load the user-supplied, PEM-formatted TLS Certificate using the Set

TLS Certificate … button. A file dialog will open. Navigate to the
certificate file and click Open.

• Enter the TLS Private Key Password if the TLS Private Key is
encrypted. Otherwise, leave the setting blank.

• After loading the key and certificate, click the Apply button. The
NL200/201 will reboot. Connect with DevConfig again and navigate
to the Settings Editor tab and then to the TLS tab. The TLS Status
should say Initialized.

NOTE The TLS Settings described above cannot be edited over a

standard TCP DevConfig link. The TLS Private Key, TLS Private
Key Password and TLS Certificate can only be edited/transmitted
over a secure DevConfig link (USB or TLS).

NOTE If the status of the TLS stack is Initialized, the NL200/201 will
automatically negotiate a secure TLS connection with DevConfig
as long as the Use IP Connection option is selected.

NL200/201 Network Link Interface

7.6.1 TLS Proxy Server

A TLS proxy server is a device that acts as a secure intermediary for requests
from clients seeking resources from other servers. A client connects to the
proxy server, requesting some service, such as a file, connection, web page, or
other resource, available from a different server. The proxy server evaluates the
request according to its filtering rules. For example, it may filter traffic by IP
address or protocol. If the request is validated by the filter, the proxy provides
the resource by connecting to the relevant server and requesting the service on
behalf of the client.

When the TLS Proxy Server function is enabled, the NL200/201’s TLS Proxy
Server maintains a secure TLS connection with a remote TLS client and
forwards data onto a datalogger using a standard TCP connection thus enabling
communication with TLS clients. The TLS client can be a web browser using
HTTPS or other user-supplied TLS client. Any other client program that
encrypts a standard TCP connection using TLS may be used to establish a
connection with the NL200/201 TLS Proxy Server and the NL200/201 will
forward unencrypted TCP data to a datalogger. In this way, a remote TLS
client can establish a TLS connection with a datalogger.

The settings found in the TLS Proxy Server and TLS tab in DevConfig are used
to configure the NL200/201 TLS Proxy Server.

Two physical configurations are possible and the required settings differ
depending on the configuration chosen. The possible configurations are shown
in the following figure.

FIGURE 7-4. TLS proxy server configurations

Configuration A

In Configuration A, the NL200/201 decrypts TLS traffic and forwards the

unencrypted TCP traffic to the datalogger over the CS I/O port. The
NL200/201 is able to “learn” the IP address of the attached datalogger and will
open a TCP connection on the “learned” IP address.

NL200/201 Network Link Interface

Configuration B

In Configuration B, the NL200/201 decrypts TLS traffic and forwards the

unencrypted TCP traffic to the datalogger back out on the Ethernet port. The
user must specify an IP address and TCP port number for the forwarding TCP

To configure the NL200/201 TLS Proxy Server to communicate with a

datalogger attached to the CS I/O port or with a datalogger over an Ethernet
connection, open DevConfig and configure the following settings.

Settings Editor | TLS Proxy Server Tab

• Set the TLS Proxy Server setting to enable.

• Set the TLS Proxy Server Port Number. This is the TCP port number on
which the proxy server will listen for incoming connections. The TLS
Client also needs to be set to communicate on this port number. When
TLS communications are received on this port number, the NL200/201
will decrypt the data and attempt to open a TCP connection to the
datalogger and forward the unencrypted data. In HTTPS communications,
web browsers use port 443. The NL200/201 will always listen on port 443
regardless of the value of this setting. Therefore, if HTTPS
communications are desired, it is unnecessary to configure this setting.

• Set the TLS Proxy Forward Physical Port to CS I/O Port for
Configuration A or to Ethernet Port for Configuration B.

• For Configuration A, leave the TLS Proxy Forward IP Address set to For Configuration B, enter the datalogger’s IP address in the TLS
Proxy Forward IP Address setting. This address must be configured in
the datalogger. It must be a unique, static IP address on the same subnet as
the NL200/201 IP address. For example, if the NL200/201 IP address is with subnet, a valid IP address for the
datalogger would be provided there are no other devices on
the subnet with that address.

• Set the TLS Proxy Forward Port Number. This is the TCP port number
that the proxy server will use when it opens a TCP connection to the
datalogger to forward unencrypted data. The datalogger’s TCP server port
must be set to communicate on this port number. The default value for the
datalogger’s PakBus/TCP server is 6785, so this setting can likely be left
at the default. The datalogger listens for HTTP traffic on port 80. The
NL200/201 will always forward TLS traffic received on port 443(HTTPS)
to port 80(HTTP) regardless of this setting. Therefore, if HTTPS
communications are desired, it is unnecessary to configure this setting.

• It is recommended to leave the TLS Proxy Timeout set to 90 seconds

although it can be changed if desired. This will determine how fast the
NL200/201 proxy server and client connections will timeout if no activity
is detected.

To configure the datalogger for Configuration A, connect to the datalogger

using DevConfig and select the CS I/O IP tab. Set the CS I/O Interface IP
Address to a static IP address. Use the datalogger’s CS I/O Interface that

NL200/201 Network Link Interface

corresponds to the NL200/NL201’s CS I/O IP Interface Identifier setting. To

configure the datalogger for Configuration B, connect to the datalogger using
DevConfig and select the TCP/IP tab. Set the Ethernet Interface IP Address
to a static IP address.

For either configuration, the IP address must not be, and it must be
unique on the same subnet as the NL200/201 IP address. For example, if the
NL200/201 IP address is and Subnet Mask is, the
datalogger address could be set as provided there are no other
devices on the subnet with that address. Also set the datalogger’s Subnet Mask
to match that of the NL200/201.

The datalogger must be listening on the same TCP port that the NL200/201 is
configured to forward TCP traffic on (NL200/201 setting: TLS Proxy Forward
Port Number). The datalogger always listens on port 80 for HTTP, therefore,
no TCP port configuration is necessary for using HTTP.

