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Helix (2020) 10 (4): 39-42

Matrix Approach to Select Post Mining Land Use

Sanniv Shome, ✉ 2 M S Tiwari, 3 G G Manekar
Environmental Researcher, Nagpur, India
[email protected]
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur, India
[email protected]
MOIL Limited, Nagpur, India
[email protected]

Received: 04th June 2020, Accepted: 19th June 2020, Published: 31st August 2020

India occupies 2.5 percent of the total land area of the world, but supports 16.7 percent of the world population. The
per capita availability of agricultural land has shrunk to 0.3 hectare per farmer compared to over 11 hectares in the
developed world. Land is the most important natural resource which embodies total ecosystem. Mining is a site
specific industry and it cannot be shifted anywhere else from the location where mineral occur. Hence there is urgent
need to reclaim and restore mined out land for its productive reuse. India is among the top ten mineral producing
nations and contributes significantly in the production of coal, iron ore, bauxite, limestone and manganese ore in the
To produce every million tons of coal, 4.0 hectare of land is degraded directly and another 4.0 hectares indirectly. The
legal aspects of reclamation presently consider only bringing the mined out land to its original contour or to its original
revenue earning capacity in India. There is no system of undertaking likes redeemable bonds as in European or
American countries. Only the economic parameter is given highest weight age and filling up to the mined out land is
still considered as best outcome of reclaimed land. Other uses which may be more socially and environmentally
acceptable are overlooked. An attempt is made in this paper to develop a generalized matrix, covering environmental,
social and economical parameters, which may help in selecting the best post mining land uses which are as per the
requirements of local community. Presented case study will help understand the matrix solution.

Land, Natural Resource, Post Mining Land Use, Reclamation

India produces as many as 95 minerals, which includes 4 fuel, 10 metallic, 23 non-metallic, 3 atomic and 55 minor
minerals [1]. The mining sector in India employs a smaller percentage of India’s population, just about 0.3% as
compared to 3.8% in South Africa, 1.4% in Chile and 0.7% in China. The McKinsey Global Institute report suggests
that development of mining sector will be important if India has to achieve 7% plus GDP growth. The report further
says that mining sector alone has the potential to create 6 million additional jobs by 2025. The sector can contribute
an additional USD 125 billion to India’s output and USD 47 billion to India’s GDP by 2025. According to a report by
FICCI, if India is looking to increase the share of mining sector to 5% of the GDP in the next 20 years, this sector
would be required to grow at the rate of 10-12 percent annually [2].
Land is the most important natural resource which embodies total ecosystem. Mining is a site specific industry and it
cannot be shifted anywhere else from the location where mineral occur. India occupies 2.5 percent of the total land
area of the world, but supports 16.7 percent of the world population [3]. The per capita availability of agricultural
land has shrunk to 0.3 hectare per farmer compared to over 11 hectares in the developed world [4]. Mining is a site
specific industry and it cannot be shifted anywhere else from the location where mineral occur. Hence there is urgent
need to reclaim and restore mined out land for its productive reuse [5]. India is among the top ten mineral producing
nations and contributes significantly in the production of coal, iron ore, bauxite, limestone and manganese ore in the
world [6]. The legal aspects of reclamation presently consider only bringing the mined out land to its original contour
or to its original revenue earning capacity in India. There is no system of undertaking likes redeemable bonds as in
European or American countries [7]. To produce every million tons of coal, 4.0hectare of land is degraded directly
and another 4.0 hectares indirectly [8].
As the per capita availability of agricultural and forest land is very low, the problem of land management becomes
more conspicuous when judged against the alarming growth rate of population. Mine designers must therefore
consider the effects of a mine on its surroundings, integrate the process of mining, land use planning and reclamation,
adopting an appropriate social and environmental care policy. A generalized matrix, covering environmental, social

