Book Bank

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To draw the UML use case,class, activity ,sequence ,collaboration package,
deployment, component diagram for book bank management system.


The process of members registering and purchasing books from the book bank are
described sequentially through First the member registers himself if he was new to the
book bank.Old members will directly select old member button.They select their
corresponding year.After selecting the year they fill the necessary details and select the
book and he will be directed towards administrator.The administrator will verify the
status and issue the book.. Book Bank is used by any student, who wish to borrow the
books. The student must first register himself to the system and then can login. The
student can perform look ups for getting the desired book. If the book is available then
he can borrow the book. The admin issues the book to the student. The DBA maintains
the book. The admin update the details to the database.


Usecase is a list of actions or events. Steps typically defining the interactions
between a role and a system to achieve a goal. The usecase diagram consists of various
functionality performed by actors like Student, Admin, book bank and DBA. . The
admin issues the book to the student.The admin update the details to the database
A class diagram in the unified modeling language is a type of static
structure diagram that describes the structure of a system by showing the
system’s classes, their attributes, operations and the relationships among
objects. The book bank system makes use of the following classes student, book
bank, admin and DBA.
Activity diagram are graphical representation of workflows of stepwise activities
and actions with support for choice, iteration and concurrency. Here in the activity
diagram the student and admin login to the system and perform some main activity
which is the main key element to the system.
A sequence diagram represent the sequence and interactions of a given use case or
scenario. Sequence diagram capture most of the information about the system. It is also
represent in order by which they occur and have the object in the system send message
to one another. Here the sequence starts with interaction between student and book
bank followed by database. Once the book have been selected the next half of sequence
starts between book bank and admin followed by database.
The diagrams show the pin no is entered and check the pin get no and validate
password check the condition based on condition book issue and return are done. Pay
the online and renewed. Like sequence diagram collaboration diagrams are also called
as interaction diagram. Collaboration diagram convey the same informations as
sequence diagram but focus on the object roles instead of the times that messages are
sent. Here the actions between various classes are represented by number format for the
case of identification.
Like sequence diagram collaboration diagrams are also called as interaction
diagram. Collaboration diagram convey the same informations as sequence diagram but
focus on the object roles instead of the times that messages are sent. Here the actions
between various classes are represented by number format for the case of identification.
Component diagram shows the dependencies and interactions between software
components. Component diagram carries the most important living actors of the system
i.e, student, book bank, admin and DBA.
Book bank

student bookbank admin dba

Deployment diagram is a structure diagram which shows architecture of the
system as deployment of software artifacts to deployment target. It is the graph of nodes
connected by communication association. It is represented by three dimensional box.
The device node is book bank system and execution environment nodes are student,
book bank, admin and DBA
State chart diagram is also called as state machine diagram. The state chart
diagram contains the states in the rectangular boxes and the states are indicated by
the dot enclosed. The state chart diagram describes the behaviour of the system. The
state chart diagram involves six stages such as register, login, select book, issue book,
borrow book and logout.

register login select


logout borrow issue book


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