7.6.2 DevConfig TCP Encrypted Communication to the NL200/201

In order to use DevConfig TCP Encrypted Communication to the NL200/201,
you will need to load your TLS Private Key and TLS Certificate into the
NL200/201. This is done from the Settings Editor | TLS tab in DevConfig.
Once the private key and certificate are loaded successfully, the TLS Status
field should read Initialized.

To use TCP Encrypted Communication, select the Use IP Connection check

box in DevConfig. Input the NL200/201’s IP address (or press the browse
button to select it from a list of NL200/201s connected to the network) and
press Connect.

NOTES If the status of the TLS stack is Initialized, the NL200/201 will
automatically negotiate a secure TLS connection with DevConfig
as long as the Use IP Connection option is selected.

Encrypted Communication is required to change the TLS Private

Key and/or TLS Certificate via TCP. The private key and
certificate cannot be initialized via TCP, since the connection is
not encrypted. They must be initialized through a direct USB
connection to the NL200/201.

When the NL200/201 is in bridge mode, it cannot be configured

via a secure network connection, because in bridge mode the TLS
stack is not initialized. It can be configured via USB, RS-232, or
an unsecured network connection.

8. Applications
8.1 Working Around Firewalls
The NL200/201 can be used to provide a connection between LoggerNet and a
datalogger when both are behind firewalls. The NL200/201 must be on a public
IP address and will act as a common meeting place for all PakBus®

NL200/201 Network Link Interface

Internet / WAN

Cellular Network



FIGURE 8-1. Working around firewalls

8.1.1 Configuring the NL200/201

• Connect to the NL200/201 in DevConfig (see Section 6, Configuring the
NL200/201 (p. 10)).

• On the NL200 tab:

o Set Bridge Mode to disable.

o Set Use DHCP to disable.

o Input the IP Address, Network Mask, and Default Gateway. These

values can be provided by your network administrator.

• On the Network Services tab:

o Make note of the PakBus/TCP Server Port.

8.1.2 Configuring the Datalogger

NOTE The datalogger must first be configured for internet

communication (i.e., through an NL115, an NL120, a second
NL200/201, or a cellular modem).

• Connect a serial cable from the PC COM port to the datalogger’s RS-232

• Open DevConfig. Select the device type of the datalogger (CR800,

CR1000, or CR3000), the appropriate Communication Port, and Baud
Rate. Press Connect to connect to the datalogger.

• On the Network Services tab:

o Under PakBus TCP Client Connections, input the NL200/201’s IP

address and PakBus TCP Server Port.

• Press Apply to save the changes and then close DevConfig.

NL200/201 Network Link Interface

9. Troubleshooting
This section covers some common problems that might be encountered when
using the NL200/201. This is not comprehensive but should provide some
insight and ability to correct simple errors without a call to Campbell Scientific
technical support.

When your Campbell Scientific software cannot establish a link to a remote

datalogger that is connected to the NL200/201, do the following:

1. Check all your power connections.

• Your NL200/201 and any hub and/or router being used must be
connected to power. Check power indicator lights to make sure your
devices are powered.

2. Check all your cables.

• Verify that your Ethernet cable is securely plugged in between your

NL200/201 and your hub, router, or PC. The yellow Link/Act light on
the NL200/201 should start blinking when it is connected to the

• If an Ethernet cable is connected but the Link/Act light is not

blinking, try a new Ethernet cable. You can also try moving the
existing Ethernet cable to a functioning system to determine if the
cable is working.

3. Power cycle the NL200/201 and your hub/router/PC.

• Turn off or unplug your hub/router/PC and NL200/201. Wait 10

seconds and then plug them back in or turn them on. A full restart
may take 30 to 60 seconds.

4. Check the settings of the NL200/201.

• Make sure the assigned NL200/201 IP address (DHCP or static) and

the IP address of the PC you are trying to connect from are able to
communicate with each other. (Your network administrator can help
you with this.)

For example, the following addresses are able to communicate:

NL200/201: IP address:, Network Mask:

PC: IP address:, Network Mask:

• If you are using DHCP to assign an IP address to the NL200/201, use

DevConfig to read the IP address assigned to your NL200/201. This is
done through a USB connection to the NL200/201 while the
NL200/201 is connected to your network.

• The IP address assigned to the NL200/201 must be unique on your


NL200/201 Network Link Interface

• When Bridge Mode is enabled, the datalogger controls how the IP

address is assigned. Make sure your datalogger is connected correctly
to the NL200/201.

• Try to ping the NL200/201 from your PC. (From the Windows Start
Menu, choose Accessories | Command Prompt. Then type ping where is the IP address of your
NL200/201.) If no packets are returned, this indicates that there is no
network connection to that IP address.

5. Make sure the IP address and port number entered in

LoggerNet/PC400/RTDAQ match the settings in the NL200/201.

• Note that PakBus® and serial server communications use different

port numbers. The default port number for PakBus communications is
6785. The default port number for CS I/O serial server
communications is 6783. The default port number for RS-232 serial
sever communications is 6784. The correct port number must follow
the IP address of the NL200/201 in LoggerNet Setup in order for
LoggerNet to communicate through the NL200/201. For example, if
the NL200/201 is configured as a CS I/O serial server, in LoggerNet
Setup, enter the correct IP address of your NL200/201 followed by
:6783 (e.g.,

6. If you are unable to communicate with the NL200/201 via the USB cable,
verify that you have installed the latest drivers for the NL200/201. These
can be downloaded from our website at

7. If the NL200/201 is configured as a CS I/O serial server, verify that any

other SDC device attached to the datalogger is using a different SDC
address. For example, if the NL200/201 is configured for SDC7, any other
device attached to the datalogger cannot use SDC7.

8. If communicating over a slow or intermittent connection, it may be

necessary to lower the Maximum Packet Size of the datalogger in
LoggerNet Setup and/or add Extra Response Time to the PakBus® Port in
LoggerNet Setup.