39 © 2020 The Author (s); Helix E-ISSN: 2319-5592; P-ISSN: 2277-3495

Helix (2020) 10 (4): 39-42

and economical parameters, which may likely affect the selection of post mining land use, is presented for selecting a
particular post mining land use [9]. A case study of opencast coal mine located near Nagpur is presented wherein
weight ages to various parameters have been allotted as positive or negative depending upon their impact.
Post Mining Land Uses
To put back the post mining land in the use is called reclamation. Land reclamation can be broadly classified as below
 Development of forestry and wild life.
 Agricultural: for gazing fields, crops, orchards, timber land etc.
 Recreational: for hunting, fishing, water sports, vacation resorts etc.
 Township : for suburban and urban housing
 Industrial: for development of small and heavy industries.
 Water Reservoir: rain water storage, for drinking, industrial purpose or for fisheries.
 Garbage dumping: waste discharge of the township.
Of all the post mining land uses listed above the most commonly adopted in Indian scenario is development of forestry
and wild life. Post-mining regions include various landscape and geophysical changes, and often differ significantly
from surrounding (rural) landscapes. Mining leaves behind various land disturbances, such as open pits, waste rock
dumps, tailings, and roads. Further, post-mining sites can also include standing buildings, above ground and
underground structures and machinery. There are no universal reclamation planning schemes for former mining areas,
and thus, detailed objectives of closure plans and post-mining measures are largely site-specific [10]. A large area of
reclaimed land can be redeveloped to many different land uses when the heterogeneous environmental conditions
within a mining site are considered. For example, some parts of a mining site close to roads and city centers may be
better to be redeveloped into industrial and commercial site or residential area, while some parts with unfavorable
topographic condition can only be restored to forest [11]. Land suitability analysis can help to identify possible suitable
land uses for each location in a mining site. However, some locations may be appropriate for multiple land uses with
the same suitability level. Land uses are exclusionary, and only one type can be allocated to each location. The optimal
land use cannot be determined solely based on the land suitability analysis in this circumstance. Other methods need
to be applied to further refine the reclamation planning process. Governments and decision makers increasingly
recognize the importance of integrating ecosystem services into ecological restoration and landscape planning [12].

Procedure Adopted in Developing the Matrix

A list of parameters that might affect the post-mining land use is tabled along the vertical column. These parameters
are grouped under three logical sets, as environmental, social, and economical. Under each of these sets, sub sets are
made, showing the specific topics involved under each set like environmental degradation can be due to land, water,
air or noise pollution. After listing these topics numerical values showing the relative weights of these subsets are
given. These weights are attached by distributing 1000 parameter importance points among these topics bases on their
priorities and effects. Since quantitative assessment of environmental and economical parameters is feasible for each
of the post mining land uses, equal weights of 400 points each, are given to these two parameters. Social impact of
any of the land reclamation method is difficult to quantify. The benefits which each of the possible post mining use
can accrue for the society are given a total weight of 200 points.
The different post mining land uses are tabled under the horizontal axis. Thus the number of total land uses listed
horizontally in table 1 is 7 and 25 parameters which can affect above land uses are listed vertically, which gives a total
f 175 possible interactions. By judgment these places of interactions are marked on the matrix. Place a number from
1 to 5 on this matrix to indicate their relative magnitude of impact, ‘5’ represents the severest magnitude of impact,
and ‘1’ the minimum. Here, for these numbers enter a positive sign for beneficial impacts and negative sign for
negative impact.
Once the weight points for each of the parameters is fixed and corresponding values of impact are assigned under
different post mining land uses, the product of the weight point and the arithmetical value of magnitude of impact will
give the individual score for each of the parameters that are mentioned under the vertical column. Further the
arithmetical sum of these individual scores will give the total score of each post mining land use.

40 © 2020 The Author (s); Helix E-ISSN: 2319-5592; P-ISSN: 2277-3495

Helix (2020) 10 (4): 39-42

Table 1: Matrix for Post Mining Land Use Selection, Case Study of a Coal Mine near Nagpur
Weightage Forestry & Agriculture Recreational Township Industrial Water Garbage
wild life reservoir Dumping

1 Alteration in 20 2 (40) 2 (40) 2 (40) 2(40) 2(40) 3 (60)) 2(40)
2 Soil erosion 25 5 (125) 3 (75) 3 (75) -1 (-25) -1 (-25) 3 (75) 3 (75)
3 Deforestation 75 5 (375) 2(150) 2(150) -2 (-150) -2 (-150) -2 (-150) -2 (-150)

4 Aesthetic beauty 20 4(80) 2(40) 4(80) -1(-20) -3(-60) 3(60) -3(-60)

5 Land slide 25 4(100) 3(75) 3(75) 3(75) 3(75) 1(25) 3(75)
1 Surface water
(a) Toxic 30 nil -1(-30) -1(-30) -1(-30) -5 (-150) nil -2(-60)
(b) Suspended 30 -1(30) -2(-60) -2(-60) -2(-60) -2(-60) 4 (120) -2(-60)
2. Ground water 25 4(100) 3(75) 2(50) -1(-25) -2(-50) 5(125) -2(-50)
3. Water resources
(a) Surface water 25 4(100) 3(75) 2(50) -1(-25) -2(-50) 5(125) 2(50)
(b) Ground water 25 5(125) 3(75) 5(125) -2(-50) -2(-50) 5(125) 4(100)
© Effect on aquatic 20 2(40) 1(20) 5(100) -2(-40) -4(-80) 5(100) -2(-40)
1. Emission of dust 30 5(150) 3(90) 2(60) -2(-60) -4(-120) 5(150) -2(-60)

