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FS703 Technical Data Sheet (en-GB)

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(29) (k2)
Uniclass JP10:L68114

Product Information

• All surfaces must be clean and sound,
free from dirt, grease and other
FS703 is a low modulus, neutral cure,
• Wood, plaster and brick may be
silicone sealant, suitable for linear gaps
sealing in order to reinstate the fire
damp but not saturated or exposed to Fire Resistant
performance in compartment walls &
running water during cure.
• Porous or metallic surfaces may
Silicone Sealant
require priming prior to application.
• If a clean line is required on adjoining
Usage / Purpose
substrates, masking tape should be
FS703 is suitable to fire seal joints in
compartment walls and floors:
• Check specification is suitable for fire
- Static linear joints (masonry to
rating and gap size required.
masonry/rigid wall/rigid floor/flexible
- Window & door joints (masonry to
• Insert required backing material (refer
to Technical Information), oversized
- Movement joints (20%)
to joint width to ensure stability, to
provide correct depth of seal.
• A light water spray will aid adhesion
if a rock mineral fibre backer has been
Grey & Black are available on request
(may be subject to minimum
• Using a suitable tool, cut nozzle of
order quantities).
cartridge to bead size and angle
• Gun sealant into gap to required depth
310 ml cartridges (12 per box)
600 ml sausages (12 per box)
by applying an even pressure to the Key Benefits Summary
Availability • Work and tool to a smooth finish • Up to 4 hours fire resistance
immediately with a wet profiling tool Tested to EN 1366-4
Direct from Tremco CPG UK Limited (see
or spatula.
details on this TDS). • Tested in gaps 10 - 220 mm
Usage Guidelines
Important Information • Ideal for joints in flexible walls,
• Do not use around CPVC pipes ; for rigid walls & floors, windows &
this specific application, please use door frames
Always read SDS, pre-application
FS719 HP Blue for CPVC.
guidance and relevant application detail • Airtight up to 600 Pa
prior to application. Ensure the latest
documents are downloaded prior to
Coverage • Superior elasticity
• To determine quantity of sealant
every project commencement.
required, calculate as following
• Excellent tooling properties
Protective Equipment
example (in mm): • UV & weather resistance
Use in well ventilated conditions and Gap
x Depth x
Total • 20% Movement tested
ensure all recommended protective Width Length = N° of
equipment is worn during handling 310 cartridges
& use of this product. For full
recommendation, refer to safety data For further guidance on application
sheet. methods, and material requirements,
please contact Tremco CPG UK Limited
Tools Technical Services Department.
ETA 20/1215 APPROVAL N° CF5326
• Sealant caulking gun
• Sealant profiling tool/spatula
Immediately remove any masking tape
• Masking tape (if decorative finish is
required to surrounding substrates) and all excess sealant. Cured sealant can
only be removed mechanically if surface
type permits.
Fire Resistant Silicone Sealant

Maintenance Guarantee / Warranty

No maintenance required after Tremco CPG UK Limited products are
installation. Routine inspection manufactured to rigid standards of
recommended to ensure no damage to quality. Any product which has been
the system. applied (a) in accordance with Tremco
CPG UK Limited written instructions and
Health & Safety Precautions (b) in any application recommended by
Safety data sheet must be read and Tremco CPG UK Limited, but which is
understood before use. proved to be defective, will be replaced
free of charge.
Technical Service No liability can be accepted for the
Tremco CPG UK Limited has a team information provided in this leaflet
of experienced Technical Sales although it is published in good faith
Representatives who provide assistance and believed to be correct.
in the selection and specification of Tremco CPG UK Limited reserves the
products. For more detailed information, right to alter product specifications
service and advice, please call Customer without prior notice, in line with
Services on 01942 251400. Company policy of continuous
development and improvement.
Typical Details

FS703 plasterboard to concrete linear gap seal with FJ203 bonded with FO142/3 Intutac + FS703 for
PE backer rod: EI120 waterproofing: EI240
Fire Resistant Silicone Sealant

Technical information

Property Test Method Result

Properties (Typical Values)
Composition Neutral cure silicone sealant
Air Permeability EN 1046 Airtight up to 600 Pa
Maximum Allowable Deformation (MAD) ISO 11600 25%
Specific Gravity ISO 1183-1 ~ 1.4
Consistency ISO 7390 (20 mm) 0 mm, no sagging
Hardness Shore A ISO 868 ~ 24
Skin Formation Time 23°C, 50% RH ~ 20-35 min
Cure Rate 23°C, 50% RH ~ 1-2 mm/day
Modulus at 100% Elongation ISO 8339, 23°C ~ 0.4 N/mm²
Tensile Strength ISO 8339, 23°C ~ 0.5 N/mm²
Elongation at Break ISO 8339, 23°C ~ 250%
Elastic Recovery ISO 7389 ~ 90%
Application Temperature +5°C to +40°C
Service Temperature -40°C to +150°C
Storage Store in shaded dry conditions between +5°C and +25°C
Shelf Life 12 months when stored as recommended in original unopened containers