9. Reset the NL200/201 to its default settings.

• If none of the above steps correct your communication problems, reset

the NL200/201 to its default settings. This can be done using the
Factory Defaults button in DevConfig or by using the Defaults
command in a telnet session with the NL200/201.

10. Verify you are running the latest revision of firmware (operating system).
It is possible that an issue affecting your ability to communicate via the
NL2xx is resolved in the latest version. The latest firmware version and its
revision history can be found at There
is no charge for this download. See Appendix D, Sending a New OS to the
NL200/201 (p. D-1), for instructions on downloading the firmware revision
to the NL2XX.

NL200/201 Network Link Interface

11. If the above steps do not resolve the issue, please call Campbell Scientific,
for help. Before calling, it would be helpful to do the following:

• Obtain a detailed description of your network setup including TCP/IP

address, port number, PakBus® settings, and other pertinent
information regarding all of the devices in the NL200’s
communication network.

• Save a copy of the NL2xx settings (in XML format) using DevConfig.

• Save a copy of the NL2XX event log. This is low-level code that can
be used by Campbell Scientific’s engineering staff to help
troubleshoot the NL2XX. To obtain the event log, the NL2XX must
not be in Bridge Mode. Telnet into the NL2XX using your favorite
telnet program. Once you have logged in, type “eventlog” at the
prompt. Record the date and time that you did this. Copy and paste the
output into a text file.

• If running NL2xx firmware revision v.4 or greater, you can also type
“eventloga” at the prompt to obtain an ASCII version of the low-level
log. Copy and paste the output into a text file.

• Once the eventlogs have been copied, you can type “eventlog erase”
at the prompt to clear the log. If you want to add a date to indicate
when the logs were last cleared, you can enter “eventlog erase date”
where date is a string of up to 8 characters.

After calling Campbell Scientific for help, email your network description, the
newly created text files, and the saved XML settings file to the person you are
working with.

10. Attributions
PakBus is a registered trademark of Campbell Scientific, Inc.


Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Swedish Institute of Computer Science.

All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without

modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,

this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
derived from this software without specific prior written permission.



NL200/201 Network Link Interface



Appendix A. Glossary

A method of automatically assigning IP addresses to a device without the

use of a DHCP server.

It is used in the NL200/NL201 when DHCP is enabled but the

NL200/NL201 is not able to access a DHCP server. A local IP address is
assigned in the 169.254.XXX.XXX range. This process can take up to 2

Beacon Interval

Devices in a PakBus® network may broadcast a hello-message to other

devices in order to determine “neighbor” devices. Neighbor devices are
devices that can be communicated with directly by the current device
without being routed through an intermediate device. A beacon in a
PakBus network helps to ensure that all devices in the network are aware
of which other devices are viable in the network.

Bridge (Bridging, Network Bridge)

In the context of this manual, bridging is the act of connecting two

network interfaces at the data link layer. The NL200/201 acts as a semi-
transparent bridge passing, without alteration, IP packets between the
Ethernet and CS I/O ports.

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)

A TCP/IP application protocol in which IP addresses are assigned

automatically by a DHCP server. Note that an IP address obtained through
DHCP is not static but is leased for a period of time set by the network
administrator. The address may change, if the NL200/201 is powered

If DHCP is enabled but the NL200/201 is not able to access a DHCP

server, an IP address will be automatically assigned via Auto-IP (APIPA).
This process can take up to 2 minutes.

Hello Exchange

A communication exchange that establishes two PakBus® devices as

neighbors. A hello command packet is sent by one PakBus device (A) to
another device (B). Device (B) then sends a hello response (A). The
receipt of that packet establishes the two devices as neighbors. Only a
hello exchange can establish two devices as neighbors.

Neighbor (PakBus® Neighbor)

A device in a PakBus network that can be communicated with directly

(i.e., not via a router). Every PakBus device maintains its own Neighbor

Appendix A. Glossary


Campbell Scientific’s packet-switched communications protocol. Packets

of information transmitted between PakBus devices contain user data and
administrative information (a header) that routing devices use to move the
packets to their ultimate destination. PakBus devices examine the header
information and then either remove the header (at the packet’s final
destination) or forward the packet to another PakBus device.

PakBus® Node

A device in a PakBus network. Each device in a network must have a

unique PakBus address.

Port Number

A port number is a way to identify a specific process to which a network

message is to be forwarded when it arrives at the NL200/201.

SDC (Synchronous Device Communications)

A Campbell Scientific, addressable, and synchronous communications

protocol. The protocol allows multiple peripherals to be connected to the
same device as long as each peripheral has a unique SDC address.

Serial Server

A serial server (also referred to as a terminal server) allows serial

communication over an IP communications link.

Proxy (Proxy Server)

A device that acts as an intermediary for IP communications between two

clients. In the context of this manual, the NL200/201 acts an intermediary
between two or more clients requiring a secure connection (TLS) and one
client requiring an unsecured connection. Communications are encrypted
and decrypted as necessary for the two clients to communicate via the

TLS (Transport Layer Security)

An encryption protocol allowing secure client/server communications. A

keyed, message-authentication code is used for message reliability.

Verify Interval

An interval of time that a PakBus® device uses to determine when it is

time send a hello message to another device to verify that they can still

Appendix B. Cables, Pinouts, LED
Function, and Jumper
B.1 CS I/O
The CS I/O cable is a 9-pin, straight-through cable with all 9 pins connected.
The supplied SC12 cable (part number 16675) is recommended.

