Mod 3.2
Mod 3.2
Mod 3.2
Previous grades
Available resources
Activity 1.1
D 1. Manpower
E 2. Number of volunteers
C 3. Certificate of completion
B 4. Assist in the mastery of the competency required in their level
A 5. Socialization
Activity 2
Week 1
Day 1
Content Learning Activities Evaluation
Specific Objectives
Day 1 Day 1 Day 1
Repeat basic Expressions and A. Preliminary Activity Evaluation
expressions Utterances Used in 1. Review Teacher made
and utterances Telling About Oneself 2. Opener/Energizer test
to greet others I live in - Song Actual
and tell details _____ - Games performance:
about oneself I am ___ Role playing,
years old B. Development Activities Dialogue
Read labels, My birthday 1. Presentation of the
signages is on ____. Lesson
related to the - Dialogue
lesson; WH-questions - Listening
Where do you Activity
Copy correct live? - Video
letter forms in How old are Presentation
writing one’s you? 2. Lesson Proper
name, number When is your - Discussion
names, and/or birthday? - Brainstorming
symbols; - Giving of
- Generalizatio
C. Application
Activity 2.1
Week 1
Day 4-5
Content Learning Activities Evaluation
Specific Objectives
Day 4-5 Day 4-5 Day 4-5
Listen to Expressions and A. Preliminary Activity Provide a performance
answer wh- Utterances Used in 1. Opener/ test.
questions Telling About Energizer Let the pupils answer
Oneself Let the class the following wh-
Repeat basic listen to a questions:
expressions and I live in recorded copy of • What is your
utterances to _____ the song “Getting name?
greet others I am ___ to Know You”. • Who is your
and tell details years old Pupils may sing- mother?
about oneself My birthday along. • Who is your
is on ____. father?
Read labels, B. Development Conduct a group work
signages WH-questions Activities to present a role playing
related to the Where do 1. Presentation of in asking and telling
lesson; you live? the Lesson about oneself.
How old are Teacher tells that
Copy correct you? one can find out Give word – text
letter forms in When is your and know the association test to find-
writing one’s birthday? person by asking out the mastery of skill
name, number and answering in listening, writing,
names, and/or the questions. reading the following
symbols; words and phrases:
2. Lesson Proper • My name is…
Have a • I am…
Use courteous discussion about • My mother
expressions the lesson. is…
when Allow the pupils • My father is…
introducing to repeat the • What is your
oneself; and expressions and name?
wh-question in • Who is your
Show context. mother?
respectfulness Associate text in Who is your father?
by listening to symbols and
the one who is prints, do writing
speaking activity.
3. Generalization
Assist the pupils in
lesson learned.
Conduct a drill on
key points to
In telling about
oneself or
something about
oneself, say:
• My name is…
• I am…
• My mother is…
My father is…
To find-out
something about
someone, ask:
• What is your
• Who is your
Who is your
C. Application
Encourage the pupils to
join in a role playing
using courteous
Activity 3:
Literacy Curriculum for Reading Assistance
for Pupils in Formal School Setting
1st Quarter
September to November
About 7 to 10 Week Program of 30-60 minutes session per day
Types of Literacy Literacy Program for Reading Assistance for Pupils in Formal
Programs School Setting
Program Goals Tutorial services to assist in the regular school loads such as,
lessons, assignments and etc.
Week 1
Day 1
Content Learning Activities Evaluation
Specific Objectives
Day 1 Day 1 Day 1
Repeat basic Words that have the A. Preliminary Activity Evaluation
words with the same sound which is 1. Opener/Energizer Teacher made
same sound called as rhyming Let the children test
words listen to a rhying Actual
Read three Two and soung. performance:
letters word blue Reading
Look and Rain, rain poems
Copy correct book go away
letter forms in Long and Come again
writing basic song another day
words Little children
Words with three want to play.
Show letters Rain, rain
respectfulness Bob, cob, go away.
and job, sob, rob
courteousness Cop, hop, B. Development Activities
by listening to pop, top, mop 3. Presentation of the
the one who is Lesson
speaking. - Poems
- Listening
- Video
4. Lesson Proper
- Discussion
- Brainstorming
- Giving of
- Generalizatio
C. Application