Backing Material
This section relates to the change of material used to back a seal or sealant as part of a sealing system for apertures for
penetrations of multiple services and linear joint seals. Backing material may not be omitted unless full fill is achieved.
Backing Material Effect Comment
Polyethylene / Polyurethane Rod = or + May be replaced by mineral wool
May be replaced by stone wool
Glass Wool = or +
or ceramic wool
Stone Wool = or + May be replaced by ceramic wool
May only be replaced by alternative material of
Ceramic Wool (including ceramic equivalent material properties, i.e. density, thermal
alternatives) conductivity, melting point, shrinking, reaction to fire
classification - for example alkaline earth silicate fibres
Increase in backing material depth + Acceptable for class A1 and A2 materials.
Decrease in backing material depth - Not acceptable.
Fire Resistant Silicone Sealant

Performance Data
Fire performance in accordance with EN1366-4 testing.
Key to abbreviations: E = Integrity, I = Insulation, AAC = Aerated Concrete, H = Horizontal, V = Vertical, T = Horizontal on a vertical
plane, W = Width range, X = no Movement fire tested (<= 7.5%), M = Movement fire tested, F = Joint tested in backing material, B
= no Joint tested in backing material (or combustible backing material used, no joint required to be tested).

Sealant Depth
Substrate Backing Material Installation
(in mm) Integrity & Application & Gap Width
Insulation Usage Range
FS703 Linear Joint Seals in Rigid Floors 150 mm thick (min.)
AAC-AAC Rock Fibre Backer Top Side 3 EI240 H–X–F W 5-110
AAC-AAC Rock Fibre Backer Top Side 3 EI120 H–X–F W 5-220
AAC-AAC Rock Fibre Backer Top Side 20 EI120 H–X–F W 5-80
AAC-AAC Rock Fibre Backer Top Side 10 EI240 H–X–F W 5-10
AAC-AAC Rock Fibre Backer Top Side 35 EI240 H–X–F W 5-35
AAC-AAC PE Backer Rod Top Side 6 E180 EI60 H–X–F W 5-12
AAC-AAC PE Backer Rod Top Side 15 E240 EI90 H–X–F W 5-30
AAC-AAC PE Backer Rod Top Side 25 E240 EI90 H–X–F W 5-50
AAC-Steel PE Backer Rod Top Side 6 E180 EI30 H–X–F W 5-12
AAC-Steel PE Backer Rod Top Side 15 E240 EI30 H–X–F W 5-30
AAC-Steel PE Backer Rod Top Side 25 E120 EI30 H–X–F W 5-50
AAC-AAC Rock Fibre Backer Bottom Side 20 E120 EI90 H–X–F W 5-80
FS703 Linear Joint Seals in Flexible Walls 145 mm thick (min.)
Drywall-Concrete PE Backer Rod Both Sides 15 EI120 V–X–F W 5-30
Drywall-Concrete PE Backer Rod Both Sides 25 EI120 V–X–F W 5-40
FS703 Linear Joint Seals in Rigid Walls 150 mm thick (min.)
AAC-AAC Rock Fibre Backer Both Sides 5 EI240 V–X–F W 5-10
AAC-AAC Rock Fibre Backer Both Sides 5 EI240 T–X–F W 5-10
AAC-AAC Rock Fibre Backer Both Sides 17.5 EI240 V–X–F W 5-35
AAC-AAC Rock Fibre Backer Both Sides 17.5 EI240 T–X–F W 5-35
AAC-AAC PE Backer Rod Both Sides 6 EI240 V–X–F W 5-12
AAC-AAC PE Backer Rod Both Sides 6 EI240 T–X–F W 5-12
AAC-AAC PE Backer Rod Both Sides 15 EI240 T–X–F W 5-30
AAC-AAC PE Backer Rod Both Sides 25 EI240 V–X–F W 5-50
AAC-Timber PE Backer Rod Both Sides 6 EI120 V–X–F W 5-12
AAC-Timber PE Backer Rod Both Sides 15 E180 EI120 V–X–F W 5-30
AAC-Steel PE Backer Rod Both Sides 6 E240 EI60 T–X–F W 5-12
AAC-Steel PE Backer Rod Both Sides 15 E240 EI90 V–X–F W 5-30
AAC-Steel PE Backer Rod Both Sides 15 E240 EI90 T–X–F W 5-30
AAC-Steel PE Backer Rod Both Sides 25 E240 EI90 T–X–F W 5-50

Tremco CPG UK Limited Customer Service Unit:


Coupland Rd, Hindley Green +44 (0)1942 251400

Wigan WN2 4HT UK Technical Hub:
www.cpg-europe.com Tel: +44 (0)1942 251400 +44 (0)1942 251400

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