TABLE B-1. NL200/201 CS I/O Connector Pinout

Datalogger (DB9 Female) Peripheral (DB9 Male)

Pin Function Function
1 5 VDC Not Connected
8 12 VDC (output) NL200: Not Connected
NL201: 12 VDC (input)

B.2 RS-232
A DB9 female to DB9 male cable (such as Campbell Scientific part number
10873) is used to connect the NL200/201’s RS-232 port to the datalogger’s
RS-232 port. The supplied SC12 cable can also be used. A DB9 female null
modem cable (such as Campbell Scientific part number 13657) is used to
connect the NL200/201’s RS-232 port to a PC’s RS-232 port. The RS-232
cable should be kept short when using high baud rates.

TABLE B-2. RS-232 Pinout

Datalogger (DCE, DB9 Female) Peripheral (DTE, DB9 Male)

Pin Function Function

Appendix B. Cables, Pinouts, LED Function, and Jumper

B.3 Ethernet
The Ethernet 10Base-T/100Base-TX cable should be a Category 5 or better
twisted pair cable (such as Campbell Scientific part number 13658). The two
active pairs are pins 1 and 2 and pins 3 and 6. Use only dedicated wire pairs
(such as blue/white and white/blue, orange/white and white/orange) for the
active pairs.

NOTE The maximum recommended segment length for 10BaseT and

100BaseTx networks using CAT5 cable is 100 meters. Segment
length is the length of cable between the NL device and the
Ethernet repeater, hub, switch, or router it is connected to.

TABLE B-3. Ethernet Pinout

Pin Function
1 TD +
2 TD -
3 RD +
4 Not Connected
5 Not Connected
6 RD -
7 Not Connected
8 Not Connected

The USB cable is the supplied USB A to micro B style cable (Campbell
Scientific part number 27555). This is used only for device configuration.

TABLE B-4. USB Micro-B

Pin Function
1 VBUS (Not Used)
2 Data -
3 Data +
4 N/C

B.5 Power
TABLE B-5. Power In

Pin Function
Center 7 – 20 VDC
Sleeve Power GND

Appendix B. Cables, Pinouts, LED Function, and Jumper

B.6 LEDs
TABLE B-6. Power LED

State Description
Off Device powered off
On Device powered on and ready
Blink OS Download in progress – DO NOT DISCONNECT POWER

TABLE B-7. Ethernet LED

State Description
Yellow On Valid Ethernet link
Yellow Off Ethernet link not valid
Yellow Blink Activity on Ethernet port
Green On 100Mbit/s link
Green Off 10Mbit/s link

B.7 Power Jumper (NL201 only)

If you wish to prevent the NL201 from being powered over the CS I/O port,
remove the two screws on the top of the NL201, remove the NL201’s top
cover, remove the jumper indicated below and place it so that it is connected to
only one post. With the jumper connected to only one post, the NL201 can only
be powered from the barrel connector. With the jumper connected to both
posts, the NL201 can be powered from the CS I/O port or from the barrel

Appendix B. Cables, Pinouts, LED Function, and Jumper

Appendix C. NL200/201 Settings
All of the NL200/201 settings available from the Settings Editor in DevConfig
are described below.

C.1 Main Tab

Model (read only)

Model name.

Serial Number (read only)

Specifies the NL200/201 serial number assigned by the factory.

OS Version (read only)

Operating system version currently in the NL200/201.

Compile Date (read only)

Operating system compile date.

Bridge Mode

This setting is used to configure the device’s mode of operation.

Bridge Mode Disabled

With Bridge Mode disabled, the serial server (RS-232 or CS I/O),

PakBus®, and secure proxy server functionalities are available. Refer to
the respective device settings for the configuration of these functionalities.

Bridge Mode Enabled

With Bridge Mode enabled, the device will act as a bridge from Ethernet
to CS I/O. All IP packets that come in to the device via Ethernet will be
communicated to a datalogger over the CS I/O port. Some filtering is done
in order to minimize the amount of traffic on the CS I/O port but every
packet that is transmitted to the datalogger is sent intact as a complete
Ethernet/TCP packet. This enables the datalogger to use its TCP/IP stack
to interpret the packet, and therefore, all of the datalogger’s TCP services
are available. In bridge mode, none of the other device settings are valid
and all other functionality is disabled. All settings (i.e., IP, netmask,
gateway) are configured in the datalogger. However, in bridge mode, the
device will intercept any TCP traffic on the “TCP Configuration Port
Number.” This allows the device to still be configured remotely by IP
connection using DevConfig. The “TCP Configuration Port Number” is a
user setting with a default value of 6786.

Appendix C. NL200/201 Settings

NOTE When the device is configured in bridge mode, it is not possible to

open a telnet session with it.

CS I/O IP Interface Identifier

When the device is configured to operate in Bridge Mode, the datalogger will
address the device using this identifier. The datalogger can address up to two
“CS I/O IP” devices. The corresponding CS I/O IP Address settings in the
datalogger will control the interface. CS I/O IP Interface 1 uses SDC channel 3.
CS I/O IP Interface 2 uses SDC channel 1.

Bridge Mode Forward Code

When the device is configured for bridge mode, it forwards Ethernet packets to
the datalogger. Because the device is aware of the MAC address and IP address
being used by the datalogger, it is able to do some filtering on incoming
packets and only forward relevant packets. This decreases the amount of traffic
on the relatively bandwidth-limited CS I/O port and minimizes the amount of
Ethernet processing the datalogger needs to perform.

It may be desired to further reduce the amount of CS I/O traffic. This setting
allows the filtering by the device to be customized to some degree. The default
value of this setting is 65535 (0xFFFF hex) and will forward all packets that
have been determined to be relevant for proper datalogger IP communication.
If desired, other codes may be entered to filter out certain packet types.

A packet is forwarded to the datalogger if its corresponding bit is set in the

“Bridge Mode Forward Code.” It will not be forwarded if its corresponding bit
is cleared. Single bits or multiple bits may be cleared to accomplish custom
filtering. The following are example values of this code.

Forward Code Values

65535 (0xFFFF): Leave all bits set to forward all relevant packets.