2. Generation of 30 5(150) 4(120) 4(120) 1(30) -4(-120) 4(120) -2(-60)

noxious gases
1. Nuisance to 20 5(100) 3(60) 3(60) -2(-40) -2(-40) 3(60) 3(60)
Social implications
1. Recreational 20 4(80) 1(20) 5(100) 1(20) -2(-40) 3(60) -4(-80)
2. Medical 20 1(20) 1(20) 1(20) 5(100) 5(100) 1(20) -2(-40)
3. Education 20 1(20) 1(20) 1(20) 5(100) 5(100) 1(20) -1(-20)
4. Employment 50 2(100) 5(250) 3(150) 5(250) 5(250) 1(50) 2(100)
5. Income 20 2(40) 3(60) 1(20) 4(80) 5(100) 1(20) 1(20)
6. Pollution 20 5(100) 3(60) 1(20) -2(-40) 4(-80) 3(60) -2(-40)
7. Migration 20 -3(-60) 3(60) 1(20) 3(60) 5(100) -3(-60) -3(-60)
8. Infrastructure 30 -3(-90) 1(30) 1(30) 5(150) 5(150) 1(30) 1(30)
1. Capital 300 -3(-900) -3(-900) -2(-600) -3(-900) -3(-900) -1(-100) -nil
2. Operating cost 100 -1(-100) nil -1(-100) -3(-300) -3(-300) -1(-100) -1(-100)
TOTAL 1000 +725 +425 +575 -860 -1360 +935 -330

Result and Discussion

The decision regarding best post mining land use should be such that it is not only acceptable to all concern but should
be an integral part of the local ecosystem. Sustainability of the post mining land use can be arrived it by solving
proposed matrix. Matrix solution should be done by at least five independent experts who may be environmentalist,
social worker, finance expert, mining expert and local government representative from district planning office. In the
given case study four alternatives like forestry & wild life, agriculture, recreational and water reservoir has positive
total. All four post mining land uses may be implemented depending upon condition of the terrain, proximity to
township and taking into consideration requirements of the region.

41 © 2020 The Author (s); Helix E-ISSN: 2319-5592; P-ISSN: 2277-3495

Helix (2020) 10 (4): 39-42

Today, reclamation is an integral part of any mining operation as mine plans needs mine closure as essential element.
The per capita land availability in India is one of the lowest in the world and procuring land for mining of minerals is
not only being difficult but proving capital intensive also. To sustain GDP growth mineral sector in India is required
to grow at faster rate, meaning more land requirement. The solution lies in integrated ecosystem approach by involving
all stake holders in decision making in selecting best post mining land uses which are as per the requirements of local

1. Ministry of Mines Annual report, 2018-19
2. FICCI report, “7-8 % contribution of mining sector in GDP can create 25 million jobs in India, November 9,
2017,” www.asianage.com
3. S Suresh Kumar, Land use accounting in India, Issues and Concerns, November 06, 2009, www.unstat.un.org.
4. CIL land reclamation report, prepared by CMPDIL, 2016
5. Management and restoration of mining areas in India, www.iucn.org,
6. Mine reclamation, www.wilkipedis.com
7. Alan C. Emery,” Environment management in an International Context”, Proceedings of First World Mining
Environment Congress, India, 1995
8. Chidarwar S” Post mining land use planning,” M.Tech. Dissertation, ISM, Dhanbad
9. Sonja kivinen,” sustainable post mining land use,” International Journal of Sustainability, Vol. 9, 2017.
10. Jiali Wang etc,” Mining Site Reclamation Planning Based on Land Suitability Analysis and Ecosystem Services,”
International Journal of Sustainability, Vol. 9, 2017.
11. Sharma D.K, Subramani K,” Environmental Pollution and Reclamation in Opencast Coal mines,” Indian Mining
and Engineering Journal, June, 1993
12. Rao P B,” Environmental Impact Matrix Application to Mining Industry,” Indian Mining and Engineering
Journal, July, 1996

42 © 2020 The Author (s); Helix E-ISSN: 2319-5592; P-ISSN: 2277-3495

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