Business Ethics and Social Responsibility: S. Pintor, LPT
Business Ethics and Social Responsibility: S. Pintor, LPT
Business Ethics and Social Responsibility: S. Pintor, LPT
Ethics and
S. Pintor, LPT
- Business Ethics
- Corporate Social Responsibility
• Moral principles by which
people conduct themselves
personally, socially, or
Ethics •
Beliefs about what is right
or wrong based upon
individual morals/ values &
social context
The Nature of Ethics Key term:
Most businesses are guided by Business ethics
business ethics.
Rules based on moral principles
about how businesses and
Different cultures, businesses, employees ought to conduct
and industries have different themselves
ethical standards
Areas of Business Ethics
- Lying
- Offering merchandise known to
be substandard Philip Morris Advertised To Kids
The tobacco giant Philip Morris has been considered unethical for
years as a great deal of advertising from them targets kids. Despite
- Treating customers or stricter regulations, Philip Morris still prominently places ads and
products in magazines, convenience stores, and delis. They continue
employees unfairly to try to create the image of smokers being cool and are considered
the biggest reason for young smokers.
Law and Ethics Key term:
A sweatshop is an example of an
unethical practice outlawed in A shop or factory in which
other countries workers are employed for long
hours at low wages and under
unhealthy conditions
The Law of Ethics
Conflict of interest is a major
ethical question that is generally
not illegal.
Key Term
Conflict of interest
A conflict between self-interest
and professional obligation
Law of Ethics
The Department of Labor and
Employment ( DOLE) –
Occupational Safety and Health
Center (OSHC) is a government
agency that champion the cause
of work safety and health in the
Philippines. It sets and enforces
work –related health and safety
Importance of Good Ethics • Unethical behavior toward
employees can lead to legal action
• Unethical business practices can or a high rate of employees
result in bad word of mouth and quitting.
result in lost sales.
Key Term
Code of ethics
A set of guidelines for
maintaining ethics in the
• Is it against the law? Does it
violate company or professional
• Even if everyone is doing it,
how would I feel if someone did
this to me?
• Am I sacrificing long –term
benefits for short-term gains?
Ethical Questions
1. Identify the ethical dilemma.
2. Discover alternative actions.
3. Decide who might be affected.
4. List the probable effects of the
5. Select the best alternative
Responsibility to Customers
• Fair competition is necessary
for the marketplace to operate
• When companies conspire to
restrict competition, consumers
are affected.
- Less choice in products & prices
Businesses can show responsibility • Meet legal standards
to employees in various ways:
• Fairness in recruiting, hiring,
• Providing work experience for promotion & compensation
people with limited job skills practices
• Volunteerism • Workplace safety minimum wage
/ overtime requirements
• Providing safe working conditions
• Protection from sexual
• Equal treatment harassment
• Fair pay • Provide work/life balance
• Family and Medical Leave
Responsibility to Employees
Equal Pay Act – Labor Code