65531 (0xFFFB): Clear bit 2 to forward all relevant packets except UDP
Broadcast packets. Filtering UDP broadcasts will disable the dataloggers
ability to respond to DevConfig discovery packets but in many cases will
greatly reduce the total number of forwarded packets.

65279 (0xFEFF): Clear bit 8 to forward all relevant packets except IPv6
packets. Filtering these packets may be desired if the datalogger is on an IPv6-
enabled network but not required to respond to any IPv6-related traffic.


Enable if the device should be configured to use DHCP (Dynamic Host

Configuration Protocol) to automatically acquire an IP address, subnet mask,
and gateway from the local DHCP server. After DHCP is enabled, the device
will reboot and it may take a few moments to acquire the IP settings. In order
to see the acquired settings, you may have to refresh by pressing F5.

Appendix C. NL200/201 Settings

IP Address

The IP address uniquely identifies this node on an internet. If DHCP is

disabled, a static IP address must be obtained from your network administrator
for use with this device. If DHCP is enabled, the IP address obtained from the
local DHCP server will be displayed in the Status window. (It is recommended
to configure a static IP address.)

NOTE In bridge mode, this setting is obtained from the datalogger and
cannot be edited here. It must be edited in the datalogger settings.
The setting obtained from the datalogger will be displayed in the
Status window.

Subnet Mask

The Subnet Mask is used to select that portion of the IP address which
identifies the network. It is used to facilitate routing and should be obtained
from the network administrator along with the IP address. If DHCP is enabled,
the Subnet Mask obtained from the local DHCP server will be displayed in the
Status window.

NOTE In bridge mode, this setting is obtained from the datalogger and
cannot be edited here. It must be edited in the datalogger settings.
The setting obtained from the datalogger will be displayed in the
Status window.

Default Gateway

Datagrams being sent to an unknown network are routed via the Default
Gateway. This entry specifies the Internet address of the Default Gateway. If
no Default Gateway exists, set this entry to “”. If DHCP is enabled, the
Default Gateway obtained from the local DHCP server will be displayed in the
Status window.

NOTE In bridge mode, this setting is obtained from the datalogger and
cannot be edited here. It must be edited in the datalogger settings.
The setting obtained from the datalogger will be displayed in the
Status window.

Name Servers

This setting specifies the addresses of up to three domain name servers that the
device can use to resolve domain names to IP addresses. Note that if DHCP is
used to resolve IP information, DNS addresses obtained via DHCP will
override this list.

IP Info

Reports the IP address, network mask, and default gateway of the network
interface. If DHCP is used, this setting will report the values configured by the
DHCP server.

Appendix C. NL200/201 Settings

Ethernet Speed / Duplex Configuration

Specifies the Ethernet link speed and duplex settings.

Speed: When used as a TCP/IP serial server, the overall data-transfer

speed is largely dependent on the speed of the serial port. Setting the
Ethernet link speed to 100 Mbps will increase the overall data throughput
rate by a relatively small amount, while setting it to 10 Mbps will conserve

Duplex: Setting the Duplex to “Full” allows communication in both

directions simultaneously, while setting it to “Half” allows communication
in only one direction at a time.

Setting the Ethernet Speed/Duplex Configuration to “Auto” will cause the

NL200/201 to auto-configure to the faster of the two speeds and fastest duplex
setting according to the capabilities of the network.

Admin Password

To help guard against unauthorized access to the NL200/201, it is password-

protected by the Admin Password. This password will be required to gain
access to the NL200/201 via DevConfig over TCP and telnet. The default
password is nl200. If the password setting is left blank, no password is required
to access the NL200/201. After settings are saved, the new password will be in

TCP Configuration Port Number

The default TCP port number for configuration via TCP is 6786. This entry
makes it possible for the user to change the port number used in TCP
configuration if desired. Typically, it is not necessary to change this entry from
its default. (range 1..65535)

C.2 RS-232 Tab

RS-232 Configuration

This setting controls which process will be associated with the RS-232 port.
The following values are defined:

TCP Serial Server

The device will listen for an incoming TCP connection from a remote
client. The port number of the listening connection is specified in the “RS-
232 Service Port Number” setting. Data received on the TCP connection
will be forwarded to the RS-232 port, and data received on the RS-232
port will be forwarded to this TCP connection.

TCP Serial Client

The device will maintain a TCP client connection with a remote server.
The IP address and port number of the remote server are configured in the
settings “RS-232 TCP Serial Client IP Address” and “RS-232 TCP Serial
Client Port”. Data received on the RS-232 port will be forwarded to this
TCP connection, and data received on the TCP connection will be
forwarded to the RS-232 port. The device will attempt to open a

Appendix C. NL200/201 Settings

connection with the remote server and if the connection fails to open, the
device will continue to retry at an interval of 60 seconds. If data arrives on
the RS-232 port when no TCP connection exists, the device will buffer up
the data (up to 1500 bytes) and immediately attempt to open a connection
to deliver the data. If the remote server closes the connection due to error,
the device will make a best effort to save any data that was in process and
re-queue it to be sent on the next successfully-opened TCP connection.

This port uses the PakBus® protocol.

Modbus/TCP Gateway
The device will listen for incoming MODBUS/TCP connections from a
remote client. The port number of the listening connection is specified in
the “RS-232 Service Port Number” setting. The device will convert
incoming MODBUS/TCP frames to MODBUS/RTU and forward them to
the RS-232 port. The device will wait for a response from the
MODBUS/RTU device and forward the response back to the remote
MODBUS/TCP client over the established TCP connection.

This port will not be used.

RS-232 Service Port Number

This setting is used when the RS-232 port is configured as a Serial Server or
MODBUS/TCP gateway. To communicate with a TCP/IP server, the client
application must open a socket to that server. The socket of a specific server is
uniquely identified by an IP address of the host where the server is running and
a port number associated with the server application on that host. This entry is
where the port number of the server is set. Ensure that the client application is
set to use the same port number as configured here. Most MODBUS/TCP
applications use port 502. (range 1..65535)

RS-232 Baud Rate

This setting specifies the baud rate of the RS-232 port. The connected device
must be set to communicate at the same baud rate.

RS-232 RTS

The NL200/201 asserts the RTS and DTR lines when doing RS-232
communications. This setting allows the user to disable the RTS line if needed so
that it will not be asserted. Some hardware will not function if the RTS line is
asserted, but typically, it is not necessary to change this setting from its default

RS-232 TCP Timeout

This setting will determine how fast the device will timeout on the open TCP
connection. For Serial Server and MODBUS/gateway configurations the
device will close the TCP connection if no activity is detected for the timeout
period. For the TCP Client configuration the device will close the TCP client
connection if no activity is detected and then immediately open another
connection with the remote server. This behavior helps to ensure that the

Appendix C. NL200/201 Settings

connection is functional as the device does not know the frequency or nature of
the expected data. Set to 0 for no timeout (not recommended). (range 0..999)

RS-232 PakBus Beacon Interval

This setting, in units of seconds, governs the rate at which the NL200/201 will
broadcast PakBus® messages on the associated port in order to discover any
new PakBus neighboring nodes. It will also govern the default verification
interval if the value of the Verify Interval setting for the associated port is zero.

RS-232 PakBus Verify Interval

This setting specifies the interval, in units of seconds, that will be reported as
the link verification interval in the PakBus® hello-transaction messages. It will
indirectly govern the rate at which the NL200/201 will attempt to start a hello
transaction with a neighbor if no other communication has taken place within
the interval.

Neighbors Allowed RS-232

Example: (129,129) (1084,1084)

In the example above, nodes 129 and 1084 are assigned as neighbors to the

This setting specifies, for a given port, the explicit list of PakBus® node
addresses that the NL200/201 will accept as neighbors. If the list is empty (the
default value), any node will be accepted as a neighbor. This setting will not
affect the acceptance of a neighbor if that neighbor’s address is greater than
3999. The formal syntax for this setting follows:

neighbor := { "(" range-begin "," range-end ")" }.

range-begin := pakbus-address. ;
range-end := pakbus-address.
pakbus-address := number. ; 0 < number < 4000

RS-232 Modbus Timeout

This setting determines how long the MODBUS/TCP to MODBUS/RTU

gateway will wait for an answer from the MODBUS slave device(s) attached to
the RS-232 port. If no answer is received within the timeout period, the
MODBUS/TCP server will reply to the MODBUS/TCP client with error code
0x0B(Target Device Failed to Respond). (milliseconds)

RS-232 TCP Serial Client IP Address

This setting specifies the IP address of the outgoing TCP Serial client
connection that the device should maintain. If the connection fails, the device
will retry until the connection succeeds. No entry specifies that no client
connection will be made.

Appendix C. NL200/201 Settings

RS-232 TCP Serial Client Port

This setting specifies the TCP port of the outgoing TCP Serial Client
connection. (range 1..65535)

C.3 CS I/O Tab

CS I/O Configuration

This setting controls which process will be associated with the CS I/O port.
The following values are defined:

TCP Serial Server

The device will listen for an incoming TCP connection from a remote
client. The port number of the listening connection is specified in the “CS
I/O Service Port Number” setting. Data received on the TCP connection
will be forwarded to the CS I/O port, and data received on the CS I/O port
will be forwarded to this TCP connection.

This port uses the PakBus® protocol.

Modbus/TCP Gateway
The device will listen for incoming MODBUS/TCP connections from a
remote client. The port number of the listening connection is specified in
the “CS I/O Service Port Number” setting. The device will convert
incoming MODBUS/TCP frames to MODBUS/RTU and forward them to
the CS I/O port. The device will wait for a response from the
MODBUS/RTU device and forward the response back to the remote
MODBUS/TCP client over the established TCP connection.

This port will not be used.

CS I/O Service Port Number

To communicate with a TCP/IP server, the client application must open a

socket to that server. The socket of a specific server is uniquely identified by
an IP address of the host where the server is running and a port number
associated with the server application on that host. This entry is where the port
number of the serial server is set. Typically, it is not necessary to change this
entry from its default. (range 1..65535)

SDC Address

Communication with the datalogger via the CS I/O port is done using SDC
(Synchronous Device Comms). The datalogger will address the devices with
which it wishes to communicate using an SDC address. The CS I/O port can be
configured to respond to SDC address 7, 8, 10, or 11.

CS I/O TCP Timeout

This setting, in units of seconds, will determine how fast the device will time
out on the open TCP connection. For Serial Server and MODBUS/gateway
configurations, the device will close the TCP connection if no activity is

Appendix C. NL200/201 Settings

detected for the timeout period. Set to 0 for no time-out (not recommended).
(range 0..999)

CS I/O PakBus Beacon Interval

This setting, in units of seconds, governs the rate at which the NL200/201 will
broadcast PakBus® messages on the associated port in order to discover any
new PakBus neighboring nodes. It will also govern the default verification
interval if the value of the Verify Interval setting for the associated port is zero.

CS I/O PakBus Verify Interval

This setting specifies the interval, in units of seconds, that will be reported as
the link verification interval in the PakBus® hello-transaction messages. It will
indirectly govern the rate at which the NL200/201 will attempt to start a hello
transaction with a neighbor if no other communication has taken place within
the interval.

CS I/O Modbus Timeout

This setting determines how long the MODBUS/TCP to MODBUS/RTU

gateway will wait for an answer from the MODBUS slave device(s) attached to
the CS I/O port. If no answer is received within the timeout period, the
MODBUS/TCP server will reply to the MODBUS/TCP client with error code
0x0B(Target Device Failed to Respond). (milliseconds)

C.4 Net Services Tab


Enables/Disables the telnet service.

Telnet Port Number

The default TCP port number for the configuration monitor telnet session is 23.
This entry makes it possible for the user to change the telnet session port
number if desired. Typically, it is not necessary to change this entry from its
default. (range 1..65535)

Telnet Timeout

This setting, in units of seconds, will determine how fast the configuration
monitor telnet session will time out if no activity is detected. Set to 0 for no
time-out (not recommended). (range 0..999)

Ping (ICMP)

The NL200/201 will not respond to “Ping” requests if this setting is disabled.

PakBus Address

This setting specifies the PakBus® address for this device. The value for this
setting must be chosen such that the address of the device will be unique in the
scope of the datalogger network. Duplication of PakBus addresses in two or
more devices can lead to failures and unpredictable behavior in the PakBus

Appendix C. NL200/201 Settings

network. When a device has a neighbor list or neighbor filter setting filled in
for a port, any device that has an address greater than or equal to 4000 will be
allowed to connect to that device regardless of the neighbor filter.

PakBus/TCP Server Port

This setting specifies the TCP service port for PakBus® communications with
the datalogger. Unless firewall issues exist, this setting probably does not need
to be changed from its default value.

PakBus/TCP Password

Specifies the password that will be used to authenticate any incoming (server)
or outgoing (client) PakBus®/TCP sessions. This password is used by the
server to generate a challenge to any client that connects to the PakBus/TCP
server port. If the client fails to respond appropriately, the connection will be
terminated. If this password is blank (the default value), no such authentication
will take place.

PakBus/TCP Client Address (1-4)

This setting specifies the IP address of an outgoing PakBus®/TCP client

connection that the NL200/201 should maintain. If the connection fails, the
NL200/201 will retry until the connection succeeds. No entry or a setting of specifies that no client connection will be made.

PakBus/TCP Client Port (1-4)

This setting specifies the TCP port of the outgoing PakBus®/TCP client
connection. Typically, it is not necessary to change this entry from its default.
(range 1..65535)

PakBus Routes (read only)

This setting lists the routes that are known to the NL200/201. Each route
known to the NL200/201 will be represented by the following four components
separated by commas and enclosed in parentheses. The description of each
component follows:

Port Number

Specifies a numeric code for the port that the router will use. It will
correspond with one of the following:

0 CS I/O

1 RS-232

100 PakBus®/TCP Connection — If the value of the port number

is 100 or greater, the connection is made through PakBus/TCP.

Via Neighbor Address

Specifies the address of the neighbor/router that will be used to send

messages for this route. If the route is for a neighbor, this value will be the
same as the address.

Appendix C. NL200/201 Settings

PakBus Address

Specifies the address that the route will reach.

Response Time

Specifies the amount of time (in milliseconds) that will be allowed for the

Central Routers

This setting specifies a list of up to eight PakBus® addresses for routers that
are able to work as Central Routers. By specifying a non-empty list for this
setting, the device will be configured as a Branch Router meaning that it will
not be required to keep track of neighbors of any routers except those in its
own branch. Configured in this fashion, the device will ignore any neighbor
lists received from addresses in the central routers setting and will forward any
messages that it receives to the nearest default router if it does not have the
destination address for those messages in its routing table.

C.5 TLS Proxy Server Tab

TLS Proxy Server

Enable/Disable the TLS Proxy Server. When doing TLS proxy communications,
the device’s TLS server maintains a secure TLS connection with a remote TLS
client and forwards information onto a datalogger using a standard TCP
connection. TCP ports and physical connections are configured below.

NOTE If the TLS Proxy Server is enabled and a datalogger is connected

to the CS I/O port, the datalogger will load its TCP stack in case
it is required to do TCP communications. Running the TCP stack
causes the datalogger to use more memory, leaving less for final
storage, etc. So if TCP/TLS server capability is not required, the
TLS Proxy Server should be left disabled.

TLS Proxy Server Port Number

When doing TLS Proxy communications, the NL200/201 TLS server maintains
a secure connection with a remote client. If the TLS Proxy Forward Physical
Port is specified to be the CS I/O port, the NL200/201 will then open a TCP
connection with the datalogger over the CS I/O port and do unencrypted data
transfer with the datalogger. If the TLS Proxy Forward Physical Port is
specified to be the Ethernet port, the NL200/201 will open the TCP connection
over Ethernet on the TLS Proxy Forward IP Address.

In order to communicate with the NL200/201 TLS server, the client application
must open a socket to that server. The socket of the NL200/201 TLS server is
uniquely identified by the IP address and a port number. This entry is where
the port number of the NL200/201 TLS server is set.

The TLS client needs to be set to communicate on this port number. If secure
communications come in on the Secure Proxy Server Port Number, the
NL200/201 will attempt to open a TCP connection to the datalogger on the

Appendix C. NL200/201 Settings

Secure Proxy Forward Port Number. Also, regardless of this setting, the
NL200/201 Secure Proxy Server will always listen on the secure HTTP
(HTTPS) port number 443. If a secure connection is established on this port,
the NL200/201 will attempt to communicate to the datalogger on the HTTP
port 80. (range 1..65535)

TLS Proxy Forward Physical Port

When doing TLS Proxy communications, the NL200/201 TLS server maintains
a secure connection with a remote client. If the TLS Proxy Forward Physical
Port is specified to be the CS I/O port, the NL200/201 will then open a TCP
connection with the datalogger over the CS I/O port and do unencrypted data
transfer with the datalogger. If the TLS Proxy Forward Physical Port is
specified to be the Ethernet port, the NL200/201 will open the TCP connection
over Ethernet on the TLS Proxy Forward IP Address.

TLS Proxy Forward IP Address

Secure communications received on the NL200/201 TLS Server will be

forwarded on a non-secure TCP connection to this IP address. If the TLS Proxy
Forward Physical Port is specified to be the CS I/O port, this setting is not set
by the user since the NL200/201 will obtain the IP address of the datalogger
automatically. If the TLS Proxy Forward Physical Port is specified to be the
Ethernet port, the forward IP address must be specified. Enter the IP address of
the destination datalogger here.

TLS Proxy Forward Port Number

When doing TLS Proxy communications, the NL200/201 TLS server maintains
a secure connection with a remote client. If the TLS Proxy Forward Physical
Port is specified to be the CS I/O port, the NL200/201 will then open a TCP
connection with the datalogger over the CS I/O port and do unencrypted data
transfer with the datalogger. If the TLS Proxy Forward Physical Port is
specified to be the Ethernet port, the NL200/201 will open the TCP connection
over Ethernet on the TLS Proxy Forward IP Address.

In order to communicate with the connected datalogger’s TCP server, the

NL200/201’s TCP client application must open a socket to that server. The
socket of the datalogger’s TCP server is uniquely identified by an IP address
and a port number. This entry is where the port number of the NL200/201’s
TCP client is set. The datalogger’s TCP server port must be set to communicate
on this port number.

If secure communications come in on the TLS Proxy Server Port Number, the
NL200/201 will attempt to open a TCP connection to the datalogger on the
TLS Proxy Forward Port Number. Also, regardless of this setting, the
NL200/201 TLS Proxy Server will always listen on the secure HTTP (HTTPS)
port number 443. If a secure connection is established on this port, the
NL200/201 will attempt to communicate to the datalogger on the HTTP port

Leave this setting at its default unless the datalogger is expecting

communications on a different port. (range 1..65535)

Appendix C. NL200/201 Settings

TLS Proxy Timeout

This setting, in units of seconds, will determine how fast the proxy server/client
sessions will time out if no activity is detected. Set to 0 for no time-out (not
recommended). (range 0..999)

C.6 TLS Tab

TLS Status (read only)

Specifies the current status of the TLS network stack.

NOTE If the status of the TLS stack is “Initialized”, the device will
automatically negotiate a secure TLS connection with DevConfig
if the Use TCP option is selected. The TLS Private Key, Private
Key Password, and TLS Certificate can only be edited/transmitted
over a secure DevConfig link (USB or TLS). These settings cannot
be edited over a standard TCP DevConfig link.

TLS Private Key Password

Specifies the password that is used to decrypt the TLS Private Key.

NOTE This setting can only be edited/transmitted if the DevConfig link

is considered secure (USB or TLS). If the TLS stack has been
initialized, the device will automatically negotiate a secure TLS
connection with DevConfig if the Use TCP option is selected.

TLS Private Key

Specifies the private key (in PEM format) for the encryption stack.

NOTE This setting can only be edited/transmitted if the DevConfig link

is considered secure (USB or TLS). If the TLS stack has been
initialized, the device will automatically negotiate a secure TLS
connection with DevConfig if the Use TCP option is selected.

TLS Certificate

Specifies the public certificate (in PEM format) for the encryption stack.

NOTE This setting can only be edited/transmitted if the DevConfig link

is considered secure (USB or TLS). If the TLS stack has been
initialized, the device will automatically negotiate a secure TLS
connection with DevConfig if the Use TCP option is selected.

Appendix D. Sending a New OS to the
Whenever a new operating system is released for the NL200/201, it will be
available from our website,

D.1 Sending an OS via USB

Follow these steps to send the new OS to the NL200/201 via USB:

1. Using the supplied serial cable, connect the NL201’s CS I/O port to the
datalogger’s CS I/O port. Alternatively, power the NL200 or NL201
through the barrel-connector jack located on the edge of the device.

2. Connect a USB cable between one of your computer’s USB ports and the
USB port on the NL200.

3. Open DevConfig.

4. Select the NL200 under Device Type.

5. Select the appropriate Communication Port.

6. Go to the Send OS tab.

7. Press the Start button.

8. In the resulting dialog box, select the file that should be sent to the device
as an operating system (this file should have an .obj extension) and press
the OK button.

9. The operating system will be sent to the NL200/NL201.

10. After the file has been sent, the power LED on the NL200/NL201 will
blink repeatedly while the NL200/NL201 copies the OS into its internal
flash. This process takes about 10 seconds. While the LED is blinking, the
NL200/NL201 is in a vulnerable state where removal of power will leave
the NL200/NL201 without a valid operating system to run. DO NOT
remove power until the LED stops blinking.

D.2 Sending an OS via IP

Follow these steps to send the new OS to the NL200/201 via IP:

1. Using the supplied serial cable, connect the NL201’s CS I/O port to the
datalogger’s CS I/O port. Alternatively, power the NL200 or NL201
through the barrel-connector jack located on the edge of the device.

2. Using an Ethernet cable, connect the device to your network or directly to

your computer Ethernet port. A crossover cable is not required if
connecting directly to the computer.

Appendix D. Sending a New OS to the NL200/201

3. Open DevConfig.

4. Select the NL200 under Device Type.

5. Ensure that the Use IP Connection box is checked on the left hand panel.

6. If the administrative password of the device has been set, you will need to
enter that password in the Administrative Password control on the left
panel in order for the connection to succeed.

7. Enter the IP address or domain name address of the device in the

Communication Port control on the left panel. If you do not know the
address of the device and the device is connected to your local area
network, you may be able to use the … button to the right of
Communication Port to discover the list of devices on the network.
Whatever address is entered, it must end with :6786 in order to connect the
device configuration service.

8. Go to the Send OS tab.

9. Press the Start button.

10. In the resulting dialog box, select the file that should be sent to the device
as an operating system (this file should have an .obj extension) and press
the OK button.

11. The operating system will be sent to the NL200/NL201.

12. After the file has been sent, the power LED on the NL200/NL201 will
blink repeatedly while the NL200/NL201 copies the OS into its internal
flash. This process takes about 10 seconds. While the LED is blinking, the
NL200/NL201 is in a vulnerable state where a removal of power will leave
the NL200/NL201 without a valid operating system to run. DO NOT
remove power until the LED stops blinking.

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